Student immigration forum to be held Tuesday

Author: Julie Hail Flory


A panel of University of Notre Dame students will discuss issues concerning immigration at a debate Tuesday (April 8) at 7:30 p.m. in the ballroom of the LaFortune Student Center. Presented by Notre Dames student government, the event is free and open to the public.

Student panelists are seniors Stephanie Brauer and Michael McKenna, graduate student Victor Carmona, and junior Elizabeth Ferrufino. The discussion will be moderated by Don Wycliff, associate vice president for news and information and adjunct professor of American studies at the University.

The student forum on immigration marks the culmination of our efforts over the past year to encourage students to engage in the topic and identify their personal opinions on a debate that is sure to continue over the coming years,said senior Elizabeth Brown, outgoing student body president.

The debate represents the continuing exploration of immigration issues on campus following the 2007 Notre Dame Forum, which examined the subject last fall. Featuring U.S. Sen. Melquiades RafaelMelMartinez, R-Fla.; Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los Angeles; Gov. Janet Napolitano of Arizona; and Mayor Louis J. Barletta of Hazleton, Pa., the event was the third annual forum, which was established in 2005 by Rev. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C., Notre Dames president, to annually assemble world leaders on campus in discussion of the leading issues of the day.

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