Opportunities to make a difference in K-12 education will abound this summer as the University of Notre Dame’s Alliance for Catholic Education (ACE) sponsors conferences covering a range of interests and initiatives.
Upcoming ACE conferences on the Notre Dame campus aim to be important focal points for learning about—and responding to—the challenge of sustaining and strengthening K-12 Catholic schools nationwide. Registration is still open for these distinctive gatherings, which are conducted by units of ACE.
Events take place during the season when principals, teachers and aspiring teachers are engaged in their on-campus summer curricula as part of their ACE formation programs. ACE’s many activities to sustain, strengthen and transform Catholic schools also reflect the University’s commitment to K-12 education—a commitment embodied in the series of events that will constitute the 2011-12 Notre Dame Forum.
Those eager to respond to the many needs and opportunities of K-12 Catholic education can register for these summer conferences prior to the respective deadlines:
Catholic Endowment Management Conference (June 7 to 9). Financial leaders of Catholic institutions have the opportunity to learn and discuss best practices for managing their long-term investment funds. Your guide is Notre Dame’s chief investment officer, Scott Malpass. Registration ends May 25. More details, including fee information, are available at http://bit.ly/catholicendowment.
Catholic School Advantage Presenter Seminar (June 17 to 19). Notre Dame is leading the effort to enroll 1 million Latino children in Catholic schools by 2020. Those committed to advancing this Catholic School Advantage campaign by offering training sessions in their communities will receive valuable coaching at this seminar. To apply, visit http://aceadvocates.nd.edu/catholic-school-advantage-training.
Advocates for Parental Choice Symposium (June 24 to 29). This is the premier seminar for future leaders in the parental choice movement. It includes an academic component and rigorous frontline training. All participant costs are covered by a national foundation. To apply, visit http://aceadvocates.nd.edu/parentalchoice.
Play Like a Champion Sports Leadership Conference (June 24 to 26). This annual conference offers professional development for coaches and athletic administrators at both the youth and high school levels with a special emphasis on developing the whole person through sports. More details, including fee information, are available at http://www.playlikeachampion.org/events/conference.html.
Superintendents Strategic Leadership Conference (June 26 to 29). Superintendents will enhance their leadership capacity through engaging discussions with expert faculty, practitioners and (arch)diocesan and business leaders. Registration ends June 1. More details, including fee information, are available at http://bit.ly/superintendentsconference.
Principals Academy (July 5 to 8). Principals will engage in discussions with expert faculty and practitioners, develop a leadership plan with facilitators to improve teaching and learning, and build community with their colleagues for the sharing of skills and support. Registration ends June 15. More details, including fee information, are available at http://aceconsulting.nd.edu/services/ace-academy-for-school-leaders/principals-academy/.
ACE Summer Forum (July 8 to 10). This Summer Forum on Expanding Access to Catholic Schools will assemble leaders from across the country to focus on helping students and families gain access to Catholic schools through the acquisition of private donations, advocating for parental choice public policy, and making community-driven changes in the school environment. For more details, including fee information, visit http://aceadvocates.nd.edu/summer-forum.