key: cord-0006824-get431bj authors: nan title: Abstracts of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress 23–26 August 1992 Lisboa, Portugal date: 1992 journal: Eur J Nucl Med DOI: 10.1007/bf00596386 sha: f4fc782ef8a078578b61f40cd4ac66e3909d33f5 doc_id: 6824 cord_uid: get431bj nan The possibility of identifing hibernating myocardial tissue with rest/stress SPET perfusion studies using [99mTc]MIBI and with PET metabolic studies using [18F] FDG under fasting condidion was tested in patients with CAD. Regional wall motion, assessed prior to and after CABG by first-pass and ECG gated peffusion imaging with [99mTc]MIBI, stress/rest [99mTc]MIBI and [18F]FDG uptake were scored in 5 segments in each of 14 subjects for a total number of 70 segments. By using as a reference the pre and postoperative wall motion function, the probability of regional wall motion recovery was estimated in relation to the preoperative regional perfusion and metabolic scores by a stepwise multiple logistic analysis. The segments with the highest probability (96%) of recovery from preoperative asynergy after CABG were those with marked [18F]FDG uptake prior to surgery. High probabilities of recovery were also estimated for the asynergic segments presenting with moderate and low [18F]FDG uptake (92% and 79%, respectively). A very low probability of functional recovery (13%) was estimated in the segments with no [18F]FDG uptake. The preoperative [99mTc]MIBI pattern of distribution was, per se, insufficient to estimate the outcome of the CABG in asynergic tissue. The results of the study confirm the paramount importance of the identification of asynergic, yet viable myocardium in the diagnosis of patients undergoing CABG and the suitability of [18F] FDG studies under fasting conditions for this purpose. Group n FDG/~IBIpre FDG/~IBIpost A 20 1.07 ± 0,04 1.12 ± 0.05* B 12 1.38 ± 0.02 1.33 ± 0.06* C 29 1.94 ± 0.11 1.17 ± 0.05 § * NS, §: p <.0001 (pre versus post RV) A decrease of the FDG/~IBI r a t i o a f t e r RV as a r e s u l t of an i n c r e a s e d MIBI-UPT was only seen in segments with a "mismatch" pre RV (group C) in c o n t r a s t to segments with a concordant reduction of P and M (A). Also in Group B the r a t i o did not change due to a marginally (not s i g n i f i c a n t ) concordant increase of P and M. No s i g n i f i c a n t change of M was noted in e i t h e r group. From these data we conclude, t h a t FDG/~IBI r a t i o s ~ 1.5 ("mismatch" score) before revascularlzation predict recovery of perfusion a f t e r RV. In order to assess the presence and the extent of viable myocardium in patients with chronic myocardial infarction, up to now 11 patients with electrocardiographically and angiographically proven chronic myocardial infarction underwent positron-emission-tomography (PET) with 18F-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-D-glucose and 99mTc-methoxyisobutyl-isonitril single photon emission tomograhy/MIBI-SPECT) at rest. Myocardial FDG and MIBI uptake were plotted as bull's eye display (32 segments each) and normalized as percentage of the segment with maximum MIBI uptake. Scar was defined as regional. MIBI uptake 2.5 SD below the regional uptake in a healthy control group (n=l 1), regional FDG uptake was analyzed accordingly. 108 of 352 segments were scored as scar by MtBI-SPECT but only 42/352 segments by . 37/352 segments were concordantly scored as scar by 71 segments were disconcordantly scored as viable by FDG-PET but as scar by 5 segments were disconcordantly scored as viable by MIBI-SPECT but scar by segments were scored as viable by . In those 71 segments showing viability by PET but scar by MIBI-SPECT (FDG-MIBI mismatch) average FDG uptake was significantly lower than the uptake in the segments scored as viable by both methods (83°/o+19% vs. 95°/,~+17%, p<0.05). Although of all segments concordantly with FDG-PET, FDG-PET identified significantly more viable regions than MIBI-SPECT. The significantly lower FDG-uptake in regions with FDG-MIBI mismatch may indicate tissue mixture of viable and necrotic parts in regions with non-transmural infarction. There is controversy whether 201-Thallium (TI) uptake can be used to assess the presence of viable myocardium. We hypothesized that the change in uptake between exercise and 24 hours delayed images is a reliable marker of viable myocardium. We studied 32 consecutive patients aged 58±9 (mean±sd), who survived to a first myocardial infarction and were candidates for coronary artery bypass surgery (REV). They were submitted to pre and post operative exercise, 4 and 24 hours redistribution T1 SPECT imaging , rest 2D echo before and every four weeks for four months after REV. From matched 2D and T1 images 144 infarcted segments (IS) were analyzed; we measured regional systolic wall thickening (WT) from 2D echo and the amount of relative T1 uptake in each serial image. 144 IS had abnormal WT pre REV, respectively 75 (52%) and 104 of them (72%) improved WT (>2mm) by month one and three post REV, 40 (28%) remained unchanged. The changes in relative uptake between stress and 24 hours pre REV T1 images (ST1) and in post REV WT (~WT) were determined in all IS. There was a significant relationship (r=0.89, p<0.01) between 6TI and time to improvement of WT, and between the degree of WT improvement and ST1 (r=0.92, p<0.00). Time to WT improvement was " shorter and its degree was significantly superior in IS with greater ST1. In conclusion this study demonstrates the possibility of myocardial stunning after a REV procedure. Its occurrence and time to recovery is inversely related to the degree of pre REV ~TI. D. Agostini*, A. Takahashi, H. Iida, Y. Tamura, Y. Ono. Research Institute for Brain and Blood Vessels, Akita, Japan.*Department of Nuclear Medecine, Cyceron, Cash, France. The myocardial tissue fraction (MTF) is a fraction of perfusable (viable) mass per volume of given region of interest (ROD and myocardial blood flow (MBF) is the regional flow per mass of the residual tissue, not per the total volume which includes necrotic and/or fibrotic tissues. To detect the ischernic but viable tissue in myocardial infarcted regions with dysfunction of wall motion, we studied 12 patients (mean age 59.6+6.3 years) by 2D-echocardiography and H 2 150 dynamic PET imaging 8.7_+9 months after an anterior infarction. MBF (ml/min/g of water peffusable tissue (PT)) and MTF (g of PT/ml of ROD have been measured according to a previously reported method. The PET study consisted of a transmission scan, a static C150 inhalation scan to measure the blood volume, and a H 2 150 infusion (2-min) dynamic scan to measure MTF and MBF. From the 12 pts, ROI's were selected on the infarcted zones based on 2D-echoeardiography to obtain 45 segments. Myocardial wall motion was divided into 3 groups: lateral control segments (Cn=21), anterior: hypeldnetic (H=12) and akinetic segments (A=12). (Mean+sd, *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.0001). Cn H A MBF 0.95_+0.25 '~* 0.59_+0.15 ~ 0.38_+0.18 *** MTF 0.61_+0.08 ** 0.49_+0.10 * 0. 41_-+0 .136 *** MBF and MTF decreased significantly and gradually from the Cn regions to the A regions. MTF reduced according to the severity of impairment in the wall motion suggesting that MTF is a direct indicator for assessing the wall function in the old myocardial infarction. MBF was decreased in regions around the infarcted center corresponding to residual wall function, i.e may be detecting the existence of hibernating myocardium. These data indicate tha,t the possibility to detect tissue viability by measuring both the size (MTF) and perfusion (MBF) of the residual tissue. A second T1-201 injection under resting conditions is able to improve differentiation between myocardial scar and ischemia compared to simple redistribution imaging. The aim of this study was to evaluate the dependence of this fill in effect on the degree of stenosis and the presence of collaterals. SPECT studies under exercise, redistribution (RD, 4h p.i.) and reinjection (RI, 24h p.i.) conditions were performed on 62 patients with 132 stenotic vessels (50 LAD, 35 LCX, 47 RCA). The left ventricle was divided into 17 segments and for each segment the results of the angiography and scintigraphiy were independently classified by two pairs of observers. From the angiography the degree of narrowing, the segments dependent on this vessel and the degree of collateralization were classified. Further wall motion abnormalities and the myocardinm supplied by each of the main coronary arteries were determined. Based on the scintigraphy all segments were scored according to their perfusion in the stress, RD and RI study. The perfusion score (PS) ranged from 0 to 3. To quantify the fill in effect for each area dependent on a stenotic vessel a fill in index was calculated according to the formula: (~PSRI -ZPSRD)/ZSegm. 41 of the 76 >90% narrowed vessels were collateralized (61%), but only 2 of the 56 <90% narrowed vessels was collateraiized (3.5%) . 39 of the 43 collateralized stenoses showed a fill in effect (91%), but only 3 of the 89 not collateralized (3%). The dependence of fill in effect, collateralization and > 90% stenosis was highly sigrdficant ( XZtest <0.0001). In our patient group only in vessels with a > 90% narrowing there was a benefit from the reinjection study. The fill in effect was closely correlated to the presence of collaterals. In these cases the fill in may be an indication for hibernating myocardium. A multicanter study (SIRT) on relnJsctlon Imaging (RJ-I) after conventional stress-redistribution Imaging (SR-I) is ongoing In Italy to test the Inddenca of discordant results for regional myocardial viability. Nine medical centers, equipped with the same gamma camera and computer software, partecipatad t 9 the protocol. These are preliminary results In 156 pts with Ischemlo heart disease (123 with previous M.I.) and perfuslon defects (PD) alter stress myocardial sclntlgraphy (planar method, visual reading, 15 segments, 5 point scale). Just after the 93 pts were ralnJoctad at rest and RJ-I was performed alter 30 rain (group A). Other 63 pts were ralnjected at rest in a separate day and RJ-I was performed 30 min and 4 h later. There were no significant clinical differences between group A and B with respect to age, sex, M.l., history of angina and ECG stress test results. In group B a more extensive impalremant of regional wall motion was detected by ECHO, performed within 15 days. At least one point difference In segmental score identified reversible (REV) and worsening (WOR) PD at SR-I. Segmental PD with unchanged abnormalities were considered llxed 0RR). Improved (RJ+), unchanged (RJ=) and worsened (R J-) PD were identified alter segmental comparison of RJ-I When comparing the incidence of R J+ versus RJ= plus R J-segments no significant difference was found between the two groups (p = 0A1). A good agreement of segmental scoring was found between 30 rain and 4 h RJ-I In group B (k-statistic = .725). Our results point out to a lesser incidence ol R J+ than previously reported and show that these findings are similar for both RJ procedures adopted. Serial planar scintigraphy with tracer reinjection after redistribution imaging was performed in 37 patients with >_75% stenoses of the left anterior descending coronary artery and stable angina pectoris 1 to 8 weeks prior to aortocoronary bypass grafting. Anteroseptal T1-201 uptake was operator independently quantified in stress, redistribution and reinjection scintigrams. Intraoperatively, two transmural biopsy specimens were taken from the left ventricular anterior wall and the volume fraction of interstitial fibrous tissue (VvlNT) -as indicator of irreversibly damaged myocardium -was calculated by light microscopic morphometry. VvlNT significantly differed between patients without prior anterior myocardial infarction (AMI; 26+7 Vol%) and patients with previous non-Q wave AMI (33+12 ¥o1%) or Q wave AMI (38_+9 Vol%; p=.020). On the other hand, no significant differences were obtained between patients with normal regional T1-201 uptake, redistribution or persistent defects on stress-red{stribution images; VvINT only tended to be higher (40+14 Vol%) in patients with severe persistent T1-201 defects (<65% of maximum tracer uptake) as compared to patients with redistribution or moderate persistent defects (30+9 Vol%, p=.073). Enhanced anteroseptal T1-201 uptake after tracer reinjection in segments with persistent defects on stress-redistribution images, however, was significantly associated with lower VvlNT as compared to segments without enhanced tracer uptake after reinjection (28+8 vs. 41+12 Vol%, p=,031). T1-201 reinjection also improved the correlation between the relative poststenotic tracer deposition and VvlNT (r=-.851, p<.001) as compared to the redistribution images (r=-.622, p=.034) . The data suggest that the myocardial T1-201 distribution after tracer reinjection more precisely reflects irreversible structural damage as compared to (4 h delayed) redistribution imaging. J. Lipiecki, J. M a u b l a n t , B. Citron, B. K a r s e n t y , D. M e s t a s , A. V e y r e , J. P o n s o n n a i l l e . U n i v e r s i t y H o s p i t a l and Centre Jean Perrin, Clermont-Ferrand, France The r e v e r s i b i l i t y of exercise SPECT d e f e c t s was c o m p a r e d b e t w e e n 3 m e t h o d s : 4-hour r e d i s t r i b u t i o n (redistr.), r e i n j e ct i o n (reinj.) a n d a s e p a r a t e d a y rest injection. 37 patients with d o c u m e n t e d coronary artery disease underwent a SPECT study at rest followed, one week later, by 3 other SPECT studies: (a) i m m e d i a t e l y after injection of at peak exercise, (b) 4 hours later at redistr., and (c) following a h a l f -d o s e reinj, of . Each SPECT was b l i n d l y s c o r e d t w i c e u s i n g a s e m i -q u a ntitative analysis. Sensitivity for d e t e c t i n g c o r o n a r y a r t e r y s t e n o s i s was 70% w i t h redistr., 84% with reinj. (p<0.05) and 83% w i t h rest (p<0.05) . A m o n g the ii p a t i e n t s w i t h o u t a p p a r e n t r e d i s t r i b u t i o n , 7 (64%) became positive at reinj, and/or rest. 86% of them had a >90% stenosis and a wall motion a b n o r m a l i t y , vs o n l y 43% in the o t h e r patients. In conclusion, the 4-hour p o s texercise reinj, is a better alternative than the classical 4-hour p o s t -e x e r c i s e redistr., a n d is not s i g n i f i c a n t l y [3] [4] h post-exercise. Reinjection of a second dose of thallium-201 reduces the underestimation of myocardial viability although the optimal moment of thallium-201 reinjection is still in dispute. We investigated the possibility for detection of viable myocardium after early reinjection according a new protocol. Eighty-one consecutive patients suspected for coronary artery disease were studied after exercise, early reinjection and redistribution. The first dose, 75 MBq thallium-201, was administered at maximal exercise followed by planar imaging in the 3 standard views. A second dose of thallium-201135 MBq) was given immediately after completing the exercise-images. Image-acquisition was repeated after 1 h (early reinjection) and 4 h (redistribution). Each set of thallium-201 images was visually and quantitatively analysed. Sixty-nine patients showed diminished or absent activity in one or more segments (total 233 segments). After early reinjection 34 patients showed fixed defects in 74 segments; in these 34 patients 66 segments persisted at 4 h redistribution, and 8 segments showed filling-in. In 35 patients all defects (83 segments) improved or normalised after early reinjection. Further filling-in at 4 h redistribution of already improved defects was seen in 17 patients (21 segments). However in 16 patients (32 segments) the exercise-defects showed reverse redistribution at 4 h. Although 4 h redistribution imaging may show further filling-in of early reinjection-image defects, it did not improve the detection of myocardial viability in the individual patient. Therefore early reinjection circumvents the need for 4 h redistribution imaging and may become the standard procedure in assessing myocardial viability, being an effective, time-saving and patient-comfortable approach. Several studies have demonstrated that certain labelled free fatty acids might be more accurate markers of viability than T1201 after myocardial infarction (MI) . The aim of this study was to compare myocardial uptake of T1201 after redistribution and restreinjection to that of rest-injected Iodine-123 Methyl-Hexadecanoic acid (IMHA) after MI. A mean of 32 days after MI, 60 patients (53 + 8 years) underwent exercise SPECT T1201 with 4-hour redistribution and 37 MBq rest-reinjecfion, followed by rest SPECT with IMHA (100 to 200 MBq). Results were scored using a 20 segments division of the left ventricle. -Segment analysis : Of a total number of 373 segments with T1201 stress defects, 103 (28%) could be considered viable as evidenced by normal or near-normal uptake on either T1201 redistribution, rest-reinjection or rest IMHA scans. This residual viability was identified after T1201 redistribution in 49 cases (48%), T1201 redistribution or rest-reinjection in 79 (77%) and on IMHA rest scans in 102 (99%). -Patient analysis : When considering the only 16 pts (27%) with mild to important residual ischemia (> 3 segments) on IMHA scans, viability was underestimated on T1201 scans in 8 cases (50%), andextent of underestimation was > 2 segments (range 2 to 4) in 4 of them (25%). -Conclusion : After MI, redistribution and rest-reinjection T1201 SPECT underestimate, with regard to IMHA rest imaging, the amount of ischemic but presumably viable myocardium, but the clinical relevance of these findings remains to be assessed. To determine the amount of exercise supplementation required to improve image quality, 120 patients referred for Dipyridamole (DP) imaging were randomized to five groups: DP alone (A), DP + 3 min. walking in place (B)~ DP + 3 min. at Bruce level 0 (C), DP + 3 min. at Bruce level ½ (D), and DP + 3 min. at Bruce level 1 (E). Following completion of the protocol, anterior images of the chest were obtained. Regions of interest drawn over peak myocardial and liver areas, and immediately adjacent to the inferior wall of the left ventricle were used to generate ratios of heart to liver (H/LIV) and heart to adjacent infradiaphragmatic (H/ADJ) activity. Images were also graded semi-quantitatively (S.Q.) on a scale of 1 to 3 (l=poor, 2=average, 3=excellent) .05 compared with control Group A. We conclude that walking in place and treadmill exercise at Bruce levels 0 and ½ produce an equivalent improvement in image quality. A trend towards further improvement is seen with a higher level exercise. The clinical performances of dobutamine (DOB) and dipyridamole (DIP) stress SESTAMIBI MPS, using SPECT, were compared in 35 patients (4 females, 31 males, mean age 55.9 yrs, range 32-76 yrs) . The time between scintigraphic investigations was at most one week. A one-day stress-rest protocol (150 MBq SESTAMIBI at maximal stress and 750 MBq SESTAMIBI 4 hr later at res0 was used. The dose of DIP was 0.84 mg/kg over 10 rain, while those of DOB were 10, 20, 30, 40 and 40 ug/kg/min over 3 min in each step. Cardiac catheterization was performed in each patient within 2 weeks. 13 patients had single-vessel coronary disease, among them 3 patients with single-vessel coronary occlusion, 1 patient had 2-vessel disease, and 21 patients had normal coronary arteries or insignificant coronary lesions. The sensitivities of DIP and DOB MPS were each 13/14; the specificity for DIP was 18/21, and that for DOB was 14/21. The positive predictive values for DIP and DOB were 13/16 and 13/20; the negative predictive values were 18/19 and 14/15, respectively. A false-negative result was found with both methods in the same patient with 95 % LAD narrowing. All 3 false-positive results with DIP and 4 of the 7 with DOB were found in patients with 20-50 % coronary narrowings. The extent of the ischemic area was practically the same in 12/13 true-positive cases. In 1 patient, the extent of the transitorily ischemic myocardium was larger with DOB than with DIP. In 2 of the 3 patients with single-vessel coronary occlusion, only DIP indicated transitorily ischemic segments, DOB demonstrating only persistent myocardial ischemia. It is concluded that DIP and DOB MPS with SPECT have the same sensitivity, while DIP seems to have a higher specificity in the detection of IHD. (1) atrial ventricular block (AVB), starting at a mean tie of 2.0¢ +/-1.14 ~ean, resolving within 2 min of interrupting the infusion. ~cond degree (2) AVB occurred in 29 P (4.1%), with similar frequency in P with and without acut~ myocardial infarction (2.4% and i.~N) . In 17 of these P {5E.0%), 2 AVB wan preceded by I AVE. 2 AVB hegan at • man ti~ of 2.09 +/-1.8 min, was transitory or disap~ared within two min of stopping infusion. 2 AVB were ~bitz I in ig P and 2:1 in IIP. The Wenckebach cycles were 3:2 in 7 P, ~,:3 in ~ P, 5:~, in 3 P and 8:~ in 2 P. It was necessary t~ reduce ~e infusion in only two cases of 2 AVB, L~cauee of systematic ~low ventricular ra~ {4E bpm) with pr~t resolution. 4 P (O.EO~) develo~d third degree (3) AVB, at 2.28 +/-1.38 min. 3 AVB was transitory and did not last emre than 3 sin. Regarding t~ rssult~ of thallium201 scintigr~hy, 14 P with 2 AVB (~8.2~) hed nornml perfueion ~csns and 15 P (~1.85) had ~rfueion defects (~ ischemie, 6 scar, 3 iechsmia and scar); 2 P with 3 AVB had normal scans and 2 P hacI ~rfusion defectu (l scar, I scar and ischems). There was no difference in the frequency of perfusion defects in P wiLh and without 2 or 3 AVB (p:ns). We conclude Mat, AVB is an infrequent c~licstion of adenosine infusion. It is t, ransitory and rarely requires in~rruption of the study. Also, it occurs independently of ~e existence of ~rfusion defects, i~lying thaL the eechanis~ for AVB production during ~no~ine infusion is not relaLed to i~che~ia. . It has been suggested that differential washout of Tc99m teboroxime (TEBO) may be useful in diagnosis of myocardial ischemia. Utility of rapid STRESS, "redistribution" (P~D) end REST imaging with TEBO and Adenosine (ADENO) was tested in 22 patients and ADENO was infused for 5 Pin up to 170 mcg/kg/m/n, at 4.5 Pin 24 mCi of TEBO were injected. Stress SPEC2 imaging was started i. 5 Pin later using a single headed camera for a 4 Pin continuous circular counter-clockwise acquisition. RED images were obtained immediately. REST imaging was started at 26 Pin, 1.5 ~ after a 26mCi TEBO dose. In each pt, 5 myocardial segments were evaluated for presence of reversible or fixed defects. STRESS-REST and STRESS-RED in~ges were cc~pared. The imaging was cc~pleted wi.thin 30 Pin in al$ pts. Of ii0 segments, 3 were not visualized due to intense liver activity. Only 9% (10/107) were misclassified by STRESS-RED cc~npared to STRESS-REST images: STP~SS-RI~3 STRESS-REST normal reversible fixed normal 52 0 0 reversible 0 25 3 fixed 0 7 20 Rapid acquisition of diagnostic SPECT images is feasible using the protocol. Also, complete diagnostic info~rnation is available in most patients already from the STRESS-P~D images. Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio USA In a previous c o m p a r i s o n of 202 c o n s e c u t i v e patients e v a l u a t e d for c o r o n a r y a r t e r y disease (CAD) with m y o c a r d i a l p e r f u s i o n imaging with both PET, 27 patients were identified as having t r u e -p o s i t i v e images, but f a l s e -n e g a t i v e images. The p u r p o s e of this report is to ascertain the clinical outcome of these d i s p a r a t e results and d e t e r m i n e the effect on patient care. No f a l s e -n e g a t i v e cases d i a g n o s e d by PET were c o r r e c t l y d i a g n o s e d by SPECT. The 27 patients c o r r e c t l y d i a g n o s e d by and i n c o r r e c t l y d i a g n o s e d by formed the p o p u l a t i o n for followup analyses. Six of ii patients with no previous i n t e r v e n t i o n or i n f a r c t i o n had subsequent interventional procedures, receiving either c o r o n a r y artery bypass grafts (CABG) or p e r c u t a n e o u s transluminal coronary a n g i o p l a s t y (PTCA). Seven of eight p a t i e n t s with previous CABG or PTCA i n t e r v e n t i o n received additional t h e r a p e u t i c i n t e r v e n t i o n s as did three of the eight p a t i e n t s with known m y o c a r d i a l infarcts. In conclusion, the fact that 13 of the 19 (68%) p a t i e n t s with no m y o c a r d i a l infarction received either a CABG or PTCA procedure indicates that m y o c a r d i a l imaging was instrumental in p r o v i d i n g a p p r o p r i a t e medical care to these patients. These 13 patients were all d i a g n o s e d as normal by and no i n t e r v e n t i o n would have been indicated. In this study, we have attempted to evaluate in 44 patients (pts) the diagnostic performance of dobutamine stress tomographic imaging (DST) to detect residual ischaemia (IS.) in the infarcted area or at distance. Four pts presented myocardial infarction (M.I.) in two vessel territories and twenty pts had multiple vessel disease. Data were recorded in the subacute phase of M.I. and compared to dobutamine stress echocardiography (DSE) and to angiography. Fifteen mCi of 99mTc-MIBI were injected at peak infusion of dobutamine (up to 40 and DST performed 90 min later to allow decrease of background activity. 'M.I. was visualiazed in all pts by both techniques. Myocardial IS. around the infarcted area was detected in 17 cases by DSTand in 20 cases by DSE while absence of IS. was observed in 31 cases with DST and in 28 with DSE (complete agreement in 58% of cases). DST identified multiple vessel disease in 13 pts (sensitivity of 65%) and DSE in 10 pts (sensitivity of 50%). Slight discrepancies were present for 20 pts : IS. in the infarcted zone was detected only by DSE in 13 cases and only by DST in 7 cases. For twelve of them, the angiogram showed the presence of residual stenosis of the infarct related artery. In conclusion, the agreement between DST and DSE for detecting myocardial IS. in the infarcted area is good but the pronostic significance of these results has to be determined. Multiple vessel disease and IS. at a distance is more often recognized by DST than by DSE. Therefore, DST appears to be a promising technique to evaluate the extent of coronary artery disease after M.I. S. Lastoria E. Vergara, L. Castelli, C. Carac6, C. Bonino*, M. Mariani* M. Salvatore. Nuclear Medicine Departments, University Federico II and National Cancer Institute, Napoli, *Sorin Saluggia, Italy. RADIOIMMUNOSCINTIGRAPHY WITH MAb IN PATIENTS WITH OVARIAN CANCER. MAb recognizes folate-protein binding (FPB) which is largely expressed in human ovarian tumors, while is not expressed in normal ovaries. MAb has been labelled in this study with 1311,125I, and 99mTc and administered intravenously (iv) or intraperitoneally (ip) . Preliminary studies in 8 pts., with recurrent disease, after i.v. injection of )~ detected all 14 tumor sites demonstrated at second-look laparotomy. The percentage of injected dose (%ID), measured by gamma-counter, ranged from 0. .7%ID/gram of tumors (T) and from 0.002 to 0.005% ID/gram of normal tissues (NT) with T/NT ratios as high as 105 fold. In a second group of 5 pts. a double paired protocol was performed coinjecting [3] [4] [5] mCi of 2ip and 0.5-1mCi of F(ab')2 iv, in order to determine which one of the two routes allowed a better tumor localization with elevated % of ID. A total of 15 lesions was correctly identified and in all of them a significant higher concentration of 131I over was measured, ranging from 1.8 to 37 fold in tumors, being equal to 1 in normal biopsies. In a third group of 10 pts RIS was performed by iv administration of 15-21 mCi of 99mTc- to evaluate this kind of radiopharmaceutical could allow a satisfactory localization of tumor-nodules. Using both planar and tomographic images primary tumors (6), peritoneal and omental spreading (9), and pelvic meatastases (4) were correctly detected as early as 6 hours p.i. The T/NT ratios were similar to those measured for iodine labelted preparations. We conclude that Specifically binds to ovarian tumors with levels greater then other MAbs currently used, mainly after ip injection; (b) represents, on the basis of %1I) bound to tumor one of.the best candidate for radioimmunotherapy; and suggests to reevaluate the use of methotrexate in chemotherapy, because of the role of FBP in tumor growth. Imaging of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) with a 99mTc-LL2 (Fab') kit and therapy of NHL with 131I-labeled LL2 (whole IgG and F(ab')2 ) are being investigated. In a series of 8 patients with NHL and 1 patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, the 1-mg LL2 Fab' labeled with 20-25 mCi 99mTc by a rapid kit resulted in a total of 29/34 (88%) tumor sites disclosed if a single patient with high tumor burden is excluded. Antibody imaging with confirmatory and complementary to gallium 'results, as well 13~ as to targeting with the I-LL2 preparation in these patients. Splenic uptake was confirmed as non-specific, since this was also found in patients with carcinomas. It is concluded that'the LL2 imaging kit is useful for detecting and staging NHL, and may preclude the use of a battery of imaging tests, especially since NHL of different histopathology showed antibody targeting. Therapy studies with mI-LL2 at low doses (<50 mCi) showed, among 10 assessable patients, 3 partial responses (2.5-7 .0 months), 1 minor, 1 mixed response, 1 stable disease, and 4 progressors. Two of the PR's were achieved after a single cycle (30 + 20 mCi) of treatment. Hematologic toxicity was seen in 5/12 patients having a dose-limiting _> Grade 3 toxicity. HAMA was found after multiple treatments. It appears that a repeated low-dose radioimmunotherapy schedule for NHL produces antitumor effects in this initial series of patients with advanced disease. (Supported in part by NIH grant CA39841.) G250 (murine IgGl) is a MAB that reacts with clear-cell renal carcinoma and has no significant normal tissue reactivity. Sixteen patients (pts.) with renal cell carcinoma (RCC) were studied in a Phase I trial. Groups of 3 pts. were administered 1-131-G250 intravenously at doses from 0.2 to 50 mg. Whole body planar and SPECT images were obtained in all pts. Relevant tumour and normal tissues were obtained at surgery one week after MAB infusion and tumour and normal tissue uptake of radioactivity and antigen ooncentration estimated. Of the 16 .pts. entered, 13 were antigenpositive; all primary and metastatic tumours in these pts.were successfully imaged. Tumour uptake at day 8 was as high as 0.1% injected dose/gram tumour, with tumour:serum ratios being as high as 60:1. Hepatic uptake was saturable, with the amount of antibody required being 20-100ug. Serum clearance followed a hi-exponential pattern, with terminal TI/2 being 47 hrs; there was no dose-dependence. In conclusion, this is the first clinical study to show consistent selective uptake of MAB in renal cell carcinoma. Radioimmunotherapy with this MAB is planned. D.M. Goldenberg, C.M. Pinsky, H.J. Hansen, and L. Swayne. Garden State Cancer Center at the Center for Molecular Medicine and Immunology, Newark, NJ, Immunomedics, Inc., Warren, NJ, and the Immunomedics Cli&J~'~l T_r/a[ Grou~ (USA~. COLORECTAL C~CER IMAGING WITH : RESULTS OF A MULTICENTER PHASE-III TRIAL. A multicenter trial at 19 U.S. institutions has been completed with an imaging kit consisting of 1 mg of anti-CEA Fab' ( labeled with 20-25 mCi 99mWc by a fast, direct method. Patients (pts) with colorectal cancer were stratified into a group with at least one known tumor of 0.5 cm or larger (120 pts, 114 evaluable), and a second group with no evident disease, but a strong suspicion of recurrence due to a rising CEA, or other clinical signs (57 pts, 54 evaluable). Mean incorporation of the label in the field was 97% by thin-layer chromatography. One pt had a boost in a pre-existing human anti-mouse antibody response to the fragment (ImmuSTRIP®- HAMA-fragment) . In pts with known disease, by patient, sensitivity was 85% and predictive value of a positive reading was 92%. By lesion, sensitivity was 71% (79% in the liver) and positive predictive value was 89% (95% in the liver). In patients with occult disease, accuracy of the antibody scan has been 60% compared with 51% for conventional techniques, such as X-rays, CT scans or MRI. The increased precision in estimating extent-of-disease contributed to potential improvements in patient management of 27%, 50% and 35%, in known disease, occult disease, and the two groups combi~n~ed, respectively. We