id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt WOS-000542337500008 Benson, J 'We don't care who you are': Race, space, and dispossession in New York's charter school co-location reform 2020 .txt text/plain 219 6 30 The author argues that New York's 2014 co-location reform, which guarantees co-location or rental assistance for the city's charter schools, produces school space in ways that create new circuits for the accumulation of capital by the private sector, while at the same time putting into circulation hegemonic imaginations of the relationship of race to school space. Co-location reform enlists school space within neoliberalism's color-blind and meritocratic racial ideology: reformers like New York Governor Andrew Cuomo don't care who you are because achievement is seen as the result of hard work and good choices made in free markets, and co-location will extend educational markets to families of color who have heretofore been excluded. cache/WOS-000542337500008.txt txt/WOS-000542337500008.txt