id sid tid token lemma pos reflection_00721-2021_09 1 1 integration integration NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 1 2 2 2 NUM reflection_00721-2021_09 1 3 arcidiacono arcidiacono PROPN reflection_00721-2021_09 1 4 1 1 NUM reflection_00721-2021_09 1 5 redefining redefine VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 1 6 myself myself PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 1 7 one one NUM reflection_00721-2021_09 1 8 of of ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 1 9 the the DET reflection_00721-2021_09 1 10 most most ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 1 11 defining defining ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 1 12 questions question NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 1 13 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 1 14 have have AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 1 15 asked ask VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 1 16 myself myself PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 1 17 this this DET reflection_00721-2021_09 1 18 semester semester NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 1 19 is be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 1 20 who who PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 1 21 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 1 22 am be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 1 23 here here ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 1 24 at at ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 1 25 notre notre PROPN reflection_00721-2021_09 1 26 dame dame NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 1 27 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 2 1 back back ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 2 2 in in ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 2 3 high high ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 2 4 school school NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 2 5 , , PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 2 6 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 2 7 always always ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 2 8 saw see VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 2 9 myself myself PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 2 10 as as ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 2 11 the the DET reflection_00721-2021_09 2 12 smart smart ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 2 13 quirky quirky ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 2 14 kid kid NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 2 15 , , PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 2 16 but but CCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 2 17 now now ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 2 18 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 2 19 completely completely ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 2 20 surrounded surround VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 2 21 by by ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 2 22 really really ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 2 23 smart smart ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 2 24 quirky quirky ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 2 25 kids kid NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 2 26 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 3 1 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 3 2 had have AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 3 3 set set VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 3 4 this this DET reflection_00721-2021_09 3 5 expectation expectation NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 3 6 for for ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 3 7 myself myself PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 3 8 that that SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 3 9 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 3 10 would would AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 3 11 stand stand VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 3 12 out out ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 3 13 by by ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 3 14 being be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 3 15 really really ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 3 16 smart smart ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 3 17 , , PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 3 18 but but CCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 3 19 now now ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 3 20 that that PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 3 21 does do AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 3 22 n’t not PART reflection_00721-2021_09 3 23 work work VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 3 24 anymore anymore ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 3 25 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 4 1 having having AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 4 2 realized realize VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 4 3 that that PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 4 4 , , PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 4 5 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 4 6 started start VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 4 7 to to PART reflection_00721-2021_09 4 8 put put VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 4 9 into into ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 4 10 question question NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 4 11 some some PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 4 12 of of ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 4 13 the the DET reflection_00721-2021_09 4 14 other other ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 4 15 expectations expectation NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 4 16 that that PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 4 17 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 4 18 have have VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 4 19 for for ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 4 20 myself myself PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 4 21 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 5 1 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 5 2 asked ask VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 5 3 myself myself PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 5 4 if if SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 5 5 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 5 6 really really ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 5 7 wanted want VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 5 8 to to PART reflection_00721-2021_09 5 9 be be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 5 10 an an DET reflection_00721-2021_09 5 11 aerospace aerospace NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 5 12 engineer engineer NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 5 13 or or CCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 5 14 if if SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 5 15 that that PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 5 16 s s VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 5 17 just just ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 5 18 what what PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 5 19 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 5 20 told tell VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 5 21 my my PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 5 22 friends friend NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 5 23 because because SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 5 24 it it PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 5 25 sounds sound VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 5 26 impressive impressive ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 5 27 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 6 1 ultimately ultimately ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 6 2 , , PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 6 3 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 6 4 ended end VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 6 5 up up ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 6 6 throwing throw VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 6 7 out out ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 6 8 most most ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 6 9 of of ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 6 10 my my PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 6 11 expectations expectation NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 6 12 about about ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 6 13 who who PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 6 14 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 6 15 should should AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 6 16 be be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 6 17 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 