id sid tid token lemma pos reflection_00392-2022_03 1 1 moreau moreau ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 1 2 integration integration NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 1 3 spring spring NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 1 4 james james PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 1 5 demaro demaro VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 1 6 moreau moreau ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 1 7 fye fye NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 1 8 29 29 NUM reflection_00392-2022_03 1 9 april april PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 1 10 2022 2022 NUM reflection_00392-2022_03 1 11 capstone capstone NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 1 12 integration integration NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 1 13 assignment assignment NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 1 14 within within ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 1 15 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 1 16 past past ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 1 17 year year NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 1 18 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 1 19 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 1 20 have have AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 1 21 begun begin VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 1 22 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 1 23 learn learn VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 1 24 more more ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 1 25 about about ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 1 26 myself myself PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 1 27 by by ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 1 28 asking ask VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 1 29 myself myself PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 1 30 important important ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 1 31 questions question NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 1 32 such such ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 1 33 as as ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 1 34 “ " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 1 35 what what DET reflection_00392-2022_03 1 36 role role NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 1 37 do do AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 1 38 others other NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 1 39 play play VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 1 40 in in ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 1 41 my my PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 1 42 discernment discernment NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 1 43 ? ? PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 1 44 ” " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 2 1 ( ( PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 2 2 “ " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 2 3 week week NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 2 4 five five NUM reflection_00392-2022_03 2 5 irishcompass irishcompass PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 2 6 activity activity NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 2 7 ” " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 2 8 moreau moreau ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 2 9 fye fye NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 2 10 week week NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 2 11 five five NUM reflection_00392-2022_03 2 12 ) ) PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 2 13 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 3 1 through through ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 3 2 doing do VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 3 3 this this PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 3 4 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 3 5 have have AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 3 6 learned learn VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 3 7 more more ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 3 8 than than SCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 3 9 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 3 10 ever ever ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 3 11 knew know VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 3 12 about about ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 3 13 myself myself PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 3 14 and and CCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 3 15 have have AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 3 16 begun begin VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 3 17 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 3 18 formulate formulate VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 3 19 my my PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 3 20 values value NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 3 21 into into ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 3 22 my my PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 3 23 own own ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 3 24 personal personal ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 3 25 mission mission NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 3 26 statement statement NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 3 27 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 4 1 taking take VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 4 2 a a DET reflection_00392-2022_03 4 3 page page NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 4 4 out out ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 4 5 of of ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 4 6 notre notre PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 4 7 dame dame NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 4 8 ’s ’s PART reflection_00392-2022_03 4 9 mission mission NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 4 10 statement statement NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 4 11 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 4 12 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 4 13 have have AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 4 14 centered center VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 4 15 my my PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 4 16 own own ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 4 17 statement statement NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 4 18 upon upon SCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 4 19 three three NUM reflection_00392-2022_03 4 20 core core NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 4 21 beliefs belief NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 4 22 that that PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 4 23 will will AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 4 24 direct direct VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 4 25 how how SCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 4 26 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 4 27 will will AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 4 28 live live VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 4 29 my my PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 4 30 life life NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 4 31 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 5 1 as as SCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 5 2 notre notre PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 5 3 dame dame NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 5 4 describes describe VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 5 5 itself itself PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 5 6 as as ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 5 7 a a DET reflection_00392-2022_03 5 8 “ " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 5 9 university university NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 5 10 dedicated dedicate VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 5 11 to to ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 5 12 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 5 13 pursuit pursuit NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 5 14 and and CCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 5 15 sharing sharing NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 5 16 of of ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 5 17 truth truth NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 5 18 for for ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 5 19 its its PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 5 20 own own ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 5 21 sake sake NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 5 22 ” " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 5 23 ( ( PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 5 24 “ " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 5 25 university university PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 5 26 of of ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 5 27 notre notre PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 5 28 dame dame NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 5 29 mission mission NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 5 30 statement statement NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 5 31 ” " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 5 32 moreau moreau ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 5 33 fye fye NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 5 34 week week NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 5 35 thirteen thirteen NUM reflection_00392-2022_03 5 36 ) ) PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 5 37 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 5 38 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 5 39 too too ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 5 40 would would AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 5 41 like like VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 5 42 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 5 43 dedicate dedicate VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 5 44 my my PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 5 45 life life NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 5 46 to to ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 5 47 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 5 48 pursuit pursuit NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 5 49 of of ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 5 50 truth truth NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 5 51 and and CCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 5 52 knowledge knowledge NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 5 53 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 6 1 additionally additionally ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 6 2 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 6 3 since since SCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 6 4 we we PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 6 5 as as ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 6 6 humans human NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 6 7 have have VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 6 8 a a DET reflection_00392-2022_03 6 9 responsibility responsibility NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 6 10 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 6 11 help help VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 6 12 others other NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 6 13 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 6 14 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 6 15 will will AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 6 16 strive strive VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 6 17 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 6 18 encounter encounter VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 6 19 others other NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 6 20 through through ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 6 21 compassion compassion NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 6 22 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 7 1 finally finally ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 7 2 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 7 3 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 7 4 will will AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 7 5 be be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 7 6 proud proud ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 7 7 of of ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 7 8 who who PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 7 9 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 7 10 am be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 7 11 and and CCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 7 12 will will AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 7 13 not not PART reflection_00392-2022_03 7 14 be be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 7 15 afraid afraid ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 7 16 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 7 17 be be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 7 18 my my PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 7 19 best good ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 