always ends in failure. when we take accountability for our actions , we can move forward in life without any guilt or disillusi p being unhappy. in actively pursuing responsibility for my actions , i understand myself better and become a more genuine perso e their personal story and can shape their identity through actions . in the letter written from father sorin to father basil mo hildhood and having many people influence our decisions and actions can affect the way we grow and have hope, not just our pare sibility i have now. i believe that i am responsible for my actions and how i treat others. i had always struggled with the ide ical education with handicapped students. through all these actions , i have had countless interactions with people with differe f comfort as i show them comfort and hospitality through my actions . i firmly intend to continue my family’s legacy of heavy co xtremely important that the midshipmen are mindful of their actions , and stand up for the correct values in today’s society. fo e maturity it takes to self-reflect and criticizes your own actions and morals is not only necessary but invaluable. in week 5 udying with them, opening the door for them, or just simple actions to make someone's day. i have a small hobby of complimentin on and nobody else’s. overall, i am proud to say that these actions that have happened for a reason has been an amazing respons , determination, and compassion through their own words and actions . in addition to looking back at past experiences to gain in us on my attitudes and judgments as sins, but of course, my actions are too. namely, i lack hope and get caught in the past, an lping each other does not have to come from direct or clear actions , it can be just genuinely caring for one another or like th ike i belong. this belief of my belonging has influenced my actions by the way that i interact with others. like i mentioned, i d to act as someone i am not. this belief has influenced my actions by pushing myself to not act in the way that is not myself. me growing as a person as i grow my faith has influenced my actions in the sense that i make more time for my faith. even when close to us from a distance. this belief has influenced my actions in many ways. with my new steps that i have taken in life i ationships along the path i have had the chance to alter my actions towards each relationship in order to make it more life-giv them that also contribute to it. this belief influences my actions by granting me the knowledge that these stories are very im e to these people and places. this belief has influenced my actions in the sense that i do not want it to ever be challenged so to face the fear that i have. this belief has influenced my actions by allowing me to feel safe when facing my fears and knowin a toll on you mentally, physically, and investing into your actions . this quote is relatable for us to have in our minds when t it of life-giving relationships. by staying aware of my own actions and what they really say about the intent of my love, i ide mericans believe the civil war was not about slavery. these actions prove the value of education, and speak volumes to the pote to ask myself many questions this semester such as– “are my actions bringing me to be my best self?”, “what can i do to make my y hatred from past experiences. and this is one way that my actions are leading me to grow into my best self. this semester, i me selfmotivated thought and independence. i am choosing my actions for myself in a manner that advanzes my community. although ate in god’s love, and my identity, community, outlook, and actions will change because of it. taylor kelly moreau fye: integra elf i have to keep in mind the difference between my resume actions versus my eulogy actions (“should you live for your résumé d the difference between my resume actions versus my eulogy actions (“should you live for your résumé ... or your eulogy?” by d ration 1 10/14/21 identified. on the other hand, our eulogy actions are those which distinguish our true selves, and those are let my birthplace keep me stuck in the past and control my actions , but if i did not learn from the lessons it shared how coul thin ourselves, and it is our own being that has done those actions so it should be our responsibility to forgive ourselves. ht importance i place on forming connections drives many of my actions and behavior. many times when i am trying to decide on what ester, i will keep trying to imitate christ in my words and actions so that i can fulfill my vocation within this community. in overy. not only have i been forced to look at myself and my actions , i have also been made to look at my relationships with oth n the first couple of weeks. this led myself to evaluate my actions , establishing a key belief in the process, in which vulnera rced me to reevaluate my past friendships as well as my own actions with the mindset of determining the toxicity of these relat dset of determining the toxicity of these relationships and actions . not only did i want to see how healthy my past relationshi ate them or avoid them here, but also i wanted to see if my actions themselves fostered a community of mutual betterment, and t d not. additionally, i was forced to look at my own current actions and how those might be affecting my ability to form life-gi cultivating people who want to aid others through their own actions , as stated by fr. kevin grove c.s.c, “[e]very discipline th d differently; however, i had to overcome this fear that my actions were subpar in some way, but rather just an extension of my a lyon moreau fye week 6). my differences in viewpoints and actions define who i am, and set me apart from others, but they als ividually, but i also have taken greater interest in how my actions can affect others positively. i have grown in and strengthe out having a structure in your life. without structure, our actions have no meaning. in week 4, we learned about searching for ness knowing that they have shaped the world and that their actions shall be remembered for all time in the historical record. i continuously attempt to be intentional with my words and actions because that is the biggest form of integrity and honesty. parents, having to take responsibility for what i do in all actions , and balancing everything else that comes with school has c decided that it is not my responsibility to understand the actions of others, only to focus on positively healing myself and l aning some people will exhibit negative opinions towards my actions . this is where i must bring up an example of my high school y facts about myself that i would have otherwise neglected. actions such as opening myself up to vulnerability and identifying n to live within, and give me hope in a fashion of joy. the actions that teacher took and the actions i took made me realize th in a fashion of joy. the actions that teacher took and the actions i took made me realize that i have a mild interest in teach ion or to change a situation i have to change my mindset or actions . i have encountered the importance of good relationships. i establish his purpose, rather than wasting time completing actions for the sake of doing so. this promotes happiness and overa what mattered more was i treated others and my attitude and actions outside of school. it’s easy to overlook, but where i grew portant beliefs that have become fundamental to my everyday actions . the way i view and challenge myself has notably changed an taken for granted. i aspire to always act with purpose. my actions should be for a reason and i think acting with purpose is o ppiness and value. i will go through my life making sure my actions have meaning behind them. i want to be a positive influence heir own hatred often still exists and permeates into their actions and thoughts as well. there is only one form of hatred peop latability would allow her to build some friendships. these actions are just a few things that each of us should consider each ed me to apologize and acknowledge the mistakes he made and actions he wishes he could take back. he told me that out of all ou i realized i couldn’t be responsible for the decisions and actions of others–particularly when such actions bear nothing but m the decisions and actions of others–particularly when such actions bear nothing but malicious intent. i’ve integrated this kno ction with. i also believe that i am responsible for my own actions and the support and protection of others. the week 5 curric fend other students. i believe that i am responsible for my actions and responses. specifically, in situations that look suspic same time challenging myself to express these thoughts and actions to others. by actions, i refer more to how i present myself myself to express these thoughts and actions to others. by actions , i refer more to how i present myself to others. in the pro stress and find happiness in life while motivating positive actions . faith led me to attend the university of notre dame and i c nature of life. in terms of how this belief influences my actions , i try to be as helping to others and as loving as possible th being paired with education. spirituality helps guide my actions and makes me understand the bigger picture in life. at the ringing in the church has shaped my decisions, choices, and actions today. on campus, i have gotten involved primarily in campu experiences, and i believe that i am responsible for my own actions and that i learn to be a more compassionate person through loved ones. finally, i believe that i am responsible for my actions and that i can learn and become more empathetic through the i can learn and become more empathetic through them. these actions include how i behave towards others and myself. as chimaman lways taught from a young age to take responsibility for my actions , i never quite considered how much my assumptions could aff along these lines of being responsible with my thoughts and actions , i also am reminded that “we cannot love the god who we do i am here to serve others, and to lift others up through my actions . i am here to love others, no matter what or who they are. e is one of the best ways of making yourself feel like your actions matter to others, especially when they are part of the chan rcle. not only have i responded so that i wont regret these actions in the future, i have responded in ways that are true to my true, and there may be some scornful comments about race or actions towards someone of a certain race made. i believe as a comm alous for union with god and direct his or her thoughts and actions accordingly” (holy cross and christian education james b. k g to mass and praying but also through the individual daily actions that we do. one of the things that i’ve tried to do, althou the death of george flloyd, which unfortunately resulted in actions of violence from both the protester and law enforcement sid al year. having dealt with continued negative publicity and actions by the city’s government that conflicted with the goals of try are so ingrained in their paths of thought and everyday actions cannot simply be changed without the will to do so. however this is an especially powerful statement, as it shows your actions in the world are what really reflect who you are. whether y one kind of afterlife or another, or even none at all, your actions on earth will show who you really are as a person. i believ will show who you really are as a person. i believe that my actions make me who i am, and i will treat everyone with similar re eing resilient through developing a sense of trust in one’s actions . this has truly been prevalent in my life because during my about what people would say. i am not a bad person, and my actions aren’t reflected as one either. it is probably the opposite scared people will say the wrong thing at my eulogy. all my actions , all my words, all my doings, although they are not bad or nd agreeable. thus, my belief was challenged even by my own actions : without consciously realizing it, i would modify my person will love me, but they actually show their love through the actions i have stated. i know as my life goes on i will lean on my throughout my life, but also beauty in others and in their actions . i wish to always show my appreciation for others and show ffort to be close with him through our thoughts, words, and actions . overall, i have encountered many new things throughout thi to some extent through other people. this belief shapes my actions in that it makes me more open to meeting new people and tak hat meaning is. for me, this belief originated as i did the actions that make up this purpose. as i used my abilities to help o my other root beliefs, i developed this belief through the actions listed in the belief. it was through facing challenges and mission statement as it will force me not to be idle in my actions . i can see the issues around me and i need to know i have t and shape my mission statement. i will also be aware of the actions that i will participate in during my finite lifetime and kn dame i have always followed this idea. over my time here my actions have changed so that i can be able to build these relations nine, julia hogan discusses the consequences of basing our actions on other people’s expectations for us. this can have advers ves. naturally, we do not automatically think about how our actions will affect others. because of this natural inclination, we ek ten) clearly outlines that people never think that their actions are wrong. for real and long-lasting change to occur, both ting change to occur, both parties must assess not only the actions of the other party but also their own actions. this broad t not only the actions of the other party but also their own actions . this broad topic can apply on a smaller scale like my own e of my roommates, i must take a step back to assess my own actions to see if i have caused any harm or hostility. after i have caused any harm or hostility. after i have examined my own actions , i must also give my roommate the benefit of the doubt befo cceed. for lasting change to take place, i must consider my actions and the actions of the other party to come to an agreeable ng change to take place, i must consider my actions and the actions of the other party to come to an agreeable outcome. with to me realize my overall control and responsibility of my own actions and personal development. another encounter i had within th notre dame have helped develop who i am. although it is my actions and responses that impacted my character this semester, it than ever before. ironically, this was one of the few of my actions that was directly impacted from moreau and not just a morea y impacted from moreau and not just a moreau analysis of my actions . week twelve of moreau is when i made this realization whil beliefs. i believe that i am responsible for myself and my actions in school, at home, and within my community. my parents rai y parents raised me to value self ownership and to shape my actions around their respective consequences. something that has ch jn-syb4 richardson 3 i believe that i am responsible for my actions , which include helping others and trying my best in all tha i am taking responsibility for my education and also for my actions as someone who desires morals and values. having strong principles that guide your actions are important for every individual. however, it may be diff friends, and home. i believe that many of my decisions and actions result from these core parts of my life. while writing a “w plish this goal by being more mindful of the impact that my actions have on others and try to become someone who is known as a s of the catholic church. though i do not want to repeat my actions , i am struggling with how to feel about myself and my faith out my life, i have always felt the most purposeful when my actions have been targeted towards the wellbeing of others. in scho d instead look inward and identify the flaws within our own actions and opinions. however, bringing in the situation from the p fortunate than me. not only are you helping people through actions like this, but i firmly believe that it benefits you as wel ous and respectful to all. i hold myself accountable for my actions , and admit wholeheartedly when i am in the wrong. i learned mind. stability gives me a routine. i am disciplined in my actions and demonstrate personal awareness. i am deliberate and dec nd me and in my life. i believe one is responsible for such actions that may potentially harm those that stay near us because t was, and that it requires people to analyze their everyday actions , to see if they are doing the right thing in creating a wor r affection and saw the magnitude of their love in everyday actions and little moments. while at first it was hard for her to f by consistently engaging my goals and core beliefs with my actions . in order to be impacted by such a community, i have to beg because when i personally deeply analyze and reflect on my actions and feelings, i almost always become even more anxious than t for people to have a firm belief system that guides their actions and lifestyle. i have seen and met so many people from diff elf by investigating the motivations behind my behavior and actions . for example, if i haven’t been feeling comfortable with be reau fye week four), i was able to notice a few examples of actions that may show a disregard for someone’s boundaries and expe everyday lives and focus on the thing that ties all of our actions together love! in week two of moreau class, we took a surve enough. it is my root belief, which i try to reflect in my actions (by volunteering, donating, and helping others), that every e at notre dame is to gain more confidence in myself and my actions . i think that this belief relates to the quote, “our lives set of rules for life. these rules are to govern me and my actions so that i may act deliberately and with purpose towards my fe and not the single story this belief truly challenges my actions with thinking. i really have thought about how many times h . 4) i believe that family is the cornerstone for all of my actions . beliefs debrief: 1) i believe that my purpose in life is t . 4) i believe that family is the cornerstone for all of my actions . even in the midst of the most chaotic and intense weeks of wed me to be more empathetic, optimistic, and mindful of my actions when it pertains to others and myself; i have been able to and that i can always learn something from the choices and actions i make. i have witnessed multiple students dropping courses e self. in embracing myself, i found beauty and peace in my actions . another important piece of content that helped me embrace belief in my life that understanding healthy vs. unhealthy actions is very important in finding true meaning in my life. while ator of my own self letting my passions drive my actions . “we live in perpetual self-confrontation between the exter led me to also decide that i will let my passions drive my actions rather than external pressure to live up to an image of the racial and socioeconomic groups. i will respond with taking actions into my own hands and taking a stand, especially by verball listening with an open mind and heart. while some of these actions are very difficult, nothing worthwhile ever comes without c onship with god, for i strive to orient all my thoughts and actions towards him. whenever i doubt in this belief, i can feel my g one part of me but all of me, it defines my decisions and actions , and if i did not have as strong a faith as i do, i don’t k faith, is one of hope. we are being guided by the word and actions of god towards that which is best for us. this is not to sa mmunity and those around me. identifying what influences my actions , behaviors, emotions, and thoughts has been essential to ac ek five). patrick was a man who spread kindness through his actions and felt a responsibility to end “the opposite of kindness” re perceived as authentic, as authoring their own words and actions rather than proceeding according to some organizational scr the way in which i first perceive others has changed and my actions towards them have evolved. what i have encountered thus far ld be achieving. with this attitude i will not overthink my actions and be able to be free to enjoy my time here more. during m to express to you all of what i am made of. i believe that actions play a role in this and i can’t communicate actions in a pa ve that actions play a role in this and i can’t communicate actions in a paper; however, i also believe that i can still do the f from the inside out, which in turn will translate into my actions having a positive impact on those around me. perhaps i coul e and moving past my inhibitions to be more confident in my actions and the results of them. community was also discussed at le ur own burdens. there is hope in it as well, because jesus’ actions were done so to allow humanity to enter heaven. ultimately, heir potential. and i am where i am today because of my own actions , and my decisions to, perhaps ambitiously, try to be a forc dicated to compassion and respect for all through my words, actions , and thoughts. i want to be a person who others look up to . overall, our response to our encounters can be a range of actions . however, the one methodology that i keep at the back of my pectful behind closed doors. since i have experienced those actions first hand, i started to pride myself on always protecting e i need to focus on allowing my faith to lead my words and actions . if i can live according to my faith, it will allow me to b hogan’s advice and try to separate my expectations from the actions and achievements of others. rather, i will self-reflect, de continue studying how neurons form every single one of our actions . one of the most difficult things to accept has been that i s i wish to achieve. by personal liability, i also mean the actions i take for self-care. how i eat, sleep, and recover tijerin believe that spending time with myself to reflect on my own actions and behaviors that make me who i am is critical to self-gro believe that spending time with myself to reflect on my own actions and behaviors that make me who i am is critical to self-gro —but in many toxic relationships, the abuser can mask their actions while creating an unhealthy relationship (“healthy vs. unhe re perceived as authentic, as authoring their own words and actions rather than proceeding according to some organizational scr are regularly open about their faith and authentic in their actions and beliefs. as i’ve progressed in my journey at notre dame dium=class&utm_id=moreau make adjustments to my plan and my actions . expectations do not equate pressure: when i set proper exp situation and grow from it. many people cover up their bad actions with the words “because i love you” (“because i love you, d ardest things to do in a relationship is noticing unhealthy actions , especially when the person is someone you deeply care abou me. fortunately, there are many ways to spot these kinds of actions such as finding that they only tend to talk negatively abou . thus, it is important to not let stereotypes dictate your actions towards others as it can be harmful and disrespectful. thro ople in my life. i believe that i am responsible for my own actions and how i respond to situations around me, even if i cannot h has become a belief i now hold firmly and base many of my actions on. this belief has served me well so far at college, becau fragility out of fear. how does this belief influence your actions ? : because of this belief, i try to be as open as possible ars of self-reflection. how does this belief influence your actions ? : this belief has influenced me to do what is right indepe heal the edenic schism. how does this belief influence your actions ? : tvs shows often portray christian spiritual life as one ionship, to begin with. how does this belief influence your actions ? : this belief influenced me to always be respectful toward and against my beliefs. how does this belief influence your actions ? : this belief has influenced me to ponder my decisions car to a physical conflict. how does this belief influence your actions ? : because of this, i feel like it is necessary to create a in the community 3. how do i use faith to actively guide my actions in my modern day to day life? 4. how does one lean into dis in return, how we view and treat others. my personality and actions tend to conform to those around me which is why the religio ds. after this, they should consciously keep track of their actions and thoughts to determine when they are being biased. if we growth of an individual. this influenced my thought process/ actions as i recognized that i needed this trait to succeed at notr want me to do, and then i do that. i also don’t justify my actions in a toxic way. i would never use “because i love you,” (“b decided to share with them it is one of the most insulting actions a person can take. even disagreeing is preferable, because hey may learn from me and grow and so that in seeing how my actions in the world reflect who i am i can better know myself and similar because my negative thoughts can go on to affect my actions and mood. however, i recognize that the solution to my prob ife. unjudging myself is being patient with my thoughts and actions . to learn from my mistakes and to change for the better and lly, the third is that i believe i grow by learning from my actions . my first root belief is that i believe that people should aith. my third is that i believe i grow by learning from my actions . in week 2 we took the character strength survey. (“via cha ically, though, you will discover these things through your actions . if you take a math class and do poorly it will not be fun, hows that my belief is good because they learned from their actions that they had room to grow, they grew through their faith, through reason”, and “i believe i grow by learning from my actions ”. integration one disconnection with self i believe that i ife, mine included of course, there are certain situations, actions , or reactions that form one's core beliefs and core values ts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions , your actions become your habits, your habits become your v hts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your va ave made it a point to myself to consciously think about my actions , and think about whether i am doing certain things because n verbal warfare. a major reason for their seemingly crazed actions is caused by social media, and new programs that they are w son as well. i believe i am responsible for my thoughts and actions and they pertain to others. in week five of moreau we discu e a very awful thing. i try to let this value influence all actions in my life because the biggest part of being a good person ect and reduce hatred. during my time of brokenness, i took actions that helped the environment and addressed some of the main have a beneficial impact to which i became more aware of my actions . i started to avoid wasting water by reducing the amount of on’t think i fully know who i am. this belief influences my actions by causing me to encounter new things so that i might disco row by maintaining and engaging with my faith influences my actions by not only encouraging me to say prayers and go to mass, b ompass in my decision making and have emboldened me to take actions toward contributing to a world where each person can thrive w i believe that i am responsible for more than just my own actions and wellbeing because how much i achieve benefits not only the first root belief that came to my mind was about how my actions (and even mentality) affect more than just myself. that roo hion, my second root belief focuses on completing goals and actions ; however, what differentiates my second root belief would b r and also brought me joy. my third root belief defined the actions anyone around me experienced throughout any initial social riendship with a girl who i thought was my best friend. her actions hurt me, but that relationship also taught me so many lesso th others and to find genuine friends greatly influences my actions . i am more careful about what i say to people because i wan r happy, then that’s not a ‘life-giving relationship’. when actions start being justified with ‘because i love you’ (“because i has shown me that selflessness is one of the most powerful actions . this goes hand-in-hand with the idea that vulnerability is ther, and the ability to respect one another’s opinions and actions . while at notre dame, i have formed three really good life will reflect on how that belief influences my character and actions . firstly, i believe that i am worthy of love, respect, and people. this belief of self-love and self-worth affects my actions because i don’t overly seek validation or love or attention ources since i already get that from myself. i believe that actions are more important than words. this means that i believe wh ions i made to the world and to their lives. this belief of actions over words is seen in my character and actions by my commit is belief of actions over words is seen in my character and actions by my commitment to my academics and the causes i care abou ith. my belief that god put me here for a reason affects my actions and character in that i go through every day and every deci my belief in common responsibility affects my character and actions because i deeply care about social issues, inequalities, an week 5). this affects my actions because i actively try to look at things from other perspec belief in the beauty of the world affects my character and actions because it makes me a more appreciative and optimistic pers week 7). my root belief in persisting complexity affects my actions and character because it drives me to understand things dee i would like during the week. this belief has influenced my actions by motivating me to be more social, more inclusive, and mor were, and that just has to be okay. this belief informs my actions by challenging me to be emulate the behavior that special p ief has actively influenced my motivations and therefore my actions . i did not come to school to make money, but to find what i world and truth in a very human way. this belief informs my actions directly by informing my morals. the truths that i pursue a an make the world a better place. this belief influences my actions because i make sure to be extremely conscious of my decisio etter consider how others will be changed by certain words, actions , or biases. catholic education has made my capability for l learning simply for the sake of learning and growing. these actions , i believe, will play a pivotal role in my development over population, it can seem hopeless at times that one person’s actions could eliminate hatred. however, as parker palmer states in his goodness has a domino effect on those around us, so our actions are more impactful than they might seem. by encountering bo a step back and truly view my morals and think about how my actions have consequences. if i can work to resist temptation, grow l internal values. my belief has recently been affecting my actions in a positive way. i am able to overcome vulnerabilities an no longer in touch with each other. this belief affects my actions in a way that i am able to connect with certain people that it is essential to consider since it allows me to ground my actions and thoughts in this belief. as college students, when we a h that end goal of heaven in mind, hope also influences our actions as humans. hope is not just an aspiration at this point, bu i should live my life. in the end, i am accountable for my actions . if i realize i am not perfect, cherish diversity, and expo e that it is very important to show your intentions through actions and not solely just words. from thinking critically about t that i am made to create a community of kinship through my actions .through experience and learning from situations that i have akes situations, emotion gets the best of us and drives our actions when our rational mind should be the one behind the wheel. wed me to be more empathetic, optimistic, and mindful of my actions when it pertains to others and myself; i have been able to and that i can always learn something from the choices and actions i make. i have witnessed multiple students dropping courses ality more synonymous with isolation. reflecting on my past actions , and discussing the importance of vulnerability in the cont rst learning to make positive changes in our own day-to-day actions . one way we can all begin to acknowledge our faults is thro se of my beliefs. as such, it doesn’t directly influence my actions very often, but i find it to be an important piece of my fo nd mass more frequently and consider the consequences of my actions more often. however, i still need to improve. specifically, mised because of one attribute that an individual holds. my actions in regards to this are speaking up, going to protest, signi use, though. i can’t use my mental illness to defend unkind actions . recently, i have gone on medication. since then, my life h when my anxiety was at its worst. i now can realize how my actions impact others. by improving myself, i improve how i treat o y who drives nearly everyone crazy because of his words and actions , but even though i can barely stand to be around him, i nee to work on treating him kindly. i am responsible for my own actions with regard to people who may think or act differently from se to allow my beliefs to continue to inform my choices and actions . i am confident that this goal will be reached, because i k ters” by c.s. lewis moreau fye week twelve). justifying our actions is often easy because of lies. since picking jewelry is not hat kyle told me, i also learned so much from observing his actions . as i grew older and was able to understand and judge chara on, and think about how we may make others feel through our actions . i remember kyle frequently thinking about how others feel. ntinue to stress the importance of each, my experiences and actions will align directly with my mission. diversity of perspecti h show some skin and even the student policy network. these actions align with basic christian values, as described by fr. mich s. they were completely unreceptive to my concern for their actions and refused to change their ways. my friends had created a on the way they saw the other girls that it affected their actions and later the way others perceived them, in a negative way. re, there is much value to be gained from examining our own actions , but we can’t forget about the value of living in the momen r, i think back to how i can carry on his legacy through my actions . he knew exactly what a life well lived was. he had a disti stone integration notre dame: a place where my words become actions “how do i pursue a life well-lived?” to pursue a life well- hips, even when it causes us pain. i will make sure that my actions reflect my words in everything i do. it’s very easy to say o say words that reflect how i want to act but making these actions my reality is more challenging and important. in this way i tant. in this way i will also work to be humble, letting my actions speak for me and keeping my successes to myself whenever i hope to turn this mission statement into a reflection of my actions for the next three years at notre dame. moreau fye ends wit e and fulfilling aspect of my time at notre dame. i want my actions to reflect my words and beliefs during my time at notre dam eliefs can be trapped in our words and not make it into our actions . we often ask why we believe things instead of what we are re, there is much value to be gained from examining our own actions , but we can’t forget about the value of living in the momen ongst many reformed gang members, and despite their heinous actions in the past, he sees nothing but christ in them. my life is mission is to prioritize adventure, family, and meaningful actions in my life. i want to be surrounded by those who i love. i e of everything i’ve seen and done, the summation of all my actions and memories and people i‘ve met. this made the older broth belief been challenged? how does this belief influence your actions ? remember, you are required to integrate content from each necessary assumptions as well. to eliminate the unnecessary actions that follow." – marcus aurelius. this quote is the framewor erestingly, this mistake is one i’ve made outside my direct actions , but in my personal mission statement as well. initially, i t are those thing that will form the bulk of my eulogy? the actions that may be spoken of? well, they likely won’t be too aweso r boyle did not judge the gangs that he worked with on past actions , but on how they formed new relationships with him and othe mly thought about, but also showed me explicitly, in words, actions that i had taken in the past and the values that could be b ecome an advocate, a sentinel. here, i have learned that my actions do truly matter, and that everything i do has an impact. “e ing my emotions, i can channel them into real and effective actions , rather than just leaving them as meaningless feelings. i a mmunity along with the rest of the world. i began using his actions as insight into what i want to achieve in life. to do this, er person and allowed me to be more aware and careful of my actions and how they affect the world and others around me. i plan hat a life well lived can be quantified with any particular actions or goals. to me personally, i think living a life well live ly if you are already in a negative mindset, analyzing your actions can sometime led people to simply go deeper into a spiral o at can be beneficial; being able to impartially analyze our actions and reflect on them is crucial for becoming a better person s when we cannot understand or justify our own thoughts and actions . despite these limitations and many more, i’m going to atte ion of the what’s and the why’s: not living in ignorance of actions , but also not overthinking everything. there are some place s can become sidetracked and lose the true purpose of their actions and motivations. when an individual engages in self-introsp r part of my mission is to constantly reflect on myself, my actions , and my values, because one person or idea can never be ful roughout their lives attempt to orient themselves and their actions towards making a difference in the lives of others, no one arms and preached the importance of inclusivity through his actions (“hesburgh” by jerry barca and christine o’malley moreau fy n, i came to understand how much of an impact our words and actions have on others, even if they do not seem very important at ieve that i must live out this mission statement both in my actions as well as how i plan my life. the first step for this is r ference in the world as possible. some specific examples of actions i can take here at notre dame are becoming more involved wi rking on this, but i will admit it is mostly in my head. my actions are still that of a consumer who wants the next best thing us can do.” (dean g. marcus cole moreau week 12) by taking actions that are in accordance with my personal values, i believe i “what” to frame your questions provokes you to respond with actions and allows you to start acting towards the goal you have in self reflection, i realized that i was being swayed by the actions of others and could no longer think about what i wanted or all together, and examine the image i have created with my actions . with a lot of hard work, and a little luck, i hope the pic ce i am gone. i do not want to sit here, looking back on my actions wondering “why” i did what i did. instead, i want to know “ y” i did what i did. instead, i want to know “what” made my actions impactful. even at the end of my life, i do not wish to dwe “the right way to be introspective”, week 6) i hope that my actions were driven by kindness, compassion, empathy, and love. i h ) in order to create a better world, people must act. if my actions can inspire at least one other person to improve the world y comfort zone and try out new things. from the simplest of actions , like starting a conversation with a fellow stranger studen e a difference and enhance someone’s life better through my actions . that is difficult to find, and i feel lucky i can continue rstanding of my “why,” or the reasons and motives behind my actions and values. i am looking forward to participating in moreau e time has progressed, instead of simply thinking about the actions i want to pursue in the workforce, i have also had to step ent in mind, and serving as the guiding light for my future actions and endeavors, i now feel more prepared than ever to not on y challenging for me: i failed to connect, i overthought my actions , and i missed out on fun. however, i began to have faith in path of humility. the more powerful you are, the more your actions will have an impact on people, the more responsible you are moreau fye week four). being able to see the impact of your actions and truly understand their importance is a humbling and gra re so fast paced now that people rarely think through their actions fully before completing them, and sadly this is even more t ll challenge my beliefs in pursuit of the truth and promote actions of empathy, integrity, and acceptance towards all people. a ame dedicated to making the world a better place through my actions . to support this goal, i have engaged in many service activ tionally, but i will always hold them accountable for their actions . i believe that the most important thing anyone can do in t ife well lived might also require you to identify people or actions that you admire. in week 2 we watched a documentary about h ith my mom that made me more self-aware and conscious of my actions (moreau fye week five). i have to be self-aware and aware o e, i am not only happier, but also more intentional with my actions and thoughtful in my interactions with others. in the week ers around you. taking the time to stop and think about our actions and environment is a helpful tool to achieve this. as state rancis once said, “the more powerful you are, the more your actions will have an impact on people, the more responsible you are ng this value of mine, i have become more self-aware of the actions that i am taking to make my life well-lived. “if we’re not is why i think i should aim to be somewhat self-aware of my actions , so that my relationships can thrive (“the right way to be tasha eurich moreau fye week six). i plan to reflect on my actions each night so that i can do my best to treat others in a po ime to reflect on the day’s happenings, her state of being, actions , and future pursuits. oftentimes we find ourselves in such he made a conscious effort to keep calm, to think about his actions , to consider the needs of others. but he was also easily di ng hard decisions or being afraid of the consequences of my actions , i wish to always attempt to believe in myself, take a leap hat father greg works with have almost no remorse for their actions , and he remarks that “bridging the gulf of mutual judgment he core, i believe that one cannot simply just do good, for actions in itself are not worth as much if they are not driven by a ack to my main goal. how do i become a force for good? what actions should i take, now that i know what those actions are roote ood? what actions should i take, now that i know what those actions are rooted in? i can be a force for good by leading by exam d to try to make a difference by showing others how to act. actions speak louder than words and it is necessary for people to s ather hesburgh’s faith was so instrumental in dictating his actions . like father hesburgh, because matthew’s faith was the basi use matthew’s faith was the basis of everything he did, his actions reflected the work of god and what we are called to accompl o’malley moreau fye week two). matthew’s faith dictated his actions , and he allowed it to mold him throughout his life. notre d e life. i became very introspective, overthinking all of my actions and reactions, which caused me to experience a lot of stres t i can demonstrate a commitment to lifelong learning in my actions over the course of the next year. i also hope that this com dent athletes can positively affect the world through their actions . outside of the classroom, my rector has been extremely val alization, i now realize, can never come simply from my own actions and labors, for humans by nature are social beings and happ tment in knowing that my eulogy is being written through my actions . i cannot truly write it when i die, but i am able to deter i too hold the responsibility to think critically about my actions in relation to the world around me. this practice is known ificant suffering in the world and that i must structure my actions to resolve injustice as i see it. even despite fr. greg boy d to, in part, live his life in a way that would mirror the actions and thought processes of father ted. “ted was a bridge-buil jerry barca – moreau week two), i know that grand sweeping actions aren’t for me. if i’m remembered fondly, it will be for lit cation at notre dame, which led me to think deeply about my actions while also remaining true to myself. part of this thinking red by my community a good samaritan, whether it be through actions or donations. finally, i never took life too seriously by a nt”(week 3) as this is what allows us to reconsider our own actions and potentially change them for the greater good. a life we s, letting those beliefs and values be reflected through my actions .” (“personal mission statement” by moreau fye week 13) brea ill look like, i aim to incorporate this definition into my actions and decisions in order to guide myself on a path of self-di i, , dedicate myself to living for others. through my dad’s actions , i learned that my faith should be bigger than my fears. th st part of life, and i am dedicated to fostering love in my actions so i can bring joy to myself and others around me. i will c ve learned about role models, and how i want to utilize the actions i witness in others in my own life. one of the major role m eau fye week two). specifically, i want to model some of my actions after father hesburgh by aiming to conquer big challenges a nd catholic" by jacob walsh—moreau fye week ten). so, in my actions i will make sure to always be loving and friendly to all th that i constantly need to reassess my values and examine my actions to make sure i am living up to my own expectations. for ins 00c9ecd9 nuss 2 morals and my mission statement to guide my actions rather than anger, frustration, or other strong emotions th was willing to be labeled behind these names as long as his actions could speak louder and more than those of everybody else’s , and i hope to continue to exemplify my values in my daily actions ("week five discernment activity"—moreau fye week five). be oreau fye week five). being authentic and intentional in my actions in important to me and i want others to remember that i sti ement is to be a good person. by this i mean that i want my actions to be guided by faith, i want to continue to grow in wisdom on allows for one to have a greater self awareness of their actions , helping them to pause and understand what really matters i ers by declaring, “the more powerful you are, the more your actions will have an impact on people, the more responsible you are lessons, feelings of regret that can incite people to take actions they were once afraid to, and a way to highlight the good. f intention and she wasn’t afraid to support her words with actions and her actions came from the deepest part of her heart. he she wasn’t afraid to support her words with actions and her actions came from the deepest part of her heart. her intention was intention was set in the moment and the consequences of her actions were based on what she wanted to do as she acted, living fu easy to understand how simple it was for her to decide what actions to take, she lived in the moment understanding that it’s al thing that needs to be changed. martin stated that parents' actions are all behind one quote “ i just want what's best for my c an effective and impactful life. thus, his small, everyday actions were guided by a larger picture of which his life was commi like that. if someone feels confident in every one of their actions and the way that they perform those actions, then they have ry one of their actions and the way that they perform those actions , then they have no reason to not be totally sure of themsel ause, for me, the people that i love empower me and give my actions meaning. i believe that my purpose is to create and build s lained earlier, ex-convicts are often judged for their past actions and are not given the chance to be rehabilitated. fr. boyle stions. i’m looking forward to discovering what other small actions lead to new opportunities in the future. the butterfly effe self very well, and every day will turn into a blur, and my actions are meaningless. on the other hand, if i do not analyze, i t’s and the why’s. i do not want to live in ignorance of my actions , but i also do not want to overthink everything and get anx f with, for each person will contribute to my values and my actions . when there is a diverse crowd influencing me, i can assure d on showing great care and perseverance in every one of my actions (integration three moreau fye week eight). engaging with ac of wisdom from listening to others and learning from their actions . pope francis once said, “quite a few years of life have st fectly coincides with my mission statement to reflect on my actions in order to make me the best person i can be. i think one c g things we should not do, and cause us to later regret our actions . they can set us back on our goal to true fulfillment. i kn life of a man who achieved fulfillment through his amazing actions .(hesburgh moreau fye week 2) that movie honestly inspired m fe. it is only in this way that the impacts of our work and actions are able to extend beyond ourselves, and we are thus able t ol how someone will respond to me, but i can control my own actions . it’s important to focus on controllable things because the was good to help others, but would i really find joy in my actions ? this got me thinking about what joy really was. i knew it to go out of my way to help others and not be selfish in my actions . i need to create a community around me that can rely on me w much i care about the opinion and views of others upon my actions . i believe that you should do whatever makes you happy, reg au fye week 5). often, an honest outside perspective on our actions is invaluable to our development as human beings. i practic r damning today to say “conviction should undergird all our actions .” for him, though, “conviction” was not some psychological, e same and who takes accountability for the impact of their actions . i want to be dedicated to leading and mentoring others, bu e same and who takes accountability for the impact of their actions . this part of my mission statement starts at an individual e to stand up for my beliefs and take accountability for my actions , i think i first myself responsible every day to recognize the impact of my actions (or absence thereof). to avoid this mentality, i can begin happiness when people around you are happy because of your actions ” (conversation with my dad moreau fye week 5). dad knows me ection; he was always examining the what and the why of his actions to better understand himself (“the right way to be introspe eyed in how i act and that i need to take more care with my actions to ensure i am doing things that i would want to see myself other quote that comments on the difficulty of taking these actions is in the “holy cross and christian education” document of was willing to be labeled behind these names as long as his actions could speak louder and more than those of everybody else’s r” by dr. paul blasko moreau fye week 11). our beliefs, and actions , should be dictated by careful reflection and attention to as reaching heaven. if that is not foremost in my mind and actions , i am doing something wrong. therefore, it is important to ly identify god, and know better how to seek him through my actions . i wish to seek what is good, true and beautiful. these thi as giving fosters personal growth. i give through my words, actions , and personal relationships. through my future career, i ho nsorship, placing education before the catholic church. his actions manifested great courage and integrity. later in his life, later in his life, his conscience continued to dictate his actions , even when given another choice for political gain. father than self-interest. as pope francis states, “the more your actions will have an impact on people, the more responsible you are ve to do good things everyday, even if these are only small actions or kind words. i hope to live with a sense of urgency, pass tion'' by fr. kevin grove, c.s.c. moreau fye week five). my actions and involvement throughout my life are undoubtedly a signif erests of others before my own interests in my thoughts and actions . i must love everyone in my life, although this does not me tegy, and one that i plan on using. its to think of how our actions will impact others. while i hope to never end up in a situa ere was finding a way to say “no” whether directly or in my actions , if taking on that task brought more burdens on me than it people choose to follow because they look up and admire the actions i do. this semester, i have also thought about how i can co articles that helped me reflect on a criteria on whether my actions are worth doing is from week 3 with fr. michael himes “thre neral service to the people around you?” (himes). i want my actions to bring joy to the people around me, but thinking about do all moments of my life to god for his glory and to do small actions with great love. i am reminded to use my suffering to draw o ground myself with these intentions to guide my words and actions . my mission is to live my life as me, and to let my values inspiration, luke aimed to bring joy to others through his actions . towards the end of his life, luke grew ill and could no lo was coming to an end, but he also knew that his legacy and actions could continue to inspire others for years to come. taking ed her love for them, as she expressed it in both words and actions (“chapter 8: jurisdiction,” from tattoos on the heart by fa s paragraph: “my name is sebastian and i am a product of my actions and my experiences. i will live the precious life i have be christine o’malley moreau fye week two). father hesburgh’s actions were to better the lives of others, not his own. his succes our blessings, taking time to reflect on your life and your actions can help you to gain a more positive attitude and allows yo round us, we must recognize that we have power over our own actions , not outside events, and this realization will spark change -vision/spirit-of-inclusion/ mahoney 5 be present in all my actions during my time at notre dame. as i pursue a life well-lived th god will be transformed into a life of faith in which my actions reveal god to all those around me through accompaniment. fu core fundamentals of catholic teaching is love. through my actions , i must demonstrate that i am loving my neighbors. there ar e most of that time, to pursue a life well-lived through my actions and choices. such a life is not an end goal or a moment in . father hesburgh is a famous figure of morality due to his actions as an educator, public servant, and social activist. father ). talking about doing good in the world is not enough. our actions will always speak louder than our words. i have also learne ope francis – moreau fye week 7). often, i forget how small actions can still make an impact. i remember how i feel whenever so his own child. i’m at my best when i replicate my father’s actions . when someone is causing me to feel impatient inside, i do two people that i strive to be like and i will pursue their actions over the next 3 years. i think there is a distinct differen my dad illustrates joy because of who he is as a human. the actions that he persists. seeing this, i realize what i need to do th that god leads me on. as i navigate life, i hope that my actions are observable and characteristic of a life well-lived. one s a child of god i am called to imitate christ in all of my actions , no matter how small, and to stand up for any injustice i s ome very bad things and feel little to no remorse for their actions , i struggle, and will struggle, with demonstrating compassi re perceived as authentic, as authoring their own words and actions rather than proceeding according to some organizational scr be a nice person but there is more to it than just that. my actions must be kind as well, not just my words. when i look back o rightfully honor sofia today, we must forgive death for its actions . it is not something that we can fear or hate. it is someth e learned some critical tools for evaluating my life and my actions . exhortations for “mindfulness” or meditation, like pico iy reau, hesburgh, doesn’t mention any of his more regrettable actions , the idealized hesburgh they hold up serves as a good model es exist in society, i continue to seek meaning in everyday actions . this intentionality guided how i spent most of my time, as love seriously and began to spread it in small ways by his actions and mannerisms. for without love, nothing else matters and groups which i do not. i aim to show my beliefs through my actions . rather than following in another’s lead, i will tread my o acting for myself, rather than others. this being said, my actions will reflect my values, not the benefits i selfishly wish t l disconnected from my emotions because i am focused on the actions that make me happy, which leads to more free-thinking. when earth—then the world may be a much better place because our actions would have an impact on our future. in conclusion, treating well understood in their community too because individuals actions and values impact the border community. choosing to live th alues are important, but i must ensure i connect them to my actions . in order to make my positive impact professionally i must ostile relationships do not allow space for these important actions . jesuit priest and gang intervention leader, fr. gregory bo e people around me are able to separate my emotions from my actions and can use their own resources and understanding of my env gether. this will better inform my goals and ensure that my actions benefit and support those around me. i can learn to strike a catholic sense. given this, i strive to embody love in my actions , relationships, and life. in the pursuit of success, i inte eyed in how i act and that i need to take more care with my actions to ensure i am doing things that i would want to see myself al way. melody helped me understand myself by describing my actions and thoughts in her perspective. therefore, another aspect . these are things i have never done before. in part, these actions are influenced by the idea “remember your death.” (“meet th the insight and perspective he needed to be mindful of his actions . he would reset his emotions during that meditative period e racism to individual racial prejudice and the intentional actions that result….but this definition does little to explain how ee that i am the person that i am striving to be (i want my actions to back it up). in week 9 of moreau, we had to read, “teach thers. i think that i often self-analyze and pick at my own actions , and this is never good for my mental health (“the right wa e path of humility…the more powerful you are, the more your actions will have an impact on people, the more responsible you are 2), it brought my attention to the power both our words and actions of-inclusion/ gospel at all times. use words if necessary." actions always speak louder than words. i would hope that my friend leader demands the ability to govern your own thoughts and actions as well as setting an example for others. i have the potent e here but part of this has been because i have let others' actions of exclusion get to me. if i just take a step back, close m nd attend the january social concerns fair. these are small actions , yet they answer dean marcus cole’s call for everyone to us t of hope. all of these can be achieved through super small actions of love, and definitely make both of your lives better. whe en to her without trying to be the loudest in the room. her actions spoke loudly, and it made people listen. (hesburgh,” produc r his intention to become a celebrity for his philanthropic actions or for his generosity. in his final days, he made sure to g nt for the generations to come. his passion flowed into his actions and his hobbies, since he loved to play sports and hold eve reau fye week six). i must learn how to be self-aware of my actions and emotions since that can help me grow more and learn abo hangout with her and cheer her up. i explained to him that actions like these are what he is like and i hope that he continues rent techniques, i will be able to better reflect on how my actions affect others and o/edit where i am able to end my day feeling happy about my actions or come up with ways for how i can improve my interactions a well-lived life will be father gregory boyle because his actions and help extended to a great, marginalized community which vas call to mind the thought she put into her words and her actions . and the warm colors remind me of the love she could convey r doing her best when she was motivated by the idea that my actions will be of help to others. ( "week five discernment convers esiring to learn from and about other people. her words and actions made a difference in the lives of others. she was humble an r family, friends, and strangers. through her words and her actions , she made those around her better people. sophia strived to ng challenges. she taught others, through her words and her actions , to be defined by her responses to challenges that arise, r lves. she lived her life with extraordinary resilience. her actions reflected the story of dr. jihoon kim, who manifested stron try. however the future is going, try to focus on the small actions that are in line with who you want to be, even though it’s ind acts towards them. i feel this sentiment relates to the actions of father hesburgh because he accomplished so many wonderfu e future. i hope that my eulogy would include my thoughtful actions towards others and states that i had plans, but those plans in the article by tasha eurich by evaluating my life and my actions in “what questions” to have a tangible idea about my feelin uld be able to help. in all, i want to be remembered for my actions towards others and the goodness of my actions. i want to be mbered for my actions towards others and the goodness of my actions . i want to be remembered as someone who took a stand much l ly proper way for me to practice my religion is to allow my actions to demonstrate my values. i want to change the lives of oth that i want to be remembered as someone who uses many small actions to build others up over time. (moreau fye week eight). like ts had also stressed to him since childhood. fr. hesburgh’s actions aligned with a true christian worldview and josh wanted to was not one of these people and his thoughtfulness and his actions spoke valiantly for the person he was, someone who cherishe r definitely had mixed feelings about social media, and his actions show this well. although he ensured that he could keep up w himself. he was constantly evaluating his own pursuits and actions in order to ensure that he was never going down the wrong t hose around me. i am responsible for the consequences of my actions . i act with courage, determination, and strength. i will fu mstance. i granted myself validation from the success of my actions instead of finding unconditional self-love. the bible and d a conversation with him that really made her reflect on her actions . xochitl was insecure and often doubted her place at notre re dame hesburgh libraries). every one of father hesburgh’s actions were guided by the will of god, rest day, talking to a family member, or exercising, small actions towards something meaningful to someone allows for them to eurich moreau fye week six). i tend to think a lot about my actions , which helps me work towards improving myself, but these th tuations weigh on me too badly because i am confident in my actions . in my mission statement, i wrote, “i will not let the worr your essence in life. all of your feelings, your thoughts, actions , and relationships. what’s key to the idea of a eulogy, how what would they say?”. and it forces you to scrutinize your actions in the here and now. that’s what makes this difficult. to r joyfully because i wish to have a sense of rightness in my actions , especially in the way i interact with others. in addition, er to accomplish this, i hold myself accountable for all my actions and own up to every consequence. i have an innate duty to s d how it is important to think about the consequences of my actions . i am going to live everyday with purpose, surround myself i want to portray my mission statement to others through my actions and words. i am excited for the endless possibilities my fu f in order to help others. we have to be mindful of how our actions affect others, and how our behaviors can be watched and imi ight-way-to-be-introspective-yes-theres-a-wrong-way/ how my actions could affect others. this has caused me some issues in the ivity can do amazing things. you never know how one of your actions will affect another person. enjoy your time on this earth, d event, but rather an event that causes more and more kind actions to happen. it’s like how pope francis describes hope where ly and physically as much as i can. i am responsible for my actions , but the consequences do not only affect me. i will focus o n’t the only person who influenced tyson with his words and actions , though. 