conclude that ImmuRAID-CEA[~mTc] is safe, easy-to-use and may contribute to improvements in the management of patients with recurrent or metastatic cancer of the colon or rectum. (Supported in part by NIH grant CA3984L) A. McEwan 1, G. MacLean 1, L. Golberg 1, D. Groshar 1, G. Boniface 2, T. Sykes 2, A. Noujaim 2, 1Cross Cancer Institute and 2Biomira Inc., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada : A MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY FOR THE EVALUATION OF PATIENTS WITH BREAST CANCER MAb 170H.82 is a novel monoclonal antibody derived using synthetic TF antigen. In-vitro studies have shown high affinity to adenocarcinomas of various origins. including that of the breast. We have radiolabelled this antibody with and are currently evaluating it in an extended Phase 2 trial of patients with breast cancer. To date, fifteen patients with primary or metastatic breast cancer have been entered into the study. All patients had been fully evaluated by clinical examination and morphological imaging techniques prior to entry into the study. Doses of 2 mg (8 patients) and 4 mg (7 patients) labelled with between 1,100 and 1,800 MBq. of were administered by slow intravenous infusion. Images were obtained using a GE 400 AT camera interfaced to a Picker PCS 512 computer immediately after injection and at 4 and 20 hours. SPECT imaging was performed at 24 hours. No adverse reactions to the antibody were noted. The monoclonal antibody images were compared with sites of known tumor as defined by morphological techniques. Thirty-two soft tissue metastatic sites were identified. On preliminary analysis, monoclonal antibody images were positive in 25 of these. In one patient, equivocal pulmonary metastases identified on chest x-ray were not seen. Five patients had bone metastases; in only 1 of these was uptake identified. Two intra-mammary lesions were identified. We believed MAb 170H.82 has significant potential as a new radiopharmaceutical in the evaluation of patients with primary and metastatic breast cancer, particularly in soft tissue disease. Clinical efficacy data will be presented. One of the major problems in tumor patients is the accurate assessment of tumor infiltration and spread. While methods like CT and MRI provide morphologic information, functional studies of tumor metabolism with PET may help to achieve a more accurate diagnosis. We use a two ring PET system for patient examinations. and/or N-13-glutamate are injected for studies of the tqmor metabolism, while O-15 labeled water is administered to assess the tumor peffusion. Metabolic studies in patients with recurrent colorectal tumors demonstrated, that PET can be used to determine the increased FDG metabolism in the malignant lesions. We were able to differentiate tumor and scar in 28 of 29 tumor patients and 13 patients with his~ tologically proven scar tissue using FDG. The accumulation of N-13-giutamate exceeded the FDC~uptake in the tumor region as well in the normal bowel. The comparison of perfusion and FDG uptake demonstrates, that perfusion measurements in soft tissue lesions are not reliable for the differentiation between benign and malignant masses. Problems existed in patients with inflammation (n-2) due to the increased tracer uptake. PET studies in patients with lung turrets (n-20) showed increased metabolism in malignant tumor and involved lymph nodes. Tumor recurrence after surgery and/or radiation therapy could be differentiated from scar tissue. Furthermore, the measurement of tumor metabolism with FDG or N-13-glutamate proved to be a reliable method for therapy follow up in patients receiving chemotherapy. We were able to show, that changes in tumor metabolism preceeded changes in tumor volume during therapy. was used in patients with liver metastases from colorectal malignancies in order to evaluate the uptake of the cytostatic agent in the lesions and the correlation to therapy outcome. The distribution of the FU metabolite concentrations shows, that 76% of all metastases (34/44) have low tracer concentrations, while 24% have higher concentration values. This rate corresponds to the average response rate of colorectal metastases to chemotherapy, as reported in the literature. We were able to demonstrate a high correlation (r=0.8) between the FU uptake in metastases.prior to therapy and the lesion growth rate during chemotherapy. Furthermore, PET studies with FU were used to compare different treatment protocols (systemic vs. regional application, pretreatment with folinic acid). Our results demonstrate, that PET is a promising tool for both diagnostic evaluation and therapeutic follow up in tumor patients. FU has been used in clinical practice to treat colorectal carcinomas for more than two decades. The average response rate is lower than 20%. Since tumor response to FU chemotherapy necessitates the accumulation of the cytostatic agent in the metastases, PET with F-18 labeled FU can be used to assess the tracer concentration in the target area. We used a PET system to evaluate the FU and its metabolite concentrations in patients with liver metastases prior to FU chemotherapy. The target area corresponds to the largest tumor diameter and was determined by CT shortly before the PET study. F-18 labeled FU was administered together with 500 mg nonlabeled FU in order to obtain therapeutic concentrations. Sequential PET images were acquired for two hours beginning with the FU infusion. Standardized uptake values (SUV) were calculated from the PET cross sections two hours after tracer application. All patients received FU chemotherapy after the PET study. The tumor volume and growth rate were calculated from follow up CT studies and compared to the FU accumulation in the metastases prior to chemotherapy. The preliminary evaluation includes 17 examinations. A correlation coefficient of 0.8 was o1~ tained for thsr~= ~r" standardized FU.,0~ ~ concentrations and the growth rate of the This investigation was undertake to explore the potential utility of positron emission tomography (PET) scanning with 2d Each region of increased FDG accumulation was interpreted as positive for malignancy. A total of 46 breasts (23 patients) w e r e studied. Of these 21 breast w e r e clinically normal and received no biopsy. Histological evaluation w a s later performed on all 28 breast masses (involving 25 breasts). Axilla + + 19 1 7 0 0 8 1 7 0 21 0 25 We conclude that PET w a s successful in imaging both primary breast carcinomas and axillary lymph node involvement in our study sample. Further research is needed to determine if PET can be routinely used to discriminate between benign and malignant breast masses and axillary nodes, with PC (n=24) or b e n i g n p r o s t a t e h y p e r p l a s i a (BPH, n=5) were i n v e s t i g a t e d u s i n g a CTI 953/15 P E T -s c a n n e r . F D G -u p t a k e ( s t a n d a r d i z e d u p t a k e v a l u e s -S U V ) a n d glucose u t i l i z a t i o n (t~mol/g/min-GU) were c a l c u l a t e d by R O I -t e c h n i q u e I a n d P a t l a k ' s g r a p h i c a n a l y s i s . P E T -s c a n s were a c q u i r e d s e q u e n t i a l l y a f t e r iv injection of 1 5 0 -3 0 0 MBq FDG in f a s t i n g s t a t e . To avoid s u p e r p o s i t i o n of p r o s t a t e by u r i n a r y F D G -e x c r e t i o n c o n t i n u o u s b l a d d e r i r r i g a t i o n was performed. Tumor p r o l i f e r a t i o n was q u a n t i f i e d by i m m t~o s t a i n i n g of p r o l i f e r a t i n g cell n u c l e a r a n t i g e n which l a b e l s t h e S -p h a s e of the 'cell cycle. In BPH a n d 19/24 PC SUV-a n d G U -v a l u e s Were low a n d only s l i g h t l y h i g h e r t h a n pelvic b a c k g r o u n d (SUV: 0.8, r a n g e : 0 . 6 -1 . 1 ; GU: 0.11, r a n g e i 0 . 0 8 -0 . 1 4 ) . In m e t a s t a t i c PC, h o w e v e r , r e s u l t s were s i g n i f i c a n t l y h i g h e r : (SUV: 2 . 1 , range: 1 . 4 -4 . 4 ; GU: 0.32, range: 0 . 1 6 -0 . 6 6 ; p<.05) i n d i c a t i n g h i g h e r metabolic d e m a n d s : of more a g g r e s s i v e tumors. No c o r r e l a t i o n was f o u n d b e t w e e n tumor d i f f e r e n t i a t i o n or p r o l i f e r a t i o n a n d F D G -u p t a k e . We conclude t h a t glucose metabolism m e a s u r e d by FDG-PET h a s p r o g n o s t i c r e l e v a n c e in P~ a n 4 m a y be u s e d to s e l e c t pts. with high risk of m e t a s t a t i c d i s e a s e for a g g r e s s i v e t h e r a p e u t i c regimens. T. Vander Borght, S. De Maeght, D. Labar, P. Goethals, M. Van Eijckeren, S. Pauwels. University of Louvain, Brussels, and University of Ghent, Ghent, Belgium. Animal studies with radiolabelled thymidine showed that the amount of radioactivity remaining in proliferative tissues was partially related to labelled metabolites and was significantly higher when the label was located on the methyl group (Me-Tdr) compared to the 2C-ring positio n ( . These data suggesting that [2-11C] Tdr could provide a more specific PET signal of DNA synthesis, we have now compared the ~tential advantages of both tracers in 5 patients (3 gliomas, 1 oesophageal tumour and 1 rhabdomyosarcoma). After injection of SA 6 .6+3.1GBq/pmol), blood activity curves showed a rapid exponential clearance over the initial 10 min followed by a slow and constant decrease 0factivity. Using SA 0.4+0.3GBq/bunol) , the initial bl~ activity clearance was faster (at lOmin, 0.1% vs 0.19%dose/di for p<0 .005), but was followed by a slow increase of activity, so that at 60 min blood activities were sirailar for both tracers (0.12 vs 0.1%dose/d1 for NS) . As soon as 10 rain after injection of 2C-Tdr, [1!~] C02 accounted for 70% of total blood activity whereas this metabolite appeared only 40 min after injection of reaching 11% at 60rain. In tumoral and normal brain the %dose/100g measured by PET was significantly higher for 2C-Tdr than for Me-Tdr (0.12_+0.01 vs. 0.08+0.03; p<0.001) although the tumour/normal tissue ratio was not significantly different (1.54_+0.34 vs 1.64_+0.30). Similar results were obtained for lung metastasis. In contrast, radioactivity was 3-fold higher in the kidneys and 7-fold higher in the liver for Me-Tdr compared to 2C-Tdr, suggesting a higher accumulation of Me-labelled metabolltes In these organs. In conclusion, turnout-to-background contrast was not improved by the use of [2-nC] Tdr compared to [Me-nC] Tdr, except for abdominal imaging. In the future, [2-nC] Tdr could provide an easier kinetics .modelling approach since [nc]c02 constitutes its major labelled metabolites. W. Burchert, E. Schmoll*, J. van den Hoff, G.-J. Meyer, H. Hundeshagen. Dep. Nuclear Medicine and *Hematology/Oncology, Medical School of Hannover, Germany Intraarterial chemotherapy of liver metastases in patients with colorectal cancer demands for a sensitive method to control the therapy response. Usually this is provided by tom0graphic methods, especially contrast medium angio-CT. To get direct metabolic information we use 15- 7 GBq) and PETto measure blood flow and energy metabolism of liver metastases:in 12 patients with colorectal cancer undergoing chemotherapy. Dynamic acquisitions were performed with a Siemens ECAT 951 as a basis for absolute quantification of blood flow and glucose metabolism. The input functions for the water studies were determined noninvasively in the abdominal aorta using geometrical corrections. A nev~ linearized fit was used to compute absolute blood flow values. The glucose metabolism was derived from a patlak analysis using pseudoarterial blood samples as the input function. Qualitative comparison of FDG and water studies resulted in areas of different types of tracer distribution: The central necrosis with low flow and FDG metabolism, a margin with low flow but normal or increased FDG metabolism and the outer, viable part of the tumor with normal or increased blood flow and FDG metabolism. The use of water as a flow marker underestimated the extent of viable tumor tissue compared to the FDG-scan. In clinical practice FDG is a more reliable.tracer for testing tumor viability. The finding of low flow areas in viable tumor tissue may indicate some difficulties in using contrast medium X-rays for the determination of tumor viability. Conventional imaging techniques such as CT, Angiography, and MRI have shown a significant limitation in detecting residual or recurrent musculoskeletal tumors. We have examined 56 patients with confirn~d bone or soft tissue sarcomas using F-18-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) and positron emission tomography (PET) during the past year to:evaluate results in detection and follow-up compared toother imaging modalities; CT/MRI and or sestamibi SPECT. There were 15 osteosarcomas, 3 Ewing's sarcomas, 3 chond~osarcomas, i0 malignant fibrohistiocytomas and 25 miscellaneous soft tissue sarcomas. Each patient underwent 3 consecutive PET scans of a known or suspected lesion after the intraqenous injection of 8-10 mCi of Thirty-nine patients showed abnormally increased FDG uptake, 13 studies were negative, and 4 were equivocal or technically inadequate. Of 29 patients positive on CT, 6 were negative on PET (inactive tumors). Of 17 patients positive on MRI, 4 were negative on PET. All patients positive on SPECT (ii) were also positive on PET, although T/NT ratios averaged 10.5 with PET and only 2.5 with SPECT. In 38 patients with PET positive tumor uptake there was 1 negative CT, 3 negative MRI and 1 negative SPECT. There was 1 false-positive PET in a postoperative infectious focus. Eleven FDG positive patients were studied in follow-up and 3 became normal, 4 improved, 2 did not change and 2 worsened. PET results more accurately reflected the clinical course than did other imaging modalities. In conclusion PET is useful in evaluation and follow-up of local bone and soft tissue sarcomas and appears to be superior to CT and MRI. P'31 -NMR -SPECTROSCOPY (P31-MRS) Routinely CT and MRI are widely used for monitoring tumor response to therapy in terms of tumor volume decrease and necrosis although they are often no sensitive indicators. Bone seindgraphy as well is widely accepted in therapy monitoring, but is not very specific due to possible fractures, inflammation or the secalled flare phenomenon. Due to its nearly complete extraction from arterial blood 201TI promises to be more specific. P31 -MRS, which non-invasively provides information on relative eoncentratioas of high energy phosphates and tumor cell membrane phospholipids in vivo is as well a very promising method to monitor early tmnor response to chemotherapy. Furthermore beth TS aml P31 -MRS refleet tumor perfusion which is important because ttunors with poor blood flow have reduced cytotoxic drug delivers, and are likely to have high numbers of hypoxic ceils. 5 patienls (2 males, 3 females) (mean age 25.5 + 7.0 yrs.) underwent TS and 1'31 -MRS prior to, during and after chemotherapy. Ewing sarcoma (2 cases), osteosarcoma (2 cases) and malign histioeytoma (1 case). Histological tumor regression was verified according to patients were classified responders (R) (grade I or II) and 3 non-responders (NR) (grade V). TS were quantified by ROI-technique (tumor to con~ralateral region) . P31 spectra were acquired using a 1,5 Tesla imaging-speclroseopy system and a double tuned 16 cm surface coil. 512 -1024 free induction decays were averaged with an interpalse delay of 3 s. For volume selection ISIS (image selective in vivo spectroscopy) was used. In responders TS -ratio showed a decrease from 3.15 and 3.62 prior to therapy to 1.18 and 2.1 after chemotherapy. P31 -MRS in one responder showed a dramatic change of the metabolic profile towards a spectrum of normal muscle tissue, in the other patieatphosphocreatine(PCr)/anorganic phosphate(Pa) and phosphodiester (PDE)/phoaphomonoester(PME) increased whereas PC'r/adenosine triphosphate (ATP) decreased. In NR TS-ratio did not decrease. In one non-responser P31 -MRS showed a decrese of PDE/PME, PCr/Pa and PCr/ATP during therapy, in the two other only an initial increase in PDE/PME was seen. 1. 201TI -seintigraphy and P31 -M~S are suitable monitor tumor response to chemotherapy 2. Tumor perfasion assessed by in terms of high energy phosphates, tamor cell membrane phospholipids as well as metabolites of glycolysis as assessed by P31 -MRS may be complementary in evaluating early tumor response 3. Predierapeutica1201T1 accumulation has no prognostic value with regard to tumor response in contrast to pretherapeutic PCr/ATP and PCr/Pa ratios Tumor hypoxia is a factor which limits the cure rate of r a d i o t h e r a p y which has also been implicated as a mechanism for the development of drug resistance in solid tumors. We have developed a novel marker of tissue hypoxia radiolabelled with 1-123 1-(5-Iodo-5-deoxy-B-Da r a b i n o -f u r a n o s y l ) - 2 -n We have compared IAZA uptake in tumor sites in 28 patients. Images of the area of interest and of the thorax and abdomen were obtained immediately after injection and at approximately 24 hours. 10 mg of IAZA labelled with MBq 1-123 was given by slow intravenous infusion over 20 minutes. These data are then compared with patterns of tumor perfusion. The patient population was comprised of patients with small cell lung cancer (SCLC) (12), glioblastoma muhiforme (7), sarcoma (5), squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCC) (3) and prostate cancer (1). In thirteen patients there was positive tumor uptake of IAZA, and in 14 the tumor sites were non-avid. Positive uptake of IAZA by primary tumor type was SCLC (5), glioblastoma (3), SCC (2) , sarcoma (2) and prostate (0). These data appear concordant with those obtained from in vitro studies using tritiated Misonidazole and showed an inverse correlation between IAZA uptake and perfusion. 1-123 IAZA appears to have potential as a functional agent for i m a g i n g t u m o r h y p o x i a , and may have applications in predicting response to therapy. In t h e pre-Rx g r o u p t h e r e s u l t s r e v e a l t h a t the sites detected by CT c o r r e l a t e d well w i t h MIBI i m a g i n g . MIBI i m a g i n g was t r u e positive in 85% of these cases, false n e g a t i v e in 10% a n d e q u i v o c a l in 5% w h i l e CT w a s true positive in 100%. The disease w a s located in the pelvis in all false n e g a t i v e a n d e q u i v o c a l cases on MIBI i m a g i n g . Conventional bone marrow scintigraphy (BMS) using labeled nanocolloid has the disadvantage of high liver, spleen and background activity. In contrast, preliminary results of bone marrow visualization with the anti-granulocyte antibody BW 250/183 showed significantly better results. We therefore initiated a prospective study to evaluate the clinical value of this antibody compared to lilac crest biopsy. 44 patients (25 females, 19 males, age: 19-76 years) were thus far studied. The diagnoses comprised 26 patients with 8 with Hodgkin's disease, 6 with acute lymphatic leukemia and 4 with plasmocytoma. The scintigrams were conducted as whole body studies and planar regional scans [3] [4] hours p.L of 555 MBq of Tc-99m-labeled anti-granulocyte-antibody. The marrow biopsy from the posterior sacro-iliac joint was conducted within 3 weeks following scintigraphy. 18 patients showed normal findings in both the scintigraphy and the biopsy. In 26 patients bone marrow involvement was diagnosed by either scintigraphy or biopsy. The comparison of scintigraphy and biopsy revealed the following results: Scan and biopsy positive n=18; scan negative and biopsy positive n=5; scan positive and biopsy negative n=3. The last three patients were reclassified according to the BMS. We conclude from this study that BMS using the BW 250/183 antibody visualizes the entire bone marrow with excellent image quality with a low liver/spleen and background uptake, and is clearly superior to the nanocolloid, suggesting that this antibody should be used more frequently in the initial and fo~tow-up stagin.q of malignant systemic disorders. or 100 MBq of . When no abnormalities were found at CRS, renovascular hypertension were ruled out (n=10); otherwise patients underwent a conventional renal scan. Amelioration or normalization in the latter study as compared to CRS led to RVH diagnosis (n=33), whereas it was excluded in case of no changes (n=8). Correlation with CRS diagnosis was possible in 51 pts (18 cured, 19 improved, 14 failed (by-pass, nephrectomy, PTA) and post-intervention data (technical success, blood pressure, serum creatinine). Methodologies: choice among DTPA, MAG3 and Hippuran as renal tracers. Objectives: to test CRT as both a diagnostic test for renal artery stenosis and a prognostic test for the clinical success of intervention. Design and methods: CRT, evaluated by quantitative and inspective renographic analysis, was compared with angiographic degree of stenosis and blood pressure response to intervention. Results were analysed in cases with ~70% stenosis, without stenosis or with a lesser degree of stenosis. Renal function was also tested as a determinant of accuracy. Positive response to intervention was defined as a normalization of blood pressure without an increase of drug treatment.Renal function recovery was .also tested. DTPA results have been prelimiharly reported elsewhere and demonstrated predictive values of the test ranging around 80-90%. Positive CRT was also strongly associated with blood pressure response after intervention. Overall results, comprehending also those obtained with tubular tracers, will be presented. Beatrix K6niq, H. K6hn, Evelyne Dvorak, A. Mostbeck Department and L. Boltzmann Institute of Nuclear Medicine Wilhelminenspital, Vienna, Austria QUANTITATIVE RENOGRAPHY: COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT METHODS In 51 pts. 3 different methods were compared with the slope clearance (Sapirstein) as reference method with blood sampling for three hours using 99m Tc MAG3: i. A modification of the whole body clearance (Oberhausen) using a "whole body ROI" in the full field of view above the kidneys excluding the liver. 2. According to Piepsz and Assailly the excretion rate (dm/dt) was calculated in the initial segment of the renogram after depth and background correction. The heart curve was rescaled to cps/ml using one blood sample i0' or 17" p. inj. 3. The early uptake method with the same curve as described in 2., but without blood sampling, expresses the kidney's function in percent of the applied dose (Mostbeck). The early uptake was calculated 160 sec. after tracer application and 120 sec. after the arrival of the tracer in the kidney. All methods have been performed simultaneously. Depth measurement of the kidneys was performed on lateral DMSA scans. Results: The correlation coefficients between the different methods and the reference method were in the range 0. 8~ -0 .92 and did not differ significantly. No difference could be found between the 120" and 160" uptake (r=0.99). The lowest work load and inconvenience to the patient causes the early uptake method, which requires the measurement of the kidney's depth and the applied dose. The efect of a small (<5ml) drink of water on the shape of the curve was investigated in 177 patients (343 kidneys) undergoing renography for a variety of clinical indications. 102/174 renal units (50.7%) with a rising or plateau curve fell by more than 5% (>5 S.D.) within 30 seconds of swallowing. In 44 (25%) the drop was >25%. 114/169 (67.4%) with a falling curve also showed a prompt increase in the gradient of downslope. 30/56 not responding to a first stimulus (53. 6%) responded to a second, as did those given dry biscuit. Diuretic (frusemide or bumetanide) was administered IV to 61 with a rising curve which did not fall after swallowing, with a response in 32 (52%), but after a delay of more than 3 minutes. Drinking is effective much more rapidly (<30 sec) than diuretic (>180 see). The small volume of fluid and timescale exclude haemodilution, the response being observed before there could have been appreciable absorption in supine subjects, whilst the rapidity excludes a humoral mechanism. It has not been observed in any transplanted (denervated) kidney nor in patients with upper or mid cord transections. The evidence therefore indicates that this is a neural (possibly vagal) reflex. The rising curve may be due filling of the renal pelvis secondary to failure of the pelvic pacemaker to initiate peristaltic waves autonomously. This must be distinguished from obstruction. Lluis Bern~i Gustavo Torres, Rosa Cabezas, Montserrat Estorch, David Duncker, Ignasi Carri6. Hospital de Sant Pau, Barcelona. OF R E C U R R E N C E S F R O M MEDULLARY CARCINOMA OF THE THYROID: A COMPARATIVE STUDY. To comparatively assess the ability of proposed nuclear medicine techniques to localize recurrences of medullary carcinoma of the thyroid, we studied 13 patients with medullary carcinoma and evidence of recurrence based on elevated basal calcitonin levels and after stimulation (calciumpentagastrin test) and elevated CEA serum levels. Eleven patients underwent I~I-MIBG whole body scans, 13 patients underwent ~Tc-AntiCEA scans, 9 patients underwent =°iT1 scans and 8 patients underwent 9~Tc-DMSA(V) scans'. Confirmation of findings was obtained by CAT scans, NMR and/or surgery. lZI-MIBG scans localized the recurrence in 1 of 11 patients (9%). ~°IT1 scans localized the recurrence in 3 of 9 patients (33%). ~=Tc-AntiCEA scans localized the recurrence in 5 of 13~ patients (38%). 9~Tc-DMSA(V) scans localized the recurrence in 4 of 8 patients (50%). The association of ~Tc-DMSA(V) and any other agent did not produce improved sens!tivity. We conclude that nuclear medicine ~techniques have low s~nsitivity to detect recurrence of medullary thyroid carcinoma. I~I-MIBG scans are not useful to detect such recurrences. ~°IT1, ~Tc-AntiCEA and ~Tc-DMSA(V) can be used, however, when conventional imaging techniques do not provide localization of the recurrence. The purpose of this study was to determine the utility of PET scanning with FDG for the localization of pheochromocytomas in patients with false negative MIBG scintigraphy. Two patients subsequently proven to have pheochromocytomas that were not detected by MIBG scanning have been studied. PET scanning with FDG was performed as follows: subjects were placed in the PET scanner with the region of the adrenal glands in the center of the field of view. After the injection of 10 mCi 18F-FDG, images were acquired dynamically for 50 minutes. This was followed by a "whole body" scan encompassing 40 to 60 cm in the z axis, Data were forward projected into images every 10 degrees for viewing as a series of rotating images. In both patients, PET FDG scanning correctly identified the site of the tumors. In patient 1, scintigraphy with 1311-MIBG and 11C-HED (hydroxyephedrine) gave both false negative and false positive resulls, suggesting a pheochromocytoma in the left adrenal gland. This was resected but no tumor was present. However, a mass in the mediastinum adjacent to the heart was identified by PET FDG scanning. A pheochromocytoma arising from the left atrium was subsequently resected. Patient 2 had a left adrenal pheochromocytoma removed 7 years earlier. Symptoms recurred but 1311-MIBG scintigraphy was negative. PET FDG scanning located the tumor in the right adrenal gland, which was then resected and proven to contain pheochromocytoma. In both patients, whole body PET scanning considerably improved the anatomic localization of the tumors and facilitated comparison with conventional imaging techniques. We conclude that PET scanning with FDG is valuable for the localization of the rare pheochromocytomas which elude detection with MIBG. The "whole body" technique greatly expands the capacity to find tumors outside their common locations. Further studies with FDG as an imaging agent for pheochromocytoma are warranted. G.Pa~anelli. P.Magnani, C.Bonato, G.L.Di Sacco*, F.Sudati, D. Ge-lli* and F.Fazio We have evaluated the feasibility of three-step tumor targeting in medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) patients, using the anti-CEA monoclonal antibody (Mab) FO23C5 and the avidinfoiotin system in order to improve the target/non target ratio. Ten patients with histologically proven diagnosis of MTC were injected i v. with l m g of biotinylated Mab. After three days, 5 mg of Cold avidin Were injected i.v.; a third i.v. injection of labelled biotin was made 48 hrs later. Planar and SPET immunoscintigraphy was performed 2 hrs after Indium-111 biotin injection. All patients had increased circulating levels of CEA but only in three of them could conventional methods such as US, X-Ray CT and Technetium-99m DMSA localize the tumor. All patients had abnormal hot spots in the immunoscintigraphic studies. SPET was crucial for detecting small lymph-nodes with a diameter of 4 -7 mm. These lesions, not recognized as neoplastic by US, were confirmed to be neoplastic by fine needle aspiration. One patient, with US suspected solid lesions of 2 cm in the liver, had a negative liver scan and a hot spot in the neck. Histology revealed a benign liver lesion (angioma) and a metastatic lymph-node in the neck. These data suggest that this "three-step" method can have an important role in MTC follow-up MIBG is a specific marker in neuroendocrine tumors, such as pheochromocytoma (Ph), neuroblastoma (N), medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) and paraganglioma (pg), but it suffers in some cases (especially in MTC) of a lack of sensitivity. Thallium (TI) is a well known marker of cellularity with a great sensitivity and a lack of specificity. The aim of our study was to determine whethe r the association of these two markers is able to improve the detection O f neuroendocrinelesions. Patients and methods From 1989 to 1991, 107 sci~tigraphic examinations (exam) wer e performed using 1- in 83 patients (pts) referred either for suspioion (59 exam) o r for follow-up (24 exam) of Ph (52 pts),. N (6 pts),' MTC (i0 pts), MTC+Ph (6 pts), pg (9 pts). chloride was first injected (i MBq/kg), images were acquired from 4 to 20 min ; (4 MBq/kg) was then injected and images acquired 5 h and 24 h later. R e s u l t s Full agreement between MIBG and T1 : 47 negative images (including 5 false negative images with both isotopes) and 12 positive images (3 P h / 3 N, 1MTC, 2 Pg, 3 MTC+Ph) . sensitivities are reported,partly due to the non ideal properties of the radionuclide. A Technetium chelate should overcome the physical drawbacks of 201T1 and w i t h this aim 99mTc-MIBI,a myocardial perfusion agent, has been proposed for parathyroid scintigraphy.We examined the ability of the new radiopbarmaceutical in parathyroid adenomas localization and compared to 201Tl,ultrasound and CT. Sixty-six patients referred for suspected hyperparathyroidism entered the study and among them in the 27 thue far surgically explored,parathyroid enlargements were detected in 23 cases (4 were mediastinal).A correct location of the leeion/s was made in 22 (95%) by in 19 (83%) by 201Tl,in 15 (65%) by ultrasound and in 16 (70%) by CT. In one patient, a tertiary hyperparathyroidism, no parathyroid enlargement was detected and even surgery failed. In 3 patients the lesions resected belonged to the thyrold:one was a papillary carcinoma which showed a high uptake of 201Tl,while the 99mTc-MIBI concentration was very mild. The new radiopharmaceutical proved not only the best sensitivity, but in every case confirmed superior imaging ability, so that in the large majority of patients,lesion detection could be made by visual comparison of 99mTc-MIBI and 99mTcO4scans.We believe 99mTc-MIBI to provide a useful tool in parathyroid adenomas location and guess it will be probably the radiophar~aceutical of choice. A. SIGNORE M. CHIANELLI, E. FERRETTI, E. TOMEI, P. POZZILLI, G. RONGA, G. CANTARANO and D. ANDREANI. Servizio Speciale Medicina Nucleate and Endocrinologia (I), II Clinica Medica, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy. We previously published that IL-2 (a T-lymphocyte growth factor), labelted with 1231, retains its capacity to bind in vivo to activated T lymphocytes, thus allowing the imaging of insulitis in diabetes susceptible animals by using a gamma camera. Aim of the present work was to apply this technique in newly diagnosed Type 1 diabetic patients to in vivo image the insulitis process occurring in the endocrine pancreas. Human recombinant IL2 (50gg) was labelled with 1231 using the Lactoperoxidase/Glucoseoxidase method and purified by HPLC before injection into the patient. To date, 4 newly diagnosed Type 1 diabetic patients, 2 long standing diabetics and 4 normal volunteers (age matched) have been studied by i.v. injection of 1 mCi of 1231-1L2. Dynamic gamma camera images were acquired for 60 mins after injection and a static image of the abdominal region was also acquired 4 hours later. ROl's were drawn over pancreas and major organs and time-activity curves were generated. In the same subjects we also performed an NMR study before and after bolus of Gd-DTPA using a 1.5 Tesla permanent magnet. Images were analysed using a fat suppression software. Gamma camera images showed that IL2 is rapidly cleared from the blood being mainly up-taken by kidneys. After 20 mins liver and blood activity was undetectable. Only in newly diagnosed diabetic patients we observed a high accumulation of the tracer in the spleen and in the pancreatic region being the first time that insulitis is visualized in humans. In 2/4 cases we also observed a concordant positive NMR result with high pancreatic signal intensity enhancement after Gd-DTPA, a sign of inflammation. 