id sid tid token lemma pos reflection_00629-2021_09 1 1 integration integration NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 1 2 tyler tyler PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 1 3 martino martino NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 1 4 integration integration NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 1 5 moreau moreau ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 1 6 10/15/21 10/15/21 NUM reflection_00629-2021_09 1 7 college college NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 1 8 : : PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 1 9 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 1 10 time time NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 1 11 for for ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 1 12 mental mental ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 1 13 growth growth NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 1 14 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 1 15 personal personal ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 1 16 reflection reflection NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 1 17 college college NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 1 18 is be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 1 19 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 1 20 time time NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 1 21 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 1 22 individual individual ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 1 23 growth growth NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 1 24 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 1 25 self self NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 1 26 - - PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 1 27 discovery discovery NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 1 28 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 2 1 throughout throughout ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 2 2 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 2 3 past past ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 2 4 few few ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 2 5 weeks week NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 2 6 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 2 7 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 2 8 ’ve ’ve AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 2 9 been be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 2 10 witness witness NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 2 11 to to ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 2 12 many many ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 2 13 different different ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 2 14 changes change NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 2 15 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 2 16 both both CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 2 17 my my PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 2 18 personal personal ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 2 19 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 2 20 academic academic ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 2 21 lives life NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 2 22 that that PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 2 23 have have AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 2 24 stemmed stem VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 2 25 directly directly ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 2 26 from from ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 2 27 my my PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 2 28 experiences experience NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 2 29 at at ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 2 30 notre notre PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 2 31 dame dame NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 2 32 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 3 1 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 3 2 people people NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 3 3 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 3 4 have have AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 3 5 met meet VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 3 6 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 3 7 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 3 8 events event NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 3 9 that that PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 3 10 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 3 11 have have AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 3 12 been be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 3 13 exposed expose VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 3 14 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 3 15 have have AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 3 16 all all ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 3 17 contributed contribute VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 3 18 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 3 19 make make VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 3 20 me i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 3 21 aware aware ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 3 22 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 3 23 what what PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 3 24 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 3 25 believe believe VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 3 26 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 3 27 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 4 1 this this DET reflection_00629-2021_09 4 2 moreau moreau ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 4 3 course course NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 4 4 has have AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 4 5 helped help VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 4 6 me i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 4 7 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 4 8 become become VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 4 9 aware aware ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 4 10 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 4 11 these these DET reflection_00629-2021_09 4 12 changes change NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 4 13 as as SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 4 14 they they PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 4 15 happen happen VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 4 16 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 4 17 real real ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 4 18 time time NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 4 19 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 4 20 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 4 21 have have AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 4 22 given give VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 4 23 me i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 4 24 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 4 25 building building NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 4 26 blocks block NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 4 27 necessary necessary ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 4 28 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 4 29 help help VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 4 30 me i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 4 31 discern discern VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 4 32 what what PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 4 33 has have AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 4 34 shaped shape VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 4 35 me i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 4 36 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 4 37 my my PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 4 38 beliefs belief NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 4 39 up up ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 4 40 to to ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 4 41 this this DET reflection_00629-2021_09 4 42 point point NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 4 43 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 4 44 my my PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 4 45 life life NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 4 46 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 5 1 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 5 2 have have AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 5 3 been be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 5 4 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 5 5 lucky lucky ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 5 6 recipient recipient NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 5 7 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 5 8 love love NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 5 9 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 5 10 my my PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 5 11 life life NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 5 12 : : PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 5 13 growing grow VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 5 14 up up ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 5 15 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 5 16 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 5 17 loving love VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 5 18 household household NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 5 19 around around ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 5 20 caring caring ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 5 21 friends friend NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 5 22 has have AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 5 23 helped help VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 5 24 me i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 5 25 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 5 26 understand understand VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 5 27 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 5 28 importance importance NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 5 29 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 5 30 this this DET reflection_00629-2021_09 5 31 emotion emotion NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 5 32 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 5 33 our our PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 5 34 world world NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 5 35 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 6 1 through through ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 6 2 my my PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 6 3 experiences experience NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 6 4 with with ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 6 5 others other NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 6 6 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 6 7 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 6 8 around around ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 6 9 campus campus NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 6 10 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 6 11 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 6 12 have have AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 6 13 come come VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 6 14 to to ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 6 15 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 6 16 belief belief NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 6 17 that that SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 6 18 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 6 19 most most ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 6 20 important important ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 6 21 thing thing NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 6 22 that that PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 6 23 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 6 24 can can AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 6 25 give give VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 6 26 to to ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 6 27 this this DET reflection_00629-2021_09 6 28 world world NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 6 29 is be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 6 30 my my PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 6 31 love love NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 6 32 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 6 33 attention attention NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 6 34 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 7 1 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 7 2 her her PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 7 3 ted ted PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 7 4 talk talk PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 7 5 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 7 6 brené brené PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 7 7 brown brown PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 7 8 explains explain VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 7 9 that that SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 7 10 “ " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 7 11 there there PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 7 12 ’s ’ VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 7 13 only only ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 7 14 one one NUM reflection_00629-2021_09 7 15 variable variable NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 7 16 that that PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 7 17 separates separate VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 7 18 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 7 19 people people NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 7 20 who who PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 7 21 have have VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 7 22 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 7 23 strong strong ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 7 24 sense sense NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 7 25 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 7 26 love love NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 7 27 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 7 28 belonging belong VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 7 29 from from ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 7 30 those those PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 7 31 who who PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 7 32 really really ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 7 33 struggle struggle VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 7 34 for for ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 7 35 it it PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 7 36 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 7 37 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 7 38 that that PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 7 39 is be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 7 40 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 7 41 people people NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 7 42 who who PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 7 43 have have VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 7 44 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 7 45 strong strong ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 7 46 sense sense NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 7 47 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 7 48 love love NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 7 49 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 7 50 belonging belong VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 7 51 believe believe VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 7 52 they they PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 7 53 ’re ’re VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 7 54 worthy worthy ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 7 55 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 7 56 love love NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 7 57 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 7 58 belonging belong VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 7 59 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 8 1 that that PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 8 2 ’s ’ VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 8 3 it it PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 8 4 ” " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 8 5 ( ( PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 8 6 “ " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 8 7 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 8 8 power power NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 8 9 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 8 10 vulnerability vulnerability NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 8 11 ” " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 8 12 by by ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 8 13 brené brené PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 8 14 brown brown PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 8 15 moreau moreau ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 8 16 fye fye NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 8 17 week week NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 8 18 one one NUM reflection_00629-2021_09 8 19 ) ) PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 8 20 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 9 1 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 9 2 have have AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 9 3 always always ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 9 4 been be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 9 5 taught teach VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 9 6 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 9 7 treat treat VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 9 8 people people NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 9 9 with with ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 9 10 love love NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 9 11 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 9 12 respect respect NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 9 13 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 9 14 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 9 15 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 9 16 recent recent ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 9 17 weeks week NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 9 18 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 9 19 ’ve ’ve AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 9 20 been be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 9 21 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 9 22 lucky lucky ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 9 23 recipient recipient NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 9 24 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 9 25 reciprocated reciprocated ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 9 26 love love NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 9 27 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 10 1 new new ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 10 2 college college NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 10 3 students student NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 10 4 are be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 10 5 inundated inundate VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 10 6 with with ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 10 7 countless countless ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 10 8 experiences experience NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 10 9 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 10 10 expectations expectation NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 10 11 that that PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 10 12 reshape reshape VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 10 13 our our PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 10 14 lives life NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 10 15 as as SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 10 16 we we PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 10 17 know know VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 10 18 it it PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 10 19 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 11 1 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 11 2 only only ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 11 3 way way NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 11 4 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 11 5 get get VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 11 6 through through ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 11 7 it it PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 11 8 properly properly ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 11 9 is be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 11 10 when when SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 11 11 we we PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 11 12 have have VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 11 13 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 11 14 firm firm ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 11 15 group group NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 11 16 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 11 17 people people NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 11 18 around around ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 11 19 us we PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 11 20 helping help VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 11 21 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 11 22 promote promote VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 11 23 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 11 24 sense sense NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 11 25 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 11 26 belonging belong VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 11 27 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 12 1 there there PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 12 2 were be VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 12 3 several several ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 12 4 times time NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 12 5 during during ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 12 6 my my PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 12 7 first first ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 12 8 week week NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 12 9 at at ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 12 10 notre notre PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 12 11 dame dame NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 12 12 where where SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 12 13 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 12 14 felt feel VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 12 15 isolated isolated ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 12 16 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 12 17 lonely lonely ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 12 18 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 12 19 but but CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 12 20 when when SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 12 21 it it PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 12 22 reached reach VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 12 23 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 12 24 level level NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 12 25 that that PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 12 26 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 12 27 was be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 12 28 uncomfortable uncomfortable ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 12 29 with with ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 12 30 there there PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 12 31 would would AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 12 32 always always ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 12 33 be be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 12 34 someone someone PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 12 35 who who PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 12 36 would would AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 12 37 reach reach VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 12 38 out out ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 12 39 or or CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 12 40 introduce introduce VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 12 41 themself themself PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 12 42 that that PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 12 43 would would AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 12 44 ease ease VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 12 45 my my PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 12 46 nerves nerve NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 12 47 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 12 48 make make VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 12 49 me i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 12 50 feel feel VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 12 51 deserving deserving ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 12 52 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 12 53 belonging belong VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 12 54 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 13 1 throughout throughout ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 13 2 our our PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 13 3 lives life NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 13 4 there there PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 13 5 will will AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 13 6 always always ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 13 7 be be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 13 8 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 13 9 search search NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 13 10 for for ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 13 11 knowledge knowledge NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 13 12 about about ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 13 13 who who PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 13 14 we we PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 13 15 are be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 13 16 as as ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 13 17 an an DET reflection_00629-2021_09 13 18 individual individual NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 13 19 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 14 1 no no ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 14 2 matter matter ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 14 3 how how SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 14 4 well well ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 14 5 we we PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 14 6 think think VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 14 7 we we PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 14 8 know know VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 14 9 ourselves ourselves PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 14 10 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 14 11 there there PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 14 12 is be VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 14 13 always always ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 14 14 something something PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 14 15 new new ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 14 16 that that PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 14 17 makes make VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 14 18 itself itself PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 14 19 known know VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 14 20 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 15 1 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 15 2 believe believe VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 15 3 that that SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 15 4 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 15 5 will will AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 15 6 always always ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 15 7 be be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 15 8 searching search VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 15 9 for for ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 15 10 new new ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 15 11 things thing NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 15 12 about about ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 15 13 myself myself PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 15 14 throughout throughout ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 15 15 my my PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 15 16 life life NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 15 17 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 15 18 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 15 19 that that SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 15 20 it it PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 15 21 is be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 15 22 my my PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 15 23 responsibility responsibility NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 15 24 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 15 25 explore explore VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 15 26 those those DET reflection_00629-2021_09 15 27 ideas idea NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 15 28 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 15 29 order order NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 15 30 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 15 31 make make VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 15 32 myself myself PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 15 33 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 15 34 better well ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 15 35 person person NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 15 36 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 16 1 according accord VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 16 2 to to ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 16 3 david david PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 16 4 brooks brooks PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 16 5 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 16 6 “ " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 16 7 we we PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 16 8 happen happen VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 16 9 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 16 10 live live VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 16 11 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 16 12 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 16 13 society society NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 16 14 that that PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 16 15 favors favor VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 16 16 adam adam PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 16 17 1 1 NUM reflection_00629-2021_09 16 18 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 16 19 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 16 20 neglects neglect VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 16 21 adam adam PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 16 22 2 2 NUM reflection_00629-2021_09 16 23 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 17 1 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 17 2 problem problem NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 17 3 is be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 17 4 that that SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 17 5 it it PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 17 6 turns turn VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 17 7 you you PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 17 8 into into ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 17 9 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 17 10 shrewd shrewd ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 17 11 animal animal NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 17 12 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 17 13 who who PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 17 14 treats treat VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 17 15 life life NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 17 16 as as ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 17 17 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 17 18 game game NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 17 19 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 17 20 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 17 21 you you PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 17 22 become become VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 17 23 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 17 24 cold cold ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 17 25 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 17 26 calculating calculate VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 17 27 creature creature NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 17 28 who who PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 17 29 slips slip VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 17 30 into into ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 17 31 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 17 32 sort sort NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 17 33 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 17 34 mediocrity mediocrity NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 17 35 ” " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 17 36 ( ( PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 17 37 " " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 17 38 should should AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 17 39 you you PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 17 40 live live VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 17 41 for for ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 17 42 your your PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 17 43 resume resume NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 17 44 or or CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 17 45 your your PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 17 46 eulogy eulogy NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 17 47 ? ? PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 17 48 " " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 18 1 by by ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 18 2 david david PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 18 3 brooks brooks PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 18 4 moreau moreau ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 18 5 fye fye PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 18 6 week week NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 18 7 two two NUM reflection_00629-2021_09 18 8 ) ) PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 18 9 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 19 1 this this DET reflection_00629-2021_09 19 2 quote quote NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 19 3 explores explore VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 19 4 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 19 5 idea idea NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 19 6 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 19 7 who who PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 19 8 people people NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 19 9 have have AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 19 10 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 19 11 potential potential NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 19 12 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 19 13 becoming become VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 19 14 if if SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 19 15 they they PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 19 16 do do AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 19 17 n’t not PART reflection_00629-2021_09 19 18 pay pay VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 19 19 attention attention NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 19 20 to to ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 19 21 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 19 22 practices practice NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 19 23 that that PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 19 24 make make VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 19 25 us we PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 19 26 better well ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 19 27 people people NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 19 28 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 20 1 after after ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 20 2 taking take VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 20 3 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 20 4 personality personality NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 20 5 test test NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 20 6 for for ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 20 7 this this DET reflection_00629-2021_09 20 8 module module NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 20 9 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 20 10 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 20 11 received receive VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 20 12 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 20 13 following follow VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 20 14 characteristics characteristic NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 20 15 : : PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 20 16 honesty honesty PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 20 17 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 20 18 fairness fairness NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 20 19 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 20 20 forgiveness forgiveness NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 20 21 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 20 22 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 20 23 kindness kindness NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 20 24 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 