Moreau FYE Professor Todd Taylor October 15, 2021 Beliefs Constant and Changing At our stage in life, beliefs are very difficult to define. College is a time when everything we know about the world is challenged. Our experiences our placed in different lights as we hear others’ perspectives and day-to-day life takes on a different structure. However, the Moreau First Year Experience class has helped me distinguish who I am and how my experiences are further forming my identity. By reflecting on where I came from, how that influences my life here and being exposed to new perspectives, I have slowly come to understand my core beliefs and to appreciate that they will continue to evolve throughout my time at Notre Dame. I believe that I am searching for fulfillment. We are ultimately seeking to compensate for what we lack and to retain or increase what brings us peace. It is easy to get caught up in a desire to pursue leadership and service positions or a prestigious internship and job opportunity and forget to work on our development as a person. Sometimes the world presents these two goals as isolated from or independent of each other (David Brooks: Should you live for your résumé ... or your eulogy? - YouTube “Should You Live for Your Resume or Your Euology?” by David Brooks – Moreau FYE Week Two). In our culture, there is an emphasis on advancing Adam I, yet I have found that when I ultimately place my personal formation first, success in academics follows, while if I reverse my priorities, life becomes unbearable. I believe that I forge life-giving relationships by giving of myself. Every relationship rests on a mutual regard and gift of self. If I do not offer my talents, gifts, time, and love to others, they cannot receive me and I will not be able to receive what the friendship they offer to me. At the same time, if I am rejected by others, then I can move on to others who will value the person that I am. Dr. Brown said people who felt worthy believed that what made them vulnerable also made them beautiful (“The Power of Vulnerability” by Brene Brown - Moreau FYE Week One). So far in my college experience the most rewarding part has been the people I’ve met and bonded with, and I’ve found that when I don’t take a risk and put myself out of my comfort zone, I usually miss out on discovering someone amazing. Many people have not responded accordingly, but these instances are teaching me that others’ opinions do not determine one’s worth. I believe that my purpose is to become who God made me to be so that I can learn to love Him and bring Him to the world. This pursuit will not only bring me peace and happiness, but it will empower me to make the world a better place. All our efforts will fall short if we attempt to work without God’s help and guidance, and Notre Dame has provided so many opportunities for me to grow in my trust for Him. Professor Fagerberg talks about accepting each moment as an important part of God’s design, and this has become a recurring theme in my life as I try to focus on one homework assignment, one conversation, one prayer at a time (Faith Brings Light to a Dark World ( “Faith Brings Light to a Dark World” by Professor David Fagerberg – Moreau Week 3). When life becomes scattered, I try to remind myself to accept everything that comes as a gift from God. I believe that I grow by making mistakes, accepting whatever happens as it comes, and listening with an open mind and heart. While some of these actions are very difficult, nothing worthwhile ever comes without challenge and suffering. It is my responsibility to accept these setbacks and learn from them, not become discouraged and blame my own shortcomings. Everything happens for a reason and can contribute to our good. To take it even further, I have this responsibility to care for myself so that I can then use my gifts for others. This idea comes from the Holy Cross mission, which is so beautifully embodied in the life of Fr. Sorin. Despite discomfort and the immensity of the task, he maintained a spirit of optimism and devotion towards his mission of establishing a great Catholic University (Sorin letter to Moreau.pdf - Google Drive, Letter to Bl. Basil Moreau by Fr. Sorin – Moreau Week 5). If I am not willing to be open to learning from my trials, they will prevent me from making the world a better place. I believe that I pursue truth by being curious in my studies and taking an interest in others’ stories. The message of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s talk really resonated with me, because I have always been interested in people, particularly their stories (Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: The danger of a single story | TED Talk “The Danger of A Single Story” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie – Moreau Week 7). I love to learn about where they come from, what they love, who they are, what they want to become, and ever since coming to Notre Dame, I have discovered and been inspired by stories that are each so incredible despite being completely different from each other. My favorite week of Moreau was Week 6, when each member of the class shared their “Where I Am From” poem. The experience gave me an appreciation for just how diverse the student body is, but I was also struck by how much we hold in common. I believe that my community should embrace this diversity and continue to foster connections between people. The best experiences come from encountering new ideas in unexpected places, and the best ideas come from people. Ultimately, my identity is inseparable from my relationship with God, for I strive to orient all my thoughts and actions towards Him. Whenever I doubt in this belief, I can feel myself becoming lost, not only in the world, but to myself. All the beautiful and worthwhile things in my life begin and end in Him. He is in the work I do, the people I meet, the ideas I learn, the activities I participate in, and in me. All my beliefs come back to faith, and while my understanding and perspective will continue to change, my foundation in God never will.