1231-1L2 is highly specific and can be used in alternative to other techniques for in vivo detection of pathological lymphocytic infiltrations. Phosphorus (P-31) nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (P- allows an in vivo examination of energy metabolism in human tissues. It is known, that thyroid disorders are associated with abnormalities of muscle energy metabolism. The recent study was designed to evaluate whether in patients with latent hyperthyroidism deviations of the energy metabolism could be found similar to those observed in patients with overt hyperthyroidism. In 25 patients (9 with overt hyperthyroidism before therapy and 16 with latent hyperthyroidism (TSH <_ 0.1 p.lE/ml)) and 24 healthy volunteers P-31-MRS of the calf muscle was performed (volumeselective, 1.5-Tesla whole body magnet (Philips)). For quantification of the spectra ratios between the peak areas of the muscle spectrum and of the spectrum of a K2HPO4 solution as external refence were calculated. The table below showes the ratios of the peak areas between phosphocreatine (PCr), anorganic phosphate (Pi), and Especially, in patients with latent hyperthyroidism a significant decrease of the PCr compared to healthy volunteers was found. However, no difference of the PCr/Ref ratio occured between patients with latent and manifest hyperthyroidism. Conclusion: Up to now studies on patients with latent hyperthyroidism without therapy showed psychosomatic deviations and only few informations about abnormalities of energy metabolism. The recent study seems to indicate that in latent hyperthyroidism deviations of metabolism can be measured by P-31-MRS and that they are similar to those observed in patients with overt hyperthyroidism. Nuklearmedizinische Klinik ut~d Poliklinik Technische Universit~t M0nchen, *Krankenhauszweckverband Augsburg Germany The diagnostical management of focal and diffuse thyroid diseases includes a variety of established examinations as serological parameters, sonography, scintigraphy and biopsy. Which additional informations can be expected from MRI? Material and methods 1) Retrospec~ve study: 151 MRI investigations of the head and neck region were retrospectivly studied, to evaluate thyroid diseases. 2) Prospective study: MRI was prospectivly performed on 32 patients with cold nodules or cold areas of the thyroid. Patients with suspicious aspiration biopsy had pdodty. Results and discussion 1) Thyroid disease incidence in retrospective study: struma diffusa 21%, struma nedosa 19%, cyst 10%, and adenoma 6%. 2) Diagnosis of cold nodules in prospective study : cyst 28%, adenoma 25%, struma nodosa 6%, thyroiditis de Quervain 3%, malignancy 37%. The diagnosis of a cyst in MRI can only be done in about 8% of the cases having ~n homogeneous fluid with low Tl-signal. Since adenomas show similar high signal in T2-weighted images and are often hardly distinguishable from cysts the diagnosis can only be certified by a contrast enhanced MRI showing enhancement only in the wall. The characteristical signal intensity for adenoma is hyperintensity in T2-weighted images and strong, homogeneus contrast enhancement after i.v. Gd-DTPA. Scintigraphic hot and cold adenomas show similar behaviour in MRL But after radioiodinetherapy the perfusion and the enhancement of an adenoma diminished significantly. MRI reveals a high soft tissue contrast and is suitable for imaging malignomas. Regardless of histology malignomas do not show similar signal characteristics in MRI, and are therefore not distinguishable from benign intrathyroidal lesions. Malignomas infiltrating the thyroid capsule are well shown. The accuracy of lymph node detection in MRI ist higher than with CT. MRI and its multiplanar images provides more information to the surgeon. Focal, intraparenchymal thyroid changes should be known and recognized in MRI. Suspicious diseases acquire a further investigation by means of nuclear medecine. Additional informations are only expected in the diagnosis of malignomas. Wolzt M t, Meghdadi S 1, Kletter K t, Leitha T 1, Angelberger p2, Schernthaner G 3, Dudczak R t. tDepartment of Nuclear Medicine, Vienna University; ~0FZ Seibersdorf; SKH Rudolfsstiftung, Vienna, Austria COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF I123-OCTREOTIDE (OCT) AND I123- IN APUD-TUMORS The diagnostic potential of OCT and MIBG was compared in 7 patients with histologically confirmed APUD-tumors (4 carcinoids, 1 paraganglioma, 2 pancreatic endocrine tumors). All 19 primary or secondary tumor locations were verified by other imaging techniques (CT and/or NMR, sonography) and/or surgery. For OCT, dynamic (0-30 mi n p.i.; 14 lesions in the field of view), planar static (ap. and pa. projection; 2h, 4h, 24h p.i.) and SPECT images (360 °, 60 steps, 40 sec; 2h p.i.) were obtained. MIBG planar and SPECT images were performed 24h p.i. Images were classified as positive, equivocal or negative by two observers. I123-Oct I123-MIBG dynamic/static/SPECT static/SPECT positive equivocal positive equivocal A) Carcinoid 3/7/10 2/2/1 8/11 3/2 B) Paraganglioma 0/0/0 1/1/0 1/1 0/0 C) Pancreatic tumor 0/0/0 1/0/1 0/2 1/0 Number of lesions: A: n=15, B: n=l, C: n=3 All patients had abnormal scintigrams. Tumor visualization with OCT was best 0-2h p.i. (data in table) , only in 1 patient the result became positive 4h p.i. For MIBG the overall sensitivity was better. SPECT improved tumor detection for both agents. In one patient with carcinoid two lesions were only outlined by MIBG; one tumor of another patient was only seen with OCT. APUDomas as OCT. Image interpretation with OCT is hampered by activity in the biliary tree, gallbladder and gut. *R.Pani,F.Scopinaro,**G. DEPAOLA,^R. VACCARO, *L. VALLETTA *Med. Phys.,Sect. of Nucl. Med., Dptoof Experim. Med.,^Inst. Anatomy,Univ."La Sapienza",Rome,Italy,**FAMAF Unlv.cordoba,Argentine VERY HIGH RESOLUTION GAMMA CAMERA PROTOTYPE Anger camera has been perfected over the years an~ more or less complicated systems have been developed but spatial resolution did not improve oyer the limit of few millimeters. In this work we present some results relative to a new gamma camera prototype completely realized on our research laboratory to localize biological structures sized less than 1 mm. It is based on the use of a new photomultiplier position sensitive recently developed by Hamamatsu (R2486) with a cross wired anode on 6 cm of diameter. It has an intrinsic spatial resolution of about 300 micron. BGO and CsI scintillation detectors with different thickness were tested obtaining about 1 mm FWHM as the best spatial resolution~value. The system consists o~ gamma camera with 5 cm CsI detector diameter, special electronic chain and a 0.5 mm pin hole collimator. 99mT~ HMPAO (370 MBq[ were injected in a rat. The Drain was excisea and fixed-with glutaraldeide and cut into 0.5 cm thick slices. Images of whole brain (sagittal and coronal slices) and cerebellum were acquired. The gray matter was clearly imaged by the system. For example the cerebellar gray and white matter were recognizable in the acquired image without any treatmen. The slice of whole cerebellum were less than 1 cm large. Two different gray matter structures 1 mm distanced were clearly shown. This work has been supported by U.I.L.D.M. section of Rome. K.Kouris G.Clarke, P.H.Jarritt. C.E.Townsend, S.N.Thomas, D.C.Costa and P.J.Ell. Institute of Nuclear Medicine, UCMSM, London, U.K. The aim of this study was to compare the tomographic physical performance of the GE/CGR Neurocam and Toshiba GCA-9300A three-headed SPET systems. The former is a brain-dedicated device with its cameras fixed at 123 mm radius of rotation, fitted with HR or GP parallel hole collimators. The latter is a head and body system with adjustable radii (132-307 mm), lead fanbeam collimators (SHR) for brain, and parallel hole HR collimators for body studies. Using a water-filled cylinder containing 99mTc, the tomographic sensitivity (kcps/(MBq/ml)/cm) was 30.0 and 50.7 for the Neurocam with HR and GP collimators, respectively. For the GCA-9300A, they were 34.8 and 33.8 with SHR and HR collimators calculated by exclu~ng the time during which data are not acquired during a scan. Unlike the Neurocara, these times are s~gnificant for the GCA-9300A: the rotation time per step is 8-12 s in a step mode acquisition; the rotation time prior to and after completion of a continuous rotauon acquisition is 8, 13 and 22 s for 1, 2 and 5 rain scans, respectively. Tomographic spatial resolution was measured using 99raTe line sources. The FWHM at the minimum radius for each system, at the centre, in air, was 9.0 and 10.7 mm for the Neurocam with HR and GP collimators, respectively, and 7.8 and 10.2 mm tbr the GCA-9300A with SHR and HR collimators. In warer it was 9.7 mm for the Neurocam with HR. collimators. compared with 7.8 and 11.0 mm for the SHR and HR GCA-9300A collimators. The tomographic contrast resolution was evaluated using the 3-D Hoffman brain phantom which simulates normal brain anatomy and a 4:1 grey/white nmtter ratio. With similar acquisition and processing parameters and using 8x8 mm 2 ROIs, the average grey/white matter ratio was 2.6 for the Neurocam with HR and 2.4 for the In conclusion, both systcres yield excellent image quality; inspite of its ~mproved FWHM. the GCA-9300A yields a lower grey/white matter ratio. Kugi A, Bergmann H Dept. of Biomedical Engineering and Physics, University of Vienna, and L. Boltzmann Institute of Nuclear Medicine, Vienna, Austria EXPERIENCES WITH USER ACCEPTANCE TESTING OF 10 CAMERA-COMPUTER SYSTEMS During the establishment of a new nuclear medicine depamnent acceptance testing of 10 new gamma cameras, amongst them 7 SPECT systems, from 5 different manufacturers was carded out using a comprehensive test protocol. All the systems had been received in perfect working conditions according to the manufacturer. The tests followed the procedures of the NEMA standard wherever possible, or the IAEA recommendations. For SPECT a test schedule by S. Graham was followed, including the use of a Jaszczak phantom for total performance and tomographic uniformity and contrast evaluation. Only about one half of the cameras passed all tests with the results within acceptance limits while the other cameras required major readjustments until the results were satisfactory. Some problems found during testing were that some evaluations were difficult to cant out due to unsuitable processing software of the system and that special programs for quality control, which were available in several systems, could not be verified independently. We conclude that comprehensive acceptance testing by the user is indispensable in order to ensure optimal gamma camera performance. User acceptance testing is supported at least partly by most modem camera-computer systems. However, the basic image and curve handling facilities of some systems are not well suited for purposes of quality control. In view of the obvious importance of independent acceptance testing some standardisaton in the latter area would be highly desirable. Ascq-France. (in coil. with ADAC Laboratories) Present digital processing systems linked with (devoted to) the acquisition chain of scint~graphic examinations allow to fix up corrections for some distorslons (spectrometric and geometric) of the cameras. Concerning the uniformity correction, the usual way of doing consists mostly of using a collimated point-source which is set as far asposslble from the detector's hea~l (namely 5 times the diameter of U.F.O.V.)' removing the collimator one makes an acquisition summing up'several m~llion events. Thereafter a "correcting matrix" is computed which, once loaded into memory, will be use~t for every new acquisition. This procedure can be credited with a relative easiness and fairly satisfactory results. However it cannot supply any precise and quantitative assessment of the quality of the setup correction, specially because of the use of a collimator during tliepatien~'s acquisition and not during the correction's acquisition. Fn practice, without any callibrated flood sources at medium and high energy. band, it is difficult to decide when, in consequence of variea drifts, the state of the corrrection has to be refreshed. Thispaper intends to set up a orocedure making use of the wides-preaffF'.F.T, algorithms applie~t upon acquisitions of common sea-Ied sources (Co 57 anatomac marEers ani~ flood sources) or easily custom-made sources (Ga 67 and I131 quasi-point sources). Firstly, acquisition of the point-source is made witl~out collimator to ex-0tess, by means o f the F.F.T. transform, the intrinsic Modulation Transfer Function (M.T.F.) of the camera. The correcting matrix is also computed. After which 2 acquisitions of the same source are made with the collimator, with and without applying the correction. An estimate of the non-corrected image is obtained by the use of the corrected image and of the inverse transform of the correcting matrix. This computed image is compared (least-square method) with the measured non-corrected image, in order to estimate the quality of the established correction. Such a procedure can be performed for various energy domains (Low Energy, Medium Energy, Hight Energy), using the appropriate sources and collimators. After having got first results (works are in progress), we shall check to what extent the results are low dependents from the quality of the sources aud from the "computation noise". T. S6ra, J. Mester, L. Csernay Albert Medical University, I~partment of Nuclear Medicine, Szeged, Hungary OPTIMAL USE OF A DYNAMIC LINE PHANTOM FOR THE DETERMINATION OF CAMERA DETECTOR UNIFORMITY Several methods are known for measurement of the uniformity of a gammacamera. A commercially available device, the dynamic line phantom has recently been proposed for this purpose. It consists of a line source which moves with constant speed over the surface of the detector. The problem is that, for a circular field of view, the observed count rate is a function of the position of the line source; it is the highest in the mid-position. With high count rates, deadtime losses or a pile-up effect may influence the measured values of the uniformity, while for low count rates, the stastistical uncertainity may be intolerable. We performed serial measurements on an older (Picker dyna 4C/15) large field of view camera, without a collimator, using the dynamic line phantom f'flled with 1.5 MBq 99m-Tc until the activity was decreased to 0.005 MBq due to radioactive decay. The uniformity was determined according to the NEMA standard. The uniformity values were stable only in the small activity range 0. 2-0.5 MBq. Below and above this range, they decreased significantly. The uniformity values determined in the optimal activity range are compared with those determined with a 20 MBq 99m-Tc point source in the table, which contains the data of 10 consecutive measurements with the line phantom and 5 measurements with the point source: It is concluded that the dynamic line phantom is suitable for the determination of detector uniformity even on cameras with a circular field of view, but the activity range of the line source for stable uniformity values must to be determined carefully. CASE TESTING OF GAMMA-CAMERA QUALITY CONTROL EXPERT SYSTEM. P Slomka I T.D. Cradduck.Victoria Hospital, and University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada. Routine QC testing of scintillation cameras usually involves a complex analysis of test results such as uniformity flood images and spatial resolution tests. Based on this analysis the user follows a set of troubleshooting prrecedures when the parameters fail to meet specifications. An expert system for quality control has been developed using a general purpose expert system toolkit ~Nexpert*. Various parameters of quali~ control images were derived by a separate image processing program which forms the basic input to the reasoning module. The objective of the system is to aid human decision making during quality control procedures, interpretation of results and troubleshooting. The major task in creating an expert system was the definition of valid and complete rules. Many rules, examples of which have been provided, are unique to the given camera-computer configuration. The prototype system has been developed using primarily simulated data and the application of the apriori formulated rules has sometimes been insufficient to properly identify the faults. The failure of the expert system to derive a correct diagnosis in these cases indicates the need to expand the rule database. A large database of quali~y control images with various well documented faults from different types of cameras is being collected and data are used to measure the performance of the system. Such a database can be used to incrementally improve the expert systom knowledge base in a learning fashion. In order to assess scatter, scintigraphic images were obtained over the standard 20% width energy window, with a 1 KeV step, either by list mode or multi-windows acquisitions. A detailed energy spectrum can then be obtained and analyzed in each pixel. An evaluation of scatter fraction was performed in experiments with a hot (Tc-99m) Phelps phantom with cold rods placed parallel to the gamma camera face at different distances with interposition of scaterring medium (lucite) of different thicknesses (0 -11 cm). Series of 28 images were obtained from 126 to 154 KeV for each position of the phantom. The energy spectra of 3 categories of pixels with different amounts of scatter were studied: pixels outside of the phantom (P1), over the rods (P2) and the radioactive phantom ( P3). In the areas P1 and P2 with the largest rods, the absence of peak and the low count rate above 140 KeV signed predominant scattering.The best polynomial fits of these scatter spectra were obtained with 3rd order polynoms but integrals of spectra and of 1st order polynoms were not significantly different. In the other areas P2 and P3, a photopeak was observed and increased scattering due to lucite resulted in: 1-the downshifting of 1 to 2 KeV of the peak while its 14 KeV FWHM did not change, 2-a significant increase of the count rate Ct at 126 KeV and 3-no significant count rate C2 change at 154 KeV demonstrating the absence of scattered radiation at that energy. With the hypothesis of a gaussian photopeak, C2 represents the photopeak contribution of C1 and the scatter Value at 126 KeV is (Ct-C2). Consequently, the total scatter count rate of an energy spectrum can be estimated as the triangnlar area 14 (Ct-Cz). The method applied to the phantom images produced considerable gain in image sharpness and the similarity of the different scatter free images. Conclusion: Scatter can be assessed from spectral analysis over the standard acquisition energy window. However, the clinical application still requires the optimization of a filter adapted to low count rate series of images. SPECT quantitation is improved by extracting scatter contribution from the projections prior to reconstruction and attenuation correction. As scatter proportion and distribution depends on the incidence, its estimation requires an adaptive procedure, such as Factor Analysis of Spectral Image Sequence using a Target Apex Seeking (FASISTAS). It has been proven to successfully separate primary and scatter photons in planar imaging for various radioisotopes (Tc-99m, . FASISTAS is assessed for Tc-99m SPECT studies. For each projection, a spectral image sequence covering a wide energy window (60-180 keV), obtained from a list mode acquisition, is processed by FASISTAS. The single a priori knowledge used by FASISTAS is an estimation of the spectral range including no primary photons. From each image sequence, FASISTAS extracts the underlying scatter and pure photopeak spectra and the associated images. The shape and proportion of the two spectra can differ from one projection to another to account for the variations due to the change of incidence. Filtered backprojection and Chang's first order attenuation correction were performed on the resulting scatter free projections. Phantom studies using various object to background ratios (from 0.2 to 6.2) have shown contrast improvement of up to 20% for scatter free slices when compared with conventional slices (reconstructed from 20% energy window projections). Spatial resolution has also been improved without introduction of artefact in uniform regions. By performing an adaptive scatter extraction, FASISTAS is an appropriate tool to improve qualitative and quantitative SPECT, and could be applied to SPECT studies using less favourable radioisotopes. G Germano, T Chua, H Kiat, DS Berman Division of Nuclear Medicine, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles 90048, USA OPTIMAL DYNAMIC SPECT IMAGING USING 99mTc-TEBOROXIME AND A MULTI-DETECTOR CAMERA. The optimal acquisition/processing protocol and the technical challenges of 99mTc-teboroxime fast cardiac SPECT imaging were investigated on a high sensitivity Picker) . Image quality, resolution and uniformity as a function of collimation (GAP vs. LEHR), detector rotation (continuous vs. step and shoot), orbit type (circular vs. non-circular) and angular range (1800 vs. 360 °) were studied with a commei'cial heart phantom and standard line sources. Optimal uniformity and defect contrast were obtained with continuous, non-circuiar 180 ° acquisition with LEHR and prefiltering of the projection data (Butterworth, order=5, cutoff=.215). This combination was applied clinically in conjunction with a "back to back", stress/rest adenosine teboroxime protocol, with data acquired as a succession of twenty 1-min dynamic frames. Motion correction of the dynamic frames is very important if time-activity curves are generated via region of interest analysis, We devised a technique which makes use of a point sottrce marker to detect translational patient motion in the axial and transaxial dimension. All frames are automatically realigned (projection by projection) to a fit of the frame with the least amount of motion. The accuracy of the motion detection algorithm was tested with a point source in air and proved to be better than .04 mm or. 1 pixel. Image artifacts are especially likely when high hepatic uptake is present, and may lead to severe underestimation of activity in the inferior myocardial wall. This phenomenon wa s observed in 7% of the patients. In conclusion, dynamic cardiac SPECT imaging using 99mTc-teboroxime requires great attention to preserve image quality while increasing temporal data sampling. Fast scanning protocols will see their ideal application in regional tracer washout analysis to determine myocardial viability. PET and more recently SPECT studies provide dynamic three-dimensional data sets (4D). It results in possibilities to improve patient's physiological investigation with a special emphasis on quantitation. However, the huge amount of acquired data is difficult to analyze. A global processing method, FAMIS, based on multivariate analysis is proposed to estimate the underlying physiological kinetics and their associated volumetric distributions (3D). FAMIS was initially developed to process dynamic image sequences in planar scintigraphy. The method is based on a statistical fixed-effect model and assumes that each timeactivity-curve (TAC) associated with one pixel is a linear combination of the physiological kinetics. The analysis was extended to simultaneously process the whole set of slices under the single hypothesis that the kinetics shape corresponding to one structure is identical in the different slices. FAMIS is then performed from the TAC related to each voxel, which are clustered and thresholded. They are then submitted to an orthogonal analysis and an oblique rotation under positivity constraints, which provides a reduced number of factors. Factors estimate the tracer kinetics in the different structures : tissues or target organs. Their related 3D distributions are finally computed using a linear regression. The global analysis (time and volume) was compared to the conventional FAMIS approach (time and 2D) repeated for each slice, on both numerical simulations and PET studies. The 4D approach of FAMIS performs an accurate segmentation of functional volumes, improves the extraction of their related kinetics, and avoids the manual definition of volumes of interest. PET images of brain structures such as amygdala, thalamus or basal ganglia, which are relatively small compared to the resolution of the scanner, are degraded by the partial volume effect. Quantitation of biochemical or physiological processes in these structures m a y therefore be inaccurate. A stationary 2D frequency-domain restoration filter was optimized in order to compensate for the partial volume effect. A 3D MRI-based, computer-generated brain phantom was used as test object for the filter performance. The actual radiotracer concentration is assigned on a p i x e l basis and thus known a priori. The qorresponding PET image was computer simulated by convolving the MRI images with the PET point-spread function, giving an in-plane resolution of 13. mm. The filter was applied to the simulated image and the optimal roll-off frequency (f, cycles/pixel; pixel size 2.77 n~) was determined. The coefficient of variation between the actual and simulated image was taken as a criterion of goodness of the filter performance. The filter reduced the coefficient of variation in amygdala from 59% to 28% (f=0.25), in neocortical gray matter from 23% to i~% (f=0.23) and in white matter from 26% to 19% (f=0.20) . Noise added to the simulated PET images increased the coefficient of variation in the filtered image for amygdala to 35%, for neocortical gray matter to 17%, for white matter to 26%. The study indicates a new way of optimizing a restoration filter in PET based on a priori knowledge of the object. Quantitation and signal-to-noise ratio in relatively small brain objects such as the amygdala can thus significantly be improved. Images acquired using a new cardiac SPECT camera with two detectors joined at ?0 degrees may have the edge o£ the patient truncated. The effect of truncation and the performance of an algorithm to correct for the truncation have been evaluated. Patient SPECT data were taken with a large f i e l d of view camera and the f i e l d of view was truncated to simulate the fieZd of view of the new camera. Both the original data and the truncated data were reconstructed with a f i l t e r e d back-projection algorithm. The reconstruction with truncated data showed a hot rim a r t i f a c t at the edge of the f i e l d of view with increased counts in the cardiac region. The magnitude of the a r t i f a c t was proportional to the t o t a l a c t i v i t y truncated from the image, so worse a r t i f a c t s were observed in studies with high extra-cardiac a c t i v i t y . A d~rect non-iterative projection extension scheme was implemented to reduce the effect of truncation and these extended projections were reconstructed using the f i l t e r e d back-projection algorithm. Comparison with the original untruncated data showed that this technique produced minimal a r t i f a c t s and preserved the quantitative information in the heart region. Implementation of the extension scheme on a array processor gave an ~nsignificant increase in transaxial reconstruction time. Iterative algorithms have been suggested for the reconstruction of tomographic data containing a high noise level. Computer simulations show that when the iterative reconstruction algorithm passes a certain point, images begin to deteriorate. The purpose of this work was to reduce this effect. The method reported here takes into account the area of an image pixel which contributes to a single projection element, using this area as a weight for calculating the projection elements. Thus, effects of partial plxel contributions are minimized. The iterative correction step was given by the arithmetic mean calculated as a sum of all quotients of measured and approximated projections. The procedure is implemented for rapid computation and therefore able to process routine PET data. The method was assessed by comparing reconstructed and simulated (true) counts in each image pixel. For each of two parameters of image quality (normalized root mean square distance = SD and normalized mean absolute distance = AD) the reconstructed images showed broad minima. For SD the value was nearly constant from 0.210 for 20 iteration steps to 0.212 for 100 steps. The same shape was obtained for AD which varied from 0.147 for 20 iteration steps to 0.142 for 100 steps. Therefore the stopping rule was not sensitive to the number of iteration steps. The procedure described here i s appropriate for the reconstruction of noisy tomographic data. It avoids image noise when many iterations are performed. In contrast to filtered backprojection it combines a high signal to noise ratio with an optimM image resolution. These effects involve the use of low-pass SPECT filter providing blurred reconstructed slices. We propose some processing methods which compensate for these degradations. After scatter correction on projections by the Spectral Iterative Deconvolution method, spatial resolution and attenuation effects have been restored iteratively by a multiplicative algorithm. Consequently, at each iteration, the signal to noise ratio was improved on resulting reprojections. Thus, the filter cutoff frequency has to be adapted at each iteration in order to preserve on the slices the benefits of these processings. This cutoff frequency was defined as the intersection point of the signal and noise power spectra calculated on the reprojections. Quantitation of activity concentration, lesion detectability and volumes were performed before and after all corrections. MONTE CARLO simulations and Jaszczak's phantom results demonstrated the improvement of these parameters for the corrected images when compared to the original phantoms. Moreover, the whole processing automatically converges. A.R. Formiconi, A. Passori Department of Clinical Pathophysiology -Nuclear Medicine Section University of Florence, Italy. The performances of the least squares (LS) algorithm applied to region-of-interest (ROI) evaluation were studied by means of simulations and phantom studies. The LS algorithm is a direct algorithm which does not require any iterative computation scheme and also provides estimates of statistical uncertainties of the ROI values (covariance matrix). A model of physical factors, such as system resolution, attenuation and scatter, can be specified in the algorithm. In this paper an accurate model of the nonstationary geometrical response and attenuation for SPECT studies was considered. The algorithm was compared with three others which are specialized for ROI evaluation, as well as with the conventional method of summing the reconstructed quantity over the ROI. For the latter method, two algorithms were used for image reconstruction: filtered backprojecflon and conjugate gradients with the model of nonstatlonary geometrical response. In these cases, attenuation correction was performed ~nploying the Chang method. For noise-free data and for ROI of accurate shape LS estimates were unbiased within roundoff errors. For noisy data, estimates were still unbiased and the precision worsened slightly for ROI smaller than resolution: with a typical statistics of brain perfnslon studies performed with a collimated camera, the estimated standard deviation for a I cm square ROI was 10% with an ultra high resolution collimator and 7 % with a low energy all purpose collimator. Using conventional ROI estimates with the conjugate gradient iterative algorithm and the model of nonstationary geometrical response, bias of estimates decreased on increasing the number of iterations, but precision worsened heavily thus achieving an estimated standard deviation of more than 25 % for the same I cm ROL These results show that the LS algorithm with accurate modelling of physical factors applied to ROI evaluation allows to recover resolution effects with limited amplification of statistical fluctuations in comparison with techniques where image reconstruction is involved. C. Van In order to achieve a reproducible delineation of the heart cavities during the cycle, we developed a program for the semi-antomated segmentation of 4D SPECT images. The red blood cells of 10 patients were labeled with 925 Mbq of Tcpertechnetate and a zoomed tomography was performed with a 3 head camera using a 64x64 matrix, 16 iimes bins, 180 steps on 360 degrees and 20 cycles per step. A planar acquisition the same day and an echocardiography were also performed. The automated segmentation used a modified split-and-merge algorithm which takes into account edge information during the splitting. We extended this segmentation to 3D and 4D in order to obtain more coherent segmentation results over the whole data set. Moreover, we also took into account the informations resulting from a Fourier transform. The operator is allowed to correct a degree of oversegmentation as a postprocessing step. The volume-time and activity-time plots for the 4 cavities were consistent in time. The left to right ratio of the stroke volumes of the ventricles was 1.02_+0.07 in healthy patients (n= 7) but was significantly increased (2.02+0.64) in 3 cases of mitral regurgitation, estimated at stage 2 by echography. A left ejection fraction of 70% or more and a right ejection fraction of 60% or more were considered as normal. The mean auricle to ventricle stroke volume ratios in normal conditions (7 patients) were 36.5 *. 