21 1 if if SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 21 2 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 21 3 know know VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 21 4 myself myself PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 21 5 like like SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 21 6 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 21 7 think think VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 21 8 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 21 9 do do VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 21 10 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 21 11 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 21 12 think think VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 21 13 those those DET reflection_00629-2021_09 21 14 traits trait NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 21 15 are be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 21 16 relatively relatively ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 21 17 accurate accurate ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 21 18 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 22 1 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 22 2 strive strive VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 22 3 for for ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 22 4 honesty honesty NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 22 5 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 22 6 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 22 7 am be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 22 8 kind kind ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 22 9 to to ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 22 10 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 22 11 fault fault NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 22 12 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 23 1 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 23 2 like like VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 23 3 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 23 4 think think VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 23 5 that that SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 23 6 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 23 7 ’m ’m VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 23 8 respectful respectful ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 23 9 to to ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 23 10 everyone everyone PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 23 11 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 23 12 encounter encounter VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 23 13 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 23 14 no no ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 23 15 matter matter ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 23 16 who who PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 23 17 they they PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 23 18 are be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 23 19 or or CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 23 20 what what PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 23 21 my my PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 23 22 opinions opinion NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 23 23 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 23 24 them they PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 23 25 are be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 23 26 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 24 1 through through ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 24 2 my my PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 24 3 experience experience NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 24 4 as as ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 24 5 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 24 6 cashier cashier NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 24 7 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 24 8 ’ve ’ve AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 24 9 found find VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 24 10 that that DET reflection_00629-2021_09 24 11 kindness kindness NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 24 12 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 24 13 understanding understanding NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 24 14 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 24 15 patience patience NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 24 16 can can AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 24 17 break break VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 24 18 through through ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 24 19 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 24 20 even even ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 24 21 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 24 22 most most ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 24 23 hostile hostile ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 24 24 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 24 25 ill ill ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 24 26 - - PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 24 27 tempered temper VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 24 28 situations situation NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 24 29 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 25 1 comparing compare VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 25 2 those those DET reflection_00629-2021_09 25 3 traits trait NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 25 4 with with ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 25 5 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 25 6 points point NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 25 7 made make VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 25 8 by by ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 25 9 mr mr PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 25 10 . . PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 25 11 brooks brooks PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 25 12 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 25 13 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 25 14 think think VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 25 15 that that SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 25 16 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 25 17 am be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 25 18 on on ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 25 19 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 25 20 path path NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 25 21 to to ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 25 22 making make VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 25 23 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 25 24 good good ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 25 25 eulogy eulogy NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 25 26 for for ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 25 27 myself myself PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 25 28 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 26 1 while while SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 26 2 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 26 3 am be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 26 4 certainly certainly ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 26 5 looking look VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 26 6 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 26 7 build build VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 26 8 up up ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 26 9 my my PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 26 10 resume resume NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 26 11 ( ( PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 26 12 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 26 13 do do AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 26 14 n’t not PART reflection_00629-2021_09 26 15 think think VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 26 16 harvard harvard PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 26 17 medical medical ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 26 18 school school NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 26 19 would would AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 26 20 would would AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 26 21 be be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 26 22 jumping jump VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 26 23 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 26 24 accept accept VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 26 25 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 26 26 resume resume NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 26 27 from from ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 26 28 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 26 29 kid kid NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 26 30 who who PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 26 31 ’s ’s AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 26 32 got get VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 26 33 one one NUM reflection_00629-2021_09 26 34 year year NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 26 35 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 26 36 experience experience NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 26 37 cashiering cashier VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 26 38 for for ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 26 39 bj bj PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 26 40 ’s ’s PART reflection_00629-2021_09 26 41 wholesale wholesale ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 26 42 club club NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 26 43 ) ) PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 26 44 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 26 45 my my PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 26 46 main main ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 26 47 focus focus NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 26 48 is be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 26 49 on on ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 26 50 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 26 51 humanity humanity NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 26 52 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 26 53 morality morality NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 26 54 that that PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 26 55 will will AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 26 56 make make VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 26 57 me i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 26 58 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 26 59 best good ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 26 60 person person NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 26 61 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 26 62 best good ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 26 63 professional professional ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 26 64 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 26 65 can can AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 26 66 be be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 26 67 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 27 1 college college NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 27 2 is be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 27 3 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 27 4 first first ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 27 5 time time NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 27 6 where where SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 27 7 kids kid NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 27 8 are be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 27 9 expected expect VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 27 10 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 27 11 do do VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 27 12 everything everything PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 27 13 completely completely ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 27 14 on on ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 27 15 their their PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 27 16 own own ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 27 17 without without ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 27 18 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 27 19 supervision supervision NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 27 20 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 27 21 their their PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 27 22 parents parent NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 27 23 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 28 1 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 28 2 believe believe VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 28 3 that that SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 28 4 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 28 5 am be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 28 6 an an DET reflection_00629-2021_09 28 7 independent independent ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 28 8 person person NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 28 9 who who PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 28 10 is be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 28 11 able able ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 28 12 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 28 13 learn learn VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 28 14 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 28 15 live live VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 28 16 on on ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 28 17 my my PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 28 18 own own ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 28 19 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 28 20 yet yet CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 28 21 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 28 22 am be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 28 23 also also ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 28 24 extremely extremely ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 28 25 dependent dependent ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 28 26 on on ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 28 27 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 28 28 love love NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 28 29 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 28 30 support support NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 28 31 that that PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 28 32 comes come VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 28 33 from from ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 28 34 my my PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 28 35 friends friend NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 28 36 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 28 37 family family NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 28 38 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 29 1 as as SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 29 2 father father PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 29 3 pete pete PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 29 4 mccormick mccormick PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 29 5 says say VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 29 6 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 29 7 his his PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 29 8 video video NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 29 9 for for ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 29 10 this this DET reflection_00629-2021_09 29 11 week week NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 29 12 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 29 13 “ " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 29 14 when when SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 29 15 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 29 16 was be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 29 17 driving drive VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 29 18 with with ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 29 19 my my PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 29 20 parents parent NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 29 21 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 29 22 all all DET reflection_00629-2021_09 29 23 roads road NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 29 24 would would AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 29 25 lead lead VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 29 26 home home ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 29 27 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 30 1 when when SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 30 2 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 30 3 was be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 30 4 driving drive VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 30 5 by by ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 30 6 myself myself PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 30 7 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 30 8 it it PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 30 9 was be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 30 10 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 30 11 little little ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 30 12 more more ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 30 13 unclear unclear ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 30 14 ” " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 30 15 ( ( PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 30 16 " " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 30 17 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 30 18 role role NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 30 19 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 30 20 faith faith NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 30 21 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 30 22 our our PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 30 23 story story NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 30 24 " " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 30 25 by by ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 30 26 fr fr PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 30 27 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 31 1 pete pete PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 31 2 mccormick mccormick PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 31 3 moreau moreau ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 31 4 fye fye PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 31 5 week week NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 31 6 3 3 NUM reflection_00629-2021_09 31 7 ) ) PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 31 8 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 32 1 as as ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 32 2 humans human NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 32 3 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 32 4 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 32 5 love love NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 32 6 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 32 7 support support NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 