Moreau First Year Experience Capstone Integration 29 April 2022 My Mission Mapped Out Mission Statement: I want to use my ambitious, compassionate, loyal, and dependable values to not only serve others, but to also inspire and empower others to do the same, so that the effect is exponential. I want to pass it on, not just to one person, but to the next generation. Because I value collaboration, compassion, and commitment, I want to be part of a community who works hard, works together, and works for others. I want to actively listen and engage with others to gain insight and understand other people’s perspectives, experiences, and struggles. To do this, I must be self-aware of not only myself and my motives, but also the people, environment, and information I expose myself to. I want to be part of a community who stand ups for their beliefs and encourages others to do the same and who takes accountability for the impact of their actions. I want to be dedicated to leading and mentoring others, but also dedicated to taking opportunities and time for myself. All in all, forging and maintain relationships that are built on trust, love, and respect is something I believe is essential to my mission. Authentic, strong relationships are an indicator of a life well-lived, and if I exhibit my truest values, I can build friendships and connections with people who are both similar and different from me. - I want to use my ambitious, compassionate, loyal, and dependable values to not only serve others, but to also inspire and empower others to do the same, so that the effect is exponential. I want to pass it on, not just to one person, but to the next generation. As one Grotto video we watched this semester mentioned, it is important to “focus on what we can do for others” ( "Five Minutes" by Aria Swarr on Grotto – Moreau Week 6), and while I think this part of my mission statement will be observed more later in life, I think there are ways I can start living it out today by building a good foundation. I think another important aspect of this part of my mission statement is the empowering part. Rather than trying to “be the voice of the voiceless,” it is about creating a space where people “who have no voice today will have voice and will be heard” and will feel empowered to do so ( "Teaching Accompaniment: A Learning Journey Together” by Professor Steve Reifenberg– Moreau Week 9). One way I can inspire and empower others around me in the next three years is to focus on and do the ‘little things.’ For example, taking time out of my day to help a friend who is stressed for an exam or to clean up trash I see outside and in buildings are both small acts that can inspire others around me to do the same. First semester, in my Principles of Management class, my professor would randomly assign us to do an act of kindness instead of reading the textbook or doing homework. I want to implement this more in my everyday life. I think it is also important to try to include those around me, such as my friends and dormmates, so that the effect is widespread. - Because I value collaboration, compassion, and commitment, I want to be part of a community who works hard, works together, and works for others. This part of my mission statement will be animated in my next three years at Notre Dame mostly through club experiences. Next year, I specifically want to get involved with volunteering at the Boys and Girls Club, which I think is a perfect example of a community who fulfills these attributes. Another club I am part of this year that I want to continue to participate in and even become a leader in is Students Consulting for Nonprofits. This club also is a great example of a community that collaborates to create recommendations to help and support others. Additionally, I am applying to become a leader of a committee in my dorm, which I think is also a great place to work together with others to create a welcoming community not only within the dorm, but also throughout the whole campus. Something I want to improve with my mindset in these clubs is shifting the focus towards “accompaniment,” which is about changing from “how do we help them” to “we’re in this together” ("Teaching Accompaniment: A Learning Journey Together” by Professor Steve Reifenberg – Moreau Week 9). I want to expand the general idea of service to joining together with the people we are helping, rather than just serving them and moving on. - I want to actively listen and engage with others to gain insight and understand other people’s perspectives, experiences, and struggles. To do this, I must be self-aware of not only myself and my motives, but also the people, environment, and information I expose myself to. I want to be part of a community who stand ups for their beliefs and encourages others to do the same and who takes accountability for the impact of their actions. This part of my mission statement starts at an individual level. I cannot expect to be a part of a community or expect others to act in a certain way if I do not do it first. These two statements go together because to stand up for my beliefs and take accountability for my actions, I think I first need to understand and learn about other people’s struggles, experiences, and viewpoints. To do this, I must make “a conscious decision and effort to expand [my] circle” and to “get to know people who differ from [me]” ("I am George Floyd. Except, I can breathe. And I can do something." by Dean G. Marcus Cole – Moreau Week 12). Additionally, it is important to not get “trapped in