10.7% right and 33.1 *-3% left. These limited results are promising for the clinical use of this kind of approach in the near future. Clas Tegenfeldt, Michael Randen and Rj6rn Gudmundsson Image Processing Group, Dept. of E.E, Link6ping University, Link6ping,Sweden A system for fast interactive visualization of volumes obtained from SPECT is presented. The system is implemented on a SUN Sparc work station under X-windows. Volumes of size 64x64x64 voxels can be viewed either by browsing through the stack of slices or by generating projections of the volume from different view-points. Projections are displayed as 256x256 pixel image and the surfaces of the objects in the volume can be shaded by means of an illumination model ( e.g. Phong-shading) in order to enhance the users perception of the three dimensional structure of the volume data. To achieve the impression of a rotating volume, sequences of projections are generated by an algoritm that yields a speed-up factor of about 10 over traditional ray-casting methods. In the current implementation, rotation-sequences are generated and simultaneously displayed at sustained rate of about 5 projections per second ( the angle increment between successive 9rojections is set by the user) on a standard SUN sparc IPC. Sequences can also be saved for later replay at even higher animation rates (up 25 frames per second). Other features of the system include variable tresholding and pseudo-colouring of intensity intervals interactively defined by the user. The objective of our study was to compare the hemodynamic changes, the frequency and duration of ischemic ST-segment depression and angina pectoris, the occurrence of side effects and the duration of both tests as a whole, in 31 patients with angiographically proven CAD who where examined with both agents. The interval between the tests was one week. Dipyridamole (DIPY) 0.14 mg/kg during 4 minutes and from t=8 to t = 10 in the absence of angina pectoris or ST-depression. Adenosine (ADE-NO) 0.14 mg/kg during 6 minutes. Both tests were combined with lowlevel exercise. 6 EXC During both tests blood pressure, heart rate and ECG were recorded every minute. Results: There were no statistical significant differences in the peak heart rates, increase of systolic blood pressure, the frequency and duration of angina pectoris and ST-segment changes but aminophyllin was needed in 14 patients after DIPY and in 6 patients after ADENO. Symptomatic hypotension occurred twice and dyspnea four times after DIPY and dyspnea occurred twice after ADENO. No AV-block was found. The duration of the ADENO test was 12.7±4.3 minutes, DIPY 18.7±5.0 (p<0.0001). We conc{uded that Adenosine might be preferable to dipyridamole because of less severe ischemia and the shorter duration of the test. Cumulative reported data indicate a sensitivity of 91% for TM I-MIBG in the detection, staging and follow-up of neuroblastoma. However, 12~I-MIBG has more favorable characteristics for this purpose, such as a shorter halt-life, a 159KeV gamma-peak, the greater photonflux (for SPECT) and a shorter overall examination-time. On the other hand with 1231-MIBG it is not poesible to perform delayed imaging which may be a disadvantage in detecting tumors which have a slower uptake-mechanism or in detecting tumors in or near normal structures that have a relatively high MIBG-uptake. To determine whether 12~I-MIBG has the same sensitivity as comparative studies were done with both radiopharmaceuticals in 32 patients with neuroblastoma. The methodology of both tests and clinical examples will be presented. Scintigrams were scored negative (-) , positive (+) or very pesltive (++), and were given a score for image quality on a 0-5 scale. Patients. We treated 24 pts (mean age 51 yrsj affected by poliarticular RA for more then 5 yrs, previously treated with drugs unsuccessfully. According to ARA classes, 16 pts were in the 2nd class, 8 in the 3d; according_ to Steinbrocker's (radiographic lesior~ of the knee), 18 pts were in the 2nd, 6 in the 3d. In 3 pts both knees were treated, with an interval of more then 6 months. Treatment. The knees were injected intraarticularly with 90Y (160M~q), followed by 40mg of prednisolone. In 18 knees this treatment followed partial synoviecto~y (in artro~copy), with excision of the more important villuses. Results. The effectiveness was evaluated on clinical (pain, swelling, functional impairment) and ir~trumental parameters (Rx, arthroscopies) . Excellent results were seen even after i yr in 21 pts, mediocre in 2, poor in i. Radiodermitis at the injection site complicated 2. Conclusion. The 2 pts with complications and the 4 with recurrences had not undergone partial arthroscopic synoviectomy before radiation therapy. On the c~ntrary, when the reduction of the synovial surface preceded 90Y, we had good results and no complications. The association of the two techniques is important when there are synovial loculus in the cavum, and when the synovial fluid is frankly corpuscolar at the arthrocenthesis. In our h a n d the m e t h o d shows e a s y to perform, f a s t anf reliable. 99mTc-MAG3 (D is at the moment the radiopharmaceutical of choice for renal function studies. However, some of its properties deserve further improvement, such as the unpractical and time consuming boiling step for its preparation and the limited shelf-life and activity of the reconstituted kit. We have now developed methods to eliminate both inconveniences, which may facilitate the daily use of this radiopharmaceutical. Experiments to prepare 99mTc-MAG3 in a microwave oven (MW) have resulted in a very practical and fast method for the reconstitution of I with high (> 95%) radiochemical purity. A heating period of 30 sec is sufficient for completion of the labelling reaction. Many parameters, however, determine the conditions for optimal labelling: position of the vial in the MW, volume in the vial, power of the MW. It appears necessary to determine the optimal labelling conditions for each type of MW. To enhance the stability we have studied the effect of a post preparation purification through a Sep Pak C18 cartridge equipped with a 0.2/~m sterile filter (SPC). Therefore, the cartridge is first activated with 5 ml of ethanol p.a., 5 ml of HC1 lmM and 5 ml of air. Then the preparation is loaded on the mini-column. Polar impurities are removed with 5 ml of HC1 lmM and finally, highly pure 99=Tc-MAG3 is eluted with 4 ml of ethanol 10% through a sterile 0.22 #m filter and diluted with saline. Radiochemical purity (RCP) of 99"Tc-MAG3 was determined by paper chromatography and RP-HPLC. Purification by SPC of a 100 mCi preparation boiled for 10 min at 100°C improved the RCP from 95.5% to 98.5 %. The stability of the filtered 99mTc-MAG3 was > 20 hours. It may be concluded that the use of a MW combined with a purification step through SPC provides a fast and reliable method for the preparation of very stable and pure 99mTc MAG3. Lymph node imaging represents a sensitive indicator of disease, however current methods are limited by the need for regional injection technics. We have developed a new class of imaging agents which localize in lymph nodes following intravenous injection. These compounds consist of a polymeric core of poly-I-lysine-DTPA with an external coating of dextrans of varying molecular weight. Labeling with both radionuc des and magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents has been accomplished. One of these compounds, with molecular weight of 200,000 daltons, was radiolabeled with In-111 by ligand exchange and tissue distribution studies were performed in rats at 1,6,12,24 (n=6) and 48 (n=2) hours following intravenous injection. The percent of injected radioactivity was determined for all major organs. Regional lymph nodes were harvested and pooled. Whole body and organ distribution and clearance were monitored by sequential gamma camera imaging of all animals. Blood and lymph node kinetics are shown in figure. DEXTRAN-POLY-L-LYSI NE-DTPA Blood activity cleared with a ~E~ENr roSE ~ER~t~ T1/2 = 2.5 + 0.2 hrs; at 12 hours !I 02~ ~ ~0.~0 following inaction a maximum ~ 7\ / ~ L¥~"N~; "°'2° ~ concentration of 10.8+_0.8%dose/ ~ 0.~0 f= g was seen in lymph nodes, 35.7 ~, 20 ~ 0.00 _+ 3.7% in spleen and 0.75 + 0.2 0 ~0 20 ~0 ~0 50 in liver. Minimal uptake was H0~S observed in all other organs. Preliminary results in an animal with a thigh abscess showed marked uptake in lymph nodes draining the inflamed region. These studies suggest that lymph node imaging can be performed following intrmvenous administration of dextrangrafted polymers that may be useful for detecting inflammation. A typical case is 2-123I-4-F-Ketanserin i.: 4-Br-2-F-Ketanserin ~ is a typical impurity in ~, the required precursor for labelling. ~ shows the same lipophilicity as i and also comparable binding properties for 5HT2 receptors. If about 0,1% of ~ is ~nitially present in ~, after the labelling reaction using about 10 -6 mol of ~, 10 -9 mol of ~ is collected with NoC.A. If injected there is a i00 fold excess competition of ~ for 5HT 2 receptors present in small amounts in thin layers in the brain cortex, thus decreasing the uptake of 2-123I-Ketanserin and rendering the SPECT interpretation erroneous. This was also observed in vitro and in the brain of small rodents. A high performance purification and high sensitive quality control of ~ was required. The terminal carbonylglycine moiety is believed to play an essential role in the interaction of PAHA, OIH and 99mTc-MAG3 (I) with the renal tubular cartier proteins. We have now synthesized and evaluated the in vivo behaviour of two derivatives of 99mTc-MAG3 (II and Ill) with a drastic change in the elecron density distribution of this terminal moiety due to conversion of the amide bond to -CH2-NH-CO-COOH. The S-protected ligands were labelled with 99mTc by exchang.e labelling at I00°C in the presence of starmous tartrate. Analyms ,and preparative purification was performed by RP-HPLC on a Hypersil ODS column. For each of the ligands mainly one radiochemical species was obtained with a surprisingly shorter retention time than I. Biodistribution was studied in mice (n=5) at 10 and 30 minutes p.i. The 99mTc-labelled ligands were cleared from the blood by the kidneys and efficiently excreted in the urine. Activity in the bladder at 10 and 30 rain p.i. for 89 .5%) and for 99mTC -l] ] (78.6%, 86.9%) was higher than for I (69.6%, 85.2%) whereas liver uptake was lower for 99mTC-II (1.28%, 0.30%) and 99roTe-Ill (2.35%, 0.48%) than for I (5.55%, 1.22%). In the baboon no distinct liver uptake was observed but clearance from the blood was much slower than in mice, which underlines the inter-species variability. The study of two additional terminal oxamide derivatives of I is in progress and will be reported. MIXED LIGANDS 99mTc (V)-COMPLEXES WITH TRIPODAL ANU MUmU-DENTATE THIOL AS CO-LIDAND: PREPARATION AND BIOLOGICAL STUDIES. Recently we have studied the synthesis and character i z a t i o n , at c a r r i e r l e v e l , o f oxotechnetium (V) t r i p odal NzSz and NS3 complexes containing p-methoxy-thiophenol as co-ligand. In the present study we r e p o r t the preparation at tracer l e v e l , of this new class o f oxotechnetium neutral complexes. Biological results are reported as w e l l . The complexes prepared were o f the f o llowing type: TcO(MeOC~H,S)[ X(CH~)zN(CHzCH~S)~ ] where X=EtS ( I ) , Et~N ( I I ) . Labelling: To a 9~mTc-glucoheptonate s o l u t i o n , equimolar q u a n t i t i e s o f the tripodal ligands and p-MeOC~H,SH were added in acetone. The mixture was exctracted with CHiCle, the solvent evaporated and the residue was subjected to HPLC analysis. Peaks corresponding to authentic samples of (I) and ( I I ) , prepared at T c -c a r r i e r level, were biod i s t r i b u t e d in mice. The need for reliable production of Fluorodopa (A) has led during the last past year to reports of various syntheses for this compound. Recently, a regioselective and enantioselective preparation of (A) starting from [lSF]fluoride produced by the lSO(p,n) nuclear reaction on leO-enriched water was described by our laboratory. The present work, can be considered as an improvement of this method which requires the asymmetrical alkylation of Boc-BMI (B). The main parameters for the application of this technique are described below. The synthesis involves the regioselective [lSF]fluorination of the 6trimethylammonium veratraldehyde triflate in DMSO at 90°C for 10 rain (45 % EOB). After purification by the traditional C-18 Sep Pak procedure, the ftuoroveratraldehyde is quickly converted into the [lSF]benzyl iodide derivative by treatment with diiodosilane (DIS) and easily purified by column chromatography (Silica gel: CH2CI2) (36 %). After evaporation of the solvent, the alkylating agent dissolved in THF is added to the lithium enolate of Boc-BMI. Asymmetric atkylation (-78°C, 10 min, 27 %) , hydrolysis with HI (20 rain, 200°C) and preparative afford the L-[lSF]fluoro-amino acid in an overall radiochemical yield of 23 % (EOB) with an overall synthesis time of 90 rain. Through this procedure, starting frorn 250 mCi of fluoride lSF', multimillicurie amounts (32 mCi) of n.c.a. (A) are now available at E.O.S. with good radiochemical purity ( e.e. -> 98 %). In addition, using the same nucleophilic approach several other aromatic amino acids in the n.c.a, state such as 2-fluorotyrosine can be made at a high level of activity. J.L.MORETTI*,C.BLANCHOT*,J.J.KOENIG**,R.ZINI*, F.X.JARREAU**,R.GERMACK*,G.DEFER*,P.NICOLAS* Radiopharmacology Laboratory (CHU Bobigny,CHU H. Mondor)) **Delalande Research -France OH 3Bromobenzyloxy Phenyloxy Hydroxymethyl Propanol was labelled with Iodine 125 by exchange using SnSo4, gentisic Acid and cuso4 by eating at 140°C for 45 min according to MERTENS method. Labeling yield was around 92%. using HPLC and RPI8 column, Iodo*MD (MW ~ 412) was obtained without carrier (specific activity 125Ci/mmole) Biochemical experiments were carried out in vitro showing Ki for MAOB of 5.4 nM and of 5000 for MAOA (HA/B=926). Using Ex vivo Kinetic inhibition on rats (dose: 5 mg/kg p.o), results demonstrated a stron~ similarity of action of Bromo MD and Iodo MD with a inhibition percentage lowering with time ( 9 1 % 1 h, 48 % 8 h, 2 % 24 h). Brain rat iodo MD concentration was maximal after the first pass and inhibition decreasing slowly with time (T 1/2 = 1.8 hours). Rats were dissected at differents time post IV injection (0-2 hours), principal organs and brain were obtained, brain was separated in 7 pieces. Radioactivity was concentrated in liver (58,2±1,4%), kidney (2±0,5%) and brain (3,6±0,3%) larger in subcortical structures and cortex than i~ cerebellum. MD 360194 I125 was prouved to be interesting for brain structures labeling, its relatively slow reversibility with time makes its application possible for brain SPECT in humans when labeled by 123 Iodine. 99roTe-labelled red bloodMells (RBC) are superior to 99mTc-HSA for ventriculography, but their labelling is more complex, time consuming and risk-beating (in vitro labelling) or suffers from interference of some medications (in vivo labelling). We have now modified human serum albumin (HSA) by the introduction of mercapto groups with the purpose to prepare a stable with long retention in the vascular system. Such preparation would constitute a potential practical alternative to HSA was incubated with 20-100 mols CHa-CO-S- to introduce an acetylmercaptoacetyl chain on some of the lysine amino groups. After purification by size exclusion chromatography (SEC) on Sephadex 025 the mercapto groups were deprotected by different methods: incubation at pH 11, pH 9,5, pH 7 or treatment with NH2OH. The presence of free thiols and their number was determined by measurement at 412 nm after treatment with Ellman's reagent. The reaction products after deprotection were used after or without SEC-pufification for direct or exchange labelling experiments with 99roTe at neutral or acidic pH. SEC-I-IPLC on a 300x7,8 mm Biosil was used to determine labelling yields and to isolate pure 99mTc-MA. After reaction of SATA with HSA in a 25:1 ratio and deprotection with NH2OH a very stable (> 6h) 99mTc-MA could be formed by direct or exchange labelling in > 95 % yield. Its stability and retention in vivo in plasma (mice) is clearly higher than that of 99mTc-HSA. Improvement of the in vivo stability and of a kit preparation is now under investigation. The preliminary results indicate that the preparation of a stable 99~Tc-mercaptoalbumin is possible, it will be further compared with 99mTc-RBC tO determine its clinical usefulness. A specific binding site for cocaine has been identified in the human brain and related to drug self-administration and to cocaine dependence. The binding site appears to be localized to the dopamine transporter presynaptically on nerve terminals in the basal ganglia. ~-CIT (2 ~ ~ carbomethoxy-3~-(4-iodophenyl) tropane, Kd=0.11 nM) is a cocaine derivative. To examine cocaine binding in the living primate brain ~-CIT was labelled with IIc by Nmethylation of nor~ -CIT with (llC)methyl iodide. The total radiochemical yield of (IIc)~CIT was 40-50% with an overall synthesis time of 35-40 min (inel~ding HPLCpurification and sterile filtration). The specific radio~ activity at time of injection was about I000 Ci/~mmol. In PET-studies (IIc) ~CIT was injected into Cynomolgus monkeys. Specific binding to cocaine receptors was examined in a displacement experiment with unlabelled cocaine. PET-analysis demonstrated accumulation in the striatum with a striatum to cerebellum ratio of about 5 aft k er 87 minutes. In the displacement experimeni, radioactivity in the striatum but not in the cerebell~m was reduced after injection of 20 mg cocaine. This finding indicates that striatal radioactivity following injection of (IIc) ~-CIT is associated with cocaine binding sites and that the binding is reversible. (IIc) ~ -CIT has the potential of a suitable radiotracer for the imaging of cocaine binding sites in the human brain in vivo by PET. TcN-NOET, his (N-ethoxy, N-ethyl dithiocarbamato) nitrido technetium (Tc-99m) is a new neutral myocardial imaging agent now under preliminary clinical studies. In order to improve its imaging properties, we studied the effect of the modification of nitrogen side chains on the uptake of target and non target organs in dogs. The following neutral TeN bis dithioearbamato complexes TeN (R R' NCS2)2 were prepared : R=C2H5, R'=CH3OC2H4 (1) ; R=R'=CH3OC2H4 (2) (1) and (4) on the N side chain shifts the H/Lu maximum ratios toward earlier times than NOET, while two ~-methoxy groups (2) gives a too rapid heart clearance. /~-ethoxy derivative (3) has best H/Lu ratios than NOET but the latter displays the better H/Li ratios during the overall experience. The mRNA of nucleated cells in blood were targeted for developing a new technique of labeling neutrophils by in vivo hybridization with In-DTPAAHON with ttistone4-specific mRNA. The anti-sense oligonucleotide(25mer) specific for histone4 and sense (control) was synthesized with DNA synthesizer and coupled with aminolink (Applied Biosystems). AHON was coupled with DTPA-isothiocyanate and purified by gel-filtration. 200-300 ~Ci of I n -l l l chloride was added and unbound I n -l l l was separated by gel-filtration. Cauine, porcine and human blood was collected in ACD anticoagulant and neutrophils (NP) were separated by Volex-sedimentation. We optimized the conditions of the NP~ uptake e.g. concentration of DTPAAHON, pH, time and temp. Aliquots of human NP, platelets, red ceils were incubated with both probes in ACD-plasma for 30 rain at 37°C and washed with ACD-saline For a long time attemps have been made to evaluate 99roTe-based tubular secreted renal function imaging agents. In order to substitute iodo-hippuric acid, the development of 99mTc-MAG3 was a first success. Nevertheless, because of the relatively low clearance ( 50 % el. p-amino-hippuric acid) it is desirable to develop new To-based renal function imaging agents. The present study describes the synthesis of 99mTc-Diaminomereapto(thio)ethers as a new class of tubular excreted compounds. Therefore a first compound of this series, ,10-dithia-deeanoic acid (.D has been synthesized by the reaction of Suecinimidyl-Sbanzoyl-thioglycolate and S-Aminoethyl-L--cysteine. The 99roTe-complex of _1 can be obtained in radiochemical yields of > 90 %. HPLC results in a product with a radiochemical purity of more than 99 %, either by hydrolysis of the protecting group prior to the complexatiun ("cold kit') or during the labeling reaction ("hot kit"). The complex is stable at room temperature over 24 hours as well in aqueous as in organic solutions. Octanol-water partition coefficients indicate a very hydrophilie compound, but surprisingly, electrophoresis shows a neutral complex between PH = 2 -7. Organ distribution was determined in rots. Within 24 h 40 % of Tc-DAMTE are excreted to into the feces and 43 % into the urine, whereas 15 % were bound to blood cells and 10 % were retained in the kidneys. In contrast, first studies in humans showed a very fast renal elimination of Tc-DAMTE, a lower liver uptake (< 10%) and no retention in the kidneys. The protein binding of > 95 % and the renal clearance of ea 200 mllmin/1.73 m 2 suggest a high tubular axeretiun rate of the compound. These results show, that Diaminomercapto(thio)ethers are very promising as renal function imaging agents. The synthesis of other DAMTEderivatives will be reported. R. Pasqualini, E. Bellande, V. Coma72i, A. Duatti, CIS bio international, Gif sur Yvette, France. Universi~ di Bologna, Italy. NrrRIDO D1THIOCARBAMATE MYOCARDIAL IMAGING AGENTS. Neutral bis(dithiocarbamata) nitrido teelmedum (V) complexes are new promising imaging agents, which showed high myocardial uptake in various animal species and in humans. Ws reported recsntly the preparation of these compounds, at no-carrier-added leve~, though simple substitution reactions of dithiocarbamate ligands onto a performed interm~iate containing the Tc=N group. This Tc-99m uitrido intermediate was obtained in high yield (>98%) by carrying out ths reaction of pertechnetate with S-methyl, Nmethyl dithiocarbazate, in the presence of HCI and tertiary phosphines, at 100°C. We studied the preparation of bis(dithiocarbamato) ultrido techntium(V) complexes using dithioearbamate ligands bearing side chain modifications on the basic [NC(S)S] functional moiety. Since it was generally observed that side groups on these ligands were unstable in acidic conditions, we tried to form ths Tc=N bond at neutral pH. Stannous chloride was used as rednstant in the reaction becans~ of the dirainished reducing power of tertiary phesphines in neutral sofutiuns. It was also investigated the ability of various hydrazine-like derivatives to donate ultride nitrogen atoms. The results showed that the highest yidds of formation of the Tc=N group were obtained at 100°C (97%), and at room temperature (88%) using Smethyl, N-methyl dithieearbazate, which appeared to be the most efficient dunnor of intride ions. Chromatography and ligands exchange reactions showed that the Tc-99m nitrido intermediate prepared through this alterastive routs is chemically differant from that obtained using the previous procedure. However, reaction of this species with dithioearbamate ligands led always to the same final bis(dithiocarbamato) nitrido technetium (V) complexes without altering ths uptake of these radiopharmaeautieals by myosardinm cells. A "crossed cerebellar diaschisis", i.e. reduction in metabolic activity has been demonstrated by Baron (1980) in unilateral lesions of one cerebral hemisphere. In the present study, we investigated if reverse effects do exist, i.e. a arop of the cerebral blood flow (.CBF) in the cerebral hemisphere contralateral to a cerebellar lesion. We examined 12 patients with one unilateral lobar (S cases) or lobar and v e r m i a n ( 4 cases) cerebellar haemorrhage. CBF were analysed using the SPECT method, bE inhalation of 133 Xe. The measurements were obtained from 3 slices (OM plane +1, +5, +9, cm). The rCBF values were quantified in the cerelSellum (CER) and in 9 areas on the cerebraq hemispheres: frontal anterointernal (Fro/), anteroexternal (FRo2) and posterior (FRo3), temporal anterior ( T e m l ) a n d posterior (Tern2), parietal (Par), occipital (Oct), lenticular (Len) and thalamic (Tha). "The rCBF values and next the asymmetry'indexes (A.I.) of the patients were statistically compared (p = .01 ; Mann Whitney) to those of 24 control, age-matched, sub-~ cts. The. comparison of rCBF values in the patients and control subiects showed that the median values were significantly inferior in t~e patients in the controtateral areas Fro2, Fro3~ Len and in the ipsi!ateral Cerebellar and Frol regions. The analysis of the AI revealed that the median cerebellar AI was significantly higher in the patients ; the same phenomenon was observed in the areas Fro2, Len and for the whole hemisphere. Furthermore~ the period that had elapsed since the stroke was not correlated wrth the rCBF values. Significant tendencies ~.01 < p < .03) were observed between the ¢limcal cerebellar score (0 to 8) and some of the rCBF values of the c0ntralataral: (Teml, Tern2, Par, Occ, Len and Tha) and of the i, (Par, Occ, Tha) hemispheres. LqSCUSSIOU. ~ These results suggested that a reduction of rCBF is associated to the controlateraF curebellar lesions. This phenomenon predomifiates in the anterior part of the cerebral cortex and in the basal ganglia. It can be related to the essential and reciprocal anatomical conuections between the cerebellum,, the thalamus and the frontal structures. The tendency to correlation between the clinical score and the rCBF values also suggested a link between cortical deactivation and severity of ataxia. Nimodipine is a calcium antagonist that has a potential beneficial effect on the neurologic outcome of acute ischemic stroke. To investigate its effects on cerebral peffasion in acute stroke, we studied 9 patients who suffered a first acute ischemic stroke, and who took part in a randomized trial of nimodipine. The diagnosis was confirmed by clinical observation and CT. Six patients received nimodipine by continuous intravenous infusion, from the first day of their hospitalization to the 5th day onwards. Three patients received placebo. Brain perfusion SPECT with HMPAO was performed on the first and fifth day of treatment. After termination Of the trial, the control group was expanded further with 12 consecutive patients complying with the same diagnostic criteria and treated conventionally. SPECT data were reconstructed and two circumferential profiles consisting of 64 4*4*4 pixel samples were generated, one representative for the frontaparietal cortex, and the other for the lower frontal and the temporo-occipital areas. Data were normalised to the cerebellar activity. Patient data were compared to a database established in 11 healthy volunteers, and consisting of mean values and standard deviations for each data points in the 2 profiles. For each patient study, data in the profiles were recalculated as differences to the mean normal value, measured in standard deviations. An ischemia index, I, was defined as the area (measured in standard deviations) of the profiles extending below the lower confidence limit of the normal population. A hyperperfusion index, H, was defined as the area of the profiles extending above the upper confidence limit. On the first day, no statistically significant differences were found between the treatment and control groups for I (treatment group: 14 =113~106; control group: 11=72+70 ) nor H (treatment group: H~=10~_15; control group: H1=38-+41 ). On the 5th day, ischemia had decreased in both groups (treatment group: 15=93+91 , control group: 15=42+57). Hypedusion had slightly increased in the treatment group (H5=17+19), and had remained stable in the control group (Hs=38+43). However,the changes of I or H from the first to the second study were not statistically different between the groups. In conclusion, within the 5 day time frame studied, we found no significant effect of nimodipine on the extent and intensity of ischemia/infarction, nor on luxury hyperperfusion. Alterations in central nervous system function have been observed after expeditions on high altitudes. The underlying physiopathological mechanisms, though incompletely understood, are presumably in great part related to hypoxia and hypoxia-induced reduction of cerebral blood flow (CBF). Nine members (8 male and 1 female, mean age 32 years) of the "Belgian Tibet Expedition 1991", underwent a Tc-99m HMPAO brain SPECT study before and after their stay on high altitude. Two persons reached a maxi-mal altitude of 8043 m; seven individuals went to -+ 5800 m at least. Each scatter corrected, reconstructed and reoriented data set was submitted to a semi-quantitative analysis, consisting of a circumferential delineation of the cortical and cerebellar activity in 4 consecutive transverse slices: 64 cubic, partially overlapping, 43 pixels containing volume elements (VE) were automatically generated with a constant angular increment of 360°/64. This procedure was carried out for a lower, middle and upper cerebra! level. The count value of each VE was normalised to the maximal cerebeliar value. In order to compare individual regional CBF (rCBF) before and after the expedition, relative differences in rCBF were calculated for each VE as: relA (%) = 100.(value after expedition -value before expedition)/value before expedition. Results: A) in 4/9 cases regional relA values were negative in most cortical regions (with minima between -10 and -20% predominantly left temporofrontal); in 3/9 persons relA ranged between-5 and +5% and 2/9 climbers showed a positive relA value in most cortical regions; B) the mean relA (per cortical VE) ranged from -9.6 to +6.3%; C) for the group in its totality: 1) a mean decrease of 1.7 % in global cortical CBF and 2) significantly(p<.01) negative relA values (corresponding to a diminished rCBF) in a left temporal-temporofrontal cortex region were observed. In conclusion, the applied semi-quantitative analysis of Tc-99m-HMPAO SPECT data enabled us to demonstrate rCBF changes after an expedition on high altitudes. In the 99mTc-HM-PAO SPECT study a semiquantitative assessment of regional cerebral blood flow was performed by means of a relative perfusion index between the two hemispheres. Squared regions of interest, 4x4 pixe], were placed in the anterior, medial and posterior cortical areas o£ the brain cortex in four consecutive txansaxial slices, excluding cerebellum. Three index values for each of the four slices were calculated by the ratio between symmetrical count values. Among 15 left brain damaged patients, 7 were aphasics, 6 of them had left cortical hypoperfusion and only one o£ the non aphasics showed a reduced cortical perfnsion (limit index = 0,8"/). On the 18 right hemispheric damaged subjects four had neglect, 3 of them had regional parietal hypoperfusion and one patient with transitory neglect had also parietal hypoperfusion. Moreover, 3 patients with localized frontal hypoperfusion failed to show neglect. 