32 8 that that PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 32 9 we we PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 32 10 receive receive VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 32 11 from from ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 32 12 others other NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 32 13 is be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 32 14 imperative imperative ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 32 15 to to ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 32 16 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 32 17 meaningful meaningful ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 32 18 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 32 19 happy happy ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 32 20 life life NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 32 21 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 33 1 without without ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 33 2 guidance guidance NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 33 3 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 33 4 help help NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 33 5 from from ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 33 6 others other NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 33 7 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 33 8 we we PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 33 9 become become VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 33 10 lost lost ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 33 11 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 33 12 confused confuse VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 33 13 as as ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 33 14 to to ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 33 15 where where SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 33 16 we we PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 33 17 are be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 33 18 supposed suppose VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 33 19 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 33 20 be be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 33 21 going go VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 33 22 on on ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 33 23 our our PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 33 24 personal personal ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 33 25 journey journey NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 33 26 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 34 1 this this DET reflection_00629-2021_09 34 2 quote quote NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 34 3 reflects reflect VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 34 4 that that SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 34 5 perfectly perfectly ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 34 6 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 34 7 especially especially ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 34 8 from from ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 34 9 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 34 10 standpoint standpoint NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 34 11 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 34 12 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 34 13 young young ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 34 14 adult adult NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 34 15 who who PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 34 16 is be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 34 17 finally finally ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 34 18 learning learn VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 34 19 what what PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 34 20 it it PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 34 21 ’s ’ VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 34 22 like like ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 34 23 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 34 24 be be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 34 25 “ " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 34 26 on on ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 34 27 their their PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 34 28 own own ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 34 29 ” " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 34 30 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 35 1 growing grow VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 35 2 up up ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 35 3 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 35 4 we we PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 35 5 have have VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 35 6 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 35 7 plethora plethora NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 35 8 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 35 9 resources resource NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 35 10 at at ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 35 11 our our PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 35 12 fingertips fingertip NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 35 13 : : PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 35 14 siblings sibling NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 35 15 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 35 16 teachers teacher NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 35 17 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 35 18 friends friend NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 35 19 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 35 20 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 35 21 most most ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 35 22 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 35 23 all all DET reflection_00629-2021_09 35 24 parents parent NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 35 25 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 36 1 they they PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 36 2 ’re ’re AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 36 3 all all PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 36 4 helping help VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 36 5 us we PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 36 6 through through ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 36 7 our our PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 36 8 formative formative ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 36 9 years year NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 36 10 whether whether SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 36 11 we we PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 36 12 know know VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 36 13 it it PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 36 14 or or CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 36 15 not not PART reflection_00629-2021_09 36 16 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 36 17 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 36 18 we we PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 36 19 can can AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 36 20 become become VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 36 21 blind blind ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 36 22 to to ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 36 23 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 36 24 fact fact NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 36 25 that that SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 36 26 these these DET reflection_00629-2021_09 36 27 influences influence NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 36 28 are be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 36 29 there there ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 36 30 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 37 1 but but CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 37 2 once once SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 37 3 we we PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 37 4 are be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 37 5 thrust thrust VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 37 6 into into ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 37 7 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 37 8 new new ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 37 9 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 37 10 confusing confusing ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 37 11 environment environment NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 37 12 completely completely ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 37 13 alone alone ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 37 14 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 37 15 we we PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 37 16 realize realize VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 37 17 how how SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 37 18 big big ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 37 19 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 37 20 empty empty ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 37 21 this this DET reflection_00629-2021_09 37 22 world world NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 37 23 can can AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 37 24 be be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 37 25 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 38 1 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 38 2 ’ve ’ve AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 38 3 certainly certainly ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 38 4 experienced experience VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 38 5 that that SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 38 6 as as SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 38 7 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 38 8 adjust adjust VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 38 9 to to ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 38 10 college college NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 38 11 life life NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 38 12 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 38 13 looking look VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 38 14 for for ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 38 15 friends friend NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 38 16 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 38 17 mentors mentor NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 38 18 among among ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 38 19 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 38 20 sea sea NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 38 21 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 38 22 people people NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 38 23 who who PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 38 24 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 38 25 do do AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 38 26 n’t not PART reflection_00629-2021_09 38 27 know know VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 38 28 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 39 1 it it PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 39 2 ’s ’ VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 39 3 daunting daunting ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 39 4 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 39 5 but but CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 39 6 necessary necessary ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 39 7 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 39 8 improve improve VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 39 9 upon upon SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 39 10 yourself yourself PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 39 11 as as ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 39 12 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 39 13 student student NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 39 14 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 39 15 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 39 16 as as ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 39 17 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 39 18 person person NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 39 19 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 40 1 relationships relationship NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 40 2 are be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 40 3 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 40 4 necessary necessary ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 40 5 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 40 6 crucial crucial ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 40 7 part part NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 40 8 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 40 9 life life NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 40 10 that that PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 40 11 require require VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 40 12 time time NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 40 13 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 40 14 effort effort NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 40 15 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 40 16 maintain maintain VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 40 17 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 41 1 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 41 2 believe believe VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 41 3 that that SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 41 4 relationships relationship NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 41 5 are be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 41 6 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 41 7 way way NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 41 8 to to ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 41 9 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 41 10 happy happy ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 41 11 life life NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 41 12 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 41 13 both both PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 41 14 for for ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 41 15 yourself yourself PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 41 16 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 41 17 those those PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 41 18 who who PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 41 19 you you PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 41 20 have have VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 41 21 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 41 22 relationships relationship NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 41 23 with with ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 41 24 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 42 1 one one NUM reflection_00629-2021_09 42 2 quote quote NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 42 3 from from ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 42 4 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 42 5 week week NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 42 6 that that PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 42 7 stood stand VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 42 8 out out ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 42 9 to to ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 42 10 me i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 42 11 was be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 42 12 “ " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 42 13 attention attention NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 42 14 is be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 42 15 one one NUM reflection_00629-2021_09 42 16 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 42 17 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 42 18 rarest rare ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 42 19 forms form NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 42 20 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 42 21 love love NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 42 22 ” " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 42 23 ( ( PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 42 24 " " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 42 25 5 5 NUM reflection_00629-2021_09 42 26 signs sign NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 42 27 you you PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 42 28 're be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 42 29 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 42 30 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 42 31 toxic toxic ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 42 32 relationship relationship NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 42 33 " " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 42 34 by by ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 42 35 olivia olivia PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 42 36 t. t. PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 42 37 taylor taylor PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 42 38 moreau moreau ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 42 39 fye fye PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 42 40 week week NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 42 41 4 4 NUM reflection_00629-2021_09 42 42 ) ) PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 42 43 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 43 1 as as ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 43 2 someone someone PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 43 3 who who PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 43 4 has have AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 43 5 grown grow VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 43 6 up up ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 43 7 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 43 8 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 43 9 age age NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 43 10 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 43 11 phones phone NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 43 12 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 43 13 electronics electronic NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 43 14 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 43 15 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 43 16 ’ve ’ve AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 43 17 become become VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 43 18 accustomed accustomed ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 43 19 to to ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 43 20 people people NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 43 21 not not PART reflection_00629-2021_09 43 22 being be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 43 23 fully fully ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 43 24 present present ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 43 25 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 43 26 conversations conversation NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 43 27 ( ( PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 43 28 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 