An examination of the various aspects of literary art in the 1960s will be the focus of a two-day lecture series, Monday and Tuesday (Nov. 14 and 15), in McKenna Hall at the University of Notre Dame.
“Artworlds of the Sixties,” sponsored by the Department of English, will explore the art, music, literature, poetry and novels of the60s and why they remain significant today.
The topics and lecturers are as follows:
Monday, 4:30 p.m.:At Loose Ends: Art, Music, and Literature in the60s, Herman Rapaport, professor of English at the University of Southampton and a critical theorist who specializes in comparative literature and cultural studies
Monday, 5:30 p.m.:The Break with Cage: A Generational Perspective, Jessica Chalmers, assistant professor of film, television and theatre at Notre Dame and an award-winning playwright and scholar of performance studies
Tuesday, 4:30 p.m.:Did the Novel Die? (and Would We Know?), R.M. Berry, professor of English at Florida State University and an expert in 20th century literature, critical theory and creative fiction writing
Tuesday, 5:30 p.m.:Collage Culture: Harry Smith and California Poetry, Stephen Fredman, professor and chair of the Department of English at Notre Dame and a 20th century American poetry and poetics scholar.
The lectures are free and open to the public.For more information, contact Gerald Bruns at 574-631- 6991, or .
TopicID: 14478