Jeffrey H. Bergstrand, professor of finance at the University of Notre Dame, has been recognized by the Research Papers in Economics project (RePEc) as one of the worlds foremost experts in international trade.
RePEc is a public access database that promotes scholarly communication in economics and related disciplines and is composed of more than 280,000 pieces of information related to the field, including journal articles, working papers, books and software programs.
In an announcement last month, RePEc ranked Bergstrand 10th on the list of some 580 researchers worldwide in the field of international trade.RePEc used 32 criteria to calculate the ranking, including the number of papers published, the quality of journals, and the quantity and impact of paperscitations.
The ranking distinguishes Bergstrand not only as one of the most prolific authors in the field of international trade, but also indicates the influence of his work.
Bergstrands research focuses on international trade between countries, which includes more broadly the topics of free trade agreements and other trade policies, foreign direct investment and multinational enterprises, and immigration.
My research has focused on improving our understanding of what factors actually explain international trade, foreign direct investment, and migration flows, and how they are related,Bergstrand said.With a more precise understanding of these issues, we have developed a clearer understanding of how much international economic policies – such as free trade agreements, bilateral investment treaties, and the like -actually impact these flows, which ultimately foster economic growth and raise standards of living.
In addition to his work in international trade, Bergstrand focuses on international finance and exchange rates, macroeconomics and the U.S. economy. He is the author of more than two dozen journal articles and of “Going Global: 25 Keys to International Operations,” a book published in 1999 for The New York Times Pocket MBA Series. He is a co-editor of the book “The Changing Distribution of Income in an Open U.S. Economy.”
A member of the Notre Dame faculty since 1986, Bergstrand previously served as an economist with the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. He earned his bachelor’s degree in economics and political science from Northwestern University and his master’s and doctoral degrees in economics from the University of Wisconsin.
_ Media advisory: A video of Bergstrand discussing globalization and the world economy can be viewed at_ " _ _
_ Contact: Jeffrey Bergstrand at (574) 631-6761 or_ " " , or " ": _
TopicID: 26106