43 29 guilty guilty ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 43 30 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 43 31 it it PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 43 32 too too ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 43 33 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 44 1 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 44 2 like like VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 44 3 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 44 4 think think VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 44 5 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 44 6 myself myself PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 44 7 as as ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 44 8 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 44 9 multitasker multitasker NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 44 10 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 44 11 but but CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 44 12 the the PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 44 13 more more ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 44 14 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 44 15 try try VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 44 16 the the PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 44 17 more more ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 44 18 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 44 19 realize realize VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 44 20 it it PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 44 21 ’s ’ VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 44 22 impossible impossible ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 44 23 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 44 24 properly properly ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 44 25 pay pay VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 44 26 attention attention NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 44 27 to to ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 44 28 two two NUM reflection_00629-2021_09 44 29 things thing NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 44 30 at at ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 44 31 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 44 32 same same ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 44 33 time time NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 44 34 ) ) PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 44 35 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 45 1 complete complete ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 45 2 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 45 3 unwavering unwavere VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 45 4 attention attention NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 45 5 is be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 45 6 becoming become VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 45 7 quite quite ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 45 8 hard hard ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 45 9 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 45 10 comeby comeby PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 45 11 these these DET reflection_00629-2021_09 45 12 days day NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 45 13 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 46 1 looking look VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 46 2 at at ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 46 3 phones phone NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 46 4 at at ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 46 5 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 46 6 dinner dinner NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 46 7 table table NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 46 8 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 46 9 listening listen VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 46 10 to to ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 46 11 someone someone PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 46 12 talk talk VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 46 13 while while SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 46 14 simultaneously simultaneously ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 46 15 scrolling scroll VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 46 16 through through ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 46 17 instagram instagram NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 46 18 feeds feed NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 46 19 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 46 20 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 46 21 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 46 22 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 46 23 course course NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 46 24 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 46 25 doing do VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 46 26 homework homework NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 46 27 while while SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 46 28 watching watch VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 46 29 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 46 30 bills bill NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 46 31 on on ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 46 32 sunday sunday PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 46 33 are be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 46 34 all all PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 46 35 common common ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 46 36 examples example NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 46 37 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 46 38 this this DET reflection_00629-2021_09 46 39 new new ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 46 40 form form NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 46 41 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 46 42 chronic chronic ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 46 43 multitasking multitaske VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 46 44 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 47 1 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 47 2 have have AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 47 3 had have VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 47 4 plenty plenty NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 47 5 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 47 6 instances instance NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 47 7 where where SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 47 8 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 47 9 feel feel VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 47 10 as as SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 47 11 if if SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 47 12 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 47 13 ’m ’m AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 47 14 not not PART reflection_00629-2021_09 47 15 being be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 47 16 properly properly ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 47 17 listened listen VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 47 18 to to ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 47 19 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 47 20 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 47 21 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 47 22 try try VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 47 23 my my PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 47 24 best good ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 47 25 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 47 26 make make VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 47 27 sure sure ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 47 28 others other NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 47 29 do do AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 47 30 n’t not PART reflection_00629-2021_09 47 31 feel feel VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 47 32 like like ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 47 33 that that PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 47 34 when when SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 47 35 talking talk VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 47 36 to to ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 47 37 me i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 47 38 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 48 1 when when SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 48 2 you you PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 48 3 ’re ’re VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 48 4 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 48 5 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 48 6 committed committed ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 48 7 relationship relationship NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 48 8 with with ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 48 9 someone someone PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 48 10 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 48 11 any any DET reflection_00629-2021_09 48 12 capacity capacity NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 48 13 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 48 14 you you PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 48 15 should should AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 48 16 be be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 48 17 genuinely genuinely ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 48 18 interested interested ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 48 19 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 48 20 what what PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 48 21 they they PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 48 22 have have AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 48 23 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 48 24 say say VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 48 25 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 49 1 anything anything PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 49 2 less less ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 49 3 should should AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 49 4 make make VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 49 5 you you PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 49 6 reconsider reconsider VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 49 7 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 49 8 priorities priority NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 49 9 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 49 10 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 49 11 relationship relationship NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 49 12 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 49 13 see see VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 49 14 what what PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 49 15 you you PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 49 16 can can AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 49 17 change change VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 49 18 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 49 19 make make VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 49 20 things thing NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 49 21 right right ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 49 22 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 50 1 when when SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 50 2 you you PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 50 3 give give VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 50 4 someone someone PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 50 5 your your PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 50 6 full full ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 50 7 attention attention NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 50 8 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 50 9 it it PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 50 10 is be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 50 11 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 50 12 testament testament NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 50 13 to to ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 50 14 how how SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 50 15 much much ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 50 16 you you PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 50 17 care care VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 50 18 about about ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 50 19 them they PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 50 20 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 50 21 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 50 22 truly truly ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 50 23 loving loving ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 50 24 way way NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 50 25 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 51 1 fear fear NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 51 2 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 51 3 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 51 4 unknown unknown ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 51 5 can can AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 51 6 be be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 51 7 paralyzing paralyzing ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 51 8 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 51 9 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 51 10 going go VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 51 11 to to ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 51 12 college college NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 51 13 for for ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 51 14 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 51 15 first first ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 51 16 time time NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 51 17 is be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 51 18 one one NUM reflection_00629-2021_09 51 19 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 51 20 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 51 21 greatest great ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 51 22 examples example NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 51 23 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 51 24 this this PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 51 25 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 52 1 but but CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 52 2 being be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 52 3 able able ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 52 4 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 52 5 get get VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 52 6 over over ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 52 7 this this DET reflection_00629-2021_09 52 8 fear fear NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 52 9 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 52 10 recognize recognize VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 52 11 opportunities opportunity NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 52 12 instead instead ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 52 13 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 52 14 obstacles obstacle NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 52 15 is be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 52 16 one one NUM reflection_00629-2021_09 52 17 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 52 18 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 52 19 greatest great ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 52 20 habits habit NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 52 21 we we PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 52 22 can can AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 52 23 employ employ VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 52 24 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 53 1 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 53 2 believe believe VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 53 3 that that SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 53 4 fear fear NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 53 5 is be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 53 6 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 53 7 necessary necessary ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 53 8 part part NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 53 9 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 53 10 life life NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 53 11 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 53 12 but but CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 53 13 it it PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 53 14 ’s ’ VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 53 15 detrimental detrimental ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 53 16 effects effect NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 53 17 can can AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 53 18 be be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 53 19 mitigated mitigate VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 53 20 through through ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 53 21 certain certain ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 53 22 mindsets mindset NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 53 23 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 53 24 positive positive ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 53 25 mental mental ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 53 26 techniques technique NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 53 27 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 54 1 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 54 2 carla carla PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 54 3 harris harris PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 54 4 ’s ’s PART reflection_00629-2021_09 54 5 laetare laetare PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 54 6 medal medal PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 54 7 speech speech NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 54 8 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 54 9 she she PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 54 10 says say VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 54 11 that that SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 54 12 “ " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 54 13 fear fear NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 54 14 is be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 54 15 just just ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 54 16 ‘ ' PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 54 17 false false ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 54 18 evidence evidence NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 54 19 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 54 20 things thing NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 54 21 appearing appear VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 54 22 real real ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 54 23 ” " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 54 24 ( ( PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 