2 seeing how father hesburgh lived his life really hemselves in. i came to believe – not in my heart but in my actions – that school mattered most in life, and i spent the majori hallenged, then they attack the other person’s character or actions rather than addressing the argument. i think if people at l can leave the world better than i found it through everyday actions . i can give my seat to others on the bus, smile at people i ives. i also would include in my conclusion about how these actions are necessary for a well-lived life while also looking insi find my place in the world and with god. hopefully, all my actions i take at notre dame will serve others. whether it's reachi hat’s right. hopefully, these goals will result in tangible actions and results, even if it may be difficult to strive towards ize that i could greatly influence people with my words and actions . “one thing that stretched my awareness of myself was how m r in action. she also tried to have her thoughts follow her actions . not the other way around. so no matter what she thought of needed help, she helped you. she would love you through her actions , even if she hated you in her heart. and she hoped that in t to move the heart. but moving our treasure, changing what actions we take and what we give out time to, that is far easier. o hings” (jeremiah 17:9). solidarity and love are born in our actions , and from there they seep down to our heart. or in other wo when i may hate the world in my heart, i will love it in my actions , until my actions and my heart are one and the same. integr e world in my heart, i will love it in my actions, until my actions and my heart are one and the same. integration three andrew what makes us happy, but in the process think about how our actions make us grow and develop. week three’s article brought him is through introspection, deep reflection on one’s self and actions . i think a lot, and thinking helps me to understand who i a he way in which you are living it on a daily basis. do your actions reflect your goals and aspirations? if you want to be one t sion of myself. i understand that i can only control my own actions , and so i must do so to the best of my ability. by continua able to see the impact of. i am inspired into action by the actions of father theodore hesburgh, especially his involvement in to remember that there is usually reasoning behind others’ actions , and that i never truly know what is going on in someone’s hesburgh,” he used his faith as a foundation for all of his actions , all of his beliefs beyond the church, and with strength li in, but it was often difficult to see the impacts of these actions due to the fast paced nature of life. now that she has pass neighbor’s yard. she strove to help those in need with her actions . it’s important to note that josie’s life was not entirely eryone who i met. i want the main memory of me to not be my actions , rather how my actions impacted those around me. moreau cap t the main memory of me to not be my actions, rather how my actions impacted those around me. moreau capstone integration lelon tionally, but i will always hold them accountable for their actions . i believe that the most important thing anyone can do in t f that it is not her grades that define her, but rather her actions towards others. maddy was described by others as kind, good t that he could be. he was a kind and loving person and his actions were meaningful to everyone whose life he touched. while he . my mission statement addresses how during work, all of my actions must be calculated because they affect the lives of others. they affect the lives of others. through these considerable actions , the outcomes could lead to friendly relationships. relatio ng good with a purpose. by having your own reasons for your actions you are able to pursue the dreams which you have created, a within his life, as it allows him to reflect on him and his actions . with so much of our time now spent on social media, it lea eek 3) as this is what allows us a chance to reflect on our actions and find out if we have a purpose behind our actions. throu on our actions and find out if we have a purpose behind our actions . throughout my life i have found that collaboration with ot consider if we seemed to have a greater purpose behind our actions . then by having others be able to understand your end goals s and not the dreams of others we are able to formulate our actions to lead to a feeling of fulfillment rather than emptiness f rovided me with an example of someone i wanted to mirror my actions after. there have been many moments throughout my experienc happiness when people around you are happy because of your actions ” (conversation with my dad moreau fye week 5). this quote w rom this quote, i am compelled to live a life following the actions and teachings of christ and giving unconditional love to th re myself for a life of service without losing sight of the actions and impact possible at the moment. when talking with my fat re myself for a life of service without losing sight of the actions and impact possible at the moment. i will never stop learni however, i aim to practice accompaniment in small, everyday actions such as holding the door for someone or smiling at someone niment is a great example of how both small and large-scale actions can transform days and even lives, and i aim to incorporate tance. in my daily life, i am confident and assertive in my actions and choices. i value my confidence because it took years to lues and beliefs. once i have a strong foundation, my daily actions will build off of my foundation, so my actions should, in e on, my daily actions will build off of my foundation, so my actions should, in essence, be good. as i saw and heard in the hesb ght action. dean g. marcus cole notes another reason why my actions should always be good, right, and just: “ while my educatio places me in a position to know and speak up for the right actions . constantly doing the right thing will not only train my di cob walsh moreau fye week 10). god more often works through actions . actions speak louder than words and last longer than words moreau fye week 10). god more often works through actions. actions speak louder than words and last longer than words. as an o ounded individual. with everything i do, i want my work and actions to be good and a reflection of myself. when i go out into t e that murdered him could not have possibly justified their actions . people need to stop seeing each other as “residing in diff this is something that helps me be sympathetic towards the actions of others. sometimes it is hard to look past the evil they n thinking about a career path, but also just my day to day actions . to conclude, in week 12 i learned what it means to be wise y jerry barca moreau fye week 2). through father hesburgh's actions i have been able to create a better life mission statement realize how detrimental this was. becoming aware of how her actions affected herself and those around here were key to personal but more importantly, it helps to reflect on our character, actions , behaviors, virtues, and goals. like reverend theodore m. h ther, looking back on my life and feeling fulfilled with my actions and choices is. 5. it is important not to ask what you can e on a test does not define my self-worth. rather, it is my actions towards others and how i treat those around me that do. i g , but looking back on my life and feeling fulfilled with my actions and choices do. i was inspired to incorporate this idea int udges you based on your attendance to mass, but rather your actions as a person towards others. i still believe this, and i thi s education” by fr. kevin grove moreau fye week five), thus calling all educators to take a stand to pursue truth together. edu to be a positive force by promoting good in my society and calling for positive and lasting change. thus, i have always and, w ation” that fr. james b. king speaks about is a christian’s calling and their likeness to god (“hope – holy cross and christian affirms my belief that our education is giving us a greater calling . rather than serving ourselves, a holy cross education mean calling / of the four guiding questions for the second integration o natural to do so. for the future, i hope to live out my own calling in the lens of my faith, but also make sure that i know wha per relationship with god and further understand who god is calling me to become. this was further discussed in week 9 of morea ere wasn’t a moment when i chose it. the priest hood was my calling .” (hesburgh produced by jerry barca and christine o’malley– calling / calling / one example of the many different ways i can search for my calling on my own, without being concerned about what others are do and nationality, for example, precisely because of christ’s calling to treat others as we desire to be treated” (the spirit of taking in a very long time. it is so important to find your calling and act on it because not only will that help you live your will be clear people will feel the positive effects of your calling and you will be able to maximize your good in the world (“h and very situation dependent; however, there are times when calling others out is necessary. i think for many people it is a lo d experience that will prove invaluable in time. i’ve begun calling this place home, which hurt my parents just a little, but i calling / unning an errand, doing an assignment, helping a friend, or calling her family. however, as written in a quote from pico iyer, le family, parents and sisters. being in contact with them, calling and texting them was a way for me to feel closer to them. s allenge of reducing hatred and promoting love. this is your calling ”6 but while i find some passion in this belief, i know i co nt the reason as to what is stopping me from full heartedly calling notre dame my home. it may be that i am trying to rush into se. i remember seeing my classmates high fiving each other, calling people by their first names, and acting all friendly. i was a point in their life where they feel conviction over their calling in their life? we all do not just wake up one morning and u reminded of fr. jenkins words, in which he noted the unique calling of notre dame students, saying that “you here today, more t s a catholic to promote unity and acceptance, but a special calling as a notre dame student. if notre dame is to be a force for that i was going to have to find a solution to. focusing on calling her daily and checking in has kept my priorities in line an u fye week four) if i were to not focus on our agreement of calling each other http ii. within the video, it explains that adam ii is “hears a calling and obeys the world” and “savors inner consistency and stre ne. from difficult classes to navigating new friendships to calling a new state home, i’ve encountered many challenges in my fi logy are what i am most interested in. i feel that it is my calling to help people and work in a constantly changing environmen ll, or the beautiful gold that shines off the dome. i had a calling to notre dame because it felt like home to me. it is my saf were born, i sanctified you." every individual human has a calling in life; otherwise, they wouldn't be born in the first plac time could be getting lunch with a friend, going on a walk, calling my family, or just checking in with my friend and seeing ho a liberating belief. as my pastor says, not every need is a calling . there is a mountain of pain and suffering in the world, bu stress, and doing what i can to comfort them. it looks like calling out misogynistic language when i see it used in my dorm. it octor, and i can not think of a better place to follow that calling . the more i live at notre dame the more i realize how speci he majority of my life. everyone in middle school had some “ calling ” it seemed (later i would come to realize that this was not to fr. pete and vocalized this realization: whatever god is calling me to do, there is a reason for what has happened and what iest. i might never have been meant to be a priest. but god calling me in that direction drastically changed my life and my vie ying to call for the university to improve by, for example, calling for divestment of fossil fuels in the university’s endowmen e) this quote shows how notre dame was started because of a calling to be an elite educational institution whose practices and e. i am not sure what that is yet, but i know that i have a calling greater than myself, and i will continue on my journey of d my discipline. by tapping into my connection with god, and calling on him for assistance in my strife, i can overcome these ch calling / step to making the world a better place is realizing god’s calling for us. we can do this through prayer and meditation. the h elied on them so when i would have an issue, i found myself calling them and asking for their advice. however, as i became more l-seminary-commencement/ lim3 group chat messages in baumer calling her words were, at its core, to hate. this vicious cycle mo areers before deciding that orthodontia was her passion and calling . she ended up choosing a career in a field that had an impa more important. the time i can spend texting my siblings or calling my mom has become something i cherish now that i can’t see good in the world. in this discernment about my vocational calling , i cannot rely merely on my own intellect. i must use the g then i wholeheartedly believe i am on my way to fulfill my calling . as strong as this conviction is in my heart, i know the ro trospective-yes-theres-a-wrong-way/ our ultimate and shared calling as catholics is to love one another as christ has loved us. those instances. i define my theme as answering fr. sorin’s calling for each one of us, including notre dame herself, to be a f e balance all of the important aspects of my life: classes, calling my friends and family, football games and tailgates, and my der. “there is no point where you can say, “the issue of my calling is settled.” vocations lead to vocations! it may raise othe ant to be successful at notre dame. if i keep my promise of calling on god, he will give me the strength i need to realize that and nationality, for example, precisely because of christ’s calling to treat others as we desire to be treated.” (du lac: a gui and nationality, for example, precisely because of christ’s calling to treat others as we desire to be treated. we value gay an and nationality, for example, precisely because of christ’s calling to treat others as we desire to be treated.” knowing this e you all. moreau first year experience miss taylor 3/3/22 a calling to serve the vulnerable on behalf of the redmond family, i eek three) he found joy in helping others and followed that calling by dedicating his work and life to serving those who were m ere most in need. when he reflected on his feeling that his calling was elsewhere, liam often referred to this belief, “this re demonstrated his courage and authenticity by following that calling from god to serve the vulnerable. even though his calling w t calling from god to serve the vulnerable. even though his calling was to serve others, there was nothing more important to li ils! “there is no point where [i] can say, ‘the issue of my calling is settled’” (“three key questions” by fr. michael himes – er he could spread love. at times it was hard, but he had a calling in faith and love to continue caring for those who did or d fit into the world. recalling to mind my purpose and inner calling is very powerful and meaningful, and will keep me focused o d see. career vision i am firmly committed to the idea that calling transcends career. but this does not mean calling opposes o idea that calling transcends career. but this does not mean calling opposes or mutually excludes career; it means calling defin mean calling opposes or mutually excludes career; it means calling defines career. the next three years will help me better de er values were also incredibly important to her. i remember calling her one week after her weekly moreau and she told me about and nationality, for example, precisely because of christ’s calling to treat others as we desire to be treated.” (the spirit of joy in 30 years?’ if it could do neither, then god was not calling me to it”. (“three key questions by michael himes” moreau f mportant to me that i make time to exercise, i have started calling my friends and family on my walk to/from the rockne memoria imes our dreams can drown out the pleading voices around us calling for a change ("should you live for your resume or your eulo thout stepping on or using others, which stuck with me. her calling me out on my impulsive behavior, however, has been a wake-u and nationality, for example, precisely because of christ’s calling to treat others as we desire to be treated” (notre dame du uine. i like this quote because it kind of felt like it was calling me out a bit. i choose to focus on the positivity in life, and nationality, for example, precisely because of christ’s calling to treat others as we desire to be treated” (“the spirit of ling someone’s viewpoint because you disagree with them and calling out bigotry for what it is. in no way do i want notre dame elps me to grow in my faith, but helps others realize their calling . helping others is a way that i can build relationships out r me, despite my brokenness, and as such, i hold dearly the calling to extend this love to others as it was extended to me. in incredibly valuable resource i have used in determining my calling in life is fr. michael himes’s three key questions ("three s the university, this is an integral part of fulfilling my calling to be a force for good in the world. though i was not requi isfaction and contentment. further, the idea that someone’s calling is to work until they literally drop dead “six feet under t “step farther back.” in terms of family, wesley felt a deep calling toward selflessness. in this way, his vocation in this area ment moreau week four). who knows, i might not even find my calling throughout my life. i have to remind myself that the more t father himes tells us to ask ourselves when considering our calling is “what bring you joy?” (“three key questions,” fr. michae your life and truly find silence, you will hear what god is calling you to do. ayden’s life is a good example of how we should this dissatisfaction or ‘stubbornness’ that i found my true calling . earlier in my life when deciding what to do for a career i that “there is no point where you can say, ‘the issue of my calling is settled’” (“three key questions” by fr. michael himes – f emotional maturity that allows me to fulfill a high moral calling . i strive to use my privilege and skills for the benefit of ong journey in education, she worked hard to carry out this calling by pursuing a major in science preprofessional. this decisi and nationality, for example, precisely because of christ’s calling to treat others as we desire to be treated. we value gay an e idea of division that is so present in our country today, calling notre dame students to look the other way and instead heal ss that reminded him that there is always something greater calling him, and to never be satisfied with his current state. ‘“th ever be satisfied with his current state. ‘“the issue of my calling is settled.” vocations lead to vocations! it may raise othe n god. she trusted in his plan and accepted that if god was calling her home, it was time to go. though individually, she could who had been an engineer, but eventually found that god was calling her to a different vocation. therefore, it seems that maybe for me personally. i have been able to discern what god is calling me to do with my life, as my eyes have been opened to my st lection in order to learn more about oneself and what one’s calling is, too much time spent in self-reflection can often leave ne must learn to be confident in what they believe is their calling in life. in pursing a life well-lived, i must be confident d, i must be confident in who i am and who i believe god is calling me to act as. quinn 5 i love my people, and i hope to keep she realized that constantly studying wasn’t where god was calling her: she was being called to religious life. she then enter and nationality, for example, precisely because of christ’s calling to treat others as we desire to be treated. we value gay an mission of making it to heaven. each of us has been given a calling in life, whether it be “those who go out to work or those w nitially made me doubt whether i was being unfaithful to my calling and simply acting on impulse. i eventually came to the real on his god-given gifts. this allowed nick to find his true calling in life truly. figuring out what you are vips allows you to joy in 30 years?’ if it could do neither, then god was not calling me to it”. (“three key questions by michael himes” moreau f that “there is no point where you can say, “the issue of my calling is settled.” vocations lead to vocations! it may raise othe er, religion, ethnicity, etc. precisely because of christ’s calling to treat others as we desire to be treated.” the spirit of ge that service to god and others for god was a part of his calling . he never waned from his convictions and didn’t let the com ’s goals, about one’s strengths and weaknesses, about one’s calling ? william deresiewicz has something to say about this: “thin extra hour she used to spend studying was now dedicated to calling her family. staying up an hour later to read just one more d her to do the sameto be the best they could be. she had a calling to the medical profession, combining her love of stem with riends and family. she also made it her mission to find her calling in life. alexis viewed a good life as finding her calling a r calling in life. alexis viewed a good life as finding her calling and integrating it into her career path. alexis spent a lot and nationality, for example, precisely because of christ’s calling to treat others as we desire to be treated” (“the spirit of k any notre dame student, dylan from dillon. i am sorry for calling you that dylan, but they needed to know. one of the first t el himes) moreau week 3). when he read this, i remember him calling me and ne vixit below is my mission statement: i wish to pursue my calling ; whatever that may be. i believe that suffering and failure and nationality, for example, precisely because of christ’s calling to treat others as we desire to be treated.” this quote in tes, “there is no point where you can say, ‘the issue of my calling is settled.’ vocations lead to vocations!” (fr. michael him and nationality, for example, precisely because of christ’s calling to treat others as we desire to be treated.”. week 10. hero se experiences forward your understanding of what your true calling is. during my time in college, i explored different fields ourses, and many meetings with my advisor later, i found my calling in medicine and public health. lastly, it is so easy to get ek 5). in this conversation, she helped me see that my true calling was in a combination of medicine and public health, as i am never the darkness closed in around her and she heard death calling her to give up and go to him, she picked herself back up an . thank goodness she stuck with it because it was truly her calling . she transformed the lives of thousands of people with her he was furious at the family's grandmother and contemplated calling her out for letting her grandkids disrupt the conversation. nt with those around us. at first, i thought this quote was calling on us to focus on our futures. however, as i thought about owever, as i thought about it more i realized this quote is calling us to live our lives to the fullest by remembering it will gn=spring_2022 lelonis 4 rule, more specifically, “christ’s calling to treat others as we desire to be treated” (“the spirit of ” by luzzo, d.a., & severy, l.e. moreau fye week four). his calling as a doctor was so much more than just the respect that com future career and family life allowing me to follow out my calling . coming from a family of faith with strong work ethics, my t and mind will propel me to succeed and not forget my true calling to serve others, especially those on the margins.” (“person connection with my parents. i plan to maintain this bond by calling my mom and dad every weekend, this is a habit i have kept o to live like liam did and to always embody his values.” (“a calling to serve the vulnerable eulogy” by moreau fye week eight) w ow in my knowledge of myself, and what exactly it is god is calling me to do in a world full of opportunity. guided by the valu nd it seemed like so many people were truly following their calling . i had a similar experience when i was on the phone with my my grandfather's funeral, it has become clear to me that my calling to be a united states marine was planted on the day my gran rried if he was going to see tomorrow and that kept me from calling and texting him, the fear that it would be the last time, t s and focus on what’s important: living while we still can, calling our loved ones while we still can. i don’t want sadness or moreau fye week 3) following his graduation, owen found his calling . after lots of experimenting in different classes and profe and nationality, for example, precisely because of christ’s calling to treat others as we desire to be treated” (the spirit of rs to as adam i and adam ii. brooks describes adam i as the career -oriented, ambitious side of our nature, and adam ii is the ecause of this, people are focused on ascending to a higher career , and become cold, calculated figures. many americans solely ficers in the fleet. it not only prepares them for a future career , but for a successful future career. the battalion staff an pares them for a future career, but for a successful future career . the battalion staff and officers want the midshipmen to be he fleet. the midshipmen are hoping for a successful future career just like the officers are. in a text by father king, it sa out this that could sum up her beliefs is, “as you can see, career development is a process and a journey. if you actively eng stablish a satisfying professional life.” (“navigating your career journey“ by meruelo family center for career development – avigating your career journey“ by meruelo family center for career development – moreau fye week four). she did not always bel ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ putting others first, even before her own e also getting used to a new place, starting a new academic career , and learning how to adjust to life away from home — that’s relax and put aside the thought that you are deciding your career path when picking your major. it’s much more complex than t g what interested him and never looked back. throughout his career he always had the bigger picture of his life in mind, and t portant and meaningful things with this early in my college career . my faith has also grown with and within my new friendships one who values going to college and pursuing a professional career . with that being said, we now turn to my personal mission s ures just as they do in my successes. throughout my college career thus far, i have experienced all of my main core beliefs fi week 7). i have often identified myself only as my possible career , and my only possible career being in engineering. in high ied myself only as my possible career, and my only possible career being in engineering. in high school, i approached a boy, l endocrine system this served as his motivation to pursue a career in medicine.” ( dr. burmea). my reason fo lusion is expected but fallible according the undergraduate career services for notre dame. referencing how “there seems to be ly held belief in our society that a major equals a certain career path,” notre dame’s undergraduate career services refutes t r equals a certain career path,” notre dame’s undergraduate career services refutes this belief by discussing how a major does tes this belief by discussing how a major does not equate a career ( by keeping an open mind to a that were well-lived, from the relationships i built to the career i was building. if only moreau metaphorically killed us to  “navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course.” undergraduate journey moreau first year experience course.” undergraduate career services, the university of notre dame, 2022, https://under dame, 2022, career -journey---moreau/.  not the same at notre dame “i believe t clues: an interactive assignment activity” about her future career that started in her time at college to see what she most wa eractive assessment activity ” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four) (“week five discernment c ough my engineering class i believe i have found at least a career path that could be something i was made for. one that makes ester, has taught me i am made for so much more than just a career . i am made to enjoy the little moments, small things that m is yet to come in regards to future experiences through my career , life, and family. the foundation i have created for myself ye week seven). i believe that i can also find meaning in a career in engineering. as an engineer, i will be in a position whe rvice groups versus pursuing professional ambitions through career exploration and networking. it’s easy to say things like “t excited to continue prioritizing relationships, identifying career paths also do good for the world, improving my time managem lly as i approach the rest of my education and establish my career and educational goals for the future. coming to notre dame a derived version of each other. we are all over achievers, career focused, and dedicated to our education. so coming to notre e my true passions lie and what that can mean for my future career . i would be lying if i said i didn’t experience an existent to medical school. logically, i began to think of the other career paths that a neuroscience and behavior degree could lead to see what the future holds for me. whether it's a meaningful career or simply a job that takes care of my basic needs, i hope t oes not determine the rest of your life” ( “navigating your career journey” (meruelo family center for career development) mor “navigating your career journey” (meruelo family center for career development) moreau fye week. with this knowledge i can mak ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ y and heartbreak of leaving everything behind as i began my career at notre dame was difficult, i came to realize that this jo make social media my hobby, but instead make it a potential career . after all, there had to be someone who tested the road fir ok rose to its popularity in 2018, i saw this as a possible career . creators could easily create content on their own, with la take a leap of faith at the chance once i see it. gaining a career in social media will provide difficulties, but one of these ol of dangerous viewers. putting the learnings regarding my career path aside, i want to put the focus on what i learned in mo better place, i was alarmed again that to have a successful career life, i had to take in diversity and dive into other cultur ificant part of my life. i am motivated to pursue a medical career because of my passion for improving the lives of others. th e for remembering where i came from as i grow in my college career . going to a university where you are in the minority or hav nd let him know the areas in which he wanted to discern his career . “it should be something involving legislature, public poli nning your life is like planning a trip.” (“navigating your career journey”) by meruelo family center for career development m vigating your career journey”) by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). this was true, but with m at his best arose. she responded “during your high school career , where you managed to graduate salutatorian and follow thro e of that opportunity to find my passions (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fyp week 4). i want to find true joy here hether you realize it at the time or not!” (navigating your career journey by undergraduate career services moreau fye week 4) e or not!” (navigating your career journey by undergraduate career services moreau fye week 4). even, at the time, the most me sponding to career -journey---moreau/ this university. through the progression of my high school career , i began to withdraw from my family, friends, and religion. to emphasizing compassion over knowledge in my medicine, a career which i hope to pursue. too many doctors are seen as distan s an aspect of your life, whether it be a relationship or a career , that is not bringing you joy or growth, it is not worth wa ho helps others kept popping up in my head (navigating your career journey, meruelo center, moreau week 4). there were also a of mine that i must always remember when thinking about the career that i want to pursue. sure, it would be great for me to ch ld. as i grow older, i must actively think about the way my career is affecting both me and the society around me. am i workin whatever field i choose to be a part of. (“navigating your career journey” from the meruelo family center for career developm ing your career journey” from the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four) recently, as i’ve started idea relates to one career -and-finance/how-to-find-your-calling/ of the four guiding q psychology class, and now feel more confident in my chosen career field. i’ve found a great group of friends, and i’ve finall found my niche yet?” “am i going to be comfortable with my career & life post graduation?” these questions all are towards he that of what i call home. on the meruelo family center for career development page there's a venn diagram illustrating the ne want to take their life. they describe it as “planning your career is much like planning for a trip. there are many details an d research. it’s not a one step process.” (“navigating your career journey '' by meruelo family center moreau fye week four) t elp in a more beneficial way than once before. the topic of career endeavors and solid beliefs segway into weeks five and six. ne or parent in an effort to review the results of our said career path. the prompt said “the process of discernment is an ong ademic and social experiences, while also working towards a career that will support those endeavors. from the ted talk “shoul r of those careers. now i believe that i am searching for a career that i enjoy, but more than that, i am searching for my lif hers. after reading the article from the meruelo center for career development, it guided her to understand that her success a it guided her to understand that her success and joy in the career aspect of her life immediately comes from her understanding morals and ways that she can immerse those values into her career . ("navigating your career journey”meruelo family center for can immerse those values into her career. ("navigating your career journey”meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau ("navigating your career journey”meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye week 4). through using her career as for career developmentmoreau fye week 4). through using her career as a method to create a world where each person has the opp ith others. career -journey---moreau/ norman 1 father kevin sandberg fys 10101. box with a grandiose plan as to why i wanted to go into the career i would study for. it was hard for me to be vulnerable with ts of soul searching, i realized that i would be happy in a career where i could integrate my passion of science and math into for now, i know that i am enjoying the classes and that the career options that fulfill my criteria are endless. i am made for engineering degree or exactly why i feel a pull to make my career one that gives back to others, but if i am confident in mys m now—at notre dame as a chemical engineer hoping to have a career that will help heal even the smallest portion of the world. to take care of my academic success as well as an athletic career will help prove to myself that i belong at this prestigious ust to enter med school. i will still be years away from my career , racking up medical school debt, and watching my youngest s e also getting used to a new place, starting a new academic career , and learning how to adjust to life away from home — that’s e goals concerning what i want to achieve during my college career . i have talked at length about how “[i] want to feel the pr g. what am i made for? i unfortunately do not have an exact career path, location, or lifestyle that would answer the question dame, i have officially begun the journey of reaching that career path, location, or lifestyle relating to my life’s purpose. ieving my personal, inner goals, as well as my professional career based goals. goals that are significant to myself, and will virtues as adam 1 and adam 2. where adam 1 had virtues more career focused and money focused while on the contrary adam 2 virt ate school as she discerned where god would take her in her career and if she was truly seeking what he wanted for her (“navig was truly seeking what he wanted for her (“navigating your career journey” moreau fye week four) . as she navigated the disce life well-lived through the altruistic sense of choosing a career based on not only what one can gain, but what one can do fo el himes moreau fye week three). she would remind us that a career is not for advancing oneself but for advancing the world an career -journey---moreau/ ence has played a major role in helping further my academic career by constantly being open and being able to adjust to the ne ersonality, and skills (vips) before you can make effective career choices.” (navigating your career journey moreau first year re you can make effective career choices.” (navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course moreau fye week to achieve. career -journey---moreau/ paths in life, including how far i want to take my swimming career , where i want to be after college, and what i want to do wi ir officers, the more they can prepare themselves for their career in the navy. the midshipmen are not living for the moment, i hope to be helpful yet unbiased with my patients in some career in the medical field. i hope to deepen my relationships and cial reasons. i hope that this approach will guide me in my career and help to keep me centered and focused. i believe that i i can use my faith to do the same. additionally, during my career , there will be times where i will need to lean on my faith w what that happiness is going to look like. whether it's a career in pro golf, a business job, or raising a family with whome attending and pre-med peers that i didn’t have a major or a career aspiration yet, but i’ve come to appreciate it instead. i’v inary-commencement/ career -and-finance/how-to-find-your-calling/ https://grottonetwork -find-your-calling/ career -and-finance/how-to-find-your-calling/ https://grottonetwork ing ourselves into careers we don’t enjoy ("navigating your career journey" by meruelo family center for career developmentmor avigating your career journey" by meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye week four). despite my mother being a appy in whichever pursuit i choose to follow. as of now the career is global economics focusing on the middle east. wherever t n statement is a guide map for my life. although my overall career or surroundings may change, my core values and inspirations eractive assessment activity ” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four) (“week five discernment c my sheer stubbornness and determination to pursue a future career in medicine to help sick individuals. it is crucial to unde research. i am in no rush to make the decision between the career choices, but i know whichever i choose will be to serve tho my development at notre dame, but also beyond my collegiate career . the resources provided by our moreau class have helped me rt zone and into independent learning and thinking about my career goals, societal flaws, and deeper questions about my faith. ers (week 13, developing a mission). in order to achieve my career goals, i must be comfortable with self-reflection, so i can lection, so i can clearly discern where i want to pursue my career and discover where my passions lie. in completing the “paus ou realize it at the time or not!”(merulo family center for career development – moreau fye week 4). it is important to rememb ve honest conversations about how my values align with this career , and where i may face difficulties. in my profession, i hop incorporate my mission statement into my life is through my career . i want a job where i can do good for others, and thus be p work as a human rights lawyer (“exploring a life well-lived career development reflection” by merulo family center for career career development reflection” by merulo family center for career development moreau fye week four). specifically, i think i ues, interests, personality, and skills,” (“navigating your career journey” moreau fye week 4). she was never bored and always ould work for several start-ups throughout her professional career and stayed in the midwest until the age of 26, when she pac y past, current, and future mindset and goals of my college career . the first of these encounters was the formation of my frie tood that my passion for helping others can coincide with a career in medicine in order to help me live a life of meaning and ife, etc. through this attribute of mine, i realized that a career in medicine will allow me to use my strengths of kindness, // richardson 2 pursue a career in medicine where i can hopefully conduct research but also ster: “just get out and experience life!” (“navigating your career journey” by merulo family center for career development mor navigating your career journey” by merulo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). this determination to exper everyone should do this in order to determine their future career . one issue i find, however, is that i tend to utilize techn oes not determine the rest of your life” ( “navigating your career journey” (meruelo family center for career development) mor “navigating your career journey” (meruelo family center for career development) moreau fye week 4). while i do understand the ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ built my ability to adjust, which are fundamental life and career skills. once i adjusted into the community, i wanted to bet continue to guide me morally while i take on a challenging career field, constructed for the demographic that makes up the ma swer surprised me. i thought she would comment on something career oriented because that is such a large part of a college stu t, it would be irrational to ignore what i am made for in a career as a college student. after all, it is one of the reasons i nal mathematics and statistics major. this is not a typical career path acknowledged for helping others like a doctor or an ed arios, but it will also be applicable in what i am made for career -wise. 10/10/21 moreau integration values that transform the e brought out vulnerability. as brene brown talks about her career in social work she mentions that she was taught to, “lean i als academically, socially, mentally, and physically. as my career , i hope to do research in healthcare to advance medicine an things that they’ve career -and-finance/how-to-find-your-calling/ https://grottonetwork i have now completed almost a whole semester of my college career , and this new, ongoing chapter of my story of life has intr anything and everything, whether it is hope to accomplish a career goal or something as broad as hope for a good life. i reall everyone else, nor do i have the clearest idea of my future career goals, but i do know that i am an amazing person. like all tomorrow, and i look forward to finding joy in my life. my career is always going to be an integral part of my life. your job ng you love you will be a very happy person. “planning your career is much like planning for a trip”(“navigating your career j r career is much like planning for a trip”(“navigating your career journey” by ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ merulo center for career development more /navigating-your-career-journey---moreau/ merulo center for career development moreau fye week four). i know my desired career career development moreau fye week four). i know my desired career will be a difficult journey but is a journey i am excited t l important aspects of what i want to do. i want to have my career so i can provide a life for the people i love and accomplis ersity of notre dame is going to enable me to achieve these career and life goals and i am eternally grateful for the opportun to be my philosophy. the very first encounter of my college career began before i even stepped foot on campus. i was accepted s so thoroughly joyful. in college, she struggled to find a career path and was overcome by anxiety about her future, as she f here but there is a ‘best major for you’” ("navigating your career journey” (meruelo family center for career development more "navigating your career journey” (meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). while this quote pertained pment moreau fye week 4). while this quote pertained to her career exploration, it can be broadened to extend to all aspects o is is what gives her the affinity for teaching, because her career path aligned with her values: equality, education, and the for me. i got extremely homesick, and was stressed about my career choice and future plans. i received an amazing support from ng about changing majors, and deciding some things about my career in the future. things got out of hand, and i was so overwhe rced to quit the sports i had built my life around due to a career ending injury. believe it or not, that’s the sparknotes ver , as i reflect on the first thirteen weeks of my notre dame career , i feel that i can say with complete confidence that they h possibly can. years ago, i chose my undergraduate major and career because of this strong belief. i majored in political scien majored in political science and pursued a very successful career in law. i used my law degree to serve and represent individ vable sign that i lived a life well-lived is that i chose a career that challenges and brings me out of my comfort zone. as fa ichael himes moreau fye week three). i successfully chose a career that allows me to both serve others and, at the same time, t and one of my life goals was to find a balance between my career /academics and personal life. i am proud to say that i did s riley 3 process, however, of determining and solidifying my career , it was important to be aware of the fact that it takes tim come to a final decision. as it states in “navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course” , “it’s not a e course” , “it’s not a one-step process” (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course” moreau fye wee e course” moreau fye week four). the process of selecting a career is not a “one-step process”. it is, instead, a series of fo is class sometimes put forward materials i didn’t love, the career stuff was very helpful, especially through the lens of disc ions,” father michael himes, moreau fye week 3). taking the career center survey helped me understand that i might not have on y helped me understand that i might not have one continuous career , and that’s okay (meruelo career center, moreau fye week 4) ht not have one continuous career, and that’s okay (meruelo career center, moreau fye week 4). speaking with my cousin emma he ellbeing, as well as give me additional skills to use in my career . i attempt to play every role in my life wholeheartedly, wi an overall well lived life. yet one major attribute is our career . i believe that having a successful and fulfilling career i r career. i believe that having a successful and fulfilling career is necessary to living life well. i will be expected to pro out — what majors and minors to pick up and therefore what career paths will be available to me. in week four of moreau, we e in week four of moreau, we examined some resources from the career development center in which they acknowledged that “there s ly held belief in our society that a major equals a certain career path” (“navigating your career journey” from meruelo center hat a major equals a certain career path” (“navigating your career journey” from meruelo center for career development undergr ” (“navigating your career journey” from meruelo center for career development undergraduate career services moreau fye week f y” from meruelo center for career development undergraduate career services moreau fye week four). however, they also reassure is idea for me that my one major doesn’t dictate a specific career path. i hope that my excitement about it as well as the fle t it as well as the flexibility in the major and someday my career will help me lead a fulfilling work life. in the future thr r makes me less stressed. throughout the rest of my college career , i want to learn when to put my phone down and how to do my ne” by his holiness pope francis, week 7 2 “navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development, w avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development, week 4 /transcript career -journey---moreau/ better that work will be, most often.5 i uch an important interest of mine is why i want to pursue a career in this field. this semester, i discovered that i am not al elp others in the future. i aspire to seek new passions and career aspirations through my higher education. i hope to be enlig does not determine the rest of your life” (navigating your career journey moreau fye week 4). we can have broader passions in h-rs30/edit career -journey---moreau/ ed in studying environmental engineering. later, while at a career development presentation for my engineering class, the pres final weeks of this semester and in the rest of my college career , i hope to avoid creating expectations and simply practice ing everyone in my life what i intended my major and future career to be, i found myself tied to that statement as if it was a es, and directs me as i try to better myself and advance my career .” i have always felt that believing in my faith has given m important part of my life—more important than my major, my career , and even my family—is my relationship with god. and since ues and resume virtues. in the constant haste to achieve my career goals and dreams, i often focused on building my hard and s college, and an eighth of the way through my undergraduate career . so far, this semester has been one the most challenging, r e dame and use them to advance the gospel and work toward a career in social service that will assist the underprivileged in t ally in other developing nations. my life is more than just career success, it is about serving others and acting in accompani n my life. they made me realize how truly possible a future career in such fields could be, and they truly taught me that such understanding of life the first couple months of my college career consisted of a few, simple things: excitement, failure, and e “the lowdown” for the next year and a half of my academic career . these upperclassmen spent over an hour of their time helpi ans. i will keep this in mind for the rest of my notre dame career , helping out the incoming freshman in the different ways th understanding of life the first couple months of my college career consisted of a few, simple things: excitement, failure, and e “the lowdown” for the next year and a half of my academic career . these upperclassmen spent over an hour of their time helpi ans. i will keep this in mind for the rest of my notre dame career , helping out the incoming freshman in the different ways th had a plaque of it on his desk for every day of his working career . notre dame is a place peter forever loved which inspired h ty whether it be his work, school, home, or family. peter’s career was something that was very important to him. working in fi realized that goal after graduating college. “planning your career is much like planning for a trip” (“navigating your career career is much like planning for a trip” (“navigating your career journey” by merulo center for career development moreau fye rip” (“navigating your career journey” by merulo center for career development moreau fye week four). peter planned out what w four). peter planned out what was necessary to advance his career in a very methodical way. he https://notredame.hosted.panop ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ worked hard on what was required of him b ake new friends not to add names to a network for linkedin. career planning is not an easy job but it was a job peter knew he h better than we found it. i hope that this manifests in my career path, where i hope to help those struggling in health throu sor chan am i good enough? am i capable of excelling in the career path that i intend to pursue? questions such as these are p out the types of engineering disciplines nor did i know the career paths available for environmental engineers specifically. t interests, and practical with his skills (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). he valued structure over b9500c9ecd9 career -journey---moreau/ ten at times hard to remember to live for myself and not my career goals. david brooks, in his speech “should you live for you scovered clarity in another part of my life, relating to my career choices and what i feel called to do. when i began looking ould have different options to choose from and discern what career path i want. midway through my senior year, i settled on th nd i hope to be a director of either medium (or both) as my career . part of the reason i chose notre dame was because of the o s, struggling to meet new people, unsure of my major and my career , and not even sure if i was in the right place. in my mind, s later in life. with so much unknown about my major and my career , i have to put my faith in god and hope for success and hap tural for someone to want the most successful achievements, career , or resume. i will use new skills learned on campus, especi ded by people who have found meaning in their major, clubs, career , or religion. as a catholic institution, notre dame finds m ect on what one truly values early on in his or her college career . as i think about what i value in my life, my faith makes t when thinking about how to live a well-lived life is that “ career satisfaction/success depends in part on how well a person c art on how well a person can identify and implement his/her career self-concept, which is comprised of your values, interests, lues, interests, personality, and skills.” (navigating your career journeymoreau fye week 4) we can come to understand these t ifficulties and successes of life in regards to not only my career but also to my future at notre dame will greatly enable me she experienced in relation to the beginning of her college career , in which the version of college that she had envisioned, f moreau fye week ten). i found myself approaching my college career while i was still suffering from past issues, and it wasn’t ifficulties and successes of life in regards to not only my career but also to my future at notre dame, i will be better able e also getting used to a new place, starting a new academic career , and learning how to adjust to life away from home [...]” ( tion to our problems. i’ve found plenty of ways to pursue a career in public health here, something i was incredibly worried a ight). one major way my life will be shaped is by my future career , and i want to make sure i do something with the rest of my ality traits, and skills, and how i can combine them into a career . the interactive assessment activity affirmed my desire to desire to interact with others and help others in my future career ("career development reflection" by meruelo family center f interact with others and help others in my future career (" career development reflection" by meruelo family center for career career development reflection" by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). i also had a conversatio at is very important to me to address in my life and future career are systemic injustices regarding race, identity, sex, and s getting my master’s in social work. so my entire academic career has been surrounded by people who kind of believed the “lif son, it is important to align your eulogy virtues with your career goals. i believe that notre dame is bettering my faith, min eventually passing. i never even thought of exploring other career options; i was focused on a singular path and was determine ape my life into one that is better lived (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). m_id=168039 career -journey---moreau/ anderson 3 living a life well lived also eek 9). there have been unforgettable moments in my college career so far, and i stay excited for the next day, week, and four t do i want”? with where i am going with my major, and what career i intend to join, i have few answers to. julia hogan, of gr one specific experience i can point to was during my soccer career . i was on a team that i had played for for over 12 years, b use i want to learn in order to apply knowledge to a future career . i am also on the cusp of entering the real world, and life from her family and friends. she put a lot of time into her career , but she always left time for family game nights and making n”moreau qqc week 2). despite achieving great things in her career , she always knew that it was not the accolades and accompli n her freshman year, leigh knew that she wanted to pursue a career in business, but she was unsure of which specific area to m and take action” into her thought process (“navigating your career journey”moreau qqc week 4). leigh also utilized this way of nload_frd=1 career -journey---moreau/ figure out where i want to further myself in regards to my career , interests, and social life. untitled document how college that it is important to follow personal desires and make a career out of that, but i also think it is equally or more importa during my childhood, i would go through phases of different career ideas that i wanted to pursue. in the beginning, like every ed me to believe that i would be able to pursue an athletic career . i played on the jr. nba team in china, i was athlete of th pact on the world too. being a consultant is only the first career that i want, as it composes of helping people and solving p confident about psychiatry being a suitable and fulfilling career because my primary strength is social intelligence. i belie rtunity to step back and reflect on where i want my college career to go. i started my journey in august with hardly any knowl and what i am meant to do with my life. i hope to pursue a career that aligns with my interests and brings a sense of joy int sense of joy into my life. while i do not know exactly what career path i want to pursue at the moment, i know that is a proce d i do not need to have it all figured out yet. finding the career that fits me best will take time and trying different thing e resources the school has to offer in assisting me with my career . regardless of the career path i take, i hope to have a job to offer in assisting me with my career. regardless of the career path i take, i hope to have a job that brings me joy and al b that brings me joy and allows me to help others. i know a career that provides me with this sense of joy will push me to wor ree). however, my life well-lived does not center around my career , as there are many other roles i play in my life from siste l, it can sometimes feel like i am solely working towards a career , it is important to remember that, “it’s only by stepping f r that i seriously know would be viable and fulfilling as a career . i have been able to be honest with myself and realize not that many people feel that they are unable to pursue their career of choice. i have learned from the “failures” of people who people have for many finance majors. i would rather pick a career that is more fulfilling for me. in the future, i will conti ward. in addition, as told by the meruelo family center for career development, it is crucial to keep in mind that it’s not always linear” (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development – moreau fye week 4) . having an open mind abou that will be beneficial throughout the rest of my academic career . while it is important to approach challenges with an open ith this, i career -journey---moreau/ rvice have guided kiersten dehaven ’14 throughout her young career ” (“the domer dozen” by the notre dame alumni association – any questions. what do i want my major to be? what about my career ? what do i want to do with life? what classes should i take ruy discerning and guiding me in the right direction for my career goals as well as provide a catalyst in my passion to use my ut my life and especially make it a center in discerning my career path in a way that will embrace every human being rather th the lives of others. this has led me to aspire to pursue a career in the medical field in which i can use my passions as a me support the health of others. this process of discerning a career is further addressed in an article by the meruelo center fo s further addressed in an article by the meruelo center for career development, “he contended that career satisfaction/success e meruelo center for career development, “he contended that career satisfaction/success depends in part on how well a person c art on how well a person can identify and implement his/her career self-concept, which is comprised of your values, interests, ues, interests, personality, and skills.” ("navigating your career journey" by meruelo family center for career developmentmor avigating your career journey" by meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye week 4). therefore, i have come to kn t components in living an enriched life involves choosing a career that coincides with my own values and therefore allows me t fe involves career -journey---moreau/ experiencing a ome in my life not only in school but as i continue into my career path. i have also seen first hand the gender differences be goals. my time at notre dame has also made me reevaluate my career goals. initially, financial stability was the driving force tially, financial stability was the driving force behind my career goals. i wanted money when i graduated so that my family an moreau fye week 10). i realized that i wanted to combine a career in finance with my goal of facilitating the globe’s transit y sources. i quickly realized that this was a very feasible career path after seeing opportunities from the wall street club w myself the breadth of knowledge necessary to pursue my new career path. i plan to apply to lead an unleashed project in upcom that lies for me is one of greatness and success, not only career -wise but also community-wise. i want to be able to use my m ronger character will help me to more effectively pursue my career goals—maybe to ace an interview or gain better connections— helping others is my purpose in life. throughout my school career , i’ve found that i’ve been able to do well in my math and s nd math as a child, the thing that made me truly long for a career in engineering was the fact that it would allow me to pursu sion of myself by helping others through my work. to me, no career is worthwhile if it is not impacting someone for the better ge experience and for the rest of my life, as i aspire to a career in the field of prosthetics or artificial organs. i plan to ready found ways to make positive change in the world in my career field through e-nable, an act of service i never would have werful as the academic knowledge that i am acquiring for my career . i have realized that the important people in my life prior fying relationships i had missed for most of my high school career . thankfully both experience and moreau have taught me what s that it is vital that you remain openminded to changing a career path even if it is hard to do. at the end of the day you ar be most successful doing what you love. “there are so many career paths and industries out there that it’s best not to limit imit yourself too much right off the bat” ("navigating your career path" by meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau ("navigating your career path" by meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye week four). she always reminded peopl at others wanted. regardless of the fact that my highschool career was spliced by the covid-19 pandemic, the isolated second h pe me as a person and student over the course of my college career . the things that i have already encountered in my short tim satisfied. encountering these issues early on in my college career has prepared me to have confidence, while allowing my educa s me with professors who will help me with the future of my career . geddes hall, which gives me that little caffeine boost in etter place. “the place we go from” as i entered my college career here at notre dame i came in with my own set of beliefs and ife, i think many people turn their attention towards their career path. however, te honest, the financial stability i will gain through that career is quite an important factor, as the medical field is quite orts. this will be my goal for the next years of my college career . moreau integration ii professor hnatusko moreau fye 3 dece , i set myself some high expectations as far as my academic career has gone and it hasn’t really worked out for me. i’ve overs ill allow me to maintain with myself will also influence my career journey. essentially, by honestly acknowledging my talents, ls, i can pursue a path to a fulfilling professional life: “ career satisfaction/success depends in part on how well a person c art on how well a person can identify and implement his/her career self-concept, which is comprised of your values, interests, lues, interests, personality, and skills” (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). the modules for this sem oration as some of the features that i would like my future career to include (“career development reflection activity” by the he features that i would like my future career to include (“ career development reflection activity” by the meruelo family cent pment reflection activity” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four), and during week five, co -wrong-way/ career -journey---moreau/ thrive off of intellectual stimulation and am looking for a career that often presents changes and new challenges. though i ha changes and new challenges. though i have narrowed down the career options i am most eager to pursue as either a career in med wn the career options i am most eager to pursue as either a career in medicine or a career in academia and scientific research am most eager to pursue as either a career in medicine or a career in academia and scientific research, i am still in the proc tific research, i am still in the process of debating which career path best suits me, and i know that this ongoing reflection ’s or even c’s. this realization has also helped me with my career discernment as i try to understand what i want to do with m ter. this may even be the path in which god leads me for my career . i am certainly open to it. ultimately, my thanksgiving bre waiting for things to happen. starting with exploration, a career is definitely a way to do so (meruelo family center for car eer is definitely a way to do so (meruelo family center for career development activities). of course, having a good career do or career development activities). of course, having a good career does not lead to fulfillment, but it is a good way to disco will die” by the new york times – moreau fye week three) (“ career development reflection” by notre dame – moreau week four) ( what i satisfies me, in terms of relationships, studies and career . right now, i believe i have all the answers to these three it’s weird how i am leaving out economics, my major), and a career in financial services (probably starting in investment bank tudents, and the way in which they may pick their major and career paths based on the expectations of their parents. personall es, and directs me as i try to better myself and advance my career .” i have always felt that believing in my faith has given m d how i can make an impact in the life of others through my career choice. to conclude, letting yourself be vulnerable is a si nderstanding of our career -and-finance/how-to-find-your-calling/ https://grottonetwork ring out where my passions lie and what i want to do for my career , i have doubts on if i am doing the right thing. i wonder w pose. although i am still in the early stages of my college career , i am grateful for the amazing experiences i have already h e, so i did everything that i could to prepare myself for a career in that field. i volunteered at hospitals, shadowed doctors oreau myself that the most important thing is that i find a career that i am passionate about. if that career is medicine, gre is that i find a career that i am passionate about. if that career is medicine, great. if it isn’t medicine, that doesn’t mean irtues that must truly define me. throughout my high school career , it sometimes felt like my only goal was to earn impeccable so i could get into a top university and purse a successful career in engineering. while this pursuit is not necessarily a bad ied as a finance major. however, learning about the various career options in the finance sector was very tempting to pull me nclusion that it is crucial for me to pursue a professional career that works for the betterment of others. notre dame’s tagli does not determine the rest of your life” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career developmentmor avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye spring week four). as a highschooler, work ethics are what defines someone in their professional career . i am incredibly grateful to have my dad as a mentor during spring_2022 career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ while i learned great amounts from what k this purpose could mean many things. first, it involves my career , as that is what a large portion of our lives is centered a etely certain about it. it is important to me that i find a career that supports my state of living comfortably, allows me to one really knows, for sure, what they want to do for their career . everyone simply applies for jobs, works, adapts, switches ather kevin grovemoreau fye week five). in order to find my career , i need to follow my passion, but first i have to find what can lead me towards an intellectually curious and impactful career , i need creativity more to foster relationships of love in ionships of love in my life. no matter where i end up in my career , i want to put love, and consequently happiness, first. thi love. and that is that i like to code. in ‘navigating your career journey’ they state ​​“what do you find yourself losing you you find yourself losing yourself in ?” ( “navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four), and i find that i lose m ether you realize it at the time or not!” ("navigating your career journey" by meruelo family ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ center for career development moreau fye center for career development moreau fye week four). when having moments for com/why-we-need-a-secular-sabbath/ mckenzie in deciding her career . we all know her as the caring, hardworking, local orthodon it wasn’t an easy decision in getting there. “planning your career is much like planning for a trip. there are many details an nd research. it’s not a one-step process” (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course” by undergradua urney moreau first year experience course” by undergraduate career services moreau fye week four). mckenzie understood how imp dontia was her passion and calling. she ended up choosing a career in a field that had an impact on her childhood. mckenzie ha childhood. mckenzie has made an impact on many through her career , the same way her orthodontist impacted and influenced her. same way her orthodontist impacted and influenced her. this career fit her wholeheartedly, and she was able to dedicate enough ich allowed career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ truly important to me and whether this fit into my planned career . i felt that if i continuously asked these questions, i wou u fye week 3). when i was directed to think about my future career plans, the career center’s activities eased my concerns. on n i was directed to think about my future career plans, the career center’s activities eased my concerns. once i heard that “p ivities eased my concerns. once i heard that “planning your career is much like planning for a trip,” i was reassured that i d did not have to decide immediately (text: "navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – moreau fye week 4). i felt that some pressure lt that some pressure was alleviated as i could break up my career search into smaller components. a great place to have start miserable and rich. this creates my biggest goal: finding a career that makes me both happy and rich. the quote, “...we all kn belief number three: i believe that my purpose is to find a career that i am passionate about and truly love doing. this belie e smart decision and apply for a computer science degree, a career that would provide me with stability in my life. now at col ing solidarity and support to my communities. whether in my career , in relationships, or in everyday life, making the world a of many; i hope to achieve this by committing to change. a career that is worthwhile in life must be one that creates change. by dr. paul blaschko, moreau fye week eleven) as a hopeful career policymaker or litigator, it is necessary that i listen to ugh experience – as stated by the meruelo family center for career development, “every experience shapes you in some way, whet ether you realize it at the time or not!” ("navigating your career journey" by meruelo family center for career development, m avigating your career journey" by meruelo family center for career development, moreau fye week four) every experience, whethe nel=thinknd career -journey---moreau/ musgrave 3 law, as reminded by a discernm lived. another aspect of my mission statement touched on my career discernment process and finding the balance between becomin d behavior, and use this information to thoroughly assess a career path which would fit my unique profile. this is further rei t my unique profile. this is further reinforced by text the career center released. “he contended that career satisfaction/suc rced by text the career center released. “he contended that career satisfaction/success depends in part on how well a person c art on how well a person can identify and implement his/her career self-concept, which is comprised of your values, interests, ues, interests, personality, and skills'' (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). this concept was integra g strong interpersonal relationships, pursuing a fulfilling career , and being good to other people” (“mission statement” by mo oals, the first thing that comes to mind is educational and career goals. “we also view studying what you love as highly pract t leads to better post-graduate outcomes.” (navigating your career journey moreau fye week 4). i have chosen to major in polit dame alumni association’s domer dozen moreau fye week 2). a career like this seems much more fulfilling than selling out to ma ct on people’s daily lives and above all, no matter what my career entails, i want to help people. with my catholic faith, i w he relationships i have with them. if i pursue a meaningful career helping others and show love and care for each person i enc ing between stages as you learn and grow” (“navigating your career journey” from the meruelo family center for career developm ing your career journey” from the meruelo family center for career development – moreau fye week four). it can be easy to feel ive action” career -journey---moreau/ does not determine the rest of your life.” (navigating your career journey moreau fye week 4). after college, we are not oblig l, and more career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ f the year and am sure i am taking the pre-med track for my career . instead of feeling dissatisfied and disappointed with ours urich). 2 when thinking about what i want for my future and career , i know what i want to do but i know that it is possible fo uestion really resonated with me in that i want to pursue a career that i know i will truly enjoy and want to do because i wan use i want to do it myself not because it is a “successful” career or because someone else expects me to. while hard, i really second question, i had to ask myself if i can approach the career that i am pursuing, pre-med in neuroscience, an environment ther people’s direction and i believe that this is the only career i can see myself in. i want to positively impact others in waters just get out and experience life!” (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). with the notions of living h-rs30/edit career -journey---moreau/ found support in an article from the notre dame center for career development which said, “we view studying what you love as keep me grounded to who i want to be. this brings me to my career and how i can implement not only my character and values to ery hard thing for me to cope with as i want to pursue this career . for doctors it seems very simple because their job is to ` to `help others”, but i want to figure out how i can use my career for the best. “every experience shapes you in some way, whe ether you realize it at the time or not!” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). i truly believe this and eeling beaten down. despite all the effort i had put in, no career spoke to me. after a few minutes of sulking, i decided to c r does not determine where you go in life (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). he told me that no matter h ision might appear to be right now, you will find the right career eventually. his readiness to pick up that phone and be vuln f you end up having a really great time!” (“navigating your career journey” by muerelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by muerelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). chris was always trying to dules/17101 career -journey---moreau/ games and heckle opposing goalies and he waters just get out and experience life!” (“navigating your career journey” by notre dame moreau fye week 4). as this quote sa inspired by the lesson he experienced early in his college career : “the only way to know more about yourself is to test the w ut to embody this state of life every day (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). he took time to evaluate hi login-email career -journey---moreau/ rtunities present themselves. i don’t particularly desire a career in politics, but i do believe i should be vocal about the c ust get out and experience life” (meruelo family center for career services – moreau fye week 4). although as of this moment i 4). although as of this moment i have a desire to pursue a career in finance, i have considered all sorts of options, includi ing on the phone with her friends. i want to be happy in my career (i’ll have the best snacks there too). i want to use my kno the best snacks there too). i want to use my knowledge and career to give back to my community. i want to make service a part ek 4 of moreau, we explored a life well-lived by looking at career paths. the career center writes, “there seems to be a commo explored a life well-lived by looking at career paths. the career center writes, “there seems to be a commonly held belief th ld belief that in our society that a major equals a certain career path,” ("navigating your career journey" by mereulo center at a major equals a certain career path,” ("navigating your career journey" by mereulo center for career development moreau fy h,” ("navigating your career journey" by mereulo center for career development moreau fye week 4). this was refreshing to read now that i can make a path for myself to move forward in my career . in week 5 of moreau, we discerned how to live a life well- what will i do to pursue it? well, notre dame’s center for career development says that these choices should be based on my v interests, personality, and skills(vips) (“navigating your career journey” by notre dame ccdmoreau fye week 4). this certainl and a representation of who i was. notre dame’s center for career development says that these options should be framed around interests, personality, and skills(vips). (“navigating your career journey” by notre dame ccdmoreau fye week 4) these certainl ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ guide me in a life well-lived, and be wri oreau fye week twelve). as i continue throughout my college career , i hope to develop my cultural awareness through tesol; i h surgeon in his hometown. i would say that his education and career were his greatest accomplishments, but that claim would ove but biology courses come fairly easy to me. in this way, my career is directly related to something that i am good at, and thi h week of the moreau class, the topic of classes shifted to career talks. currently, it is my goal to become a doctor. with th lot of stress in my classes. the meruelo family center for career development helped me understand that not everything is do t everything is do or die as an undergrad (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). completing this activity he o realize that i still have time to change my mind about my career . so while right now i see myself becoming a doctor, i still truly started to think about dentistry or orthodontics as a career choice. i enjoy working with my hands, creating things, and ther or not i should do rotc for the entirety of my college career , a question i’ve been mulling over for a while now. in week a while now. in weeks four and five, we talked about future career choices, and took a couple of career tests. the vips (value we talked about future career choices, and took a couple of career tests. the vips (values interests personality skills) seeme professionally. i need to do a better job of accessing the career resources available to me so i can ensure that what i am ge nt to do for the rest of my life. in moreau week 4, we took career surveys and read about the career search opportunities here in moreau week 4, we took career surveys and read about the career search opportunities here at notre dame. this quote is some ersonality, and skills (vips) before you can make effective career choices. the only way to know more about yourself is to tes waters just get out and experience life!” (navigating your career journey by the meruelo family center for career development gating your career journey by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). i plan on pursuing opportun homore year and line up a job before i leave notre dame. my career is something that can feel daunting, but i need to overcome ike long before she met him in college. he didn’t know what career he would have yet or that he would become the first person yone, pope francis, moreau week seven ] [5: navigating your career journey, meruelo center, moreau week four ] “even more than ey, meruelo center, moreau week four ] “even more than what career he would have, my father cared about what friends he would t what brought me joy to do, while also finding the perfect career at would allow me to do the things i enjoy while maximizing hink that concept means to me. i remember when we had to do career discernment activities during moreau, which was not useful ld surely be ahead of college (“exploring a life well-lived career development reflection” by meruelo family center for career career development reflection” by meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye week fourth). i wanted to live my ver you realize it at the time or not!” (text: "navigating your career journey” (meruelo family center for career development) wee "navigating your career journey” (meruelo family center for career development) week 4) while i may feel like there is little tems/143779 career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ thinking about what i should do that makes me happy or what career path i should follow in the future that is a passion of min nefits my community and those around me? i want to choose a career that can put these goals into action. the classes i’ve take economics and finance, and i have found how i can use these career paths to help make the world a better place; for example, b standard in our country can be maximized (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). most importantly, i have helpful reaching out to notre dame graduates in my planned career path and seeing how they utilize their knowledge to do grea university. career -journey---moreau/ .” (“domer dozen” by dr. rene bermea fye moreau week 2). my career offers me an opportunity to impact many others’ lives on a or negatively every single day by our surroundings. as the career development center says, “every experience shapes you in so hether you realize it at the time or not” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development fy avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development fye moreau week 4). we have little control over /transcript career -journey---moreau/ live the good life. however, it is also i does. it wasn’t until she read a letter from the center for career development, in which they mentioned that “contrary to popu does not determine the rest of your life” (“navigating your career journey” by moreau first year experience course moreau fye fr. michael himes moreau fye week three) (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course” by undergradua urney moreau first year experience course” by undergraduate career services moreau fye week four) (“the right way to be intros m_id=149885 career -journey---moreau/ hey have lived a great life. prince wasn’t really sure what career he wanted to pursue for the rest of his life but whatever i aningful not only to himself but others too. “planning your career is much like planning a trip.” he struggled early on to fin e planning a trip.” he struggled early on to find the right career path for him. during his time at notre dame, this quote stu ned trips all the time but it was nothing like planning his career out. eventually, he found something that he enjoyed and did ce in their lives. in week 4 of moreau, i began to consider career opportunities and received great advice from a mereulo cent d to connect with doctors in my community (“navigating your career journey – moreau first year experience course,” by mereulo first year experience course,” by mereulo family center for career development, development, career -journey---moreau/, moreau fye week 4). by speaking to older . i also spoke to my mom for advice on discerning my future career in week 5 (“week five discernment conversation activity” by ernment conversation activity” by mereulo family center for career development, s i am very career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ ts and continuing to pursue them until i arrive at my final career destination. i will continue to pursue my passions by study ing others using my talents. in the midst of chasing my own career goals, i will prioritize my relationships with others above hether you realize it at the time or not” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). nolan took every opportu ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ do in life ( career -journey---moreau/ by notre dame, moreau week 4 fye). while -wrong-way/ career -journey---moreau/ that simply goes to show that while jobs , christian was working diligently to build up a successful career . when he started at notre dame, there was a fire in him tha illed financial professional, though the meruelo center for career development made him realize that he wasn’t “deciding his c r development made him realize that he wasn’t “deciding his career path when picking his major” (meruelo). instead, the univer by father michael himes moreau week three “navigating your career journey” by the meruelo center for career development morea “navigating your career journey” by the meruelo center for career development moreau week four “discerning a life well-lived” m_id=143473 career -journey---moreau/ be treated. tom made a difference in the world through his career . he chose to use his talents in engineering in order to con ving the environment from climate change. when choosing his career he kept the idea of the need of the community in mind: “wha e attention to what he felt his community needed during his career . he decided that it was important to him and to his communi on a solution to the climate change crisis. this was a good career for tom since he enjoyed his job because of his love for en order to select to study engineering in order to enable his career , tom had to consider a few different factors. he kept in mi there but there is a ‘best major for you’”(“navigating your career journey” by undergraduate career services-moreau https://ww for you’”(“navigating your career journey” by undergraduate career services-moreau m_id=149885 career -journey---moreau/ fye week 4). he realized that careers are 4). he realized that careers are not one size fits all. one career that works well for someone’s talents may not work for anot correct decision. another factor that helped him decide his career path was a conversation with his good friend (moreau fye we strived to treat others with love and kindness. he chose a career that strived to help the community rather than taking a hig ward, no matter how long my mission takes. “navigating your career journey by meruelo family center for career developmentmore navigating your career journey by meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye week four) that does not mean i won’t out/mission career -journey---moreau/ ersonality, and skills (vips) before you can make effective career choices.” (navigating your career journey – moreau fye week re you can make effective career choices.” (navigating your career journey – moreau fye week four) annie never had clear vips. then, when i graduate in 2025, i’ll decide how to start my career path. throughout the process of navigating any major decisi gs me joy, what i’m good at, and what others need. an ideal career will enable me to do d at in order to serve others. it is very important that my career brings me joy because “contentment is an obstacle. joy alwa her people. another method of selecting a field of study or career path is to familiarize myself with my personal vips (values personality, and skills). i also hope to utilize all of the career -related resources here at notre dame, so that i can confide d of discernment extends throughout my entire life because “ career development is a process and a journey. if you actively eng establish a satisfying professional life” (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). i plan to fully engage i engage in this process so that i am satisfied with my work career at the end of my life. even with all the resources availabl m_id=143819 career -journey---moreau/ ersonality, and skills (vips) before you can make effective career choices.”(navigating your career journey”(meruelo family ce ore you can make effective career choices.”(navigating your career journey”(meruelo family center for career development-morea ”(navigating your career journey”(meruelo family center for career development-moreau week four). if you don’t want to lose si ether you realize it at the time or not!” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four), they really do and if i inevitable, career -journey---moreau/ st get out and experience life!” (meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4) i agree with this as rarely s as rarely does one know exactly what they want to do as a career and in life. a teacher of mine once told me that during her s it took her three years to finally decide on her specific career . although it took her more years than required she is now h have no other choice. however, for me, the decision on what career i wanted to pursue was decided before i entered college. it around us. and i will do so with the people i love and the career that i love. microsoft word soza-integration three.docx soz ho she wanted to become. not only was she successful in her career , but she worked to live a good life and become the best ver waters just get out and experience life!” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4) these opportunities presente opportunities presented themselves to her in her schooling, career , and thorough one of her favorite activities traveling. inf y to day and in the long run. the meruelo family center for career development agrees with this claim in the way that, “if you establish a satisfying professional life” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). in this light, the people a ws-qii/edit career -journey---moreau/ pepe 5 believe i lived a life well-lived gful life. in one text from class entitled “navigating your career journey,” d.a. luzzo writes, “after you leave nd, some of t action” (“around we go: the developmental process of making career decisions” by d.a. luzzo and l.e. severy moreau fye week fo rough acts of service in everyday life. i will succeed in a career that intertwines with direct service to others. in my commu ek three “around we go: the developmental process of making career decisions” by d.a. luzzo and l.e. severy moreau fye week fo . (2009). around we go: the developmental process of making career decisions. in making career decisions that count: a practic developmental process of making career decisions. in making career decisions that count: a practical guide (3rd ed.) (pp. 1-12 cation inc. career -journey---moreau/ reifenberg, prof. steve. teaching accompa he never let the fame, money, or success that came with his career get to his head, but rather, he used his line of work as a ow, despite all of the accolades he received in his medical career , he still was that same kid that i grew up alongside. he ne strong relationships he forged growing up. speaking of his career , i remember talking to tommy extensively when he was just s th he was called to pursue. i tried to tell him, as did the career center on campus at nd, to “relax and put aside the thought “relax and put aside the thought that you are deciding your career path when picking your major. it’s much more complex than t than that...but also much more exciting” (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). however, none of these word he needed to think more clearly and intentionally about his career decision. through this interaction, i came to understand ho faith but also his extraordinarily successful professional career . as many of us are familiar with, nd was the birthplace of ts values, interests, personality, and skills when making a career decision.” (“navigating your career journey” by nd center f nd skills when making a career decision.” (“navigating your career journey” by nd center for career development moreau fye wee cision.” (“navigating your career journey” by nd center for career development moreau fye week four) this is what defined liam ned liam for truly living a life well-lived, he gave up his career which had been his whole life and asked the difficult quest oyle moreau fye week seven) even with his dedication to his career , values, and community, liam always loved his wife and kids i can with my time on this earth, including social justice, career accomplishments, and raising a family. therefore, i must de the first section of this course, we learned that “the best career choices for a person are those that allow him/her to implem of his/her self-concept as possible” — (meruelo center for career development – moreau fye week four). however, as i have exa ree with this statement. i personally do not think that any career , working a nine to five job would be the best choice for me some related subject. i planned out the basic roadmap of my career : coming to notre dame, going to graduate school, and applyi rced to take a gap year during covid. indeed, “planning [a] career is much like planning for a trip… it’s not a one-step proce for a trip… it’s not a one-step process” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center – moreau fye week four). f for not knowing what i want to do in life. “planning your career is much like planning for a trip…it’s not a one step proces g for a trip…it’s not a one step process” (“navigating your career journey”-moreau fye week 4). there are many steps that i ne know that, throughout these next three years of my college career , and for the rest of my life, i will treasure these friends me for throughout the rest of my schooling and even my work career . however, i have yet to learn how to truly allow myself to that will recur throughout your lifetime” (“navigating your career journey” by ccd – moreau fye week four). in the beginning o gave his all in every endeavor in life, in his family life, career , and personal life. toby cherished his relationships with h s much as he did. toby also accomplished many things in his career , making major strides in the development of renewable energ ed by his personal values. he fully believed that “the best career choices for a person are those that allow him/her to implem of his/her self-concept as possible” — (meruelo center for career development – moreau fye week four). he inspired others to ss that spans a person’s entire lifetime” (“navigating your career journey” by undergraduate career services – moreau fye week ifetime” (“navigating your career journey” by undergraduate career services – moreau fye week four). what is so important to k /transcript career -journey---moreau/ thus, the end of august 2021 rolled aroun ife. what was she passionate about? what would she do for a career ? she didn’t even know her major at the beginning of school, group to serve, i want to do some work regarding finding my career direction. notice that i use the term direction instead of nd get involved / step 3: explore careers” (navigating your career journey meruelo family center for career development – more ” (navigating your career journey meruelo family center for career development – moreau fye week 4). during the summer, i will i will email my advisor right away! though trying to find a career direction is daunting, i rely on the support of my peers an with my friend ella moreau fye week five). moreover, as the career center stated, “the only way to know more about yourself is ers and trying all different new classes and things. in the career center article it talks about exploration and many other im e that does not feel like work every day. (“navigating your career journey” by career centermoreau fye week four) ultimately, l like work every day. (“navigating your career journey” by career centermoreau fye week four) ultimately, in “a grotto story, the better. career -journey---moreau/ e watersjust get out and experience life” (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course” by meruelo fam first year experience course” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). there is no other way to warr moreau career -journey---moreau/ chool, i will seek to learn and further my education for my career aspiration of being an orthodontist. by putting myself in a dom, and growth is key to a life well-lived. “planning your career is much like planning for a trip. there are many details an quires a lot of exploration and research” (“navigating your career journey” by undergraduate career services moreau fye week h esearch” (“navigating your career journey” by undergraduate career services moreau fye week tems/148014 career -journey---moreau/ williams 7 four). deciding on a career is ur-career-journey---moreau/ williams 7 four). deciding on a career is a very important decision and one i have not taken light one i have not taken lightly. the best way to figure out a career path is through experience. through experience, i will atta lub’s members and to seek more information about my desired career path. because of the information obtained thus far from bei oreau course concerning the importance of picking the right career , i have decided to shadow my orthodontist this summer to en ul that by shadowing i will obtain the same validation of a career path in orthodontia. in these next three years of college, tal club membership. by focusing on my future education and career , i am allowing myself to grow in wisdom and be better guide ts. this fall semester was the first time in my educational career that i didn’t take a history course. although i love learni tors i have begun to place a huge emphasis on in my college career , and i hope to continue to emphasize these skills in the fu ether you realize it at the time or not!” ("navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). thus, it was incredibly -wrong-way/ career -journey---moreau/ ived. i have had many epiphanies about what shape i want my career , social circle, introspection, and broader impact to take. e tells people in their first year that, “there are so many career paths and industries out there that it’s best not to limit mit yourself too much right off the bat,” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye two week four). along with my career career development moreau fye two week four). along with my career path is ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ my path of personality and growth. i thin aham, ny times moreau fye two week three) (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye two week four) (phone interview with ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ spiel dylan gave me when i asked what he wanted to do for a career . i’d let him go on for about ten minutes before i’d cut him gifts to help others with it (“exploring a life well-lived career development reflection” by meruelo family center for career career development reflection” by meruelo family center for career development, moreau fye week four). then he’d start talking n life is guaranteed and the best thing he could do for his career and future self is to stop worrying so much about it and li alues, interests, personality, and skills (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). he would convince us that t the chance to participate back in taiwan (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center — moreau fys experience w yourself that time you will gain so much” (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau week four). there was a period of time i f time in sophia’s underclassmen years when the prospect of career development scared her. she was greatly afraid of rejection rt of many of her classes, sophia was required to visit the career development center on campus, and she was pleasantly surpri ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ rand ambitions: google, wall street, startups. she wanted a career that would bring her great financial gain so that she would s at their own expense,’” she learned to be selfless in her career and did this through service to others. thank you everyone does not determine the rest of your life (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – moreau fye week 4). as a college student, i k e learned in moreau. exploring new and intriguing topics of career paths is essential to finding your purpose and proper growt om when making di�cult life decisions, such as academic and career discernment. my mom knows me better than anyone else, and e ade, i’ve always known that i want a stable and traditional career path. in middle school spanish class, when my teacher asked , have already started shaping your vips.” (navigating your career journey, meruelo center moreau week four) my experience gro untraditional workplace has made me appreciate traditional career paths. although i know my end goal is a traditional, stable paths. although i know my end goal is a traditional, stable career ; when i �rst came to college, i had no idea what i wanted t lines that it seemed impossible to pick just one to spend a career on. when i heard about pls, i knew it would be a perfect �t thoughts is career -journey---moreau/ rteen). i know this isn’t the classic “i’m going to do this career ” or “i’m going to volunteer and give back to the poor,” but does not determine the rest of your life” (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience” by the center for car eer journey moreau first year experience” by the center for career development moreau fye week four). this reassurance from th ng to a subject i love, then there’s got to be some sort of career that excites me within the field. i’m thankful for the answ ink about these questions, i will be able to find the right career path for me. maybe i feel like i’ve lost sight of my path, xw-h3i/edit career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ 2. time with friends and family i have al waters just get out and experience life!” (“navigating your career journey” moreau fye week four). this fueled his confidence e regarding career -journey---moreau/ able to be dedicated to his studies and excited about what career they could offer in the future knowing that he felt comfort he was capable of doing more, empowering his deep dive into career discernment. with a people first mindset carson wanted to r hether you realize it at the time or not!” (navigating your career journey, week 4) however, it is these blemishes that mark a holistic version of themselves: “the idea is that the best career choices for a person are those that allow him/her to implem y focuses on one or two parts of his/her self-concept for a career , that person will eventually hit a wall.” i myself am plann ever, my life doesn’t necessarily need to revolve around my career (though it will be a big part of it). this is why i particu y father michael himes – moreau fye week 3 “navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – moreau fye week 4 “week five discernment conv ading groups when she was asked to do so. ("navigating your career journey" by meruelo family center for career development – avigating your career journey" by meruelo family center for career development – moreau fye week four) this focus on growth gi tems/147286 career -journey---moreau/ side note: i didn’t incorporate actual qu gan and i can also say that the path the rest of my college career and life will lead has become a lot less clouded as a resul hing i plan on integrating into the remainder of my college career . the glass-half-full point of view is something that we all able town of south bend. way back in week 4 we talked about career opportunities, and one of the main pieces of advice was to to “ … just get out and experience life! ” (navigating your career journey by meruelo family center for career developmentmore navigating your career journey by meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye week 4). although it is seemingly sim ould not be lost as we move closer and closer to starting a career . this same message was carried even further by pope francis e at notre dame, and the future that lies beyond my college career i feel excitement. many feel fear, angst, and discomfort wi ly held belief in our society that a major equals a certain career path” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family c hat a major equals a certain career path” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – moreau fye week four). carson recognized that ngs you find passion in. as of now, i'm passionate about my career , family, and friends, so i've been trying to apply these in ing them concepts that they won't forget. to expand upon my career , i'm a finance and economics major, meaning that i deal wit a better place. i've begun integrating this mindset into my career choice, looking to combine the world of finance with sound there but there is a "best major for you "(“navigating your career journey” by merulo center for career development moreau fye you "(“navigating your career journey” by merulo center for career development moreau fye week 4). money makes the world go ar it is therefore my mission to use my talents, resources and career path to help others. (moreau fye week thirteen) as stated i ot forward in whatever you wind up doing. as the notre dame career center wrote, “the only way to know more about yourself is have already started shaping your vips. ” (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course” by meruelo fam first year experience course” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). i believe it is importan your mental career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ aspect of my life. this is true especially in regards to my career , passions, and relationships. i have always been someone wh ek 3). before arriving at notre dame, amidst my high school career , these questions of finding what truly excites me were answ ep out of my comfort zone and speak with others about their career . as one quote describes, “but you can only go so far with o eed to get a first hand perspective and talk with people in career fields of greatest interest to you. you will learn so much to you. you will learn so much by talking with someone in a career you are considering the good and the bad” (“navigating your you are considering the good and the bad” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). though only a first-year st career -journey---moreau/ in the future, i would love to have a job and tranquility. i remembered a quote from “navigating your career journey” that said “ it’s important to keep in mind that it imes week 3 career -journey---moreau/ by meruelo family center for career devel -your-career-journey---moreau/ by meruelo family center for career development week 4 complete "week five discernment conversa nload_frd=1 career -journey---moreau/ ere i am and what i am doing. i do not know the shape of my career , but i hope that these two principles flow into it in every esty, compassion, and directness that help us heal and see. career vision i am firmly committed to the idea that calling trans n i am firmly committed to the idea that calling transcends career . but this does not mean calling opposes or mutually exclude but this does not mean calling opposes or mutually excludes career ; it means calling defines career. the next three years will poses or mutually excludes career; it means calling defines career . the next three years will help me better define the genera ee years will help me better define the general focus of my career (such as a particular field), but i don’t think they will d perhaps even education. our own ucs says “planning for your career is much like planning for a trip,” so i think it is healthy e planning for a trip,” so i think it is healthy to view my career plans as a general road map for a journey that could take d here i did not even know of ahead of time (“navigating your career journey” by undergraduate career services — moreau fye week of time (“navigating your career journey” by undergraduate career services — moreau fye week four). i still find it difficult iscipline. it’s not only that i grew up with many different career intentions throughout my childhood — many people are like t but that’s because what fulfills it is yet to come. at the career level, however, this is a bit more mixed. i think there are helpful and unhelpful things about this restlessness in my career . i will consistently learn and apply my aptitudes across di e to do so. career -journey/ fr. michael himes — moreau fye week three “navigating your career journey” by undergraduate career services — moreau fye week eek three “navigating your career journey” by undergraduate career services — moreau fye week four “week five irishcompass act ce/22313725 career -journey/ why praise? the application loving others relying on others career vision courageous wisdom | wise courage being silent biblio ticness of the start to a busy week. jack wanted his future career to be integrated into the pursuit of a happy life, not hind dame, there are a significant amount of resources to aid in career discernment, but the biggest help to him was a very informa establish a satisfying professional life” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo center for career development moreau fy fe” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo center for career development moreau fye week four). this idea is crucial and all of your available resources to get the most out of your career is something that he has come to learn is essential. he wan hcomapss and linkedin, while also using other resources the career center offers moving forward. however, a career is not only sources the career center offers moving forward. however, a career is not only about professional success. rather, it is also ar-sabbath/ career -journey---moreau/ “happiness changes from moment to moment, e week three). this supports the central idea behind jack’s career discernment. he wanted to do something that would also brin do something that would also bring him joy as he realized a career without it would not lead to a life well-lived. while this s easy to say, it was not an easy process to identify which career choice would bring lasting joy. he began this process by pe ether you realize it at the time or not!” (“navigating your career journey” by moreau family center for career development mor navigating your career journey” by moreau family center for career development moreau fye week four). hannah was very experien -suffering/ career -journey---moreau/ help of my mentors, and they helped me vividly see that the career path i am currently on is a perfect fit for me. there are m skill sets and passions and many more. the “navigating your career journey” text by the meruelo family center for career devel your career journey” text by the meruelo family center for career development explained that “exploration helps us learn more ound this to be true this semester, as i explored different career possibilities during my discernment process. also, in compl y father micheal himes – moreau fye three. “navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development – moreau fye week four “irish compass activity” low down our lives” by pico lyer week 1). as the center for career development advises, determining a life path off of that si that will recur throughout your lifetime” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development we avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development week 4). adapting to and driving forward this d decided major of architecture and a fairly clear route to a career , i have been wrestling with what it means to compliment or ould acquiring helpful financial tools to promote my future career or monetary success necessarily craft the person i want to you’” resonates heavily within my mission ("navigating your career journey” (meruelo family center for career development) – m "navigating your career journey” (meruelo family center for career development) – moreau fye week 4). with an emphasis on hard cannot envision any path other than a successful one in my career and in life. this isn’t to say that i’ll never experience h te said, “one of the ways i can give back is by spending my career serving others” (“notre dame alumni association's domer doz e because seeing others happy made me happy. in planning my career , i always thought about something i learned in my freshman at, and something the world needs. finding and planning my career was not easy and took many years and a lot of steps. “plann easy and took many years and a lot of steps. “planning your career is much like planning for a trip” (“navigating your career career is much like planning for a trip” (“navigating your career journey” by moreau – moreau fye week 4). though it took i l south bend, indiana. there he decided he wanted to pursue a career in medicine and eventually become an orthopedic surgeon spe opportunities at the ccd, where they “talk a lot about the “ career development process”. what exactly does that mean? essentia that mean? essentially this is the process of deciding on a career (or careers) and navigating your journey. it is something y p others: “i have always been passionate about working in a career in medicine and have realized that the healthcare system pr rees’ stories, i noticed that a lot of them establish their career path based on their personal experience. so probably the ke oing. and i believe this will lead to not only a successful career , but also to a fulfilling life because then we will be able f trial-and-errors. as for week 4, i gained knowledge about career discernment. “planning your career is much like planning fo i gained knowledge about career discernment. “planning your career is much like planning for a trip. think about a recent trip ding, especially if you end up having a really great time! ( career development center web page – moreau fye week four)” i foun ” i found this quote very inspiring. i had never thought of career -planning as planning for a trip, but it really makes sense. ld bring so much joy and memories. it is the same with good career planning --it requires a lot of work but it will certainly life. in week 5, i learned about the role others play in my career /life discernment. i found networking to be very useful in d ent. i found networking to be very useful in discerning our career path. as suggested in this week’s material (“discerning a l waters just get out and experience life!” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). you have to commit to th es to grow. career -journey---moreau/ ever she could to help and provide for others. notre dame’s career center development believes that “...the best career choice dame’s career center development believes that “...the best career choices for a person are those that allow him/her to implem part of his/her self-concept as possible” (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). a major part of carolyn’s s joy into the lives of others, which is what led her to her career . she started out as a banker to do what she believed was he most favorite idea when she was just beginning her college career . she dreamed of opening a bakery to satisfy her love of bak d how to be career -journey---moreau/ one have always been hands-on service activities.” (7 clues career survey, meruelo ccd moreau fye week four). being able to se something so much greater than before. relating this to my career , career services have informed me that "studying what you l ng so much greater than before. relating this to my career, career services have informed me that "studying what you love is a there but there is a "best major for you" ("navigating your career journey by merulo family center for career development, mor "navigating your career journey by merulo family center for career development, moreau fye week 4). this has inspired me to wo achieving better grades. this will allow me to dive into a career in the near future that truly interests me. i've also been ourselves better people. in week four, our focus was on our career and one key peace of advice given in one of the articles wa to “ … just get out and experience life! ” (navigating your career journey by meruelo family center for career developmentmore navigating your career journey by meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye week 4). although the concept seems b e desire had become stronger over the course of his college career , and now, as a result of his life adjustments, he had the n 5 “the future you” by pope francisweek 7 4 “navigating your career journeymoreau first experience course” by the undergraduate journeymoreau first experience course” by the undergraduate career servicesweek 4 the attitude with which he went about doing ich pathway i want to start on, the article navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course helped me under /transcript career -journey---moreau/ waters just get out and experience life!”.(navigating your career journey-moreau ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ fye week four). being adventurous doesn’t about who i am and who i want to be. we talked a lot about career discernment in week 4 of moreau and the quote i picked out ere, but there is a ‘best major for you’” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). in college, when i began pr passionate, and decided that i would never choose a major, career , or life path for anyone but myself. i came to college as j re about yourself is to test the waters…” ("navigating your career journey" by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey" by the meruelo family center for career development – moreau fye week four) as i step out of my com pe love, so career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ am proud of how you have implemented it into your life and career goals” (interview with patrick wolf by moreau fye week 5). ly held belief in our society that a major equals a certain career path” is simply not true (“navigating your career journey” a certain career path” is simply not true (“navigating your career journey” moreau fye week 4). i am grateful for the opportun pportunity that notre dame has given me to explore possible career paths that remain true to my passions, skills, and values. tudies and beyond. while i currently believe that my future career will be centered around making change for our natural envir s extremely motivated in both his professional and academic career and spent a lot of his life making sure he was both success e good for all inspires me to follow his example and use my career to serve others. he taught me that a life well lived is one he highs and lows, accepting that each moment is sacred. my career is one of the ways i can primarily be an anchor to others o ends. through my freshman courses, i’ve been exposed to the career center, which has helped me begin to discern how i can comb cd references dr. donald super: “he contended that…the best career choices for a person are those that allow him/her to implem arts of his/her self-concept as possible” (“navigating your career journey” moreau fye week four). because one’s career takes g your career journey” moreau fye week four). because one’s career takes up an immense amount of one’s time and therefore play ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ there but there is a ‘best major’ for you” (navigating your career journey, meruelo family center for career development, fye (navigating your career journey, meruelo family center for career development, fye week 4). no one can find the best major fo the world, completing my mission statement (navigating your career journey by meruelo family center for career development mor navigating your career journey by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). this journey of self-dis ssible ways of living a life well-lived?" ("navigating your career journey", by meruelo family center for career development m vigating your career journey", by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). i mentioned my education sts me. in turn, this will lead to the real me. if i find a career that intrigues me, i am bound to be successful because i wi herefore, i wrote about helping others. while navigating my career journey, i should continue to ask myself questions in order to gauge my interests. i did not name a specific company or career choice in my writing because i have no idea what i want to you will die", by ruth graham moreau fye week three). in my career search, stepping out of my comfort zone will enable me to f hese questions about a life-well lived will lead to further career and life discernment in general. conservations with those w . upon learning about these new perspectives, i can explore career options on irish compass ("discerning a life well-lived iri racticing self-reflection will help me find happiness in my career choice. slowing down and truly getting to know yourself is en, and those with who i had the pleasure to work during my career , as a man who was grounded in humility, a leader with infec use that is the legacy i want to leave behind. in my future career as a marine corps officer, if one of my junior marines is f t is shaking my world up pretty good. even if it changes my career path a lot, i know that the friends and family i have met w t leads to better post-graduate outcomes.”(“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course“ moreau fye wee ersonality, and skills (vips) before you can make effective career choices. the only way to know more about yourself is to tes waters just get out and experience life!” (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course” by the meruelo st year experience course” by the meruelo family center for career development –moreau week four). she explored the different gineering and came to the understanding that she wanted her career to be something related to flight and engineering. this ide ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ applies to the way katie decided to choos ery place i go, and in everything that i do. i hope that my career will uphold these same values to bring a positive light int o improve the lives of others. this might not be through my career even, but possibly family. i think that i can also achieve ether you realize it at the time or not!” (“navigating your career journey” by undergraduate career services moreau fye week f or not!” (“navigating your career journey” by undergraduate career services moreau fye week four). experiencing and exploring ll lived is vital to living out my mission statement. while career might not be the only factor of a life well-lived, it may f m_id=143473 career -journey---moreau/ because i felt like there would not be pe n business” for the rest of my time at notre dame and in my career . although i think the journey will be difficult, sticking t ether you realize it at the time or not!” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). i am not the same person 9l0tjm/edit career -journey---moreau/ loneliness, and a companion to share time t is what will ultimately lead you to success in your major/ career . i hope to also form connections with my professors and enj ther michael himes moreau fye week three) (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course | undergraduate journey moreau first year experience course | undergraduate career services | university of notre dame” meruelo family center vices | university of notre dame” meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye week four) (“week five discernment co at i plan to keep with me throughout the rest of my college career . though i have been able to come to these conclusions throu aters just get out and experience life!” ( "navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). as expected, all i needed t irish compass, you can make connections with people in your career fields and meet people who can mentor you to living a good fe (irishcompass moreau fye week 5). the meruelo center for career development also offers such opportunities to make connecti ly held belief in our society that a major equals a certain career path” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family c hat a major equals a certain career path” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – moreau fye week 4). it is important that we k here but there is a “best major for you." (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye week 4) slowly, i've learned that so elps. “putting aside the thought that you are deciding your career path when picking your major” helped me choose a major, sin ly what their degree is after graduation ( "navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). i plan to make progress tems/149863 career -journey---moreau/ sioning, she married her college sweetheart. she served her career in the military, first as a naval flight officer for ten ye a liar. similarly, one thought i found interesting from the career center article was, “put aside the thought that you are dec icle was, “put aside the thought that you are deciding your career path when picking your major.” this is especially true for s is especially true for me because since i know my initial career path post-college, i don’t really have to worry about my ma " (adapted from fr. michael himes) week 4 merulo center for career development development career -journey---moreau/ week 5 my conversation with mary cannon, cate time for each and every day. although music wasn’t her career choice, she made sure to stick with it wherever life and he realized that not one single thing would be the “ultimate” career choice or path that was destined for her. she realized that hoice or path that was destined for her. she realized that “ career decision-making is a developmental process that spans a per ss that spans a person’s entire lifetime” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center moreau fye week four). le ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ she was little was to work with children; by zuzanna kawula moreau fye week 5). although this was her career , she made sure to stick with music and all her other numero on statement says. our lives are not defined by our jobs or career or how smart we are, i remember from one of the career disc s or career or how smart we are, i remember from one of the career discernment discussions we heard; “there is no ‘best major’ week three “ career -journey---moreau/” moreau fye week four “https://ideas.ted. that nothing is “... a one-step process.” (navigating your career journey, meruelo center for career development, moreau fye ocess.” (navigating your career journey, meruelo center for career development, moreau fye week four). everything takes time, spring_2022 career -journey---moreau/ losing the sense of how someone might rea hether you realize it at the time or not” (“navigating your career journey” by nd undergraduate career services – moreau fye w not” (“navigating your career journey” by nd undergraduate career services – moreau fye week four). with the weight of sin as b9500c9ecd9 career -journey---moreau/ life” to find new things that you enjoy ( “navigating your career journey'' by meruelo family center for career development m vigating your career journey'' by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). whether it be something as tems/144367 career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ build relationships, and are much needed sing. grace was someone who was successful and happy in her career . from a young age she was ambitious and went for what she w d. i plan on carrying that mindset with me as i navigate my career , relationships, and involvements in life. any act of servic ”. i’ve organized this section into three subsections: joy, career , and pace. firstly, i want to live a good life, a joyful li urround myself with those influences throughout my academic career here at notre dame, but also out in the professional world fye week two). i’ve discussed wanting to be inspired in my career life, but what will that look like? i came to college for t wo main reasons. first, to set myself up for success in the career world. second, to meet new people and build new relationshi relationships. but how can i best discern what is the best career choice? i want to use my mission statement as a foundation nt to use my mission statement as a foundation to choose my career and positively affect the most people, but first i actually ut there is a best major out there for me (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo center for career development moreau fy me (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo center for career development moreau fye week four). continuing on with week s when i fully land on my major next year (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo center for career development moreau fy ear (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo center for career development moreau fye week four). additionally, i must lea b9500c9ecd9 career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ ps. to find the way toward the meaningful life, i found the career that gives me joy is in the field of consulting. in finding gives me joy is in the field of consulting. in finding the career that fits me the best, i first reminded myself that god lov , as a college student, i think it is important to seek the career that i can find joy. as stated in navigating your career jo he career that i can find joy. as stated in navigating your career journey – meruelo family center for career development stat navigating your career journey – meruelo family center for career development state “the only way to know more about yourself a journey to find myself and there is no answer in life and career . reminding this fact, i should find a career that i can tru er in life and career. reminding this fact, i should find a career that i can truly do well and enjoy. before find the career, career that i can truly do well and enjoy. before find the career , i should know who i am. meditation is a good way for self ind of person. then, i need to passionately work to get the career . to get the career, i need to be aware of various temptatio , i need to passionately work to get the career. to get the career , i need to be aware of various temptations such as usage of es, i should limit myself of uses such devices. besides the career , i should also form good relationships. since humanity are nity. therefore to live a meaningful life, i need to find a career that provides me joy and moreover that could serve for the ions” by fr. michael himes – moreau week 3 “navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – moreau week 4 discernment conversation activi b9500c9ecd9 career -journey---moreau/ he most important aspect of sebastian’s lifebigger than his career and bigger than himself. he put his family first and made n d a big family, so that is exactly what he did. sebastian’s career was an important feature of his life as well. while many pe a means of fostering social impact along with justice. his career brought him joy, was something he was good at doing, and wa doing, and was needed by those around him. (navigating your career journey by the merulo career center moreau fye week 4) seba e around him. (navigating your career journey by the merulo career center moreau fye week 4) sebastian was a mission-bound per ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ -wrong-way/ career -journey---moreau/ -wrong-way/ career -journey---moreau/ waters just get out and experience life” (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course” by meruelo fam first year experience course” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four), that she decided to foll b9500c9ecd9 career -journey---moreau/ there but there is a ‘best major’ for you” (navigating your career journey, meruelo family center for career development, fye (navigating your career journey, meruelo family center for career development, fye week 4). no one can find the best major fo early discern my vocation. part of a vocation is choosing a career path (week 4). this introspection, prayer, and reflection w o trusted individuals who know me well to better discern my career path (week 5). i am almost certain i should be a teacher, b should be a teacher, but i will keep my mind open to other career paths. i know the lord works in mysterious ways, and i must up in the pursuit of what drove her. whether it was in her career as an md-phd ovarian cancer researcher or as a mother to my ve herself based on what she had learned. (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). she knew how to make the e qualities career -journey---moreau/ the mile and bear the load.” the meruelo family center for career development compares planning for your career to preparing ly center for career development compares planning for your career to preparing to go on a trip: “usually planning a trip is n f you end up having a really great time!” (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course” merulo family reau first year experience course” merulo family center for career development moreau fye week four). the steps i am making no ent moreau fye week four). the steps i am making now for my career are preparing me to go on this journey. however, what makes ng me to go on this journey. however, what makes planning a career different from planning a trip is that on trips you know yo a trip is that on trips you know your destinationfor one’s career , the future is much less clear. however, the lessons i have ing to some career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ th such a definitive path, considering “[t]here are so many career paths and industries out there that it’s best not to limit imit yourself too much right off the bat” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development we avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development week 4). perhaps it was healthy for her to limi and allowed his positivity to shine once again. for him, a career in computer science seemed to be the best opportunity for h milies of his fellow military members.” when looking at the career and life of captain michael hillmer he had found to underst ichael hillmer he had found to understand that a fulfilling career path is simply not linear. there are many branches that dev nications: web | university of notre dame. “navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course.” undergraduate journey moreau first year experience course.” undergraduate career services, r services, career -journey---moreau/. phd, tasha eurich. “the right way to be aters – just get out and experience life!” (navigating your career journey moreau fye week 4). she realized that once she lear ar-sabbath/ career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ lopez 3 the saints as a child, she had th ersonality, and skills (vips) before you can make effective career choices” ("navigating your career journey" by meruelo famil re you can make effective career choices” ("navigating your career journey" by meruelo family center for career developmentmor avigating your career journey" by meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye week 4). this being said, lindsey lis m_id=149291 career -journey---moreau/ like, and take something you’re good at, you’re good at, and make it your job”, which resulted in a career in law after earning her english and american studies under and american studies undergraduate degrees. aside from her career , lindsey loved to travel, and she spent a majority of her y as able to build a strong foundation for her future and her career . although lindsey had an extremely successful career, she v nd her career. although lindsey had an extremely successful career , she valued her relationships the most. at the end of the d ersonality, and skills (vips) before you can make effective career choices” ("navigating your career journey” by meruelo famil re you can make effective career choices” ("navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – moreau fye week four). it’s hard to plan for own future when you don’t even know you. regardless of the career choices we make in life, we first have to know ourselves fi k it’s okay for me to take some time to myself to decide my career so that i can pursue the best life i can for myself. for th n to dedicate just once a month to where i make sure all my career aspects and goals are up to date. determining these sorts o e with my parents is very important to me. relating back to career , they once told me, “... you can live a good life through a once told me, “... you can live a good life through a good career , sure, but you want to be remembered as who you were as a p e waters just get out and experience life, (navigating your career journey, meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau (navigating your career journey, meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye week four)”. i pride myself on being tems/143819 career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ “there are many ways to practice mindfuln ive by my mission statement through the rest of my academic career here at notre dame. e tells people in their first year that, “there are so many career paths and industries out there that it’s best not to limit mit yourself too much right off the bat,” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye two week four). lily took this to he usp=sharing career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ aham, ny times moreau fye two week three) (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye two week four) (phone interview with ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ se two fields because i couldn’t be more satisfied with the career i pursued. combining my skills in working with numbers and ived). i grappled with this concept for a while but when my career and my relationships started getting more serious as i near n our lives, as we start to filter down to what we hope our career path will be. however, “the only way to know more about you waters just get out and experience life!” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). by not giving certain fi ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ school (“discernment activity” moreau fye y to day and in the long run. the meruelo family center for career development agrees with this claim in the way that, “if you establish a satisfying professional life” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). i see the people and potent lated story for another time), somehow choosing a major and career path seemed much more permanent. one quote from this semest there but there is a “best major” for you ("navigating your career journey" from the meruelo family center for career developm ing your career journey" from the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four).” i think that a life wel hether you realize it at the time or not.” (navigating your career journey by the meruelo family center for career development gating your career journey by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). this slow buildup of vir -something/ career -journey---moreau/ bout. in week 4, a survey from the meruelo family center of career development posed the question, “what is something you are is pursuit through my meditation. meaning can come from the career that is chosen. earlier in the school year, i was unsure ab there but there is a ‘best major for you’”(“navigating your career journey” by undergraduate career services-moreau fye week 4 for you’”(“navigating your career journey” by undergraduate career services-moreau fye week 4) reigns true. i decided to pick est doing, and this will allow me to have a more meaningful career . partaking in a conversation with a friend helped immensely sation with a friend helped immensely for understanding the career that is best for me since they knew me better than myself i unds to the career -journey---moreau/ compassion. i hope that i am able to find meaning through a career and connecting with others in order to live a happy life. a myself through introspection. the moreau family center for career development states, “every experience shapes you in some wa ether you realize it at the time or not!” (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development – moreau fye week four). this cycle and the sub -wrong-way/ career -journey---moreau/ counselor guided our conversation. they k ether you realize it at the time or not!” (“navigating your career journey” by the murelo family center moreau fye week four). nd fighting career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ lelonis 2 whatever adversity is thrown my does not determine the rest of your life” (“navigating your career journey” moreau fye week four) – he took this to heart. he ndustry and earn him and his family a fantastic living. but career is a developmental process that will recur throughout one’s move between stages as one learn and grow (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – moreau fye week four). life is full of possib ays, and can last through many hardships. as the center for career development says, “if you are in a major you enjoy, you wil leads to better post-graduate outcomes.” (“navigating your career journey,” center for career development, moreau fye week 4) te outcomes.” (“navigating your career journey,” center for career development, moreau fye week 4) https://undergradcareers.nd fye week 4) career -journey---moreau/ gio, clearly, lived his life very introsp ng empathy to others. today;s world is so self-centered and career -centered that we forget about others. we forget that everyo definition of a life well-lived involves having a rewarding career that allows you to find happiness while also doing good for s while also doing good for others. in any case, a person’s career is likely a significant part of their life, but for a life t part of their life, but for a life to be well-lived, that career should correspond to the following three questions, posed b d to the following three questions, posed by the center for career development: what brings you joy? what are you good at? wha od at? what does the world need you to be? (navigating your career journey by the meruelo family center for career development gating your career journey by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). all three of these quest efits others. personally, i’m not quite sure what i want my career to look like yet, but i have an idea in mind. i know that i ng seems to be the right choice. in order to ensure that my career leads me toward a life well-lived, i plan on taking advanta e to me, whether that means interacting with the center for career development, connecting with alumni, or just doing my own r ing with alumni, or just doing my own research. whatever my career ends up looking like, as long as i can be happy while also well-lived. career -journey---moreau/ g advantage of all the resources available when it comes to career planning, continuing to make an effort to meet new people, establish a satisfying professional life." (navigating your career journey, by the university of notre dame moreau fye week 4) in college will best prepare us for when we want to start a career . we all need to use matthew as an example ("navigating your we all need to use matthew as an example ("navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course" by notre dame reau first year experience course" by notre dame center for career development moreau fye week four). one of the most importan week one). career -journey---moreau/ ctations for myself and a vision for the rest of my college career . to me, a well-lived life is one where i focus on being the ove between stages as you learn and grow” (“navigating your career journey” -ccd – moreau fye week four). acknowledging that t tems/146562 career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ myself of what i value is crucial to get with my friend ella moreau fye week five). moreover, as the career center stated, “the only way to know more about yourself is e that does not feel like work every day. (“navigating your career journey” by career centermoreau fye week four). ultimately, l like work every day. (“navigating your career journey” by career centermoreau fye week four). ultimately, in “a grotto story 8_d3iw/edit career -journey---moreau/ my passion lie. this goal will challenge me to construct a career path that aligns with my interests instead of the expectati stead of the expectations of others. i also plan to build a career that leaves a lasting, positive impact. i want to be sure t has involved extensive reflection on where i would like my career to lead me. this process has been stressful and overwhelmin there but there is a “best major for you (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four).” a major turning point i nterests, and passions to create a meaningful and impactful career , and purpose can be found in any career field. of course, t ngful and impactful career, and purpose can be found in any career field. of course, there are paths that may be more suited t en helpful to speak to the people who know me well about my career discernment journey. one conversation in particular that i others. i never understood the notion of settling with one career , i could never find happiness staying in one place. by the joy that no other industry could give me (“navigating your career journey” meruelo family center for career development morea (“navigating your career journey” meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). standing before me are p ar-sabbath/ career -journey---moreau/ gillespie 3 absence, but i hope they alwa d his buildings across the world. he decided to follow this career path and he loved every step of the way. “planning your car eer path and he loved every step of the way. “planning your career is much like planning for a trip” (“navigating your career career is much like planning for a trip” (“navigating your career journey” by undergraduate career services moreau fye week 4 a trip” (“navigating your career journey” by undergraduate career services moreau fye week 4). jose started pursuing this car eer services moreau fye week 4). jose started pursuing this career without knowing much about how it would work after college. t a given task or believe they are not worthy of pursuing a career in that field. it is the job of their friends to lead them ess (week 2, hesburgh). tanish also adopted values into his career . at times it was tough for him to discover the passions he h for him to discover the passions he wanted to pursue as a career . it’s tough to stick with our interests and what career pat s a career. it’s tough to stick with our interests and what career path is the best fit for us because it’s tough to look past sed as a means for good but simultaneously work a lucrative career to pursue things that he personally enjoys doing. it was im i am faced with in both major selection and, more broadly, career discernment. i spoke about “hopping off the treadmill” and my time as highly as i do, and i will keep an open mind for career development. my mission statement may change from the prese s not a one-step process.”