id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt RefID-1062-mcwilliams2019mass McWilliams,Julia A. Mass School Closures and the Politics of Race, Value, and Disposability in Philadelphia 2019 .txt text/plain 535 19 38 Moving beyond educational studies that have focused on the outcomes of mass school closures like student achievement and cost savings, we argue that a thorough theorization of how race, violence, and community values relate to school closure as process could help to explain the ways in which contemporary educational policy reforms are creating new modes of communal disposability in cities’ poorest zip codes. In this article, we examine the rollout of 30 school closures in Philadelphia in 2012 and 2013 to explain how school closures have become yet another policy technology of Black community and school devaluation in the United States. cache/RefID-1062-mcwilliams2019mass.txt txt/RefID-1062-mcwilliams2019mass.txt