Timothy Matovina, director of the University of Notre Dame’s Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism, will receive the Richard Cardinal Cushing Medal for the Advancement of Church Research on behalf of the Cushwa Center during ceremonies at Georgetown University on Oct. 6.p. The Cushing Medal, named in honor of the Boston cardinal and archbishop who died in 1970, is annually awarded by Georgetown’s Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate to people and institutions who have “advanced Church research both through their understanding of its uses and their active support of it.”p. Notre Dame’s Cushwa Center was established in 1975 and was endowed in 1981 with a gift from the Charles and Margaret Hall Cushwa family of Youngstown, Ohio. Faculty members affiliated with the center have published studies on the Irish experience in America, the growth of Hispanic Catholicism in America, the history of Catholic parish life, American religion and culture, the experiences of women in American religious history, and the impact of the Second Vatican Council on the American Catholic community.p. Matovina, an associate professor of theology, joined the Notre Dame faculty in 2000. He teaches courses on theology and culture and specializes in American Catholicism, particularly as it concerns Latino history and religious traditions. He is the author of “Tejano Religion and Ethnicity” and co-author, with fellow Notre Dame theologian Virgilio Elizondo, of “Soul of the City” and “Mestizo Worship.” He also is the editor of “Beyond Borders,” “Perspectivas: Hispanic Ministry” and “Presente! U.S. Latino Catholics from Colonial Origins to the Present.”p. In addition to his scholarly work, Matovina lectures and conducts seminars on Latino ministry and theology throughout the United States.p.
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