feedback loops” and to make sure the “picture of our opponents is accurate and well-thought-out” ("Big Questions 2, Part 4: How to Avoid an Echo Chamber" by Dr. Paul Blaschko at ThinkND – Moreau Week 11). I want to personally and as a community do a better job at not only listening and respecting our opponent’s views but also understanding and representing it correctly. In the next three years, I can animate this part of my mission statement by going to discussions, presentations, or gatherings that represent and discuss important social issues and represent viewpoints different from mine. I can push myself to get to know people from different backgrounds and try to meet as many new people as possible. Finally, I must also be self-aware of not only myself, my biases, and my motives, but also the people, environment, and information I expose myself to. After investigating and understanding, it is then my duty to have the courage to stand up and act against injustices. I also must avoid the mentality of being a bystander by holding myself responsible every day to recognize the impact of my actions (or absence thereof). To avoid this mentality, I can begin “by being willing to tolerate the discomfort associated with an honest appraisal and discussion” ( "Why It’s So Hard to Talk to White People About Racism" by Robin DiAngelo – Moreau Week 10). Discussion and disagreement in a respectful way are how we learn and grow as individuals and as a community. However, it should not stop at discussion. In my next three years here, I want to make sure I am also acting in the community and not being a bystander to injustices. This could range from lifting up other voices to attending presentations to spreading awareness to donating to causes close to my heart. - I want to be dedicated to leading and mentoring others, but also dedicated to taking opportunities and time for myself. “There’s no point where you can say that, “I do not have to ask any more questions” ("Three Key Questions" by Father Michael Himes – Moreau Week 3). Something that is important to my mission is not going into ‘auto-pilot mode,’ which just refers to when someone is just going through their daily life routinely and not giving their life, purpose, or vocation any thought. I want to continually ask questions, be curious, and look for new, exciting opportunities. I want to make sure I put time and effort into my own life and wellbeing and that I find time to focus on myself and my interests. At Notre Dame, this part of my mission statement will be animated through trying new clubs or new hobbies. For example, next year, I want to try and join Strike Magazine and be a part of their business team because it is something I heard about later this year that I am interested in, and I think it would be a cool opportunity to combine both the business and creative aspects of my life. Another experience I want to do is study abroad because I think it would be an amazing experience that would really be for myself and my own growth and learning. - All in all, forging and maintain relationships that are built on trust, love, and respect is something I believe is essential to my mission. Authentic, strong relationships are an indicator of a life well-lived, and if I exhibit my truest values, I can build friendships and connections with people who are both similar and different from me. Building strong, meaningful relationships is definitely the most important part of my mission statement. In one of the Grotto articles, it mentions to “pay attention to the relationships where you know you’re loved” because that is where God can be shining through ("Growing up Gay and Catholic" by Jacob Walsh – Moreau Week 10). Moreover, relationships are core to our beings and are also a way God can show His love to us or talk to us. I think the relationships that I will gain and experience in these next three years at Notre Dame will be influential for the rest of my life. Not only the relationships with my close friends, but the relationships I build with peers, teachers, and others will impact my life in more ways than I will ever know. In order to build these authentic, strong relationships though I must assure to put effort and time into them. At Notre Dame, I am sure I will experience both positive and negative relationships, but I will have to always just put my best attitude and support forward and see who reciprocates and appreciates. In conclusion, I think my mission statement does a fairly decent job at describing how I want to orient my life, but it definitely will change and modify over time as I grow up and have new experiences. For me, it is extremely important that this mission is just not a statement, but a promise of action. I want to practice what I preach, and I want others to be able to see my core values and beliefs. Throughout my life, there is guaranteed to be times where one part of this mission will be lived out more than another part, or where I am struggling to live out many parts of this mission. Whether it will be because of emotions or practical reasons or selfish reasons, I am sure there will be instances when it is difficult to live this mission, but I think it is important that I always try to better than I was yesterday. Notre Dame will be an instrumental part of my mission, and I believe throughout my years here, some parts of my mission statement will be strengthened or changed. The classes I take, the experiences I have, and the people I meet here will have a great impact on my life, and consequently on my mission statement.