1. A good correlation is obvious between left cortical hypoperfnsion and subcertical aphasia. 2. In right hemispheric subcortical lesions a correlation between cortScal hypoperfusion and neglect seems to be present, but only if hypoperfnsion is localized at parietal cortex. Two essentially identical multi-center trials were conducted to determine the sensitivity and specificity of Neurolite® kit for the preparation of as an aid in the diagnosis and localization of stroke. In each trial, European (02) and North American (03), at least 100 evaluable stroke patients and 30 neurologically normal volunteers had a Neurolite® SPECT imaging study. All evaluable SPECT images were read institutior~ally by the principal investigator and three blinded readers who did not participate in the trial. The location of perfusion defects, which was noted independent of clinical assessment, was compared to the location of the functional defect determined from the overall clinical impression excluding the Neurolite® study. Neurolite® was safe and well tolerated in all subjects. Neurolite® sensitivity and specificity percentages for localizing stroke are listed below: Institutional Blinded Read ~'~'~gy # 02 03 02 03 Sensitivity 87 86 74(78) 61 (73) Specificity 9 7 9 8 8 8 9 8 In general, the sensitivity and specificity of Neurolite® was the same in all phases of stroke. Inter-reader reliability was very consistent in both blinded reads. Lower sensitivity in the blinded reads is expected and was partly attributed to the blinded readers lack of familiarity with the multiple format of SPECT images. Sensitivity was similar for all types of strokes except for lacunar which showed decrease sensitivity both institutionally and in the blinded reads. The lower blinded read sensitivity of study 03 disappeared when lacunar strokes, which had a higher incidence in the 03 study, were excluded (value in parentheses). In conclusion, Neurolite® SPECT images are sensitive and act as a specific marker in localizing brain regions which are functionally impaired due to stroke. E.Kreuzer. R.Wagner ~, J.Hasenberger ~, N.Schad* Herzchirurgische Klinik, Klinikum Gro6hadern, D-8000 Mfnchen 70 and ~St~dtisches Krankenhaus Passau, D-8390 Passau METABOLIC-FUNCTIONAL IMAGES OF HEARTS WITH CORONARY AR-TERY DIS EASE AND DECREASED VENTRICULAR FUNKTION: INVE-STIGATIONS USING 123 Metabolic-functional images ~rom hearts of patients (pts) with coronary artery disease {CAD) and reduced ejection fraction (EF) provide informations about regional metabolic processes in dyskinetic and akinetic wall areas. 23 pts [mean age:58.8 years) with a reduced EF (mean EF: 41.6%) underwent pre-and postoperatively (p.o.) metabolic imaging ~n a fatty acid study ac res~ and during exercise. There was a total of 27 infarctions in the pcgroup, resulting in 21 cases of akinesia and 7 cases of aneurysms of the anterior ventricular wall. Angiographic examinations revealed 17 times a three-vessel disease, 7 times a two-vessel disease. Parametrlc images of regional rates of IPPA clearing (5-oxidation) and IPPA increase { accumulation} for different time intervals after injection were generated by a multi-crystal gamma camera comparing coronary angiography and ventricular angiography. 1 mCi of IPPA was applied i.v.. In comparison of pre-and postoperative fatty acid images we see an increase of metabolic processes in the akinetic and dyskinetic areas after revascularisation in more than 90% of the cases. There was an increase of accumulation and clearing rate of 6.56% (S. ~.=ii.02), 1.23 (S, n 1 =7.8) resp. The subjective wei~:~ing was found us~n~ l questionary also improvement was defined in more than 90% of the pts. We conclude resting IPPA imaging identifies viable myocardium in patients with low EF and hypokinetic and akinetic ventricular wall area, providing a safe, cost effective technique for myocardial viability assessment. patients with systemic myopathies proven by muscular biopsy (mitochondrial (28), Curshmann-$teinert (7), congenital (3 I, muscular-dystrophy (7), etc.), were investigated with 15-(p-[I-123] iodophenyl)pentadecanoic acid (IPPA, 6 mCi) and sequential SPECTscintigraphy after subma×imal exercise, radionuclide ventricu[ography (MUGA) at rest and stress (99mTc-RBC, 20 mCi), ECG, 24 hour-ECG (LECG), and echocardiography (US). The quantitative comparison of the oblique slices of the SPECT-studies revealed turnover-rates as a qualitative measure of B-oxidation. Serum levels of lactate (L), pyruvate (P), glucose (G) and triglycerides (TG) were measured at rest and stress. Anamnestically 85% of the patients had cardiac chest pain. The clinical investigations (auscultation, RR,.etc.) revealed a pathologic result in 40%. In 55% and 75% of the cases the ECG and LECG were abnormal, respectively. US revealed a pathologic result in 47% whereas the MUGA was abnormal at rest in 28% of the patients and, in addition, 25% had a pathologic stress reaction. In 83% of the patients fatty acid metabolism was disturbed (disseminated in 45%; regionally in 38%). In 99% there was a coincidence of abnormal fatty acid results ~ with cardiac chest pain. The IPPA results were not due to raised serum levels of the competing substrates (L at rest: 1.2±0.8; at stress: 1.9±0.9 nmol/I p >0.5; P at rest: 62±21 ; at stress: 66±39 i~mol/I, p >0.5; G and T6 unchanged). In conclusion, IPPA-SPECT is a sensitive indicator o~ cardiac involvement in patients with systemic myopathies and is a pathognomonic imaging procedure in these diseases. Work supported by the U.S. DOE at ORNL (DE-AC05-84OR21400), NATO (CRG 900966), and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (FFK). Two normal, f a s t i n g v o l u n t e e r s were examined for 30 m i n u t e s on t h r e e d i f f e r e n t d a y s a t rest, d u r i n g s u b m a x i m a l e x e r c i s e and a f t e r i n t r a v e n o u s injection of 0.5mg/kg dipyridamole. Dipyridamole was used to i n c r e a s e t h e myocardial blood flow i n d e p e n d e n t l y of the metabolic demand. Pulse r a t e and blood p r e s s u r e were monitored c o n t i n u o u s l y during t h e s t u d y in order to e s t i m a t e t h e m y o c a r d i a l oxygen consumption by the r a t e -p r e s s u r e -p r o d u c t . In all studies, the myocardium was c l e a r l y d e l i n e a t e d . The time c u r v e s of m y o c a r d i a l a c t i v i t y were a n a l y s e d by the P a t l a k plot method, using p l a s m a a c t i v i t y c o r r e c t e d for m e t a b o l i t e s by HPLC a n a l y s i s . A l i n e a r P a t l a k plot was o b t a i n e d in all c a s e s i n d i c a t i n g i r r e v e r s i b l e u p t a k e . The slope i n c r e a s e d a b o u t 60% during exercise, but r e m a i n e d n e a r l y u n c h a n g e d a f t e r a d m i n i s t r a t i o n of dipyridamole. In a g r e e m e n t , the r a t e -p r e s s u r e -p r o d u c t was doubled during exercise. T h e s e p r e l i m i n a r y r e s u l t s i n d i c a t e t h a t the u p t a k e r a t e of FTHA into m y o c a r d i a l ceils is d e p e n d e n t on t h e i r metabolism and oxygen demand, and not on myocardial perfusion. The o b j e c t i v e of this study is to d e t e r m i n e if the s e v e r i t y of relative perfusion defect can d i s t i n g u i s h v i a b l e m y o c a r d i u m from scar. imaging were analyzed for p e r c e n t a g e uptake in i r r e v e r s i b l e defects. Ten patients had scar; ten had viable tissue confirmed by F-18 FDG scan. All 56 i r r e v e r s i b l e segments were q u a n t i f i e d by a 10% and 5% color scale. Segment P e r c e n t a g e D e c r e a s e d To quantify noninvasively stable and unstable regions of myocardial oxidative metabolism and physiologic workload changes,"transfer characteristicn-PCr/Pi of ~ P-MRS variations were systematicaly analysed in vivo,in the canine heart,4 healthy volunteers and 11 patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy,using modified Michaelis--Menten approach.Siemens MRI/MRS system operating at 2T was used at 35.89 HHz.The canine's heart was stressed with persistent hypoxia(Fi02 12%,then 8%)causing two episodes of cardiac failure.Normal operating zone(OP) was observed at PC~/Pi at 4.9;first metabolic crisis with OP at PCr/Pi at 0.7 and 10 min later a second failure occured with OP off scale to the right at PCr/Pi of 0.2 which was irreversible.For healthy persons OP of PCr/P± of 2.1 was calculated;and for patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and lowered Vmax for oxidative metabolism an OP of 0.9 for PCr/Pi wa~ calculated.Thus, the findings suggested that PCr/Pi values of less than 1.0 for cardiac tissue causes an unstable OP that leads to initial hypertrophy and e~entual heart failure and PCr/PI of 0.6 or less,suggest imminent heart failure. This simple rational of metabolic control based on the modified Michaelis-Menten theory of enzFme action identifies significant stable and unstable regions of myocardial oxidative metabolism and physiological workload. To assess the influence of vessel and/or graft patency of dectively revascu/arized coronary arteries on postoperative outcome of dysfunctioning but viable myocardium, 20 patients (pls) with preoperative regional wall motion (RWM) abnormalities underwent prospective serial quantitative coronary and left ventricular contrast angiography prior to (pre) and 5-~1 months after (post) PTCA (n=ll) or CABG (n=9). All pts preoperatively demonstrated evidence for preserved tissue viability by nuclear imaging using Tc-99m MIBI SPECT for evaluation of resting perfusion, and PET in combination with F-18 FDG for metabolism analysis in the region supplied by the vessel to be revascuiarized. SPECT/PET data were compared semiquantitativelyin a computed polar map format using customized software. RWM was analyzed independently by the centedine method (LAD and RCA regions only) and is expressed as difference in SD from normal RWM of a reference population. Negative values indicate hypokinesis. Results are given as mean of RWM for regions grouped as A (good angiographic result at follow-up), B (>50% diameter stenosis at follow-up) , and C (normal or i m ~aired RWM at baseline, but not revascularized), l~e~ions ( 2-bis(dihydro-2,2,5,5-tetramethyl3 (2H)-furanone-4methyleneamino) ethane) bis(tris (3 methoxy-lpropyl)phosphine)99mTc(11I)) has been demonstrated to have optimized properties for myocardial perfusion imaging. To promote the ready use of this agent, we have formulated a one step kit. Aim of this study is to confirm that the characteristics of purified Q12 and Q12 prepared from a kit are equivalent. Biodistribution of kit formulated 99mTcQ12 was evaluated by conjugate view counting procedure in 3 fasted, resting, normal, male volunteers at 1, 3 and 5 hours post i.v. injection of 12 mCi. SPET images were acquired at 1.5 hour; blood and urine samples were obtained throughout the study up to 24 hours after injection. Kit formulated 99raTcQ12 shows to behave as the purified material; the heart uptake (2.3+0.1% i.d. at 1 hr) is rapid, without significant myocardial washout up to 5 hours p.i. In addition, kit formulated 99mTcQ12 is cleared rapidiy through the hepatobiliary system, allowing images acquisition within a few minutes after injection. Twenty patients with demonstrated coronaropathy were studied with SPET using a rest/stress protocol; in 5 patients, ejection fraction and wall motion were also evaluated during the rest session. Under fasting conditions, excellent image quality could be achieved 30 rain after administration of 20-25 mCi of kit formulated 99mTcQ12. These results confirm and extend the potential of 99mTcQ12 as a promising tracer for routine myocardial function studies. Validation of the Method in Isolated Rabbit Hearts Purpose: The use of Rubidium-81 allows quantification of absolute myocardial blood flow. Prinoiple of the measurement is the flow related change of the equilibrium between Rb-81 and its dif-i fusable daughter Krypton-81 m in the myocardium. Flow can be calculated by F=3.2P((Rb/Kr)-I). [F: Flow in ml/min/g; P: partition coefficient for Kr gas; Rb/Kr: activity ratio between Rb and Kr], We compared myocardial perfusion measured by m with coronary sinus effusion in an experimental model. Methods: Isolated rabbit hearts were prepared in a modified Langendorff technique which allows quantification of coronary sinus effusion. Hearts were labeled with pure Rb-81 by injecting the tracer into the aortic cannula. After a single injection spectroscopic measurement of and Kr-81m gamma radiation was performed repeatedly with a germanium detector. Perfusion was variated between 0 and 4 ml/min/g by changing the aortic pressure. Kr/Rb ratio was calculated in 325 measurements. The influx of the tetraphenyl phosphonium ion into myocardial cells is related to the resting myocardial potential. An analog, the [11C] Methyl triphenyl phosphonium ion ([11C]MTP) was synthesized and its cardiac kinetics and radiation dosimetry determined after i.v. injection into mice and dogs. [11C] Methyl triphenyl phosphonium was prepared by reacting triphenylphosphine with C-11-methyliodide. The final product was of high specific activity (>1000 mCi/#mol). The biodistribution of [11C]MTP in mice was measured at different times after administration. In mice, uptake by the heart was rapid and the concentration of [11C]MTP in the myocardium was high and remained constant between 15 and 90 min (20.3 % -25.3 % of the injected dose per gram of tissue). The heart/blood ratio was 80:1 at this time point. Estimates of the radiation absorbed dose to major organs ranged from 0.61 to 126 mrad/mCi with the maximum radiation dose to the urinary bladder. [11 C]MTP was also administered to three anesthetized dogs weighing ~ 20 kg and serial PET images were obtained. At 5 min after injection the heart/lung ratio was 8.6, that of heart/liver was 2.2. These results indicate, that the uptake of [11C]MTP in myocardial cells is high and high heart/lung ratios provide excellent imaging properties for [11C]MTP. lgnasi Carri6, Lluis Bern~i, Lurdes Prat, Manel Roca, Vicens Rlambau, Gustavo Tortes, David Duncker, Montserrat Estorch. Barcelona, Spain. IgG A C C U M U L A T I O N IN EXPERIMENTAL ARTERIAL WALL INJURY. 111In-IgG has been used to delineate atheroma formation in animals. Proposed mechanism for IgG accumulation is binding .to Fc receptors on the foam cells present at the site of the plaque. We performed balloon deendothetialization of carotid arteries in 14 New Zealand male rabbits. After surgery, the animals were fed with normal diet and allowed to heal. Six weeks later 7 animals were injected with 200/zCi of I~I-LDL and 7 animals were injected with 100#Ci of l~qn-IgG. 48 hrs later the animals were sacrificed. Carotid arteries were removed, counted and fixed for autoradiography and light microscopy examination. Contralateral arteries served as controls. Significant IgG uptake was observed in the injured arteries at autoradiography, with localization mainly in the healing edges, and at well counting (% of the injected dose/g of 0.0438+0.06 verus 0.0058 +0.003 in the contralaterals, p < 0.05)), whereas no significant accumulation of LDL was seen (% of the injected dose/g of 0.0016+0.0009 versus 0.0013+0.0003 (p =NS)). Light microscopy of the specimens revealed injured endothelium without active atheroma formation. We conclude that IgG may accumulate in injured arteries without active atheroma formation. Inflammatory cells in the regrowing endothelium may be responsible for IgG accumulation independently of atheromatous plaque formation. J , M a u b l a n t . Z c e l l s of n e w b o r n rats w e r e incubated with 37 kBq of tracer and cellular uptake was m e a s u r e d after 2, 5, i0, 20, 30, 60 and 120 min of incubation. W a s h o u t was m e a s u r e d at the same times after 20-60 min of p r e i n c u b a t i o n then r e n e w a l w i t h n o n r a d i oactive medium. Results represent the highest cellular concentration at uptake (max cc, in % of the total dose, m~+~sd) and the time to r e a c h h a l f of the m a x i m u m at u p t a k e and washout (Tl/2, in min It is concluded that NOET shows a much higher cellular uptake than the other tracers and a n e a r THROMBUS DETECTION USING TECHNETIUM-99m LABELLED TISSUE PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR. Inhibited rt-PA was radiolabelled with Tc-99m and has demonstrated promising results of in-vivo thrombus localization in a rabbit model. Commercially available rt-PA (Boehringer Ingleheim) was inactivated with PPACK to permanently inhibit the plasminogen catalytic site. The reducing agent 2-mercaptoethanol was used to cleave the disulphide bridges within the rt-PA molecule. Following purification labelling was performed via stannous reduction of pertechnetate in the presence of an excess of low affinity chelating ligand (Gluconate). Two studies were performed, low (100~g) and high (ling) dose injections, which had labelling yields of 45% and 75% respectively. In-vitro studies showed that both preparations were immunologically active, incapable of plasminogen activation and the Tc-99m was bound to intact rt-PA. Thrombi were created in the external jugular vein of New Zealand rabbits, followed by an injection of Tc-99m rt-PA into the femoral vein. A control group was injected with Tc-99m HSA. The initial blood half clearance time for Tc-99m rt-PA was 5 minutes. At 2 hours post injection, thrombus:blood ratio was 4.5 _ 0.96 (mean 4-SEM) and 3.7 __. 0.6 for the low dose and high dose studies respectively. For Tc-99m HSA control study, thrombus:blood ratio was 0.27 4-0.08. Planar scintigraphy visualized thrombus in 4 out of 6 low dose and 4 out of 4 high :dose Tc-99m rt-PA animals. The thrombi not visualized were significantly smaller than those visualized (mean: 30mg vs 164mg, p<0.01). These preliminary results suggests that this radiopharmaceutical may be useful in human thrombosis scintigraphy. OF SYSTEMIC-PULMONARY SHUNTS WITH ECG GATED ACQUISITION The present study aims at the validation of ECG gated acquisition of the pulmonary blood activity as a method to detect and quantitate systemicpulmonary shunts. The method is based upon the detection of the nearly sinusoidal local activity variations oecuring in the lung ROI, during the cardiac cycle, after blood pool labelling with 99mTc and ECG R-wave synchronized acquisition with a Gamma Camera-Computer System 1. The phase distribution of the variations detected in healthy controls shows two peaks for different phase angles, the former represents the pulmonary flow and the latter, small and oecttring at grater phase angles, corresponds to the systemic-pulmonary flow. The ratio of the sum of the amplitudes of the pixels in the 2rid peak m the summation of the amplitudes in all the pixels in the lung ROI gives the relative blood flow of the systemic-pulmonary shunts. This was proved by animal experimentation in the present study. Systemic-pulmonary shunts from the ascending aorta to the pulmonary trunk were implanted in ten mongrel dogs. After introduction of a Swan-Ganz catheter in the pulmonary trunk the flow of the shunt was evaluated using thermodilution by sublracting the cardiac output after and before the shunt's implantation. Linear regression between the values obtained by the proposed method (A values in the figure below) and those obtained by thermodilution (B values) shows r = 0.918 with p = 0.0002. 10 20 30 40 In conclusion, ECG gated acquisition may have a role as a method to the noninvasive assessment of systemic-pulmonary shunts. The studies of the alveolar-capillary membrane permeability (ACMP) are presently made In Nuclear Medicine using 99mTc-DTPA aerosols, in this work a new method to map the local ACMP to the 133Xe is proposed. The study of the ACMP with 133Xe is a more physiulogical approach to the study of permeability of 02 and CO 2 than the techniques using liquid aerosols. The study can be performed immediately before the ventilation study and using the same 133Xe activity for both. The technique is easy to carry out. The patients lying supine, and after a preparatory period, are asked to inspire a bolus of 15 mCi (555 MBq) of 133Xe to their total lung capacity and retain the breathing for as long as possible. During this time, activity is acquired to a Gamma Camera/Computer System in a sequence with a raaximum of 200 images (64x64) with individual duration of 0.6 s. The processing consists of calculating the mean 'times for the decreasing 133Xe activity on each pixel and building a parametric image. A colour scale is adopted to allow for the quantitative visualization of the local membrane permeability. Former studies of the pulmonary function (ventilation and pea'fusion) were performed (133Xo and 99raTe-HAM). The software developed allows the simultaneous display of the permeability, ventilation and perfusion parametric images, q~is information can also be displayed as four parameter histograms. A group of fourty three patients was studied, divided into 7 subgroups consisting of 5 healthy controls, 16 pulmonary embolisms, 8 interstitial pathologies, 9 POCDs, 3 pulmonary vascular pathologies, 1 pulmonary neoplasia and 1 pulmonary abeess. For the pathologies studied the proposed technique showed sensitivity and specificity. It can be useful in the detection of ACMP alterations and also in the ACMP study of the evolutive behaviour of pathologies eavolving ACMP. The average of the half-times of disappearance for the healthy controls is 28. see. ~Vhen comparing the average values of the half-times of disappearance of 133Xe in the POCD group with the healthy controis, statistically significant differences occur. The same situation prevails for the TEP and interstitial diseases groups, For the groups of pathologies quoted the half-times of disappearance are shorter than in the healthy groups. Advantages of the proposed method with respect to the aerosols tecnhique are: it uses a more physiological tracer; the images have no artifacts; better dosimetry; allows ventilation study with the sgme 133Xe activity; shorter in time and easier to execute. T Purpose: To summarize the' results of 111In-octreotide scintigraphy performed in Over 700 patients in our hospital. Methods: [1111n-DTPA-D-Phel]-octreotide (mean dose 281 MBq) was injected i.v., and static images were obtained after 24 and 48 h. Results: Nine of 12 gastrinomas, 11 of 20 insulinomas, ~ glucagonoma, 9 of 11 unclassified apudomas, but none of 18 pancreatic adenocarcinomas were visualized. Also, 58 of 60 carcinoids, 24 of 24 glomus tumors, 18 of 25 medullary thyroid carcinomas, 6 of 8 GH producing and 8 of 12 clinically nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas were visualized. 111In-octreotide scintigraphy revealed the primary tumor and its metastases in 23 of 24 patients with Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC), whereas the primary tumor could be visualized in 26 of 27 patients with non-SCLC. AS somatostatin-receptors are absent on most non-SCLC investigated thusfar, their in vivo visualization is probably due to uptake of radioactivity by the tissue surrounding the tumor. In 46 of 66 patients with breast carcinoma, 22 of 28 patients with Non Hodgkin lymphomas, 13 of 13 patients with Bodgkin's disease, and all of 17 patients with sarcoidosis, tumor sites accumulated radioactivity during octreotide scintigraphy. In a considerable number of patients with carcinoids and glomus tumors, but also in patients with granulomas and 111 lymphomas, In-octreotide scintigraphy revealed more tumor sites than did conventional imaging techniques. Conclusions: 111In-octreotide scintigraphy is a simple and sensitive technique to demonstrate tumor localizations in the majority of patients with tumors of neuro-endocrine origin, and also in patients with lymphomas or granulomas. Apart from its merit in tumor localization, 1111n-octreotide scint igraphy, in consequence of its ability to demonstrate somatostatin receptor positive tumors, could be used to select those patients with neuro-endocrine tumors who are likely to respond favorably to octreotide treatment. The aim of this study is to combine the convenience and quality of immunoscintigraphy using 99m-Tc labelled monoclonal antibodies immediately preoperatively with the demonstration using a probe at operation that suspicious areas on the images and at surgery in adhesions, lymphnodes, omentum, in the tumour bed and deep in the pelvis etc. are or are not due to tumour. The Oncoprobe, 99m-Tc sensitivity of 110cts/s/KBq, was shown to have an appropriate spectrum of response, linearity, collimation, size and weight for this purpose. 600MBq 99m-Tc labelled PRIA3 for colorectal cancer, SM3 for ovarian cancer and anti PLAP for granulosa cell cancer were given i/v for immunoscintigraphy at i0 min, 6 and 22h with surgery following and probe localisation at 24h. Using a criteria of over 1.5:1 "Tumour" to normal tissue for a positive finding. 24 sites in 6 patients with colorectal cancer showed correct localisation in 20 (83%), the liver being the main problem. Average count ratio was 3.3 (range 1. 3-15.2) and average count ratio in excised tissue was 11.6 (2.0-21.1) 0.0077 % injected dose /g. 14/14 sites in patients with ovarian cancer (100%) were confirmed histologically. Average count ratio was 3.1 (range 1.6-6.1) and average count ratio in excised tissue was 3.2 (2.4-5 .1), % injected dose/g 0.0052. In granulosa cell tumour, the count ratio was 11.9 (7. .1). One true negative (colon cancer thought to be ovarian, SM3 negative) had a count ratio of 0.98 (0.79-1.1). This preliminary and ongoing study shows that intraoperative localisation is practical with 99m-Tc labelled antibodies. In vitro studies with EGF receptor positive cell lines using anti-EGF receptor MAb 425 and its fragments could show the ability to displace the natural ligand EGF from its receptor. Therefore ~ 425 shows great potential as antitumor agent by blockage of the tumor cell growth stimulatory effect of EGF. The complete receptor blockage could be obtained with the intact MAb at the concentration of 3 nmol/l, the F(ab) ~2-fragment at 10 nmol/l and the Fab-fragment at 40 nmol/l. In vivo studies with 1- 125-1abelled MAb and the fragments showed a high and uniform distribution of the F(ab) ~2-fragment in human tumor xenografts with a high EGF-receptor density early after injection. Within 6 h p.i. the tumor uptake was found as 19% injected dose per gram of t u m o r tissue, increasing to 2 3 % / g at 24 h p.i., leading to tumor/blood ratios ( Conventional protocols for the postsurgical follow-up of pts with differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) include serial whole body scans with 131I (WBS) and determinations of serum thyroglobniin (hTg). Given the 15-20% incidence of discordant results, we sought a new, sensitive monitoring procedure, assuming that specific i31I uptake, however low not to be detected at WBS, should ensue appearance in serum of thyroidal products (hTg, T3 and T4) endogenously labeled with 131I. This study was conducted in 135 DTC patients routinely monitored for tumor recurrence. A plasma sample taken 72 hrs after a diagnostic 13~I (370 Mbq) was fractionated on Sephadex G25 Superfine using a new method developed to this purpose (saturation with ANS, preliminary elution of all the radioactive components except thyroid hormones with 0.05M phosphate pH 7.4 and 0.01M KI, followed by bulk elution of labeled T3 and T4 with normal human serum). The results of chromatography (TH-Seph) and those of WBS and hTg were compared with the final outcoume of patients evaluated by other independent techniques and by adequate follow-up. Sensitivity and specificity of TH-Seph were 88.5% and '100% (accuracy 97.8%), versus 83.3% and 97% for WBS (accuracy 92.7%) and 59% and 100% for hTg (accuracy 74.6%). Combining TH-Seph with hTg achieved the highest gains in sensitivity and accuracy (97.4% and 98.5%) versus TH-Seph plus WBS (93.6% and 96.4%) as also versus WBS plus hTg (91.5% and 95.6%). These results indicate that the new chromatographic method set up for the chromatographic isolation of radioiodinated thyroid hormones neogenerated in vivo following a diagnostic dose of 13tI is able of identifying patients with recurrences from DTC with satisfactory sensitivity, specificity and accuracy, especiatty if combined with the conventional procedures. We m e a s u r e d the uptake of these agents in cultures of normal rabbit skin fibroblasts (RSF), neonatal rats fibroblasts from skin (NRSF) and h e a r t (NRHF) , n e o n a t a l rats myocytes (NRM), and of human melanoma cells with high or low melanine concentration (HMH and H M L , respectively). Monolayers of these cells wege incubated for one hour with 37 kBq of trace[. Uptake is expressed in percent of the total activity and per million cells. 17-28 23-26 23-28 20-26 22-29 21-22 Therefore teboroxime uptake remains nearly constant, irrespectively of the type of cells or of the species, w h i l e T I -2 0 1 a n d especially sestamibi uptake greatly increase in cells with high metabolic activity. The comparative uptake between these tracers has potential applications in the scintigraphic imaging of tumors. In the present study we examined the biodistribution of Tc-99m-HmPAO-LAK cells in well established pulmonary metastases (mets) bearing C57BL/6 mice to evaluate their possible diagnostic and clinical role. Experimental mets were produced in mice by I.V. injection of B16F10 murine melanoma cells (1 x 10 e cellstmous,e). On day 27, experimen~:al mice (n =110) and controls (r)= 10) were each injected with 1 x l 0 s labelled LAK ceils (370-740kBq). Five mice from each group were ;sacrificed at 2 and 24 hrs. post injection respectively and blood, liver; spleen and lungs were removed, weigh4d and counted for radioactivity. The percent of the injected dose: per gram were calculated for the tissues, The results showed that there was 2-4 times higher retention of LAK cells in the )ung, liver and spleen of the tumor bearing mice as cbmpared with the controls at the 2 hr. time point. The radioactivity in the liver and spleen remained unchanged over the 2 4 hrs. period; howeber, the uptake in the lung declined from 6% to 2.4% at 24 hrs. in the tumor bearing mice. The results implies that LAK cells have a significant affinity for metastatic foci. The potential use of autologous radiolabelled LAK cells in scintigraphy and possibly in treatment is currently being investigated. concentrations by means of a double antibody-solid phase assay. The adopted cutoff level was 30 U/ml which in our laboratOry corresponds to the 95th cantile. Tho CV calculated on a panel of samples with different concentrations of CA 15.3 ranged from 6.2% to 12.3%. Recovery ranged from 95% to 118%. The sensitivity and specificity of the test were evaluated in a preliminary study on 277 patients. The overall sensitivity was 26.9%: 9,5% in patients with negative axillary lymph nodes, 11.3% in node-positive patients and 58% in patients with distant naetastases. The specificity for benign breast diseases was 96%. Single determinations of CA 15.3 were performed in the follow-up of 864 breast cancer 'patients. 731 patients had no evidence of disease, 24 had I ocoregional recurrences and 109 had distant metastases. Only 58 of 731 patients with no evideuce of disease had positive CA 15.3 levels (specificity 92.1%). In relapsed patients the sensitivity was 54% for locoregional recurrences and 74% in patients with distant metastases. In this series of patients the positive and negative predictive values of CA 15.3 were 62% and 95%, respectively. In a group of 150 node-negative breast cancer patients serial CA 15.3 determinations were perfonned during follow-up (range 4-48 months) . Eighteen patients relapsed, 9 with locoregional recurrences and 9 with distant metastases. CA 15.3 levels were increased in only 2 of the 9 patients with locoregional recurrences while of the 9 patients with distant metastases 8 showed a progressive increase in marker concentrations. In the CA 15.3-positive patients, cancer relapse was demonstrated by marker elevation 4-48 months before the metastases were detected clinically. In conclusion, CA 15.3 does not display any validity in the detection of primary tumors and its main clinical use will be in the monitoring of disease-free patients to anticipate the clinical diagnosis of distant metastases. The CA 15-3 is a monoclonal antibody produced against I15D8 and DF3. To estimate the utility of the tumor-associated CA 15-3 in the diagnosis and monitoring of patients with breast cancer,. 