“Nowhere Else but Notre Dame,” a student recruitment video produced for the University of Notre Dame by South Bend-based NewGroup Media, has received a 2003 Telly Finalist Award.p. Honored in the “Outstanding Recruitment” category, the video was produced in cooperation with Notre Dame’s Office of Undergraduate Admissions. NewGroup Media also was recognized in four other Telly Award categories for videos produced for the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and pharmaceutical company Johnson&Johnson.p. The Telly Award was created in 1980 and recognizes outstanding non-network and cable television commercials, films and videos. Entries do not compete against each other, but rather are judged based on a high standard of excellence. This year’s competition attracted more than 10,000 entries, with some 15 percent receiving awards.p. NewGroup Media is a creative media communications company that specializes in documentary work, television programs and commercials, promotions, events, live staging, and industrial, institutional and training videos.
TopicID: 4077