Moreau Integration 2 The first thing I encountered when I came to Notre Dame was loneliness. It was my first time really leaving what I was familiar with and I don’t do well with change. The first week was incredibly tough for me. I was in a new place and I didn’t know anyone. I felt like my roommates weren’t what I expected them to be. Just like in the “Advice From a Formerly Lonely College Student” I felt like no one else was feeling the way I was. I’m in a quad and my other three roommates seemed like best friends. They would go out together and study together and I was just on the outside. I wasn’t only seeing this at Notre Dame. Everyone I know from high school looked like they were having the time of their lives on social media. Was it only me who felt the way I did? But I wasn’t truly alone. Other people were feeling the same way I was and everyone just wanted to make friends. I realize that people were only posting that way on social media because they felt alone too and wanted to pretend they weren’t. Now, looking back on how I felt that first week, I still sympathize with how I felt, but I realize that it doesn’t matter now. Now my roommates are my best friends. We do everything together and they’re who I lean on when I need support. Feeling so lonely that first week of school, I never thought I would be friends with these three girls, but now I think we’re going to be friends for life. (Advice From a Formerly Lonely College Student) I’ve been lucky enough not to encounter brokenness so far in the form of heartbreak my first semester at Notre Dame. I am still friends with all my friends from high school and my boyfriend hasn’t broken up with me yet. But I know that I have definitely encountered brokenness in other ways. I’m not trying to sound ungrateful or negative in any way, but college classes have broken my spirit. I have always lived my life with little to no effort in school, but always coming out on top. I knew that when I started college I was going to have to put more effort in. This really hit me hard after my first test - Principles of Microeconomics. It was the first time I had ever failed a test. I knew I hadn’t studied hard enough and was ready to come back the next time. After that, I studied even harder for all my other tests. I know I’m not failing, but I feel like no matter how hard I work I’m not getting the grades I’m shooting for. I feel stupider than I’ve ever felt in my entire life. I feel like I’m never going to do well in college. I think I need to do some kintsugi. Smashing something isn’t going to fix my grades or my broken spirit, but it sure will feel good. Although I haven’t yet responded to this encounter, I am looking forward to overcoming it. I am planning on continuing to work hard throughout college to better my academic results. I’m sure if I work hard enough and find what fits me right I can achieve the standards I hold myself to. (Women Find Healing Through Kintsugi Workshop) Since coming to Notre Dame, I have encountered a wonderful community. I have spent my whole life growing up around Notre Dame. Although I live 3 hours away from campus, I found myself there quite often as a child. My family loves Notre Dame football (as any normal family should), but I never really understood what people meant by “the Notre Dame community.” Since coming here, I’ve gotten to know what the community is really about. Part of that is especially apparent at Notre Dame football games. Football games have become such an important part of my life as a student. I never enjoyed watching football and I never thought going to a football game would be this exciting. Being a student has definitely increased my love for Notre Dame football. Like Parker says in “Thirteen Ways of Looking at Community” community is a gift that we should be grateful for and I am incredibly grateful for the Notre Dame community. It’s the best community I’ve ever encountered. (13 Ways of Looking at Community) One of my favorite encounters since coming to Notre Dame has been my encounter with faith. I have always had a strong faith. I grew up Catholic, going to Catholic schools, and attending mass every Sunday. I have always been a stronger believer in the Catholic faith and that is one of the main reasons I chose Notre Dame. I was worried that Notre Dame wouldn’t be as faithful as I expected, that it would be more secular in an attempt to please the masses, but I was pleasantly surprised when I got here. Faith is a huge part of Notre Dame and I’ve loved seeing it in so many different aspects of the Notre Dame community. Of course, the most important part is mass. I was a little bit worried after my first experiences with Farley mass because I wasn’t very pleased with it. I thought the turnout was disappointing and the homilies were long and boring. But then I went to Dillon’s milkshake mass and realized maybe I was just looking for faith in the wrong places. I’ve since started going to mass at St. Edwards Hall every Sunday and I absolutely love it. My favorite part is that I’ve gotten quite a few of my friends, who don’t normally go to mass, to go with me. It’s become a tradition that I can truly enjoy with my friends. And as made apparent in “Holy Cross and Christian Education” you don’t get that anywhere else but Notre Dame. And that’s why I love it here. (Holy Cross and Christian Education)