54 25 " " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 54 26 2021 2021 NUM reflection_00629-2021_09 54 27 laetare laetare NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 54 28 medal medal NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 54 29 address address NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 54 30 " " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 54 31 by by ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 54 32 carla carla PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 54 33 harris harris PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 54 34 moreau moreau ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 54 35 fye fye PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 54 36 week week NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 54 37 5 5 NUM reflection_00629-2021_09 54 38 ) ) PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 54 39 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 55 1 ever ever ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 55 2 since since SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 55 3 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 55 4 was be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 55 5 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 55 6 young young ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 55 7 boy boy NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 55 8 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 55 9 ’ve ’ve AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 55 10 loved love VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 55 11 collecting collect VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 55 12 quotes quote NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 55 13 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 56 1 if if SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 56 2 something something PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 56 3 strikes strike VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 56 4 me i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 56 5 as as ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 56 6 interesting interesting ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 56 7 or or CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 56 8 intriguing intriguing ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 56 9 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 56 10 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 56 11 ’ll ’ll AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 56 12 write write VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 56 13 it it PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 56 14 down down ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 56 15 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 56 16 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 56 17 big big ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 56 18 book book NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 56 19 that that PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 56 20 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 56 21 ’ve ’ve AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 56 22 compiled compile VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 56 23 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 56 24 things thing NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 56 25 that that PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 56 26 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 56 27 ’ve ’ve AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 56 28 heard hear VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 56 29 throughout throughout ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 56 30 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 56 31 years year NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 56 32 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 57 1 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 57 2 quote quote NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 57 3 that that PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 57 4 started start VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 57 5 it it PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 57 6 all all PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 57 7 ( ( PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 57 8 which which PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 57 9 just just ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 57 10 so so ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 57 11 happens happen VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 57 12 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 57 13 be be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 57 14 my my PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 57 15 favorite favorite ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 57 16 quote quote NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 57 17 ) ) PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 57 18 is be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 57 19 from from ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 57 20 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 57 21 movie movie NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 57 22 “ " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 57 23 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 57 24 bronx bronx NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 57 25 tale tale NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 57 26 ” " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 57 27 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 58 1 robert robert PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 58 2 de de PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 58 3 niro niro PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 58 4 pulls pull VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 58 5 his his PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 58 6 son son NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 58 7 aside aside ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 58 8 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 58 9 tells tell VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 58 10 him he PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 58 11 that that SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 58 12 “ " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 58 13 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 58 14 saddest saddest ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 58 15 thing thing NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 58 16 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 58 17 life life NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 58 18 is be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 58 19 wasted waste VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 58 20 talent talent NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 58 21 ” " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 58 22 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 59 1 this this PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 59 2 is be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 59 3 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 59 4 quote quote NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 59 5 that that PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 59 6 would would AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 59 7 always always ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 59 8 pop pop VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 59 9 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 59 10 my my PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 59 11 head head NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 59 12 whenever whenever SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 59 13 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 59 14 was be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 59 15 tired tired ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 59 16 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 59 17 schoolwork schoolwork NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 59 18 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 59 19 or or CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 59 20 thought think VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 59 21 that that SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 59 22 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 59 23 was be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 59 24 n’t not PART reflection_00629-2021_09 59 25 good good ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 59 26 enough enough ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 59 27 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 59 28 do do VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 59 29 something something PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 59 30 throughout throughout ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 59 31 my my PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 59 32 formative formative ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 59 33 years year NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 59 34 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 59 35 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 59 36 because because SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 59 37 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 59 38 ’ve ’ve AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 59 39 followed follow VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 59 40 that that DET reflection_00629-2021_09 59 41 mantra mantra NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 59 42 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 59 43 ’ve ’ve AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 59 44 found find VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 59 45 my my PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 59 46 way way NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 59 47 to to ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 59 48 my my PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 59 49 dream dream NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 59 50 school school NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 59 51 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 59 52 notre notre PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 59 53 dame dame NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 59 54 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 60 1 one one NUM reflection_00629-2021_09 60 2 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 60 3 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 60 4 other other ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 60 5 quotes quote NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 60 6 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 60 7 that that DET reflection_00629-2021_09 60 8 book book NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 60 9 is be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 60 10 one one NUM reflection_00629-2021_09 60 11 from from ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 60 12 mark mark PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 60 13 twain twain NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 60 14 which which PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 60 15 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 60 16 think think VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 60 17 really really ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 60 18 pertains pertain VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 60 19 to to ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 60 20 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 60 21 one one NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 60 22 mentioned mention VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 60 23 above above ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 60 24 from from ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 60 25 carla carla PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 60 26 harris harris PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 60 27 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 61 1 twain twain PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 61 2 writes write VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 61 3 that that SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 61 4 “ " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 61 5 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 61 6 am be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 61 7 an an DET reflection_00629-2021_09 61 8 old old ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 61 9 man man NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 61 10 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 61 11 have have AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 61 12 known know VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 61 13 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 61 14 great great ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 61 15 many many ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 61 16 troubles trouble NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 61 17 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 61 18 but but CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 61 19 most most ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 61 20 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 61 21 them they PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 61 22 never never ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 61 23 happened happen VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 61 24 ” " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 61 25 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 62 1 when when SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 62 2 we we PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 62 3 fear fear VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 62 4 something something PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 62 5 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 62 6 we we PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 62 7 give give VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 62 8 it it PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 62 9 power power NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 62 10 over over ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 62 11 us we PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 62 12 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 63 1 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 63 2 thought thought NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 63 3 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 63 4 it it PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 63 5 is be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 63 6 often often ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 63 7 worse bad ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 63 8 than than ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 63 9 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 63 10 reality reality NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 63 11 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 63 12 which which PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 63 13 is be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 63 14 ironic ironic ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 63 15 since since SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 63 16 we we PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 63 17 do do AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 63 18 n’t not PART reflection_00629-2021_09 63 19 have have VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 63 20 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 63 21 think think VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 63 22 about about ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 63 23 it it PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 63 24 at at ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 63 25 all all ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 63 26 yet yet ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 63 27 we we PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 63 28 force force VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 63 29 ourselves ourselves PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 63 30 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 63 31 go go VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 63 32 through through ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 63 33 that that DET reflection_00629-2021_09 63 34 mental mental ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 63 35 strife strife NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 63 36 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 63 37 preparation preparation NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 63 38 for for ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 63 39 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 63 40 task task NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 63 41 ahead ahead ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 63 42 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 64 1 if if SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 64 2 we we PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 64 3 can can AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 64 4 realize realize VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 64 5 that that DET reflection_00629-2021_09 64 6 fear fear NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 64 7 is be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 64 8 something something PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 64 9 that that PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 64 10 can can AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 64 11 be be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 64 12 countered counter VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 64 13 with with ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 64 14 reason reason NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 64 15 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 64 16 as as ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 64 17 well well ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 64 18 as as ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 64 19 muster muster VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 64 20 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 64 21 courage courage NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 64 22 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 64 23 see see VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 64 24 what what PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 64 25 is be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 64 26 truly truly ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 64 27 there there ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 64 28 ( ( PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 64 29 or or CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 64 30 not not PART reflection_00629-2021_09 64 31 really really ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 64 32 there there ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 64 33 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 64 34 according accord VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 64 35 to to ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 64 36 twain twain NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 64 37 ) ) PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 64 38 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 64 39 we we PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 64 40 will will AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 64 41 be