7 20 and and CCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 7 21 most most ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 7 22 true true ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 7 23 self self NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 7 24 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 8 1 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 8 2 search search NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 8 3 for for ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 8 4 knowledge knowledge NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 8 5 and and CCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 8 6 truth truth NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 8 7 makes make VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 8 8 up up ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 8 9 a a DET reflection_00392-2022_03 8 10 core core NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 8 11 component component NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 8 12 of of ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 8 13 my my PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 8 14 personal personal ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 8 15 mission mission NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 8 16 statement statement NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 8 17 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 9 1 while while SCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 9 2 most most ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 9 3 people people NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 9 4 often often ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 9 5 desire desire VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 9 6 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 9 7 know know VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 9 8 that that DET reflection_00392-2022_03 9 9 truth truth NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 9 10 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 9 11 there there PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 9 12 are be VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 9 13 many many ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 9 14 societal societal ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 9 15 factors factor NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 9 16 that that PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 9 17 can can AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 9 18 come come VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 9 19 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 9 20 cloud cloud VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 9 21 our our PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 9 22 judgment judgment NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 9 23 on on ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 9 24 certain certain ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 9 25 issues issue NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 9 26 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 10 1 as as SCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 10 2 described describe VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 10 3 by by ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 10 4 dr dr PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 10 5 . . PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 10 6 paul paul PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 10 7 blashko blashko PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 10 8 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 10 9 echo echo PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 10 10 chambers chamber NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 10 11 are be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 10 12 extremely extremely ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 10 13 common common ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 10 14 on on ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 10 15 social social ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 10 16 media medium NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 10 17 and and CCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 10 18 can can AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 10 19 impair impair VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 10 20 our our PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 10 21 opinions opinion NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 10 22 of of ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 10 23 certain certain ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 10 24 truths truth NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 10 25 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 11 1 in in ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 11 2 an an DET reflection_00392-2022_03 11 3 explanation explanation NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 11 4 of of ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 11 5 how how SCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 11 6 these these DET reflection_00392-2022_03 11 7 echo echo NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 11 8 chambers chambers PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 11 9 work work VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 11 10 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 11 11 blashko blashko PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 11 12 gives give VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 11 13 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 11 14 example example NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 11 15 of of ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 11 16 a a DET reflection_00392-2022_03 11 17 man man NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 11 18 using use VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 11 19 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 11 20 internet internet NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 11 21 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 12 1 “ " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 12 2 online online ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 12 3 paul paul PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 12 4 finds find VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 12 5 himself himself PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 12 6 in in ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 12 7 an an DET reflection_00392-2022_03 12 8 ideological ideological ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 12 9 bubble bubble NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 12 10 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 13 1 this this PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 13 2 is be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 13 3 because because SCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 13 4 his his PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 13 5 social social ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 13 6 network network NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 13 7 is be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 13 8 surrounded surround VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 13 9 by by ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 13 10 people people NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 13 11 with with ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 13 12 similar similar ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 13 13 political political ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 13 14 interests interest NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 13 15 to to ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 13 16 him he PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 13 17 ” " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 13 18 ( ( PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 13 19 “ " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 13 20 how how SCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 13 21 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 13 22 avoid avoid VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 13 23 an an DET reflection_00392-2022_03 13 24 echo echo NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 13 25 chamber chamber NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 13 26 ” " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 13 27 by by ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 13 28 dr dr PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 13 29 . . PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 13 30 paul paul PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 13 31 blaschko blaschko PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 13 32 moreau moreau ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 13 33 fye fye NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 13 34 week week NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 13 35 eleven eleven NUM reflection_00392-2022_03 13 36 ) ) PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 13 37 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 14 1 it it PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 14 2 ’s ’ VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 14 3 so so ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 14 4 important important ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 14 5 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 14 6 stay stay VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 14 7 away away ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 14 8 VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 14 9 VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 14 10 NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 14 11 NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 14 12 PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 14 13 NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 14 14 from from ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 14 15 these these DET reflection_00392-2022_03 14 16 echo echo NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 14 17 chambers chamber NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 14 18 due due ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 14 19 to to ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 14 20 their their PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 14 21 ability ability NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 14 22 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 14 23 cloud cloud VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 14 24 our our PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 14 25 perception perception NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 14 26 of of ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 14 27 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 14 28 world world NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 14 29 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 15 1 by by ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 15 2 searching search VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 15 3 for for ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 15 4 unbiased unbiased ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 15 5 news news NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 15 6 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 15 7 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 15 8 can can AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 15 9 experience experience VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 15 10 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 15 11 world world NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 15 12 to to ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 15 13 its its PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 15 14 fullest full ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 15 15 capacity capacity NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 15 16 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 16 1 within within ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 16 2 my my PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 16 3 own own ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 16 4 life life NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 16 5 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 16 6 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 16 7 have have AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 16 8 attempted attempt VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 16 9 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 16 10 read read VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 16 11 unbiased unbiased ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 16 12 news news NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 16 13 and and CCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 16 14 stay stay VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 16 15 away away ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 16 16 from from ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 16 17 social social ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 16 18 media medium NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 16 19 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 17 1 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 17 2 believe believe VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 17 3 that that SCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 17 4 so so ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 17 5 far far ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 17 6 this this PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 17 7 has have AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 17 8 helped help VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 17 9 me i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 17 10 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 17 11 experience experience VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 17 12 other other ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 17 13 people people NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 17 14 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 17 15 cultures culture NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 17 16 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 17 17 and and CCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 17 18 traditions tradition NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 17 19 in in ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 17 20 ways way NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 17 21 that that PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 17 22 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 17 23 would would AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 17 24 n’t not PART reflection_00392-2022_03 17 25 have have VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 17 26 before before ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 17 27 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 18 1 additionally additionally ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 18 2 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 18 3 this this PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 18 4 has have AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 18 5 allowed allow VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 18 6 me i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 18 7 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 18 8 discern discern VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 18 9 which which DET reflection_00392-2022_03 18 10 career career NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 18 11 path path NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 18 12 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 18 13 will will AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 18 14 follow follow VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 18 15 in in ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 18 16 my my PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 18 17 life life NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 18 18 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 19 1 by by ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 19 2 asking ask VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 19 3 myself myself PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 19 4 important important ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 19 5 questions question NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 19 6 about about ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 19 7 my my PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 19 8 core core NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 19 9 values value NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 19 10 in in ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 19 11 life life NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 19 12 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 19 13 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 19 14 have have AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 19 15 thought think VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 19 16 hard hard ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 19 17 about about ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 19 18 my my PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 19 19 major major ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 19 20 declaration declaration NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 19 21 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 20 1 while while SCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 20 2 “ " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 20 3 there there PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 20 4 is be VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 20 5 no no DET reflection_00392-2022_03 20 6 “ " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 20 7 best well ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 20 8 major major ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 20 9 ” " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 20 10 out out ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 20 11 there there ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 20 12 there there PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 20 13 is be VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 20 14 a a DET reflection_00392-2022_03 20 15 “ " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 20 16 best good ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 20 17 major major ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 20 18 for for ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 20 19 you you PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 20 20 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 20 21 ” " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 21 1 ( ( PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 21 2 “ " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 21 3 navigating navigate VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 21 4 your your PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 21 5 career career NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 21 6 journey journey NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 21 7 ” " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 21 8 by by ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 21 9 meruelo meruelo PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 21 10 family family NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 21 11 center center NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 21 12 for for ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 21 13 career career NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 21 14 development development NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 21 15 moreau moreau ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 21 16 fye fye NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 21 17 week week NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 21 18 four four NUM reflection_00392-2022_03 21 19 ) ) PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 21 20 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 22 1 while while SCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 22 2 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 22 3 am be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 22 4 still still ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 22 5 unsure unsure ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 22 6 of of ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 22 7 what what PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 22 8 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 22 9 want want VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 22 10 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 22 11 spend spend VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 22 12 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 22 13 rest rest NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 22 14 of of ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 22 15 my my PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 22 16 life life NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 22 17 doing do VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 22 18 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 22 19 searching search VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 22 20 through through ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 22 21 myself myself PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 22 22 has have AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 22 23 helped help VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 22 24 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 22 25 point point VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 22 26 me i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 22 27 in in ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 22 28 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 22 29 right right ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 22 30 direction direction NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 22 31 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 23 1 another another DET reflection_00392-2022_03 23 2 crucial crucial ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 23 3 component component NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 23 4 of of ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 23 5 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 23 6 search search NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 23 7 for for ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 23 8 truth truth NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 23 9 is be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 23 10 having have VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 23 11 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 23 12 courage courage NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 23 13 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 23 14 act act VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 23 15 upon upon SCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 23 16 it it PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 23 17 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 24 1 as as SCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 24 2 father father PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 24 3 hesburgh hesburgh PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 24 4 showed show VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 24 5 us we PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 24 6 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 24 7 it it PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 24 8 ’s ’ VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 24 9 important important ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 24 10 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 24 11 act act VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 24 12 upon upon SCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 24 13 what what PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 24 14 is be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 24 15 right right ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 24 16 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 25 1 “ " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 25 2 rome rome PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 25 3 has have AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 25 4 spoken speak VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 25 5 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 26 1 it it PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 26 2 was be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 26 3 censorship censorship NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 26 4 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 26 5 and and CCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 26 6 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 26 7 told tell VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 26 8 them they PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 26 9 no no INTJ reflection_00392-2022_03 26 10 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 26 11 ” " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 27 1 ( ( PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 27 2 “ " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 27 3 hesburgh hesburgh PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 27 4 ” " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 27 5 by by ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 27 6 jerry jerry PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 27 7 barca barca PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 27 8 and and CCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 27 9 christine christine PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 27 10 o’malley o’malley PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 27 11 moreau moreau ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 27 12 fye fye NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 27 13 week week NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 27 14 two two NUM reflection_00392-2022_03 27 15 ) ) PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 27 16 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 28 1 as as ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 28 2 human human ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 28 3 beings being NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 28 4 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 28 5 we we PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 28 6 have have VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 28 7 a a DET reflection_00392-2022_03 28 8 responsibility responsibility NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 28 9 