TEDxUND organizers, in partnership with the IDEA Center at the University of Notre Dame, will present TEDxUND 2018 in the Patricia George Decio Theatre at the DeBartolo Performing Arts Center April 28 (Saturday) as part of IDEA Week.
Designed to showcase the ideas and talents of individuals from Notre Dame and the surrounding community, TEDxUND 2018 features a diverse lineup of speakers exploring the topic “Dare To …” They range from a faculty member working to engineer a cure to cancer to a pair of undergraduate students who unplugged from the world of modern technology for a week as an experiment.
The daylong event will feature two live sessions, one from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., and one from 2 to 4:30 p.m. Admission to both events is free, but tickets are required and seating is limited. Tickets will be available on a first-come, first-served basis starting at 9 a.m. Thursday (April 12) through the DeBartolo Performing Arts Center box office.
Notre Dame alumna Jacqueline Thomas, the Young Alumni program manager at the Notre Dame Alumni Association, will emcee the event. Scheduled speakers and their topics include the following:
Session 1
- Brian Baker, faculty member: Dare to Imagine Curing Cancer
- Kendrick Peterson, undergraduate student: Dare to Differentiate
- Joanna Fava, alumna: Dare to Exceed Expectations
- Matthew Stackowicz, community member: Dare to Be a Visual Storyteller
- Sophia Buono, undergraduate student: Dare to Dance Hand-In-Hand
- William Clark, undergraduate student: Dare to Say “No”
- Martin Klubeck, staff member: Dare to Listen with an Open Heart
- Tracy Kijewski-Correa, faculty member and alumna: Dare to Discover the Innovator Within
Session 2
- Aaron Perri, alumnus and community member: Dare to Embrace Failure
- Nick Barella and Chris Mire, undergraduate students: Dare to Unplug
- Weiyang Xie, staff member: Dare to Rewire Your Brain for Self-Compassion
- Laura Kloepper, Saint Mary’s College: Dare to Navigate a Complex World
- Marisa Lucht, undergraduate student: Dare to Humanize Data
- Stephen Trzeciak, alumnus: Dare to Tackle the Most Pressing Problem of Our Time
- Samuel Jackson, undergraduate student: Dare to Let the Arts Transform You
- Amber Selking, faculty member and alumna: Dare to Think Like a Champion Today
More information is available online at the TEDxUND 2018 website.
About TEDx, where x = independently organized event
In the spirit of “Ideas Worth Spreading,” TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. TEDxUND strives to re-create the unique experience found at TED, where the world’s leaders, thinkers and doers congregate to share ideas about which they are most passionate.
About TED
TED is a nonprofit organization devoted to “Ideas Worth Spreading.” It started in 1984 as a conference that brought together people from three worlds: technology, entertainment and design. Since then, its scope has become ever broader, including two annual conferences: the TED Conference on the West Coast each spring and the TEDGlobal conference in Edinburgh, Scotland, each summer. TED also now includes the award-winning TED Talks video website. For more information, go to www.ted.com.
Contact: Caitlin Murphy, cmurph26@nd.edu; Tim O’Connell, toconne3@nd.edu