An innovative leadership program designed to improve the cognitive, personal, professional, moral and spiritual qualities of experienced business executives will be offered at the University of Notre Dame beginning next year.p. Created by Executive Education in the Mendoza College of Business, the Certificate in Integral Leadership program is designed for professionals in both the public and private sectors. The program will combine training in leadership with information and instruction on stress management, ethics, social responsibility, wellness and other aspects of individual development.p. “These demanding times require extraordinary leaders who understand the world, their markets, their organizations and themselves,” said Leo Burke, associate dean and director of Executive Education. “The breadth and depth of this program make it unique as a forum for building such leaders.”p. The program is experiential in nature and will include two weeks on the Notre Dame campus with small group activities, simulations, break-out sessions, customized one-on-one feedback and coaching, leadership assessment, and training to ensure the transfer and sustainability of new learning and capabilities. Participants will spend six weeks between the on-campus sessions engaged in on-the-job application supported by coaching and Web-based collaborative software tools that are designed to integrate new skills into the workplace.The program, which is based largely on the work of Integral Institute founder Ken Wilber, will be taught by Mendoza faculty members ? including Burke, Patrick Murphy, professor of marketing, and Matt Bloom and Ann Tenbrunsel, associate professors of management ? as well as experts from other organizations and institutes.p. The first session for the new program will begin on campus April 21-26 and conclude June 9-14. A second session is scheduled for the fall of 2002, beginning Oct. 13-18 and ending Dec. 1-6.p. The cost of the program is $12,500, with a $2,500 reduction for additional participants from the same organization. Applications and additional information are available on the World Wide Web at
TopicID: 2228