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 28 10 help help VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 28 11 those those PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 28 12 less less ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 28 13 fortunate fortunate ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 28 14 than than ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 28 15 ourselves ourselves PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 28 16 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 29 1 thankfully thankfully ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 29 2 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 29 3 there there PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 29 4 are be VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 29 5 many many ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 29 6 people people NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 29 7 in in ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 29 8 our our PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 29 9 world world NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 29 10 that that PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 29 11 are be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 29 12 already already ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 29 13 committed commit VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 29 14 to to ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 29 15 this this DET reflection_00392-2022_03 29 16 belief belief NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 29 17 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 30 1 “ " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 30 2 a a DET reflection_00392-2022_03 30 3 number number NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 30 4 of of ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 30 5 ideas idea NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 30 6 from from ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 30 7 those those DET reflection_00392-2022_03 30 8 conversations conversation NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 30 9 have have AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 30 10 stuck stick VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 30 11 with with ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 30 12 me i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 30 13 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 31 1 on on ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 31 2 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 31 3 theological theological ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 31 4 side side NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 31 5 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 31 6 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 31 7 was be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 31 8 struck strike VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 31 9 how how SCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 31 10 every every DET reflection_00392-2022_03 31 11 major major ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 31 12 religious religious ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 31 13 tradition tradition NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 31 14 – – PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 31 15 including include VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 31 16 islam islam PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 31 17 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 31 18 hinduism hinduism NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 31 19 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 31 20 judaism judaism NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 31 21 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 31 22 buddhism buddhism NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 31 23 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 31 24 and and CCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 31 25 christianity christianity PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 31 26 – – PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 31 27 has have VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 31 28 as as ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 31 29 a a DET reflection_00392-2022_03 31 30 central central ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 31 31 concern concern NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 31 32 of of ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 31 33 connecting connect VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 31 34 our our PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 31 35 lives life NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 31 36 with with ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 31 37 those those PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 31 38 who who PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 31 39 are be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 31 40 downtrodden downtrodden ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 31 41 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 31 42 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 31 43 victim victim NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 31 44 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 31 45 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 31 46 widow widow NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 31 47 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 31 48 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 31 49 orphan orphan NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 31 50 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 31 51 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 31 52 poor poor ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 31 53 ” " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 31 54 ( ( PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 31 55 “ " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 31 56 teaching teaching NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 31 57 accompaniment accompaniment NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 31 58 : : PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 31 59 a a DET reflection_00392-2022_03 31 60 learning learning NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 31 61 journey journey NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 31 62 together together ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 31 63 ” " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 31 64 by by ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 31 65 professor professor PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 31 66 steve steve PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 31 67 reifenberg reifenberg PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 31 68 moreau moreau ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 31 69 fye fye PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 31 70 week week NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 31 71 nine nine NUM reflection_00392-2022_03 31 72 ) ) PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 31 73 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 32 1 but but CCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 32 2 still still ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 32 3 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 32 4 there there PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 32 5 are be VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 32 6 still still ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 32 7 groups group NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 32 8 that that PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 32 9 desperately desperately ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 32 10 need need VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 32 11 help help NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 32 12 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 33 1 this this DET reflection_00392-2022_03 33 2 help help NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 33 3 does do AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 33 4 n’t not PART reflection_00392-2022_03 33 5 always always ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 33 6 have have VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 33 7 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 33 8 come come VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 33 9 in in ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 33 10 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 33 11 form form NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 33 12 of of ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 33 13 volunteering volunteering NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 33 14 at at ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 33 15 a a DET reflection_00392-2022_03 33 16 soup soup NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 33 17 kitchen kitchen NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 33 18 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 34 1 rather rather ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 34 2 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 34 3 it it PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 34 4 comes come VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 34 5 through through ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 34 6 encountering encounter VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 34 7 others other NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 34 8 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 35 1 according accord VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 35 2 to to ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 35 3 marcus marcus PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 35 4 cole cole PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 35 5 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 35 6 a a DET reflection_00392-2022_03 35 7 prominent prominent ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 35 8 civil civil ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 35 9 rights right NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 35 10 activist activist NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 35 11 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 35 12 racial racial ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 35 13 persecution persecution NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 35 14 is be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 35 15 real real ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 35 16 and and CCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 35 17 many many ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 35 18 people people NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 35 19 are be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 35 20 X reflection_00392-2022_03 35 21 NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 35 22 VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 35 23 VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 35 24 completely completely ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 35 25 unaware unaware ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 35 26 of of ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 35 27 it it PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 35 28 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 36 1 “ " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 36 2 as as ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 36 3 an an DET reflection_00392-2022_03 36 4 african african ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 36 5 - - PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 36 6 american american ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 36 7 man man NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 36 8 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 36 9 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 36 10 have have AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 36 11 had have VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 36 12 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 36 13 experience experience NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 36 14 of of ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 36 15 being be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 36 16 pulled pull VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 36 17 over over ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 36 18 by by ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 36 19 a a DET reflection_00392-2022_03 36 20 police police NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 36 21 officer officer NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 36 22 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 36 23 with with ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 36 24 no no DET reflection_00392-2022_03 36 25 apparent apparent ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 36 26 or or CCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 36 27 expressed express VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 36 28 reason reason NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 36 29 for for ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 36 30 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 36 31 stop stop NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 36 32 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 37 1 