(moreau week 4 – “navigating your career journey” – meruelo family center for career development) in navigating your career journey” – meruelo family center for career development) in applying all of my skills i hope to fully r there but there is a “best major for you” ("navigating your career journey” (meruelo family center for career development) – m "navigating your career journey” (meruelo family center for career development) – moreau fye week 4). throughout the semester, o be and where my journey can take me. himes asks about any career , is it a source of joy, are you good at it, and does it ful n finance, my budding interest in the priesthood, or even a career in the u.s. military. in my next three years here, i ought hers. there exists a temptation, however, in the pursuit of career discernment to dedicate oneself to a strict purpose too ear lves to explore a variety of paths, or as the undergraduate career services’ article framed it, “the only way to know more abo waters just get out and experience life” ("navigating your career journey moreau m_id=146789 career -journey---moreau/ mahoney 3 first year experience course" b u/ mahoney 3 first year experience course" by undergraduate career services – moreau fys week 4). despite being a dedicated fi he singular most useful exercise from this semester was the career discernment activity, in which i was able to speak with my ly, i spend career -journey---moreau/ oals with tangible results is what i should do when seeking career prospects as well. thus, learning that a career fit for me hen seeking career prospects as well. thus, learning that a career fit for me is one that allows for me to “implement as many sible” instead of “focusing only on skill” (navigating your career journey meruelo family center for career dev. week 4) helpe ” (navigating your career journey meruelo family center for career dev. week 4) helped me realign my career interests. it serv family center for career dev. week 4) helped me realign my career interests. it served as an indirect reminder to keep my val ect reminder to keep my values in mind when searching for a career path that will allow myself to live a life well lived, one nal development in order to feel fulfilled at the end of my career , and ultimately, my life. getting the opportunity to reflec limitations gave me a new idea of where i should direct my career in the future so that i can be happy with where i am in the does not determine the rest of your life” (“navigating your career journey” by undergraduate career services moreau fye week 4 ur life” (“navigating your career journey” by undergraduate career services moreau fye week 4). zach thought that he might wan dergraduate graduation. that being said, zach’s ideas for a career following college were very fluid, and he was still trying on his life career -journey---moreau/ prefer the approach favored by the notre dame undergraduate career services, as they suggest people first “learn about yoursel d”, and then finally to “explore careers” (“navigating your career journeynotre dame center for career development – moreau fy eers” (“navigating your career journeynotre dame center for career development – moreau fye week 4). this enjoyment-based syst hus they can be better prepared to search for a job. once a career path is defined, it can be easy to fall to obstacles on the ing which he tried to employ as often as possible. wesley’s career path began after his graduation from notre dame in 2025, al me in 2025, although he never truly settled with one single career . throughout college, wes talked extensively with friends an 5). as a result of this, wes eventually decided to pursue a career in law, defending people who had been sentenced under the d ests. this belief was first formed when he was deciding his career path early on in college, as he needed time for leisure in ersonality, and skills (vips) before you can make effective career choices. the only way to know more about yourself is to tes waters just get out and experience life!” (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo career center moreau fye week 4). t nce life!” (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo career center moreau fye week 4). through hiking, he discovered hi 473 week 4: career -journey---moreau/ week 5: dame. my main use of these three questions was discerning a career , which at first i thought was going to be a doctor, but ins rst i thought was going to be a doctor, but instead chose a career in finance. i chose this because i wanted to balance my lif a field as well as satisfaction with it; i understood that “ career satisfaction/success depends in part on how well a person c art on how well a person can identify and implement his/her career self-concept, which is comprised of your values, interests, lues, interests, personality, and skills” (“navigating your career journey” moreau fye week 4). with respect to finance, i fel ossibilities and opportunities. as discussed in week four, “ career decision making is a developmental process that spans a per s/467215?module_item_id=142974 rauguth 3 ( “navigating your career journey”, by meruelo family center for career development m vigating your career journey”, by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four) ("the grotto: why does go week seven) career -journey---moreau/ llege. in week four of moreau fye, i learned about choosing career paths from the career development center. while the article moreau fye, i learned about choosing career paths from the career development center. while the article overall was about cho opment center. while the article overall was about choosing career paths, the message from it applied to life as a whole. it t waters just get out and experience life” (“navigating your career journey'' by meruelo family center for career development m vigating your career journey'' by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). if i was going to find my c tems/144367 career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ on how each of us grew and changed throug ssions that would persist throughout her whole professional career . mary immediately found herself interested in the power tha hat inspires and fascinates you and incorporating it into a career and life path. much of what we did in week 4, including rea completing surveys created by the meruelo family center for career development, involved reflecting upon what potential career career development, involved reflecting upon what potential career paths could be best fit for us and allow us to make the mos see how a life well-lived is largely grounded in pursuing a career and life path that provides you with consistent fulfillment oth weeks 4 and 5, i was able to clearly identify finding a career path that satisfies and challenges you as integral to a lif sure to check out the notre dame meruelo family center for career development while he was alive (module 4. sorry i didn’t kn by fr. michael himes – moreau fye week 3) (“navigating you career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – navigating you career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – moreau week 4) (“7 clues assessment activity” (“7 clues assessment activity” by meruelo family center for career development – moreau week 4) (“discernment conversation act m_id=145531 career -journey---moreau/ e, i do not have a plan for what exactly i want to do for a career . during weeks four and five of moreau this semester, we dis oreau this semester, we discussed discernment and picking a career . the center for career development says, “the idea is that discussed discernment and picking a career. the center for career development says, “the idea is that the best career choices ter for career development says, “the idea is that the best career choices for a person are those that allow him/her to implem y focuses on one or two parts of his/her self-concept for a career , that person will eventually hit a wall” (“navigating your , that person will eventually hit a wall” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). my self-concept (which c pt will no longer contradict, which will allow me to find a career path where i can help people in many ways. one of the ways -wrong-way/ career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ pportunity to discern other people can have an impact on my career discernment. i talked to my dad and this made me realize i t three years, i will be prepared to be a solid adult in my career . acknowledging a person’s dignity will help me strengthen a waters just get out and experience life!” ("navigating your career journey”, by meruelo family center for career development m vigating your career journey”, by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). experiencing the good an ersonality, and skills (vips) before you can make effective career choices.”(“navigating your career journey” by dr. donald su re you can make effective career choices.”(“navigating your career journey” by dr. donald super moreau fye week 4). when you f eeds to get career -journey---moreau/ h can be very harmful and a huge stressor ("navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development—mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development—moreau fye week four). in the future, i will ai for his benefit throughout his life, especially during his career as an engineer. as for his life in the workforce, he was a nding student, he always stuck to the phrase “planning your career is much like planning for a trip.” (“navigating your career career is much like planning for a trip.” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – moreau fye week 4). many times planning a car eer development – moreau fye week 4). many times planning a career is daunting, but he was always ready to help and give kind friends and after finishing college he went on to pursue a career in youtube. he was named captain of the ultimate frisbee cl with his skills. also, paul was able to turn a hobby into a career . he would make videos that he found entertaining with his f veryday and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, to his youtube career . he had this crazy ability to manifest the future in the wa does not determine the rest of your life” ("navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau week four). luckily, paul took advice, s haven't seen for a while. in week four, when talking about career options, i came across the quote, "the only way to know mor questions” by father michael himes week 3 “navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development we avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development week 4 “discernment conversation activity” by m ly held belief in our society that a major equals a certain career path” (navigating your career journey, by undergraduate car that a major equals a certain career path” (navigating your career journey, by undergraduate career services moreau fye week f eer path” (navigating your career journey, by undergraduate career services moreau fye week four). as sofia was able to show u spring_2022 career -journey---moreau/ a conversation with her mother where her s stepping out of his comfort zone. whether it was with his career choices, meeting new people, or simply trying new hobbies, ersonality, and skills (vips) before you can make effective career choices. the only way to know more about yourself is to tes waters just get out and experience life!” (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course” by dr. donald in his own life, as he switched majors early in his college career at notre dame, and even later in his career when he switche in his college career at notre dame, and even later in his career when he switched career paths. mark was never afraid of a n t notre dame, and even later in his career when he switched career paths. mark was never afraid of a new challenge because he ents from low-income communities with unique internship and career opportunities in business. one relationship mark valued abo tandard for him, whether that was in school, sports, or his career . mark talks about this in a reflection of a conversation he ersonality, and skills (vips) before you can make effective career choices. the only way to know more about yourself is to tes st get out and experience life!” (meruelo family center for career development) stood out to me because i think that there is die" by ruth graham moreau fye week three "navigating your career journey" by muerelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey" by muerelo family center for career development moreau fye week four "the right way to be intro ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ eek 2). for matt, a life well-lived meant using his job and career to help those around him who needed it the most. for me, a alues, interests, personality, and skills” (navigating your career journey by meruelo family center for career development – m navigating your career journey by meruelo family center for career development – moreau fye week 4). for me, i found that find in my many career -journey---moreau/ years is that it doesn’t take much time t , physically, and mentally. the meruelo family’s center for career development provides advice on life that brian took to hear t leads to better post-graduate outcomes” (“navigating your career journey?” by meruelo family center for career developmentmo vigating your career journey?” by meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye week four). this goes hand in hand wi careers, just like brian aimed to do (“6 tips for making a career fresh start?” by irish compassmoreau fye week five). now, d there but there is a ‘best major for you’” (navigating your career journey by nd moreau first year experience week 4). if she ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ people would always ask her how she got e /40253/files/467215?module_item_id=142974 (“navigating your career journey by moreau first year experience course moreau fye w honor you . career -journey---moreau/ moreau writing week 14 (capstone integrat ledgeable in a specific area of study. i intend to choose a career path that is suited for my interests and talents, so that i t. in my mission statement, i noted that i wanted to find a career that suited my interests and talents so that i would be abl ed to help people make difficult decisions when it comes to career choices. these questions prompt people to ask themselves wh g on these ideas, i will be able to be more confident in my career path. additionally, a career journey involves lots of chang ble to be more confident in my career path. additionally, a career journey involves lots of changes over time. “contentment is developing my skills and knowledge after college through a career journey is also supported by the center for career developm hrough a career journey is also supported by the center for career development here at notre dame. “career development is a pr d by the center for career development here at notre dame. “ career development is a process and a journey. if you actively eng establish a satisfying professional life” (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). by referring to fr. hime ssion statement, i will be able to navigate my post-college career journey and achieve a fulfilling professional life. my frie d experiencing new things. these insights will influence my career path, and help me find joy in my professional life. one ver m_id=143819 career -journey---moreau/ shness or an obsession with my own success (navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course | undergraduate journey moreau first year experience course | undergraduate career services | university of notre dame – moreau fye week 4). a he workload”. listening to our lesson for (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course | undergraduate journey moreau first year experience course | undergraduate career services | university of notre dame)” by meruelo family cen s | university of notre dame)” by meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye week four), the speaker’s advice to“ relax and put aside the thought that you are deciding your career path when picking your major. it’s much more complex than t und herself career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ one thing that particularly stresses me out is discerning a career path. even though i have a declared major and minor, i have red major and minor, i have no idea what i want to do for a career , which can be overwhelming because “there seems to be this ly held belief in our society that a major equals a certain career path” ("navigation your career journey" by meruelo family c hat a major equals a certain career path” ("navigation your career journey" by meruelo family center for career development— m avigation your career journey" by meruelo family center for career development— moreau fye week four). however, as a part of a irteen). for me, my mission in life is to have a successful career , cultivate meaningful relationships with others, be a good first prong of my mission statement is to have a successful career . in this context, successful means both challenging and rew llenging and rewarding. as an engineer, i look forward to a career that forces me to think critically and gives me the opportu o develop solutions to society’s problems. by the end of my career , i would like to be able to look back on the projects that cademics and take advantage of the resources offered by the career center. i plan on majoring in electrical engineering and mi s. although i have a sense of direction when it comes to my career , i’m not completely sure of what i want to do, which is whe ot completely sure of what i want to do, which is where the career center comes in. as i continue my discernment journey, i’ll od at? what does the world need me to be? ("navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). in order to carry out my our). in order to carry out my mission to have a successful career , i need to ensure that i not only enjoy my work, but also t to society. another important step to leading a successful career is making use of input from others. having conversations wi to study engineering. when it comes to making sure that my career benefits others, i can look to the example set by fr. hesbu s, i plan to work towards my mission of having a successful career by applying myself in my classes, utilizing the resources o yself in my classes, utilizing the resources offered by the career center, having conversations with alumni and other people i ut/mission/ career -journey---moreau/ the next three years. firstly, i want to have a successful career that allows me to be challenged and solve the problems faci tudies and taking advantage of the resources offered by the career center. second, i want to cultivate lasting and meaningful ether you realize it at that time or not” ("navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development-mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development-moreau week 4). even though racism is such a de y member, or someone else entirely? will they talk about my career and possible successes there? will they talk about my famil he things that i must do, specifically concerning my future career . one of the week four materials states that “planning your . one of the week four materials states that “planning your career is much like planning for a trip. there are many details an quires a lot of exploration and research” (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course” by meruelo fam first year experience course” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). there is much to think a ). there is much to think about when it comes to choosing a career whether it be intended major, internship, or overall happin destinations, the decisions that you make along with other career moments help to define your future and who you become. in t ions that i was always willing to try new things. during my career discernment activity, when i asked my mother what difficult re and more career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ plan for the future. for example, dr. rene bermea pursued a career in medicine because his younger sister, “was diagnosed with endocrine system. this served as his motivation to pursue a career in medicine” (domer dozen by notre dame alumni association ure me that i’ll find a path in time. dr. super suggested, “ career decision making is a developmental process that spans a per ess that spans a person’s entire lifetime” (navigating your career journey by meruelo family center for career development mor navigating your career journey by meruelo family center for career development moreau week four). who knows, i might not even career -journey---moreau/ s, so that the effect is exponential. this correlates to my career and work aspirations because as someone who wants to go int risks and seizing opportunities. similar to how the meruelo career center suggests that “the only way to know more about yours important principle to apply to my own life, whether it is career related or not ("navigating your career journey" by meruelo life, whether it is career related or not ("navigating your career journey" by meruelo family center for career development – avigating your career journey" by meruelo family center for career development – moreau week 4). personally, putting myself ou potential. career -journey---moreau/ aire did not stick to one path. she treated “planning [her] career [...] like planning for a trip” (“navigating your career jo r] career [...] like planning for a trip” (“navigating your career journey” by center for career development moreau fye week f for a trip” (“navigating your career journey” by center for career development moreau fye week four). she made sure all the tr she would not regret. and when she did begin to dislike her career , she did not stick around for financial reasons or for a se for another trip without a moment of hesitation. no single career or field could keep claire’s focus. her interests varied ev ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ brought her joy, 2) they allowed her to u whether you realize it at the time or no” (“navigating your career journey ” by moreau moreau fye week four ). however, now th ng generations'' (“7 clues to help you get started with the career development process” by muerelo center for career developme with the career development process” by muerelo center for career development moreau fye week four). ayden recognized that fa attern, they all judged their success through their values. career satisfaction is measured by one’s “values, interests, perso alues, interests, personality, and skills (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course”moreau week 4). ionally, as noted by notre dame’s meruelo family center for career development, “the only way to know more about yourself is t waters just get out and experience life!” (navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course by meruelo fami u first year experience course by meruelo family center for career development-moreau fye week 4). this implies that these sig ame. after stressing the importance of finding a meaningful career , it is just as important to find meaningful ways to fill yo ay to ensure i don’t make this same mistake when i am in my career later on. although taking risks can be daunting in any scen chose to include my plans for the remainder of my academic career , as well as my career goals following graduation. in week t lans for the remainder of my academic career, as well as my career goals following graduation. in week three’s discernment act l as my leadership abilities would be best suited towards a career at a tech startup company where i can combine my coding tal ther michael himes moreau fye week three) (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course | undergraduate journey moreau first year experience course | undergraduate career services | university of notre dame” meruelo family center vices | university of notre dame” meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye week four) (“week five discernment co l opportunities; as stated by the mureleo family center for career development, “every experience shapes you in some way, whet ether you realize it at the time or not!” ("navigating your career journey" by meruelo family center for career development – avigating your career journey" by meruelo family center for career development – moreau fye week four) by taking advantage of d these past opportunities to guide him toward an impactful career in law, a profession he had discerned from early on in life nload_frd=1 career -journey---moreau/ it became clear that the people who knew en stages” ( career -journey---moreau/ by the university of notre dame moreau fy /transcript career -journey---moreau/ lled me for help on an assignment which focused on self and career discernment. it was simple enough where i would answer the rly, as she career -journey---moreau/ or focus of this week was how we can feel fulfilled with th career path we have chosen. the reading called “navgating your car eer path we have chosen. the reading called “navgating your career journey” stated that planning our career was almost like pl ed “navgating your career journey” stated that planning our career was almost like planning a trip. i personally feel like dec sn’t as easy as planning a trip. i do know that whatever my career will be, whether it be me pursuing being a pastor or anythi could be in any area. my main point here is that even if my career involves me setting behind a desk, my mission statement whi e other people can help me know if i have choosed the right career path and on top of that, if i am sticking to my mission sta that my dreams became of reach. i became able to pursue my career by helping people, the environment, and most importantly th education and conscientization of world issues. pursuing a career in analytics, business, and data science i learned how numb n and not giving up. this notion has deeply helped me in my career and studies, as once i faced an obstacle i was always empow calling. earlier in my life when deciding what to do for a career i was always unsure, trying to decide between different top jors. it was then that i stumbled into incremental advice, ( career development reflection meruelo center for career developmen l advice, (career development reflection meruelo center for career development moreau fye 4) “there is no “best major” out the self better and essentially guided me to choose to pursue a career in business analytics. moreover, another important lesson t ot forward in whatever you wind up doing. as the notre dame career center wrote, “the only way to know more about yourself is have already started shaping your vips. ” (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course” by meruelo fam first year experience course” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). william lived out this q und him. it also taught him the importance of enjoying your career to perform better. this allowed william to search for other ective way. career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ teasley 2 while putting himself out there and on his way to begin the second semester of his college career , he decided to drive in silence and reflect on what kind of hether you realize it at the time or not” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). john always held that th ng to control every part of our life, from family life to a career – we are all guilty. yet this statement was so important to ine you. so career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ often in our lives do we look to other pe e dame because he was in the middle of discerning between a career in medicine or business. and with this piece of advice, his d with this piece of advice, his mindset became firm on the career that would allow him to help the most amount of people, tru yourself that time you will gain so much” (navigating your career journey, by meruelo family center for career developmentmor avigating your career journey, by meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye week 4). recognizing the importance o ar-sabbath/ career -journey---moreau/ s fight for the justice for all. in the qqc centered around career development, it said that “the only way to know more about waters just get out and experience life” (“navigating your career journey” moreau fye week four). i really believe in the pow o be perfect in order to live a good life ("navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career developmentmor avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye week 4). exam results or gpas do not m_id=144382 career -journey---moreau/ t life i want to live. first, when finding all the possible career /life paths, it is important not to be in an echo chamber. p chamber is that i shouldn’t be only exposed to one area of career paths. i should do the research and ask my family members a ers about what they do for a living and learn about as many career /life paths i can take. in doing this, it shows me all of th y goals and desires for myself and for others. luckily, the career center gave us tips on how to find the best career while co ily, the career center gave us tips on how to find the best career while considering all aspects. dr. donald super created a t dering all aspects. dr. donald super created a theory about career decision making, and with this, he said, “career satisfacti eory about career decision making, and with this, he said, “ career satisfaction/success depends in part on how well a person c art on how well a person can identify and implement his/her career self-concept, which is comprised of your values, interests, ues, interests, personality, and skills.” (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course” by meruelo fam first year experience course” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four) i need to consider my val lues, interests, personality, and skills to choose the best career path. in my mission statement, i stated that “for now until lue in my education and setting myself up for a good future career , but i believe those aspects of my life are strictly tempor are much more admirable than to be remembered as studious, career -oriented, focused, and prepared. in conclusion, i believe w redited, because setting oneself up for a successful future career will ultimately benefit one’s relationships by removing str t and necessary, i believe it is often forgotten that one’s career is not what should be the main component defining their liv s/144076 christine o'malley moreau fye week two). while his career seemed to be a central part of the video, it was not really ed to be a central part of the video, it was not really his career being focused on but the relationships he developed through ocused on but the relationships he developed throughout his career . when i reflect upon the video now, i do not remember his j ffected the lives of others. ideally, i would use my future career to benefit others, like father hesburgh, and use it as a pl hips. now is a time in my life that is extremely focused on career discernment and being future oriented, as proven by week fo hether you realize it at the time or not” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development fy avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development fye moreau week 4). he looked at the world arou career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ he took more joy in others’ success than that will recur throughout your lifetime” (“navigating your career journey” by ccd – moreau fye week four). she no longer expe ersonality, and skills (vips) before you can make effective career choices.” (navigating your career journey – moreau fye week re you can make effective career choices.” (navigating your career journey – moreau fye week 4) i chose my major because i hav -wrong-way/ career -journey---moreau/ and i could make a decent salary. i also or does not determine the rest of my life (“navigating your career journey” from the meruelo family center for career developm ing your career journey” from the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). i am passionate about ma et statement, must be to serve others. although my intended career path is still under development, i know i have an obligatio ers, and i feel called to incorporate those virtues into my career . while much of my thinking about future careers is focused now, since i want to progress through my education toward a career without stagnating. much of my early experience in college i seek to serve in my future at notre dame and in my future career , but there are some important qualifiers that i must mentio o good. in terms of how i can functionally serve through my career in the business world, i’ve done a great deal of thinking r how social responsibility can be effectively worked into a career in finance (week 4). to begin, socially responsible compani this change, i could fall into the trap of seeing my early career as a failure if i don’t get the results that i desire. unfo trol of their lives” (week 6). i must remind myself that my career will develop slowly and that i should not get caught up in by father michael himes moreau week three “navigating your career journey” by the meruelo center for career development morea “navigating your career journey” by the meruelo center for career development moreau week four “discerning a life well-lived” m_id=143473 career -journey---moreau/ lot of exploration and research”(“navigating pawelek 4 your career journey” moreau fye week 4). i really like this quote, beca into perspective how time consuming it is to put together a career for yourself. i would definitely say that after i read this to think more deeply about this idea of having a fulfilling career in week 7, when we completed an activity that forced me to o truly reflect on this topic.("exploring a life well lived career development reflection" by merulo center for career develop l lived career development reflection" by merulo center for career development moreau fye week 4) i was able to realize that a illment in your life, you can achieve it regardless of your career . within all of us i believe there is fear that we will not with my inclusion, and on a systemic level, with my future career . a life well-lived cannot be isolated but is interconnected dvocacy, communication, and collaboration (“navigating your career journey” – moreau fye week four). i hope to mitigate the ef nately affect those in impoverished communities. even if my career interests change, i hope to always keep my values at the fo ll with debbie and marc van bell, week 5 5 “navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development, w avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development, week 4 4 “meet the nun who wants you to rememb ham, week 3 career -journey---moreau/ ktar-385q/view tommy hedman exemplifying service through my career and relationships: my personal mission statement and pursui onstituting a life well-lived is service to others. if your career and time spent on earth is not dedicated to bettering the l mission statement constitutes service to others through my career and relationships, something that i believe is key to the p y despite being an 18 year old with the rest of my life and career to look forward to. all of my childhood friends and high sc ing into the trap that is the mindset of, “i am deciding my career path when i am picking my major”, i came to the realization impact the lives of others for the better (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). i really internalized the v erve my community as a physician. i believe that through my career as a medical professional, i could use my talents in stem f n their communities. also, i believe that through a medical career , i could interact and come to learn and understand the stor ssors and further solidify my academic interests and future career aspirations. as opposed to the general trend that our socie commitment to the service of others throughout my life and career , i believe that i will be well set up for a meaningful and am excited to continue with the club and hopefully pursue a career in biomedical engineering. in bringing awareness to those w whether you realize it at the time or not!”(navigating your career journey -moreau fye week 4). even if some of the experience /transcript career -journey---moreau/ really reminded of me of week 1; “it’s ea nts to network with alumni and figure out early ideas for a career path. this is so important because it gives some sort of a in life first. the quote from the notre dame undergraduate career services said it best when it wrote, “you have to know your ersonality, and skills (vips) before you can make effective career choices. the only way to know more about yourself is to tes waters just get out and experience life!” (“navigating your career journey” by notre dame undergraduate career services moreau navigating your career journey” by notre dame undergraduate career services moreau fye week 4) without testing out different t -wrong-way/ career -journey---moreau/ e to reflect has also kept me busy thinking about my future career . when i came to college, i knew what i liked but did not ne bout my future in a much more realistic and thoughtful way ( career development center – week four). throughout this year i hav t or not.” ( career -journey---moreau/ muerelo family center for career developm ing-your-career-journey---moreau/ muerelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). i feel this is a signifi ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ two inches away from a huge canvas that’s currently studying finance. i think my ultimate goal for my career is to become involved in venture capital, and i think that itical science in the next three years and give my all to a career that fills my soul with purpose. despite having the dream o k 2). based on the quote from the meruelo family center for career development, “contrary to popular belief, deciding on a maj more insight into the news around campus (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – moreau f.y.e. week 4). i want to graduate fro eat order” ( career -journey---moreau/ by the university of notre dame moreau fy /transcript career -journey---moreau/ yuhan’s life: internal growth over extern es, interests, personalities, and skills” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – moreau fye week four)5 and started to realize eres-a-wrong-way/ 5 career -journey---moreau/ is inseparable from ours. like pope franc sonality, and skills (vips) – before you can make effective career choices” (navigating your career journey by meruelo family ore you can make effective career choices” (navigating your career journey by meruelo family center for career development mor navigating your career journey by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). this made a lot of sense to career -journey---moreau/ tasked with having one of these conversat the classroom will prepare me as i venture toward my future career plan of going to medical school and becoming a doctor. here mission, moreau fye, week 13). the merulo family center for career development offers so many opportunities to explore this, b jor for you,’” which i think i have found (“navigating your career journey” moreau fye week 4). i have landed the biological s an to study abroad my junior year and use notre dame’s many career services and job boards to get myself an internship or find as we discussed in week 4 of the course, one’s professional career is one of the most important decisions one can make. it wil f our lives. this is also acknowledged in the undergraduate career services notre dame webpage, where they explore the major-d oes not determine the rest of your life.” (“navigating your career journey” by undergraduate career services moreau fye week 4 r life.” (“navigating your career journey” by undergraduate career services moreau fye week 4). i know that this is not true b ssion and see what my peers thought about what a meaningful career meant for them and how i could assimilate some of their per count: 2561 career -journey---moreau/ this moment, i see it as an uncertainty regarding my future career and work life. whenever i express this uncertainty to my fa these courses have not given me a clear answer for a future career , i feel guided by my abilities that i had prior to attendin ing college. oftentimes when i am concerned about my future career , i also find myself questioning my choice in majors. curren however, through reading from the merulo family center for career development, i realized an important fact: “contrary to pop does not determine the rest of your life” (“navigating your career journey” by merulo family center for career development mor navigating your career journey” by merulo family center for career development moreau fye week four). while there is often amp major and course plan. as valuable as resources such as the career center and academic advisors are to finding one's academic close college friend, he revealed his interpretation of my career uncertainties: “as scary as it might be for you to pursue a uncertainties: “as scary as it might be for you to pursue a career as a writer, i don’t think you’ll be satisfied until you ta i had been career -journey---moreau/ while personally denying them. while i am uncertain what a career in writing could look like for me, this conversation helped said, taking the “7 clues to help you get started with the career development process” during week four, i felt a sense of ex ion, satisfaction and meaning is an important first step in career development” (7 clues: an interactive assessment activity b nteractive assessment activity by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). not only is this importa pment moreau fye week four). not only is this important for career development, but it is important for developing our mission not really in question for me this year, has been my future career plans. in week 5 of moreau, my professor had the class stan stand up while he read out short descriptions of a mystery career . if we were okay with the description, we stayed standing, n for the last question, which was, “some may consider your career immoral.” this led to a big examination of conscience for m hing else that sparked my attention in the “navigating your career journey” article from the meruelo family center for career career journey” article from the meruelo family center for career development was the quote, “it’s not a one-step process.” i nd myself disagreeing, because i have locked myself into my career for at least five years after college, which i am completel u/courses/40250/modules/items/145929 week 4“navigating your career journey,” und, rney,” und, career -journey---moreau/ week 5in-class activity with the mystery -journey---moreau/ week 5in-class activity with the mystery career prof. espeseth week 6“ways to practice mindfulness” mcdonal ods i can strive for in my life. looking towards my current career plans and goals, i am still unsure of what i want to pursue timately want to be happy. additionally, i want to pursue a career that incorporates a number of my different interests. “the umber of my different interests. “the idea is that the best career choices for a person are those that allow him/her to implem y focuses on one or two parts of his/her self-concept for a career , that person will eventually hit a wall” (“navigating your , that person will eventually hit a wall” (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course.” undergraduate journey moreau first year experience course.” undergraduate career services university of notre dame moreau fys week 4). looki hope to employ this mindset as i continue to search for my career path, and to become confident in this journey. this continu ng way)” by career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ nications: web | university of notre dame. “navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course.” undergraduate journey moreau first year experience course.” undergraduate career services, r services, career -journey---moreau/. phd, tasha eurich. “the right way to be ar-sabbath/ career -journey---moreau/ any one. she was filled with passion and dedication to her career and working for a greater good, and we will miss her dearly or does not decide the rest of your life,”(“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career moreau fye wee avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career moreau fye week four). thankfully, katie was provided an un rue, modern career -journey---moreau/ university,”(“hesburgh” by father hesburg diversity that continued to inspire her towards choosing a career . she took this as motivation to determine her passion, and an in competition, in order to live out a good life. in her career , in her education and in her social life, she worked to bui ey were not quite as important to him. this man took to his career the way one takes to a trip (“navigating your career journe to his career the way one takes to a trip (“navigating your career journey,” undergraduate career services – moreau fye week 4 to a trip (“navigating your career journey,” undergraduate career services – moreau fye week 4): a journey mindset, continuou y father michael himes – moreau fye week 3 “navigating your career journey,” undergraduate career services – moreau fye week 4 fye week 3 “navigating your career journey,” undergraduate career services – moreau fye week 4 “irish compass activity” – mor greatly assist you in this process, and you will take many career assessments and quizzes to find out where your passions tru ou are. for example, a helpful quote from the undergraduate career services reads, “we know that life is busy and it’s hard to yourself that time you will gain so much” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). as i said, notre dame will ). as i said, notre dame will help you along the journey of career discernment, and this is not something that you need to foc taking time to figure out who you are is invaluable. as the career services say, giving yourself time to reflect is the best p very. so, although you do not need to stress about anything career -related now, take time away from school or chores to simply ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ along the same lines, you must learn how to my passions, giving splendor to my best abilities in the career i enjoy the most. however, how or when will i have a cleare does not determine the rest of your life” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). by listening to how othe lso played alto saxophone in the band, continuing a musical career his parents had started with piano lessons early in his chi his interests, not choosing a major as if it determined his career (“navigating your career journey” by the mereulo family cen ng a major as if it determined his career (“navigating your career journey” by the mereulo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the mereulo family center for career development – moreau fye week four). he always loved learni earch paper, liam’s aspirations were big. he was pursuing a career in foreign affairs, seeking to emulate father hesburgh’s pr meone who found purpose in their life specifically in their career , which i am actively searching for. “as a commissioned offi nition initiative moreau fye week two). when looking at the career and life of captain michael hillmer i have found to underst ichael hillmer i have found to understand that a fulfilling career path is simply not linear. there are many branches that dev efending the country. for me, going into a computer science career seems like the best opportunity. similar to the captain, th ems like the best opportunity. similar to the captain, this career has infinite possibilities from service to the preservation do or a required course in high school.” ("navigating your career journey" by undergraduate career services moreau fye week f school.” ("navigating your career journey" by undergraduate career services moreau fye week four). i have found this to be ext lize that i career -journey---moreau/ y focuses on one or two parts of his/her self-concept for a career , that person will eventually hit a wall” (“navigating your , that person will eventually hit a wall” (“navigating your career journey” by meruolo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruolo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). as discussed in week 4, it as discussed in week 4, it is important not to settle for a career path just because it pays well and is a job. caroline took week four: career -journey---moreau/ week 5: (interview with mary quinn): http ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ discover my passion. moreover, i will treat “planning [my] career [and future…] like planning for a trip” (“navigating your c r [and future…] like planning for a trip” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career developmentmor avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye week 4). instead of believing that th moreau fye week 4). instead of believing that the major and career i chose will determine the rest of my life, i will have the e, i will have the mindset that my major decision and first career after college are not the end-all. college is a place to di passions and learn from my failures. i will treat whatever career i choose after college as a trip and continuously plan for /transcript career -journey---moreau/ ly held belief in our society that a major equals a certain career path” (“navigating your career journey” moreau fye week 4). hat a major equals a certain career path” (“navigating your career journey” moreau fye week 4). catherine was able to find the am proud of how you have implemented it into your life and career goals” (interview with patrick wolf by moreau fye week 5). reau fye week 5). catherine believed that doing good in her career was of the utmost importance. as a lover of the outdoors an in bridging work related gaps were certainly crucial to her career , she used those skills more often in her personal life. cat life, and working towards a more sustainable future in her career . however, one thing that we can all learn from her is that lways extremely motivated. whether it was in her gymnastics career , academics, or volunteering, she worked extremely hard all passionate care in medicine at notre dame (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye week four). sadly, she was taken too y, she was taken too soon and was never able to achieve her career goal, however i know if she could have, she would. while ka ilures, or rather, “bumps in the road,” my college academic career has challenged me like nothing i have ever experienced befo waters just get out and experience life!” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). whether it was trying ou id, he took career -journey---moreau/ be a leader, which is something that he learned through the career examinations in his moreau first-year experience course (ca er examinations in his moreau first-year experience course ( career surveys moreau fye week 4). being a leader had always been y, which made it so important to him in choosing his future career . one thing that tommy was developing in his college life wa pes that his mother will continue the recent success in her career , and his father continues to be a great dad for all seven o her efforts and spirit for many more years, no matter what career she would have chosen (week 4). though she undoubtedly brou he workload”. listening to our lesson for (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course | undergraduate journey moreau first year experience course | undergraduate career services | university of notre dame)” by meruelo family cen s | university of notre dame)” by meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye week four), the speaker’s advice to“ relax and put aside the thought that you are deciding your career path when picking your major. it’s much more complex than t ho she was. career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ want to do in life? why are all my friends so set on their career goals when i’m still trying to figure out who i am? however ranslate that into values that i can cultivate in my future career , whether that be working with non profit human rights organ waters just get out and experience life!” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). for the summer, i purpos ds certain jobs. i learned to be more open minded about the career process, and because of that i feel now i have even more op ez1ne4/edit career -journey---moreau/ moreau integration march 4th, 2022 moreau still an active 4-h member. at the beginning of her college career though something changed in courtney she started to see the g herself and was prioritizing sleep too, (“navigating your career journey” ccdmoreau week 4). this is why she started to cent tems/144741 career -journey---moreau/ of her life was dedicated to volunteering waters just get out and experience life!” (“navigating your career journey” moreau fye week 4). i have done my best so far in rds, actions, and personal relationships. through my future career , i hope to improve the lives of others. in my personal rela dge i already have. in the article titled, “navigating your career journey,” it states that “every experience shapes you in so whether you realize it at the time or not” (navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course moreau week fou rspectives. career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ one have always been hands-on service activities.” (7 clues career survey, meruelo ccd moreau fye week four) i know for sure n ou to do a required course in high school” (navigating your career journey meruelo family center for career development moreau ” (navigating your career journey meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). in fact, the only reason he lso deeply committed to his studies and dove fully into the career development process in order to find his true vocation: “[d find his true vocation: “[dr. donald super] contended that career satisfaction/success depends in part on how well a person c art on how well a person can identify and implement his/her career self-concept, which is comprised of your values, interests, lues, interests, personality, and skills” (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). sean’s favorite part of b9500c9ecd9 career -journey---moreau/ irectly from father michael himes’s criteria for choosing a career path. “1. is this a source of joy? 2. is this something tha ourses will equip me for the world of diplomacy, my current career path. language allows me to bridge cultural divides, a skil airs major meets these same criteria. pursuing a diplomatic career is a great career choice because, “the idea is that the bes hese same criteria. pursuing a diplomatic career is a great career choice because, “the idea is that the best career choices f s a great career choice because, “the idea is that the best career choices for a person are those that allow him/her to implem arts of his/her self-concept as possible” (“navigating your career journey” meruelo family center for career development – mor (“navigating your career journey” meruelo family center for career development – moreau fye week four). at the same time, “the , continuing to build strong relationships, and pursuing my career , i can do a better job of carrying out my life’s mission. t having to manage my classwork with clubs, hall commitments, career discernment, and making plans for summer. this has left me that we want to continue hanging out with? is this really a career that i want to pursue? without asking ourselves questions l sion in the next three years at notre dame is to discover a career in which i can work to fulfill my mission statement. earlie itical science major, it has never felt right. through some career discernment activities and workshops (“navigating your care reer discernment activities and workshops (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4) and discussions with my pare age in work that would improve the lives of other people. a career in business did not seem like that kind of work. reflecting ne of thinking on that. hesburgh proved that no matter what career you chose, you can make the world a better place (“hesburgh next three years here at notre dame, i will work towards a career in business with my personal mission statement in mind. i’l ll learn why the inequalities in society exist and choose a career and company that is committed to fixing these issues. integ ng that she had a great interest in but it definitely was a career that would benefit the world. as hime’s three questions abo mpact others but also herself in the long run. a successful career , as hime mentioned, is not one that meets others’ expectati 2). i hope to leave a legacy, not in the sense of a job or career , but instead based upon my morals.” i want to live a life f up is what are you planning to do careerwise? thinking of a career does stress me out a little (surprise, surprise). i am conf in a more open mindset regarding the future. the center for career development is helping me do so: “contrary to popular belie oes not determine the rest of your life,” (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience” by the center https:/ -wrong-way/ career -journey---moreau/ for career development moreau fye week fo for career development moreau fye week four). it’s definitely reassuri fye week four). it’s definitely reassuring to hear that my career is not defined by my major. i still have time to make decis o live a life well lived. one week of moreau was focused on career development. i understand that discerning my career will he used on career development. i understand that discerning my career will help me better understand my life and how to live it w an contribute to a life well lived instead. whatever future career i have in business i hope to do what makes me happy but mos how my life can be best lived ("exploring a life well-lived career development reflection” meruelo family center for career de ed career development reflection” meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). when determining if you are like father ted hesburgh, living with joy, choosing a good career , thinking of how others perceive you, building good relatio is using our experiences, growth, and interests to explore career paths which we will be content with for the rest of our liv ing about genetics and this has prompted me to explore this career path. however, regardless of if a person has made a decisio waters just get out and experience life!” (navigating your career journey by meruelo family center for career development – m navigating your career journey by meruelo family center for career development – moreau fye week 4). i can experience life in ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ end). therefore, i can continue to live w als. this quote reflects that and it states, “planning your career is much like planning for a trip. there are many details an outside perspective. this was able to help her realize the career and path in life that she should take and if it was best su and will not be perfect. taking the time to navigate one’s career journey, while it may be very difficult and frustrating, is there but there is a “best major for you” (“navigating your career journey” moreau fye week 4). while i have struggled a bit t st for the money. i hope to continue pursuing a major and a career that is right for me and for who i am meant to be. i believ tml week 4: career -journey---moreau/ week 5: (interview with mary quinn): http ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ eachers to enable me to succeed (“muerelo family center for career development” moreau fye week four). my interest in engineer ing for the environment in the future. in my aspiration and career , i got interested in robotics because of my robotics team m er moreau fye week one) he spent the end of his high school career and most of his college career working on a program that wo t the end of his high school career and most of his college career working on a program that would help those with disabilitie anical engineer. when reading about how one should choose a career path, hugh considered the question: “is this vocation / thi rsonality, and skills (vips)— before you can make effective career choices (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family ore you can make effective career choices (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career developmentmor avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye week four). hugh new above all he val ersonality, and skills (vips) before you can make effective career choices” ("navigating your career journey” by meruelo famil re you can make effective career choices” ("navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – moreau fye week four). she knew while she mig d be better suited on a smaller level. we all should pick a career based on our strengths, which in turn helps other people th at one point that, “you can live a good life through a good career , sure, but you want your eulogy to remember who you were as waters just get out and experience life” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). i know that my time in u ip with the career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ seen or heard stories of intelligent people who get into a career path for money or because it's the normal pipeline, and the yle, he began looking into job opportunities as his college career neared an end. led by the guidance of his parents, his appr eed to get a first hand perspective and talk with people in career fields of greatest interest to you. you will learn so much to you. you will learn so much by talking with someone in a career you are considering the good and the bad” (“navigating your you are considering the good and the bad” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). as he started to meet with ek 4). as he started to meet with potential employers for a career in mechanical engineering, luke realized that his deeper pu ult life. after college, as his adult life and professional career were underway, luke took a deeper dive into the world of cr ar-sabbath/ career -journey---moreau/ world around him. holding strong to his p o his personal goals and morals, luke worked to construct a career centered around building and teaching others about roller c cus on turning a passion for technology and building into a career , luke set his sights on turning his passion for creation in s it had been a critical part of his life leading up to his career . even from a young age, luke was connected with the catholi om meaningful communal involvement. throughout a successful career of creation, teaching others, and staying involved with his ghtful about how his life was unfolding. he had a wonderful career , in which he took his passion for creation and used it to f pirits and refused to give up. he still made treks to local career fairs and church events to voice his support, even when he gled in finding direction for what he wanted to do with his career . it was in week 5 of moreau where he thought back to and ga valuable lesson through the article titled “navigating your career journey” posted on notre dame’s undergraduate career servic g your career journey” posted on notre dame’s undergraduate career services. in that article, he learned about self and career career services. in that article, he learned about self and career exploration figuring out what you like and what you want to imately, he decided to make the sacrifice and continued his career with an untraditional plan (“navigating your career journey ued his career with an untraditional plan (“navigating your career journey” by undergraduate career services moreau fye week 4 nal plan (“navigating your career journey” by undergraduate career services moreau fye week 4). oliver ended up retiring after phb6bm/edit career -journey---moreau/ y focuses on one or two parts of his/her self-concept for a career , that person will eventually hit a wall (“navigating your c r, that person will eventually hit a wall (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development.) avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development.) kevin loved playing basketball and was willin therebut there is a ‘best major for you’” (“navigating your career journey” from the meruelo family centermoreau fye week 4). ction, but she also led a life of harmony by example in her career pursuits. always interested in learning about everything, a erests, personality, and skills–and used those to guide her career choices. she often told me that “the only way to know more waters just get out and experience life” (“navigating your career journey” by nd undergrad career services moreau fye week 4) nce life” (“navigating your career journey” by nd undergrad career services moreau fye week 4). anneliese tried to combine thi -wrong-way/ career -journey---moreau/ life and the imprint she hoped to leave b , and strived to live these out in her everday life, in her career , and in her relationships with people and the wider world a e in the south bend community, and her friendships (meruelo career center, moreau fye week 4). although college wasn’t all sun holy family of nazareth, where she explored many different career paths. she finally landed on art therapy for children strug cing historic events from a young age led her to daydream a career in politics and global affairs; at the ripe old age of six, ocial cognitive skills centre (“exploring a life well-lived career development reflection” activity by meruelo family center f velopment reflection” activity by meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye week 4). although all the women in he are capable of so much more? (“exploring a life well-lived career development reflection” activity by meruelo family center f velopment reflection” activity by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). at her core, farida lived w s presented us with “three key questions” to ask during our career discernment process. father michael’s first question was, “ y focuses on one or two parts of his/her self-concept for a career , that person will eventually hit a wall” (navigating your c r, that person will eventually hit a wall” (navigating your career journey by meruelo center for career development moreau fye wall” (navigating your career journey by meruelo center for career development moreau fye week four). in our career discernmen center for career development moreau fye week four). in our career discernment process, if we only focus on one aspect as oppo n of accountability. i have learned, throughout my academic career , di�erent methods of holding myself to the highest standard (the spirit of inclusion at notre dame by und) in my future career , i want to be able to serve those less fortunate than mysel to better understand how i can promote justice in my future career . i hope to continue to embody these principles in my everyd ise in baseball from the moment he held a bat. his athletic career culminated in winning the new jersey state title in 2019, a ing .350 over the entire course of his high school baseball career . he received offers from johns hopkins university and tufts e what he knew held the most potential for him: an academic career at the university of notre dame. he was drawn to notre dame n something, he never gave up ("exploring a life well-lived career development reflection" by meruelo family center for career career development reflection" by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye2 week four). not just in academic or ildren. she completed all of this while having a successful career as a businesswoman. riley put the totality of her heart int e proceeded to fulfill this goal all throughout her college career , using the gym as an outlet for when she needed a break fro do in the future. this may be surprising due the successful career she had, but it is true. the only thing riley knew when she . after reading an article by the meruelo family center for career development, riley realized she was containing herself to o forming her that a specific major does not equal a specific career path (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family ce jor does not equal a specific career path (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fys week 4). after this encounter, riley eek 4). after this encounter, riley became more open to all career ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ gonyea 4 possibilities, not just those la y. due to her growth, riley was able to have the successful career she did. riley cherished her relationship with her parents. t or not.” ( career -journey---moreau/ muerelo family center for career developm ing-your-career-journey---moreau/ muerelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). that is one of the thing ar-sabbath/ career -journey---moreau/ another of the many things i admire about with bettering others’ lives. this can be done by finding a career that fits your passions and talents, then using your specia , carl ackermann, taught me this semester, you can use your career to help others (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo r, you can use your career to help others (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). ackermann taught his stu ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ could give some to our parents who worked o sum up, ackermann taught us how to use our money from our career as a force for good in the world, which i’ve also learned b ly lasts so long. and i plan on carrying that throughout my career . the meruelo center for family development says, “you have ersonality, and skills (vips) before you can make effective career choices” (moreau week 4). i think i have always known mysel y fr. michael himes, moreau fye week three “navigating your career journey” by mfccd, moreau fye week four “the right way to b be successful in my student life and, in the future, in my career . through this, i wish to bring, not just pride to my family : you will always have small regrets as you go through your career path, but you must always continue on your path and not dwe en my pursuit of a life well-lived. notre dame’s center for career hether you realize it at the time or not” (“navigating your career journey” by the center for career development moreau fye we or not” (“navigating your career journey” by the center for career development moreau fye week 4). my mission statement descri thrive and career -journey---moreau/ isions such as my major, which classes i want to take, what career path i want to pursue all have to be made. i recently had a think i’ll be happy doing that. i have also looked into the career development center to decide which future career i may thin d into the career development center to decide which future career i may think about pursuing. currently, i am planning on att ently, i am planning on attending law school and pursuing a career as a lawyer. i came to this conclusion and got a better gen etter general sense of it while reading the navigating your career journey article("navigating your career journey" by moreau the navigating your career journey article("navigating your career journey" by moreau first year experience week 4). however, nload_frd=1 career -journey---moreau/ ple who wanted to impart wisdom to later graduates. meruelo career center at notre dame urges students to take advantage of th establish a satisfying professional life” (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). she connected with alumni, ly held belief in our society that a major equals a certain career path.” (“navigating your career journey” by moreau first ye at a major equals a certain career path.” (“navigating your career journey” by moreau first year experience course moreau fye and all the career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ well lived. career -journey---moreau/ xplanations in the moreau classes. i also want to explore a career path in socially beneficial investing to diverge money into g the present— living. living was also how he discerned his career in medicine. when his college career center told him that “ o how he discerned his career in medicine. when his college career center told him that “the only way to know more about yours d experience life!”aidan took it to heart ("navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). he discovered a passion eave if the answer to that question is “no” is necessary to career happiness, and was always open to new opportunities. surrou ar-sabbath/ career -journey---moreau/ ddition to trying to serve others, so diving fully into the career development process in order to find my true vocation is ve is very important to me: “[dr. donald super] contended that career satisfaction/success depends in part on how well a person c art on how well a person can identify and implement his/her career self-concept, which is comprised of your values, interests, lues, interests, personality, and skills” (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). i also want to remember t into college undecided in regards to her major and future career , but along the way she took classes she enjoyed and met peo to her who helped her figure out her path (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). the gateway program was e in 2025. after college grace moved to boston to begin her career , and she lived there for several years with her dog. she al m_id=167955 career -journey---moreau/ the golden gate bridge, and continued on with her marketing career . she enjoyed art, and could often be found on the floor mak he loved to incorporate this side of her into her marketing career . she loved music, and would occasionally attempt to learn a leads to better post-graduate outcomes,” (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). i liked this quote for t m_id=167955 career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ ly held belief in our society that a major equals a certain career path.” (“navigating your career journey” by moreau first ye at a major equals a certain career path.” (“navigating your career journey” by moreau first year experience course moreau fye ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ much pressure on this idea that we need t well-lived. career -journey---moreau/ angel gonzalez rodriguez maria finan more it difficult for me to decide on what i wanted to pursue a career in. there were all sorts of careers with which i would fill year of high school that i began to more or less define the career path i wanted to pursue: engineering. but even that came wi campus, and it was here that i learned that “planning your career is much like planning for a trip. there are many details an does not determine the rest of your life” (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course” by the meruelo st year experience course” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). once i did my research, grades is the only way i can succeed in life. however, the career center at notre dame does remind us that “contrary to popul ajor does not determine the rest of life” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career developmentmor avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye spring week four). going forward, i n four). going forward, i need to listen to the advice of the career center. i must put my goals of enriching myself and the liv often tempt career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ ts is “just checking a box and moving on” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). what i mean by this is t ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ your disposal you will reap the benefits” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo career center week 4). being some form the benefits” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo career center week 4). being some form of doctor has visible evide follow the career -journey h the people around you, and that is my driving force in my career plans and in my current life. while i have plans for the fu er to do something you enjoy than something you do not. the career development center and the discernment conversation activit in order to eventually reach my end goal (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four) (“discernment conversatio ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ intend to implement over the next three years of my college career . whenever i am faced with an issue of morality, i will look and i intend to embody that mission throughout my academic career here and post-graduation. i have been reminded of, both by th unique backgrounds and valuable insights. i know that my career goals and plans will continue to change; after all, dr. don ntinue to change; after all, dr. donald super describes our career discernment as a “developmental process that spans a person 6dzcnothuf6c-lg3sh-rs30/edit lifetime” on the undergraduate career services page (“navigating your career journey” – moreau fy on the undergraduate career services page (“navigating your career journey” – moreau fye week 4), but the person i aim to beco it touches. career -journey---moreau/ ted person. sure, my catholic faith and my dedication to my career in public policy could qualify as major goals. but there we isions i had to make. part of that decision came down to my career , where i had to truly weigh the possibilities of living in a religious vocation, and relationships. it is true that no career choice would ever suffice to be a “plan” in the sense that it would provide you with all the answers (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo center – moreau fye week four). but my emember had to do with me giving up theology as an academic career in favor of a more on-theground position. it initially made to continue conducting ovarian cancer research in my future career as a doctor. this semester has reaffirmed that i will be ha my life beyond notre dame. as the meruelo family center for career development stated, “every experience shapes you in some wa ether you realize it at the time or not!” (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). i have found this to be her service career -journey---moreau/ orts and hanging out with friends. that's when his football career started. growing up on hilton head in such a small communit ie” by ruth graham moreau fye week three) (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course” by undergradua urney moreau first year experience course” by undergraduate career services moreau fye week four) (“personal talk with grandpa ant part of their life. within the article “navigating your career journey,” the undergraduate career services remarked, “he c article “navigating your career journey,” the undergraduate career services remarked, “he contended that career satisfaction/s undergraduate career services remarked, “he contended that career satisfaction/success depends in part on how well a person c lues, interests, personality, and skills” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). pursuing a career that i er for career development moreau fye week four). pursuing a career that interests a person ensures that they will feel fulfill use i would career -journey---moreau/ tml in weeks four and five of moreau, we explored different career paths and discerned what we wanted to do in our lives. thes cle from week four outlined how we should look for the best career for us, saying that “the idea is that the best career choic best career for us, saying that “the idea is that the best career choices for a person are those that allow him/her to implem y focuses on one or two parts of his/her self-concept for a career , that person will eventually hit a wall” (“navigating your , that person will eventually hit a wall” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). i felt like i had a good our best to help others and better yourself. no matter what career i go into, i want to help people. if i can live a life wher best life. career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ re to be, neol stepped back and thought about his major and career . he reflected on if he really wanted to become a civil engi he really wanted to become a civil engineer. as part of his career discernment journey, he looked at university resources such he looked at university resources such as the undergraduate career resources to be sure he was certain of his major. “every ex whether you realize it at the time or not!” (undergraduate career services moreau fye week four) this quote stuck to neol bec ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ participating and working with the people room and to be involved with multiple clubs. “planning your career is much like planning for a trip. [...] contrary to popular does not determine the rest of your life” (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course” by the meruelo st year experience course” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). i may be set on pursuing r, ranging from racism, to acts of service, to families, to career paths, and even opening up to peers through our ongoing goa ant to create something beautiful. whether that’s through a career , in my education, with friends and family, or through outre ve proved myself wrong”. in weeks 4, 5, and 6, we discussed career paths, using our best qualities, and being aware of our obs nd being aware of our obstacles to succeeding. completing a career development reflection assignment in week 4 highlighted our ent in week 4 highlighted our strengths and possible future career ideas based on these – the meruelo family center for career career ideas based on these – the meruelo family center for career development has a helpful website for navigating your caree areer development has a helpful website for navigating your career journey, in which it says, “if someone focuses only on skil t with values or personality is off. that person can do the career for a while but eventually will start to feel dissatisfied ts values, interests, personality, and skills when making a career decision” (meruelo career development). this emphasizes the onality, and skills when making a career decision” (meruelo career development). this emphasizes the importance of using all o s the importance of using all of your best traits to find a career path, as opposed to focusing solely on one. i’ve definitely i’ve definitely made my younger self proud with my intended career path – i chose pre-med over my love for film and television , is i’ve definitely found my weaknesses when looking for a career and a future goal. in a conversation with my mom during the fr. michael himes moreau fye week three) ("navigating your career journey”) from the meruelo family center for career develop ng your career journey”) from the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four) (“the right way to be int nd true passions gives you a better indication of what your career should be. ("text: "navigating your career journey" (meruel ion of what your career should be. ("text: "navigating your career journey" (meruelo family center for career development by n "navigating your career journey" (meruelo family center for career development by nd career site moreau fye week four). nick f ourney" (meruelo family center for career development by nd career site moreau fye week four). nick found out he was great wit xtczn5rugnk career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ gla lationships i have with the people i love, my education and career development, and caring for my own health and wellness. it fe well-lived includes showing love to all. educational and career pursuits are also critical to living a fulfilling life for t leads to better post-graduate outcomes.” (navigating your career journey moreau fye week 6). i don’t know what i want to do moreau fye week 6). i don’t know what i want to do with my career after my navy career commitment is over, but having an educ i don’t know what i want to do with my career after my navy career commitment is over, but having an educational background in ject i enjoy will give me numerous options for a fulfilling career . for example, one of the domer dozen was a political scienc give your entire life to the people you care about and your career and ignore your own needs without burning out quickly. scho a life well-lived with positive relationships, a fulfilling career , and good health. there is still so much unknown ahead of m can use that to help others and the world (navigating your career journey by meruelo family center for career development mor navigating your career journey by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). his words helped me make moreau fye week four). his words helped me make many great career decisions in life that have put me in the position i am tod dergrad, where he majored in science-business, he pursued a career in medicine by attending medical school and specializing in dicine combined the general principles of what makes a good career , as his “career satisfaction depended in part on how well a the general principles of what makes a good career, as his “ career satisfaction depended in part on how well a person can iden art on how well a person can identify and implement his/her career self-concept, which is comprised of your values, interests, ues, interests, personality, and skills.” (“navigating your career journey” by murelo family center for career development mor navigating your career journey” by murelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). medicine combined inspir tems/143021 career -journey---moreau/ water polo, he had to undergo his first s ourney. after this surgery, he was motivated to follow this career path, keeping in mind both his inspiration and his passion f these inspirations with his own talents, finding the best career fit for himself. he was routinely described by his mother a ation by relatives, and self-driven traits which led to his career choice and his resulting impact on both his local and globa e his involvement with the group throughout college and his career . as an orthopedic surgeon, he volunteered on many service t could do to help and serve the global community through his career . st. thomas aquinas’ point showed him that “the crown and s ye week three). by putting the gifts of both his talent and career to use in charity, thomas was able to fulfill both his mind always made sure to keep a healthy balance between both his career and those closest to him, as he centered his schedule aroun paths and come back to work refreshed. his balance between career and family allowed him to have a significant impact on both mily through his life at home, patients through his medical career , and disadvantaged people through charity. he was the antit ontributed to society in a positive way. “he contended that career satisfaction/success depends in part on how well a person c art on how well a person can identify and implement his/her career self-concept, which is comprised of your values, interests, lues, interests, personality, and skills” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). dan took his love of mat le to be of service to all people. i have found that a good career where i will be able to give myself to others for the rest for the rest of my life. according to the “navigating your career journey” article, a good career is one that“is comprised of ing to the “navigating your career journey” article, a good career is one that“is comprised of your values, interests, persona lues, interests, personality, and skills” (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course” by luzzo, d.a. paying attention to detail. this is going to be the perfect career for me and is going to fulfill my mission statement as i am b9500c9ecd9 career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ ether you realize it at the time or not.” (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). i think for ja the bigge joy of the career -journey---moreau/ stin’s professional life was mostly devoted to his teaching career . a former president of notre dame, his alma mater, once sai tences. beginning just after college, he began his teaching career at a startup school in new york. throughout his career, he hing career at a startup school in new york. throughout his career , he would go on to help start four different schools in thr before. additionally, this has allowed me to discern which career path i will follow in my life. by asking myself important q ut there there is a “best major for you.” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). while i am still unsure people are career -journey---moreau/ f you end up having a really great time!” (“navigating your career journey” by muerelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by muerelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). one thing that my oldest br dules/17101 career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ that our time here is limited. similarly, (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4) suggests “there is no “best e most because it reinforces my choice of major and desired career path. biology is certainly not the easiest major, and there ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ ed discovering what kind of woman i wanted to be and how my career played a role in that career path. despite the fact that i oman i wanted to be and how my career played a role in that career path. despite the fact that i am still uncertain about what te the fact that i am still uncertain about what particular career path to follow, i was able to decide on my major and discov friendships and grow as a person (week 4: "navigating your career journey” (meruelo family center for career development). it "navigating your career journey” (meruelo family center for career development). it can be difficult to find the balance betwe there but there is a ‘best major for” her. (navigating your career journey moreau fye week four). she always wanted to help pe to be placed in a position to help others, i must choose a career that facilitates this. throughout my time at notre dame, i to the resources provided by the meruelo family center for career development, aided in easing my anxiety about future jobs ( easing my anxiety about future jobs (text: "navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – moreau fye week 4). yet, i also found myself i will need to work on my planning for sure. “planning your career is much like planning for a trip. there are many details an d research. it’s not a one-step process.” (“navigating your career journey” meruelo family center for career development morea (“navigating your career journey” meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). i love this quote regard u fye week four). i love this quote regarding planning your career , and i believe that this quote is very applicable to many o licable to many other situations. planning something like a career is not something that you can half-fast or put very little me. there are so many little things that go into planning a career that require so much time in itself. because of this, i bel lieve that planning has a lot to do with a life well-lived. career planning is just one example of how planning is required fo life is full of unexpected twists. notre dame’s center for career development reminds students that “it is imperative to take hether you realize it at the time or not” (“navigating your career journey” by the center for career development moreau fye we or not” (“navigating your career journey” by the center for career development moreau fye week ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ mahoney 3 4). at notre dame, i have encou paths, and our moreau class discussions of our professor’s career path and my classmates’ changes to intended majors continua l project for class, and i was able to keep an open mind to career options by recognizing that a life-well lived stems from th : you will always have small regrets as you go through your career path, but you must always continue on your path and not dwe omplish these goals? after graduation, i intend to pursue a career in mechanical engineering. i aspire to gain experience with provide structure and instruction as i apply for research, career , and fellowships. because i am committed to a research care reer, and fellowships. because i am committed to a research career , undergraduate research experience is vital for pursuing ca me participate in post-graduate outreach. i wish to use my career knowledge to support girls in stem. this cause is of great o me, and the sorin scholars can guide me through finding a career or organization through which i could do this. this way, i upport my educational pursuit towards a mechanical research career , allowing me to accomplish such contributions. integration odule_item_id=143473 competitive, worldly atmosphere of her career (navigating your career journey moreau first year experienc petitive, worldly atmosphere of her career (navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course | undergraduate journey moreau first year experience course | undergraduate career services | university of notre dame – moreau fye week 4) an each of us. career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ people who cannot stand up for themselves. i also chose the career and majors i am in to try and protect others. i want to be quizzes, whether they be general knowledge, personality, or career oriented. when given moreau quizzes, like ‘the 7 clues,’5 s interactive assessment activity; meruelo family center for career development) moreau integration 1: eulogy victoria gordon-b lopment) moreau integration 1: eulogy victoria gordon-brown career goals were and how she could fulfil these. and fulfil these d how she could fulfil these. and fulfil these she did. her career ambitions were matched only by her dedication to her work, rt-lived but well-lived. she accomplished a lot in both her career and her personal life and her legacy will live on. her stro ove between stages as you learn and grow.” (navigating your career journey center for career development moreau fye week 4) i learn and grow.” (navigating your career journey center for career development moreau fye week 4) i think that this is a good order for 1 career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ ether you realize it at the time or not!” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four), they really do because w ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ sheppard 3 indeed achieve; “i will utiliz something she cared so much about (week 4: "navigating your career journey” (meruelo family center for career development). ho "navigating your career journey” (meruelo family center for career development). however, this is not to say that she didn’t s f someone is living a life-well lived greatly ties to one’s career . in my mind, there is a lot of controversy between which jo “life well-lived” criteria, as there are so many different career paths from doctor, mailman/woman, pilot, singer, cafeteria er” than the other? dr. donald super created a theory about career decision making, and with this, he said, “career satisfacti eory about career decision making, and with this, he said, “ career satisfaction/success depends in part on how well a person c art on how well a person can identify and implement his/her career self-concept, which is comprised of your values, interests, ues, interests, personality, and skills.” (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course” by meruelo fam first year experience course” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four) this method of choosing a development moreau fye week four) this method of choosing a career highlights something very important, which is that your car eer highlights something very important, which is that your career doesn’t have to fulfill one thing. i think a big misconcept ink of yourself and your own self interests when choosing a career path. it isn’t selfish in wanting to have a certain career career path. it isn’t selfish in wanting to have a certain career path that doesn’t conventionally benefit others. there need people in developing countries. i think this is the perfect career path for me because being a doctor can save lives and make nd live my life to the fullest. another reason why this job career is perfect is because my heart breaks for people who were b years. the first way that i can serve others is through my career . the three key questions document (moreau fye week 4) has h estions document (moreau fye week 4) has helped me see what career i want to pursue, which will likely be something at the int requires the talents of everyone. therefore, even a finance career can help better all of mankind as long as i retain that mor don’t take place in a nice, neat order.” (“navigating your career journey” moreau fye week four). i think i am propelled towa spring_2022 career -journey---moreau/ o an overall welllived life. yet one major attribute is our career . i believe that having a successful and fulfilling career i r career. i believe that having a successful and fulfilling career is necessary to living life well. i will be expected to pro out — what majors and minors to pick up and therefore what career paths will be available to me. in week four of moreau, we e in week four of moreau, we examined some resources from the career development center in which they acknowledged that “there s ly held belief in our society that a major equals a certain career path” (“navigating your career journey” from meruelo center hat a major equals a certain career path” (“navigating your career journey” from meruelo center for career development undergr ” (“navigating your career journey” from meruelo center for career development undergraduate career services moreau fye week f y” from meruelo center for career development undergraduate career services moreau fye week four). however, they also reassure is idea for me that my one major doesn’t dictate a specific career path. i hope that my excitement about it as well as the fle t it as well as the flexibility in the major and someday my career will help me lead a fulfilling work life. cox 4 a lot of th values, interests, personality, and skills (navigating your career journey moreau fye 4). this process required experimentatio eein4so/ edit?usp=sharing moreau week 5. 4 "navigating your career journey” er journey” career -journey---moreau/ (meruelo family center for career develop ng-your-career-journey---moreau/ (meruelo family center for career development week 4. 3 usp=sharing career -journey---moreau/ y classes, participation in extracurricular activities, and career discernment. i often find myself overwhelmed by feelings of urce of stress for college students including myself is the career discernment process. over the past few months, i have obser g it difficult for me to put extra energy into discerning a career path. however, when i put off this discernment process, i f s me more anxiety. as i explored notre dame’s undergraduate career services website, i felt motivated to take ownership of my services website, i felt motivated to take ownership of my career discernment process and utilize the tools that are availabl e tools that are available at my disposal (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo center for career development – moreau sal (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo center for career development – moreau fye week four). however, i began to re at a live well-lived is not contingent upon one’s choice of career . i believe that in choosing our careers, we are given the o ng our careers, we are given the opportunity to engage in a career that will bring meaning and fulfillment to our lives. howev meaning and fulfillment to our lives. however, one’s chosen career path is not the sole instrument of meaning. there are many well is a powerful tool of self-reflection and has aided my career discernment process. for moreau week five, i was prompted t ng includes career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ re. i have found that a life well-lived is more than just a career choice. the quality of one’s relationships is critical in c d. one of the activities from this semester that focused on career guidance asked a question that hit the mark on what “passio se track of time (“7 clues to help you get started with the career development process” by the meruelo family center for caree areer development process” by the meruelo family center for career development – moreau fye week four). finding something that o recognizing where my passions lie in terms of a potential career (“discernment conversation activity” – moreau fye week five etter. i hope that in bettering myself in my personal life, career , and other endeavors, i can inspire others to do the same; hat i have given myself when it comes to choosing study and career paths. like in the ‘navigating your career journey’4 page, oosing study and career paths. like in the ‘navigating your career journey’4 page, reflecting upon the things i enjoy, the ski mmer. however, i will continue to reflect to ensure that my career path remains in alignment with my values, goals and the thi (moreau fye week 4: undergraduate careers: navigating your career journey) 5 (moreau fye week 5: week 5 discernment conversat ou are doing when you lose track of time,”(“navigating your career journey” meruelo family center moreau semester 2 week 4) an a part of it, but with so many interests, he had plenty of career directions that would have brought him contentment. while d at would have brought him contentment. while discerning his career path, his brother michael emphasized his ability to grasp t ho share my values. when exploring week 4’s navigating your career journey, i found that potential career paths that will leav 4’s navigating your career journey, i found that potential career paths that will leave me most fulfilled are rooted in the m lled are rooted in the medical professions (navigating your career journey, center for career development, moreau fye w4). i’v cal professions (navigating your career journey, center for career development, moreau fye w4). i’ve seen this passion reflect nload_frd=1 career -journey---moreau/ stories helping the sick. i can see my li /a-life-well-lived/ career -and-finance/how-to-focus-on-what-matters/ every one of them any situations, such as when i eventually have to choose my career path. for this example, i must remember that a specific maj st remember that a specific major does not equal a specific career path, as the meruelo family center for career development m al a specific career path, as the meruelo family center for career development made me aware of, and that my future is in my o of, and that my future is in my own hands (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fys week 4). this practice is intertwine snt-enough/ career -journey---moreau/ integration 4 pursuing a life well-lived ou to do a required course in high school” (navigating your career journey meruelo family center for career development moreau ” (navigating your career journey meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). when i begin something, i w always concerned with was how long my love would last in my career . i may start out loving what i do, and i may think it is wh to receive their first hand perspectives (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career developmentmor avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye week 4). they can tell me exactly how pght5o/edit career -journey---moreau/ interested in. she had simply taken the first step in the “ career development process” and was looking forward to stepping fu g forward to stepping further into the thought of an actual career . sadly, francesca can no longer have a career because her l of an actual career. sadly, francesca can no longer have a career because her life was cut short too soon. but we are still p ill proud of her for attempting to make the steps towards a career . what helped push her 1/05/14/us/memento-mori-nun.html the most into starting the career decision process were the discussions in her moreau class. at nguyen, did an amazing job at talking to his class about career development and what it really meant to be happy in a caree areer development and what it really meant to be happy in a career . he too is here to share in the mourning of his beloved stu urning of his beloved student ("exploring a life well-lived career development reflection” meruelo family center for career de ed career development reflection” meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). francesca was lucky enough off, i am looking forward to the next steps in my academic career as i hit a major transition point in my life. within the ne i1jlzdrq_xl8jdgq/edit though. in notre dame’s undergraduate career services, navigating your journey, they outline an importan navigating your journey, they outline an important step in career search process, which is “study what you enjoy and get invo s “study what you enjoy and get involved” (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course” by undergradua urney moreau first year experience course” by undergraduate career services moreau fye week four). the advice provided by the services moreau fye week four). the advice provided by the career services section helped navigate my mental aspect of my mis ng business analytics (if admitted) and be able to start my career path in the field. i believe this choice is the correct cho rospective” career -journey---moreau/ ld belief that in our society that a major equals a certain career path,” ("navigating your career journey" by mereulo center at a major equals a certain career path,” ("navigating your career journey" by mereulo center for career development moreau fy h,” ("navigating your career journey" by mereulo center for career development moreau fye week 4) is not true. here at notre d ar-sabbath/ career -journey---moreau/ could be used in many different careers. tify that i need to slow down, that i am not limited to one career path, and that introspection may not be helpful which are a ove between stages as you learn and grow.” (navigating your career journey center for career development moreau fye week 4) ne learn and grow.” (navigating your career journey center for career development moreau fye week 4) new people will present them art where 1 career -journey---moreau/ note, i further want to remind you all that “planning your career is much like planning for a trip…it’s not a one step proces g for a trip…it’s not a one step process” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development, w avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development, week 4). for all the young ones sitting here t he good of myself and the world. “the idea is that the best career choices for a person are those that allow him/her to implem arts of his/her self-concept as possible” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family centermoreau fye week four). i u ue expanding it with my values as i move forward through my career at notre dame. capstone integration moreau fye professor ta i must work diligently to prepare myself and work towards a career that i can be proud of. that being said thanks to the conve i wish to. to truly focus love at the center i cannot allow career , academics, or selfish motives to drive all i do. although waters just get out and experience life!” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). during the short time i rder to continue to grow here at notre dame, i must, as the career center argues, test the waters and truly push myself out of notre dame. career -journey---moreau/ ossible, but they are wrong – it is merely difficult. in my career and in my personal life, i believe these convictions will a ether you realize it at the time or not!” ("navigating your career journey" by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey" by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). we exist in the context ar-sabbath/ career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ aside from reflecting on the past, it’s i pefully learn to be kinder to themselves. (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course” moreau fye wee -wrong-way/ career -journey---moreau/ important lessons i learned, in regards t ing you with your own journey. when you are navigating your career , make sure to keep an open mind! i was taught at notre dame has been one of the greatest accomplishments in my academic career . now i need to continue thinking about what else i should t my family as support. by continuing to figure out possible career paths, i will continue having an open mind for new ideas an .edu/courses/41060/modules/15742 so much.” (“navigating our career journey” by meruelo family centermoreau week 4). sometimes “the racial career -journey---moreau/ here haven’t been a lot of big decisions i’ve had to make. “ career satisfaction/success depends in part on how well a person c art on how well a person can identify and implement his/her career self-concept, which is comprised of your values, interests, lues, interests, personality, and skills” ("navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career developmentmor avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye week four). i think this quote is rea ally important, because often there is pressure to choose a career based on success or purely what you are good at. it’s impor many other factors that ultimately determine how “right” a career is for us. i love electrical engineering but i am also inte it's okay to shift gears, change majors, and change entire career paths and it’s all part of the journey of discovering my fu white gives career -journey---moreau/ fe is studded with uncertainty: uncertainty about my major, career , future, relationships, etcs. but there are guiding princip like d.a. luzzo said in a text from week 4, “planning your career is much like planning for a trip… after you leave nd, some action” (“around we go: the developmental process of making career decisions” by d.a. luzzo and l.e. severy moreau fye week fo life as mere stepping stones to their ultimate academic or career oriented goals. however, if students instead consider how t you and what that reveals to us about our chosen majors or career paths. for example, i had my conversation with my friend me th everyday situations that support my choices in study and career . i wrote of this conversation in my qqc for that week, whic . (2009). around we go: the developmental process of making career decisions. in making career decisions that count: a practic developmental process of making career decisions. in making career decisions that count: a practical guide (3rd ed.) (pp. 1-12 cation inc. career -journey---moreau/ “around we go: the developmental process -moreau/ “around we go: the developmental process of making career decisions” by d.a. luzzo and l.e. severy moreau fye week fo ation is. i have begun to explore this that out through the career development process, and “[will] engage in it again and aga in it again and again as needed to effectively manage [my] career ” (“navigating your career journey” by merulo family center needed to effectively manage [my] career” (“navigating your career journey” by merulo family center for career development – m navigating your career journey” by merulo family center for career development – moreau first year experience week four). but, ant to understand people and build those relationships. the career i land in will be one where i can work with others as my fr y focuses on one or two parts of his/her self-concept for a career , that person will eventually hit a wall” (“navigating your , that person will eventually hit a wall” (“navigating your career journey” by moreau family center for career development mor navigating your career journey” by moreau family center for career development moreau fye week four). if i don’t allow myself and topics in mind as i choose the direction i pursue in my career . in my academic career, the largest influence of my mission choose the direction i pursue in my career. in my academic career , the largest influence of my mission statement comes from m s these risks. i want to help sculpt this environment in my career and education. my mission statement is something that has s ish to keep career -journey---moreau/ y focuses on one or two parts of his/her self-concept for a career , that person will eventually hit a wall” ("navigating your , that person will eventually hit a wall” ("navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). staying flexible and ope ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ dame but also as a human being who recogn continue to build relationships beyond college in my future career . a career can be such a defining factor in one’s life, and o build relationships beyond college in my future career. a career can be such a defining factor in one’s life, and it is impo defining factor in one’s life, and it is important that my career has a positive impact on others. i liked how the career cen my career has a positive impact on others. i liked how the career center acknowledged that “planning your career is much like iked how the career center acknowledged that “planning your career is much like planning for a trip,” ("navigating your career career is much like planning for a trip,” ("navigating your career journey" by meruelo center for career development – moreau p,” ("navigating your career journey" by meruelo center for career development – moreau fye week four) and it involves a lot o ity traits, and skills, and how you can combine them into a career . additionally, i valued father michael himes’s key question the world, and i greatly admire how my mother has used her career as a doctor to make impacts on others through her time with s, beliefs, career -journey---moreau/ ls i have gained during my time here and utilize them in my career and by serving others. e course, the good, the bad, and the ugly (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course” by meruelo fam first year experience course” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). jack loved what he did b ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ gave jack the advice to succeed as a lawy lead a good life. for instance, a line from navigating your career journey by meruelo family center for career development, a navigating your career journey by meruelo family center for career development, a week 4 reading, that really spoke to me read , that really spoke to me reads, “the idea is that the best career choices for a person are those that allow him/her to implem ther it was with life-changing decisions such as choosing a career path that sparked the same fire within her that sean’s did d during her lifetime certainly underscore this. during her career as an engineer, ellie dedicated her efforts to science and educational outreach programs (“exploring a life well-lived career development reflection” by merulo development center moreau boyle moreau fye week seven). and in both her professional career and volunteer interests, it’s easy to discern what ellie va e and how i could apply that to new goals (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career developmentmor avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye week 4). i was the chronic list maker f notre dame and its resources like the text "navigate your career " by the muruelo career center at the university of notre da sources like the text "navigate your career" by the muruelo career center at the university of notre dame ("navigating your ca er center at the university of notre dame ("navigating your career journey" by meruelo family center for career developmentmor avigating your career journey" by meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye week 4) i know i can use my career to or career developmentmoreau fye week 4) i know i can use my career to achieve what i am trying to and become the person i want waters just get out and experience life!” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). i want to know myself be eous and talk to people i do not know to find out different career paths and how i can go about achieving them. if i want to b ident in. thus, in the next 3 years, i will be going to the career center more to learn about how i can combine finance and ec f moreau, we did the assignment to find out what a possible career path for us could be ( “7 clues to help you get started wit for us could be ( “7 clues to help you get started with the career development process”, university of notre dame moreau fye w re – but there is a ‘best major for you.’” (navigating your career journey – moreau first year experience course by the meruel rst year experience course by the meruelo family center for career development – moreau fye week 4)hearing that really helped w can we apply this in our lives? one way is to search “the career paths pages (which) provide the resources to explore career career paths pages (which) provide the resources to explore career possibilities, provide helpful resources, and assist you in ovide helpful resources, and assist you in starting on your career exploration.” ("navigating your career journey” moreau week in starting on your career exploration.” ("navigating your career journey” moreau week 4) all of our knowledge asking those t asking those three questions can be put forth to finding a career that could fill all of those boxes. how can we address pote week three “ career -journey---moreau/” moreau fye week four “https://ideas.ted. trying new things and testing the waters. as stated in the career development article we read for week four of this course, “ waters just get out and experience life!”("navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). week four of this course enjoy doing and what i would possibly like to pursue as my career in the future. in addition to this, it also emphasized to m ill strike your interest. ideally, i would like to pursue a career that brings me joy and fulfillment, so it is important to g as someone who truly enjoyed life every step of the way. a career takes up so much of one’s life, so it is important to me to so much of one’s life, so it is important to me to enjoy my career . in week five of the moreau course, i had a conversation wi i reach the career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ waters just get out and experience life!” ("navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development -moreau fye week 4). there is a common belief t king my time at notre dame more enjoyable (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). i want to do things that eleven), so career -journey---moreau/ https:/ e most because it reinforces my choice of major and desired career path. biology is certainly not the easiest major, and there seems way harder than other alternatives. (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four) instead of a typical read ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ never be famous. i must work to balance my ambitions in my career with spending time on me and people i care for. kindness, g he has shown me that it is perfectly possible to make your career something you are passionate about. it would be a missed op ve to have everything figured out right when you start your career (irish compass – moreau fye week five). reevaluating my mis ion of my strengths was recorded by my participation in the career development reflection. upon this reflection, the results y the results yielded that my strengths would fit well with a career in business consulting (“career development reflection” – m ngths would fit well with a career in business consulting (“ career development reflection” – moreau fye week four). this led m sulting sectors like deloitte and kpmg. i recognize that my career discernment is an ongoing process. one of my goals as a stu ly held belief in our society that a major equals a certain career path. granted there are certain career paths namely account jor equals a certain career path. granted there are certain career paths namely accounting and engineering fields for which it nal background, but the list stops there.”(“navigating your career journey meruelo family center for career development week 4 ”(“navigating your career journey meruelo family center for career development week 4). when tony was at notre dame he really ). when tony was at notre dame he really struggled with his career discernment. he felt intimidated, and unsure of what to do . he felt intimidated, and unsure of what to do in terms of career discernment. i think he felt this way because his current c r discernment. i think he felt this way because his current career path plans were always changing. he taught me that you can lways the option of heading back to school to chase another career path. i also remember him saying the only way to know is to arily connect this to being successful, having an enjoyable career , and outstanding work-family-life balance. while this defin you get to college, you will have to discern what major or career path you would like to pursue. in making those decisions, i rces on campus. for instance, i learned from the center for career development on campus that "there is no 'best major' out th y fr. michael himes moreau fye week three. “navigating your career journey,” by meruelo family center for career development m vigating your career journey,” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four. “irishcompass activity,” four. “irishcompass activity,” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week five. “5 minutes,” video by ari ons come and go. i do realize that this kind of pursuit of “ career decision-making is a developmental process that spans a per ss that spans a person’s entire lifetime” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center moreau fye week four). i usp=sharing career -journey---moreau/ right-way-to-be-introspective-yes-theres-a-wrong-way/ that, career -driven zuzanna, i realize that i do not mean that i would l e friends with people from all different circles of my life career , school, church community, music community, and many more. what you enjoy and get involved” (muerelo family center for career development). therefore, being a part of the school’s frc r rk to be remembered. reference "exploring a life well-lived career development reflection” (muerelo family center for career d d career development reflection” (muerelo family center for career development) (links to an external site.) moreau fye week 4 ersonality, and skills (vips) before you can make effective career choices” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo famil re you can make effective career choices” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career developmentmor avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye week 4). this way i can become more c m_id=149291 career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ my last principle of my mission statement man year, i was focused on having good grades or planning a career path that would support my financial goals. today, i believ few months, i have spent much time discerning my major and career path. coming into college, i really had no idea what i want nto college, i really had no idea what i wanted to do for a career . i felt overwhelmed and anxious about choosing my major. as e as much as i once thought it did. notre dame’s center for career development emphasizes that when picking a major, you are n en picking a major, you are not necessarily committing to a career path (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo center fo t necessarily committing to a career path (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo center for career development – moreau ath (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo center for career development – moreau fye week four). similarly, one’s caree areer development – moreau fye week four). similarly, one’s career does not determine their worth or whether or not they are a things, it can become easy to correlate the success of your career to the meaning of life but i believe that this is a dangero e the distinction between “a life well lived” and my future career . although it is possible that my career will contribute to ived” and my future career. although it is possible that my career will contribute to a life well-lived, i believe that a life that a life well-lived can be achieved regardless of one’s career choice. freshman year has brought about a lot of highs and reflection is a powerful way to gain clarity. throughout my career discernment processes, i have talked to friends and family made moreau week four easy, as i have been “navigating [my] career journey” (“navigating your career journey moreau first year ave been “navigating [my] career journey” (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course” by moreau firs ing such as career -journey---moreau/ just get out and experience life!” (text: "navigating your career journey” (meruelo family center for career development) in "navigating your career journey” (meruelo family center for career development) in a new window, week 4 exploring a life well- it taking her three years to finally decide on her specific career she is now happy teaching calculus 1 to high schoolers. ang that was not for her. angel knew that the decision on what career he wanted to pursue was decided before he entered college. nload_frd=1 career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ during our fifth week together, he did so y focuses on one or two parts of his/her self-concept for a career , that person will eventually hit a wall, “ ("navigating you b9500c9ecd9 career -journey---moreau/ career journey" – moreau fye week 4). the career journey" – moreau fye week 4). the applications of this quo 4). the applications of this quote hold true not only in a career sense, but in the overall scheme of life. it is impossible she and her career -journey---moreau/ waters just get out and experience life,” (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development – moreau fye week four). college is an investme usp=sharing career -journey---moreau/ spring moreau fye integration three morea upperclassmen in the same field, mentors, and advisors, her career choice became solidified. week 4 of moreau played an import goes hand-in-hand with getting involved.” (navigating your career journey by meruelo family center for career development -mo navigating your career journey by meruelo family center for career development -moreau fye week 4). she knew she loved science that we take for granted every day. this is why in both my career and in my life in general, i hope to always provide a prefe d those around you, you will be miserable ("navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development fy avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development fye moreau week four). to end on a quote from f tter place. career -journey---moreau/ nd family member, and someone who worked his hardest in his career and to improve the surrounding community. (hence the title. ether you realize it at the time or not!” (“navigating your career journey – moreau first year experience course” by muerelo f first year experience course” by muerelo family center for career development – moreau fye week four). at notre dame, i’ve be oreau class about living a good life and choosing the right career for myself, a lot of the weekly moreau helped me think abou -lived life because my time here is limited. “planning your career is much like planning for a trip. there are many details an (undergraduate career services moreau fye week four). the quote made me less stre u fye week four). the quote made me less stressed about the career choice process since it helped me understand that even if i it helped me understand that even if i don’t make the right career choice, i can always change majors, it’s not set in stone. et in stone. however, it doesn’t mean that i should take my career lightly, it does require plenty of exploration and research ou are in a career -journey---moreau/ second semester of moreau different life goals, ideas, and career choices that have made my time here better. these classes h addition to the questions of the merits of a degree for my career , i have also questioned why i ended up at such a prestigiou t necessarily in the sense that i do not want a challenging career , but in that i would want that because i find joy in it. in ”. in essence, he proposed that for something to be a great career for someone, they should like doing it, they should be good are something i intend to grapple with throughout my entire career , specifically focusing on the last one. i do not think that believe that i will have to make difficult decisions in my career path in dealing with these companies, especially if they ar sible to achieve this balance, i would not have chosen this career path. the next place i believe is vital for me to be a refl n the experience and knowledge i have gained relating to my career to the other members of the club, yet more importantly to c . as i reflected on her story, i realized that although her career was her dream, what she was able to accomplish in her free over what i wanted my life goal to be rather than simply my career , how did i want to act when no one was watching. while read e waters just get out and experience life!”(navigating your career journey moreau week 4). one of the things that is important constantly career -journey---moreau/ pools you don't know which one is for you” (navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). finding the right place by t sometimes things get messy. the meruelo family center for career development encouraged mary to consider that you shouldn’t eving them takes longer than you expected (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). mary strived her whole life ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ fe to get me through college and even help me accomplish my career goals after that. as i was in the process of creating my mi mission statement that will guide me throughout my college career . this reflection even helped me find assurance in my https: m_id=146508 current major. according to the navigating your career journey, “there is no “best major” out there but there is a ere but there is a “best major for you.". (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course” by meruelo fam first year experience course” by meruelo family center for career development -moreau fye week four) as a first-generation co as i finish career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ i will be able to use it as guidance throughout my college career and e). another way is to do what the meruelo family center for career development recommended and “just get out and experience li ce life!” in order to get to know myself. (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). during a conversation wi ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ integration 3 bossone 1 maria finan morea ving a life well-lived?" this week was very much focused on career choices, something that neither you nor me is confident abo ut. we looked at an article from notre dame’s undergraduate career services office that explained, “there is no ‘best major’ o best major’ out there but there is a ‘best major for you’” ( career services). it is okay for us to major in a humanities major michael himes, "three key questions" week 4: undergraduate career services, “navigating your career journey” https://undergra ns" week 4: undergraduate career services, “navigating your career journey” er journey” career -journey---moreau/ week 6: tasha eurich, “the right way to b ar-sabbath/ career -journey---moreau/ unded and cultured soul. even the meruelo family center for career development agrees with me, when they say that “the only wa waters just get out and experience life!” (“navigating your career journey” meruelo family center for career development morea (“navigating your career journey” meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). i take a lot of pride in ecessary to career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ ether you realize it at the time or not.” (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development – moreau fye week four) this made her valued by ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ certainly a high achiever and may even be y focuses on one or two parts of his/her self-concept for a career , that person will eventually hit a wall” and that’s exactly hrough classes and turning assignments in ("navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). at that point in time, e es, my home career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ st of your life.” this quote from meruelo family center for career development text, is very evident in sophie’s case. we all and because she took the leap to explore her passions in a career , she is the bestest-selling author ever with many amazing b that have captivated the hearts of many. (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – moreau f.y.e. week four) many people cherish e it through. she knew that notre dame would jump-start her career and that “planning your career is much like planning for a re dame would jump-start her career and that “planning your career is much like planning for a trip”; it takes lots of effort d planning but the destination is worth it (navigating your career journeymoreau fye week 4). kristi’s destination sure was wo . later she decided to leave psychology behind and pursue a career in social media and blogging. she became very successful ma katie were reflected not only in her daily life but in her career , as well. she acted as a role model for many younger women ognized that life “is not always linear…” (“navigating your career journey” by merulo family center for career development mor navigating your career journey” by merulo family center for career development moreau fye week 4), and it helped her push thro m_id=147866 career -journey---moreau/ gardes3 deeper insight into who she was a personality traits, she was successful in her professional career , and she cared deeply about those around her. she was passi tre dame. terrel hunt's short biographical explains, " as a career member of the u.s. foreign service, he works to strengthen eacher in high school put me on the path to finding a solid career , i ultimately decided to major in both business analytics a ls, and desires perfectly. as the meruelo family center for career development explains, “....... career satisfaction/success elo family center for career development explains, “....... career satisfaction/success depends in part on how well a person c art on how well a person can identify and implement his/her career self-concept, which is comprised of your values, interests, terests, personality, and skills”(meruelo family center for career development, moreau week four). ultimately, the most import . ultimately, the most important factors when deciding on a career path are happiness and purpose. one has to realize first if are happiness and purpose. one has to realize first if the career path will bring them joy and then if it will ultimately ful career -journey---moreau john also gave his thanks to the meruelo family center for career development for helping him to determine his path in life. in life can be attributed to the meruelo family center for career development due to his struggles throughout high school and ood life as finding her calling and integrating it into her career path. alexis spent a lot of time contemplating what she wan a view by dr. donald super that “the idea is that the best career choices for a person are those that allow him/her to implem parts of his/her self-concept as possible” (navigating your career journey moreau fye week 4). this view helped alexis to know ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ tran 3 a career that utilized all her tal tran 3 a career that utilized all her talents and strengths. by doing so, s d with her work. alexis believed that if she ever pursued a career that did not engage all parts of her being, she would not f nications: web | university of notre dame. “navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course.” undergraduate journey moreau first year experience course.” undergraduate career services, r services, career -journey---moreau/. english. gus never knew for sure what he wanted to do for a career , except that he wanted to be involved with helping others. endocrine system. this served as his motivation to pursue a career in medicine.” (“domer dozen” by notre dame alumni associati self to something similar someday, which is why i chose the career i did for my eulogy. another reason i chose the nonprofit o w. a quote from an article posted by the meruelo center for career development states that “the only way to know more about yo waters just get out and experience life!” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo center for career development moreau fy e!” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo center for career development moreau fye week four). i thought that this quot to ask myself what i was going to do with my life, what my career was going to be, what attributes i value in myself. i think y focuses on one or two parts of his/her self-concept for a career , that person will eventually hit a wall.”(“navigating your , that person will eventually hit a wall.”(“navigating your career journey” by undergraduate career servicesmoreau fye week fo a wall.”(“navigating your career journey” by undergraduate career servicesmoreau fye week four) i have frequently found mysel e things lucia planned for the most (in her future) was her career . she was always worried about choosing a career path where re) was her career. she was always worried about choosing a career path where she would be trapped doing something she didn’t move around from experience to experience. when choosing a career (pertaining to her major of mechanical engineering) lucia t center to mind and realized that “the idea is that the best career choices for a person are those that allow him/her to implem y focuses on one or two parts of his/her self-concept for a career , that person will eventually hit a wall” (moreau week 2). s m-related topic for that matter). this is why she chose the career she did. she could combine multiple passions of hers into o y father michael himes – moreau fye week 3 “navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – moreau fye week 4 “the right way to be intros about how much money you’re going to make when considering career options. instead, he would urge him to find something which follow (moreau fye week 5). while it is important to find a career which you are passionate about, john also made sure to alwa kewise, he also enjoyed a quote from the meruelo family for career development that said, “as much as we present it with arrow s don’t take place in a nice, neat order” ("navigating your career journey” moreau fye week 4). a message from this quote that s lacking so it gets frustrating quickly.” (navigating your career journey by notre dame career development moreau fye week 4) ing quickly.” (navigating your career journey by notre dame career development moreau fye week 4). i find it easier to commit king people that i have ever met. throughout her successful career in the army and as a civilian, she told me that the greates utely nothing is “... a one-step process.” (navigating your career journey, meruelo center for career development, moreau fye ocess.” (navigating your career journey, meruelo center for career development, moreau fye week four). friendships, learning, ly there to career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ imes it did not feel like the applicable topics in terms of career success, looking back on the semester i have actually been yourself that time you will gain so much” (navigating your career journey, by meruelo family center for career developmentmor avigating your career journey, by meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye week 4). looking back to the start of 8_d3iw/edit career -journey---moreau/ /us/memento-mori-nun.html think of us and how lucrative the career will be. to live a life well-lived, we must be true to ours se track of time?” (exploring a life well lived, center for career development, qqc 4). these questions will help guide us to eads to lots of self-doubts, especially regarding his dream career of being a sushi chef. in the end, dr. kim was able to beco t dream jobs truly attract you?” (meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). my dream job is not quite k ses, and after 10-15 years in the field, i plan to pursue a career in education, as a professor, teaching the next generation on to live in tranquility. a life is not complete without a career in which one is devoted. for matt, his ambition was to help self towards a certain field of study and explore different career paths. ` an article by new york times writer ruth graham de business will be a long one, but the reward of a fulfilling career is enough of an incentive to continue.” this way of thinkin , and balance the benefits and detriments (“navigating your career journey” by nd moreau moreau fye week 4). these kinds of de d you into the person you are meant to be (“navigating your career journey” by notre dame ccd moreau fye week four). even if y that is not career -journey---moreau/ 4001?module_item_id=168039 anderson 3 should influence your career choice and also your decisions as to how you want to live y nd research. it's not a one-step process." (navigating your career journey moreau fye week 4) the industry i have chosen isn't that requires a great deal of self-awareness is choosing a career . you have to know yourself well enough to choose a career t a career. you have to know yourself well enough to choose a career that fulfills you, suits your talents, and serves those aro u. i am currently aiming at becoming a lawyer. to discern a career path, there is a process to follow. “after you leave nd, so explore careers, reflect, & take action” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). two steps of this proces eulogy was career -journey---moreau/ otre dame, i will continue to fight for equality through my career as a lawyer. on the road of life, we encounter a series of st major for me” not just “the best major” (navigating your career journey moreau fye week 4). just because one major has a hi e on the most fulfilling path in life. navigating through a career journey, for anyone, is a highly stressful environment. whi ce/22313725 career -journey/ er-journey/ career -journey/ ngs i noticed was that he was always worried about what his career path would be until his second semester of freshman year in in college. this is where he saw the quote, “planning your career is much like planning for a trip. there are many details an d research. it’s not a one-step process.” (“navigating your career journey” by moreau first yearexperience moreau week 4). thi what we originally chose. knowing that he could change his career path opened dylan’s mind to exploring things he may have no he would do career -journey---moreau/ anything for any one of us and this was m e reflective leadership i hope to embody in my professional career . my purpose at notre dame this university is, first and for e the world; i wish i might look at myself at the end of my career and satisfyingly claim that i, too, managed to take several a and christine o'malley moreau fye week 2). dr. duru was a career woman, in and out. people around her often classified her a nds in part on how well a person can identify and implement career self-concepts” ("navigating your career journey” by the mer ntify and implement career self-concepts” ("navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye week 6). this is why i never failed t tems/149885 career -journey---moreau/ instead of just focusing on what we can n am passionate about. this will stem from reflecting on what career i want to pursue after leaving notre dame. i will continue s in mind to make my decisions selflessly (“navigating your career journey” from the meruelo family center for career developm ing your career journey” from the meruelo family center for career development – moreau fye week four). when talking to my fri ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ erent. various moreau activities have helped me explore the career path i want to pursue, and i have found that i want to beco p students reach their full potential. the “navigating your career journey” article explained, “career satisfaction depended i l. the “navigating your career journey” article explained, “ career satisfaction depended in part on how well a person can iden art on how well a person can identify and implement his/her career self-concept, which is comprised of your values, interests, lues, interests, personality, and skills” (“navigating your career journey” by murelo family center for career development mor navigating your career journey” by murelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). the main experience that mer of high career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ school. my older brother, aidan, had atte yer by pursuing classes and activities that align with that career . for example, i took a class called the “school to prison p doing this as a job would allow me to feel fulfilled in my career and life. however, i don’t just want to help others through another important lesson kendall learned was in choosing a career . “ satisfaction/success depends in part on how wel ortant lesson kendall learned was in choosing a career. “... career satisfaction/success depends in part on how well a person c art on how well a person can identify and implement his/her career self-concept, which is comprised of your values, interests, lues, interests, personality, and skills” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fys week four). when she was in college, do with her life. she didn’t know if she should choose her career based on money, or if she should pick something she would g ein4so/edit career -journey/ something else kendall learned is that we have to e waters just get out and experience life!”(navigating your career journey moreau week 4). i learned that learning more about eams. a big part of moreau this semester was the concept of career discernment. as college students, the relevancy of our futu , and balance the benefits and detriments (“navigating your career journey” by nd moreau moreau fye week 4). this helps one to tre dame’s president, he reached beyond the confines of his career and did something more. sabrina was a musician, an actress, ere but there is a ‘best major for you.’” (“navigating your career journey” by meroulo family career centermoreau fye week fou you.’” (“navigating your career journey” by meroulo family career centermoreau fye week four). sabrina was never one to take always strived for excellence, in everything that she did ( career conversationmoreau fye week five). sabrina’s drive and moti ues, interests, personality, and skills” ( "navigating your career journey" by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey" by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). she valued giving back t hearts and career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ whether you realize it at the time or not” (navigating your career journey moreau fye course moreau fye week four). she viewed family, she career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ ere but there is a ‘best major for you,’” (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4) and i tried to find that for ask myself career -journey---moreau/ vantage of the resources that are available, especially the career center and other helpful resources directly on campus (week michael himes, "three key questions" week 4: undergraduate career services, “navigating your career journey” https://undergra ns" week 4: undergraduate career services, “navigating your career journey” er journey” career -journey---moreau/ week 6: tasha eurich, “the right way to b ar-sabbath/ career -journey---moreau/ that will not be easy, but as the meruelo family center for career development at notre dame states, “the best career choices nter for career development at notre dame states, “the best career choices for a person are those that allow him/her to implem arts of his/her self-concept as possible,”(“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career moreau fye wee avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career moreau fye week four). i believe that a job in medicine wil notre dame. career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ in striving for this goal, it is of the u establish a satisfying professional life” (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo center for career development mfye (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo center for career development mfye week 4). another thing i can do is look in through the material provided such as the “navigating your career journey” article (“navigating your career journey” by merue “navigating your career journey” article (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – moreau fye week four). i have also met with m e received. career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ i am very blessed to attend a great unive y focuses on one or two parts of his/her self-concept for a career , that person will eventually hit a wall, “ ("navigating you that person will eventually hit a wall, “ ("navigating your career journey" – moreau fye week 4). by being welcome weekend cap oes not determine the rest of your life.” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). rather, a holistic educa 1-ab9500c9ecd9 make your life-changing decision: choosing a career for the rest of your days. recall for a moment the day you it took a long time for you to process it (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career developmentmor avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye week four). i would have advised you i admire how this confusion did not stop you from wanting a career , however, talking about you with others and hearing them wo ily support career -journey---moreau/ quote i found in an article from the notre dame center for career development which said, “we view studying what you love as how he discerned his path, he quoted the meruelo center for career development he had utilized at nd. “if you actively engage stablish a satisfying professional life.” (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course” by the mfccd m took him to graduate school, where he eventually pursued a career in national security and foreign relations, and of course, ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ waters just get out and experience life” (“navigating your career journey” moreau fye week four). i will probably spend this ether you realize it at the time or not!” (“navigating your career journey” by the university of notre dame’s merulo career ce ur career journey” by the university of notre dame’s merulo career center moreau fye week four). bianca found fulfillment in a ou all know career -journey---moreau/ say, “just get out and experience life!” (“navigating your career journey” by merulo family center for career development mor navigating your career journey” by merulo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). he believed in experience o m_id=168039 career -journey---moreau/ hat will determine the quality of our lives. the center for career ent in nd spreads students awareness on how one’s choice of career reflects one’s “values, interests, personality, and skills' es, interests, personality, and skills' ' (“navigating your career journey” by university career servicesmoreau fye week 4). i d skills' ' (“navigating your career journey” by university career servicesmoreau fye week 4). i realize the value that i plac direct correlation between my values, skills and choices of career . however, i do still feel a little lost when it comes to ch ling stuck. career -journey---moreau/ ing that same feeling to others. the sole purpose behind my career choice of political science is because i feel like my missi love. i want to truly love the work i do. i want to find a career that excites me every day. i will strive to be fair and tru ersonality, and skills (vips) before you can make effective career choices. the only way to know more about yourself is to tes st get out and experience life!” (meruelo family center for career development) stood out to me because i think that there is die" by ruth graham moreau fye week three "navigating your career journey" by muerelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey" by muerelo family center for career development moreau fye week four "the right way to be intro ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ three) exploring a life well-lived when thinking about the career that you want to pursue, i hope you choose a job that not o hatever field you choose to be a part of. (“navigating your career journey” from the meruelo family center for career developm ing your career journey” from the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four) discerning a life well-li ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ betterment of our society. through my education and future career , i will use the skills i have acquired in the classroom and l as well. i strive to help the community through my future career as a chemical engineer. though this semester has been very ned in college and apply it to helping people throughout my career . this also ties back to how i can live a fulfilling life by myself and others during the next three years of my college career and beyond. in terms of faith and my mission statement, i h here but there is a “best major for you." (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course” by meruelo fam first year experience course” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four) even though her parents w m_id=146508 career -journey---moreau/ she received. back in college, she had a /14/us/memento-mori-nun.html 3 when i think about my future career , i think about high school and how far away going to colleg eshman in college, i am faced with thinking about my future career , something that seems so far away, but will arrive sooner t ect just as it did in high school. thinking about my future career for qqc four reminded me of how short life is (“navigating qqc four reminded me of how short life is (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). i want to be remembered ng feeling. career -journey---moreau/ nd true passions gives you a better indication of what your career should be. ("text: "navigating your career journey" (meruel ion of what your career should be. ("text: "navigating your career journey" (meruelo family center for career development by n "navigating your career journey" (meruelo family center for career development by nd career site moreau fye week four). these ourney" (meruelo family center for career development by nd career site moreau fye week four). these vips allow us to live our the people career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ life in this manner, his generosity to others, both in his career and in his personal life, stands out as its defining featur this decision would prove to be the start of an illustrious career in both music and philanthropy (moreau week 5). during his in both music and philanthropy (moreau week 5). during his career , joe released seven studio albums alongside a multitude of l neighborhood and arguably the most successful part of his career . as news of his charitable work spread alongside his music, even as his stardom began to dwindle towards the end of his career , joe remained committed to his goals and continued to tour she was also able to balance this passion with a successful career in corporate law. the perception of the workplace and “adul abbey always knew that she desired a stable and traditional career path. in middle school spanish class, when her teacher aske end goal has always been to be happy and satis�ed with her career path. this seems intuitive, but oftentimes people become ca , have already started shaping your vips.” (navigating your career journey, meruelo center moreau week four) she would say wit lace has made her appreciate the traditional and successful career path she pursued. family was always an important and reliab of her mom when making di�cult life decisions, such as the career ar-sabbath/ career -journey---moreau/ discernment illustrated above. her mom kn r better than anyone else, and encouraged her to chase this career path even if it wasn't the “most exciting”, because she kne or me to remember that everything happens for a reason. the career discernment website states, “every experience shapes you in u realize it at the time or not!”(meruelo family center for career development-moreau fye week four). in my mission statement, -wrong-way/ career -journey---moreau/ truly made this world a better place. in e he could help, leading him to a deep reflection about his career and hunger for finding something in which he could help peo could help people. so with help of the text “navigate your career ” by the muruelo career center at the university of notre da with help of the text “navigate your career” by the muruelo career center at the university of notre dame ("navigating your ca er center at the university of notre dame ("navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career developmentmor avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye week 4). he wanted to combine his big a better place. he became a chemical engineer, and with his career created different things to help around poor communities in in both of his respective events. following his high school career , he accepted a scholarship to play football at the universi waters just get out and experience life!”.(navigating your career journey-moreau fye week four). he wanted to live life to th ooked back. career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ ingful. noah lived a life defined by his relationships, his career as a lawyer and politician, his perseverance through diffic h program of public service, which inspired him to pursue a career in public service later in life. also, i think there’s a lo ere but there is a ‘best major for you’,” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). through his career as a r for career development moreau fye week four). through his career as a lawyer and politician, noah was always a champion for ghts and capital punishment. with so much going on with his career and his family, noah often found it hard to give himself a potential. career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ ut of this was james dropping out of mendoza and pursuing a career in music. he began to live by the words “study what you lov o live by the words “study what you love” (“navigating your career path” by merulo center for career development moreau fye we u love” (“navigating your career path” by merulo center for career development moreau fye week four). after this strong realiz ether you realize it at the time or not!" ("navigating your career journey" by meruelo family center for career development) m avigating your career journey" by meruelo family center for career development) moreau fye week four). only in her second seme ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ discerning her life, they all had plenty teractive assessment activity” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). if you don’t focus so much s drive, and service have guided [her] throughout her young career ” (“the domer dozen” by nd alumni association – moreau fye w t setbacks in life are inevitable. as said by undergraduate career services, “much as we present it with arrows from one step keep in mind that it’s not always linear” (“navigating your career journey” by undergraduate career services – moreau fye week linear” (“navigating your career journey” by undergraduate career services – moreau fye week 4). life is anything but linear, ar-sabbath/ career -journey---moreau/ and hope” (“5 minutes” by grotto – moreau out to do the following: study hard, perform well, launch a career , keep stress levels low, be a good person, and somehow be a e is a “best major for you." (meruelo ccd, “navigating your career journey” moreau fye week four). additionally, when i can re ed to being a college student in the position to choose any career i want. furthermore, i can often forget that the pursuit of ople, and was just starting to explore it ("navigating your career path" by mfccd moreau fye week 4). his curiosity and energy tems/144741 career -journey---moreau/ three hours going through some database o s just get out there and experience life!” (navigating your career journey, center for career development, moreau fye w4). tha perience life!” (navigating your career journey, center for career development, moreau fye w4). that is exactly what sarah did tems/167944 career -journey---moreau/ sarah’s life was also characterized by he the value in unexpected relationships. during her academic career at nd, she dove into challenging classes with an open mind nge myself to think more seriously about what i want to do, career -wise. i know i want to do something in medicine, but this s e people and look into new exciting opportunities within my career path. i have always been ok with connecting with others but ore and connect with a lot of people to learn more about my career . the career development website says, “planning your career ect with a lot of people to learn more about my career. the career development website says, “planning your career is much lik career. the career development website says, “planning your career is much like planning for a trip. there are https://canvas. nd research. it’s not a one-step process” (“navigating your career journey” moreau fye week 4). this is a hard concept to expl alize this. career -journey---moreau/ i will be able to fight these injustices through my future career , whatever it may be. i surround myself with people who chal have looked into the moreau website about “navigating your career journey”, and am reassured when it says that “if you active establish a satisfying professional life” (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course” by meruelo fam first year experience course” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). playing an active role i four). playing an active role in the discovery of my future career offers me a bit of peace about the future. i will be reachi addition to understanding the first steps to seeking out a career , my discernment activity where i talked to my mom, was a de b9500c9ecd9 career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ mojica 4 seek out a career in which i can avigating-your-career-journey---moreau/ mojica 4 seek out a career in which i can help people (“week 5 reflection discerning a t i will face obstacles in trying to achieve my goals in my career and otherwise, but i do not want to shy away from these mom to take control of my future, whether it is in the area of career , family, friendship, or anything else. i want to be proud o hallenges to tackle. this is easily seen in my professional career , but it was most important in my personal, family life. i p ters – just get out and experience life,” (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). going to college for me g to college for me wasn’t about finding the most rewarding career pay-wise, but my path to serving the world which gifted me ork extremely hard, and i typically chose the latter. in my career , i didn’t always perform to my potential, but i inspired pe e important in my personal life despite being obvious in my career . i made sure that i was willing to at least match the work took the world by storm. so, just like the “navigating your career journey” page says, “get out and -mori-nun.html mojica 4 experience life!” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). katherine would have wan world says. career -journey---moreau/ integration integration 3 i just found ou out what i am passionate about and how that should shape my career , i know that that is what i want to do. “look for the task ce life” in order to get to know yourself (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau week four). throughout the years, i have ram. i also career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ created this special bond with the lady i sked the question “what are you good at?” (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course” by the merulo rst year experience course” by the merulo family center for career development moreau fye week four), she struggled. she felt m_id=145988 career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ clancy okay to do things you are not good ryone have different definition of success. navigating your career journey –meruelo family center for career development state . navigating your career journey –meruelo family center for career development states that, “the only way to know more about y ey to find yourself. there is no answer in our life and our career . therefore, we should be open-minded and find our own caree areer. therefore, we should be open-minded and find our own career . everything we do is a part of our life experience, and the ” by fr. michael himes – moreau week three “navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – moreau week four “week five irishcompass acti furthermore, the recognition of failure is essential to the career journey emphasized throughout moreau. a notre dame ccd arti otre dame ccd article states that, “much as we present [the career journey] with arrows from one step to the next, it’s import don’t take place in a nice, neat order.” (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course” by meruelo fam amily ccd moreau fye week 4). i have made some goals for my career , but this article helped me dismantle some of the strict, a d otherwise ruthless, guidelines i have set out for myself. career development is a non-linear process, filled with failure, w newfound comfort. acknowledging future failures within your career journey is essential to a successful career, and many busin res within your career journey is essential to a successful career , and many business moguls will reiterate this. as illustrat html week 4 career -journey---moreau/ week 5 ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ s lacking so it gets frustrating quickly.” (navigating your career journey by muerolo center for career development moreau fye kly.” (navigating your career journey by muerolo center for career development moreau fye week four) which has shown to be tru m different career -journey---moreau/ he university of notre dame and finally to his professional career . jayden believed that finding your purpose and fighting for c corps”.(domer dozen gallery, moreau week two). pursuing a career in economics similarly to terrel hunt, jayden wanted to not o terrel hunt, jayden wanted to not only pursue an academic career path he enjoyed but also one he could genuinely make a diff tance of living a life of inspiration. before deciding on a career in economics jayden was unsure of what career path he wante deciding on a career in economics jayden was unsure of what career path he wanted to pursue and which one would bring him the lot of options to choose from. as meruelo family center for career development at notre dame explains, “there are so many care reer development at notre dame explains, “there are so many career paths and industries out there that it’s best not to limit self too much right off the bat.”(meruelo family center for career development, moreau week four). in spite of economics' broa ture which gave jayden more breathing room to decide on his career , the most influential factor in jayden’s decision to choose career -journey---moreau ey---moreau career -journey---moreau in his journeys through life, jayden vrins t separating yourself from school work or your professional career in the future will change your life for the better because in order to maximize my time on earth, i need to discern my career and what i want to do. as the mfccd says, “if you actively stablish a satisfying professional life.” (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course” by the mfccd h ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ moreau fye week four). i will be active i is ever truly set in stone when it comes to educational and career paths, and i have lots of flexibility this early in my jour ter. one of the most important facets of ben’s life was his career , and creating a secure foundation for his work, so that he g of his college years, ben continuously worked towards his career goals and pursuing a career in sports broadcasting, while a continuously worked towards his career goals and pursuing a career in sports broadcasting, while also exploring entertainment uch as possible to not “let it go to waste”. similar to his career , being able to make others laugh brought a new version of b y focuses on one or two parts of his/her self-concept for a career , that person will eventually hit a wall.”(“navigating your , that person will eventually hit a wall.”(“navigating your career journey” by undergraduate career servicesmoreau fye week fo a wall.”(“navigating your career journey” by undergraduate career servicesmoreau fye week four) living this way, with people another way i am going to be true to myself is by picking a career . “ satisfaction/success depends in part on how wel i am going to be true to myself is by picking a career. “... career satisfaction/success depends in part on how well a person c art on how well a person can identify and implement his/her career self-concept, which is comprised of your values, interests, lues, interests, personality, and skills” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fys week four). in the next three years, ein4so/edit career -journey/ us in a negative self-loathing cycle. this joy ties into my career , as i should not expect to be happy, but i should not be di her. dr. donald super argues that being satisfied with your career heavily depends on how much you have implemented your self cts of self concept needed to be considered when choosing a career path are values, interests, personality and skill (navigati e values, interests, personality and skill (navigating your career journey, moreau fye week four). overall, we are still separ -wrong-way/ career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ whether you realize it at the time or not!”(navigating your career journey eer journey career -journey---moreau/ -moreau fye week -wrong-way/ career -journey---moreau/ 4). my goal is to just make some type of ether you realize it at the time or not!” (“navigating your career journey” by moreau family center for career development mor navigating your career journey” by moreau family center for career development moreau fye week four). being able to learn from by dr. paul career -journey---moreau/ ter how small or large, to help others. though he may argue career ambition and financial success was secondary to hayden’s de eving all that he could. he would give the advice to all in career discernment that “if you give yourself that time you will g hat “if you give yourself that time you will gain so much” ( career development center – week four). it is important to dedicat ess, and hopeless; so, do what you love” (" navigating your career journey ” by meruelo family center for career development m vigating your career journey ” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). during his freshman year ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ was gracious in his responses: evan made waters just get out and experience life!” (“navigating your career journey” from meruelo family center for career development igating your career journey” from meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). kayle knew herself well in xperience life!” really resonated with me ("navigating your career journey” meruelo family center for career development morea ("navigating your career journey” meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). this quote emphasized to tems/145911 career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ id in my values: “it’s important to keep in mind that it’s [ career development process] not always linear; these steps don’t t ove between stages as you learn and grow” (“navigating your career journey” -ccd – moreau fye week four). when thinking about just being career -journey---moreau/ llege, her interests flourished and she decided to pursue a career in business. she felt called to this path because she knew hat kind of job she ended up with. she knew that pursuing a career in the business world would not determine the rest of her l would not determine the rest of her life (“navigating your career journey” meruelo family center for career development morea (“navigating your career journey” meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). it was important to her aches, many of those around me have begun to figure out the career paths they want to pursue. unfortunately, the idea of figur now your dreams cannot fail ( "'exploring a life well-lived career development reflection' activity" by meruelo family center elopment reflection' activity" by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four) ek five irishcompass activity" by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week five) 6. make an effort to look thers, and as a result was able to connect that desire to a career path (navigating your career journey by meruelo family cent le to connect that desire to a career path (navigating your career journey by meruelo family center for career development–mor navigating your career journey by meruelo family center for career development–moreau fye week 4). what she desired most above on in life when i faced challenges in my relationships and career . when walking through life, it is important to define the v ey’s. she integrated her strong faith into her professional career , which consisted of research in oncology with notre dame pr passions and utilize notre dame’s many resources to find a career that speaks to you. remember that “...the best career choic ind a career that speaks to you. remember that “...the best career choices for a person are those that allow him/her to implem arts of his/her self-concept as possible” (“navigating your career journey”, meruelo family center for career development– wee “navigating your career journey”, meruelo family center for career development– week 4). you must go out and experience life t that are most important to me. the merulo family center for career development says, “you have to know yourself first your val ersonality, and skills (vips) before you can make effective career choices” (week 4). i used to have this strict blueprint of r for you”. career -journey---moreau/ (meruelo family center for https://notred ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ career development). i used this quote be career development). i used this quote because this wasn’t a picky there but there is a ‘best major for you’” (navigating your career journey by nd moreau first year experience week 4). right n loring them career -journey---moreau/ capitalize on, we have to plan accordingly. “planning your career is much like planning for a trip.” (“navigating your career career is much like planning for a trip.” (“navigating your career ” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye ip.” (“navigating your career” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four) one thing that tyson plan ble, as she knew plans are often disrupted (navigating your career journey -week 4). in college, she used to plan her day out ein4so/edit career -journey---moreau/ resonate with why you worked toward them. as the center for career development stated, “it is imperative to take time after an ues, interests, personality, and skills]” (“navigating your career journey” by the center for career development – moreau fye kills]” (“navigating your career journey” by the center for career development – moreau fye week four). for example, one of my ar-sabbath/ career -journey---moreau/ engaging in a project i really value, it led when his work involved helping others ("navigating your career journey" by moreau center of career development moreau fye thers ("navigating your career journey" by moreau center of career development moreau fye week four). he thoroughly enjoyed he ruth graham career -journey---moreau/ l a purpose beyond my personal goals of having a successful career . as such, this quote has inspired me to take part in activi that focusing on “one or two parts of my self-concept for a career ” can cause me to “eventually hit a wall” (navigating your c r” can cause me to “eventually hit a wall” (navigating your career journey meruelo family center for career dev. week 4) was s ” (navigating your career journey meruelo family center for career dev. week 4) was something that i definitely believe can be omething that i definitely believe can be applied beyond my career but with life in general. using the example of earning mone rime example of this, as i learned through consulting about career paths with my parents that embarking on a constant pursuit aining a life well-lived are your relationships and values, career and leisure time, and method of overcoming hardships. the w e balance. while finding success and satisfaction from your career is essential, this success can not be enjoyed if not balanc not balanced with leisure. finding satisfaction within your career stems from your experiences in college, and learning what y waters just get out and experience life!” (navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course by meruelo fami u first year experience course by meruelo family center for career development-moreau fye week 4). i find that engaging in cou feel appreciated and understood by my peers. my prospective career and hobbies that i enjoy help to maintain a healthy work-so e quick answer. this process takes 4 text: “navigating your career journey” (meruelo family center for career development) 3 t “navigating your career journey” (meruelo family center for career development) 3 text: "three key questions" (adapted from fr s) (week 3) career -journey---moreau/ hanged the way i look at my future and the way i picture my career and life prospects. additionally, outliers also gave insigh life in several different ways, whether that be through my career , service projects, or simply being a good person. i first w being a good person. i first want to help others through my career as a doctor. ultimately, after acquiring many years of expe i had a conversation with one of my favorite teachers about career prospects and the balance between financial security and ha ent, but rather a lifetime of discernment: “as you can see, career development is a process and a journey. if you actively eng stablish a satisfying professional life.” (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course” by the meruelo st year experience course” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). ar-sabbath/ career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ away from work, he understood how service hether you realize it at the time or not” (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course” by the meruelo st year experience course” by the meruelo family center for career development – moreau fye week four). her brief mentioning o in week four, we completed a questionnaire to evaluate our career interests. one of the questions was, “if you knew you could s question, i didn’t immediately think about a dream job or career . instead, i thought about how i would participate in everyt certain hope for transcendence. everyone hopes to use their career or knowledge for the greater social good, and i am no diffe h that god had intended for him. jordan used another bit of career advice, one he got from notre dame, but in a different way. would say, “it’s not a one-step process.” (“navigating your career journey – moreau first year experience course” by meruelo f first year experience course” by meruelo family center for career development – moreau fye week 4) though this was initially fye week 4) though this was initially meant to describe the career discernment process, he used it for everything. every time ng generations'' (“7 clues to help you get started with the career development process” by muerelo center for career developme with the career development process” by muerelo center for career development moreau fye week four). i feel like so many peop much less stressed out by the unpredictability of my future career . in fact, if i proceed with a charge to enjoy life as it is ne needed support. despite megan’s enormous triumphs in her career and educational life, she always knew that family above all ether you realize it at the time or not!” ("navigating your career journey" by the meruelo career center moreau fye week four) e or not!” ("navigating your career journey" by the meruelo career center moreau fye week four). during week 6, we watched a v believe that it will lead me to a more successful and happy career path. i must take advantage of every opportunity that prese and what i will do post-graduation. through the center for career development survey, i was able to reflect on https://notred d that in order to live a good life, i should continue this career path and doing what i love for work. if i do this in the ne y-mission-and-vision/spirit-of-inclusion/ during my college career . i would be able to learn so much about different backgroun rea you will eventually head down. in truth, as the meruelo career for career development suggests, “ [...] you can relax and l eventually head down. in truth, as the meruelo career for career development suggests, “ [...] you can relax and put aside t relax and put aside the thought that you are deciding your career path when picking your major.” (“navigating your career jou our career path when picking your major.” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo center for career development – moreau r.” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo center for career development – moreau fye week 4). at the same time, however y major often outpoured into what a well-lived professional career would look like. well, the answer to that question, like ma l always take precedence. to have a well-lived professional career is first and foremost to have a dignified career. with that ofessional career is first and foremost to have a dignified career . with that being said, i also know that a well-lived career career. with that being said, i also know that a well-lived career is shaped by excellence and professionalism, in whatever fi , i look up to my grandfather, who constructed an exemplary career at gas company esso. starting as a trainee at the company, r profession, which is why i am so determined in choosing a career area which i find joy in waking up every morning and pursui de of any area is simply not enough – to truly discern what career path you will find yourself in you must venture into the pr his coming summer, with help of the very meruelo center for career development, i have applied to various internships with the where some career -journey---moreau/ uires a lot of exploration and research.” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo moreau fye week 4). she knew that with lived life by discussing aspects of life like my family and career , which weren’t included before. one of the most important t ay. another important aspect of my life well-lived is one’s career . when talking about my career in my mission statement, i wr f my life well-lived is one’s career. when talking about my career in my mission statement, i wrote that “i’ll be honest when veloping a mission” by moreau fye week thirteen). finding a career that brings one’s life meaning and enjoyment is very import rts with being open to new ideas and experiences. during my career discernment activity, when i asked my mother what difficult ent. through the act of trying new things, i want to find a career that is integral to my life well-lived. i also want a caree areer that is integral to my life well-lived. i also want a career that engages my curiosity and is fascinating. during the th tions and grow in my knowledge of the world. i hope that my career can guide my curiosity to new, exciting topics. in this way guide my curiosity to new, exciting topics. in this way, my career acts as a source of continued learning. one of the week fou f the week four moreau materials states that “planning your career is much like planning for a trip. there are many details an quires a lot of exploration and research” (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course” by meruelo fam first year experience course” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). by being open to new exp r). by being open to new experiences and exploring possible career paths, i hope that i am able to find a career that allows m ring possible career paths, i hope that i am able to find a career that allows me to continue to be curious and live a well-li m_id=149263 career -journey---moreau/ within the classroom through lectures; ho ough service, to stay curious and try new things, to find a career that excites me and allows me to engage my interests, to le ntil i started to ask questions of myself ("navigating your career path" by mfccd moreau fye week 4). in a conversation with m ether you realize it at the time or not!” ("navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). i have taken this quote in fr. greg career -journey---moreau/ n geneva. he ruled on many important cases and through this career path had a substantial impact on those around him and all t him and all the world. as his son, i often asked julian for career advice. julian simply always made one reply: ““does anybody sure that someone needs you to do it. then, you can make a career out of it. if someone needs you to do it, they will likely nisce about julian’s life philosophies, advice, loving, and career , we are all coming here together today to remember a man wh d not enjoy the pre med route, and then entirely changed my career path. it is helpful to live by the quote, the only way to k waters just get out and experience life” (“navigating your career journey” meruelo family center for career development morea (“navigating your career journey” meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). this principle can be appli ar-sabbath/ career -journey---moreau/ genuinely of interest to me, and then discern my major and career path based off of that. additionally, i need to lean into m d in week four's class, "... it's not a one-step process." ( career development reflection activity by notre dame moreau fye ht o be the best sources for me. being determined on a task or career goal is something that has been taking up mass amounts of t ether you realize it at the time or not!” ("navigating your career journey" by the meruelo career center moreau fye week 4). w e or not!” ("navigating your career journey" by the meruelo career center moreau fye week 4). with this mindset, a life well-l ar-sabbath/ career -journey---moreau/ wilcutt 3 view of life and dwelling on hi eyond notre dame, i hope to follow my mission as i pursue a career as a pro bono criminal defense attorney. in week 12, we rea ether you realize it at the time or not!” (“navigating your career journey – moreau first year experience course” by muerelo f first year experience course” by muerelo family center for career development – moreau fye week four). i think this has been highest grades. in week 4 of moreau, we discussed major and career paths, and the effect that these decisions might have on li ere, but there is a ‘best major for you’” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). i often get stressed out be stressed out because it seems like my grades will impact my career options which will impact my ability to live a good life, b that knowledge to bring happiness to others, no matter what career path that leads me on. in addition, although it is importan one that paid well enough, and she stuck with it her whole career . she found a town she liked, one very similar to the town s but their life well lived is not my life well lived. as the career services website tells us, “there is no “best major” out th there. but there is a “best life for me” (“navigating your career journey,” nd career center – moreau fye week 4). and that b a “best life for me” (“navigating your career journey,” nd career center – moreau fye week 4). and that best life for me live connect not only what brings us joy to self-growth, but our career choices to growth as well. one of that week’s resource arti week’s resource articles states “the idea is that the best career choices for a person are those that allow him/her to implem rts of his/her self-concept as possible.” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four) thinking critically about ent moreau fye week four) thinking critically about how his career choices m_id=143051 career -journey---moreau/ would not only affect himself, but affect courses/40299/files/523820?module_item_id=167949 successful career and provide for his family, but in that process form so man additionally, part of choosing her major was deciding on a career path, which skye had no clue for most of her college experi branching out. in week 4, we learned about ways to choose a career and how to avoid burnout. in the undergrad web page, one qu one quote sticks out especially, “the idea is that the best career choices for a person are those that allow him/her to implem y focuses on one or two parts of his/her self-concept for a career , that person will eventually hit a wall. if someone focuses knesses and to not rely on one quality to carry you in your career – therefore, she went into the healthcare field where scien ose, the grades she earned, the hobbies she enjoyed, or the career paths that she considered but rather she believed that how l principal. she would tell you that she never decided on a career path with the excuse that “there are so many career paths a ed on a career path with the excuse that “there are so many career paths and industries out there that it’s best not to limit t’s best not to limit yourself too much ” (“navigating your career journey” by merulo family center for career development mor navigating your career journey” by merulo family center for career development moreau fye week four). abby enjoyed so many thi -wrong-way/ career -journey/ er-journey/ career -journey/ acting in musicals in perhaps offensive british ac stress at points in his life. i remember discussing future career options with him, and hearing him discuss his wide variety wing takeaway: “as scary as it might be for you to pursue a career as a writer, i don’t think you’ll be satisfied until you ta does not determine the rest of your life” (“navigating your career journey” by merulo family center for career development mor navigating your career journey” by merulo family center for career development moreau fye week four). i believe that it was th fye week four). i believe that it was through letting go of career restraints and pursuing all of his interests that andy was ein4so/edit career -journey---moreau/ waters just get out and experience life!” (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). as freshmen, we really do n really do not know much about where we will end up or what career path we will take. i am definitely unsure about this at the ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ u/courses/40388/files/473345?module_item_id=147866 from the career development center ("navigating your career journey" by und 147866 from the career development center ("navigating your career journey" by undergraduate career services moreau fye week f t center ("navigating your career journey" by undergraduate career services moreau fye week four) that this decision does not mes, i have career -journey---moreau/ explored ourselves with the vips service (“navigating your career journey” meruelo family center for career development morea (“navigating your career journey” meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four) as well as an interview w ally tasty. career -journey---moreau/ on for them. interacting with the meruelo family center for career development helped me to consider that sometimes your dream longer to come true than you might expect (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). this doesn’t mean that i sh n as much as i can to equip myself with the tools to have a career that works toward justice, in some form. overall, i aspire some form. overall, i aspire to find ways in which i, in my career and in my off time, can contribute to a better tomorrow, an onsider, and uplift the voice’s of others, whether it be in career , community, or just daily life. as mentioned earlier, i hop explore careers, reflect, & take action.” (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course” by meruelo fam first year experience course” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). this quote acknowledges -something/ career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ theodore helm moreau fye 10102 april 29, eas i can work to incorporate (“exploring a life well-lived career development reflection” activity by meruelo family center f velopment reflection” activity by meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye week 4). if the notre dame community h i wanted to take. there were so many opportunities at the career center at notre dame that i didn’t know how to start. that, sn’t the end of it. one night, i asked dad how he found his career . instead of explaining his experiences though, he quoted a waters just get out and experience life!” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family nload_frd=1 career -journey---moreau/ center for career development moreau fye center for career development moreau fye week four). whether it’s seeing dad huge part of his success both in his personal life and his career . i remember the day he received his medical license. we all at his passion for helping others would be reflected in the career he chose to pursue. of course, it also helped that he carri also helped that he carried a big brain with him. “the best career choices for a person are those that allow him/her to implem arts of his/her self-concept as possible” (“navigating your career journey by ccdmoreau fye week 4). we can all agree that leo -wrong-way/ career -journey---moreau/ de leon 3 leonardo de leon professor anth f the money that she earned. (“exploring a life well-lived, career development reflection” mereulo family center for career de d, career development reflection” mereulo family center for career development, evelopment, career -journey---moreau/ – moreau fye week four). abby was always b9500c9ecd9 career -journey---moreau/ remember back in college when she was so worried about her career path and constantly questioning whether or not she would ev part of the rule book to living a good life. “planning your career is much like planning for a trip” (“navigating your career career is much like planning for a trip” (“navigating your career journey” by undergraduate career services moreau fye week 4 a trip” (“navigating your career journey” by undergraduate career services moreau fye week 4). i plan on becoming an architec ing a person named zhu, from china. “in 2013, zhu began his career in environmental conflict mediation, managing over 50 munic footprint in this world by helping my community in whatever career i end up in. at the end of the day, whatever success i’ve a ve between stages as you learn and grow.” (“navigating your career journey” by moreau first year experience course – moreau fy one, or prove it to themselves. for me, i not only pursue a career in professional baseball for my own enjoyment but by respec ons are a great way to frame your life without letting your career narrow its scope first. in my experience here at notre dame information from the surveys filled out with the center for career development, i can identify my future path easier. after lo whether you realize it at the time or not!”(navigating your career journey, meruelo family center for career development–morea ”(navigating your career journey, meruelo family center for career development–moreau fye week 4). my classes here have shaped etter represent a life well-lived than father hesburgh. his career is characterized by an understanding of himself and empathi uote of his career -journey---moreau/ ld often ask if he was making the right choice of major and career path. he kept on asking questions and ended with two soluti s” of john’s life didn’t depend on his accomplishments, his career or anything that gave him stress in his early age. he would er important aspect of my next three years at notre dame is career discernment. in my future career, i hope to live by my miss ree years at notre dame is career discernment. in my future career , i hope to live by my mission statement in that i want to d think the resources we explored from the meruelo center for career development will help me to do this. one of the resources t my character growth and development, especially in terms of career , as my time at notre dame progresses. i also really enjoyed pects to a fulfilling future, rather than just a successful career and a happy family. as such, throughout the next three year ork towards becoming a doctor and serving others through my career . if possible, after gaining experience and resources, i can with her life, and this had always made sense for her. this career fit abygail perfectly and embodied her passions in life. de t you will die”, nyt, moreau fye week 3). i reflected on my career path and career decisions and how it was mostly based on my nyt, moreau fye week 3). i reflected on my career path and career decisions and how it was mostly based on my passions, becau a life where you have ended up where you wanted to be. the career activities from the merulo family center for career develop be. the career activities from the merulo family center for career development only helped me solidify the idea that i want to t being a doctor is the right plan for me (“navigating your career journey” moreau fye week 4). in my eulogy, i also talk a lo re was the irish compass from the meruelo family center for career development, which presented to me possible paths based on nel=thinknd career -journey---moreau/ moreau week two). in witnessing his count a hospital setting, which ultimately shaped her dreams and career path. josie lived a life of ambition, driven by her desire d around her at the same time. josie had many interests and career paths she was considering, but they all revolved around the the same time. she followed the same school of thought that career was cumulative, that “the best career choices for a person chool of thought that career was cumulative, that “the best career choices for a person are those that allow him/her to implem rts of his/her self-concept as possible.” (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course.” undergraduate journey moreau first year experience course.” undergraduate career services university of notre dame moreau fys week 4). josie of notre dame moreau fys week 4). josie wanted to pursue a career in medicine, and had been exploring different fields via sh her to gain experience and to learn more about medicine and career paths in this area. josie was a bright and loving individua -wrong-way/ career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ selm 4 close friends, her family, or comp ver her interests and helping her in her discernment of her career path. josie loved spending time with others and doing what nications: web | university of notre dame. “navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course.” undergraduate journey moreau first year experience course.” undergraduate career services, r services, career -journey---moreau/. phd, tasha eurich. “the right way to be ar-sabbath/ career -journey---moreau/ y focuses on one or two parts of his/her self-concept for a career , that person will eventually hit a wall” (“navigating your , that person will eventually hit a wall” (“navigating your career journey” by moreau family center for career development mor navigating your career journey” by moreau family center for career development moreau fye week four). by the time i read this to success. career -journey---moreau/ combs 2 however, this reading brought me this reading brought me the understanding that a successful career is shaped similarly to a math equation with many variables. his reading began to shift my understanding of a successful career and led to a splintering of the concepts of success and a l her [they] realize it at the time or not” (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course” by the meruelo st year experience course” by the meruelo family center for career development – moreau fye week four). one example of how i h est of your life. a common phrase we hear at the center for career development (ccd) is “i’m a [insert name of major] major wh me of major] major what can i do with that?”(“navigate your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo “navigate your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). this reminds me that my rn and grow my mind. equally, i yearn to build a successful career and reputation. i want to be proud of who i become through ether you realize it at the time or not!” (“navigating your career journey” by the murelo family center moreau fye week four). tems/143444 career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ lelonis 3 the next building block of an i e next building block of an ideal life for me deals with my career . since i was a young child, i had always had dreams of bein my relentless work ethic. additionally, a large part of my career will be centered around building success. however, success ople like this, and i plan to take on those shoes during my career . i will strive to remain humble, treating everyone with the re family. the reason that i want to build my knowledge and career is so i can use my wisdom to guide my children, and use my hat i struggled most with writing was the section about the career path i will choose. this was a challenge because as of righ of right now, i am not set on my major, let alone my future career . learning about notre dame’s meruelo family center for care reer. learning about notre dame’s meruelo family center for career development helped calm my anxieties about my future career career development helped calm my anxieties about my future career path by letting me know of the vast resources available to of the vast resources available to me. in “navigating your career journey,” the phrase: “there is no ‘best major’ out there b is a ‘best major for you’” is emphasized (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). i find comfort in the fa after college, leading me on the right path to a fulfilling career . i tend to confide in my dad when i need advice about grown in my dad when i need advice about grown-up things such as career options. i immediately feel better after talking to my dad g to my dad about his personal experience in discerning his career . in the next three years, i will discern my major and my ca er. in the next three years, i will discern my major and my career path by engaging in conversation with upperclassmen about t eir experiences in discernment. whether that be through the career center, my sister’s friends, or having older student as a c onds to the suffering of his racial community by pursuing a career in law, becoming dean of one of our nation’s best law schoo so acknowledge the love and the passion that he had for his career as a doctor. evan came to realize that he wanted to choose here he could help people. evan truly realized that a great career is one that “is comprised of your values, interests, person lues, interests, personality, and skills” (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course” by luzzo, d.a. elieved that he could save lives and he did. throughout his career , he was able to help thousands of people and not only help king at the things that he couldn’t. evan came to model his career after paraplegic dr. jihoon kim and was inspired by his sto le’s lives. career -journey---moreau/ in life. he felt reassured by the meruelo family center for career development, where he read that, “there seems to be this co ly held belief in our society that a major equals a certain career path” (meruelo family center for career development moreau or equals a certain career path” (meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). fortunately, the good peopl ent moreau fye week 4). fortunately, the good people at the career center taught him that this was a common misconception, and ael himes – moreau fye week 3). but though his professional career was impressive, he took so much more pride in his personal e waters just get out and experience life, (navigating your career journey, meruelo family center for career development -more (navigating your career journey, meruelo family center for career development -moreau fye week four)”. there are big things i tems/143798 career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ back home. i now make an effort to call m ple would think of me. i remember when i started my college career at notre alues, interests, personality, and skills”(“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). throughout my life, i be -suffering/ career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ we’re going to do, but i can guarantee yo those in need with social impact projects. (navigating your career journey moreau first year experience couse, meruelo family reau first year experience couse, meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye week 4). caterina was widely successf tems/146719 career -journey---moreau/ en, and those with who i had the pleasure to work during my career , as a man who was grounded in humility, a leader with infec use that is the legacy i want to leave behind. in my future career as a marine corps officer, if one of my junior marines is f t is shaking my world up pretty good. even if it changes my career path a lot, i know that the friends and family i have met w t leads to better post-graduate outcomes.”(“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course“ moreau fye wee ar-sabbath/ career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ capstone integration april 24, 2022 the m plore a source given to us from the meuro family center for career development. when discussing success, advice was given whic s don’t take place in a nice, neat order” ("navigating your career journey” moreau fye week 4). using this advice, one goal of tunities. i am not sure of what direction i want to take my career in but as a part of my mission statement i will work to fin knowing that “it’s not a one-step process.” (navigating you career journey by meruelo family center for career developmentmore (navigating you career journey by meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau week 4). danuta was never one to let up. /transcript career -journey---moreau/ the box of expectations was a struggle fo n the humanities and writing. the meruelo family center for career development’s “navigating your career journey” helped remin elo family center for career development’s “navigating your career journey” helped remind her that she did not need to know ev her that she did not need to know everything, as choosing a career is not a linear path. there are times of second-guessing an is to “just get out and experience life” ("navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). maddy tried to implement ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ the interesting aspects of the subjects r at we want to do with our lives and how we want to choose a career in which we can use our abilities to best serve others. hel does not determine the rest of your life” (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). the stories of our lives nload_frd=1 career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ er moreau fye week one) he spent the end of his high school career and most of his college career working on a program that wo t the end of his high school career and most of his college career working on a program that would help those with disabilitie anical engineer. when reading about how one should choose a career path, hugh considered the question: “is this vocation / thi rsonality, and skills (vips)— before you can make effective career choices (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family ore you can make effective career choices (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career developmentmor avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye week four). hugh new above all valued ave carried with me and will continue to do so in my future career and family life allowing me to follow out my calling. comin any steps to take, in regard to living out my mission in my career . as notre dame’s career center pointed out, “this reinforce gard to living out my mission in my career. as notre dame’s career center pointed out, “this reinforces the need to consider a ts values, interests, personality, and skills when making a career decision.” (“navigating your career journey” by nd center f nd skills when making a career decision.” (“navigating your career journey” by nd center for career development moreau fye wee cision.” (“navigating your career journey” by nd center for career development moreau fye week four) this is an excellent poin uding my mission in order to decide on and follow my future career path. one club i could join at notre dame to help me with t much aligns with my mission and could help me to discover a career in the nonprofit sector which would allow me to dedicate my three) the joy of helping those in need and discovering my career path may lead me into a different career with a different m and discovering my career path may lead me into a different career with a different mission. it is critical to keep an open mi r whichever way god might guide me. regardless of my future career , god will always be at the forefront of guiding me along my redominant way in which he tried to do this was through his career . his passion began at notre dame. he majored in mathematics sion really developed into a concrete path for his eventual career and his professional goals. while many of us here might not ere but there is a “best major for you.”” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo center for career development moreau fy .”” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo center for career development moreau fye week four). i think we can all agree boyle tells career -journey---moreau/ at i both enjoy and aligns with my morals (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). i would like to pursue some y to succeed in this line of work, and with the help of the career center on campus, i will be able to find the right job for t of who i am. i chose to spend a lot of time on my college career and work career because i really love both, and they bring chose to spend a lot of time on my college career and work career because i really love both, and they bring me so much joy. ch joy in learning and developing community, and my college career really encapsulates both. i love that i am helping others a for [me]” (“ career -journey---moreau/” by meruelo family center for career deve your-career-journey---moreau/” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). throughout my eulogy i ment nowledge in service of the greater good through an eventual career . my mission statement states that i hope to use my gifts in ersonality, and skills (vips) before you can make effective career choices. the only way to know more about yourself is to tes waters just get out and experience life!” (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo career center moreau fye week 4).” nce life!” (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo career center moreau fye week 4).” furthermore, it’s not only in t 473 week 4: career -journey---moreau/ week 5: experiences that you have had. as discussed in week four, “ career decision making is a developmental process that spans a per her micheal himes moreau fye week three) ( “navigating your career journey”, by meruelo family center for career development m vigating your career journey”, by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four) ("the grotto: why does go m_id=142974 career -journey---moreau/ rtant. a useful, inspirational quote from the undergraduate career services that echoes my newfound mentality reads, “we know yourself that time you will gain so much” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). therefore, when i do take b ide me with career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ immense amounts of support and love, but was extremely important to her well-being and liking of her career in the long run since “you have to know yourself first your ersonality, and skills (vips) before you can make effective career choices” (“navigating your career journey”– moreau fye week re you can make effective career choices” (“navigating your career journey”– moreau fye week four). even though she was satisf eau fye week four). even though she was satisfied with this career choice, she also realized that “the process of discernment editing, and business sides–as her desires for her life and career changed. in this exploration of various areas of a singular icate with people of all different backgrounds. in both her career , and more importantly in her life well-lived, this unique p ity and desire to learn. maggie’s life was characterized by career discernment, in addition to personal discernment. introspec l to her, especially as her life became more chaotic as her career advanced and her family developed. she practiced introspect ion for serving others and that he can only imagine me in a career where i will be positively impacting the lives of others. s ere i will end up after graduation, i will strive to find a career that allows me to impact the lives of others. i will especi ie” by ruth graham moreau fye week three) (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course” by meruelo fam first year experience course” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four) (“the right way to be int ssage about dr. rene bermea’s inspiration behind pursuing a career in medicine opened alex’s eyes to where he could start look endocrine system. this served as his motivation to pursue a career in medicine.” (domer dozen by notre dame alumni association ers. he took comfort in the fact that dr. super suggested, “ career decision making is a developmental process that spans a per ss that spans a person’s entire lifetime.” (navigating your career journey by meruelo family center for career development mor navigating your career journey by meruelo family center for career development moreau week four) alex knew that he had the abi ith his go-with-the-flow attitude. as his life changed, his career could as well. although his path wasn’t set, he knew his wi t would be someone who gave others hope. he never had a set career path or a specific dream, but he had a goal to become a lig like to be career -journey---moreau/ ajor into something i felt more people view as a legitimate career path. after further reflection on this i decided to change my mission statement is through allowing myself to pursue a career path that fulfills me and brings me joy. in a hyper-competi our interest and fills you with intellectual curiosity. the career development center activities from week 4 served as an oppo served as an opportunity for me to examine how i can find a career path that both excites me and provides me with the flexibil the next three years, i also hope to take advantage of the career development center’s various services to help prepare me fo e from the start that they wouldn’t pressure me to pursue a career that i don’t enjoy because the outcome of that is that i wo oreau helps with this because they say that, “planning your career is much like planning for a trip. there are many details an and research. it’s not a one-step process” (navigating your career journey, moreau week 4). college is the time where many try ing i’ll be career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ d a well-lived life? the most obvious, in my opinion, is my career decision. week 3 and week 4 of the moreau curriculum concer , whether you realize it or not!”