2224 patients (595 pts with metastasis) were investigated. Thereof metastasis was linulted to bone in 215 pts, to liver in 28 pts and to lung in 56 pts. Plasma levels of CA 15-3 and CEA were determined using IRMA method. The sensitivity and speci ficity of CA 15-3 in detecting a metastasis were compared with those of CEA using several cut-off values. The association of two markers improved the-diagnostic sensitivity of CA 15-3 determination alone. In detecting bone, liver and lung metastasis CA 15-3 had a higher sensitivity (73%,85%,73% vs 62%,67%,41%, respectively) than CEA. During therapy an increase higher than 25% of initial value of CA 15-3 was observed in 74.6% of pts with a new metastasis or recurrence, while CEA had an increase only in 49.3% of pts. During remission CA 15-3 was decreased>50% of the initial value in 55% of patients, but only in 30.6% of pts with CEA. Combination of both markers seems to be confirmatory to detect a metastasis of breast cancer, but CA 15-3 appears to be more suitable than CEA to assess the response to therapy. Application of systemic adjuvant therapy for primary Breast cancer requires the identification of patient at high risk for recurrence. Expression of the Estrogen-regulated lysosomal protease Cathepsin D and the Estrogen-regulated pS2 protein was studied in a series of 138 Breast cancer the surgically resected primary tumors, Estrogen and Progesteron Receptors have been quantitatively assessed by dextrancoated charcoal method (Scatchard and saturation curves ), In the same cytosols using two-site solid phase sandwich immunoradiometric assays, we quantified the total Cathepsin D (precursor & processed forms) and the pS2 protein. No correlation was found between the concentrations of Cathepsin D, steroid receptors and the pS2 concentrations. Using cut-off values previously described by many authors:(40 pmol/mg protein for Cathepsin D; 31 ng/mg protein for pS2 (11 ng/mg Foeken's equivalent (1); 10 fmol/mg protein for steroid receptors)we studied the qualitative relation between these cytosolic factors and others prognostic parameters ~s menopausal status, histological grade, axillary lymph node status, microscopic tumor size and patients age. According to the X 2 test : -no statistical correlation was found between the Cathepsin status and the other parameters even pS2 and lymph node status. -low significant association was determinated between pS2 and steroid receptors, inversed and low relation with menopausal status, patient age, but not with node Status, tumor size or differenciation grade. With 2 years mean follow-up (15 to 47 months) our prospective study is insufficiant to evaluate clinical survival. Anyway our preliminary results show that all the patients with earlier recurence or metastasis, independently of their node status are Cathepsin D positive ~ind/or pS2 negative. If the prognostic value of these two independent factors is confirmed by other and longer studies, Cathepsin D and pS2 measurement could be used as a tool for optimization of individual treatment. CA-549, a c i r c u l a t i n g breast cancer associated antigen was determined in 434 female patients presenting a h i st o l o g i c a l l y proven breast cancer by an immunoradiometric assay at the same time as 2 other markers (CA- .1263 determinations have been realized (I to I I / pat,) in d i f f e r e n t stades of the disease; among them 106 patients presented metastatic disease,15 a local relapse and 33 a remission a f t e r treated relapse or generalisat i o n . A l l cases had had at least ly of follow up a f t e r the l a s t CA-549 determination.The overall accuracy of the CA-549 test was 77,4% with a s p e c i f i c i t y of 90,9% and a s e n s i t i v i t y of 59%.The main group of the false negative cases provided from the patients before the i n it i a l treatment presenting stage I and II disease,independently from estrogen-receptor and the a x i l l a r y lymph node status.True positive results in case of generalisation corresponded mainly to soft tissue and bone l o c a l izations,ln 89,6% of the cases there was concordence between CA-549 and CA-15-3 results; the concordence was 62,7% between and CEA.81% of the concordent CA-549/CA-15-3 cases were true positive or true negative.CA-549 corrects 44,5% false positive and 7% false negative CA-15-3 results of the discordent cases.When compared to CEA,in case of discordence The recognition of TPS (tissue pol~eptide specific antigen) as a proliferation marker led to the question about its clinical role in contrast with that of tumour markers in the serum of patientswith~ynaecologic cance~. Fourty-one patients were studied; 28 of them had breast carcinoma (TINOM0 -T2NP/W2) and 13 ovarian carcinoma (pT2NOM0 -T3cN/MI). In 87 (5~+33) serum samples the concentration of TI~ (as proliferation marker) as well as of CEA, CA CA 125, and CA 72-h as tumoor markers were determined using monoclonal imm~]noradiometric assay (IRMA). A rise of serum TPS was found in 9 of ~i patients (21,9 %), among them 8 of 28 (28,6 %) with breast carcinema (2~ serum samples) and i of 13 (7,7 %) with ovarian carcinoma (~ serum samples); progredient tumour growhhwas noted in these women. An elevation of tumour markers in serum was observed frequently: CA 15-3 in 16 patients, CA 125 in iI, CA 72-~ in 10, CA 19-9 in 7 and CEA in 6 patients. One woman with breast carcinoma showed an increase of solely serum TPS as proliferation marker whereas only l tamourmarker (serum CA 125) followed several months later. According to results of other studies, a rise of serum TPS may be due to an increase of the proliferation of tumour cells. In contrast, an elevation of tumour markers in serum appears to be related rather to the mass of a tumour, possibly the number of tumour cells. A total of 40 patients with advanced prostate cancer (6 stage C, 4 stage D1 and 30 stage D2) treated by hormonal manipulation between July 88 and January 92 were studied to evaluate the use of serum PSA for predicting outcome. All patients had serum PSA determinations before treatment, every 3 months during the first year of followup and every 6 months thereafter, using commercially available radioimmuno-assay kit. Outcome variables were biological progression (BP) and clinical progression (CP). BP was defined as 2 increasing PSA levels within a minimum interval of 3 months. Initial PSA ranged from 1.1 to 212.8 ng/ml ( mean 59.1 -+ 36.2 ng/ml) and followup ranged from 6 to 37 months (mean 22 months). During this period 18 patients presented BP, 15 presented CP and 8 died. For all patients the biological response rate (BR) was computed and defined as the percent decrease of PSA at 3 months. Initial PSA levels and BR rates were correlated to BP and CP. No correlation was observed between initial PSA level and disease progression. BR correlated significantly with BP (r=0.467, p=0.002) and CP (r=0.489, p=0.001). The 40 patients were divided in 2 groups according to BR and were examined in relation to the survival free of BP and CP. At the cutoff point of 80%, the median survival free of BP was 14 months for patients that presented a BR lower than 80% compared to 34 months for patients presenting a BR higher than 80% (p=0.0006). Similarly, the median survival free of CP was 17 and 34 months for patients presenting a BR lower and higher than 80%, respectively (p= 0,007). In conclusion, initial serum PSA level is not useful for predicting outcome. BR correlates significantly with disease progression and survival free of progression. BR requires a single determination of PSA at followup to be computed, and provides accurate predicting information eady in the course of the disease. These observations suggest that patients with a BR rate lower than 80% are at increase risk for developing progression and are strong candidates for eady adjunctive non-endocrine therapy. In patients (pts) with advanced neuroblastoma (Nb), measurements of urine vanillylmandelic acid (VMA), serum ferritin (FER) and neuron-specific enolase (NSE) have been suggested as useful tumor markers in assessing the success of therapy. In this study, we evaluated 15 pts (7 M and 8 F, ranging in age from 2 to 68 months) with histologically proven advanced Nb pre-and post-5.7+2.7 months of chemotherapy (CRx) (Cisplatin, Vincristine, Cyclophosphamide, Achiamycin and Teniposide) using iodine-131 metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) scintigraphy (0.5 mCi iv; images at 24, 48 and 72 hrs) and urine VMA measurement. Serum FER and NSE serial measurements were also obtained in 10 and 8 pts, respectively. Abnormal M/BG uptake was qualitatively graded using a 5-point scale (from 0=absent-to 4=peak-activity) on both pre-and post-CRx 48 hrs images. Pre-CRx, a total of 37 Nb lesions with abnormal MIBG uptake were detected. Post-CRx, only 21 of the 37 pre-CRx lesions persisted and 5 new loci of increased MIBG uptake were additionally localized. With CRx, MIBG abnormal uptake was significantly reduced in the majority of Nb lesions (p<0.01). Although the overall reduction in MIBG uptake, there was variability in the change of MIBG uptake for each lesion (decrease, disappereance, increase, no change or new abnormal foci). Although. there was a trend to diminish of VMA, FER and NSE levels, these tests did not show significant differences between pre-and post-CRx values. In conclusion, these data show that: 1) MIBG scintigraphy allows to completely evaluate lesion by lesion the heterogeneity of CRx response in advanced Nb; 2) VMA, FER and NSE tests can only show the functional status of the total Nb masses and are not helpful in defining the response of individual lesions to the treatment. 25 children (18 males, 7 females, aged 10 days to 11 years at diagnosis) underwent 75 MIBG and 68 bone (Tc-99m-DPD) scans. According to the Pediatric Oncology Group classification 1 patient had stage A, 7 each stage B and C, 6 stage D and 4 stage Ds disease. Histology showed 10 neuroblastomas (N1), 10 differentiated neuroblastomas (N2) and 5 ganglioneuroblastomas (N3). 48/75 MIBG and 34/68 bone scans were abnormal. At diagnosis, both studies were performed in 11 children. Uptake of both compounds was shown in 9/11 primary tumors. With respect to histologic differentiation 8/8 N1, 9/9 N2 and 3/5 N3 showed tumor uptake of MIBG at staging and/or follow-up. 2/2 N1 and 1/1 N2 had normal MIBG scans during complete remission. 7 children with proven bone marrow involvement showed bone lesions on concomitant MIBG (7 scans) and DPD (6 scans). Metaiodobenzylguanidine(MIBG) and the monoclonal anti-NCAM-antibod¥ BW575/9 have been proven successful in imaging neuroblastoma(NB). As NBs tend to differentiate to minor malignant counterparts, the question arised, whether or not, and if so, to what extent this cellular change is paralleled by a change in uptake of the above two pharmaceuticals. The answer to this question may be essential for the ,assessment of their value in NB management. The ai~mof this study was to document quantitatively the potential change of both the MIBG-and BW575/9-uptake in an in vitro NB cell line model. We used the human NB cell line SK-N-SH, which is known to take up both MIBG and BW575/9, and RA which induces a variety of differentiated functions,including phenotypic differentiation. MIBG-and BW575/9-uptake assays were established to assess quantitatively the respective uptake in an in vitro cell line environnement. SK-N-SH was continuously exposed to 5 uM all-trans BA for 8 days. Results: Most of the SK-N-SH cells showed a marked increase in neurite extention. MIBG-uptake d~oped down to 57~ of the uptake of control cells without EApretreatment (as already published by our group), whereas BW575/9-uptake raised slightly for about 30~. Conclusions: These data show that (i) RAinduced differentiation is followed by a different uptake behaviour of the two NB-avide substances,i.e, a marked decrease for MIBG and a slight increase for BW575/9. (2) In clinical situations where differentiation of NB is likely, the use of MAbs such as the BW575/9 should be considered as a complement to MIBG for both scint~graphy and therapy. A.FACELLO, J.HADDAD, B.BRUNOT, A.CONSTANTINESCO CHRU Hautepierre, STRASBOURG . FRANCE. CEZEBRAL BLOOD fLOW (CBF} FOLLOWING PERINATAL ASPHYXIA ASSZSSEO BY BRAIN SINGLE PHOTON EMISSION COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY (SPECT).USING 99mTc HMPAO. 14 neonates (35-42 weeks G.A.) with perinatal asphyxia and in whom 99mTc HMPAO brain SPECT was performed, were studied prospectively during the f i r s t years of l i f e . 2 groups were individualized : G1 (n = 6) developped normally; G2 (n = 8) 6 died in the neonatal period and 2 severely delayed. HMPAO SPECT was performed following asphyxia either in the acute phase (A) (0-12 hours) G1 = O, G2 = 4; in the subacute phase (S) (12-96 hours) G1 = 6, G2 = 5 or in the chronic phase (C) ( > 96 hours) G1 = 4, G2 = 2. TcPC02, TcP02, and d i a s t o l i c v e l o c i t ies (DV) were recorded. SPECT analysis based on the counts in R.O.l./pixel/body/weight/dose of radiotracer was performed. Two perfusion indexes ( I ) , ICBF,I regional CBF (IrCBF) of cerebellum, f r o n t a l , p a r i e t a l , occipital and basal ganglia were derived. Percentage of HMPAO brain uptake was also calculated. In G2, there is a difference (p~O,05) between A and S regarding TcPC02 (32 vs 18); DV (11.8 vs 28.8) and IrCBF of the cerebellum (13.2 vs 11.3). Comparing G1 and G2 in S s i g n i f i c a n t differences ( p~O , O l ) are noted regarding TcPC02 (39.5 vs 18.6) whereas ICBF are similar (48.1 vs 46.1). ICBF and HMPAO brain uptake in S were higher than those noted in C in both G1 ang G2 (12 % vs 6 %). We conclude that following birth asphyxia, increase in CBF (hyperemia) occurs mainly in S and is related to adaptive response to hypoxia hypercapnea. However in severe asphyxia, i t is predictive of bad outcome i f CBF/PC02 r e a c t i v i t y (increase in CBF despite low PC02) is lacking as in G2. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is a life-saving procedure in neonatal refractory respiratory failure. During ECMO, the infant's blood is shunted from the right atrium, via the right internal jugular vein (RIJV), oxygenating it through the membrane oxygenator, and returned to the systemic circulation via a cathetar in the right common carotid artery (RCCA) after the ligation of RCCA. ECMO has been used since 1985 at Jefferson and since January 1992, 5 neonates treated with ECMO had measurement of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) using Tc-99mHMPAO and a triad (Trionix, Twinsburg, OH, USA). Each neonate received 2 mCi of Tc-99m HMPAO IV and sedated with chloral hydrate (50mg/kg, oral). One hour post injection, the patients were scanned after having the patients in the most comfortable position in either supine or prone aad turning the head to either side. One-hundred-twenty frames of 40 sec were acquired with 1.4 zoom mode. using 128x128 matrix and tomographic slices were reconstructed using 128x128 matrix after making the correction for patient's position and head tilting. Two neonates had "normal pattern" of neonates with high rCBF in sensorimotor cortex, thalamus, brain stem and cerebellar vermis. Three neonates had significant decrease in rCBF within the right cerebral hemisphere. In summary, brain SPECT was successful in neonates after ECMO and a potential clinical value of brain SPECT in long-term follow-up of neurodevelopmental outcome after ECMO is under investigation at our institution. O~A~~-~ ~0~ ~OL~T~ The aim of this study is the assessmen~ of ~he gallbladder (GB) motill%y in response %o meal stimulation in healthy volunteers and in patients after %oral gastrec%omy (Roux Y), in order %o evaluate the effect of vago%omy early and late after surgery. The study was performed in ~ subjects: i~ controls Wlthou% (C), 8 With (CS) meal stimulation, and in 6 early (<~ months) (EPG) and 7 late (i-a years) (LPS) postgastrectomy patients, also after stimulation. Data were collected (Nora, MlcroDelta) during (~ h,10 ml/h) infusion of 150 MBq, 025 m~/ml 99m-Tc-EHIDA, preceeded by a loading dose, AccoPding ~o %he %~e when "pla%oo" in ~ was observed (97-i~5 mln), test meal was given in la0 mln, In comparison ~o %he C (X=56,Smin +/-S6,0), emptying time (Te) was significantly decreased (p< 0.01), in all groups after s~imulation (CS, X: $7,Smin +/-li.@; EPS X:aa.Tmin +/-i~,~; LPG, X= ZT,Smin +/-la.6). However, Te didn't differ (p>0.05) between the later three groups. Least square ra%io (Le~) between ascendent and descenden~ slopes_of the ~B curve was signi~cantly higheP in EPG (X:R,5 +~-0,7) than in CS (X= 0,8 +/-0,5; p<0.01) LP~ (X:L0 +/-0,7; p0,05). Ejection f~ac%ion (EF) was much higNer_ (p<0.05) in the CS (X:76,~Z +/-.17.9) %hart in C (x:~a.lZ +/-7.a) and EPS (x:~i.TZ +/-i£,~), There was also significant difference (p<0.01) between the values in EP~ and LPG (X:7@,SZ +/-ILS), while those between CS and LP~ didn't differ (p>0.05) On the contPaPy, filling %i~e, "pla%oo" ~ra%ion, and integral ra%lo between the ascendent and descendent ~rt of the SB curve were not proved ~o De valuable parameters in the SB motility assessment between the ~roups of patients studied (p>0,05), ~, Let ~d ~ are important parameters in GB motility assessment In ~esponse to stimulation, in the controls and after total gas%rectomy. SB motility recoveres later after %o%aI gastrec%omy with v~o%omy that ~n be explained by establishment of some other mechanisams, predo~nantly hormonal (CCK). (In-111 -IgG) SCINTIGRAPHY Exacerbation of disease activity is a common event in the course of IBD. Endoscopy, radiographic contrast studies and labeled white blood cell (WBC) scintigraphy are frequently used in the diagnostic work-up of these episodes. Since In-ll 1-1gG scintigraphy has many logistic advantages over labeled WBC scintigraphy, we assessed the utility of In-111-1gG scintigraphy for evaluation of disease activity in patients with IBD. Four male and six female patients with clinical evidence of active disease were studied. Eight patients had Crohn's disease (CD). Three of these patients had CD of the small bowel, two had CD of the large bowel, and three had CD of both the small and the large bowel. Two patients had ulcerative colitis. Scintigraphic images were recorded 4, 24 and 48 hours after injection of 75 MBq . SPECT was performed 24 hours postinjection. The scintigraphic results were verified at surgery, with endoscopy and/or contrast radiography. In-111 -IgG scintigraphy correctly identified presence and extent of small bowel involvement in 5 patients, presence and extent of colon involvement in 4 patients, perianal involvement in 2 patients and abdominal abscesses in 2 patients. SPECT was absolutely essential for adequate interpretation of scintigraphy. Other diagnostic techniques did not reveal additional bowel lesions. In conclusion, In-l11-lgG scintigraphy accurately detected presence and extent of disease activity in patients with IBD. Advantages over are the convenient preparation and the possibility to obtain high quality SPECT images. However, other current diagnostic techniques remain necessary for identification of structural abnormalities, such as stenosis and fistula. Hovi I; Vorne M, Lantto T, TaavitsainenM: The separated autologous leukocytes were labelled with freshly prepared Tc-99m-HMPAO and reinjected. The mean dose of labelled leukocytes was 260 MBq. HIG was labelled with about 555MBq of pertechnetate according to the m a n u f a c t u r e r ' s instructions. Sequential i m~e s from 2 min to 6 h and even 24 h were obtained with both methods. For comparison the findings were classified in three categories: O: not detectable; I: detectable; 2= readily detectable. Twenty patients had focal purulent disease as final diagnosis. The lesions were better seen with leukocytes in 14 cases, equally well with both methods in 2 cases, and not detectable with either in 2 cases. Two purulent spleen lesions were seen as focal defects in the active background. HIG was not better in any of the studies. Conclusion: Tc-99m-HMPAO labelled leukocytes are superior to in the detection of focal purulent disease. T h e aim of t h i s w o r k was to e v a l u a t e t h e r o l e of t h e 99mTc-HMPAO g r a n u l o c y t e s c i n t i g r a p h y In conclusion, GS not only shows intensity and extent of active inflammation and complications of CD, but also demonstrates that active inflammation often persists during remission and in responders to treatment. M. Pap6s, *F. Nagy, J. L&ng, L. C s e r n a y A l b e r t S z e n t -G y 6 r g y i M e d i c a l University, D e p a r t m e n t of N u c l e a r Medicine, *County H o s p i t a l Szeged, H u n g a r y A simple non-invasive test for the exocrine function of the pancreas would be attractive to diagnose various diseases of this organ. 1, 2-dipalmitoyl~3-[(15-p-[I-131 ] -iodophenyl)pentadecan-1 -oyl]rac-glycerol (1, has been evaluated for this purpose. After oral administration, IPPA is released from the triglyceride by the action of pancreatic lipases followed by intestinal absorption. Radioiodinated benzoic acid (IBA) is the metabolite of IPPA and is then conjugated and excreted in the urine. To establish the normal range of excretion, we investigated 6 normal volunteers and 5 patients without signs of pancreatic disease. About 30 izCi of 1, were administered orally with subsequent urine collection for two 24 h periods. Blood samples were withdrawn after 1,3, 4, and 6 hours in 3, 5, 1, and 2 patients, respectively. TLC analysis was performed on the serum lipid extracts with two different solvent systems. After 24 hours, 76 % of the administered activity was in the urine (SD: 13.8 %) and after 48 hours 98.6 % (SD: 14.9%). The TLC's showed two major peaks which corresponded to the IBA and tripalmitin standards, The proportion of IBA increased with time. No difference was obvious between the two solvent systems. In conclusion, urine analysis after 1, may masure pancreatic lipase activity by a simple non-invasive technique. The s.mall standard deviations of the normals suggest this agent may be useful to diagnose insufficient pancreatic activity. Feeding either CE or CDD induces fatty liver in rats. This project was undertaken to measure quantitatively the effect of fat accumulation on liver function; 10 rats were fed a 36% ethanol diet for 4 weeks and another 10 rats fed CDD for 25 weeks. QMS was performed at 2nd, 5th, and 25th week in the CDD group and at 4 tlnweek in the CE group. Data were acquired at 1 frame/20 sec for 20 min. using a gamma camera after the injection of 30(3 uCi of Tc-99m-Mebrofenin into the tail vein. Hepatic ex traction fraction (HEF) and excretion half time(T-i/27 were obtained. The rats were sacrificed and blood and liver samples were collected for bioc/nemiaal and histoli gical examination. Marked fatty infiltration on the liver was observed in both groups; this did not alter HEF but significantly prolonged T-i/2(mp 20 ~U/ml (normal range 0.i -5 ~u/ml) and compared their results with a normal data base of 20 subjects. After an overnight fast, all patients underwent the same test procedure. The standardized test meal consisted of 1 scrambled egg labeled with 1 mCi of Tc-99m-SC, 2 slices of bread and 125 ml of water. Anterior and posterior images of the stomach were recorded every i0 minutes for 2 hours. Gastric counts were determined at each time interval and corrected for Tc decay. Geometric mean of the counts was calculated and the percentages of activity retained in the stomach after 60 and 120 minutes were then determined. T 1/2 was obtained using the modified power exponential function y = 1 - (l-e-kt) B and compared to the normal subjects values. GE was significantly delayed (p < 0.05) in patients with biological HP (mean T 1/2 = 116 ± 44 min.) compared to the control group ( mean T 1/2 = 53 ± 17 min.). Individually, 8 out of the ten patients were outside the upper normal limit, i.e. > 87 min. (mean ± 2 SD). In conclusion, our study confirms that dysfunction of the thyroid gland may influence gastric motor function and demonstrates that, in asymptomatic patients with biological evidence of HP and who are not receiving a substitutive therapy yet, GE of solide is significantly delayed. Most of the hormone producing gastrointestinal tumours contain high density of binding sites for somatostatin. Octreotide, a synthetic, long-acting octapeptide, is a somatostatin analogue which has similar biologic characteristics as the native peptide and allows in-vivo labelling of somatostatin receptor positive mmours. Indium pentatreotide (DTPA coupled octreotide, Octreoscan R, Mallinckrodt Diagnostica, Netherlands) was used for scintigraphy in 8 patients with clinically and histologically proven GEP tumours (4 insulinomas, 3 carcinoids, 1 VIPOMA) The study was approved by the local ethical committee; written consent was obtained. Labelling was performed by the addition of In-111-chloride to the pentatreotide. Quality control, using SEP-PAK R cartridges and methanol as eluent revealed a radiochemical purity of about 95%. After injection of pentatreotide planar images in at least two views and SPECT of thorax, abdomen and pelvis were acquired 4, 24 and 48 h p.i. using routine gamma cameras. There were no false positive results. 3/4 insulinomas were true positive. One insulinoma did not visualize the ligand. The patients with carcinoid and VIPOMA had metastatic disease, which was detectable in all cases. In two of these patients metastatic tissue was identified, which was not detected before by other imaging modalities. SPECT was superior to planar images in visualization of thoracic and abdominal foci. In-111 pentatreotide scintigraphy is a potential tool for diagnosis of endocrine active GEP-tumours. In some cases detection of primary tumour tissue and metastatic disease is superior to X-ray, ultrasound, CT or MR/. High binding levels of pentatreotide in the tumourous tissue can help to consider therapy with octreotide and vice versa. 18 patients with bulky recurrent glioblastomas (17 brain,l medullary) received intralesional radioimmunotherapy since both surgery and radiotherapy resulted ineffective. The BC-2 and/or BC-4 murine MAbs (SORIN-BIOMEDICA,Italy) were utilized. They strongly react against tenascin (TN),which is an extracellar antigen higly expressed by the stroma of glioblastoma. The MoAbs were labelled with 1-131 and were injected directly in the tumour mass by means of the stereotaxy to maximize the glioblastoma irradiation. The mean dose was 2.45 mg antibody and 647 MBq 1-131. In most cases the RIT applications were repeated.No systemic adverse reactions were recorded.The brain tolerance to direct antibodies injection was quite good.The MoAb concentration in the tumour was high (3.56%/gr/24hrs) and the antibody residence time in the glioblastoma was very prolonged (effective T/2 = 71.7 hrs) thus acheving a mean cumulative radation dose to the tumour more than 35.000 cGy. The diffusion of radiopharmaceutical through the neoplastic tissue was satisfactory homogeneous so irradiating uniformely the whole mass. In 15 evaluable patients we recorded 4 tumour stabilization (lasting, on mean, 9 months), 3 partial remission (I0 months), and 2 complete remission (14 months). The response rate was 33.3% and has to be considered very favourable since achieved in cases of very advanced disease. Clinical usefuhaess of immanoseintigraphy (IS) with anti-CA 125 monoclonal antibodies (Mab) in deteetinn of early ovarian cancer recurrences and for staging has already been proven. Anti-idintypic human anti-manse antibodies (HAMA) are frequently triggered by PC 125 extremely well dbtieal course contrary to poor prognosis was obsereed in patients producing anti-idiotypie HA_MA following IS with routine anti-CA 125 Mab. Aim of this study was to relate these clinical findings with in vitro testing of HAMA. Patients and methods: 10 patients (pt) with ovarian cancer (n=9) or uterus cancer (n=l) received at least twice (up to five times) 1-2 mg of anti-CA 125 Mab (PC 125 or B 43.13 Portal vein thrombosis, a factor of poor pn3gnosis in patients (Pts) with HCC, is a contraindication for chemoembolization. Intra-arlerial injection of 131 Ilabeled iodized-oil (131I-IO) however, which does not modify arterial flow, is still conceivable in this condition. The aim of this prospective randomized controlled trial was to compare the efficacy of treatment by injections of to that obtained by medical support alone (Gr 2) in patients with stage l or II HCC (classification of Okuda) with portal thrombosis (trunk, left or right vein). Patients and Meth0d~ : 22 HCC patients (21 men, 1 woman), aged 66+/-7 years, with portal vein thrombosis (diagnosed by angiography, CT scan or duplex) were randomly assigned to Gr 1 (n = 11) or Gr 2 (n = 11). Additional injections of 131 I-IO were given 2, 5, 8 and 12 months' afXer initial therapy. Medical support treatment was composed of: tamoxifen (n = 5), 5 FU i-v (n= 1), NSAIDs or corticostemids (n = 3), Efficacy was judged according to survical rate (Kaplan-Meier method ; Logrank test), AFP serum values (measured at 2, 5, 8 and 12 months) and tumor size (CT) at 5 and 12 months. Results : The two groups were comparable with respect to: *Child's classification A/B Gr 1 : 6/5, Gr 2 : 5/6 ; *Okuda's classification I/II Gr 1 : 4/7, Gr 2 : 4/7 ; *Liver function tests, " location of the thrombus mink/right/left vein Gr 1 : 8f2/]. Gr 2 : 9/1/1 Tolerance was excellent in Gr 1. AFP serum values were > 50 ng/ml before treatment, and in 7 patients (Gr 1 : 5, Gr 2 : 2) reevaluated showing : Gr 1 : 2 partial responses (PR), 2 minor responses (MR) and one increase of this level ; in Gr 2 : 2 increases. On angingraphs the thrombosis disapeared (n = 1) or decreased in size (n = 2) in Gr 1. The actuarial survival curves were significantly different (Chi 2 = 19.8 ; p < 0.001) between the two groups, the survival rates at 3, 6, and 9 months being for Gr 1 : 71%, 57 %,57 % ; andGr 2 : 18 %,0 %,0 %. Conclusion : Intra-arterial hepatic injection of 1311-IO is a sa~e and effective treatment of HCC with portal vein thrombosis. A. We have evaluated the efficacy of Strontium-89 as adjuvant therapy at the time of first requirement for local radiotherapy for painful bone metastases. 132 patients were randomized to receive either 400 MBq. of or placebo at the time of radiotherapy. 68 received active treatment and 58 placebo. Six patients were randomized but not treated. Data were then collected for llfe assessing survival, toxicity and efficacy at 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 12 months after treatment. No significant survival difference was seen between the two arms. At three months post-treatment significant differences between the active and placebo arms were seen in analgesic requirements, painfree status, quality of life assessment and further radiotherapy requirements. Statistically significant differences between the two arms were seen to 6 months after follow-up in all parameters measured at 3 months. A comparison of cost effectiveness based upon parameters such as medication requirements, radiotherapy requirements and days in hospital suggested that the active group required less medical intervention than the placebo, suggesting a possible cost benefit ratio in favour of We conclude that Strontium-89 as adjuvant therapy has a role in the treatment of patients with advanced metastatic prostate cancer. Benzodiazepines (BDZ) are used as therapeutic agents in several diseases. Since 1985 endogene BDZ and metabolites are known. The aim of the present study was tO show BDZ receptor distribution in patients with anxiety disorders. Patients: 9 Patients (4 male, 5 female, age 22 -52 y, me~th different forms of anxiety disorders gave informed consent. 3 subjects showed reactive depression and delusion of reference, 3 revealed anxious depression and 3 panic attacks. Grading was done with HAMILTON rating scale for anxiety (HRSA). 3 patients with the lowest anxiety score were considered a reference group. Urine benzodiazepine excretion was negative. Methods: Pat. were rested for 15 minutes and then injected with 150 MBq I-IZ3-Iom~zenil. i0 and iZ0 minutes p.i. two SPECT acquisitions were carried out (ORBITER with Neurofocal collimator, 64 increments, 30 sec/ view). Semiquentitative evaluation of first ("perfusion") and second ("receptor binding") phase was performed by means of modified regional perfuslon indices. Results: Compared to reference subjects 3 patients with mean HRSA score showed no alterations of perfusion and receptor binding. However, those with "panic attacks" revealed decreased receptor density in the right hippocampus(1), and left temporal lobe resp.