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 37 2 have have AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 37 3 been be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 37 4 berated berate VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 37 5 and and CCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 37 6 verbally verbally ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 37 7 abused abuse VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 37 8 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 37 9 without without ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 37 10 receiving receive VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 37 11 a a DET reflection_00392-2022_03 37 12 ticket ticket NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 37 13 or or CCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 37 14 a a DET reflection_00392-2022_03 37 15 warning warning NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 37 16 ” " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 37 17 ( ( PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 37 18 “ " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 37 19 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 37 20 am be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 37 21 george george PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 37 22 floyd floyd PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 37 23 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 38 1 except except SCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 38 2 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 38 3 can can AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 38 4 breath breath VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 38 5 ” " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 38 6 by by ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 38 7 marcus marcus PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 38 8 cole cole PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 38 9 moreau moreau ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 38 10 fye fye PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 38 11 week week NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 38 12 twelve twelve NUM reflection_00392-2022_03 38 13 ) ) PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 38 14 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 39 1 as as SCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 39 2 marcus marcus PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 39 3 cole cole PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 39 4 hints hint VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 39 5 at at ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 39 6 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 39 7 we we PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 39 8 have have VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 39 9 a a DET reflection_00392-2022_03 39 10 duty duty NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 39 11 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 39 12 help help VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 39 13 others other NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 39 14 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 40 1 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 40 2 do do VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 40 3 this this PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 40 4 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 40 5 we we PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 40 6 must must AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 40 7 encounter encounter VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 40 8 others other NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 40 9 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 41 1 only only ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 41 2 by by ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 41 3 truly truly ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 41 4 experiencing experience VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 41 5 others other NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 41 6 can can AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 41 7 we we PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 41 8 come come VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 41 9 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 41 10 understand understand VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 41 11 their their PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 41 12 struggles struggle NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 41 13 and and CCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 41 14 difficulties difficulty NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 41 15 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 42 1 this this PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 42 2 can can AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 42 3 also also ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 42 4 be be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 42 5 done do VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 42 6 through through ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 42 7 education education NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 42 8 and and CCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 42 9 coming come VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 42 10 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 42 11 learn learn VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 42 12 how how SCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 42 13 others other NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 42 14 live live VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 42 15 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 43 1 in in ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 43 2 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 43 3 case case NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 43 4 of of ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 43 5 father father PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 43 6 gregory gregory PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 43 7 boyle boyle PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 43 8 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 43 9 he he PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 43 10 comes come VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 43 11 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 43 12 encounter encounter VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 43 13 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 43 14 gangs gang NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 43 15 of of ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 43 16 la la PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 43 17 by by ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 43 18 caring care VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 43 19 for for ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 43 20 them they PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 43 21 and and CCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 43 22 coming come VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 43 23 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 43 24 see see VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 43 25 them they PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 43 26 for for ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 43 27 who who PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 43 28 they they PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 43 29 truly truly ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 43 30 are be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 43 31 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 44 1 in in ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 44 2 one one NUM reflection_00392-2022_03 44 3 such such ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 44 4 example example NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 44 5 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 44 6 father father PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 44 7 greg greg PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 44 8 experiences experience VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 44 9 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 44 10 compassion compassion NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 44 11 of of ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 44 12 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 44 13 gang gang NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 44 14 members member NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 44 15 who who PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 44 16 are be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 44 17 often often ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 44 18 seen see VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 44 19 by by ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 44 20 outsiders outsider NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 44 21 as as ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 44 22 heartless heartless ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 44 23 killers killer NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 44 24 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 45 1 “ " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 45 2 do do VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 45 3 me i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 45 4 a a DET reflection_00392-2022_03 45 5 paro paro NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 45 6 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 45 7 g g PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 45 8 ? ? PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 46 1 he he PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 46 2 says say VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 46 3 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 47 1 you you PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 47 2 tell tell VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 47 3 flaco flaco ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 47 4 that that SCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 47 5 gato gato PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 47 6 from from ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 47 7 gang gang PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 47 8 says say VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 47 9 o o ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 47 10 hopes hope VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 47 11 he he PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 47 12 gets get VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 47 13 better well ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 47 14 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 48 1 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 48 2 will will AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 48 3 do do VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 48 4 that that PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 48 5 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 48 6 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 48 7 tell tell VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 48 8 him he PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 48 9 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 48 10 with with ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 48 11 a a DET reflection_00392-2022_03 48 12 smile smile NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 48 13 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 48 14 and and CCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 48 15 a a DET reflection_00392-2022_03 48 16 real real ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 48 17 admiration admiration NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 48 18 for for ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 48 19 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 48 20 stretch stretch NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 48 21 this this PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 48 22 represents represent VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 48 23 ” " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 48 24 ( ( PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 48 25 “ " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 48 26 tattoos tattoo NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 48 27 on on ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 48 28 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 48 29 heart heart NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 48 30 ” " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 48 31 by by ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 48 32 father father PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 48 33 greg greg PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 48 34 boyle boyle PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 48 35 moreau moreau ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 48 36 fye fye PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 48 37 week week NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 48 38 seven seven NUM reflection_00392-2022_03 48 39 ) ) PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 48 40 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 49 