(meruelo family center for career development-moreau fye week four). ryan was one of the most his father career -journey---moreau/ ife well-lived” i discovered what i want to do with my life career wise. i know that i always wanted to go into medicine becau esburgh film was very relevant to pursuing a quality future career . his conscientiousness of the world’s problems and his pers hey write that every experience changes you(navigating your career journey, meruelo center–moreau fye week 4). i have had some m_id=144741 career -journey---moreau/ good and bad experiences here at notre da rticular issue, which i think is important in determining a career that requires investigation and questions. she also confirm ends and my maintenance of my harmony. i hope that whatever career i pursue i am able to show others the benefits of letting o and be a better person all around. i also learned that the career choice that i made when i first came to notre dame is one t ember. one quote that i read was “the idea is that the best career choices for a person are those that allow him/her to implem arts of his/her self-concept as possible” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family centermoreau fye week 4). i thou o easy to get caught up in the idea that we should choose a career path where we will be the most successful and the one that y. one should try to get out of that mindset and go for the career choice where they are most happy and the one where their gi s lacking so it gets frustrating quickly.” (navigating your career journey by notre dame career development moreau fye week 4) ing quickly.” (navigating your career journey by notre dame career development moreau fye week 4). varun firmly stood for doin as possible. despite his busy life, balancing a successful career as a consultant and his family one thing varun always made usp=sharing career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ in college after a physics test how he tr shed. i seek to be a hard worker as much of my academic and career satisfaction comes from productivity and completing challen to learn what i should pay attention to when discerning my career : “the idea is that the best career choices for a person are on to when discerning my career: “the idea is that the best career choices for a person are those that allow him/her to implem part of his/her self-concept as possible” (“navigating your career journey” by undergraduate career services moreau fye week f ossible” (“navigating your career journey” by undergraduate career services moreau fye week four). dr. super has shed more lig hed more light on what i should look for when discerning my career . my career needs to engage all my talents and parts of myse ght on what i should look for when discerning my career. my career needs to engage all my talents and parts of myself. i stron ts of myself. i strongly agree with this view of a person’s career because if i am doing something that utilizes all parts of ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ tran 4 to complete a discernment talk wit o follow dr. super’s idea, i plan to use these traits in my career discernment. part of my definition of a good life involves part of all of the things i do. a line from navigating your career journey by meruelo family center for career development tha navigating your career journey by meruelo family center for career development that really spoke to me reads, “the idea is tha t that really spoke to me reads, “the idea is that the best career choices for a person are those that allow him/her to implem waters just get out and experience life!” (“navigating your career journey” by merulo family center for career development mor navigating your career journey” by merulo family center for career development moreau fye week four). i jumped into several ac usp=sharing career -journey---moreau/ eflected on in the week iv moreau reading, “navigating your career journey,” i also believe that one of the most wonderful thi learn to do is to really experience life (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). i feel like i’ve said th ar-sabbath/ career -journey---moreau/ conway 3 though, i also think that work, ing week ii of moreau. everyone seemed so invested in their career journey and it seemed like so many people were truly follow two of moreau, we reflected on the question “is my desired career path suitable for me?” i wrote a lot in response to this qu wrote a lot in response to this question because my future career is something i am very passionate about, and something that lity and character contribute to my desire for a particular career . reflecting on my character attributes and development help k, we see that him taking a stand for equality lost him his career . bryant talks about how sports is something that works to b f my life. i reflect on this question when thinking about a career path, but also just my day to day actions. to conclude, in e need an outside perspective. week 4 of moreau, taking the career quiz, forced me to reflect on and identify aspects of my id d from fr. michael himes)moreau fye week 3 "navigating your career journey” (meruelo family center for career development) mor "navigating your career journey” (meruelo family center for career development) moreau fye week 4 “the right way to be introsp tems/145929 career -journey---moreau/ professions, owen, with a degree in finance finally found a career , he put his talents to good use and was successful in his i anding on a decision and sticking with it. (navigating your career journey by the merulo family center for career development igating your career journey by the merulo family center for career development moreau fye week 4) for a time, indecision was a re about to do with your life. by this you have to know the career field you want to enter and make it your goal to be the bes lass is about how to live your life to the fullest and your career to the fullest alongside helping out the community around u waters just get out and experience life!” (navigating your career journey by meruelo family center moreau fye week 4). the on does not determine the rest of your life” (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career developmen ating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). we will be making decisi e and love. career -journey---moreau/ y---moreau/ career -journey---moreau/ ved. her hard work while in college led her to a meaningful career in pharmaceuticals (or possibly sports journalism now???). ghan moreau fye week 2) however she also learned that “[the career development process] is a dynamic process with movement bac h movement back and forth between stages.” (navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4) after considering changing m kforce. the happiness and fulfillment she received from her career and happiness she brought to those around her during her ca er and happiness she brought to those around her during her career is just another example of her life well lived. grace was a gths grace was able to positively impact people through her career as a sports journalist (or chemical engineer) and live a li of deep relationships with others. although “planning your career is much like planning for a trip” (“navigating your career career is much like planning for a trip” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4), or that planning life is ht /transcript career -journey---moreau/ ortiz bautista 4 that simple, i do not be everyone here to live by the following quote on the meurolo career development website. it reads, “the only way to know more a waters just get out and experience life” (“navigating your career journey” meruelo family center for career development morea (“navigating your career journey” meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). life is short and you never s possible. career -journey---moreau/ microsoft word week 8integration 3.docx m ving a life-well lived includes being passionate about your career and choices as an adult as well. after investigating a life of the most active things in my life right now is finding a career path. as the meruelo family center of career development pu w is finding a career path. as the meruelo family center of career development puts it, “it is a dynamic process with movement h movement back and forth between stages” (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course” by the meruelo rst year experience course” by the meruelo family center of career development – moreau week four). i feel like i shift back a r). i feel like i shift back and forth between stages of my career pursuit. at one moment i feel strongly about a certain care reer pursuit. at one moment i feel strongly about a certain career choice, but at other times i doubt myself. living a life we own by, faster than any half semester in my entire academic career . the old, and often overused, adage rings true, “time flies re beliefs. andrew was a man who balanced his faith and his career . he never let his busy work life interfere with his faithfu rt to keep the lord’s day holy, he also always balanced his career and his faith. in his college days, andrew questioned wheth s faith. in his college days, andrew questioned whether his career could have true meaning. he was a computer science major, w ce to solve social problems. he finally understood that his career could have significant social impact, and thus realized com science was not morally obsolete. he died knowing that his career had true meaning, which very few people can say about their careers. andrew also taught us how to actively search for a career that you truly love. although computer science is a high pa r science is a high paying field, andrew did not choose his career based on money. in fact, andrew knew what it meant to fail, andrew knew what it meant to fail, over and over again. his career journey was anything but a straightforward process. as stat ove between stages as you learn and grow” (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course” by meruelo fam ew what it meant to be persistent. he understood that one’s career is filled with constant changes, but with each new change c tml week 4 : career -journey---moreau/ week 5: ri-nun.html career -journey---moreau/ rteen). for myself, a life well-lived involves a fulfilling career , a loving family, and helping others reach their version of reach their version of a life well-lived. i want to find a career path that allows me to pursue my passions while helping to schrage moreau fye week five). this is why i want to find a career where i am fully engaged and can enjoy my work every day. i cult. the most obvious thing to figure out in college is my career choice, which i have not figured out quite yet. however, i have not figured out quite yet. however, i understand that “ career satisfaction/success depends in part on how well a person c art on how well a person can identify and implement his/her career self-concept, which is comprised of your values, interests, lues, interests, personality, and skills” (“navigating your career journey” by notre dame moreau fye week four). i need to tak er than monetary value. i also believe that i will pursue a career in something that inspires me as a result, choosing to foll o keep in mind what i read on the meruelo family center for career development: the fact that finding my passion and future ca er development: the fact that finding my passion and future career is not always a linear process and that these steps don’t t ove between stages as [i] learn and grow” ("navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development mo avigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four). while this may be hard t usp=sharing career -journey---moreau/ lines six, seven, and eight of my mission ir fellow man. 1. i believe that objective #3 which states “ discern possible ways of living life” stands out as the most releva o discover what i am both passionate about and gifted at to discern my major. it has been difficult to part from the expectatio d the fire and let him know the areas in which he wanted to discern his career. “it should be something involving legislature, asked to think about our careers in moreau. i was trying to discern what sort of job would let me help people in a way that wou nd being reliant upon the power of love, i was motivated to discern what love truly is. david brooks also said that forgiveness ssions, my talents, my purpose, and even my weaknesses as i discern my personal beliefs as an individual. integration one—donoh must be comfortable with self-reflection, so i can clearly discern where i want to pursue my career and discover where my pass “where i’m from” george ella lyon, moreau fye week 6). as i discern what i want to do with my life, i also know that it’s more ngs, and attitudes. we must be patient with ourselves as we discern who we are, what we want from life, and what we are meant t y will be important these next coming years as i attempt to discern what i think the truth about the world, people, and god, as n how they will affect me in the long run. i seek wisdom to discern my future. it is a promise not only to myself, but to other at power and it is the responsibility of each individual to discern what the right path for them is to use their power. let’s m a better future. i will continue to look within my soul and discern my personal ambitions, use those to identify my ultimate go means to pursue a life well-lived. one such way to begin to discern these questions is to create a personal mission statement t ith someone close to us who knows us well enough to help us discern what a life well-lived is. i chose my mom. when i asked her jors that i could have different options to choose from and discern what career path i want. midway through my senior year, i s d well-being here, as that is the only true way that i will discern whether or not this is right for me. https://president.nd.e ew skills learned on campus, especially those in moreau, to discern what i actual enjoy and try to do things for the right reas o much to discover. i am sure that as time goes on, we will discern if this is the correct path and where we belong in life. as nding time at the grotto, and doing some self-reflection to discern what i believe and how i should go about my life. my experi take years to decipher; however, we must all be patient and discern what we are encountering in our lives. word count: 1025 htt much of an impact this course has had. i have been able to discern how i should treat my relationships with others, and to pri , the campus, but also the people. i have also been able to discern my values and my morals with a certain conviction here. i n jesus calls each of us to love our neighbor and he doesn’t discern between race, sexuality, gender, or creed. the solution of f it is making an effort on my part to actively explore and discern . it is not about waiting for things to happen. starting wit th that i plan on taking in life and also has allowed me to discern the unique and incredible plan that god has for me. my root and have given me the building blocks necessary to help me discern what has shaped me and my beliefs up to this point in my li ationships mattered to her. as himes once said, “to help us discern what our talents and gifts are, we need a circle of friends aunting, but i need to overcome that fear and take risks to discern what my passions and values are in the workforce. my missio n. the classes i’ve taken here at notre dame have helped me discern how to do so. in the classes i’ve taken, i have found my pa hings about yourself that you actually want to decipher and discern . nolan understood this concept and always worked to reflect lness is absolutely crucial to being able to understand and discern what we want from life. naturally, a large portion of what lem all on your own can do more harm than good. “to help us discern what our talents and gifts are, we need a circle of friends ived?” is difficult and deeply personal. many people cannot discern this answer until they are late into their life, but it is ere is no reason to measure yourself against anyone else to discern whether you lived a well-lived life. reflect upon yourself etting an on-campus job, joining meaningful clubs that help discern my major, and meeting some of my closest friends thus far. , i have been able to be much more introspective and really discern what i want my life to look like. even my family members ha exposed to the career center, which has helped me begin to discern how i can combine my skills and want to serve others. an ar ter place, we must explore life. to explore life, we should discern our path: "what are possible ways of living a life well-liv what they did, explore how that can apply to your life, and discern your own life by putting your thoughts into action. father (moreau fye week seven). not only do these people help you discern your life, like my mom in the other example, but you go thr new people and build new relationships. but how can i best discern what is the best career choice? i want to use my mission st th week four, i’ve already changed my major twice trying to discern what the best course of action is for me and no one else. i ood and the badbecause he realized that it was difficult to discern true goodness without having experienced the truly bad. thi will help me grow closer to god, which will help me clearly discern my vocation. part of a vocation is choosing a career path ( ally talk to trusted individuals who know me well to better discern my career path (week 5). i am almost certain i should be a y wanted until he talked to those close to him. “to help us discern what our talents and gifts are, we need a circle of friends arnestly. in doing so one could learn about what they can’t discern about themselves, and thus they can be better prepared to s s, mary was able to explore her interests and abilities and discern much about herself at an early age. she looked back with af lection. if a step back and reflect on my life, i can fully discern the positive impact different people and events. in the fas on your life. in week five, i was given the opportunity to discern other people can have an impact on my career discernment. i s expected to have life figured out at 18. he really had to discern and reflect and think about a life well-lived. his mom help best major for them.” always giving her best to help others discern was where she got her joy. speaking of when she received jo ation in one’s life. are you continuing to grow? to help us discern what our talents and gifts are, we need a circle of friends want to be in life. i think it is exceedingly important to discern this. i believe that my time here at notre dame thus far ha in hopes of finding my passion. one exercise that helped me discern this mission was integration one; writing my eulogy. this e n individual person. i think this really helped me begin to discern what i want my life to look like in these next three years, l question we must ask ourselves while we are attempting to discern how to live a life well-lived is what can we do for others? oals for my future and what i want to do. this truly helped discern a life well-lived to me. pawelek 6 in my life personally, i u truly want to do in the future. one way that you can help discern what it is you want in life is by asking for advice from th ation in one’s life. are you continuing to grow? to help us discern what our talents and gifts are, we need a circle of friends by having those close to us give us advice on life, we can discern what is truly best for us. the result of living a life well ake classes and join clubs that interest me so i can better discern where and what i want to do. one of those clubs is potentia all-encompassing mission statement has helped me accurately discern the way in which i want to orient myself. to achieve the en eader who strives for social change, you need to be able to discern independently and try to figure out exactly what you want i here are times of trouble with another person, i am able to discern and make the right decisions. i wish to gain wisdom each an er after college are not the end-all. college is a place to discern my passions and learn from my failures. i will treat whatev l attend more office hours with my professors to “help [me] discern whether or not [i am] good at [something]” ("three key ques at the front of her mind at a young age. this helped her to discern her steps towards her future, which we can all agree she su u might know what's not important, but you're struggling to discern exactly what is. and i'm not going to pretend i have the an ife well-lived means for me personally. i have been able to discern what god is calling me to do with my life, as my eyes have eau, i have been able to realize the importance of this and discern how i can actually serve this purpose in my life. it is my hout these past few months, appreciate those around me, and discern my views on issues present in my community. https://holycro o effectively and tangibly help people around me, i need to discern who i have direct contact with. weeks 4 and 5 of moreau cla ter has provided me a greater chance for self-reflection to discern the path god intends for me to follow to best accomplish th wouldn’t have before. additionally, this has allowed me to discern which career path i will follow in my life. by asking mysel meone close cox 5 to us who knows us well enough to help us discern what a life well-lived is. i chose my mom. when i asked her rbid, coming to terms with the brevity of life allows us to discern what we wish to take away from our brief time on earth, lea the basis of father michael himes’ “three key questions” to discern a ositive impact professionally i must carefully research and discern different job opportunities and continually reassess my rol y know already. in the fourth week, we looked at how we can discern our prospective careers. one reading argued, “the only way t we wanted to do with our life. due to that, i was able to discern what it is that i want to do with the rest of my life, i ev r professional career and volunteer interests, it’s easy to discern what ellie valued most in life, because those were the thin lf working to improve the lives of others. as i continue to discern the way in which i am called to share my gifts with the wor you”(week 4). over his four college years will was able to discern what he wanted to do post graduation, and took a job with a rlier activity with irish compass really put me on track to discern my livelihood. in my interview, i was told that you do not ns. for instance, when you get to college, you will have to discern what major or career path you would like to pursue. in maki ne of his writings. he explained that "other people help us discern whether we are good at what we do. this is enormously impor next years through trying out different passions of mine to discern my path in the future. this introspection will not only aid th. this quote from one of the readings states, “to help us discern what our talents and gifts are, we need a circle of friends around you. i am currently aiming at becoming a lawyer. to discern a career path, there is a process to follow. “after you lea with people who love me, they have helped me understand and discern what i want to do in the future, while i am still a little gave me an outlet to think about these deeper questions and discern what i truly want for my life. i think that i have a good p my life for the next 3 and a half years. when attempting to discern my life and convictions through looking at how my memory, c ey alone, and many individuals played a role in helping her discern her life. when she asked others for aid in https://www.nyti i don’t know how to do is use my mind. i don’t know how to discern my major because that answer isn’t on quizlet and i can’t m on earth. in order to maximize my time on earth, i need to discern my career and what i want to do. as the mfccd says, “if you in some way, even if i don’t realize it at first. i want to discern this through both the advice of people as well as prayer an ct my strengths to have the best impact possible. when i do discern i will be sure to do so in a healthy manner conducive to po eople who thought differently from me, and it allowed me to discern my own beliefs. this is something i think is really importa this moreau course, we discussed key questions that help to discern whether we are headed in the right direction in life. the q helped others. in today’s world, it is hard to find time to discern your path and find your joys in life because it is so fast- ls or negative influences and, as such, it is my mission to discern between the many forces in life and choose which are good a heoretical side of any area is simply not enough – to truly discern what career path you will find yourself in you must venture ence. she kept all of this in mind come the time she was to discern what it was she wanted to do. she knew that self-reflection take classes that are genuinely of interest to me, and then discern my major and career path based off of that. additionally, i e week 12). with this in mind, that’s why i’ve been able to discern my future path. everyone deserves somebody in their corner tatement. ultimately, this semester in moreau has helped me discern my definition of a life well-lived and how i can come to li iends, and cultural expectations, i have been able to truly discern what matters to me as well as how i can integrate these val e stuck in an echo chamber. another resource that helped me discern my path for the future was the irish compass from the merue through at various times and i often used my dad to help me discern what to do. one time i called him for a school assignment l e in discerning his career. in the next three years, i will discern my major and my career path by engaging in conversation wit e joined irish compass, where he helped notre dame students discern careers in politics and always offered internships to the s me can imagine a better world while my inner realist helps discern what is possible. while i browsed the msca symposium abstra mes’s three key questions are, i think, an excellent way to discern one’s path in life, and i think that it applies excellently engineering class has had a significant focus on our major discernment , and this process of discernment brings this quote to life. ificant focus on our major discernment, and this process of discernment brings this quote to life. i initially thought i wanted to towards bettering the future. while i did not show adequate discernment in how much time i spent self-reflecting, i did show adequa how much time i spent self-reflecting, i did show adequate discernment in who i spent my time with. in pope francis’s ted talk on wanted to hear but what she needed to hear it by using the “ discernment conversation activity” (week 5). after learning this tool i er for career development moreau fye week four) (“week five discernment conversation activity” by moreau fye moreau week five) (“th 5, i addressed the question “what role do others play in my discernment ?” this week was special in the sense that we did not do a r nd everyone around me knows how important they are to me. (“ discernment conversation activitymoreau fye week 5). having relationshi onnections, loved ones can also aid in my growth (week five discernment conversation moreau fye week 5). an observable sign of a li ed that this mission suits me. one of these moments was the discernment conversation we had during week 5. during the conversation, will value increasingly as we all become older. (“week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five) while i mentio duation?” these questions all are towards healthy character discernment . they stem from the mouth of a person who’s concerned about ts of our said career path. the prompt said “the process of discernment is an ongoing, lifelong endeavor. and while you are the aut ur story, it is often helpful to involve those you trust.”( discernment conversation activity” by moreau moreau fye week five) thro think of what i am made for, i am drawn back into my major discernment process during senior year of high school. i had all these remain. it represents my deepest desires and what my life’s discernment has led up to at this point. i have found value in acceptin ol, enjoying them a lot. however, when looking at our major discernment assignment — an assignment where we figure out what major i t allows me to think about my life and pray to god about my discernment . i need to trust in him that he has a plan for me and whate hree key questions” by fr. michael himesweek 3 1 “week five discernment conversation activity” by todd howardweek 5 while many thin ld encourage each and every one of us to pursue (“week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five). i know that s areer journey” moreau fye week four) . as she navigated the discernment process, she was unsure if she would end up where she did, e himself to switch majors in his freshman year of college ( discernment conversation activitymoreau fye week five). despite time he those close to me what i can work on as a person from the “ discernment conversation activity”(week five). adhering to these tools er for career development moreau fye week four) (“week five discernment conversation activity” by moreau fye moreau week five) (“wa ny polotto moreau first year experience 14 october 2021 the discernment of beliefs in the matter of just two months, i have managed uires to achieve your goals is so helpful to me (“week five discernment conversation activity” -moreau fye week 5). having someone go to sleep at night is so crucial to a good life (“week 5 discernment conversation activity” by pete conway moreau fye week five) ut confusion and desperation but also feelings of doubt and discernment . i was lost. this was very hard for me to admit, amidst dro reer stuff was very helpful, especially through the lens of discernment (“three key questions,” father michael himes, moreau fye we rs as well as being understood gives purpose to one’s life ( discernment conversation moreau fye week five). especially at college, er%208.pdf preaching the gospel and it is important to have discernment in your walk in faith because you don’t ever want to confus uty and took personal responsibility in his own creations (“ discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five). patrick was a d felt a responsibility to end “the opposite of kindness” (“ discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five). with a relent for everyone. patrick let his values guide his daily life (“ discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five). patrick greet truth; even if it was something you did not want to hear (“ discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five). patrick was a had a conversation with my mother that played a role in my discernment . we discussed my desire for a more caring world that is res mplacent with things they are not happy with in the world (" discernment conversation activity" by notre dame moreau fye week five). ople because i equated vulnerability with weakness (“week 5 discernment activity” by moreau fye week five). however, i realized tha , so we must continue to come to the father and ask him for discernment in all circumstances in our lives. i believe that first, we flecting on their own bias through tests and other possible discernment methods. after this, they should consciously keep track of m/jfe/form/sv_0agryh4swx0bz38 miller 3 in science classes (“ discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five)–i thus recogni ven c’s. this realization has also helped me with my career discernment as i try to understand what i want to do with my life. i am ll what i wrote in my mission statement. when talking about discernment , my remaining years will be full of it. helped along by the aining years will be full of it. helped along by the moreau discernment activities (week 5), discerning is a slow process that pays discerning a fulfilling life will take a lifetime. through discernment , then i will be able to grow in wisdom in making the right ping me act with more courage because i would know (through discernment ) who and what to stand for just like marcus cole’s article development reflection” by notre dame – moreau week four) (“ discernment conversation activity” by notre dame – moreau week five) (“ re in general , but also the true college experience. major discernment , time management, faith, and self care are all things which myself slowly and steadily should be my mission each day” (“ discernment conversation activity” by moreau fye spring week five). aft even noticed. with my friend subtly pointing it out in the discernment activity, by saying that she wanted me to remember that my’ that i just need to reach out’ (activity:complete”week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five). as a result o ure to give myself grace if i don’t get the desired score (" discernment conversation activity" by yerania serrato-bucio moreau fye on others and my environment (activity: complete "week five discernment conversation activity" – moreau fye week 5). overall, notre r-career-journey---moreau/ musgrave 3 law, as reminded by a discernment conversation with a former teacher (“week five discernment discernment conversation with a former teacher (“week five discernment conversation activity” by , moreau fye week five). i hope t another aspect of my mission statement touched on my career discernment process and finding the balance between becoming successful down which careers would compliment me was the conversation discernment activity (“week five discernment conversation activity” by nt me was the conversation discernment activity (“week five discernment conversation activity” by moreau fye moreau fye week five). , in college she had to complete a “meaningful conversation discernment activity” for one of her classes. she asked me some questio room late on a thursday night, just having gone to a major discernment meeting, feeling beaten down. despite all the effort i had ad. he immediately picked up, and upon asking him about his discernment process, he told me his story. he recalled that during his ding about michael himes’s three questions about vocational discernment in moreau, because, earlier in the year, i had also https:/ hat occupation to be a force for good in the world. in this discernment about my vocational calling, i cannot rely merely on my own re my strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for growth (“ discernment conversation activity” – moreau fye week 5). everyone has t eel that many people do not get the respect they deserve.” ( discernment conversation with kelsey goldwein moreau fye week 5). thus, eel that many people do not get the respect they deserve.” ( discernment conversation with kelsey goldwein moreau fye week 5) althou , and my mom has a different opinion of me than my brother ( discernment conversion activity moreau fye week five). not everyone see during competition, whether it be for swimming or school (“ discernment activity” by lisa dolphin moreau week five). not only was t ound week 5 more insightful, specifically the (conversation discernment activity moreau, fys week 5) talking with my friends and fa ood, and maybe make some money along the way. [6: week five discernment activity, j.a. hatch and , moreau week five ] “my father wa i had to do for moreau, i did it with tito too (“week five discernment conversation activity” by me moreau fye week five). hah, fu at concept means to me. i remember when we had to do career discernment activities during moreau, which was not useful for me as i roundings, but what we can control is our reactions. in the discernment activity, it says, “view every disappointment and setback a ays, “view every disappointment and setback as a lesson.” (“ discernment activity” fye moreau week 5). in having a good reaction to y’s choices, and even the future she saw for her daughter (“ discernment activity” moreau fye week five). abbey cherished this conve advice on discerning my future career in week 5 (“week five discernment conversation activity” by mereulo family center for career path when the time comes. however, i know that this kind of discernment extends throughout my entire life because “career developme the end of my life. even with all the resources available, discernment at any point in life can be daunting and stressful. however best! “no matter where you go, always rely on square one” (“ discernment conversationactivity” with my mom, jeni�er espino moreau fy ty around us. however, how can the others play a role in my discernment of a well-lived life? week 5 was a conversation that took p difficult to say but important for me to hear?” (“week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fys week 5) leslie remembers hers, and sees it as a major role in my happiness” (“moreau discernment conversation activity” by moreau fye week 5). similarly to rd it qualified by my friend melody in an interview for the discernment conversation activity this semester. when asked what she th ou know yourself very well and are strong in your values” (“ discernment conversation activity reflection” by moreau fye week five). isions” by d.a. luzzo and l.e. severy moreau fye week four “ discernment conversation activity reflection” by moreau fye week five “ eb6z7b2tdvm0dyab6 dab5s/edit?usp=sharing bordallo, colleen. discernment conversation activity reflection. moreau fye, 2022, https:/ ld him that he was far from the only one going through this discernment process and that students all around the world were feeling ans and how to use it in the service of others” (“week five discernment conversation activity” by tommy hedman moreau fye week 5). atter what happens because she loves me more than anything ( discernment conversion activity-moreau fye week 5). after hearing my mo of supporting them through difficult decisions such as the discernment of a major. i have been encouraged by them as well; they ch ’re on the right path. you just don’t know which one yet!” ( discernment conversation activity – with my mom – moreau fye week 5). a nd not everyone sees life the same way you do." (“week five discernment conversation activity” by sheila negron moreau fye week fiv t, we were telling each other how much we loved each other ( discernment conversation activity, moreau fye week five). i don’t think eep an open mind, which allowed him to hear other opinions ( discernment conversation moreau fye week 5). he eventually became a goo ming communities in her life. (discerning a life well-lived discernment conversation activity — moreau fys experience week five) si making di�cult life decisions, such as academic and career discernment . my mom knows me better than anyone else, and encourages me al mission of spreading love and encouraging others. in the discernment conversation i had with my mom earlier this semester, she s semester, she said that i most value my friends and family ( discernment conversation activity moreau fye week five). based on what college course, carson was tasked with having a meaningful discernment conversation. he chose his mom, because she knows him best. capable of doing more, empowering his deep dive into career discernment . with a people first mindset carson wanted to reach as many enter for career development – moreau fye week 4 “week five discernment conversation activity” – moreau fye week 5 “the right way t opportunities you are able to take advantage of. during my discernment conversation with my father in week 5, this was something t bike for a concerning amount of time. he assured me in this discernment conversation that “it is okay to fail” and expressed to me sregard quite often, was “you can’t make everybody happy” (“ discernment discussion” by my mother – moreau fye week five). like some ive of you and taking advice. in week 5 of moreau, we did a discernment activity in which we asked a series of questions to someone f the future. features of my life, such as school and major discernment , fostering an inclusive community, and staying connected to e. even before arriving at notre dame, the process of major discernment has been on my mind, as i have loved the art of creation ev like to take more pride in and become even more involved” (“ discernment conversation activity” by moreau fye week 5). staying engag be a great husband and dad. which is ironic because in the discernment in week five my mother told me that i value my faith and my ly center for career development week 4 complete "week five discernment conversation activity" by moreau week 5 “the right way to b here are a significant amount of resources to aid in career discernment , but the biggest help to him was a very informal one. throu three). this supports the central idea behind jack’s career discernment . he wanted to do something that would also bring him joy as ou think i most value and desire in life? why?” (“week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five). through this s value in her children when she got older. “the process of discernment is an ongoing, lifelong endeavor” (“week five dsicernment c l for their invaluable advice and guidance. during my major discernment process earlier this semester for instance, i decided to an ter, as i explored different career possibilities during my discernment process. also, in completing the irish compass activity, i ree program, contrary to the initial plans i had before the discernment . exploration will help me identify new areas and opportunit productive, calmer, and more focused on the tasks at hand” ( discernment reflection – moreau fye week 5). i have been able to, for l -and-errors. as for week 4, i gained knowledge about career discernment . “planning your career is much like planning for a trip. th k 5, i learned about the role others play in my career/life discernment . i found networking to be very useful in discerning our car eally puts the value of loved ones in perspective for you ( discernment conversation activity with mom moreau fye week five). i don hing drive for that thrift store that she loved so dearly (“ discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week 5). bride had never — all stem from self-awareness." in week 5, we performed a discernment activity. i had to ask my mom so honest questions that she good at immediately. when talking to my father in week 5’s discernment activity, he wanted me to know that it is okay to fail, and n beings you could ever meet. all that talent, 2 “week five discernment conversation activity” by todd howardweek 5 1 “hesburgh” by at notre dame. i noticed this especially during the week 5 discernment activity. after talking with one of my close friends here a fye week four). as long as i center those topics during my discernment of what i want my future to look like, i can form a fulfill who i am and who i want to be. we talked a lot about career discernment in week 4 of moreau and the quote i picked out was, “there mes i’m not even aware of. in week five of moreau, we did a discernment activity where i asked a close friend, “what is something t difficult to say but important for me to hear?” (“week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week 5). sometimes our fr in us and encourage us to improve, as i was reminded in my discernment conversation with my dad. (discernment conversation activit i was reminded in my discernment conversation with my dad. ( discernment conversation activity – moreau fye week 5)* it is my goal t rview with patrick wolf by moreau fye week 5). this time of discernment has allowed me to understand that the “commonly held belief or himself, but primarily for those around him. (“week five discernment conversation activity” by week five). in this way, this was n combine my skills and want to serve others. an article on discernment from the ccd references dr. donald super: “he contended tha n to improve the lives of as many people as possible. in my discernment conversation with my mother in one of my moreau assignments gnments, she said i loved two things, “people and purpose” ( discernment conversation moreau fye week five). these two things will h bout a life-well lived will lead to further career and life discernment in general. conservations with those who love and care for ter for career developmentmoreau fye week four) (“week five discernment conversation activity” -conversation with thomas bowenmorea ut how i was being perceived by the people i cared about. ( discernment conversation activitymoreau fye week 5) i further analyzed reer or how smart we are, i remember from one of the career discernment discussions we heard; “there is no ‘best major’ out there b uccess and joy was that “i had become unapologetically me” ( discernment conversation activity moreau fye week 5). since that conver traits. i had a conversation with my mother in week 5 about discernment (“discernment conversation” by moreau moreau fye week 5). w a conversation with my mother in week 5 about discernment (“ discernment conversation” by moreau moreau fye week 5). when i asked he ld around me. i think this advice is useful, especially for discernment . i need to practice the proper introspection mentioned earl eruelo family center for career development – moreau week 4 discernment conversation activity – moreau week 5 “the right way to be ission in the next three years. this semester, i attended a discernment retreat with the dominican sisters of mary, mother of the e about a subject for the sake of learning alone. (“week five discernment conversation activity” with eric and tracy richardson morea r, the lessons i have learned by going to campus ministry’s discernment coffee hours has helped me be at peace with this. someone m lves” (“spring 2022 week five: discerning a life well-lived discernment conversation activity” by andrew whittington moreau fye wee activity” by andrew whittington moreau fye week five). the discernment conversation activity helped me see how others view me, and ith our lives centers around the way in which we serve god ( discernment activity – moreau fye week 5). nicole sought to serve god i s a person, not who a boss determined you were” ("week five discernment conversation activity" by joyce and philip hicks – moreau f ing that my mother expressed her pride in me for during the discernment activity. she told me that she is very proud of all the dif school (“ discernment activity” moreau fye week five). i am grateful to hear my m hers, and sees it as a major role in my happiness” (“moreau discernment conversation activity” by moreau fye week 5). i understand rse that brought me some clarity and comfort throughout the discernment process was that “there is no “best major” out there but th impact. i have found the difficulty i’ve had throughout my discernment process resulted from focusing too much on any one of these e myself from the perspective of someone else (conversation discernment activity moreau fye week five). my discussion with my paren sking for outside perspective from someone close to me. the discernment conversation i had with my in week 5 helped me ground mysel ] desired to bring others joy above most everything else.” ( discernment conversation thomas wood moreau fye week five). hello. fare rs. my conversation with my parents as a part of the week 5 discernment activity provided some reassurance that this is the right p to make an effort to get closer to his new college friends ( discernment reflection moreau fye week 5). matthew always would talk ab se it shows that they are solid in their values (“week five discernment conversation activity” -moreau week five). i want to find f ful to speak to the people who know me well about my career discernment journey. one conversation in particular that i had with my e that there is no singular formula for success (“week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five). this was help and humble. that circle of friends is crucial to vocational discernment ” (himes). often, individuals can doubt their own skills at aced with in both major selection and, more broadly, career discernment . i spoke about “hopping off the treadmill” and doing someth f them noted how important fairness and justice were to me ( discernment conversation activity – moreau fye week 5). these two ideal here exists a temptation, however, in the pursuit of career discernment to dedicate oneself to a strict purpose too early in life, ular most useful exercise from this semester was the career discernment activity, in which i was able to speak with my brother abou nd weaknesses and about how my influence has impacted him (" discernment conversation activity" – moreau fys week 5). in my attempt person that [he could] rely on most to give [him] advice” (“ discernment conversation activity” by moreau fye week 5). it cannot be erial helps others navigate the treacherous waters of major discernment . it is possible that a discernment conversation with a peer acherous waters of major discernment. it is possible that a discernment conversation with a peer could also help, one where questio row closer to them and help them through any sort of issue ( discernment conversation moreau week fye week 5). as a result of this, versation with one of his hallmates at notre dame (module 5 discernment activity). what we might not have known about jacob was sai elo family center for career development – moreau week 4) (“ discernment conversation activity” moreau week 5) (“5 minutes” by grott g weeks four and five of moreau this semester, we discussed discernment and picking a career. the center for career development say ity to discern other people can have an impact on my career discernment . i talked to my dad and this made me realize i possessed va s strengths i did not know about in the past (“conversation discernment activity”, by moreau fye week five). if i can acknowledge o ze people and spending time with others. this began with my discernment conversation; seeing that other driscoll 3 people view how people that i love is really motivating to hear ("week five discernment conversation activity"— moreau fye week five). i will striv irst building block to establish his entire life in faith. ( discernment conversation activity moreau week 5). throughout paul’s lif ey” by meruelo family center for career development week 4 “ discernment conversation activity” by moreau week 5 “the right way to b here her mom showed her the role an outside person plays in discernment (week 5 discernment conversation activity). sofia was the t her the role an outside person plays in discernment (week 5 discernment conversation activity). sofia was the type of person where on’t meet his expectations because he sets them so high.” (“ discernment conversation activity” by mark hennin moreau fye week 5) ma s at his very best when he was solving problems (“week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five). ryan believed trospective-yes-theres-a-wrong-way/ with enough diversity (“ discernment conversation activity''moreau fye week five); “...because l inue to exemplify my values in my daily actions ("week five discernment activity"—moreau fye week five). being authentic and intent which is where the career center comes in. as i continue my discernment journey, i’ll continue to ask myself three questions: what formative experience, which was the case with the week five discernment activity. i spoke to my parents, and they observed that i f h alumni and other people in my life that can help me in my discernment process, and following the examples set by people like fr. at i was always willing to try new things. during my career discernment activity, when i asked my mother what difficult thing i nee my comfort zone and expand my horizons” (“week 5 reflection discernment conversation activity” by moreau fye week five). this is so ing about this with my cousin about this as well during the discernment conversation, we talked about the fact that a life well liv at is successful in essence. (“discerning a life well-lived discernment conversation” by moreau moreau fye week 5) is more about le is reasoning behind most all things he does and believes” (“ discernment conversation activity” by university of notre dame moreau f art of this semester’s reflections were on major/occupation discernment , i also chose to include my plans for the remainder of my a ll as my career goals following graduation. in week three’s discernment activity, i was asked to ponder three important questions: ter for career developmentmoreau fye week four) (“week five discernment conversation activity” -conversation with thomas bowenmorea yer who was committed to serving others through litigation ( discernment activity – moreau fye week five). through experiences in il ely aligned with [our] most authentic sel[ves]” ("week five discernment conversation activity" by the university of notre dame more for help on an assignment which focused on self and career discernment . it was simple enough where i would answer the questions, g his is in week 5 the main focus is what role others play in discernment . i say it applies to week 4 because other people can help m ersations that always blossomed into motivation ("week five discernment conversation activity"moreau fye week 5). in life we must a them what they thought of us (“discerning a life well-lived discernment conversation activity” by moreau moreau fye week five). thi ow is a time in my life that is extremely focused on career discernment and being future oriented, as proven by week four discussio to, “view every disappointment and setback as a lesson.” (“ discernment activity” fye moreau week 5). he found that it wasn’t the o ncerns. one such issue that new nicole had to solve was the discernment of her major. past nicole left her with this task, because interviewed my dad during the fifth week of moreau for the discernment activity. i chose to interview my dad because he is someone value both the respect of others and respect for yourself ( discernment conversation activity moreau fye week five).” this was righ of these resources, though, the most important people in my discernment are still likely my parents. i can always turn to them for making relationships that bring out the best in us. in the discernment activity, i was able to connect with someone that i conside i considered to be a friend that makes life worth living.(" discernment activity" moreau fye week 5) i also was able to reflect on icism as well when it comes to emotional matters (week five discernment conversation activity – moreau fye week five). in the upcom ferent questions rattled around my mind regarding my major, discernment , and how to make the most of the next four years of my life n and how to use them in the service of others” (“week five discernment conversation activity” by tommy hedman moreau fye week 5). a conversation i had with my best friend, ximena, for the “ discernment conversation activity” of moreau fye week five. talking wit est when i’m cracking jokes with people that i fully trust ( discernment conversation activity with emily moses moreau fye week five nal growth and carried throughout her life. “the process of discernment is an ongoing, lifelong endeavor.” (“discernment conversati process of discernment is an ongoing, lifelong endeavor.” (“ discernment conversation activity” – moreau fye week five)2 she develop n honest conversation with, about your future, about life (“ discernment conversation,” moreau fye week 5). beyond the amazing commu ple in your life to get their insight on ourselves (“week 5 discernment conversation activity” by notre dame moreau fye week 5). of hange. in week 3, fr. michael himes talks about structuring discernment into 3 questions: “is this a source of joy? is there someth k you’ll be satisfied until you take that risk” (“week five discernment conversation activity” by noah korth moreau fye week five). hink back to the question: what roles do others play in our discernment ? at first, i had the idea that discernment was all about me hers play in our discernment? at first, i had the idea that discernment was all about me and my own thoughts and views. however, af m/jfe/form/sv_0nyulyvk9jdsurs had with my mother during the discernment conversation activity, i have realized that my discernment discernment conversation activity, i have realized that my discernment is affected by others around me. i learned that hearing how can help us see things we cannot see ourselves.” (week five discernment conversation activity by moreau first year experience cours ns i needed to ask to guide myself towards a better path of discernment in college. since my time is so limited here, i have had to said, notre dame will help you along the journey of career discernment , and this is not something that you need to focus on now, b erform my abilities in something else than this (“week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five). i will hear o sonal topics and liam grew from their friendship (week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five). when he met h on specific issues but that was farthest from the truth.” ( discernment conversation activity moreau fye week five). relationships people, she didn’t surround herself with enough diversity (“ discernment conversation activity''moreau fye week five); “...because l w, but he saw me at my best when i questioned my decisions ( discernment conversation moreau fye week 5). this reflection proved ver nnot bring others happiness until i am happy myself. in the discernment conversation activity, i was told that i always placed othe n, others can help us see things we cannot see ourselves” (“ discernment conversation activity” by moreau fye moreau fye week five). – moreau fye week four). at the same time, “the process of discernment is an ongoing, lifelong endeavor” (“week five discernment c f discernment is an ongoing, lifelong endeavor” (“week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five). i must remain to manage my classwork with clubs, hall commitments, career discernment , and making plans for summer. this has left me with little science major, it has never felt right. through some career discernment activities and workshops (“navigating your career journey” sire in life, she responded with “your family and friends” ( discernment conversation activity moreau fye week five). relationships will never stop valuing. in a follow up question during my discernment conversation, my mom said that i’ve been at my very best wh the way i was living my life (“discerning a life well-lived discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week 5). you don’t have t someone is excited to tell their friend a surprise (week 5 discernment activity by with ali mauritsen – moreau fye week 5. pasted od as his daughter, knowing he will take care of me. week 5 discernment activity for my discernment activity, i spoke with my frien he will take care of me. week 5 discernment activity for my discernment activity, i spoke with my friend ali maurtison, a senior ch make a positive impact in the lives of others” (“week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five). hugh desired ree with the article notre dame gave to her to help her own discernment that said, “you have to know yourself first your values, in s a person, not who a boss determined you were” ("week five discernment conversation activity" by joyce and philip hicks – moreau f iniscing with my mom during the conversation we had for the discernment activity (discernment conversation activity with mom moreau uring the conversation we had for the discernment activity ( discernment conversation activity with mom moreau fye week five). my mo like to take more pride in and become even more involved” (“ discernment conversation activity” by moreau fye week 5). expanding upo sh i could change lives for the better in my own family.” (“ discernment conversation reflection” by moreau fye week 5). her desire he was also leaping outside of her comfort zone (“week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week 5), regardless of ho nted us with “three key questions” to ask during our career discernment process. father michael’s first question was, “is this a so for career development moreau fye week four). in our career discernment process, if we only focus on one aspect as opposed to the w dds and prove that he could do whatever he put his mind to ( discernment conversation with my dad moreau fye2 week 5). for example, than appreciating the little moments in life. when i had my discernment reflection with my dad, he told me something that was diffi ell on these regrets, as things always happen for a reason ( discernment reflection moreau fye week 5). my mission statement will be . she valued other’s opinions and listened to their advice ( discernment conversation activity moreau fye week 5). her friends assur n, others can help us see things we cannot see ourselves” (“ discernment conversation activity” by moreau fye moreau fye week five). r academic skills, but also their confidence in themselves ( discernment conversation activity moreau fye week five). she had two be l eulogy commentary in the paragraph where i referenced the discernment activity, i specifically wanted to use that week because of ed well to my participation in tutoring during high school ( discernment conversation activity moreau fye week five). next i thought the day they are the people that are not going anywhere” (“ discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week 5). my sister has be has stressed to me that “failure is a process of growth” (“ discernment conversation activity” by kyle thompsonmoreau fye spring we something you do not. the career development center and the discernment conversation activity from week five helped me decide how t amily center for career development moreau fye week four) (“ discernment conversation activity” by moreau fye moreau fye week five). ut those i love. when i interviewed my father as part of my discernment process, he asserted that “community is essential for [me]” to change; after all, dr. donald super describes our career discernment as a “developmental process that spans a person’s entire ht ng-way/ moreau fye professor lassen steven wu march 2, 2022 discernment of a goal: a meditation and a eulogy it has now finally com hat could turn out to be essential when situations demanded discernment . just as fr. hesburgh, the president of my beloved universi twined with other parts of our identities and experiences (“ discernment conversation activity” – moreau fye week five). i was a ref when i have no time for fear or for self doubt (“week five discernment conversation activity” with eric and tracy richardson morea ependent and support myself” (“discerning a life well-lived discernment conversation activity” by the university of notre dame more ly wanted to become a civil engineer. as part of his career discernment journey, he looked at university resources such as the unde il engineering. neol mentioned that during this part of his discernment journey, he talked to an upperclassman in his dorm, duncan uture goal. in a conversation with my mom during the week 5 discernment conversation activity, i reflected in my follow-up, “one th pose. i told him he loved two things, “people and purpose” ( discernment conversation moreau fye week five). everything jack did, he eing a doctor is the thing that is right for me (“week five discernment conversation activity” by moreau first year experience more important questions such as “what role do others play in my discernment ?” (“week five irishcompass activity” moreau fye week five). quote : “all too often, we raise questions about vocational discernment as if everything depends on what i want and what i love whe g how i want to live my life (activity: complete "week five discernment conversation activity" – moreau fye week 5). thus, my missi h in new directions. this is especially true in careers and discernment of future plans, as conversations with professors and famil ions and imagine alternative future outcomes. when i had my discernment reflection with my dad, he told me something that was diffi ell on these regrets, as things always happen for a reason ( discernment reflection moreau fye week 5). a life well-lived can be cha you will be missed by us all. 6 (moreau fye week 5: week 5 discernment conversation activity; conversation with my brother) 7 (mor yond, “no matter where you go, always rely on square one” (“ discernment conversationactivity” with my mom, jeni�er espino moreau fy t and always make me laugh.” (“discerning a life well-lived discernment conversation activity” by moreau moreau fye week five) hear rs as well as being understood gives purpose to one’s life ( discernment conversation moreau fye week five). especially at college, k himself about what he wanted to do with his life. for him discernment was a journey that was winding and never ending. “if you ac ime in self-reflection but emerge with no more 5 "week five discernment conversation activity" es, participation in extracurricular activities, and career discernment . i often find myself overwhelmed by feelings of anxiety and stress for college students including myself is the career discernment process. over the past few months, i have observed myself f into discerning a career path. however, when i put off this discernment process, i find that it just brings me more anxiety. as i e es website, i felt motivated to take ownership of my career discernment process and utilize the tools that are available at my disp a powerful tool of self-reflection and has aided my career discernment process. for moreau week five, i was prompted to engage in ues, strengths, and vocation (“discerning a life well-lived discernment conversation activity” – moreau fye week five). i chose to zing where my passions lie in terms of a potential career (“ discernment conversation activity” – moreau fye week five). regardless avigating your career journey) 5 (moreau fye week 5: week 5 discernment conversation activity; conversation with my brother) 6 (mor things quickly and get along with a wide variety of people ( discernment conversation moreau semester 2 week 5 ). ultimately, he pur , and potentially being a club leader and organizer. in the discernment conversation i had with my grandpa during week 5 of this se new experiences and seize the day no matter what it brings ( discernment conversation activity, moreau fye w5). this is the type of nd continually reassess my roles. i have begun this careful discernment by looking at the mission statements of companies in fields anding of my environment to provide new insight (“week five discernment conversation activity document” by moreau fye instructors – g that would be hard to hear (“discerning a life well-lived discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week 5). although the ans my own and follow my own natural learning curve (“week five discernment conversation activity moreau fye week five). in applying he tances will have profound effects on you. one example: your discernment about whether architecture is right for you, i know, has be d work and never give up when you know what your goal is” (“ discernment conversation activity” by yulma acevedomoreau fye week five han we once thought ( byweek 5 discerning a life well-lived discernment conversation activity understand yourself and how others see you better. (moreau discernment conversation activity moreau fye week five). https://notred confirmed something i knew about myself to another level” (“ discernment conversation activity reflection” by moreau fye week five). d.a. luzzo and l.e. severy moreau fye week four bordallo 7 “ discernment conversation activity reflection” by moreau fye week five k ur story, it is often helpful to involve those you trust” (“ discernment conversation activity” – week 5) reminds me of her. i want t this decision is a lifelong process. it takes significant discernment to identity values, interests, personality traits, and skil makes our lives purposeful. jack began that conversation of discernment while studying at notre dame. during an electrical engineer ack began contacting a mentor named sarah devitt (week five discernment conversation activity moreau fye week 5). sarah provided ja e, but i don’t like being on noone’s bad side. for week 5’s discernment conversation i talked to daymine snow and this is how the c give back to the community around her in any way she could ( discernment conversation activity moreau fye week five). sean and ellie s many of you listened to hours of college decisions, major discernment , and job changes over my life because they presented me wit me to have a plan as i made any changes in life(“week five discernment conversation activity document” by moreau fye instructors – i talked with a teacher that is now my friend ("reflection- discernment conversation activity" by and geovanni hernandez (my teache eriously and i don’t let myself make mistakes” ( "week five discernment conversation activity" moreau fye week five). experiencing hat do you think i want to change in the world?” (week five discernment conversation activitymoreau week 5) asking someone close to moreau when he had to call a friend about his college major discernment . the conversation led to will having a better understanding h my mom about what she thinks my strengths are ("week five discernment conversation activity" moreau fye week five). it was nice t comfortable with the idea that it is okay to ask for help ( discernment conversation activity moreau fye week five). i also think t sectors like deloitte and kpmg. i recognize that my career discernment is an ongoing process. one of my goals as a student at notr tony was at notre dame he really struggled with his career discernment . he felt intimidated, and unsure of what to do in terms of lt intimidated, and unsure of what to do in terms of career discernment . i think he felt this way because his current career path p like doing the right thing, and being constructive with his discernment by understanding that wanting to switch majors, and trying be remembered for his wise viewpoints of specific topics of discernment . he made it to the promise land, and i have no doubt that h that you can utilize to solve those issues. during my major discernment process at some point in college, i wondered if i was makin -graduate outcomes" (meruelo). also, i engaged in different discernment activities on campus. one of them was the "irishcompass (pl to be more specific, and enlist their help and advice in my discernment process. it also helped me reflect on how much i should fac humility, or in other words a life well lived. through this discernment especially being honest with myself about what i want i hop ion is a powerful way to gain clarity. throughout my career discernment processes, i have talked to friends and family in order to ntify my values and vocation (“discerning a life well-lived discernment conversation activity” – moreau fye week five). after speak discernment activity, is noticed by people close to me. essentially i c high stress and high involvement of my college experience (“ discernment conversation activity” –moreau fye week five). taking care the people around me without even realizing it” (week five discernment conversation activity – moreau fye week five). this convers her up and become the best versions of themselves. during a discernment conversation activity, elizabeth helped mary identify thing (“ discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week 5). this helped mary ring week 5, we were assigned to contact someone and have a discernment conversation. (discernment conversation activitymoreau fye ed to contact someone and have a discernment conversation. ( discernment conversation activitymoreau fye week five) i decided to cal re cancer to have a life well-lived at the end of the day” ( discernment conversation activity moreau fye week five). to live a life ught to answer the question "what role do others play in my discernment ?" and we had an activity for which we talked to someone tha nd there was no doubt she did that throughout her lifetime ( discernment conversation activity with patti gardes week moreau fye wee assionate yet disciplined person throughout her whole life ( discernment conversation activitymoreau fye week 5). alexis was always because of the conversation i had with my roommate for the discernment conversation activity of week 5. he said that “[i] value th ppy and because they are often taken for granted.” (“week 5 discernment conversation activity” quote from my roommate moreau fye we ess to give up despite my being hard on myself for failure ( discernment conversation activity moreau fye week 5). this is something ceed, which includes taking care of myself. while doing the discernment conversational activity with my sister, she told me, “i kno his undergraduate years at notre dame were critical to the discernment of his values and ambitions. the friends, acquaintances, an his kind of reasoning is tied in with the necessity of life discernment which takes place during the four years one spends as an un is decision to pursue a computer science degree (“week five discernment conversation activity” by nd moreau moreau fye week 5). yet ill offer advice if they think that you need it (“week five discernment conversation activity” by moreau fye week five). they are a being from such a small community. having a strong sense of discernment is good in these scenarios from both ends, involving your c involving your conscience and your friends' conscience. my discernment through my good friend julia told many things that both i k thinks i could benefit from being more direct with people (“ discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five). this is somet ver they are struggling over the next few years (“week five discernment conversation activity” from moreau – moreau fye week five). g that stuck out to her was, “always be true to yourself” (“ discernment conversation activity” by bob burgess moreau fys week five) big part of moreau this semester was the concept of career discernment . as college students, the relevancy of our future careers i tasked with asking a peer about our own selves (“week five discernment conversation activity” by nd moreau moreau fye week 5). ano dea that my actions will be of help to others. ( "week five discernment conversation activity”moreau fye week five). these are all her would agree that she always put others before herself ( discernment conversation activitymoreau fye week five). she found joy a difficult to say but important for me to hear?” (“week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week 5). after some refle rth_building_includes_everyone/transcript worth, and as our discernment conversation activities also taught us, feeling pride, cont mmunity with those around me (“discerning a life well-lived discernment conversation activity” by moreau – moreau fye week five). w ion to helping the community (“discerning a life well-lived discernment conversation activity” – moreau fye wee five). your brother i value depth. when completing the “meaningful conversation discernment activity” (moreau fye week five) and asking the question “c s friends can attest to the kind of person she was. for her discernment in week five of her moreau fye course at notre dame, bianca you think. after all, they were once kids too. (“week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five) obstacles to a l lived ccd activity” – moreau fye week 4) this has made my discernment easier. regardless of where i end up, i know i will be able her was, she started to be more grateful for what she had. ( discernment conversation activitymoreau fye week five) “but then i bega gain insight on what others believe i am passionate about (“ discernment conversation activity” by moreau fye moreau fye week five). discernment illustrated above. her mom knew her better than anyone else d ones as well because when i asked my mom in the week five discernment activity what is most important to me she said, “you want l o remember that everything happens for a reason. the career discernment website states, “every experience shapes you in some way, w . noah has always been very passionate about social change ( discernment conversation activity moreau fye week five). it was one of o you think you most value and desire in life?” (“week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five). and this was ecause i am in the period of my life that requires a lot of discernment , it’s nice to see the important questions that i need to ad her life, they all had plenty of things to say ("week five discernment conversation activity" by moreau fye week five). her best f d to exercise them because i like being in my comfort zone ( discernment conversation activity moreau fye week 5). i think this alre er doing which, who reinforced his ideas about his future (" discernment conversation activity" moreau fye week 5). he told brendan it or not” and sometimes that was hard for her to believe ( discernment conversation activity, moreau fye w5). however, family was e going moving forward. lastly, as we have focused a lot on discernment this semester, i challenge myself to think more seriously a ething is a no i want to see if i could change it to a yes ( discernment conversation with tracy