Spirituality is the focus of three new books authored or edited by University of Notre Dame faculty and published by Notre Dame Press.p. ? The connection between spirituality and business is the focus of “Business, Religion and Spirituality: A New Synthesis,” which was edited by Rev. Oliver F. Williams, C.S.C., associate professor of management in the Mendoza College of Business and academic director of the University’s Center for Ethics and Religious Values in Business.p. Part of the John W. Houck Notre Dame Series in Business Ethics, the book examines the roles of churches, business leaders and business schools in promoting ethics in the corporate world.p. Contributors include Lawrence Cunningham, John A. O’Brien Professor of Theology at Notre Dame, and John Caron, a 1945 graduate of Notre Dame, life trustee of the University, and retired president and chief executive officer of Caron International, a textile manufacturing company.p. ? Ralph McInerny’s “The Very Rich Hours of Jacques Maritain” makes use of the medieval book of hours to examine the lives of Catholic philosopher Maritain and his wife, Raissa, shaping a model of the intellectual lives of Christian believers. He discusses Maritain’s involvement in French politics and his views on the nature and future of democracy.p. McInerny is the Michael P. Grace Professor of Medieval Studies and director of the Jacques Maritain Center at Notre Dame. His recent work includes commentaries on Aquinas and Aristotle, along with the concept of the philosophical poet.p. ? In “A Journey with God in Time: A Spiritual Quest,” Rev. John S. Dunne, C.S.C., John A. O’Brien Professor of Catholic Theology, meditates on pivotal moments in his life to connect contemporary theology with finding, losing and living love. He takes readers through his life, including his relationship with his grandfather, his love of music and thoughts on death, in an innovative autobiography that uses dramatic Thomas Cole paintings as a backdrop.p. A member of the Notre Dame faculty since 1957, Father Dunne is author of more than 15 books, including ?The City of the Gods? and ?A Search for God in Time and Memory."p. Contact: Julie Beckwith, associate marketing manager, Notre Dame Press, 574-631-3267, beckwith.7@nd.edu
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