7 1 this this PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 7 2 is be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 7 3 pretty pretty ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 7 4 much much ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 7 5 exactly exactly ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 7 6 the the DET reflection_00721-2021_09 7 7 point point NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 7 8 julia julia PROPN reflection_00721-2021_09 7 9 hogan hogan PROPN reflection_00721-2021_09 7 10 makes make VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 7 11 in in ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 7 12 her her PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 7 13 article article NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 7 14 about about ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 7 15 expectations expectation NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 7 16 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 8 1 she she PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 8 2 says say VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 8 3 : : PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 8 4 “ " PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 8 5 the the DET reflection_00721-2021_09 8 6 point point NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 8 7 is be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 8 8 , , PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 8 9 these these DET reflection_00721-2021_09 8 10 expectations expectation NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 8 11 are be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 8 12 all all ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 8 13 arbitrary arbitrary ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 8 14 and and CCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 8 15 not not PART reflection_00721-2021_09 8 16 definitive definitive ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 8 17 rules rule NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 8 18 for for ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 8 19 the the DET reflection_00721-2021_09 8 20 only only ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 8 21 way way NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 8 22 to to PART reflection_00721-2021_09 8 23 live live VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 8 24 life life NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 8 25 ” " PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 8 26 ( ( PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 8 27 “ " PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 8 28 why why SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 8 29 letting let VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 8 30 go go VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 8 31 of of ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 8 32 expectations expectation NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 8 33 is be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 8 34 a a DET reflection_00721-2021_09 8 35 freeing freeing ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 8 36 habit habit NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 8 37 ” " PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 8 38 by by ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 8 39 julia julia PROPN reflection_00721-2021_09 8 40 hogan hogan PROPN reflection_00721-2021_09 8 41 , , PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 8 42 fye fye PROPN reflection_00721-2021_09 8 43 week week NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 8 44 9 9 NUM reflection_00721-2021_09 8 45 ) ) PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 8 46 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 9 1 in in ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 9 2 other other ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 9 3 words word NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 9 4 , , PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 9 5 expectations expectation NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 9 6 are be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 9 7 more more ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 9 8 limiting limit VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 9 9 than than ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 9 10 freeing free VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 9 11 , , PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 9 12 and and CCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 9 13 we we PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 9 14 do do AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 9 15 n’t not PART reflection_00721-2021_09 9 16 need need VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 9 17 them they PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 9 18 to to PART reflection_00721-2021_09 9 19 become become VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 9 20 who who PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 9 21 we we PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 9 22 really really ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 9 23 want want VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 9 24 to to PART reflection_00721-2021_09 9 25 be be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 9 26 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 10 1 another another DET reflection_00721-2021_09 10 2 occurrence occurrence NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 10 3 that that PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 10 4 has have AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 10 5 shaped shape VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 10 6 me i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 10 7 over over ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 10 8 this this DET reflection_00721-2021_09 10 9 past past NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 10 10 has have AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 10 11 been be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 10 12 the the DET reflection_00721-2021_09 10 13 humbling humbling NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 10 14 experience experience NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 10 15 of of ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 10 16 coming come VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 10 17 to to ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 10 18 a a DET reflection_00721-2021_09 10 19 new new ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 10 20 place place NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 10 21 with with ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 10 22 no no DET reflection_00721-2021_09 10 23 one one NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 10 24 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 10 25 know know VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 10 26 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 11 1 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 11 2 was be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 11 3 very very ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 11 4 confident confident ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 11 5 and and CCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 11 6 comfortable comfortable ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 11 7 during during ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 11 8 my my PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 11 9 senior senior ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 11 10 of of ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 11 11 high high ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 11 12 school school NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 11 13 because because SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 11 14 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 11 15 finally finally ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 11 16 felt feel VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 11 17 like like SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 11 18 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 11 19 had have AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 11 20 mastered master VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 11 21 high high ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 11 22 school school NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 11 23 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 12 1 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 12 2 felt feel VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 12 3 as as SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 12 4 though though SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 12 5 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 12 6 had have VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 12 7 the the DET reflection_00721-2021_09 12 8 world world NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 12 9 wrapped wrap VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 