Integration one (moroue) What do I believe? What people believe in is very important. It shapes their views and moulds them into who they are. That is why it is important to recognize what you believe or in other words who you are. Sink into what you are instead of pretending to be someone else, my friend once told me. I couldn’t have phrased it better myself. But to do it I have to ask myself what do I believe - who am I? I believe that I am searching for a place where I belong and can be myself fully. As Berne brown said in her Ted Talk “Is there something about me, that if other people know or or see it, that I won’ be worthy of connection?”. I try to find a place where that is not true. I believe that I forge life-giving relationships by doing my best to understand and support others. I believe that when you are always good, then it pays off. I believe it is important to help others in your environment because as Carla ?Harris put it in her award receiving speech “Help anyone you can, just because you can”. I also try to stay away from any kind of quarrels. “Beware of the friend who says they hate drama.“ says Olivia Taylor in her article. I find that to be a good advice. That is why i never will be “that friend”. I believe that my purpose is to do something, that’s meaningful to me and by that I mean something that would transcend my understanding of the world, something that would make me feel like i for a second nothing is more important. I believe the world we live in is incredibly beautiful and so full of mysteries that when somebody says they “are bored” or that “there is nothing to do” /i can barely believe they actually believe it I think that there is more to know than we can imagine and the only thing stopping us from knowing is ourselves. While I believe that the world is beautiful it is not without its own faults. I believe there is a lot to be fixed on the world around me and I hope one day i will have enough influence to thang the world for better. But before I am able to decide how to do it, I have to discover myself. “In order to find yourself, you have to lose yourself” says David brooks in his ted talk. I find that to be true. Only by loosing myself in my passion am I able to find out who I am. I believe that I should always seek motivation. Without it I wouldn’t be where I am. Sometimes when I am alone I have to motivate myself. Whenever I think of a plan i tell myself “One day, or Day one?”. I believe this is a great way to motivate anyone. This is a really empowering thought that makes people realize that they are in control of their lives. I don’t believe anything is impossible. I from 1903 - the year when the Wright Brothers invented the first plane - till 1969 - the year the first moon landing occurred only 66 years passed that means within a lifetime anything is possible. Imagine someone who was born in 1885. That person would be 18 at the time when the first plane was flown. That would revolutionize their idea of transport. This would make them believe that anything is possible. Think about that person at 86 watching people flying to the moon live on their TV (which also was an incredible invention in its own). The sheer amazement that they felt must be indescribable. I wish that when working in such projects one day i will kn ow how that feels. I believe that I am responsible for every success and failure that’s I have endured. I believe that such a believe is what makes me the hard worker that I am. While it may not sound great that I make myself feel bad about all my failures I can definitely say it works. I also makes every success feel 10 times better. I think success is a choice and people try to say it is not because they don’t want to put in the effort. I believe that I pursue truth by Identifying all narratives that I encounter. I believe it is extremely important to be as close to objective as it is possible. The only motivations we should have are truth and justice. I believe that if i want to lead in my life, I need to learn to do so fairly and morally. Pursuing truth can be very challenging, but there is no other way to lead a meaningful and fair life. Without truth we don’t know anything and everything is an illusion. Without truth there is no love, no happiness, no kindness, but just a mirage. There is a huge danger that comes with identifying just one narrative. I also try to stay true to myself. I believe it is crucial. Steve Jobs once said “Your life is limited. Don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”. I fully agree with him. There is nothing worse than pretending to be someone else because “my parents wanted to” or “this way I could make more money”. I don’t believe those things have any value. The only thing that matters would be who somebody wants to be. By living a life of pretending one will never be truly happy, there will only be the appearance of happiness. True happiness is gained through discovering who you are and simply doing what you want to. The faster someone realizes the better since it could be painful if we have been invested in a lie for years. But no matter how valuable a ship is there is no point in staying on it when it is doomed to sink. I believe that my community should always aim to improve. I always try to help people around me since I learn myself in the process. I believe life is a chase after perfection. And while we never will achieve it, it is certainly worth trying. I believe that my purpose is to make the world a better place. That is what i will do.