1 by by ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 49 2 directly directly ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 49 3 encountering encounter VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 49 4 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 49 5 gang gang NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 49 6 members member NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 49 7 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 49 8 father father NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 49 9 greg greg PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 49 10 is be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 49 11 able able ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 49 12 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 49 13 spread spread VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 49 14 compassion compassion NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 49 15 and and CCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 49 16 recognize recognize VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 49 17 their their PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 49 18 human human ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 49 19 dignity dignity NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 49 20 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 50 1 this this PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 50 2 is be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 50 3 an an DET reflection_00392-2022_03 50 4 ability ability NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 50 5 that that PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 50 6 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 50 7 strive strive VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 50 8 for for ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 50 9 in in ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 50 10 my my PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 50 11 own own ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 50 12 life life NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 50 13 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 51 1 while while SCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 51 2 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 51 3 may may AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 51 4 never never ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 51 5 have have VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 51 6 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 51 7 opportunity opportunity NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 51 8 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 51 9 encounter encounter VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 51 10 others other NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 51 11 in in ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 51 12 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 51 13 way way NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 51 14 father father PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 51 15 greg greg PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 51 16 did do VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 51 17 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 51 18 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 51 19 can can AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 51 20 work work VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 51 21 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 51 22 educate educate VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 51 23 myself myself PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 51 24 and and CCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 51 25 others other NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 51 26 in in ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 51 27 order order NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 51 28 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 51 29 spread spread VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 51 30 compassion compassion NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 51 31 and and CCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 51 32 love love NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 51 33 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 52 1 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 52 2 final final ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 52 3 component component NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 52 4 of of ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 52 5 my my PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 52 6 mission mission NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 52 7 statement statement NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 52 8 is be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 52 9 that that SCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 52 10 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 52 11 will will AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 52 12 never never ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 52 13 be be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 52 14 afraid afraid ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 52 15 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 52 16 be be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 52 17 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 52 18 best good ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 52 19 possible possible ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 52 20 version version NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 52 21 of of ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 52 22 myself myself PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 52 23 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 53 1 most most ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 53 2 of of ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 53 3 our our PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 53 4 unhappiness unhappiness NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 53 5 in in ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 53 6 life life NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 53 7 stems stem VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 53 8 from from ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 53 9 our our PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 53 10 inability inability NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 53 11 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 53 12 accept accept VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 53 13 ourselves ourselves PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 53 14 as as SCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 53 15 noted note VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 53 16 by by ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 53 17 pico pico PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 53 18 iyer iyer PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 53 19 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 54 1 “ " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 54 2 all all DET reflection_00392-2022_03 54 3 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 54 4 unhappiness unhappiness NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 54 5 of of ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 54 6 men man NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 54 7 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 54 8 ” " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 54 9 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 54 10 seventeenth seventeenth ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 54 11 - - PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 54 12 century century NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 54 13 french french ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 54 14 mathematician mathematician NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 54 15 and and CCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 54 16 philosopher philosopher NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 54 17 blaise blaise NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 54 18 pascal pascal ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 54 19 famously famously ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 54 20 noted note VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 54 21 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 54 22 “ " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 54 23 arises arise VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 54 24 from from ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 54 25 one one NUM reflection_00392-2022_03 54 26 simple simple ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 54 27 fact fact NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 54 28 : : PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 54 29 that that SCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 54 30 they they PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 54 31 can can AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 54 32 not not PART reflection_00392-2022_03 54 33 sit sit VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 54 34 quietly quietly ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 54 35 in in ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 54 36 their their PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 54 37 chamber chamber NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 54 38 ” " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 54 39 ( ( PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 54 40 “ " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 54 41 why why SCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 54 42 we we PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 54 43 need need VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 54 44 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 54 45 slow slow VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 54 46 down down ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 54 47 our our PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 54 48 lives life NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 54 49 ” " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 54 50 by by ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 54 51 pico pico NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 54 52 iyer iyer NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 54 53 moreau moreau ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 54 54 fye fye PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 54 55 week week NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 54 56 one one NUM reflection_00392-2022_03 54 57 ) ) PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 54 58 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 55 1 once once ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 55 2 we we PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 55 3 are be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 55 4 able able ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 55 5 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 55 6 come come VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 55 7 to to ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 55 8 terms term NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 55 9 with with ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 55 10 who who PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 55 11 we we PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 55 12 are be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 55 13 as as ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 55 14 people people NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 55 15 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 55 16 our our PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 55 17 lives life NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 55 18 will will AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 55 19 be be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 55 20 exponentially exponentially ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 55 21 better well ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 55 22 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 56 1 when when SCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 56 2 jacob jacob PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 56 3 walsh walsh PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 56 4 was be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 56 5 able able ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 56 6 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 56 7 come come VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 56 8 to to ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 56 9 terms term NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 56 10 with with ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 56 11 his his PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 56 12 own own ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 56 13 NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 56 14 NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 56 15 NUM reflection_00392-2022_03 56 16 X reflection_00392-2022_03 57 1 sexuality sexuality NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 57 2 in in ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 57 3 light light NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 57 4 of of ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 57 5 his his PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 57 6 religion religion NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 57 7 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 57 8 he he PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 57 9 felt feel VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 57 10 an an DET reflection_00392-2022_03 57 11 incredible incredible ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 57 12 burden burden NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 57 13 lifted lift VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 57 14 from from ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 57 15 his his PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 57 16 shoulders shoulder NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 57 17 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 58 1 “ " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 58 2 when when SCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 58 3 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 58 4 arrived arrive VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 58 5 home home ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 58 6 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 58 7 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 58 8 stars star NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 58 9 were be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 58 10 out out ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 58 11 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 59 1 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 59 2 stood stand VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 59 3 by by ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 59 4 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 59 5 car car NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 59 6 for for ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 59 7 a a DET reflection_00392-2022_03 59 8 few few ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 59 9 minutes minute NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 59 10 in in ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 59 11 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 59 12 cold cold ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 59 13 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 59 14 looking look VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 59 15 at at ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 59 16 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 59 17 sky sky NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 59 18 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 60 1 thank thank VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 60 2 you you PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 60 3 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 60 4 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 60 5 whispered whisper VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 60 6 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 61 1 if if SCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 61 2 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 61 3 had have AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 61 4 not not PART reflection_00392-2022_03 61 5 been be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 61 6 attracted attract VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 61 7 to to ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 61 8 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 61 9 beauty beauty NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 61 10 of of ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 61 11 that that DET reflection_00392-2022_03 61 12 character character NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 61 13 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 61 14 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 61 15 film film NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 61 16 would would AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 61 17 n’t not PART reflection_00392-2022_03 61 18 have have AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 61 19 moved move VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 61 20 me i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 61 21 as as ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 61 22 deeply deeply ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 61 23 as as SCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 61 24 it it PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 61 25 did do VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 61 26 — — PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 61 27 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 61 28 would would AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 61 29 have have AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 61 30 not not PART reflection_00392-2022_03 61 31 been be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 61 32 able able ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 61 33 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 61 34 recognize recognize VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 61 35 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 61 36 truth truth NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 61 37 it it PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 61 38 conveyed convey VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 61 39 ” " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 61 40 ( ( PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 61 41 “ " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 61 42 growing grow VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 61 43 up up ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 61 44 gay gay NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 61 45 and and CCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 61 46 catholic catholic NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 61 47 ” " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 61 48 by by ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 61 49 jacob jacob PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 61 50 walsh walsh PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 61 51 moreau moreau ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 61 52 fye fye PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 61 53 week week NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 61 54 ten ten NUM reflection_00392-2022_03 61 55 ) ) PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 61 56 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 62 1 only only ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 62 2 by by ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 62 3 accepting accept VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 62 4 ourselves ourselves PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 62 5 as as SCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 62 6 people people NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 62 7 will will AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 62 8 we we PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 62 9 ever ever ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 62 10 come come VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 62 11 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 62 12 find find VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 62 13 true true ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 62 14 joy joy NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 62 15 in in ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 62 16 our our PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 62 17 lives life NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 62 18 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 63 1 as as SCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 63 2 explained explain VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 63 3 by by ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 63 4 father father PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 63 5 michael michael PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 63 6 himes himes PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 63 7 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 63 8 “ " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 63 9 happiness happiness NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 63 10 changes change NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 63 11 from from ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 63 12 moment moment NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 63 13 to to ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 63 14 moment moment NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 63 15 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 63 16 day day NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 63 17 to to ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 63 18 day day NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 63 19 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 64 1 joy joy NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 64 2 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 64 3 on on ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 64 4 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 64 5 other other ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 64 6 hand hand NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 64 7 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 64 8 is be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 64 9 much much ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 64 10 deeper deep ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 64 11 and and CCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 64 12 much much ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 64 13 more more ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 64 14 central central ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 64 15 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 64 16 it it PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 64 17 comes come VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 64 18 from from ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 64 19 within within ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 64 20 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 64 21 and and CCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 64 22 it it PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 64 23 ’s ’ VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 64 24 a a DET reflection_00392-2022_03 64 25 genuine genuine ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 64 26 rightness rightness NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 64 27 of of ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 64 28 how how SCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 64 29 one one NUM reflection_00392-2022_03 64 30 lives live VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 64 31 one one NUM reflection_00392-2022_03 64 32 ’s ’s PART reflection_00392-2022_03 64 33 life life NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 64 34 ” " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 64 35 ( ( PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 64 36 “ " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 64 37 three three NUM reflection_00392-2022_03 64 38 key key ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 64 39 questions question NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 64 40 ” " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 64 41 adapted adapt VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 64 42 from from ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 64 43 fr fr PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 64 44 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 65 1 michael michael PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 65 2 himes hime VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 65 3 moreau moreau ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 65 4 fye fye NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 65 5 week week NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 65 6 three three NUM reflection_00392-2022_03 65 7 ) ) PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 65 8 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 66 1 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 66 2 find find VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 66 3 this this DET reflection_00392-2022_03 66 4 joy joy NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 66 5 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 66 6 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 66 7 must must AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 66 8 also also ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 66 9 change change VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 66 10 my my PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 66 11 worldview worldview NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 66 12 and and CCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 66 13 live live VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 66 14 in in ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 66 15 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 66 16 present present NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 66 17 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 67 1 according accord VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 67 2 to to ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 