Integration 3 Moreau FYE Integration 1 22 Feb, 2022 Role Model Welcome family and friends, I would like to first start by thanking you all for coming out to celebrate a loved one. We are gathered here today to commemorate the life of Kathryn Rose Krause. Katie or Katy, as most know her by, lived a full and joyful life. It is evident by all of you here that Katie touched the lives of many. She devoted her life to caring for her friends and family. Katie was hardworking, generous and someone we will forever hold deep in our hearts. She was a great daughter, sister, companion, mother and friend to any one. She was filled with passion and dedication to her career and working for a greater good, and we will miss her dearly. From a young age, Katie always felt a vocation to the field of medicine. She wanted to make a difference in the lives of as many people as possible. Throughout her long journey in education, she worked hard to carry out this calling by pursuing a major in Science Preprofessional. This decision did not come easy to Katie, however. It took her a while to decide what to do in undergraduate, but thankfully she was always reminded that, “deciding on a major does not decide the rest of your life,”(“Navigating Your Career Journey” by Meruelo Family Center for Career - Moreau FYE Week Four). Thankfully, Katie was provided an undergraduate experience that allowed her to find her passion. Notre Dame gave her the opportunity to explore many aspects of what she was interested in. Katie thanked Notre Dame for many things, but especially that it upheld its vow from Father Hesburgh to “be a true, modern university,”(“Hesburgh” by Father Hesburgh - Moreau FYE Week Two). This allowed her the opportunity to encounter bias and diversity that continued to inspire her towards choosing a career. She took this as motivation to determine her passion, and despite many hardships, she did everything to get there. There are a lot of words to describe Katie’s life, but one word that does not fit is “easy.” Katie aspired to challenge herself, and never took the simple road in life. She encountered many struggles and times of doubt as a result. It was in these times of doubt, however, that Katie was able to relay her faith into her relationship with God. She put her trust in God, and remembered that, “the purpose of life is not simply about overcoming suffering. Suffering is part of our lives. It is always there, but it is about how to respond to suffering with God,”(“5 Minutes” by Aria Swarr - Moreau FYE Week Six). And as a result, Katie never gave up. She let suffering make her stronger and used it as motivation to do better and work harder. God does not give you more than you can handle, so Katie always channeled her faith to get her through tough times. Additionally, Katie’s faith and love for God allowed her to find motivation when the future was uncertain. There were many moments in Katie’s life where she struggled to continue pushing and challenging herself. She struggled to find motivation to do both everyday, mundane tasks and to do the things that pushed her to her limits. Then, however, she was given a piece of information that changed the way she thought. Sister Aletheia’s words, “it’s actually in facing the darkest realities of life that we find light in them,”(“Meet the nun who wants you to remember that you will die” by Sister Aletheia - Moreau FYE Week Three) encouraged Katie to continue to push herself through tough times. A life well-lived contains a life full of challenges. If we do not welcome challenges into our lives, we cannot grow and strengthen ourselves. Aletheia reminds us that if we think with the end in mind, as Katie pushed herself to do as well, we can learn to better appreciate the gift of life, especially in times of doubt and frustration. As we all know, Katie worked hard in her everyday life to establish and flourish in her relationships with others. She touched the hearts of each and every one of us here, and will continue to remain with us forever. Those of you here should know how much she cared about you all. Strong and true relationships were of the utmost importance to Katie. She knew better than anyone that “the future is, most of all, in the hands of those people who recognize the other as a ‘you’ and themselves as part of an ‘us.’ We all need each other,”(“ Why the only future worth building includes everyone” by His Holiness Pope Francis - Moreau FYE Week Seven). Katie strived to make time for others, and practiced the importance of working together, rather than in competition, in order to live out a good life. In her career, in her education and in her social life, she worked to build healthy relationships with her peers. This characteristic was seen throughout her entire life. Even in her early years, her parents saw how important honesty and true friendship were to Katie(Paula and Kevin Krause - Moreau FYE Week Five). After going through a few bumps in the road, they saw how dedicated Katie became to building strong relationships based on trust. She also knew the importance of in person communication and its role in developing meaningful connections. Katie always preferred talking and communicating with her peers in person, rather than over technology. Despite the increase in virtual contact, she always knew that “the more we can contact others, the more, it sometimes seems, we lose contact with ourselves,”(“Why we need to slow down our lives” by Pico Lyer - Moreau FYE Week One) and used this as a reminder to take advantage of face to face communication when you can. As we reflect on the life of Katie, we should use her impact on the community to inspire us in our own lives. We should work to follow our passions, just as Katie modeled throughout her life. We should use our faith to not only guide us in times of doubt, but to guide us in all aspects of our lives. We should strive to create significant relationships so that we can work in unison for a greater good whilst being able to rely on others when we are in need of support or joy. Katie is not only a role model to all of us, but she is also our number one fan. No matter where we go, I can assure you that Katie is right there with us, rooting us on. Thank you