Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 24, No 4 • August 2016 3-1 Section 3 Section Three: News and Views (of the Members of the ATLA Technical Services Section) PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES Caring for Collections Library Juice Academy This course will cover help students learn how to evaluate and assess risks for collections, create preservation environments, develop handling procedures, and prepare for disaster response and recovery. September 5-30, 2016 $175 Transforming and Querying XML with XSLT and XQuery Library Juice Academy An introduction to XML tool for manipulating XML documents and data. Students will learn how to write basic XSL and XQueries as well as the difference between XSL and XQuery. Students should have a basic knowledge of XML and XPath. September 5-30, 2016 $175 Publishers' Hidden Content: How PIE-J Can Help ALCTS Webinar Learn about the NISO standard that guides the presentation and identification of E-Journals as well as how to report holdings problems and titles changes to publishers and providers. September 14, 2016 $43-$129 Fundamentals of Acquisitions ALCTS Web Course This six-week course focuses on the processes of acquisitions such as ordering, receiving, and invoicing as well as negotiation and licensing. September 19-October 28, 2016 $139-$169 November 7-December 16, 2016 Creating Visual Presentations American Management Association Learn to create simple and engaging visuals that enhance your presentation. Topics such as chunking, negative space, reducing text, and the 2-in-1 deck will be covered. Visual design principles will also be covered. September 20, 2016 $149 Using FAST for Faster Workflows and Discovery ALCTS Webinar Understand how FAST vocabulary can be used to streamline metadata work and improve user experience. September 28, 2016 $43-$129 Library of Congress BIBFRAME Developments ALCTS Webinar Presenters from the Library of Congress will discuss BIBFRAME Pilot Phase 1 and 2, LC BIBFRAME work with special formats, review LDAP initiatives, and RDA's influence on BIBFRAME 2. This webinar is part of the From MARC to BIBFRAME series. October 12, 2016 FREE Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 24, No 4 • August 2016 3-2 Section 3 Creating Friction-Free Relationships: Tools for Working with Anyone American Management Association This webinar will teach techniques and strategies for taking the emotion out of interactions, building trust, managing meetings, addressing difficult topics, and influencing people. These tools can be employed in any business relationship whether it's your boss, colleagues, or direct reports. November 1, 2016 $149 Metadata Design Library Juice Academy Learn about the tools and technologies that support metadata design. Topics covered include the data model, the registry, standardizing values through ontology and vocabulary development, metadata expression, and applying the tools to existing metadata schemas. November 7-December 2, 2016 $175 Submitted by Leslie Engelson, Metadata Librarian Waterfield Library, Murray State University SELECTED ARTICLES FROM CURRENT LIBRARY JOURNALS Frederick, Donna E. "Metadata Specialists in Transition: from MARC Cataloging to Linked Data and BIBFRAME (Data Deluge Column)." Library Hi Tech News 33, no. 4 (May 2016): 1-5. Gibson, Sally. "Creating Solutions Instead of Solving Problems: Emerging Roles for Technical Services Departments." Technical Services Quarterly 33, no. 2 (April 2016): 145-153. Kelley, Steve. "Possible Major Changes Afoot in the World of RDA." Technicalities 36, no. 3 (May 2016): 14-17. Kelly, Julie and Linda Eells. "Institutional Repositories: Home for Small Scholarly Journals?" D-Lib Magazine 22, no. 5/6 (May 2016): 1, doi: 10.1045/may2016-kelly. Lapka, Francis and Audrey Pearson. “RDA & Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials: Developing Policy Statements for Special Collections Resources.” CILIP Update ( June 2016): 2-9. documents/catalogue_and_index_issue_183_june_2016.pdf Maurer, Margaret Beecher and Shadi Shakeri. "Disciplinary Differences: LCSH and Keyword Assignment for ETDs from Different Disciplines." Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 54, no. 4 ( June 2016): 213-243. McKinnon, Dawn. "Notes on Operations: Using Perceptions and Preferences from Public Services Staff to Improve Error Reporting and Workflows." Library Resources & Technical Services 60, no. 2 (04, 2016): 115-129. Riemer, John J. "The Gravitational Pull Away from Pre-Coordinated Subject Headings." Technicalities 36, no. 3 (May 2016): 1-8. Stegaeva, M. V. "Cooperative Cataloging: History and the Current State." Scientific and Technical Information Processing 43, no. 1 ( January 2016): 28-35. Turner, Ariel K. "Establishing batch processes for e-books." Technical Services Quarterly 33, no. 2 (April 2016): 121-130. Submitted by Anna Appleman, Cataloger John Bulow Campbell Library, Columbia Theological Seminary