(2) An additional hypoperfusion was found in this lobe. Conclusions: Decreased receptor distribution may be a reason for unsatisfactory binding of endogene BDZ ligands in panic attacks, a not object related form of anxiety, whereas ligand binding in neurotic forms of phobic disorders seems to be normal. The in vivo quantification of myocardial muscarinic receptors was performed after orthotopic cardiac transplantation in 6 patients (pts) u~ing PET data, MQNB (an antagonist of muscarinic receptors) as a ligand and a non linear model including 3 compartments and 7 parameters. All were men, mean age 45 -5 years, and time from surgery was 4 7 _ 2 3 months. A three injections protocol, ,. The density of available receptors (Bmax) and the affinity constants were compared to those of 6 normal subjets. No pts presented either adverse reaction or change in heart rate (86 -4 bpm), while the heart rate increased from 70 -+ 10 to 101 + 13 bpm in normals. The receptor density d!d not differ significantly between pts and controls (respectively 26 _+ 6 and 27 __-7 pmol/ml). The equilibrium dissociation constant (Kd) was significantly increased (0.65 -0.28 vs 0.26 ___ 0.06 pmol/ml, p<0.02), mostly due to a dramatic decrease of the association constant (k+~) (0.44 + 0.13 vs 1. 3 -0 .3 ml/(pmol.min), p<0.001). Conclusion : 1, This study confirms that PET allows the in vivo detection of changes in affinity constants of muscarinic receptors. 2. The lack of changes in receptor density and its decreased affinity for the antagonist seems consistent with the absence of supersensitivity to acetylcholine in the extrinsically denervated canine heart. Blood clearance was f a s t (Tl/2 = 40 min) with urinary excretion (192.6±99.8 %/g at lh) that was due to i n t a c t 99mTc-DMP (96.4 %) as determined by ITLC. In conclusion, 99mTc-DMP is preferred to 67Ga c i t r a t e f o r the v i s u a l i s a t i o n of inflammatory lesions although s i m i l a r A/M and A/C r a t i o s were obtained, due to lower blood and i n t e s t i n a l a c t i v i t i e s allowing the detection of abdominal abscesses and t o b e t t e r physical character i s t i c s of 99mTc. The SPECT data presented confa'm current pathophymol, concepts supposing normal or upregulated postsynaptic D2 receptor density in IPS. L-Dopa, stored in praesynaptie vesicles, did not compromise postynaptie IBZM binding. Dopamine agonists, however, located postsynaptieally, tended to reduce the number of receptors available for IBZM. Thus, for correct interpretation of SPECT resuits treatment of ]PS-pts has to be known and taken into account. G. Castellano*, V. Podio*, D. Giobbe °, T. Spandonari*, P. Morello*, P. Antonacci*, M. Bessone*, G.L, Turco* *Cattedra di Medicina Nuc/eare ~ Universit~ di Torino (/ta/y) °Divisione di Neuro/og!a -USSL TO-I V-Torino (/ta/y) In Parkinson's disease there is a primitive impairment of dopa release by presynaptic neurons of substantia nigra; PET studies in the ear!y stage of PD already demonstrated that the reduction of dopa release results in an increased number of "free" dopa receptors (D2 receptors) exposed by postsynaptic neuron on its surfaCe. It was already shown that/-dopa used in PD treatment, reducing the number of "free" receptors,, impairs uptake of D2 receptors markers; it is not yet clear how.long it takes to return to basal conditions after treatment suspension. We studied 22 PD patients patients after i.v. injection of 350 MBq of [~z31]IBZM, a new lygand of postsynaptic D2 receptors; according to Hoen-Yahr scale, all patients we~'e graded in the clinical stage I (10 pts), II (6 pts) or III (6 pts); among our patients, no one was graded IV or V. SPET images were obtained 30 minutes after injection (12 patients) or 2 hours after administration (10 patients). Our patients population was divided in two groups: treated subjects and patients with no treatment at all or, at least, for 24 hours; these two groups were homogeneous; als0 between patients who underwent the test 30 minutes after injection and those who underwent SPET 2 hours post injection it was not possible to find any difference. Our results and statistical analysis (unpaired Student t-test) show that there is a significant increment of the basal ganglia/cerebellum uptake ratio from 30 minutes to 2 hours post injection (p <10-9) . This uptake rati o is higher in unt(eated PD patients than treated ones; the difference between the two groups is already highly significant (p < 0.00"~) if test is performed 30 minutes after injection, but becomes much more significant (p < 2 • 10 "8) if SPET is acquired 2 hours post injection. Our experimer~tal data, obtained on slight or medium severity PD patients, Confirm that SPET should be performed 2 hours post injection. Moreover, our results support the hypothesis that in .early stage of PD there is an initial impairment of function of presynaptic dopaminergic neurons and an increase in the number of "free" D2 receptors on the surface of postsynaptic cells. In vivo imaging of dopamine receptors is conceived to deliver clinical informations related to etiology, drag response and therapy control in parkinson disease (PD). Aim of our study was to evaluate the new D2 receptor ligand Iodobenzamide 0BZM) in de novo parldnson patients and parkinson patients under treatment. The majority of the patients demonstrated latemlisation of their symptoms. Patients and methods: 15 patients (pt) were studied, 6 de novo pt without any previous anti-parkinson medication~ 11 pt had unilateral symptoms or side preference. Duration of disease in de novo pt was 0.75-4 years (mean 1.79) in the othe.r pt under L-DOPA medication (150-1000 rag/daily) 1-12 years (mean 6.1). L-DOPA was withheld at least 6 hours prior to imaging. After iv injection of 185 MBq 1-123 IBZM SPECT was performed (2 hours p.i., 40s/frsme, 64 frames, Sopha medical camera). Back projection was performed with Butterworth 6/16 filter. Uptake ratios of basal ganglia (BG) and frontal cortex (FC) were calculated. Results: Normal 2 hours BG/FC ratios (1.33+/-0.04 according to Tatsch) were seen in 8 pt (1. 29-1.40) , 7 pt had reduced BG/FC ratios (0. 93-1.25) . 5/6 de novo pt had normal BG/FC ratios. Regarding lateralization of PD, 7/11 pt with unilateral symptoms or side preference had an increased IBZM uptake in the affected BG (5-2!% , mean 12%, compared to comralateral BG) whereas only 3 pt showed increased IBZM uptake in the nonsffected BG (6-27%). 1 pt had no different uptake. Regarding lateralization of PD we found increased IBZM uptake predominantly in the affected BG, a finding also supported by PET studies using raelopride. This can be explained as an upregulation mechanism especially i n early disease. From these preliminary data of de novo and hemiparkluson patients we conclude that IBZM D2 receptor scintigraphy can provide valuable information on long term disease course. Poor data about side effects on pregnancy derived from high 131I doses have been reported. We evaluated a group of 68 female patients (pts), who had one or more pregnancies after 131I therapy (131I-TH) for DTC. All pts underwent total thyroidectomy and 131I-TH, in 5 cases to cure metastases to lung, in 16 to lymphnodes and in 47 to ablate remnants. 131I doses ranged 50-300 mCi, mean SD = 118.9 68.3. All pts were then treated with L-T4 at TSHsuppressive doses, thus giving a slight hyperthyroidism. This is known to represent an additional potential risk, other than 131I-TH. for the foetus. All pts were considered to be tumor-free at the time of pregnancy on the basis ot mdiological, scintigraphic and thyroglobulin findings. Mean age~D of pts at the time of 131I therapy was 24.3t5.0 yrs, mean agdSD at time of pregnancy was 29.~t4.2 yrs. During pregnancy, maternal serum T4, FT4, T3 and TSH levels were checked at least every two months and L-T4 doses were modulated accordingly. Foetal growth was also periodically checked. Moreover, in all infants after birth, thyroid function and clinical examination were performed. At present, 72 infants were followed-up and 8 pregnancies are in progress. Mean agr"SD of infants was 5.1r3.9, ranging 2 mths-15 yrs. Out ol these 72 infants, 1 was affected by Fallot trilogy, 3 had low birth-weight, but a successive regular growth, and the other 68 were considered to be healthy. Due to the mother's mild hyperthyroidism, breast-feeding was preferable no longer than 30-40 days to avoid infant's hyperthyroidism. On the basis ol these data it appears unrational to dissuade young female DTC-pts, previously treated with 131I, to consider pregnancy. However, it is recommended: 1. a time-interval from 131I-TH of at least 2-3 yrs, to evaluate complete remission of disease, and 2. frequent measurements of maternal thyroid hormones during pregnancy to avoid TSH fucreuse or hyperthyroidism. H. L. Sharma. N.C. Jackson and H. Jackson Dept, of Medical Biophysics, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, UK. Although there is no definite correlation between low doses of radiation (internal or external) and mutagenic or other abnormalities, there is a need for re-examination of gonadal radiation doses from internally administered radionuclides. In a series of experiments with In-ll4m labelled lymphocytes and labelled plasma, injected intravenously in laboratory rats, we have found 0,2 to 0.3% of the injected dose to be localized in the testes. The fraction remained relatively static over considerable long periods of time (upto 250 days). In a group of rats injected with 100 #Ci of In-ll4m via labelled cells or plasma, there was complete destruction of the spermatogenic epithelium, with the testicular weight reduced to around one third of age matched controls. Autoradiographs showed that, besides localization in the intertubular interstitial tissue, the Indium radionuclide became associated with morphologically mature sperm and their precursor cells -developing spermatids, apparently within the Sertoli cell cytoplasm. At a later time the In-ll4m could be seen in the epididymas sperm so that the label is seemingly retained during transport of these cells through the organ. It is of concern that In-111 will behave similarly when used in the form of labelled platelets or leukocytes in Nuclear Medicine because of the high mutagenic sensitivity of spermatids to radiation. Scans in patients are known to outline the testes. These findings are both relevant and important regarding the possible entry of radionuclides into the germinal cells and the risk of mutagenic damage. -ethyl, N-ethoxy) dithiocarbamato] nitrido technetium(V) (TcN-NOET), is a new tracer currently under preliminary clinical evaluation as myocardial imaging agent. This compound is characterized by the presence of the Tc~N group and by a vanishing overall net charge. It is efficiently extracted by heart tissue in varinos animal models and in humans, and the clearance from the myocardium is generally slow (ca. 6 h). This tracer therefore constitutes the first example of a neutral technetiumradiopharmaceutical which remains localized in myocardium cells for a long time. Te-BATO compounds, which form the only other class of neutral myocardial imaging agents presently known, are rapidly eliminated from the heart within few minutes after injection. It would be therefore of importance to determine the subeellular distribution of TeN-NOET in order to increase the understanding of its mechanism of localization in heart tissue. Subcellular localization of TcN-NOET was obtained by cell fractionation experiments. Following intravenous injection in male rats, cardiac specimens were removed, homogenized and subjected to differential centrifugation for the isolation of the subeellular organdies. Significant amounts of activity was found in all fractions, but not in the cytosol. These results suggest that TcN-NOET uptake probably involves nonspecific partitioning into the internal membranes of the heart cell, and that this process is regulated by the liphophilic properties of this neutral compound. They indicate also that the mechanism of localization TcN-NOET is basically different from that of observed with technetium monocationic compounds, which were found to bind selectively mitochondria. Accurate estimation of bone marrow uptake of radiopharmaceuticals is very important for accurate whole body dosimetry. In this study, a method to obtain normal bone marrow without inconvenience to the patient is described and compared to a commonly used region of interest (ROI) technique. In five volunteers (group 1, mean age 63.0 yr, range 49 -76 yr), 4 MBq indium-111 labeled human polyclonal IgG (In-111-1gG) was administered 48 hours before placement of a total hip prosthesis for degenerative osteoarthritis. After resection of the femoral head and neck, a bone chip was obtained and bone marrow was aspirated from the medullary space with a biopsy needle. In five patients without diseases affecting bone marrow (group 2, mean age 64.6 yr, range 56 -70 yr), bone marrow uptake was calculated from ROIs over the lumbar spine, 48 hours after injection of 75 MBq In-111 -IgG. Bone marrow uptake in group 1 (4.5 + 1.3 %D/kg) was significantly lower than that in group 2 (8.5 ± 2.1%D/kg), p < 0.01. Bone uptake in group 1 was 1.7 + 0.4 %D/kg. Blood and plasma activity did not differ significantly for both groups (5.5 _+ 1.1 vs. 6.3 + 0.9 %D/kg and 8.7 + 2.4 vs. 10.2 _+ 2.3 %D/kg, respectively). Intraoperative bone marrow and bone sampling provides a system for accurate, direct measurement of normal uptake in bone marrow and bone of all radiopharmaceuticals at various time points. It is a safe and simple procedure without any discomfort to the patient. Since small amounts of activity are sufficient, the radiation dose to the volunteer is low. Andersen et al. found that the lipophilic-hydrophilic transformation (LHT) of 99m-Tc-HM-PAO enantiomers differed considerably in the plasma and the blood, and proposed GSH as the rate-limiting reactant for LHT. However, the possible benefit of using isolated monomeric HM-PAO compounds for CBF studies or cell labeling is still unexplored. We found significant differences in the LHT rates (Kd) of the various chloroform-extracted 99m-Tc-I-IM-PAOs in the presence of 10 mg/ml GSH, with Ballinger's method (Kd. values: meso-:0.00221, d,1-:0.00687, d-:0.00498, 1-:0.01132 s=l). These results demonstrate that the LHT of 1-HM-PAO is about 1.7 times faster than that of the routinely used d,I-HM-PAO. Presuming that this difference would be in vivo too, we have developed a novel experimental leukocyte-labeling method to verify this supposition. Using 20 mg/ml GSH to stop the reaction, we could measure the cell-labeling efficacy with a resolution of about 10 sec. These experiments verified that 1-HM-PAO is "taken UP more rapidly .and in hig,her quantity by leuk.ocytes than are the d,1-and d-HM-PAO (2x10 ~ cells/ml 1.: 88.27 ~ 4.7% at 6 min, d,l-: 77.53 + 2.6% at 10 min, d-:80.65 _+ 2.77% at 12 min). The cell viability, the in vitro stability of labeling and the effects of volume and cell concentration for labeling efficiency were similar for all isomers of HM-PAO. The results indicate that 1-HM-PAO is the best choice for celllabeling purposes, and probably for CBF investigations as well. Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine whether absorption of Egg-C057-vitamin(vit.)B12 differs from crystalline- .B12 in patients with low serum vit.B12 levels. Material and Methods: 250 kBq Co57wit.B12 was injected into the breast muscle of an egg-laying chicken on 3 consecutive days. Radioactivity in eggs became apparent 1 tO 2 days after the first injection, reaching a peak activity at day 6 to 8. Eggs nr. 4 -16 after injection contained a total activity of 300 kBq Co57. All activity was found in the eggyo~k. The yolk was separated from the white of the eggs, homogenized, and scrambled in a frying pan during constant stirring until a medium dry texture was obtained. Twelve to 14 portions of about 12 gram each, containing 18 kBq Co57, were packaged in plastic containers and stored in a freezer at -20 ° C until served. At the day of administration one portion of Co57-scrambled egg was heated in a microwave oven for 30 seconds and served to the fasting patient. At 0 and 24 hr after administration of the egg-Co57wit.B12, 1 mg of nonradioactive cyanocobalaminum was injected intramuscularly to fill up vit.B12 depot in the body. Urine was collected for 48 hr and Co57 activity measured. A similar test was performed in all patients after oral administration of a capsule containing crystalline-vit.B12. Results: ITLC analysis revealed that more than 99 % of C057 was bound to eggprotein. In normals (serum vit.B12 150 -380 pmol/I) the 48 hr. urine conrained on average 10.5 % of the administered dose (I.D.) egg . After crystalline- .B12 this value was 20.5 %.The egg-Co57-vit.B12 / cristalline C057-vit.B12 ratio was 0.5. In patients with a poor assimalation of food vif.B12 this ratio was below 0.25. Conclusion!The use of egg-Co57-vit.B12 better reflects vit.B12 malabsorption compared to conventional crystalline- . With this technique it is possible to differentiate patients with poor assimilation of food vit.B12 from those with normal assimilation of food vit.B12. The Isotope-Pharmacy 378 Frederikssundsvej DK 2700 Br~nsh~j, Denmark A method for the preparation of a In-111 labelled recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA}, with a radiochemical purity of more than 85 %, and an immunoreactivity of more than 80 %, is described. The preparation is based on the commercially available drug 'Actilyse' (Boehringer Ingelhelm) . A preparation kit, which is stable for several months, is formed. The ready- for-use In-lll labelled compound is stable for several days without significant decreases neither in radiochemical purity nor in immunoreactivity. The preparation has been used clinically to assess the biological half-life of rt-PA in conjunction with fibrinolysis treatments. Results from. the clinical application will be shown. C..G~r~iq Department of Nuclear Medicine, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany FIRST EXPERZENCE WITH A NEW CAMERA AND COM-PUTER SYSTEM FOR MYOCARDIAL STUDIES COMBINED WITH FIRST BASS. Since November 91 we are working with a new computer and camera system for heart studies in our department. The camera (Orbiter/Siemens) has special electronics and a crystal which can count more than 200000 cts/sec. That means we are able to do first pass an.d SPECT studies on one camera. After changing the collimator (LEHS/LEAP) the camera is ready for one of both examinations. For those special is necessary to use a very fast and powerful computer system. In our department we use ICON (Siemens). ICON is able to acquire and to reconstruct data at the same time in an enormous speed. The computer is based on a Macintosh computer system (Apple) and is easy to handle. It offers the technologist and the physician new possibilities in processing and displaying the acquired data. This paper will present our first experiences with this camera and computer system and will show some examples. S. Fischer Department of Nuclear Medicine, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany During the last years computer systems in nuclear medicine changed extremely. New "Super Comphters" offer the technologist and the physician new possibilities in processing and displaying SPECT data. This paper will present our first experience with an "Odyssey" computer (Picker International). For processing there are new filter techniqves which allow either prefiltering of the raw data or postfiltering of the reconstructe d slices. For display "Odyssey" offers the possibility of a three dimensional (3D) image presentation. Within a very short time it is possible to see~a complete SPECT data set on the ~creen. We analysed 3D-SPECT data in many cases of bone scintigraphies, brain studies, lung ~tudies etc. in different ways to find an optimal way of presentation. 3D image presentation is not used routinely, but in some cases it seems to be helpful in understanding the spatial correlation between hot spots and organ surface. Cold lesions can only be seen if they reach the organ surface. If they are inside the organ only special processing allows their visibilty. To d~agnose the cause of pain in knee prostheses, it is necessary to identify the origin, which may be infection, mobilization of the prosthesis or aseptic inflammation. In an attempt to differ-en£iate among t_hem, a diagnostic protocol has been applied using 3 different explorations: 3-phase bone scintigraphy with DPD-Tc-99m, Ga-67 citrate a~d To-99n~labeled antigranulocyte antibodies (MoAb E~ 250/183), and the results cc~pared with those of 5 patients with asymptcmatic knee prostheses. In all, 25 patients with unilateral and 7 with bilateral krlee prostheses were studied. The patterns observed were: Normal: in the DPD-Tc-99m study, there may be an increase in phase-3 uptake, which is diffuse and nonfccalized, with normal distribution of vascularization, CA-67 citrate and antigranulocytes. Mobilization (9 pr~-theses): periprosthetic hyperuptake focalized in the mobilization sites with DR), and normal distribution in the other twD explorations. Acute infection (5 prostheses Conclusion: DBS is a sensitive method for a s s e s s i n g bone turnover rate according to the degree of skeletal uptake of radionuclide. In this manner it is possible to determine both the type of RO and its further d e v e l o p m e n t in repeated measurements. Patients with peripheral neuropathy or peripheral arterial insufficiency have more frequently various types of pathology and often require a bone scan to distinguish soft-tissue disease from osteomyelitis (OM). A three-phase bone scan was advocated as the method of choice for the diagnosis of OM, but specificity remains insufficient. We evaluated 99mTc-labeled nonspecific polyclonal human immunoglobulin scintigraphy (HIG) in 34 patients (21M:13F; mean age+/-sem: 60.6+/-2.0 yrs) with suspicion of OM of the extremities associated with diabetes or peripheral arterial insufficiency. Three-phase bone scans (BS) were done after iv injection of 20mCi/70kg body weight of . When necessary, a 24-hour image was also done. One day later, an iv injection of 18 to 20 mCi of HIG-99mTc was dor~e and images were acquired at 4 and 24 hours post-inj. The final diagnosis was recorded in the patient file at the time of release from hospital. BS was defined as positive for OM with the c.riteria: 3 phases positive (perfusion, blood pool and delayed image). Resutts: of the 34 BS, 69 focal hypercaptations (FH) were detected on delayed images. Among them, 48 FH were considered as compatible with OM whereas 21 were negative. The HIG scans of the 21 negative FH were also negative. HIG 0 f the 48 positive FH were positive in 31 cases and negative in 17. When the final diagnosis was considered, the 2"1 FH negative did not have OM. Among the 31 HIG& FH positive, 7 were false-positive. None of the !7 HIG negative & FH positive were falsely negative. Thus the sensitivity and specificity were 100% and 52.5% respectively for BS, and 100% and 82.5%, respectively for HIG& BS. Among the 7 false-positive HIG& FH 5 were present in 1 patient who hedimultifocal lesions of gout arthritis. Conclusions: These results indicate that HIG may add valuable information to bone scan, improve dramatically the specificity of diagnosis of OM and should be considered to be done in complicated sit~Jations in the presence of a positive bone scans to increase specificity of diagnosis of OM. GP Schembri, LA Forstrc~n, BP Mullan, MF Hauser Nuclear Medicine, Department of Diagnostic Radiology Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota 55905 USA The assessment of Indim,-lll oxine labelled leukocvtes studies (In-WBC) involves an appreciation of normal marrow pattern. In patients with trauma or prosthetic implants, this may be altered. Technetium Sulphur colloid (Tc-SC) bone marrow scans should be useful in these patients. 62 patients with 67 sites of possible infection were reviewed. All had In-WBC and Tc-SC scans and 61 had three phase bone scans (HDP). There were 40 males and 22 females (mean age 62). Sites included 9 GirdlestOne's procedures, 39 hip and 10 knee prostheses. The In-WBC scan was performed at 24 hours using 18 MBq of In-lll with i0 min/view. 370 MBq of Tc-SC was administered with 10 min/view. Final diagnosis was established by surgery (n=34) or clinical followup (n=28; m i n i m~ 6 months or until other diagnosis established). Infection was present in i0 sites. The studies were retrospectively reviewed by 3 blinded observers using a 1 to 5 grading, l=definitely negative and 5=definitely positive. The In-WBC scan was read alone, then with the HDP scan and finally by adding the Tc-SC scan. Plain X-rays OR UNSPECIFIC The uptake mechanism of Tc-99m-labelled immunoglobulins in inflammation is still unknown.Unspecific, specific or a combination of both aecumularion types is discussed. Anti-rat CD4-mab(monoclonal antibody)(W3/25;IgG1)and antihuman CEA (BW341/26;IgG1)as isotype matched control mab were labelled with (37MBq )TC-99 of each mab were injeeted into normal and arthritic(AA;day 19) recipient rats.Joint uptake of radlolabelled mabs was monitored for 4h with a gammacamera(20min/frame) fitted with a pinhole collimator.Tissues were measured 16h p,i. in a gamma counter. Preferential accumulation of both anti,CD4 mab and control mab was detected in arthritic joints when compared to normal joints.In contrast the CD4-mab accumulated in lymphoid tissues,the anti-CEA mab remained of high levels in blood. 3 patients with human rheumatoid arthritis received 200-300ug of a 555MBq Tc-99m-anti-human CD4-specifie antibodies(MAX16H5//gG1).3 patients received lmg Tc-99m labelled human unspecific immunoglobulins (I-IIG; MALLINCKRODT). Gammacamera intages of the joints were performed lh,4h and 20h p.i..The uptake of both immunoglobulin(% of whole body activity)(CD4:2,4%;2,1%;2.0%; HIG: 2.0%;1.7%;2.6%)was comparable. In one female additional To-anti CEA joint uptake could be registrated (1.9%) in a reference joint(knee). In conclusion,the body distribution of anti-CD4-mabs is determined by their immunological specificity,the uptake in pathologic altered joints seems to be unspecific in an animal model and human arthritis. J Ortiz Moulia~, J Panms Sanz, C Sanjuan Robles, M P4rez l~ramo, E Escribano, J Clabo, J Ortiz Berrocal Servicio de Medicina Nuclear, Clinica Puerta de Hierro, Madrid, Spain CLINICAL UTILITY OF ~ ANTIBODIES ~W 250/183 I~ THE DIAGNOSIS OF GOMPLICATIONS OF THIGH P~OS~?~SES Differential diagnosis between mobilization and infection in thigh prostheses is frequently necessary. Early detection of infection is of great clinical interest. To assess the p~ssible utility of Tc-99~-labeled antigranulocyte antibodies in these cases, 52 patients with total thigh prostheses (15 bilateral) were studied; 7 asy~o-t~matic prosthesis bearers (with over 6 mo of evolution) were used as controls. All were studied with 3-phase DPD-Tc-99m, Ga-67 citrate and Tc-99m-labeled antigranulocytes. The distribution patterns were: Normal (7 prostheses): no hyperuptake focuses in periprosthetic zor~s in any of the 3 studies. C~ronic infection (19 prosthe-~): focal hyperuptake of DPD and Ga-67 and normal distribution of Tc-99m-labeled antigranulocytes. Acute infection (14 prostheses): hype~ of all 3 radi~harmaceuticals, which was focal; tb~t of antigranulocytes coincided with the infectious focus. In cases of extension to soft tissues, aocumulation of the antigranulocytes in the~ was greater than that of mobilization (27 prostheses) : focal or diffuse accumulation of DPD in the mobilization zone, and normal distribution of anti~ulocytes. Suspected macrophaqe activation (7 prostheses): in acute or chrcnic infection, we observed a very marked rise in uptake of antigranulocytes in the f~oral dial~hysis, which in one case, presented in contr~lateral f~s~r. antigranulocytes represent an easy and efficient tool for dete~ting acute infection focuses in periprosthetic zones of t/he thigh, surpassing the diagnostic aocuracy Of Ga-67 and DPD- . The l~hysiopathol~gic significance of the pattern we describe for suspected activation of micr~pheges, which play an i~0ort~nt role in the infla~tion/repair pro~ess, r~ains to be determined. Various radiopharmaceuticals and different methods have been used to image and quantify inflammation in peripheral joints. ~be aim of this study is to compare ~he response of STom-HMPAO labelled leucocytes and ~Tom-MDP to intraarticular steroid injection. The uptake of both radiopharmaceuticals in the synovium and bone of the knees of eleven patients with RA were measured using an interpolative background subtraction technique. The mean duration of RA was B.2 years. Significant neutrophil migration and MDP uptake occurred in the knees irrespective of disease duration. In the baseline study, neutrophil uptake was demonstrated in the knees of all patients at 22 hours and ranged between 0.014-0.512% of injected dose, while MDP uptake at S hours ranged between 0.357-S.66% of the injected dose. In all but one patient neutrophil mignation in the injected knee was reduced after intra-a~tieular steroid injection. The shanges in MDP uptake after steroid injection were variable. There was linear correlation between the changes in pain scores and those of neutrophil migration in the injected knee (r:O.87,p(O.O01) while a poor correlation occurred between changes in pain scores and quantitative bone scintigraphy [r=o.59,p~o.05). The MDP and white cell responses in the knee contralateral to that injected varied from negative to positive. Conclusion: The quantitation of the neutrophil componen~ of the inflammatory process is a sensitive index for monitoring RA activity and response to phammaoologisal interventions, while quantitative bone scintigraphy should not be employed to monitor changes in joint inflammation in patients with RA. Methods used formerly for the detectior~ of infectious osseous lesions (Tc-99m-HMPAO labeled leukocytes, Tc-99m-anti-granulocyte antibodies) did not always show a sufficiently high specificity (e.g. false positive findings in peripheral bones, false negatives in the spine). The.refore, in a prospective study the clinical significance of the new inflammation agent, Tc-99m-HIG, has been evaluated. 27 patients were thus far referred with the suspicion of: peripheral osteomyelitis (n=3), septic spondylitis (=5), septic prothesis infection (n=6), rheumatoid arthritis (n=10; 6 serum positive; 4 serum-negative), and fever of unknown origin (n=3). The scans were obtained as whole body studies and planar regional images 4 and 24 hours p.i., and were evaluated blindly by two experienced readers. In all patients a final diagnosis was established based on either surgery or long-standing clinical course. Of the 27 sgans, 17 were true positive, 8 true negative, and 2 false negative. There were no false positive HIG scans. The true positive scan s comprised 4 patients with septic spondylitis, 6 with rheumatoid arthritis, 2 with peripheral osteomyelitis, 4 with infected protheses and one with fever of unknown origin. Of the true negative scans, 3 patients had the suspicion of rheumatoid arthritis, 2 of infected protheses, one of spondylitis and two of fever of unknown origin. Of the scans which were false negative, there was one battered child with traumatic septic osteomyelitis of the right forearm which had been clearly shown on the previous MDP study. The other false negative finding was a patient with monarthritis of the 2rid metacarpal joint. The image quality of HIG scans is excellent since there is no interfering bone marrow accumulation. In this study HIG showed a greater sensitivity of detecting lesions in the central bones and a lower number of false positive findings in peripheral bones, Patients and methods Between february 1988 and november 1991, sixty patients (51 with hip arthroplasty and 9 with knee arthropl .ast.y) suspected of septic loosening were imaged four hours post-lnjecuon of autologous leukocytes labelled in RPMI medium with 200 MBq of 99mTc HMPAO (Ceretec Amersham). 