More than 100 incoming Notre Dame Law School students, nearly 60 percent of the class of 2007, will volunteer for a day of community service on Aug. 21 (Saturday) during their orientation weekend.p. “It is very gratifying to have so many incoming students express interest in helping one of the many worthwhile agencies that are in St. Joseph County,” said Peter Horvath, the law schools director of student services. “For the past several years, the entering class has been offered the opportunity to perform a day of public service; each year, more than half of the enrolled students take advantage of this opportunity.”p. The students will work at several community service agencies in the region, including the Center for the Homeless, Goodwill, Habitat for Humanity, Hope Rescue Mission, Red Cross, Salvation Army, St. Vincent DePaul, and United Way.p. _Contact: Carol Jambor-Smith, director of external relations of the Notre Dame Law School, at 574-631-6891 or _ p.
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