67 3 a a DET reflection_00392-2022_03 67 4 study study NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 67 5 by by ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 67 6 tasha tasha PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 67 7 eurich eurich PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 67 8 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 67 9 those those PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 67 10 who who PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 67 11 are be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 67 12 more more ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 67 13 self self NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 67 14 - - PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 67 15 reflective reflective ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 67 16 often often ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 67 17 have have VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 67 18 worse bad ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 67 19 mental mental ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 67 20 health health NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 67 21 than than ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 67 22 those those PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 67 23 who who PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 67 24 are be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 67 25 not not PART reflection_00392-2022_03 67 26 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 68 1 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 68 2 people people NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 68 3 who who PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 68 4 scored score VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 68 5 high high ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 68 6 on on ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 68 7 self self NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 68 8 - - PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 68 9 reflection reflection NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 68 10 were be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 68 11 more more ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 68 12 stressed stressed ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 68 13 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 68 14 depressed depressed ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 68 15 and and CCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 68 16 anxious anxious ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 68 17 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 68 18 less less ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 68 19 satisfied satisfied ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 68 20 with with ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 68 21 their their PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 68 22 jobs job NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 68 23 and and CCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 68 24 relationships relationship NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 68 25 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 68 26 more more ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 68 27 self self NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 68 28 - - PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 68 29 absorbed absorb VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 68 30 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 68 31 and and CCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 68 32 they they PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 68 33 felt feel VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 68 34 less less ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 68 35 in in ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 68 36 control control NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 68 37 of of ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 68 38 their their PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 68 39 lives life NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 68 40 ” " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 68 41 ( ( PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 68 42 “ " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 68 43 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 68 44 right right ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 68 45 way way NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 68 46 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 68 47 be be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 68 48 introspective introspective ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 68 49 ” " PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 68 50 by by ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 68 51 tasha tasha PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 68 52 eurich eurich PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 68 53 moreau moreau ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 68 54 fye fye PROPN reflection_00392-2022_03 68 55 week week NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 68 56 six six NUM reflection_00392-2022_03 68 57 ) ) PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 68 58 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 69 1 by by ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 69 2 becoming become VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 69 3 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 69 4 best good ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 69 5 possible possible ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 69 6 version version NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 69 7 of of ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 69 8 myself myself PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 69 9 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 69 10 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 69 11 will will AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 69 12 be be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 69 13 able able ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 69 14 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 69 15 experience experience VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 69 16 this this DET reflection_00392-2022_03 69 17 state state NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 69 18 of of ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 69 19 joy joy NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 69 20 rather rather ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 69 21 than than ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 69 22 just just ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 69 23 fleeting fleeting ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 69 24 happiness happiness NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 69 25 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 70 1 by by ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 70 2 loving love VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 70 3 ourselves ourselves PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 70 4 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 70 5 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 70 6 believe believe VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 70 7 that that SCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 70 8 we we PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 70 9 will will AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 70 10 all all ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 70 11 be be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 70 12 able able ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 70 13 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 70 14 find find VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 70 15 this this DET reflection_00392-2022_03 70 16 central central ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 70 17 joy joy NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 70 18 within within ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 70 19 our our PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 70 20 lives life NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 70 21 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 71 1 while while SCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 71 2 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 71 3 may may AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 71 4 be be AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 71 5 a a DET reflection_00392-2022_03 71 6 ways way NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 71 7 off off ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 71 8 from from ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 71 9 achieving achieve VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 71 10 my my PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 71 11 mission mission NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 71 12 statement statement NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 71 13 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 71 14 by by ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 71 15 creating create VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 71 16 one one NUM reflection_00392-2022_03 71 17 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 71 18 can can AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 71 19 better well ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 71 20 set set VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 71 21 realistic realistic ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 71 22 goals goal NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 71 23 and and CCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 71 24 help help VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 71 25 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 71 26 outline outline VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 71 27 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 71 28 principles principle NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 71 29 that that PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 71 30 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 71 31 would would AUX reflection_00392-2022_03 71 32 like like VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 71 33 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 71 34 hold hold VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 71 35 in in ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 71 36 utmost utmost ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 71 37 importance importance NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 71 38 in in ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 71 39 my my PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 71 40 life life NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 71 41 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 72 1 by by ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 72 2 using use VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 72 3 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 72 4 information information NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 72 5 from from ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 72 6 my my PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 72 7 moreau moreau ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 72 8 classes class NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 72 9 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 72 10 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 72 11 better well ADV reflection_00392-2022_03 72 12 understand understand VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 72 13 what what PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 72 14 beliefs belief VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 72 15 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 72 16 hold hold VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 72 17 in in ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 72 18 high high ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 72 19 regard regard NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 72 20 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 73 1 by by ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 73 2 acting act VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 73 3 on on ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 73 4 my my PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 73 5 mission mission NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 73 6 statement statement NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 73 7 , , PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 73 8 i i PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 73 9 hope hope VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 73 10 to to PART reflection_00392-2022_03 73 11 help help VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 73 12 change change VERB reflection_00392-2022_03 73 13 myself myself PRON reflection_00392-2022_03 73 14 and and CCONJ reflection_00392-2022_03 73 15 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 73 16 world world NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 73 17 for for ADP reflection_00392-2022_03 73 18 the the DET reflection_00392-2022_03 73 19 better well ADJ reflection_00392-2022_03 73 20 . . PUNCT reflection_00392-2022_03 74 1 NOUN reflection_00392-2022_03 74 2 SPACE reflection_00392-2022_03 74 3 X