id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt WOS-000395437600002 Grissom, JA Central Office Supports for Data-Driven Talent Management Decisions: Evidence From the Implementation of New Systems for Measuring Teacher Effectiveness 2017 .txt text/plain 177 5 21 We investigate the barriers to principals' use of teacher effectiveness measures in eight urban districts and charter management organizations that are investing in new systems for collecting such measures and making them available to school leaders and the supports central offices are building to help principals overcome those barriers. School districts increasingly push school leaders to utilize multiple measures of teacher effectiveness, such as observation ratings or value-added scores, in making talent management decisions, including teacher hiring, assignment, support, and retention, but we know little about the local conditions that promote or impede these processes. cache/WOS-000395437600002.txt txt/WOS-000395437600002.txt