id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt RefID-701-citybusiness2007recovery CityBusiness,Staff Report Recovery School District, New Orleans School Board to partner on master plan 2007 .txt text/plain 136 4 54 The short-term facility plans for the RSD for the 2007-08 school year include the completion of 15 building restoration projects at existing RSD and OPSB school facilities and the addition of 12-15 modular campuses at RSD and OPSB school sites, adding about 16,000 student seats to Orleans Parish. The fact that the city, RSD and OPSB are going to be working together with the community to develop a long-term plan for the public school system should send a strong signal about our joint determination to create a better future for our children, OPSB President Phyllis Landrieu said. cache/RefID-701-citybusiness2007recovery.txt txt/RefID-701-citybusiness2007recovery.txt