12 10 around around ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 12 11 my my PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 12 12 finger finger NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 12 13 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 13 1 however however ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 13 2 , , PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 13 3 when when SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 13 4 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 13 5 showed show VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 13 6 up up ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 13 7 at at ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 13 8 notre notre PROPN reflection_00721-2021_09 13 9 dame dame NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 13 10 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 13 11 realized realize VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 13 12 that that SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 13 13 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 13 14 was be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 13 15 completely completely ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 13 16 alone alone ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 13 17 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 14 1 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 14 2 did do AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 14 3 n’t not PART reflection_00721-2021_09 14 4 know know VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 14 5 a a DET reflection_00721-2021_09 14 6 single single ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 14 7 other other ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 14 8 freshman freshman NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 14 9 and and CCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 14 10 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 14 11 realized realize VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 14 12 just just ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 14 13 how how SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 14 14 hopeless hopeless ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 14 15 life life NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 14 16 is be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 14 17 without without ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 14 18 a a DET reflection_00721-2021_09 14 19 friend friend NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 14 20 group group NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 14 21 to to PART reflection_00721-2021_09 14 22 support support VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 14 23 you you PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 14 24 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 15 1 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 15 2 saw see VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 15 3 that that SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 15 4 the the DET reflection_00721-2021_09 15 5 reason reason NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 15 6 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 15 7 was be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 15 8 able able ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 15 9 to to PART reflection_00721-2021_09 15 10 navigate navigate VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 15 11 high high ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 15 12 school school NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 15 13 successfully successfully ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 15 14 was be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 15 15 that that SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 15 16 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 15 17 had have VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 15 18 an an DET reflection_00721-2021_09 15 19 amazing amazing ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 15 20 network network NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 15 21 of of ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 15 22 friends friend NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 15 23 who who PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 15 24 inspired inspire VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 15 25 and and CCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 15 26 supported support VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 15 27 me i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 15 28 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 16 1 this this DET reflection_00721-2021_09 16 2 sudden sudden ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 16 3 humility humility NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 16 4 goes go VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 16 5 hand hand NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 16 6 in in ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 16 7 hand hand NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 16 8 with with ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 16 9 one one NUM reflection_00721-2021_09 16 10 of of ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 16 11 parker parker NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 16 12 palmer palmer PROPN reflection_00721-2021_09 16 13 ’s ’s PART reflection_00721-2021_09 16 14 points point NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 16 15 in in ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 16 16 his his PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 16 17 article article NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 16 18 on on ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 16 19 community community NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 16 20 : : PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 16 21 “ " PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 16 22 when when SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 16 23 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 16 24 flourish flourish VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 16 25 , , PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 16 26 it it PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 16 27 is be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 16 28 easy easy ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 16 29 to to PART reflection_00721-2021_09 16 30 maintain maintain VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 16 31 the the DET reflection_00721-2021_09 16 32 illusion illusion NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 16 33 of of ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 16 34 separateness separateness ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 16 35 , , PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 16 36 easy easy ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 16 37 to to PART reflection_00721-2021_09 16 38 imagine imagine VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 16 39 that that SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 16 40 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 16 41 alone alone ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 16 42 am be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 16 43 responsible responsible ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 16 44 for for ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 16 45 my my PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 16 46 good good ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 16 47 fortune fortune NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 16 48 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 16 49 ” " PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 17 1 ( ( PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 17 2 “ " PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 17 3 thirteen thirteen NUM reflection_00721-2021_09 17 4 ways way NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 17 5 of of ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 17 6 looking look VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 17 7 at at ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 17 8 comunity comunity NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 17 9 ” " PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 17 10 by by ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 17 11 parker parker PROPN reflection_00721-2021_09 17 12 palmer palmer PROPN reflection_00721-2021_09 17 13 , , PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 17 14 fye fye PROPN reflection_00721-2021_09 17 15 week week NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 17 16 11 11 NUM reflection_00721-2021_09 17 17 ) ) PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 17 18 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 18 1 when when SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 18 2 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 18 3 read read VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 18 4 this this PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 