Dr. Daniel P. Sulmasy, O.F.M., professor of medicine and director of the Bioethics Institute of New York Medical College in Valhalla, N.Y., will give a lecture entitledIs Health Care a Spiritual Discipline?at 4 p.m. Friday (March 14) in the McKenna Hall auditorium at the University of Notre Dame.
The lecture is sponsored by Notre Dames Center for Ethics and Culture and the Alumni Associations Alumni Continuing Education office as the 23rd annual J. Philip Clarke Family Lecture in Medical Ethics.
A practicing physician who specializes in internal medicine, Dr. Sulmasy also is a Franciscan friar who holds the Sisters of Charity Chair in Ethics at St. Vincent’s Hospital in Manhattan. He serves as editor-in-chief ofTheoretical Medicine and Bioethicsand is the author ofThe Healers Calling,Methods in Medical Ethics,The Rebirth of the ClinicandA Balm for Gilead: Meditations on Spirituality and the Healing Arts.
The Clarke lecture is the keynote address for the Alumni Association’s annual meeting of Notre Dame alumni physicians.The meeting brings together practicing
physicians and health care workers, medical ethicists, theologians, and philosophers to discuss and analyze case studies which pose ethical dilemmas in various areas of clinical practice.
More information about this years conference is available on the Web at http://www.alumni.nd.edu/site/pp.aspx?c=luIZLdMOJpE&b=2667201 .
_ Contact: Karen L. Conway at 574-631-5940 or_ " Conway.57@nd.edu ":mailto:Conway.57@nd.edu
TopicID: 26868