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T H E O L O G Y  C A T A L O G I N G  B U L L E T I N  •  V O L .  2 8 ,  N O .  4 :  O C T O B E R  2 0 2 0

Social Media
compiled by Anna Appleman

Hale, Meredith L. 2020. “Tweeting Tennessee’s Collections: A Case Study of a Digital Collections 
Twitterbot Implementation.” Code4Lib Journal 48.

Michael, Brinna and Myung-Ja Han. 2020. “User Tagging Behaviors in an OPAC: An Analysis of Seven 
Years of I-Share User Tags.” Library Resources & Technical Services 64, no. 1: 4–14.

Samanta, Kalyan Sundar and Durga Sankar Rath. 2020. “User-Generated Social Tags Versus Librarian-
Generated Subject Headings: A Comparative Study in the Domain of History.” DESIDOC Journal 
of Library & Information Technology 40, no. 3: 176–84. doi.org/10.14429/djlit.40.03.15413. 

Zhan, Ming, Qin Yu, and Ji Wang. 2020. “Effectively Organizing Hashtags on Instagram: A Study of 
Library-Related Captions.” Information Research 25, no. 2.

Anna Appleman is Cataloger at Columbia Theological Seminary.