18 5 , , PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 18 6 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 18 7 looked look VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 18 8 back back ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 18 9 on on ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 18 10 my my PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 18 11 high high ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 18 12 school school NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 18 13 days day NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 18 14 and and CCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 18 15 realized realize VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 18 16 just just ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 18 17 how how SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 18 18 arrogant arrogant ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 18 19 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 18 20 was be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 18 21 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 19 1 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 19 2 thought think VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 19 3 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 19 4 was be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 19 5 responsible responsible ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 19 6 for for ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 19 7 my my PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 19 8 success success NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 19 9 , , PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 19 10 but but CCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 19 11 coming come VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 19 12 here here ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 19 13 to to ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 19 14 college college NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 19 15 helped help VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 19 16 me i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 19 17 realize realize VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 19 18 just just ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 19 19 how how SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 19 20 much much ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 19 21 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 19 22 depend depend VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 19 23 on on ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 19 24 my my PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 19 25 amazing amazing ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 19 26 friends friend NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 19 27 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 20 1 NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 20 2 INTJ reflection_00721-2021_09 21 1 INTJ reflection_00721-2021_09 21 2 arcidiacono arcidiacono PROPN reflection_00721-2021_09 21 3 2 2 PROPN reflection_00721-2021_09 21 4 another another DET reflection_00721-2021_09 21 5 thing thing NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 21 6 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 21 7 learned learn VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 21 8 from from ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 21 9 this this DET reflection_00721-2021_09 21 10 initial initial ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 21 11 loneliness loneliness NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 21 12 is be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 21 13 just just ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 21 14 how how SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 21 15 much much ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 21 16 can can AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 21 17 be be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 21 18 learned learn VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 21 19 from from ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 21 20 periods period NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 21 21 of of ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 21 22 weakness weakness NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 21 23 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 22 1 we we PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 22 2 oftentimes oftentimes ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 22 3 only only ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 22 4 see see VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 22 5 the the DET reflection_00721-2021_09 22 6 bad bad ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 22 7 when when SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 22 8 things thing NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 22 9 are be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 22 10 going go VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 22 11 poorly poorly ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 22 12 , , PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 22 13 but but CCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 22 14 there there PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 22 15 is be VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 22 16 so so ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 22 17 much much ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 22 18 gold gold NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 22 19 hidden hide VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 22 20 beneath beneath ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 22 21 that that DET reflection_00721-2021_09 22 22 layer layer NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 22 23 of of ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 22 24 pain pain NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 22 25 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 23 1 it it PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 23 2 is be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 23 3 really really ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 23 4 hard hard ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 23 5 to to PART reflection_00721-2021_09 23 6 find find VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 23 7 the the DET reflection_00721-2021_09 23 8 good good NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 23 9 in in ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 23 10 the the DET reflection_00721-2021_09 23 11 bad bad ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 23 12 , , PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 23 13 but but CCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 23 14 it it PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 23 15 is be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 23 16 there there ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 23 17 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 24 1 in in ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 24 2 addition addition NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 24 3 to to ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 24 4 seeing see VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 24 5 how how SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 24 6 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 24 7 should should AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 24 8 be be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 24 9 more more ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 24 10 humble humble ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 24 11 from from ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 24 12 coming come VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 24 13 here here ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 24 14 with with ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 24 15 no no DET reflection_00721-2021_09 24 16 friends friend NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 24 17 , , PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 24 18 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 24 19 also also ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 24 20 learned learn VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 24 21 a a DET reflection_00721-2021_09 24 22 lot lot NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 24 23 from from ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 24 24 the the DET reflection_00721-2021_09 24 25 spring spring NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 24 26 registration registration NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 24 27 nightmare nightmare NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 24 28 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 25 1 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 25 2 got get VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 25 3 a a DET reflection_00721-2021_09 25 4 late late ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 