be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 64 42 better well ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 64 43 people people NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 64 44 for for ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 64 45 it it PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 64 46 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 65 1 we we PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 65 2 are be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 65 3 all all PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 65 4 shaped shape VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 65 5 by by ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 65 6 our our PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 65 7 experiences experience NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 65 8 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 65 9 life life NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 65 10 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 65 11 whether whether SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 65 12 we we PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 65 13 know know VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 65 14 it it PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 65 15 or or CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 65 16 not not PART reflection_00629-2021_09 65 17 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 66 1 change change NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 66 2 is be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 66 3 inevitable inevitable ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 66 4 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 66 5 which which PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 66 6 can can AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 66 7 either either CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 66 8 be be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 66 9 used use VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 66 10 to to ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 66 11 our our PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 66 12 advantage advantage NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 66 13 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 66 14 or or CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 66 15 can can AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 66 16 turn turn VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 66 17 into into ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 66 18 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 66 19 hindrance hindrance NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 66 20 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 67 1 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 67 2 believe believe VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 67 3 that that SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 67 4 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 67 5 am be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 67 6 inextricably inextricably ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 67 7 linked link VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 67 8 to to ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 67 9 certain certain ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 67 10 aspects aspect NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 67 11 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 67 12 my my PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 67 13 childhood childhood NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 67 14 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 67 15 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 67 16 these these PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 67 17 are be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 67 18 what what PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 67 19 have have AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 67 20 led lead VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 67 21 me i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 67 22 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 67 23 become become VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 67 24 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 67 25 person person NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 67 26 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 67 27 am be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 67 28 today today NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 67 29 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 68 1 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 68 2 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 68 3 poem poem NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 68 4 from from ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 68 5 this this DET reflection_00629-2021_09 68 6 week week NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 68 7 ’s ’s PART reflection_00629-2021_09 68 8 materials material NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 68 9 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 68 10 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 68 11 poet poet NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 68 12 writes write VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 68 13 “ " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 68 14 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 68 15 am be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 68 16 from from ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 68 17 those those DET reflection_00629-2021_09 68 18 moments moment NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 68 19 / / SYM reflection_00629-2021_09 68 20 snapped snap VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 68 21 before before SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 68 22 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 68 23 budded bud VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 68 24 / / SYM reflection_00629-2021_09 68 25 leaf leaf NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 68 26 - - PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 68 27 fall fall NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 68 28 from from ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 68 29 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 68 30 family family NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 68 31 tree tree NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 68 32 ” " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 68 33 ( ( PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 68 34 " " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 68 35 where where SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 68 36 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 68 37 'm be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 68 38 from from ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 68 39 " " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 68 40 by by ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 68 41 george george PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 68 42 ella ella PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 68 43 lyon lyon PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 68 44 moreau moreau ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 68 45 fye fye PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 68 46 week week NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 68 47 6 6 NUM reflection_00629-2021_09 68 48 ) ) PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 68 49 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 69 1 this this DET reflection_00629-2021_09 69 2 poem poem NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 69 3 builds build VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 69 4 upon upon SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 69 5 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 69 6 idea idea NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 69 7 that that SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 69 8 we we PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 69 9 all all PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 69 10 come come VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 69 11 from from ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 69 12 certain certain ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 69 13 things thing NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 69 14 that that PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 69 15 we we PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 69 16 can can AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 69 17 neither neither CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 69 18 explain explain VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 69 19 nor nor CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 69 20 recognize recognize VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 69 21 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 70 1 it it PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 70 2 ’s ’ VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 70 3 only only ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 70 4 through through ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 70 5 retrospection retrospection NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 70 6 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 70 7 time time NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 70 8 that that PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 70 9 we we PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 70 10 can can AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 70 11 see see VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 70 12 some some PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 70 13 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 70 14 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 70 15 events event NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 70 16 that that PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 70 17 shape shape VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 70 18 us we PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 70 19 into into ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 70 20 who who PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 70 21 we we PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 70 22 are be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 70 23 today today NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 70 24 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 71 1 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 71 2 my my PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 71 3 poem poem NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 71 4 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 71 5 talked talk VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 71 6 about about ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 71 7 how how SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 71 8 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 71 9 come come VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 71 10 from from ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 71 11 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 71 12 “ " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 71 13 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 71 14 little little ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 71 15 - - PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 71 16 big big ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 71 17 town town NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 71 18 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 71 19 with with ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 71 20 quietly quietly ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 71 21 incredible incredible ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 71 22 people people NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 71 23 / / PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 71 24 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 71 25 hope hope VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 71 26 to to ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 71 27 one one NUM reflection_00629-2021_09 71 28 day day NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 71 29 walk walk VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 71 30 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 71 31 their their PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 71 32 shoes shoe NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 71 33 ” " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 71 34 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 71 35 because because SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 71 36 my my PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 71 37 neighborhood neighborhood NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 71 38 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 71 39 my my PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 71 40 city city NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 71 41 have have AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 71 42 both both CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 71 43 ingrained ingrain VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 71 44 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 71 45 me i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 71 46 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 71 47 sense sense NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 71 48 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 71 49 leadership leadership NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 71 50 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 71 51 humble humble ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 71 52 respectability respectability NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 71 53 that that PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 71 54 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 71 55 value value VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 71 56 immensely immensely ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 71 57 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 72 1 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 72 2 ’ve ’ve AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 72 3 interacted interact VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 72 4 with with ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 72 5 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 72 6 learned learn VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 72 7 from from ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 72 8 so so ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 72 9 many many ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 72 10 people people NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 72 11 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 72 12 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 72 13 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 72 14 can can AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 72 15 pinpoint pinpoint VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 72 16 certain certain ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 72 17 areas area NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 72 18 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 72 19 my my PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 72 20 personality personality NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 72 21 that that PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 72 22 have have AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 72 23 been be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 72 24 shaped shape VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 72 25 by by ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 72 26 these these DET reflection_00629-2021_09 72 27 encounters encounter NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 72 28 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 73 1 realizing realize VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 73 2 that that SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 73 3 other other ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 73 4 people people NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 73 5 have have VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 73 6 different different ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 73 7 perspectives perspective NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 73 8 is be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 73 9 one one NUM reflection_00629-2021_09 73 10 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 73 11 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 73 12 most most ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 73 13 important important ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 73 14 yet yet CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 73 15 least least ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 73 16 utilized utilize VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 73 17 skills skill NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 73 18 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 73 19 society society NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 73 20 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 74 1 people people NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 74 2 are be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 74 3 quick quick ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 74 4 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 74 5 judge judge VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 74 6 those those PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 74 7 who who PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 74 8 do do AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 74 9 not not PART reflection_00629-2021_09 74 10 share share VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 74 11 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 74 12 same same ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 74 13 opinion opinion NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 74 14 without without ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 74 15 trying try VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 74 16 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 74 17 understand understand VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 74 18 why why SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 74 19 someone someone PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 74 20 might might AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 74 21 feel feel VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 74 22 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 74 23 way way NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 74 24 they they PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 74 25 do do VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 74 26 about about ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 74 27 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 74 28 certain certain ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 74 29 topic topic NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 74 30 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 75 1 after after ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 75 2 all all ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 75 3 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 75 4 no no DET reflection_00629-2021_09 75 5 one one NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 75 6 is be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 75 7 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 75 8 firm firm ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 75 9 activist activist NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 75 10 for for ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 75 11 something something PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 75 12 without without ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 75 13 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 75 14 reason reason NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 75 15 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 76 1 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 76 2 believe believe VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 76 3 that that SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 76 4 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 76 5 am be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 76 6 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 76 7 person person NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 76 8 who who PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 76 9 is be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 76 10 able able ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 76 11 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 76 12 look look VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 76 13 at at ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 76 14 both both DET reflection_00629-2021_09 76 15 sides side NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 76 16 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 76 17 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 76 18 argument argument NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 76 19 without without ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 76 20 being be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 76 21 so so ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 76 22 quick quick ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 76 23 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 76 24 judge judge VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 76 25 as as SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 76 26 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 76 27 disregard disregard VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 76 28 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 76 29 other other ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 76 30 person person NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 76 31 ’s ’s PART reflection_00629-2021_09 76 32 opinion opinion NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 76 33 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 77 1 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 77 2 quote quote NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 77 3 from from ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 77 4 this this DET reflection_00629-2021_09 77 5 week week NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 77 6 was be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 77 7 “ " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 77 8 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 77 9 collapse collapse NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 77 10 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 77 11 trust trust NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 77 12 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 77 13 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 77 14 rise rise NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 77 15 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 77 16 animosity animosity NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 77 17 -these -these PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 77 18 are be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 77 19 emotional emotional ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 77 20 problems problem NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 77 21 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 77 22 not not PART reflection_00629-2021_09 77 23 intellectual intellectual ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 77 24 ones one NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 77 25 ” " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 77 26 ( ( PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 77 27 PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 77 28 articleshare articleshare NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 77 29 by by ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 77 30 david david PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 77 31 brooks brooks PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 77 32 moreau moreau ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 77 33 fye fye PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 77 34 week week NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 77 35 7 7 NUM reflection_00629-2021_09 77 36 ) ) PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 77 37 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 78 1 this this DET reflection_00629-2021_09 78 2 quote quote NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 78 3 is be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 78 4 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 78 5 profound profound ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 78 6 look look NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 78 7 at at ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 78 8 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 78 9 current current ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 78 10 state state NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 78 11 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 78 12 our our PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 78 13 country country NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 78 14 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 78 15 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 78 16 most most ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 78 17 importantly importantly ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 78 18 our our PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 78 19 world world NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 78 20 as as ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 78 21 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 78 22 whole whole NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 78 23 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 79 1 as as SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 79 2 can can AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 79 3 often often ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 79 4 be be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 79 5 seen see VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 79 6 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 79 7 high high ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 79 8 - - PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 79 9 stakes stake NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 79 10 situations situation NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 79 11 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 79 12 emotion emotion NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 79 13 gets get VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 79 14 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 79 15 best good ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 79 16 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 79 17 us we PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 79 18 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 79 19 drives drive VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 79 20 our our PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 79 21 actions action NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 79 22 when when SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 79 23 our our PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 79 24 rational rational ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 79 25 mind mind NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 79 26 should should AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 79 27 be be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 79 28 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 79 29 one one NUM reflection_00629-2021_09 79 30 behind behind ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 79 31 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 79 32 wheel wheel NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 79 33 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 80 1 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 80 2 this this DET reflection_00629-2021_09 80 3 era era NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 80 4 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 80 5 manipulation manipulation NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 80 6 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 80 7 alternative alternative ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 80 8 truth truth NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 80 9 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 80 10 many many ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 80 11 people people NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 80 12 are be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 80 13 preying prey VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 80 14 on on ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 80 15 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 80 16 emotional emotional ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 80 17 impulses impulse NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 80 18 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 80 19 others other NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 80 20 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 80 21 order order NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 80 22 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 80 23 obtain obtain VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 80 24 a a DET reflection_00629-2021_09 80 25 specific specific ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 80 26 result result NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 80 27 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 81 1 new new ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 81 2 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 81 3 other other ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 81 4 media medium NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 81 5 use use VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 81 6 clickbait clickbait NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 81 7 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 81 8 order order NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 81 9 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 81 10 arouse arouse VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 81 11 an an DET reflection_00629-2021_09 81 12 emotional emotional ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 81 13 response response NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 81 14 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 81 15 viewers viewer NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 81 16 that that PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 81 17 make make VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 81 18 them they PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 81 19 think think VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 81 20 “ " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 81 21 how how SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 81 22 dare dare VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 81 23 they they PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 81 24 ! ! PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 81 25 ” " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 82 1 instead instead ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 82 2 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 82 3 asking ask VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 82 4 “ " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 82 5 why why SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 82 6 did do VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 82 7 they they PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 82 8 ? ? PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 82 9 ” " PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 82 10 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 83 1 there there PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 83 2 are be VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 83 3 two two NUM reflection_00629-2021_09 83 4 sides side NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 83 5 to to ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 83 6 every every DET reflection_00629-2021_09 83 7 argument argument NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 83 8 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 83 9 but but CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 83 10 if if SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 83 11 someone someone PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 83 12 is be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 83 13 riled rile VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 83 14 up up ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 83 15 enough enough ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 83 16 then then ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 83 17 there there PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 83 18 is be VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 83 19 only only ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 83 20 one one NUM reflection_00629-2021_09 83 21 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 83 22 their their PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 83 23 mind mind NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 83 24 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 84 1 even even ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 84 2 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 84 3 most most ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 84 4 intellectual intellectual ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 84 5 people people NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 84 6 can can AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 84 7 be be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 84 8 taken take VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 84 9 over over ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 84 10 by by ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 84 11 these these DET reflection_00629-2021_09 84 12 impulses impulse NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 84 13 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 84 14 which which PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 84 15 is be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 84 16 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 84 17 most most ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 84 18 troubling troubling ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 84 19 part part NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 84 20 about about ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 84 21 this this DET reflection_00629-2021_09 84 22 current current ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 84 23 habit habit NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 84 24 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 84 25 society society NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 84 26 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 85 1 through through ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 85 2 my my PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 85 3 time time NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 85 4 at at ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 85 5 notre notre PROPN reflection_00629-2021_09 85 6 dame dame NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 85 7 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 85 8 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 85 9 ’ve ’ve AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 85 10 discovered discover VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 85 11 more more ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 85 12 about about ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 85 13 myself myself PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 85 14 than than SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 85 15 i i PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 85 16 can can AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 85 17 comprehend comprehend VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 85 18 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 85 19 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 85 20 this this DET reflection_00629-2021_09 85 21 education education NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 85 22 of of ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 85 23 mind mind NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 85 24 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 85 25 body body NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 85 26 will will AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 85 27 not not PART reflection_00629-2021_09 85 28 be be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 85 29 coming come VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 85 30 to to ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 85 31 an an DET reflection_00629-2021_09 85 32 end end NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 85 33 anytime anytime ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 85 34 soon soon ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 85 35 . . PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 86 1 as as SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 86 2 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 86 3 weeks week NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 86 4 roll roll VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 86 5 on on ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 86 6 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 86 7 the the DET reflection_00629-2021_09 86 8 lessons lesson NOUN reflection_00629-2021_09 86 9 that that PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 86 10 we we PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 86 11 learn learn VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 86 12 in in ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 86 13 moreau moreau ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 86 14 will will AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 86 15 only only ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 86 16 become become VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 86 17 more more ADV reflection_00629-2021_09 86 18 prevalent prevalent ADJ reflection_00629-2021_09 86 19 as as SCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 86 20 we we PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 86 21 continue continue VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 86 22 to to PART reflection_00629-2021_09 86 23 search search VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 86 24 for for ADP reflection_00629-2021_09 86 25 who who PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 86 26 we we PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 86 27 are be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 86 28 , , PUNCT reflection_00629-2021_09 86 29 and and CCONJ reflection_00629-2021_09 86 30 who who PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 86 31 we we PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 86 32 believe believe VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 86 33 we we PRON reflection_00629-2021_09 86 34 are be AUX reflection_00629-2021_09 86 35 becoming become VERB reflection_00629-2021_09 86 36 . . PUNCT