99m Tc MDP scans were performed only in 27 cases. Scintigraphic diagnosis was confh'med by surgical control, results from bacterial cultures, histologic f'mdings or by clinical follow-up. Label efficiency averaged 60 %. Fifty eight sites were studied in the hip arthroplasty group. Surgical control occured in 30/51 hip protheses (14 TN, 14 TP, 1 FN, 1 FP). Three false positive aseptic inflammation were found. The sensitivity and the specificity of sepsis detection were respectively 95 % a n d 9 1 % . Nine sites were analized in the knee arthroplasty group. Six positive scans were obtained, 3 of them proven by surgery. One patient with thigh hematoma post-arteriography was considered as false positive result. Two teeth abeesses, 1 sinusitis and 1 pulmonary abcess were also identified among 60 patients investigated. A scintigraphic follow up occured in 6 patients. A second leukocyte scan made one to three months after the first remained positive. Tc99m HMPAO labelled leukocyte scanning is a suitable method to manage suspected orthopedic prosthetic infection. ~t , M.Gericke#, U.Staboll#, L.Eckart* ,Praxis f. Nuklearmedizin, Dillenburger Str.1, 1000 Berlin 33, *Dept.of Orthopaedics, University Clinic Rudolf Virchow Conventional Bone-SPEC'I: with 99mTc-diphosphonate was always limited due to the poorly spatial resolution. HR-SPECT with 3 head gamma-camera systems with UHR collimators and 128 X 128 aquisition matrices allowes superior image quality and topographical assignment. The most advantages of high resolution SPECT with 3D-reconstruction will oe expected in areas where complex anatomical structures have to be differentiated like the spine. Particular of interest was if higher image quality allowes a better Iocalisation and correlation with radiol0gical findings and leads to better differential diagnos~s. 45 patients with degenerative, inflammatory or metastatic changes were investigated with HR-Bone-SPECT. All patients had x-ray, CT or MRI-studies. 3 hrs. after 550-600 MBq 99mTc-MDP planar analog images were obtained (450,000 cts), followed by Bone-SPECT with 3 head gamma camera (Prism 3000,Picker), 40 (120) angles, 30 -45 sec.A'iew; step and shoot aquisition, total aquisition time approx. 20-25 minutes, FBP-ramp filter and post-reconstruction 3D-low pass filtering. 7.6 mm transaxial, coronal and sagittal slices were reconstructed. 3 dimensional surface rendering was done using optimized threshold and background correction. The high-resolution bone-SPECT with 3-head-camera showed a superior image quality and allowed much better delineation of bony changes in the spine and an accurate topographical assignment. In cases with minor changes in the lumbal spine, HR-SPECT can visualise degenerative and inflammatory processes in the vertebral joints and and allowes exellent correlation with x-ray findings. Due to the high spatial resolution and better delineation, differentiation between dege-r~erative inflammatory or malignant cause of increased osteo-Dlastic activity seems to be more reliable. A Comperative study to Tc-99m MDP Introduction:The present study was undertaken in order to investigate the value of TI-201 scintigraphy in the evaluation of musculoskeletal (MS) lesions, in comparison with Tc-99m MDP scintigraphy. Method: A total of histologically confirmed 102 MS lesions (57 malignant, 45 benign) were included in the study. Static images were acquired 20 min. "after IV. injection of 3mCi . Within 4 days all patients (pts) were also underwent three phase bone imaging. Lesion MDP and TI-201 uptake ratios were obtained by means of ROIs assigned over lesion and contdateral sites. TI-201 uptakes of lesions were scored according to a four-point grading system taking heart activity as reference. Results:Tl-ii)l and Tc-99m MDP uptakes of benign lesions were 1.32 -+ 0.28 and 2.45-+0.91 (p<0.0005), of .malign lesions were 3.11-+1.52 and 3.16 + 1.27 (p > 0.4) respectively. It is noted that, there was no significant difference in MDP uptakes of benign and malign lesions. On the other hand, uptakes of benign lesions were significantly lower than malignancies, except for brown tumors (n:3) and giant cell tumors of bone(n:5). Seven malign soft tissue tumors showed TI-201 uptake but not MDP. In 5 cases, parenchymal metastases were detected by TI-201 scan. 2 of 7 pts, examined in order to differentiate postoperative fibrosis from recurrency, demonstrated positive scans which were consistent with pathological specimen, while CT and MRI were equivocal. Tumor therapy responses of 4 pts with primary bone sarcomas, monitored by TI-201 scintigraphy were well-correlated with pathological findings. Conclusion: scintigraphy is a valuable tool in differentiation of malignancy from benign MS lesions and local recurrences from post operative fibrosis especially when other methods are equivocal. This modaLity is also reliable in the evaluation of tumor viability in the posttherapy period. Tc-99m-HIG is generally considered as a promising agent for the detection of infectious conditions, It offers several logistic advantages over other agents already applied in this clinical context. The aim of the presented study was to assess the value of Tc-99m-HIG in orthopedic/trauma patients with suspicion of focal infection. 120 patients(82M:38F, mean age 57.6) underwent Tc-99m-HIG sclntlgraphy: All patients had an intravenous administration of 600MBq Tc-99m-HIG, acquisition of images was obtained 4-6 and 24 hours post infusion. Final diagnosis was established by open surgery (75/120) or clinical course (45/120) . Three pathological HIG accumulation patterns were identified: (F)ocal, (D)iffuse or (M)ixed and were judged indicative for infectious conditions. In all patients with proven infectlon(74 ) HIG was shown to be true positive with pattern F in 42/74, D in 26/74 and M in 6/74. In these HIGs, positivity was seen on the 4 hours p.i. images already. In the patients with final evidence of no infection(46) HIG was true negative in 3~/ 46. The 12/46 false positive HIGs were achieved in patients in whom surgery had only been performed <8 days before. In conclusion these rosults demonstrate the high sensitivity of Tc-99m-HIG in the assessment of infectious conditions of orthopedic/trauma patients. However, one should be aware of false positive HIG studies in patients with recently performed surgery. 79 patients with and without significant cognitive deficit were studied clinically and radiologicslly. 25 patients have died to date. A ccmbirmtion of medial temporal lobe atrop~ revealed by X-ray cc~puted tomogrsp~f (or) and h~poperf~sion in the psrietotempoFal cortex revealed by single photon saission tc~ography (SPNT) was found in ~/51 with a clinical diagnosis of senile dementia of the Alzheimer type (SDAT), in ~/i0 with other clinical t~pas of d~mentia, sed in 2/18 with no evidence of cognitive deficit (ref i). Of the 23 who have died, 18 had histopatholo~ical Alzheimer's disease, i had PSP, 1 had NPH, 1 had "pre-AD", end 2 were ccntrols with no signlficsnt CNS patholo~. 17/18 with AD showed a c~blnation of medial temporei lobe atrophy and pa~ietot~oral hypoperfusion. The ccr~bination was mot present in ar~f of the othem 5 cases. Tne~e were no false positives. We st~gest that the ccmbination of medial te~DoPal lobe atrophy and pa~ietotempor'al hFpoparfhsion is a feature of Alzheimer's disease and that the functional chang~ in the parietote~noFal megion nmy be due to the loss of projection neumons in the parahippocsmpal gymls that innervate this region. Evidence for this fgom ou~ cohomt is that 10/12 patients (9 with SDAT) had greater than 3 nm moro medial tempor~l lobe atropkf on one side of the brs/n than the other, and equivalent 8synmetric pa~ietotempor-al l~fpoper4hsion g~eater on the s~ne side on SPET. H,Feistel z, D.Ebert 2, F.WolfZ Depts of~clear Medicine and 2Psychiatry Friedrich-Alexander-University , Erlangen, FRG EFFECTS OF SLEEP DEPRIVATION ON THE LIMBIC SYSTEM AND THE FRONTAL LOBES IN AFFECTIVE DISORDERS: A STUDY WITH TC-99M- HMPAO-SPECT Sleep deprivation has a nonpharmacological antidepressant effect in some ('RESPonder'), but not all patients ('NONRESPonder') with major depression, melancholic type. The aim of the study was to show if depressed responders can be differentiated from nonresponders by different patterns of cerebral blood flow. Patients and methods: We studied 10 depressed patients----~--~-IllhR~ 5 Women, 5 men, 38.9 +-9.1 years) before and after sleep deprivation with Tc-99m-HMPAO-SPECT between 8 and i0 a.m. All depressed Patients had a minimum score of 20 on the 21-item Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HRSD). RESP were defined to show a 50% decrease on HRSD after sleep deprivation. Semiquantitative evaluation of all brain SPECTs was performed and compared to normal subjects (n=8). Results: Five patients were identified as RESP (HRSD 29.1 +-5.7). In RESP. and NONRESP. the left frontolateral cortex was hypoperfused (p<0.01) before and after deprivation, RESP. were additionally hypoperfused in the upper left prefrontal cortex (p<0.01) before deprivation. Perfusion was found to be increased in RESY before deprivation in frontoorbital cortex, right hippocampus, and infratemporal lobes (p<0.01). After sleep deprivation there were no Significant differences compared with normals. Conclusion: The neural circuit connecting the structures with increased perfusion in depressed state is known aS "limbic loop" which subserves emotions and their behavloural consequences. Sleep deprivation normalizes the hyperperfusion. The aim of our ongoing study was to compare the results obtained by this technique in two diagnostic groups: major depression and schizophrenia. The other aim was to correlate the results with psychopathological symptoms. We have analyzed the results in 9 depressive and 16 schizophrenic in-patients. The mean HDRS (Hamilton depression rating scale) of depressed patients was ,~r4~0_+7.0. The PANSS (positive and negative symptom scale) ~rating of schizophrenics was 101.5+23.4 (total), 21.2_+8,3 for~positive symptoms, :~7,6+10.5 for negative symptoms, and 52.7+10.5 for general psychopathology. 6 of the depressive and 9 of the schizophrenic patients sho~ed a pathological blood fl~ pattern within the brain. I n 4 9f the depressive patie~,~/~ ~ild in'8 of the Schizophrenic patients we observed a hylJ~lSerfusion of the left temporal lobe. 3 bf the schizophrenic patients also had a hypoperfusion of the parietal lobe. -Schizophrenic"patients ~itl~ a ~ hyp0peffusion had a significant higher score of PANSS for positive symptoms (p < 0.01) and for general psychopathology (p < 0.05) compared to those wjt~ normal peffusion. Similar results were obtained for the I-IDRS Sc0fe in depressive patients showing a hypopeffusion (.p < 0.05) compared to those with normal HMPAO-SPECT findings. -In conclusion, the hypoperfusion of the left temporal lobe seems to be a common result in both schizophrenic and depressive patients, and psychopathology seems to correlate with pathological cerebral blood flow. More data are required in order to determine the role of specific symptom patterns associated with pathological blood flow results. Podosky. To determine cerebral perfusion imaging's ability to differentiate multi infarct dementia (~ID) and Alzheimer's disease (SDAT) from other dementing disorders, we retrospectively evaluated the results of 1 or 3-headed Tc-99m H~PAO or 1-123 IMP brain SPECT scans in 26 demented, 18 non-demented, and 9 normal volunteers and correlated them with the patient's final clinical diagnosis. Scans were interpreted blindly by consensus of 2 readers as either normal, single or multivessel cerebral vascular disease, SDAT, MID, or mbnormal non-specific pattern. Final clinical diagnosis was made without knowledge of scan findings using CT, MRI, EEG, Rashinski~s Score and neuro assessment and outcome. SPECT correctly categorized 8/10 SDAT and 6/6 MID. 3/4 Parkinson~s with dementia were classified as SDAT. SPECT correctly excluded SDAT and MID as cause of dementia in 6/6 other pts. A SDAT or MID pattern was seen in 2/16 non-demented pts and in 1/9 normal volunteers. The sensitivity of SPECT in detecting SDAT and MID was 80~ and i00~, respectively. Brain SPECT correctly differentiated all SDAT and MID from other causes of dementia except Parkinson~s disease. Brain SpECT is a highly accurate method for detecting SDAT and MID and for differentiating SDAT and MID from other causes of dementia. Tc-99m-EC /N,N'-ethylen-L-dicysteine/ is a pr~ mising scint±graphic agent for dynaa±c renal studies /Verbruggen es, 199o/. Our first clinical results obtained by a new kit-form of TC-99m-EC /with labelling efficiency over 98 per cent/ are presented. 122 patients with hypertension and/or various renal disorders were studied. Biodistribution was evaluated by dynamic renal scintigraphy in patients with normal /n=32/ and impaired /n=9o/ renal function, Results: in patients with normal kidney function high renal uptake and rapid intrarenal transport of Tc-ggm-EC were found. Tmax values of the renal activlty-time curves were 4.2 + o.3 min, T 1/2 of elimination were 9.1 + 1.~ min, Plasm~ olearance values were 462 + ~5 ml/min/l.73 m ~ /by ~odified Oberhausen/ a'~d 451 + 32 ml/min/l,73 m /by Tauxe method/. PIas~a protein binding proved to be iow /28.3 + 2.5 per cent/, Good-quality images of the ~idney and urinary tract were obtained. No uptake in the liver was viauallzed even in patients with impaired renal function. In concluslon: our new commercially avaiIable kit of Tc-99m-EC proved to be a good agent for dynamic renal sclntigraphy. It seems to be a real Tc-99m-labeIIed substitute for Hippuran. As an alternative to the Tc-99m DMSA, we recently proposed a new renal imaging agent, for quantitative assessment of renal function: the bidentate-N,S chelate N-(mercaptoacetyl) glicyne (2GAM). After biodistdbution and toxicity studies in animals, Tc-99m 2G~M was evaluated in normal volunteers. 74 MBq of Tc-99m 2GAM (radiochemical purity = 98.5%) were injected intravenously. Blood and urine samples were collected for 24 hrs. Posterior activity was recorded at appropriate times for 24 hrs to evaluate kidneys time activity curves. Whole body biodistdbution was evaluated at 30 min, 1.5, 3.5 and 5 hrs p.i. by the conjugate counting technique. 2GAM rapidly cleared from the blood ( T 1/2 = 9 min.). Fifty percent of I.D. was excreted in the urine in the first two hours after injection. Dynamic data showed a rapid renal uptake that increases up to 45 min without significant washout over 8 hours, and a low, stable liver uptake as shown in the DMSA under the same experimental conditions. Tc-99m 2GAM is characterized by a faster rapid renal uptake (maximum uptake in 45 min vs. 8 hrs). We conclude that Tc-99m 2GAM has optimal properties for renal imaging in humans showing practical and dosimetrie advantages over DMSA. Planar static renal imaging with 99mTc-DMSA is of large interest for morphological studies. Specially in the paediatric field, it is useful to evaluate effect of infectious diseases on the renal parenchyma, and in that way to detect possible renal scarring, With the high spatial resolution collimators and detectors the limiting f~ctor of high quality renal 99mTc-DMSA imaging is now the renal motion artefacts. Because of the poor kidney activity in 99mTc-DMSA imaging, it is not possible to correct motion artefact by simple kidney picture adjustment in a dynamic study, Because kidneys are moving essentially with respiratory cycles, we propose to synchronize the data acquisition with the respiratory cycles. Our method need a pinpoint 99mTc source fixed on the costal edge. We acquire a fast dynamic study of 800 0,5 sec imaging (128x128 with high resolution collimator). The motion correction is done by calculating the centre of gravity of the 99mTc pinpoint source and magnifing to 256x256 static imaging. The first results demonstrate significant enhancement of quality imaging, particularly in paediatric patients. The localization of 99mTc-DMSA in kidneys was investigated in mice after induction of renal dysfunction symptoms resembling to the Fanconi syndrome in humans. Mice injected i.p. with disodium maleate (MAL) (6 mM/kg BW) showed 90 min later, abnormal levels in urine of glucose,. B~ oteins and aminoacids. In MAL mice and in controls ~mTc-DMSA pharmacokinetics was studied in the 5 min to 24 hr interval after i.v. injection and whole-body auto-~ diographies were performed i hr after injection of ~mTc-DMSA. The results show that blood clearance and urinary excretion of the radioactivity are delayed in MAL mice: 4 hr after injection of ~mTc-DMSA 10.34±0.98% of injected dose remained in blood compared to 5.28±1.87% in controls, and excreted activity in urine was 37.25±3.8% of injected dose in MAL mice compared to 48.41±0.60% in controls. By radioactivity measurements the kidneys did not show significant differences: 17.23±3.30% of injected dose in MAL mice compared to 15.55±3.92% in control.s. However, quite opposite intra-renal localizations of radioactivity were shown by autoradiography between the two groups of mice. In controls the highest cortex activity is located outside with a progressive decline towards medulla. This situation is inversed in MAL mice where the highest activity is cited very close to med-ull~ The results suggest that intra-renal perturbation of mTc-DMSA localization sites is an important diagnostic sign of renal dysfunction, which should be showed by a sensitive imaging technique in order to increase the clinical utility of the radiopharmaceutical. (sd 0.8), to the right 8.5%C0 (sd i.i) and to both 18.3 (sd 1.5). Reduced RBF values were found in patients with renal failure (<5%C0). EF in the normal left kidney was 45% (sd 7.6) and in the right 49% (sd 9.5) whereas poorly functioning kidneys had EF as low as 19%. RBF determination in man is possible using 99Tcm-Mag 3 and its EF can be derived using dynamic scintigraphy. It therefore has the potential to investigate the effects of disease/treatments on RBF and EF. Extracorporeal shock wave lithotrlpsy (ESWL) is a new modality used for treating renal lithiasis. The aim of this s~udy was to determine whether there was any effect of ESWLon the renal function and in particular to demonstrate some possible evidence for the development of obstructive nephropathy. To this end, renal radionuclide studies were performed before and after (24-48 hr) ESWLand the following functions were measured. Relative renal function was assessed as the percentage uptake of the Tc99m DTPA by each kidney. Renal parenchymal transit times were calculated together with glomerular filtration rate values for each kidney. Theeffect of furosemide induced diuresis on the renal images and time/activity curves were also determined. A quantitative evaluation showed that the relative renal function and glomerular filtration rates in both kidneys showed no statistically significant change during post-ESWL period (p>O.05). The parenchymal transit times were prolonged significantly (p<0.05) on the treated side while no statistically significant change was observed on the treated side. We believe that parenchymal transit time is a more sensitive parameter for the evaluation of acute changes after ESWL, especially in the kidneys having relatively poor function. We recommend routine application of radionuclide techniques for the early assessment of obstructive uropathies after ESWL. AIM OF TI-IE STUDY: faced with an adult hip pain without imqammatory signs and a normal X-Ray RSDS and OTNH axe two possible diagnoses frequently involved (other etiologies: fissure, osteuld osteoma, ..). They demand a specific treatment and have a different prognosis. This retrospective study was performed to discuss present indications of BS and MRI for the eaxly diagnosis of OTNI-I and RSDS. PATIENTS: 300 MRI of patients with hip pain without accompanying inflammatory signs and with a normal Xxay include 50 OTNH and 25 RSDS. Among these 75 patients 43 patients with comparable MRI and BS were retained (25 OTNFI and 18 RSDS). MATERIAL AND METHODS: 1/MRI: A 0.28T (Bruker) was used. The standaxdLzed protocol was: T2 RARE/3000/22 (coronal.) and T1 MSSE/350/22 (sagittal). 2/NM: The gamma-camera (Elscint) was used in the planar mode for 3Phase BS 99mTc-MDP (740MBq) and qualitative analysis (films) was performed. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: 1/MRI: sensitivity and specificity were close to 100%. 2/BS: a/OTNI-I a hot spot was found in 41/50, diagnosis of ONTH was suspected in 35/50. The raise negative (9/50) concern a controlateral pathology which was described (a hot spot in all cases) only when clinical symptoms were present b/RSDS all scans were positive but RSDS was suspected in 2/18 cases. Our data suggest that routine 3PBS has too low a specificity for the early diagnosis of OTNH/RSDS and is not sensitive enough for the diagnosis of a nonsymptomatic controlateral OTNFI. MRI was very efficient in both cases. The difference might be explained by the high resolution attainabIe rather than the specificity of the signal. These results might be reconsidered using, SPECT and seml-quantitative analysis which axe now being implemented. Nevertheless it seems to us that in these cases MRI is the procedure to chose when available. High resolution SPECT with 3 head gamma-camera systems with UHR collimators and 128 X 128 aquisition matrices allowes superior image quality and better topographical assignment. Higher sensitivity will be expected in areas of complex anatomical structures like the pelvis and hip region, where two accurate planar views cannot be achieved. A better differentiation and an earlier diagnosis of pathological processes like avascular necrosis of the femoral head, loosening of hip endoprosthesis or Perthes desease should be possible. 45 patients with suspicion of loosening of the acetabular cup after total hip arthoplasty (THA) or after revision of THA with implantation of bone grafts, or lesions of the femoral head have been investigated. 3 hrs. after 550-600 MBq 99mTc-MDP planar analog images were obtained (450.000 cts), followed by Bone-SPECT with 3 head gamma camera (Prism 3000,Picker), 40 (120) angles, 30 -45 secJview; step and shoot aquisition, total aquisition time approx. 20-25 minutes, FBP-filtering with ramp filter and postreconstruction 3D-low pass filtering. 7.6 mm transaxial, coronal and sagittal slices were reconstructed. 3 dimensional surface rendering was done using optimized threshold end background correction. Results: In cases of loosening processes following total hip arthroplasty HR-SPECT with 3 dimensional reconstruction is helpful to visualise and assign the increased osteoblastic activity and allowes better visualisation and estimation of the loosening process particular of the acetabular cup. Especially in equivocal planar scans, HR-SPECT leads to higher sensitivity. In follow-up studies in patients with extended spongiosa plasty combined with total hip replacement the bony reaction inside and around the bone graft is better visualised. In avascular necrosis of the femoral head with normal planar bone scans, the increased activity could well be visualized with HR-bane-SPECT. HR-bone-SPECT should be routinely performed in equivocal cases of bone and joint diseases of the hip region Etiologically it is assumed that aseptic hip necrosis is caused due to lack of blood circulation in the area of femoral neck and head. The process is probably a progressive one affecting by stages different areas of head and neck in developing necrotic areas. Our work contained comparison of quantitative calculation of relative perfusion in the artery phase (3T) with the changes in SPECT scintigram of the femoral heads and necks. The examination was carried out by injecting as o bolus 550-740 MBq TC-99m-DPD. Then the symmetrical regular regions of interest were set over the femoral neck and head areas so that symmetrical curves of left and right side could be generated and quantitative calculation of 3T of the affected hip could be made in comparison with the normal hip. 3T was compared with SPECT images of hips in 3D view. 43 p~s with aseptic hip necrosis underwent our examination. 3T was analysed in all pts and compared with the stage of pathological changes on the SPECT scintigrams of hips. A lowered perfusion 3T was obtained ranging from 0.99 to 0.29. The values of lowered perfusion coincided with the stage of pathological accumulation in SPECT images of hips so that the lowest values 3T were obtained in pts in vhom the changes involved practically the entire head and neck of the affected hip. The reducedperfusion of affected hip correlates with the stage of changes on SPECT images which confirma that the aseptic hip necrosis primarily involves perfusion disturbances and subsequently development of necrosis in the affected areas. At the same time the results evidence that a gradually advancing process is in question. T. Aras, M.T. Ercan, Z, Hasqelik, C.F. Bekdik and G. Erbengi Department of Nuclear Medicine, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. Localization of experimental inflammatory lesion was evaluated by using Tc-99m labelled dexamethasone phosphate (DMP) and we obtained successful results. This study was undertaken to determine the usefulness of this agent f o r imaging inflammatory lesions of rheumatoid a r t h r i t i s and whether the results of this procedure could be correlated with the absence or presence of ongoing inflammatory process. In 21 patients Tc-99m-DMP gamma camera images of the j o i n t s were obtained with 20 mCi, at 3h postinjection. 500.000 cts/frame were collected (256x256). Tc-99m-MDP scintigraphy was performed under similar conditions to compare the results. In addition to visual observation, joint-to-background ratios (J/B) f o r quantitative evaluation was also calculated f o r both studies. Following these results i t was found that the Tc-99m-DMP uptake in 359 j o i n t s was well correlated with the c l i n i c a l symptoms of swelling and pain (r = 0.747; P<0.0005) whereas no c o r r e l a t i o n was found with Tc-99m-MDP. J/B ratios were : Our study has shown that Tc-99m-DMP was taken up by synovial structures in the active phase of rheumatoid a r t h r i t i s . In remission no uptake was noted. We concluded that this agent was proved to be useful f o r monitoring the a c t i v i t y of rheumatoid a r t h r i t i s . In a number of recent studies, the clearance rate of aerosolized 99mTc-DTPA deposited in the lung has been characterized as an index of epithelial integrity. In a group of 16 non-smoker patients with sercoidosis (3 male, 13 female, mean age 44.2 years' old, minimum 22 and maximum 66) we calculated and correlated this parameter with the radtological stage, the CO diffusion, the serum Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) and the grading of gallium-67 lung uptake. The patients had either normal (n=8), slight obstructive (n=l) or restrictive (n=7) lung function as determined by a complete set of pulmonary function tests. The inhalation studies were pert'armed after a 2-3 rain inhalation af 20 mCi of 99mTc-DTPA in a 2ml solUtion (CIS), in postert~anterior view, dynamic mode, during 30 rain, 30see]frame, in a 128x128 matrix, started immediately after the beginning of the inhalation. Lung epithelial permeability (IF.p) is calculated from clearance curves obtained from a total lung ROI and expressed as the half-time clearance of the lungs (normal >_ 80rain the LEP measure in these patients seems more sensible than CO diffusion (altered only in 3 patients); -it seems that active inflammatory process is a coadjuvant factor in the grading of LEP lesion; -LEP in these patients seems a good index of epithelial integrity and, being a quantitative parameter, may allow a more strict monitorization. Combined ventilation-perfusion (V-P) lung imaging using the ventilation first approach has the disadvantage of performing a significant number of unnecessary V studies since a normal P scan excludes pulmonary embolism (PE) with high certainty. However, post-perfusion aerosol V imaging requires a delivery system with high lung deposition efficiency. A new aerosol device (Mallinckrodt, Petten) using dry air (relative humidity 15-18%) for jet nebulisation of 99m Tc-DTPA generates a submicronic aerosol (MMAD 0.37#m, GSD 1.8), Lung deposition efficiency (percent activity of initial nebuliser load deposited in the lung) was 30-40%. Quantitative comparison with 81m Kr demonstrated excellent peripheral penetration (n=14, r=0,75, p<0,001) and comparable regional distribution (r=0,94, p < 0.001), A multicenter trial compared the immediate post-perfusion V approach (inhalation scan I) with a V scan performed on the next day (inhalation scan II) in 169 consecutive patients with clinically suspected PE. P imaging was perfo{med with 37 MBq 99m Tc-microspheres, initial nebuliser load for immediate post-perfusion V imaging was 370 MBq, for 24hr V imaging 185 MBq 99m Tc-DTPA. Agreement with respect to assessment of P defects matched or mismatched to ventilation was found in 166/169 (98%) patients. Image quality of inhalation scan I (underlying P) was equal to scan II in 72% of studies, image quality of scan I was superior in 11%, of scan II in 17%. This aerosol system is well suited for same-day c0mbined perfusion-ventilati0n imaging in patients with clinical suspicion of pulmonary embolism. For the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism many cemres rely on a single posterior initial-breath I33Xe view followed by equilibrium and washout phases to evaluate ventilation, withom posterior-oblique or lateral images. We have assessed the ability of experienced observers to detect and locate defects of known anatomical location and size on the pesterer view lung scan by placing temporary occlusions at the openings of selected bronchi during fibreoptic bronchoscopy, with an inflatable balloon catheter. Ventilation studies were then performed in the standard projections using 'l=Kr. Occlusions of all lobes and segments were studied. Photographic images of the posterior views were presented to two independent, experienced Nuclear Medicine physicians who were asked to classify each scan as normal or abnormal. If abnormal they were asked to identify the lobe or segment involved. Results: A. Segments: 20% of the posterior view scans known to contain segmental defects were judged to be normal. 44 % of segmental defects were located to the correct lobe and only 25 % to the correct segment. B. Lobes: A scan known to have a lingular defect was judged to be normal by both observers. A right middle lobe defect resulted in a slightly abnormal scan but could not be identified as lobar. Conclusion: This study illustrates the limitations 6f the posterior view ventilation scan in identifying and locating defects to compare with multiple view perfusion scans. The results suggest that methods of ventilation scanning using the posterior view alone will tend to overdiagnose ventilation-perfusion mismatch, inappropriately displacing scans into higher probability groups for pulmonary embolism. Investigation of the lower limb venous system to d±~gnose DVT and/or the measurement of the serum D-Dimer levels have been advocated as alternate modes of investigation to pulmonary angiography in patients wi~h an intermediate V/Q scan. We have prospectively examined 21 consecutive patients without clinical evidence of DV~ who had an intermediate V/Q scan and who snbsequently had a pulmonary angiogram performed. All patients had the V/Q scan, pulmonary angiogram, bilateral lower limb venous doppler ultrasound and serum D-Dimer levels ~easurement by both the ELIZA and slide latex agglutination methods within a 24 hour period. 7 of the 21 patients (33%) had pulmonary embolism demonstrated on pulmonary angiography. Only one patient with PE (14%) and none of the patients without PE had DVT demonstrated on ultrasound.Thus, lower limb venous ultrasound had a sensitivity and specificity of 14% and 1Q0% respectively. D-Dimerwas measured using both the slide latex agglutnation and the ELIZA assay. There was no significant difference in the serum D-Dimer levels between the patients with PE and those without PE using either method of measurement, Levels above 2mg/l are generally considered to be significant for venons thromboembolism. There was only one patient with a D-Dimer of greater than 2mg/l and this patient had a negative angiogram and ultrasound. Budihna NV*, Mil~inski M*, Skralovnik-Stern A**, Peternel ~,~ M* Fidler V* Unversty Med ca Center, *Department of nuclear medicine */'Institute of pulmonary diseases and tuberculosis, ***Institute of gerontology, Ljubljana, SIovenia. A m of th.e study was to see if measurement of right ventricular eiection traction (R.VEF) at the time of lung perfusion scintigra-pl~y can !mprove the diagnostic value of-standard lung ventilation pe, rru, sion scintigraphy (V/Q) for the diagnosis of pulmonary emoo~ism (PE). Methods F fty-f ve patients, 18-89 years old, were investigated for clinically suspected PE 1-7 days a.fter acute event. Ventilation p<0,001 23 #compared to the group with low probability or excluded PE S gnificapt n, egative co,rretation between the number of V/Q m smatci~ea segmentm or lar.cle subsegmental defects and RVEF was found (,r=-0.57, p