25 5 time time NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 25 6 for for ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 25 7 registration registration NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 25 8 for for ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 25 9 my my PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 25 10 spring spring NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 25 11 classes class NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 25 12 and and CCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 25 13 almost almost ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 25 14 every every PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 25 15 class class NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 25 16 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 25 17 wanted want VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 25 18 to to PART reflection_00721-2021_09 25 19 take take VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 25 20 was be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 25 21 full full ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 25 22 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 26 1 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 26 2 was be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 26 3 even even ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 26 4 worried worried ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 26 5 that that SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 26 6 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 26 7 would would AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 26 8 n’t not PART reflection_00721-2021_09 26 9 be be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 26 10 able able ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 26 11 to to PART reflection_00721-2021_09 26 12 get get VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 26 13 into into ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 26 14 the the DET reflection_00721-2021_09 26 15 classes class NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 26 16 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 26 17 needed need VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 26 18 to to PART reflection_00721-2021_09 26 19 graduate graduate VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 26 20 on on ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 26 21 time time NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 26 22 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 27 1 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 27 2 spent spend VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 27 3 a a DET reflection_00721-2021_09 27 4 lot lot NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 27 5 of of ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 27 6 time time NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 27 7 stressing stress VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 27 8 out out ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 27 9 about about ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 27 10 the the DET reflection_00721-2021_09 27 11 whole whole ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 27 12 thing thing NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 27 13 and and CCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 27 14 exchanging exchange VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 27 15 emails email NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 27 16 with with ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 27 17 my my PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 27 18 advisor advisor NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 27 19 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 28 1 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 28 2 kept keep VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 28 3 telling tell VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 28 4 myself myself PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 28 5 that that SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 28 6 god god PROPN reflection_00721-2021_09 28 7 was be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 28 8 watching watch VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 28 9 over over ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 28 10 me i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 28 11 and and CCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 28 12 everything everything PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 28 13 would would AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 28 14 work work VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 28 15 out out ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 29 1 but but CCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 29 2 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 29 3 got got AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 29 4 really really ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 29 5 stressed stress VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 29 6 nonetheless nonetheless ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 29 7 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 30 1 in in ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 30 2 the the DET reflection_00721-2021_09 30 3 end end NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 30 4 , , PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 30 5 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 30 6 got get VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 30 7 a a DET reflection_00721-2021_09 30 8 schedule schedule NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 30 9 that that PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 30 10 had have VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 30 11 all all DET reflection_00721-2021_09 30 12 the the DET reflection_00721-2021_09 30 13 classes class NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 30 14 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 30 15 needed need VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 30 16 as as ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 30 17 well well ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 30 18 as as ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 30 19 a a DET reflection_00721-2021_09 30 20 few few ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 30 21 that that PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 30 22 just just ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 30 23 looked look VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 30 24 plain plain ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 30 25 interesting interesting ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 30 26 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 31 1 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 31 2 should should AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 31 3 have have AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 31 4 listened listen VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 31 5 to to ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 31 6 the the DET reflection_00721-2021_09 31 7 voice voice NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 31 8 telling tell VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 31 9 me i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 31 10 to to PART reflection_00721-2021_09 31 11 trust trust VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 31 12 in in ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 31 13 god god PROPN reflection_00721-2021_09 32 1 but but CCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 32 2 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 32 3 just just ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 32 4 did do AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 32 5 n’t not PART reflection_00721-2021_09 32 6 believe believe VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 32 7 it it PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 32 8 for for ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 32 9 some some DET reflection_00721-2021_09 32 10 reason reason NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 32 11 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 33 1 once once ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 33 2 my my PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 33 3 worrying worrying NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 33 4 proved prove VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 33 5 to to PART reflection_00721-2021_09 33 6 be be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 33 7 for for ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 33 8 nothing nothing PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 33 9 , , PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 33 10 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 33 11 realized realize VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 33 12 that that SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 33 13 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 33 14 really really ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 33 15 need need VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 33 16 to to PART reflection_00721-2021_09 33 17 put put VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 33 18 more more ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 33 19 faith faith NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 33 20 in in ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 33 21 god god PROPN reflection_00721-2021_09 33 22 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 34 1 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 34 2 learned learn VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 34 3 something something PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 34 4 and and CCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 34 5 grew grow VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 34 6 closer close ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 34 7 to to ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 34 8 god god PROPN reflection_00721-2021_09 34 9 despite despite SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 34 10 going go VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 34 11 through through ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 34 12 a a DET reflection_00721-2021_09 34 13 really really ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 34 14 stressful stressful ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 34 15 circumstance circumstance NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 34 16 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 35 1 “ " PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 35 2 the the DET reflection_00721-2021_09 35 3 screwtape screwtape NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 35 4 letters letter NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 35 5 ” " PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 35 6 also also ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 35 7 deals deal VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 35 8 with with ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 35 9 this this DET reflection_00721-2021_09 35 10 idea idea NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 35 11 of of ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 35 12 learning learn VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 35 13 from from ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 35 14 the the DET reflection_00721-2021_09 35 15 bad bad ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 35 16 times time NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 35 17 in in ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 35 18 chapter chapter NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 35 19 8 8 NUM reflection_00721-2021_09 35 20 : : PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 35 21 “ " PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 35 22 in in ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 35 23 his his PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 35 24 efforts effort NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 35 25 to to PART reflection_00721-2021_09 35 26 get get VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 35 27 permanent permanent ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 35 28 possession possession NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 35 29 of of ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 35 30 a a DET reflection_00721-2021_09 35 31 soul soul NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 35 32 , , PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 35 33 he he PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 35 34 relies rely VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 35 35 more more ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 35 36 on on ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 35 37 the the DET reflection_00721-2021_09 35 38 troughs trough NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 35 39 even even ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 35 40 more more ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 35 41 than than ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 35 42 the the DET reflection_00721-2021_09 35 43 peaks peak NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 35 44 ” " PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 35 45 ( ( PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 35 46 “ " PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 35 47 the the DET reflection_00721-2021_09 35 48 screwtape screwtape NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 35 49 letters letter NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 35 50 ” " PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 35 51 chapter chapter NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 35 52 8 8 NUM reflection_00721-2021_09 35 53 by by ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 35 54 c.s c.s PROPN reflection_00721-2021_09 35 55 . . PROPN reflection_00721-2021_09 35 56 lewis lewis PROPN reflection_00721-2021_09 35 57 , , PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 35 58 fye fye PROPN reflection_00721-2021_09 35 59 week week NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 35 60 12 12 NUM reflection_00721-2021_09 35 61 ) ) PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 35 62 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 36 1 while while SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 36 2 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 36 3 did do AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 36 4 n’t not PART reflection_00721-2021_09 36 5 realize realize VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 36 6 it it PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 36 7 at at ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 36 8 the the DET reflection_00721-2021_09 36 9 time time NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 36 10 , , PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 36 11 god god PROPN reflection_00721-2021_09 36 12 was be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 36 13 using use VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 36 14 that that DET reflection_00721-2021_09 36 15 event event NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 36 16 to to PART reflection_00721-2021_09 36 17 help help VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 36 18 me i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 36 19 grow grow VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 36 20 closer close ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 36 21 to to ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 36 22 him he PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 36 23 and and CCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 36 24 trust trust VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 36 25 him he PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 36 26 more more ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 36 27 , , PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 36 28 just just ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 36 29 like like ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 36 30 what what PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 36 31 screwtape screwtape NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 36 32 was be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 36 33 warning warn VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 36 34 about about ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 36 35 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 37 1 even even ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 37 2 from from ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 37 3 the the DET reflection_00721-2021_09 37 4 tough tough ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 37 5 times time NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 37 6 here here ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 37 7 at at ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 37 8 notre notre PROPN reflection_00721-2021_09 37 9 dame dame NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 37 10 god god PROPN reflection_00721-2021_09 37 11 has have AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 37 12 helped help VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 37 13 me i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 37 14 grow grow VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 37 15 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 38 1 one one NUM reflection_00721-2021_09 38 2 last last ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 38 3 thing thing NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 38 4 that that PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 38 5 has have AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 38 6 really really ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 38 7 had have VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 38 8 an an DET reflection_00721-2021_09 38 9 impact impact NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 38 10 on on ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 38 11 me i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 38 12 