id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt news-005603 Tech Ethics Lab director testifies before House Financial Services Committee on digital identity solutions | News | Notre Dame News | University of Notre Dame .html text/html 847 20 19 “In order to engender trust, safety and security in the digital ecosystem, we need trustworthy, safe and secure digital identity.” Renieris pointed out that governments in the European Union, Canada, New Zealand and elsewhere are prioritizing efforts to design and build the infrastructure needed to support robust digital identity and urged the federal government to take the lead on creating guidelines and standards for the design, development and deployment of digital identity systems as critical infrastructure. The hearing focused on the future of digital identity frameworks in the United States; the development of secure, reliable and interoperable digital identity solutions that minimize fraud and identity theft while respecting individual privacy and security; and Foster’s proposed Improving Digital Identity Act of 2020, a bipartisan bill seeking to set  government-wide policy to modernize U.S. digital identity infrastructure.  cache/news-005603.html txt/news-005603.txt