Jacqueline Vaught Brogan, professor of English at the University of Notre Dame, has published a new book on one of the 20th century’s leading poets as well as a new collection of her own poetry.p. In “The Violence Within/The Violence Without: Wallace Stevens and the Emergence of a Revolutionary Poetics,” Brogan sheds light on Stevens by tracking the poetic and political changes in his work that merge with his growing ethical concerns. According to Brogan, Stevens not only changed but matured over time. What began as Stevens’ girding against such ?violence without" as social unrest and war, evolved into a set of practices that were increasingly responsive to his times. The book was published by the University of Georgia Press.p. Brogan’s collection of poems, “Damage,” examines personal, natural and cultural damage in a voice that is ironically marked by intense beauty. The first section of the book explores the public sphere of violence, including the cyclical decay of nature itself. The following section shifts focus to the personal, in poems fraught with betrayal and desire. The third and final section of the book weaves the first two together and addresses modern emotions. Notre Dame Press is the publisher.p. A Notre Dame faculty member since 1986, Brogan specializes in all aspects of 20th-century American literature.
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