since since SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 38 13 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 38 14 have have AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 38 15 arrived arrive VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 38 16 here here ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 38 17 is be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 38 18 encountering encounter VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 38 19 people people NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 38 20 with with ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 38 21 who who PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 38 22 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 38 23 disagree disagree VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 38 24 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 39 1 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 39 2 of of ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 39 3 course course NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 39 4 disagreed disagree VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 39 5 with with ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 39 6 people people NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 39 7 before before ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 39 8 coming come VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 39 9 here here ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 39 10 , , PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 39 11 but but CCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 39 12 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 39 13 have have AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 39 14 never never ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 39 15 encountered encounter VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 39 16 so so ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 39 17 many many ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 39 18 different different ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 39 19 ideas idea NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 39 20 in in ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 39 21 one one NUM reflection_00721-2021_09 39 22 place place NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 39 23 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 40 1 before before ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 40 2 , , PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 40 3 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 40 4 could could AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 40 5 mostly mostly ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 40 6 rely rely VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 40 7 on on ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 40 8 either either CCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 40 9 avoiding avoid VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 40 10 people people NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 40 11 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 40 12 disagree disagree VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 40 13 with with ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 40 14 , , PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 40 15 but but CCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 40 16 some some PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 40 17 of of ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 40 18 my my PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 40 19 best good ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 40 20 friends friend NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 40 21 here here ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 40 22 have have VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 40 23 very very ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 40 24 different different ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 40 25 political political ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 40 26 ideas idea NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 40 27 from from ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 40 28 me i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 40 29 and and CCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 40 30 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 40 31 really really ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 40 32 want want VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 40 33 those those DET reflection_00721-2021_09 40 34 friendships friendship NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 40 35 to to PART reflection_00721-2021_09 40 36 continue continue VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 40 37 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 41 1 how how SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 41 2 can can AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 41 3 a a DET reflection_00721-2021_09 41 4 friendship friendship NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 41 5 like like ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 41 6 that that PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 41 7 even even ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 41 8 work work VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 41 9 ? ? PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 42 1 luckily luckily ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 42 2 , , PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 42 3 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 42 4 have have AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 42 5 learned learn VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 42 6 to to PART reflection_00721-2021_09 42 7 understand understand VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 42 8 where where SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 42 9 my my PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 42 10 friends friend NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 42 11 are be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 42 12 coming come VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 42 13 from from ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 42 14 and and CCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 42 15 respect respect VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 42 16 their their PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 42 17 opinions opinion NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 42 18 although although SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 42 19 they they PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 42 20 differ differ VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 42 21 from from ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 42 22 mine mine PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 42 23 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 43 1 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 43 2 still still ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 43 3 do do AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 43 4 n’t not PART reflection_00721-2021_09 43 5 agree agree VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 43 6 with with ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 43 7 them they PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 43 8 about about ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 43 9 NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 43 10 arcidiacono arcidiacono PROPN reflection_00721-2021_09 43 11 3 3 NUM reflection_00721-2021_09 43 12 everything everything PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 43 13 , , PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 43 14 but but CCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 43 15 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 43 16 have have AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 43 17 been be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 43 18 able able ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 43 19 to to PART reflection_00721-2021_09 43 20 find find VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 43 21 the the DET reflection_00721-2021_09 43 22 merit merit NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 43 23 in in ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 43 24 their their PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 43 25 ideas idea NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 43 26 rather rather ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 43 27 than than ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 43 28 just just ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 43 29 the the DET reflection_00721-2021_09 43 30 flaws flaw NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 43 31 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 44 1 without without ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 44 2 seeing see VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 44 3 the the DET reflection_00721-2021_09 44 4 good good NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 