Michael Wiescher, the Freimann Professor of Physics at the University of Notre Dame, has been appointed to the National Academies Board on Physics and Astronomy for a three-year term beginning this month.
The Board on Physics and Astronomy seeks to inform the government and the public regarding significant scientific opportunities and issues in physics and astronomy and build bridges between evolving sub-disciplines of physics and astronomy and other areas of science.
As a member of the board, Wiescher will collaborate with other leading researchers to identify trends in research and new developments at the scientific forefronts. He will strengthen connections to technology and foster interactions with other fields and academic disciplines.
Wiescher is a world-leading scientist in experimental nuclear astrophysics who has made numerous contributions to the determination of key nuclear reaction rates for the understanding of stellar evolution and the synthesis of the elements in the Universe. He is particularly well-known for the use of novel techniques involving low energy ion beams in measuring nuclear reactions determining the lifetime and evolution of stars.
Wiescher is the director of the Nuclear Structure Laboratory at Notre Dame. He also serves as director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics (JINA), an institute in collaboration with Notre Dame, Michigan State University, and the University of Chicago that addresses a broad range of experimental, theoretical and observational questions in nuclear astrophysics. JINA is funded by the National Science Foundation.
Additionally, Wiescher has been reappointed to the advisory board of the National Research Council of Canada (NRCC) for a three-year term beginning in September. The NRCC advances research and innovation through high-value information and publishing services in science, technology and medicine and provides Canada’s research and innovation community with tools and services for accelerated discovery, innovation and commercialization.
_ Contact: Michael Wiescher, 574-631-6788,_ " mwiesche@nd.edu ":mailto:mwiesche@nd.edu
TopicID: 28907