Student tax-preparers from the University of Notre Dame and Saint Marys College will be available to call on taxpayers who are unable to visit the Universitys Tax Assistance Program (TAP) preparation centers.
The SWAT (Students Working at Taxes) team is part of the Vivian Harrington Gray Tax Assistance Program.The students are available to visit elderly and disabled citizens on request to assist in preparing federal and state tax returns.
To contact the SWAT team, call 574-631-7863.
TAP is a service-learning program in which students provide assistance free of charge to taxpayers whose 2005 income was at or below $35,000.In addition to the SWAT team, TAP also operates 10 local tax preparation centers.Volunteers include accountancy students and faculty from Notre Dame and Saint Marys, as well as certified public accountants from the firms of Crowe Chizek, Kruggel&Lawton, and Metzger, Mancini&Lackner.
TAP, in its 35 th year, is endowed by 1964 Notre Dame graduate Timothy M. Gray in honor of his mother, Vivian Harrington Gray.
For more information, visit the TAP web site .
TopicID: 16043