44 5 in in ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 44 6 my my PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 44 7 friends friend NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 44 8 and and CCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 44 9 their their PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 44 10 ideas idea NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 44 11 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 44 12 would would AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 44 13 not not PART reflection_00721-2021_09 44 14 be be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 44 15 able able ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 44 16 to to PART reflection_00721-2021_09 44 17 maintain maintain VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 44 18 that that DET reflection_00721-2021_09 44 19 friendship friendship NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 44 20 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 45 1 this this PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 45 2 is be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 45 3 similar similar ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 45 4 to to ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 45 5 the the DET reflection_00721-2021_09 45 6 point point NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 45 7 father father PROPN reflection_00721-2021_09 45 8 jenkins jenkins PROPN reflection_00721-2021_09 45 9 made make VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 45 10 in in ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 45 11 his his PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 45 12 2012 2012 NUM reflection_00721-2021_09 45 13 commencement commencement NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 45 14 address address NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 45 15 : : PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 45 16 “ " PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 45 17 a a DET reflection_00721-2021_09 45 18 country country NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 45 19 whose whose DET reflection_00721-2021_09 45 20 citizens citizen NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 45 21 treat treat VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 45 22 one one NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 45 23 another another DET reflection_00721-2021_09 45 24 with with ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 45 25 scorn scorn NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 45 26 does do AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 45 27 not not PART reflection_00721-2021_09 45 28 have have VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 45 29 a a DET reflection_00721-2021_09 45 30 bright bright ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 45 31 future future NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 45 32 ” " PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 45 33 ( ( PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 45 34 “ " PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 45 35 wesley wesley PROPN reflection_00721-2021_09 45 36 theological theological PROPN reflection_00721-2021_09 45 37 seminary seminary ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 45 38 2012 2012 NUM reflection_00721-2021_09 45 39 commencement commencement NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 45 40 address address NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 45 41 ” " PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 45 42 by by ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 45 43 fr fr PROPN reflection_00721-2021_09 45 44 john john PROPN reflection_00721-2021_09 45 45 jenkins jenkins PROPN reflection_00721-2021_09 45 46 , , PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 45 47 fye fye PROPN reflection_00721-2021_09 45 48 week week NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 45 49 10 10 NUM reflection_00721-2021_09 45 50 ) ) PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 45 51 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 46 1 just just ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 46 2 as as SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 46 3 a a DET reflection_00721-2021_09 46 4 country country NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 46 5 can can AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 46 6 not not PART reflection_00721-2021_09 46 7 stand stand VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 46 8 if if SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 46 9 its its PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 46 10 citizens citizen NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 46 11 treat treat VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 46 12 each each DET reflection_00721-2021_09 46 13 other other ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 46 14 with with ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 46 15 scorn scorn NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 46 16 , , PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 46 17 neither neither CCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 46 18 can can AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 46 19 a a DET reflection_00721-2021_09 46 20 friendship friendship NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 46 21 if if SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 46 22 the the DET reflection_00721-2021_09 46 23 friends friend NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 46 24 treat treat VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 46 25 each each DET reflection_00721-2021_09 46 26 other other ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 46 27 with with ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 46 28 scorn scorn NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 46 29 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 47 1 i i PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 47 2 have have AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 47 3 seen see VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 47 4 firsthand firsthand ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 47 5 that that SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 47 6 befriending befriend VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 47 7 people people NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 47 8 with with ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 47 9 who who PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 47 10 you you PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 47 11 disagree disagree VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 47 12 is be AUX reflection_00721-2021_09 47 13 actually actually ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 47 14 very very ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 47 15 easy easy ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 47 16 if if SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 47 17 you you PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 47 18 treat treat VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 47 19 them they PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 47 20 with with ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 47 21 respect respect NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 47 22 and and CCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 47 23 get get VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 47 24 to to PART reflection_00721-2021_09 47 25 know know VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 47 26 them they PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 47 27 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 48 1 there there PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 48 2 is be VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 48 3 so so ADV reflection_00721-2021_09 48 4 much much ADJ reflection_00721-2021_09 48 5 to to PART reflection_00721-2021_09 48 6 gain gain VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 48 7 from from ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 48 8 having have VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 48 9 friends friend NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 48 10 who who PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 48 11 disagree disagree VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 48 12 with with ADP reflection_00721-2021_09 48 13 you you PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 48 14 because because SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 48 15 you you PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 48 16 learn learn VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 48 17 how how SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 48 18 to to PART reflection_00721-2021_09 48 19 understand understand VERB reflection_00721-2021_09 48 20 them they PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 48 21 despite despite SCONJ reflection_00721-2021_09 48 22 your your PRON reflection_00721-2021_09 48 23 differences difference NOUN reflection_00721-2021_09 48 24 . . PUNCT reflection_00721-2021_09 49 1 PROPN reflection_00721-2021_09 49 2 PROPN