The University of Notre Dame and the South Bend Symphony Orchestra Association are embarking on a cooperative partnership designed to improve the quality of and access to the arts in the community.
Beginning this fall, the Symphonys June H. Edwards Chamber Music Series will make its permanent home in the Leighton Concert Hall of Notre Dames newMarieP.DeBartoloCenterfor the Performing Arts. The University also will fund an annual performing artist, who will be chosen from among the very best of the worlds classical music talent to perform with the Symphony inSouth Bend. Notre Dame also will inaugurate a new residency series that will support the Performing Arts Guest Artist Residencies, the Symphonys established program of educational outreach to the community.
The Universitys commitment to the arts is embodied not only in our new and nationally celebratedDeBartoloPerformingArtsCenter, but also – and equally – in our dedication to the vitality of our local arts organizations,said John Haynes, the Judd and Mary Lou Leighton Director for the Performing Arts at Notre Dame.Notre Dame Performing Arts and the South Bend Symphony Orchestra share a passionate commitment to access and excellence, and we know that we can accomplish more working together than we could separately.
The first musician to be part of the guest artist residency series will be internationally acclaimed pianist Leon Bates, who will be in residence at Notre Dame during the first week of October.
* Contact: * _Laura Moran,DeBartoloPerformingArtsCenter,574-631-2731, ; Denise Borton,South BendSymphony,574-232-6343, _
TopicID: 11503