Nanovic Institute co-sponsors symposium in Hungary

Author: Julie Hail Flory


The Nanovic Institute for European Studies at the University of Notre Dame is co-sponsoring the second gathering of a symposium titled “Catholic Universities of East-Central Europe and the University of Notre Dame” this week at thePázmányPéterCatholicUniversityinEsztergom,Hungary.

The conference is being held Friday and Saturday (Sept. 30 and Oct. 1) to facilitate an exchange of ideas and experiences on the teaching, research and leadership roles of the modern Catholic university.

Nanovic Institute director A. James McAdams, Dr. William M. Scholl Professor of International Affairs, is attending the conference, along with fellow Notre Dame faculty members Wolfgang Porod, Frank M. Frieman Professor of Electrical Engineering, and Yih-Fang Huang, professor of electrical engineering.

The meeting represents “a unique opportunity for us to explore future opportunities for Notre Dame students and faculty at these universities, as well as to share with their leaders our experiences with the challenges of building a world-class Catholic university,” McAdams said.

Other institutions represented at the conference include the Catholic Universities of Lublin, Poland and Ruzomberok, Slovakia; the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv; the future Catholic University of Croatia; and the Hungary Holy See.

* Contact: * Kathee Kiesselbach, Nanovic Institute, 574-631-3548, __

TopicID: 13624