albertsonmoreau week 5). in my posi o understanding the first steps to seeking out a career, my discernment activity where i talked to my mom, was a definite confidenc what to do, her mom said that they had a conversation for a discernment conversation activity in which they talked about how what k t katherine really wanted to do was help people (“week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five). she believed tired of you, but i found a way to laugh anyways.” (“moreau discernment conversation” by jack bailey moreau fye week five) this was tant piece of advice i have received was from my dad in the discernment activity from week five. he simply stated, “always be true week five. he simply stated, “always be true to yourself” (“ discernment conversation activity” by bob burgess moreau fys week five) nally work against injustice in my own way. “the process of discernment is an ongoing, lifelong endeavor” (“week five dsicernment c ll that he could. he would give the advice to all in career discernment that “if you give yourself that time you will gain so much” gest priorities was putting a smile on the face of others. ( discernment conversation activity moreau fye week five) tiki seriously n [she was] helping others and juggling a million things” (“ discernment conversation activity” with isaac mccormick moreau fye week kind to others and treating others with respect ("week five discernment conversation activity" moreau fye week five). in week 7 of understanding of what it means to go through the process of discernment to a certain extent. it was hard and required a lot of soul for my character. when having the conversation (“week five discernment conversation activity” - moreau fye week five), one of the s how important the church’s teachings on life were to her ( discernment conversation activity moreau fye week five). karleigh was a es, and passions and what she considers to be my strengths ( discernment conversation activity – week 5). in this conversation, she s with those who may help her (discerning a life well-lived discernment conversation activity week 5), and she was always willing t ing goals for myself. it is especially relevant in lent and discernment , as i embark on this journey of self-improvement with chris ed that what he ultimately desired in life was to be happy ( discernment conversation with parents moreau fye week five). sam knew t our vocation in life, and agreed that we needed to do more discernment about both priesthood and married life. talking about what tive" (tasha eurich, ted conferences) (week 6) 5 "week five discernment conversation activity" (week 5) e, he picked with a purpose. zach understood that this type discernment is crucial to living a life worth living (moreau fye week f s it. it was not a one stop event, but rather a lifetime of discernment : “as you can see, career development is a process and a jou ofessor steve reifenberg – moreau fye week 9). but during a discernment conversation with my mom, she surprised me by saying i “act of a good leader,” i am just comfortable not exerting them ( discernment activity with mom– moreau fye week five). that gave me the going down the right path. you just don’t know what path” ( discernment conversation with my mom – moreau fye week 5). as he contin k 4) though this was initially meant to describe the career discernment process, he used it for everything. every time he got stuck is my reasoning behind most all things i do and believe” (“ discernment d it’s more about what’s in their heart that matters most (" discernment conversation activity" moreau fye week five). above all els h people around you, and are good at making conversation.” ( discernment conversation activity by jack bailey moreau fye week five) h being open to new ideas and experiences. during my career discernment activity, when i asked my mother what difficult thing i nee my comfort zone and expand my horizons” (“week 5 reflection discernment conversation activity” by moreau fye week five). although l ked about school, which has always been the relationships (" discernment conversation activity" moreau fye week 5). i decided to try e asked them tough questions (“discerning a life well-lived discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week 5). some people who n myself, my personal development as an adult. this time of discernment allowed me to reflect back on my original doubts about what what i want to do as a human and how i would shape my life. discernment is the obtainment of your own spiritual direction. week fiv personal quotes on how you define yourself through your own discernment . a friend, julia, stated that "(i) you value ensuring that te about rather than what happens to make the most money." ( discernment activity by robert corrato/julia difazio moreau fye week fi d it’s more about what’s in their heart that matters most (" discernment conversation activity" moreau fye week 5). the discernment "discernment conversation activity" moreau fye week 5). the discernment activities this semester have helped me realize that my mis the people around me without even realizing it” (week five discernment conversation activity – moreau fye week five). this shows t better person. in week five of moreau, we participated in a discernment activity with a close friend, and the question that i thoug difficult to say but important for me to hear?” (“week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week 5). allowing other p l of us here today miss her. i think it is safe to say that discernment is a life long process. the path of my life is long, and th e who can help me answer it, as my parents did when i had a discernment conversation with them. (“discernment conversation activity ents did when i had a discernment conversation with them. (“ discernment conversation activity” – moreau fye week 5). and another im t is difficult to say but important for me to hear” (moreau discernment activity) was posed. ms. macinnes shared with skye that sky , serve god, and submit to his will” (“moreau fye week five discernment conversation activity” by erick chittle moreau fye week fiv k you’ll be satisfied until you take that risk” (“week five discernment conversation activity” by noah korth moreau fye week five). ed on my life is through conversation with others. in the (“ discernment conversation activity” by the moreau program moreau fye wee nder of my time here at notre dame. as noted by my parents ( discernment conversation with parents moreau fye week five), one import yself or put myself in a position of leadership. during the discernment conversation activity a close friend told me i have the qua don’t stand out against my peers who are “louder” than me (“ discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week 5). if i cannot lear helpful in mitigating this, is what my mom said during our discernment conversation, remembering that “... you can’t do everything ering that “... you can’t do everything for other people.” ( discernment conversation with my mom moreau fye week five). remembering that are exposed as i am put in new situations. (“week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week 5) i value my bounda ether or not she would ever be able to make it. (“week five discernment conversation,” e a new path. my mother definitely played a huge part in my discernment . one thing my dad would often say to me whenever i found my do twenty years from now. i have had a very back and forth discernment journey for my major, but for now, i am decided as a pls ma rtant aspect of my next three years at notre dame is career discernment . in my future career, i hope to live by my mission statemen my time at notre dame progresses. i also really enjoyed the discernment activity from week 5, and will plan to do a similar repetit an to do a similar repetition with that process (“week five discernment activity” by moreau fys–moreau fys week five). i think hear ent on my treatment of others. because of this, i think the discernment activity is extremely important to my development as a notr est conversation about what you want to do with your life (“ discernment conversation,” moreau fye week 5) are the kind of friends t abling her to discover her interests and helping her in her discernment of her career path. josie loved spending time with others a conversation with upperclassmen about their experiences in discernment . whether that be through the career center, my sister’s fri ance of hard work and determination. in our conversation of discernment , he reminded of my natural problem skills. i am lucky to be i know it will help me pursue a life well-lived (“week five discernment conversation activity” – moreau fye week five). to be able d and in the end, had the opportunity to attend (“week five discernment conversation activity” by moreau first year experience more d good intentions. (week five: discerning a life well lived discernment conversation activity, moreau moreau fye week 5). caterina elped the energy of the group be whatever it needed to be” ( discernment activitymoreau week 5). he was referencing a friend’s birth s not a linear path. there are times of second-guessing and discernment , but there is also nothing wrong with that. it is through t had a conversation with her mother following the week five discernment conversation activity conversation guide. when she asked he ] and [the] team, and [she] was very tenacious” (“week five discernment conversation activity" moreau fye week five). her mom kept make a positive impact in the lives of others” (“week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five). hugh desired keep an open mind, which allows me to hear other opinions ( discernment conversation moreau fye week 5). eventually, i became a goo dent in who i am, as demonstrated in the eulogy ("week five discernment conversation activity" by moreau moreau fye week 5). i chos own our lives” by pico iyer moreau fye week 1). through the discernment conversation (moreau fye week 5), i learned that social con ssor oswald moreau fye capstone integration 26 april 2022 a discernment of what i want to do, who i am now, and who i want to be as this career choice, she also realized that “the process of discernment is an ongoing, lifelong endeavor” (“spring 2022 week five: avor” (“spring 2022 week five: discerning a life well-lived discernment conversation activity”– moreau fye week five) her life refl desire to learn. maggie’s life was characterized by career discernment , in addition to personal discernment. introspection became haracterized by career discernment, in addition to personal discernment . introspection became essential to her, especially as her l ’s commitment to pursuing my passions. moreover, the week 5 discernment activity was a way for me to develop the values of my missi s at notre dame and beyond. the common thread throughout my discernment discussions with my loved ones was that they see me at my b work assignment that gave me reassurance from moreau is the discernment conversation (discernment conversation, moreau week 5). in me reassurance from moreau is the discernment conversation ( discernment conversation, moreau week 5). in that activity i asked my c cision. week 3 and week 4 of the moreau curriculum concerns discernment . i value sustainability. my dream is a humanity that lives ded a dimension i had not previously considered to my major discernment . i want to die in appalachia. it is my home. yet, i had not he top of the list, it read, “i want lasting relationships”( discernment conversation activity-moreau fye week five). ryan made it h he freshman, which is important in my mission statement. my discernment conversation with my mom enlightened me as to what inspires confirmed that i value community, sincerity, and challenge( discernment conversation–moreau fye week 5). this is why i chose pls, b d work and never give up when you know what your goal is” (“ discernment conversation” by yulma rodriguezmoreau fye week 5). she not ure, which is something he stayed true to his entire life. ( discernment conversation activity moreau fye week 5) varun believed in vigating-your-career-journey---moreau/ tran 4 to complete a discernment talk with someone who knows us well. after speaking with my w dr. super’s idea, i plan to use these traits in my career discernment . part of my definition of a good life involves faith playin insight into why. this came through a moreau activity for a discernment conversation. d that is uniquely aligned with your most authentic self” (“ discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five). i found that ing done. additionally my engagements helped me through the discernment process. in bookstore basketball, we play so that we can su life is to live in a way that would make you proud (“week 5 discernment conversation activity” by pete conway moreau fye week five) future. we also discussed this in greater length during our discernment conversation activities in week 5 of moreau. this can be a are and what we value. week 5 of moreau asked us to hold a discernment conversation activity with someone we trust. for me, it was e we trust. for me, it was my best friend simon li. in this discernment conversation activity, he said that i “lack one true self." ut important for me to hear” (“discerning a life well-lived discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week 5)? the discussion b to embrace my relationship with god. during the “week five discernment conversation activity,” i had a conversation with my mother ing god will give you the strength to carry on” ("week five discernment conversation activity" moreau fye week five). i went into t t except for my own. i love biology, and i am so excited to major in it, but all of the clubs and opportunities offered at no d to the university of notre dame as an english and biology major , and after getting accepted into the gateway program, i tho fect senior year with school and sports and instead i had a major injury and online classes. despite all of this, god still b onclusion, the moreau first year experience has served as a major asset to my academic and personal growth, and i could not b re the positions of battalion operations, battalion sargent major , and battalion commanding officer. these positions immediat er, my engineering class has had a significant focus on our major discernment, and this process of discernment brings this qu y college experience and beyond have pushed me to change my major to mechanical engineering. this change was difficult as i w ht that you are deciding your career path when picking your major . it’s much more complex than that...but also much more exci people. although this may be hard for me since i am a stem major at the university of notre dame and my focus is always on s and discomfort is the key to a happy, successful life. one major belief of mine is that i pursue the most revealing truths w i was seriously considering other schools which did have my major ; in addition, i knew nothing about notre dame’s tradition a seems to be this commonly held belief in our society that a major equals a certain career path,” notre dame’s undergraduate c ate career services refutes this belief by discussing how a major does not equate a career ( by oes not share one common interest with me. she is a finance major , and i am studying engineering. i wake up early, and she st ally with gateways worried about making the 3.5 gpa, that a major source of feeling unworthy is grades. i always try to remin dangerous and unhelpful mindset to have when looking at any major racial issue. this practice is often referred to as being ‘ what i am both passionate about and gifted at to discern my major . it has been difficult to part from the expectations of oth came easy to me in high school, so when i received a con a major test, i was shocked; never had i done so poorly on an exam o come to college knowing no one. despite the uprooting and major life changes, it is a very exciting time, and is also neces at i love and miss from home. i am a mechanical engineering major , and the upperclassmen engineering majors in my section hav e of the school and the emphasis on classes outside of your major such as philosophy and theology. as father grove said, “the nternal dissonance over this issue, as business (my primary major and passion) is an inherently profit-driven industry. with f the friends i have made here has also definitely played a major role in my personal wellbeing during my journey at notre da ally grown into myself and become proud to be me. i think a major part of this journey has been changing expectations i have eve that…” statement i have revealed, to draw on my finance major , the bullish case for my future: self-actualization. rightl ard to the present, i have switched to the science business major and am very excited to see where it will take me in the fut “script” in mind of saying my dorm, where i’m from, and my major and don’t know how to get past that. and also lately, i fee to be for the rest of my life. specifically, determining my major has been something that i fear because i am unsure if it wi iated this fear: “contrary to popular belief, deciding on a major does not determine the rest of your life” ( “navigating you g to go out to make new friends, find people who were in my major , find ways to cultivate my faith, while all trying to just self and use my skills. i spent a lot of time discerning my major and sometimes i still feel like i am still figuring out wha me brené brown mentioned vulnerability. vulnerability was a major component of my school’s unitas senior retreat. one of the identity today. who would i be if i hadn’t experienced the major friendship troubles i had leading up to high school, and ho ergrad within the college of arts and letters his choice of major was political science. the thought of following in his fath ly now considering my current state, to talk about my first major injury that occurred during soccer season. this was one of g that occurs to me i use to contribute to a life lesson or major experience on some level. once i began to live my life appr ld me that he used to think constantly schmidlkofer 2 about major global issues, and he developed compulsions to relieve the fall break we discussed encountering internal dissonance. a major topic we talked about in this discussion was the effect of d limits. i’ve especially enjoyed the classes related to my major , in which i am enjoying learning about the content while si initially applied to notre dame, i applied as an economics major . i believed that after college, i would attend either busin qualities, she used those qualities as a compass in making major life decisions that impacted her entire perspective on the when i think of what i am made for, i am drawn back into my major discernment process during senior year of high school. i ha d go into during college, but when it came down to the “why major ?” portion of the application, i drew a blank. i thought i n h school, enjoying them a lot. however, when looking at our major discernment assignment — an assignment where we figure out ernment assignment — an assignment where we figure out what major in the engineering school we would like to continue to purs elf-identity, remain paramount. the reading stated that one major red flag in a relationship is when “one partner feels that untered challenging my family's beliefs about what i should major in, as well as seen an increase in the importance of commun o take a math class, even though it was not required for my major , just because i enjoyed my math classes in high school. tow through it. this sparked the idea of possibly switching my major from pre-professional studies to mathematics or applied and ey’re probably right, i should stick to my pre-professional major . however, even though i do also have a love of science, the oth math and science. ultimately, i decided to keep my main major as pre-professional but also work towards a supplementary m r as pre-professional but also work towards a supplementary major in math or acms. although this isn’t completely challenging chimamanda ngozi adiche’s tedtalk. it truly highlights the major issues with news media and racism in the u.s. today. even t to find the truth. stepping outside my comfort zone is the major way that i search for truth mainly because my comfort zone ed when i reach them. for example, as a prospective finance major , i try to perform the best that i can within my fundamental had to choose hope recently when my brother went through a major life event a few months ago. two of his best friends passed opening my mind to different perspectives. i also believe a major component of college life is about forging healthy relation lves unity and faith. as a student, resilience has played a major role in helping further my academic career by constantly be presence in every aspect of my life. hope can truly play a major influence in fostering community through faith and seeking e interacted with people who differ from myself in terms of major , political leaning, race, socioeconomic background, sexual com/watch?v=lczmeqwwois). the idea that self-discovery is a major focus of our lives is something that i realized recently. d tigmatized field in medicine. to accomplish this, i plan to major in neuroscience, and try to gather research throughout my c at sort of scares me. as someone who is undecided for their major and isn’t sure what comes next for them after college, it’s my mendoza-attending and pre-med peers that i didn’t have a major or a career aspiration yet, but i’ve come to appreciate it ut the pressure of feeling locked into a certain subject or major . there are still times when i have doubts about what the fu that guided my decisions. my college decision was the first major decision in my life that made sense for me without any advi lot about myself. i understood what experiences have had a major impact on my life and shaped who i am. in my poem, i wrote, k the truth about the world, people, and god, as well as my major and future job. i believe that i am searching for god. in g will now transition away from my knee. while it has been a major part of my first year there still are other things that hap see that everything turned out great, i am able to walk, no major bad things happened, i didn’t really miss out on any big ac ntering in college. “i’m going to be a doctor, as a biology major , and on the pre-med track”. i was so sure of this future wh perience, i have felt the nagging pressures that choosing a major has. i fear that if i make the wrong decision, i could spen i am not alone: “contrary to popular belief, deciding on a major does not determine the rest of your life” ( “navigating you ) moreau fye week 4). while i do understand the fact that a major is important, i also recognize that it is not the sole fact ig problem for me my whole life. starting by accepting some major truths such as the fact that life is what i make of it, i c ars, and i’m excited to reach classes actually regarding my major . as i’ve said, the notre dame community has been incredibly y father kevin grove moreau fye week five). one of the most major reasons why i chose notre dame as my university is because am an applied and computational mathematics and statistics major . this is not a typical career path acknowledged for helping e potential to make what i desire of it. my dream with this major is to work with data in ways that help people find truth by s what i am made for. even if i were to lose interest in my major and the idea of working with data, i wouldn’t be lost becau s diagnosed with depression and anxiety ultimately taking a major toll on my life. it was a never ending cycle. i was sad bec ith the opportunity to reflect on how they responded to the major challenges of entering college. these included not only ext sk job. she had to learn the lesson that “there is no “best major ” out there but there is a ‘best major for you’” ("navigatin at “there is no “best major” out there but there is a ‘best major for you’” ("navigating your career journey” (meruelo family i find the idea of scientific knowledge important, thus my major in physics, but i don’t think i believe in it strongly enou s quote resonated with me because it directly aligns with a major aspect of my mission statement. throughout this year as a f self-aware and accepting myself through introspection is a major aspect of living life well-lived. i strongly believe that t and he knows my purpose. as an undergraduate, i decided to major in political science and i desire to attend law school afte re to attend law school after i graduate. when selecting my major , i had to make sure to remember that it is not a linear pro is or her genuine passions. i chose political science as my major because it brings me one step closer to living a life well- nnect with people beyond the boring questions, “what’s your major ?” and “what dorm are you in,” even though as a gateway stud ry way we possibly can. years ago, i chose my undergraduate major and career because of this strong belief. i majored in poli rs old. me, well i’m sophomore in college with an undecided major , and to be honest, i’m not even trying to choose one becaus ntribute in some way to an overall well lived life. yet one major attribute is our career. i believe that having a successful seems to be this commonly held belief in our society that a major equals a certain career path” (“navigating your career jour isn’t necessarily true. just a few months ago i declared my major as marketing and felt really happy about it. i have begun e ring the different paths notre dame offers in the marketing major and it has reaffirmed this idea for me that my one major do ng major and it has reaffirmed this idea for me that my one major doesn’t dictate a specific career path. i hope that my exci at my excitement about it as well as the flexibility in the major and someday my career will help me lead a fulfilling work l . i carried this thinking with me into college, which was a major problem for me. these two things do not mix. they contradic them. coming to college, most people focus solely on their major , however i’ve learned that “contrary to popular belief, dec ’ve learned that “contrary to popular belief, deciding on a major does not determine the rest of your life” (navigating your passions in life, and they can be totally unrelated to our major . father hesburgh exemplified this, as he was “someone who w ke friends and red flags to see if your friend is fake. the major one that stuck out to me was you notice your friend is taki t home after telling everyone in my life what i intended my major and future career to be, i found myself tied to that statem , and can say through my interaction with others, this is a major reason i am alive and strive to be the best i can be every ese interactions that i made unforgettable memories, as the major takeaway i and many others had is that the medium of lego, ps with new people was a skill i needed to improve, and the major way i went about this was by focusing on listening to other and the retreats that i’ve been a part of have already been major influences in my spiritual life as a student here on campus here in notre dame, i realize that “faith wasn’t always so major in my life,” but that i have chosen a place where the relig any of us will begin to question our capabilities or if the major we chose is going to work out for us in the end. it is cruc within students. as i stated previously, this is one of the major reasons i chose notre dame and i wish to pursue a lifestyle mind. in my own life, i feel like stereotypes do not play a major role in my decision making. obviously, as the authors and s , the most important part of my life—more important than my major , my career, and even my family—is my relationship with god. made me understand their influence in my life. they form a major part of the community i am surrounded by and have shaped me it, unlike many other colleges in the nation. this can be a major cause for conflict, since the political divide is so harsh he heart of existence. i like to think that there are three major root beliefs prevalent in my life, especially so as i conti here at notre dame. attending meetings for my neuroscience major and the compassionate care in medicine club left me feeling want the best for you. specifically, i have also answered a major question i had coming into college. my high school was a ve want the best for you. specifically, i have also answered a major question i had coming into college. my high school was a ve ometimes the seemingly minor plan cancellations can lead to major disappointments in your friendship like if they bail on goi my first semester. when applying for colleges, i marked my major down as engineering. as a student in high school, i loved m i wanted to pursue another field and proceeded to change my major . ( moreau fye reflection commentaryweek 2). i told myself t mentaryweek 2). i told myself that it was fine to change my major since i believe that i grow by challenging myself while pur s that i didn’t think about before. ever since i changed my major , i felt that i was slipping into an endless void of time. i thought i would have the chance to be a part of. one of the major challenges that i have faced at college thus far is the fac ir perspective on my leadership, like when i served as drum major in my school marching band. when it came to discussing lead y through my senior year, i settled on theatre as my chosen major , a tentative choice that i wasn’t sure of yet. i love both portunity to take both film and theatre classes in the same major . i entered notre dame as an ftt major, and now at the end o e classes in the same major. i entered notre dame as an ftt major , and now at the end of the semester i feel confident that t lowed me to take microeconomics. a class that wasn’t for my major or a core requirement, but something that i was genuinely i st about the corn that we all remember but the memories and major moments that we had as kids. they made us who we are, and w self struggling to accept that i do not know what i want to major in or where i’m headed in life. i remember asking my adviso to encounter alternative viewpoints. as a political science major and the freshman representative of college republicans, i o mendoza. here, i was out of my element: i was in a male-led major , and i had never even taken a business class before. i usua e?” here i was, struggling to meet new people, unsure of my major and my career, and not even sure if i was in the right plac and my success later in life. with so much unknown about my major and my career, i have to put my faith in god and hope for s t i am surrounded by people who have found meaning in their major , clubs, career, or religion. as a catholic institution, not ould simply be coming here to learn about the nuances of my major , to eventually become a great doctor. however, what actuall my family, my college applications, and my schoolwork. the major news headlines of the time did nothing to soothe me – rathe per into my academic journey at notre dame. as a psychology major , my introduction to psychology course has been incredibly e ng environment. in addition to further self-discovery in my major , i have declared a minor in catholic social traditions (cst is by the outside influences of the world. technology is a major culprit in this. certain influencers on social media can le ovid-19 pandemic. originally, the pandemic appeared to be a major setback that drew a stake into all my plans and happiness. our own eulogy" by notre dame – moreau fye week eight). one major way my life will be shaped is by my future career, and i wa for example, when i heard students bad-mouthing my intended major , that caused a lot of self-doubt. i subsequently reevaluate elf-doubt. i subsequently reevaluated why i had chosen that major in the first place and how i planned to use it after colleg out what other students had said, i was able to embrace my major despite this external dissonance. in college, i have also c amilies and the general society that dropping out of a stem major is a failure on our part, rather than a discerning of our t olved in some weekly service, it will take time to think of major ways i can leave an impact. it certainly helps to be at not for who i am and not treat small mistakes or who i am as a major problem as i have for many years. this is making it possibl lubs, classes, or dorm life. some things minor, some things major , but they’ve all had some sort of an affect on http://coura er has been “what do i want”? with where i am going with my major , and what career i intend to join, i have few answers to. j r in business, but she was unsure of which specific area to major in. she spent time reflecting, researching, and speaking wi also utilized this way of thinking aside from deciding her major . she always made sure to use a similar decision making proc um, i overheard conversations of people talking about their major , their classes, all that they had done over the summer, and he skills necessary to overcome these challenges. the first major challenge i encountered this semester pertains to my tenden ng myself and my schedule to my peers around me. the second major challenge i encountered was remembering and sticking to my ntation of my character and genuine self. riley 3 the third major challenge i encountered this semester was finding honest an ly care about me. staying patient during this process was a major challenge for me because i expected to find and make these to begin with. this week also reassured me of my choice of major : american studies. as prof. agustin fuentes states in the v ounter in college. some of these big questions include what major do i want to do, what do i want to do in the future, and ho an to meet people with similar interests (i.e., my intended major ) and joined the non-competitive tennis team. i had found a develop what it means to live intentionally”. faith being a major relevant part of the notre dame at our culture is very success oriented and perfection is a major value. thus, as a result, people tend to focus on and defin idea what the next four years would hold for me or what my major would be, etc. my parents told me not to date until college ave realized that being a student-athlete with a pre-health major makes it very difficult to balance these activities nor wou mputers and i wasn’t sure whether i was either in the wrong major or the wrong subsystem team within my club. there was a poi learn something that i might not have been able to from my major . most of my friends are not hugely similar to me in terms o effects. this next ripple that social media has caused is a major divide in our country. although this is not all as a result he two sides begin to gear up for full on verbal warfare. a major reason for their seemingly crazed actions is caused by soci y are all students in the business school while i am a stem major . with this, i struggled the first semester finding friends with the people i have found and friends i have made in my major . i hope to continue with this mentality into the rest of my students only find value in the courses required for their major , i believe that having to take classes in a variety of acad whelming amount of thoughts per second; worrying about more major aspects of my life like my calculus midterm on thursday, as e many have told me that i have plenty of time to decide my major , the stringencies of the engineering curriculum at notre da required classes and graduate in time, i’ll need to pick my major within the year, which has led me to ask myself many questi has led me to ask myself many questions. what do i want my major to be? what about my career? what do i want to do with life ike a car, which has been causing me to rethink my intended major of mechanical engineering. i’ve also taken time for myself u fye week 6). in this quotation, it exemplifies one of the major downfalls that result from criticism from others or one’s o rocess of discerning and understanding who i am. one of the major members in my family that has truly helped me reach this po my personal mission statement continues to center around my major values which are faith, family, service with others, and my sophy classes as seriously as i would a course that’s in my major . ultimately, this semester has been one filled with many ch or myself. i believe everyone has something to say. another major adjustment i encountered over the first few weeks of class r-wise but also community-wise. i want to be able to use my major (urban design architecture) to help others, especially my l strengths and that correlates back to my test scores and my major which is architecture which requires math and physics. howe ometimes the seemingly minor plan cancellations can lead to major disappointments in your friendship...if you don’t trust the innovate and help create a better future as an engineering major , i strive to create solutions to the problems i see in the many of the events that occur in my daily life, and the few major events that occur on a less frequent basis. this semester h been times where i have felt overwhelmed, second guessed my major , and became frustrated by my situation, but these times hav wever, as i matured and began to clearly understand what my major strengths and flaws were, they challenged me to work on my lp lead someone to finding their true self. being a pre-med major here at notre dame has made me question my purpose and what n” by fr. kevin grove moreau fye week 5). this concept is a major part of my beliefs. i bear a lot of sorrow and guilt, but i but to find what i love to study. i remain undecided in my major , and have talked to several professors and students about t the first semester of college—and even the first year—is a major adjustment for just about every student. a new environment, able to analyze my academic success by how much i enjoy my major or how much i feel like i am learning. ending this semester places that will give me diverse experiences. currently, a major problem in our society is that of prejudice. writers for sc ding. compared to the general classes i have to take for my major , i genuinely believe that taking this philosophy class has ry and when people mix up what actually happened, it causes major misunderstandings leading to problems in the future or a pi and who i will be in the future. this being said, i think a major part of what will make this chapter of my life possible is his, along with the influences of my environment, will be a major part of my personal journey to truth. integration one assig fye week three). as a political science and biology double major , i get the opportunity to hear a plethora of ideals and val great division some small disagreements, sure, but nothing major like that which can arise from artificial friendships. park effects shared by fr. moreau who said: “he came to see his major purposes as a priest and educator first, to re-evangelize a ey want but just don’t know it yet. stories are also a very major part of growing up as a human being. we listen to stories f a way to let myself go on necessary moments, and i think my major academic stress always sources back to myself and no one el izing god within each person i encounter. this has played a major role in my t another person, rather than using one characteristic as a major factor of judgement. in her discussion she states, “power i d serve with others in creating a community of kinship. one major instance that truly provided a foundation for this belief w e and french (it’s weird how i am leaving out economics, my major ), and a career in financial services (probably starting in college students, and the way in which they may pick their major and career paths based on the expectations of their parents sonally, i am not pressured by my family to pick a specific major . if i was, these articles would give me a greater understan and the retreats that i’ve been a part of have already been major influences in my spiritual life as a student here on campus here in notre dame, i realize that “faith wasn’t always so major in my life,” but that i have chosen a place where the relig any of us will begin to question our capabilities or if the major we chose is going to work out for us in the end. it is cruc my journey at notre dame. however, before discerning these major life questions, i think it’s important to establish a found and act like an economist and want to pursue economics as a major . i have also quickly learned that there are plenty of stude kind and educated people more than ever. so, as a business major , i hope that i can contribute to a change in the way busine feel more virtuous,” however many still do not notice this major threat (wesley theological seminary commencement moreau fye mple, even though my expectation coming into college was to major in political science and eventually attend law school, i am ends. family was always at the core of my life, and it is a major reason why i wanted to come to notre dame. there is no othe stories to contribute. in this way, the individual plays a major role in shaping the community. notre dame is a special plac n nature in general , but also the true college experience. major discernment, time management, faith, and self care are all hing that i definitely thought was black and white was what major i wanted to pursue. entering college, after a summer workin ring, computer engineering, and probably the most confusing major that continuously confuses me and causes a monthly crisis i my dad’s architecture firm, i have always been expected to major in architecture. i chose against it because i like building difficult, as i see firsthand the different fun things each major gets to do, and i still feel like i am letting my family do nd i still feel like i am letting my family down if i don’t major in architecture. i was reminded in week nine, “instead of l is upset with me or not, i’ve been trying to think about my major as whatever i will have the most fun in and do my best. wit i feel slightly insecure about is being an arts and letters major . sometimes it feels as though stem and business majors look cause i know that if i excel as an economics and philosophy major i have every opportunity to be just as successful as any st pportunity to be just as successful as any stem or business major . overall, i have eased my concerns about my imposter syndro at college. i expect that, much like my decision of what to major in, my life goals will be impacted by the people that surro my applications for college, i knew that i had to choose a major to apply to that was consistent with my resume and activiti financially stable and help others”, i applied as a finance major . however, learning about the various career options in the a was behind me, i had a new dilemma. i had no idea what to major in. once again, i felt so unsure about my future and was no reminded me that “contrary to popular belief, deciding on a major does not determine the rest of your life” (“navigating your etty unrealistic. kyle made me understand that my choice of major is not what i will be stuck doing for the rest of my life n better understanding of the world, i realize that a college major does not define who someone is. someone’s attitude, values, of our lives is centered around. i am currently pursuing a major in environmental engineering, but i am not completely certa e to explore my interests and not to be afraid to change my major . at first, exploration seemed scary, trying to balance what to explore multiple interests without the restriction of a major . with each class, i will fully immerse myself in the topic studying what you love as highly practical. if you are in a major you enjoy, you will be more motivated to go to class, get b ng your career journey moreau fye week 4). i have chosen to major in political science and peace studies during my four years me. i have been told numerous times that i should be a stem major if i want to be successful post-graduation. i don’t care th is the fact that “contrary to popular belief, deciding on a major does not determine the rest of your life.” (navigating your k 4). after college, we are not obligated to stick with our major , and we can continue to explore different things. this is w . this struggle was apparent in her when trying to choose a major . many people encouraged her to do law or engineering to be studying what you love as highly practical. if you are in a major you enjoy, you will be more motivated to go to class, get b y dorm room late on a thursday night, just having gone to a major discernment meeting, feeling beaten down. despite all the e what he wanted to do, he would realize the problems with a major or discover another interest. jumping from political scienc completely lost. he was even nervous to look further into a major because he feared further examination would add yet another sions. with this experience, he offered me some advice your major does not determine where you go in life (“navigating your c ems to be a commonly held belief that in our society that a major equals a certain career path,” ("navigating your career jou eau fye week 4). this was refreshing to read. to see that a major does not define what i will be doing for the rest of my lif ick my classes and activities in my free time. my choice of major , decision to start climbing, and even the people i interact ion. i had been stressed earlier in the semester about what major i wanted to pursue because i came to college with expectati family, and love ones necessary to a life well-lived play a major role in the decisions i make, whether they be large or smal g into notre dame. with this being said, i still have other major goals in mind, such as going to medical school and becoming cal school. when abbey first got to college and debated her major , she did have some doubts, as any typical student does. it y mentioned that “contrary to popular belief, deciding on a major does not determine the rest of your life” (“navigating your r reading this, abbey started to reflect on her choices and major . she went out of her way to have a deep and greatly needed e that he wasn’t “deciding his career path when picking his major ” (meruelo). instead, the university helped him to see all t different factors. he kept in mind that “there is no ‘best major ’ out there but there is a ‘best major for you’”(“navigating at “there is no ‘best major’ out there but there is a ‘best major for you’”(“navigating your career journey” by undergraduate ect to study engineering since he felt that it was the best major for him. this decision was integral to his ability to work ed him realize his talents in order to be able decide which major would work best for him. he understood what was important t in the process of one right now, that being my selection of major . then, when i graduate in 2025, i’ll decide how to start my rt my career path. throughout the process of navigating any major decision i will face in my life, i think that it will help nd change the lives of others. i feel that there is still a major need in society. i want to help all as i will not discrimin which would produce an ultimate level of happiness. another major factor of a life well lived is learning to consistently con a person who loves connecting with others, and sees it as a major role in my happiness” (“moreau discernment conversation act , “after you leave nd, some of the details (like choosing a major ) will change, but the core elements remain the same: learn should be spent with meaning, rather than solely relying on major achievements to give life meaning. an example of this is to e at notre dame. he was all stressed out about choosing his major and discerning what life path he was called to pursue. i tr ht that you are deciding your career path when picking your major . it’s much more complex than that...but also much more exci e dame, a place that i have loved and still love, has had a major influence on the development of my faith. 1453 days before em through difficult decisions such as the discernment of a major . i have been encouraged by them as well; they cheered for m d. toby also accomplished many things in his career, making major strides in the development of renewable energy options in h t? what would she do for a career? she didn’t even know her major at the beginning of school, a crisis that frequently progre wer.aspx?id=10159379-7eca-4549-8581-ab9500c9ecd9 williams 3 major legacy and impact on notre dame as the university’s preside owledge in all of my courses with a preprofessional studies major in the college of science and a history minor. although i h elf learning, at least for me, is questioning who i am. one major mistake has led me to do a lot of self reflection into what clear, usually. “contrary to popular belief, deciding on a major does not determine the rest of your life (“navigating your irst year experience how i got here and where i will go one major takeaway from my life experience and the lessons of moreau when i �rst came to college, i had no idea what i wanted to major in. i am so interested in so many disciplines that it seeme inquiry, theology, philosophy, and music. although the pls major is small, the opinions of myself and my peers are large. ou gling to. another area of reflection in my life has been my major (as i’m sure it is with every college student). i know that to remember but, “contrary to popular belief, deciding on a major does not determine the rest of your life” (“navigating your yself am planning on continuing as a mechanical engineering major , and i believe this will allow me to discover new areas of seems to be this commonly held belief in our society that a major equals a certain career path” (“navigating your career jour s feel like they are in a type of funnel when they decide a major . he encouraged them to break out of this funnel and explore funnel and explore careers outside of what they think their major restricts them to. that is part of the way he found his joy he way he found his joy; he explored options outside of his major and found what gave him joy. beyond an academic standpoint, rget. to expand upon my career, i'm a finance and economics major , meaning that i deal with this concept of money on a day-to this concept of money on a day-to-day basis. this choice of major fits into this idea of monetary success because of the usua thing to which we merely pay lip service. there is no "best major " out there but there is a "best major for you "(“navigating ce. there is no "best major" out there but there is a "best major for you "(“navigating your career journey” by merulo center n-campus job, joining meaningful clubs that help discern my major , and meeting some of my closest friends thus far. there hav sion of the future. features of my life, such as school and major discernment, fostering an inclusive community, and staying ound me. even before arriving at notre dame, the process of major discernment has been on my mind, as i have loved the art of but surely. as a whole, navigating my college life with my major and intended work discipline in mind has been challenging, ore requirements at an elite school with no really specific major in mind. hesburgh said that “there is meaning in suffering” hankful for their invaluable advice and guidance. during my major discernment process earlier this semester for instance, i d bout my interests, skills, and talent and decided to double major in a dual degree program, contrary to the initial plans i h development. although i came into college with the decided major of architecture and a fairly clear route to a career, i hav of study. for this reason, the idea that “there is no ‘best major ’ out there but there is a ‘best major for you’” resonates h at “there is no ‘best major’ out there but there is a ‘best major for you’” resonates heavily within my mission ("navigating lean into the difficult moments. you’re going to face some major challenges in your future. even as i write this letter, i a family center for career development moreau fye week 4). a major part of carolyn’s self-concept was service to others and co thing to which we merely pay lip service. there is no "best major " out there but there is a "best major for you" ("navigating ce. there is no "best major" out there but there is a "best major for you" ("navigating your career journey by merulo family h having the self-realization that i am passionate about my major . by enjoying classes, i find myself being more successful i f relationships or waiting until the last minute to start a major assignment or study materials for an upcoming exam. despite f moreau and the quote i picked out was, “there is no ‘best major ’ out there, but there is a ‘best major for you’” (“navigati , “there is no ‘best major’ out there, but there is a ‘best major for you’” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo fami red and passionate, and decided that i would never choose a major , career, or life path for anyone but myself. i came to coll for anyone but myself. i came to college as just a biology major , but after realizing that i can study anything i'm really i ything i'm really interested in, i also became a psychology major . although there are so many benefits from taking time to re rstand that the “commonly held belief in our society that a major equals a certain career path” is simply not true (“navigati this is going to be so important because “there is no ‘best major ’ out there but there is a ‘best major’ for you” (navigating se “there is no ‘best major’ out there but there is a ‘best major ’ for you” (navigating your career journey, meruelo family c r career development, fye week 4). no one can find the best major for you because it all comes down to exactly what you find berg says, “on the theological side, i was struck how every major religious tradition – including islam, hinduism, judaism, b ework. in week four of moreau, i read that “if you are in a major you enjoy, you will be more motivated to go to class, get b he week 4 reflections, the article stated, “if you are in a major you enjoy, you will be more motivated to go to class, get b ce that is what will ultimately lead you to success in your major /career. i hope to also form connections with my professors seems to be this commonly held belief in our society that a major equals a certain career path” (“navigating your career jour ence. it was what i first set out to do and i still love my major . however, i cannot deny that there hasn’t been a moment whe dings i did for my moreau course i read, “there is no “best major ” out there but there is a “best major for you." (“navigatin d, “there is no “best major” out there but there is a “best major for you." (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo week 4) slowly, i've learned that so far, this is the best major for me because this is what i want to study. i genuinely do ions” by father michael himesmoreau week 3) while i love my major , questioning it as the right path has allowed me to look in nd myself in. i also found myself stressed about choosing a major , but taking time to calm myself definitely helps. “putting ht that you are deciding your career path when picking your major ” helped me choose a major, since not everyone does exactly our career path when picking your major” helped me choose a major , since not everyone does exactly what their degree is after . getting to know the seniors and meeting some alumni in my major was very interesting and helped me decide on aerospace engi me decide on aerospace engineering. my uncertainty about my major lessened “by identifying people who majored in the subjects ht that you are deciding your career path when picking your major .” this is especially true for me because since i know my in er path post-college, i don’t really have to worry about my major . this has taken a lot of stress off of me and allowed me to career discernment discussions we heard; “there is no ‘best major ’ out there but there is a ‘best major for you” (week 4) and d; “there is no ‘best major’ out there but there is a ‘best major for you” (week 4) and “the more time i spend away from my w a bit paradoxical), i must understand that there is no one major out there, but there is a best major out there for me (“nav d that there is no one major out there, but there is a best major out there for me (“navigating your career journey” by merue our). continuing on with week four, i’ve already changed my major twice trying to discern what the best course of action is f de me in the final decision process when i fully land on my major next year (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo cent udying in mendoza college of business as business analytics major . when i came to notre dame, the goal of myself is to serve serve the world. through working the business operations of major league baseball, one of sebastian’s oldest loves, he was ab this is going to be so important because “there is no ‘best major ’ out there but there is a ‘best major’ for you” (navigating se “there is no ‘best major’ out there but there is a ‘best major ’ for you” (navigating your career journey, meruelo family c r career development, fye week 4). no one can find the best major for you because it all comes down to exactly what you find hat i decided to no longer pursue being a vocal performance major , i am forever grateful for the semester that i gave it a tr keep changing for the better. from investing herself in non- major courses that stirred her wonder at notre dame to studying a nestly surprised when she decided to pursue architecture, a major with such a definitive path, considering “[t]here are so ma d to do, the possibilities were endless. “there is no “best major ” out there but there is a “best major for you." we also vie s. “there is no “best major” out there but there is a “best major for you." we also view studying what you love as highly pra studying what you love as highly practical. if you are in a major you enjoy, you will be more motivated to go to class, get b .” he found this to be extremely true. the computer science major was located in the engineering school, so it is required th e her so excited she declared mechanical engineering as her major the next day. she felt that if god gave her such a strong d r did stop, even after stepping down as president. he was a major proponent of the civil rights movement and did not let thin th. he is a very real and genuine person which i think is a major part of our friendship. i know he can hold me accountable a k four). lily took this to heart and ran with the idea. her major was the most broad option in the engineering field. she was ps of a life well-lived). i graduated college with a double major in psychology and economics. i am so glad i took a leap of produce an ultimate level of happiness in my life. another major factor of a life well lived is learning to consistently con a person who loves connecting with others, and sees it as a major role in my happiness” (“moreau discernment conversation act different they are from me. helping others feel loved is a major goal of mine to help make the world around me happier and b er and better, and ultimately give my life meaning. another major part of my mission is to grow in wisdom. often in life we b cancer-related story for another time), somehow choosing a major and career path seemed much more permanent. one quote from oughout the discernment process was that “there is no “best major ” out there but there is a “best major” for you ("navigating at “there is no “best major” out there but there is a “best major ” for you ("navigating your career journey" from the meruelo od that aligned the most with my past. now, with my current major , i seem to have found space for all three of these key part lier in the school year, i was unsure about the engineering major i wanted to pursue and turned to the internet for help. how for help. however i found the quote that “there is no ‘best major ’ out there but there is a ‘best major for you’”(“navigating at “there is no ‘best major’ out there but there is a ‘best major for you’”(“navigating your career journey” by undergraduate tre dame in my free time. i am an environmental engineering major with a minor in energy studies. a secure job gained through k to remind that “contrary to popular belief, deciding on a major does not determine the rest of your life” (“navigating your o close off himself from engaging in classes outside of his major . however, i knew how much of a struggle it was for him to m of the most fundamental subjects: physics. he was a physics major , and though it was hard (especially the stupid labs), he we as the center for career development says, “if you are in a major you enjoy, you will be more motivated to go to class, get b . “after you leave nd, some of the details (like choosing a major ) will change, but the core elements remain the same: learn to be true with my political beliefs as a political science major . frequently i find myself looking towards one news source v cessitated much time for pondering my life choices. from my major , to which opportunities were important for me to pursue, to i have found solace in the guidance that “there is no “best major ” out there but there is a “best major for you (“navigating at “there is no “best major” out there but there is a “best major for you (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family ily center for career development moreau fye week four).” a major turning point in my perspective has been realizing that the between our productivity and our value as human beings. the major takeaway of this conversation, for me, was that there is va week 1, i talked about the dilemma i am faced with in both major selection and, more broadly, career discernment. i spoke ab ething of my own volition, which was adding pls as a second major (week 1). the idea of the clash between taking either the f by the salary or the benefits i receive. “there is no “best major ” out there but there is a “best major for you” ("navigating e. “there is no “best major” out there but there is a “best major for you” ("navigating your career journey” (meruelo family was truly the best. it helped to realize, though, that the major i choose will not be the focal point of my eulogy; rather, ces – moreau fys week 4). despite being a dedicated finance major , i strive to diversify my efforts to develop myself into a though he did not know what type of job he wanted with his major , he was fascinated by the way that politics functions and a . even though many people told him that he needed to pick a major that h h believed that, “contrary to popular belief, deciding on a major does not determine the rest of your life” (“navigating your people tried to pressure zach into choosing a more “useful” major , his grandpa always supported him in any of his decisions. his culture shock, jack managed to get decent grades in his major courses and found some friends to match those he had back h s to spend their last few years relaxing. if forced to boil major life decisions into three components, i would much prefer t process that i came to choose aerospace engineering for my major , and i hope this material helps others navigate the treache is material helps others navigate the treacherous waters of major discernment. it is possible that a discernment conversation elf. there is a big reason as to why i’m deciding to double major with business analytics and psychology, with an original in going on today, what classes are taking you taking, or what major are you pursuing. in order to further respect others' digni the actions i witness in others in my own life. one of the major role models that i have learned about through notre dame is are faced with the heavy weight that comes from choosing a major and discussing potential careers, which can be very harmful t to do youtube. “contrary to popular belief, deciding on a major does not determine the rest of your life” ("navigating your do well. in college, sofia had a difficult time deciding a major . the moreau first experience course says it well: “ “there seems to be this commonly held belief in our society that a major equals a certain career path” (navigating your career journ k four). as sofia was able to show us in her lifetime, your major definitely does not define you to one specific job the rest onstantly reminded her friends in college there is no “best major ”, instead, she helped them discover what was the “best majo ajor”, instead, she helped them discover what was the “best major for them.” always giving her best to help others discern wa ed that new challenges are how one fulfills their life. one major challenge that mark faced throughout his life was stress. w rs brought me more joy than almost anything else. this is a major reason why i devoted so much of my time to the betterment o ving a life well-lived. this means that before you make any major decisions in life, “you have to know yourself first – your s advice on life that brian took to heart: “if you are in a major you enjoy, you will be more motivated to go to class, get b an engineer. her life shows us all that “there is no ‘best major ’ out there but there is a ‘best major for you’” (navigating at “there is no ‘best major’ out there but there is a ‘best major for you’” (navigating your career journey by nd moreau firs previous fall semester. to start off, she had switched her major . not even to a major within the same college that she came er. to start off, she had switched her major. not even to a major within the same college that she came in, but to a whole di the same college that she came in, but to a whole different major in a whole nother college, and that was at first, a scare. she strove to be on her new path as a poli sci and english major . she hoped that in this spring semester she could shut down vity of remembering death for a week, especially during the major switch, incited several other questions that lisa always he her to the life of luxury she desired. when seeking another major for the spring semester outside of biology, she put an unna ogy, she put an unnatural emphasis on her life and what the major could do for her. i witnessed her unknowingly falling back ht that you are deciding your career path when picking your major . it’s much more complex than that...but also much more exci is discerning a career path. even though i have a declared major and minor, i have no idea what i want to do for a career, w seems to be this commonly held belief in our society that a major equals a certain career path” ("navigation your career jour t when it comes to choosing a career whether it be intended major , internship, or overall happiness and satisfaction. therefo s that directly lead to me becoming a doctor, and my entire major revolves around learning neuroscience so that i can one day how to traverse life here, i think that, especially for my major , i am ready to begin doing the things that i really want to . since a large part of this semester’s reflections were on major /occupation discernment, i also chose to include my plans fo t large? after reflecting on this, i have determined that a major in computer science would be most fitting for me, thus my d oyers. as the week four reflection states, “if you are in a major you enjoy, you will be more motivated to go to class, get b at leads to better post-graduate outcomes.” when you pick a major you love, you perform better, and it ultimately leads to a when trying to navigate college. when trying to decipher my major , there was so much pressure placed on me by my family. i th ed on me by my family. i thought that the act of choosing a major meant that my life was set in stone, but kimberly told me t e was set in stone, but kimberly told me that deciding on a major does not determine the rest of your life, (meruelo family c ur). about a week later, i declared political science as my major , and today i am a successful lawyer, as many of you know. s ent ways to feel like you have lived a life well lived. the major focus of this week was how we can feel fulfilled with th ca ter for career development moreau fye 4) “there is no “best major ” out there but there is a “best major for you." it was thro 4) “there is no “best major” out there but there is a “best major for you." it was through a much-cherished conversation with sue that new nicole had to solve was the discernment of her major . past nicole left her with this task, because she herself a costs. as a result, new nicole was quite anxious about the major she should choose, since she knew the one that past nicole ce new nicole understood this, she decided to stay with the major that past nicole had chosen. she realized that she would no igating your career journey – moreau fye week 4) i chose my major because i have always been good at math. but growing up in ork for anything i value. so my mission is not to find what major i should be, but to find what i truly value and want to fig cture of life. i went into freshman year undecided about my major . during the third week of moreau, we reflected upon what qu hat greatly influenced my decision to declare finance as my major . i love giving to others because of the rewarding feeling i as reminded that, contrary to popular belief, deciding on a major does not determine the rest of my life (“navigating your ca about many things and have been made aware that, despite my major , i can accomplish whatever i set myself up for. i interview ther people, who i hardly knew, were doing. i suffered from major fomo. my mental health suffered from not being able to appe ion different questions rattled around my mind regarding my major , discernment, and how to make the most of the next four yea dset of, “i am deciding my career path when i am picking my major ”, i came to the realization that whatever major i picked or picking my major”, i came to the realization that whatever major i picked or whatever i did in life, i had a responsibility a major theme of this semester has been about creating an accepting eer development, “contrary to popular belief, deciding on a major does not determine the rest of your life.” i’m still strugg ghan moreau fye week 2). i realized that matt was using his major and his skill set to grow himself and help those around him t of advice to undergraduates, one being “there is no ‘best major ’ out there but there is a ‘best major for you,’” which i th ng “there is no ‘best major’ out there but there is a ‘best major for you,’” which i think i have found (“navigating your car ” moreau fye week 4). i have landed the biological sciences major with a minor in bioengineering to encompass everything. my career services notre dame webpage, where they explore the major -deciding process, “contrary to popular belief, deciding on eciding process, “contrary to popular belief, deciding on a major does not determine the rest of your life.” (“navigating you have had weeks where things just have not gone my way. this major realization that i have had this semester about life being l in this together. an example of something i believe needs major change is the progress our country has made on racism and e n majors. currently a business analytics and english double major , i have found myself wondering if these education paths wil important fact: “contrary to popular belief, deciding on a major does not determine the rest of your life” (“navigating your . while there is often ample pressure on students to pick a major and courses to fulfill such requirements, this quote remind have. while it can be difficult to envision the role that a major plays in one’s future, i am trying to relieve myself from t lf from the unnecessary pressure of selecting the “perfect” major and course plan. as valuable as resources such as the caree on, she worked hard to carry out this calling by pursuing a major in science preprofessional. this decision did not come easy but thankfully she was always reminded that, “deciding on a major does not decide the rest of your life,”(“navigating your ca owever, how or when will i have a clearer idea if my chosen major is the thing for me? exploring during college must be norma e normalized and “contrary to popular belief, deciding on a major does not determine the rest of your life” (“navigating your imately won him over. at notre dame, liam pursued a history major . he did not choose to follow in his parents’ footsteps and shed on him. he truly pursued his interests, not choosing a major as if it determined his career (“navigating your career jou st for finding purpose. week four looks lastly at finding a major and how this moves one to find a purpose. “there is no “bes nd how this moves one to find a purpose. “there is no “best major ” out there but there is a “best major for you." we also vie e. “there is no “best major” out there but there is a “best major for you." we also view studying what you love as highly pra studying what you love as highly practical. if you are in a major you enjoy, you will be more motivated to go to class, get b have found this to be extremely true. the computer science major is located in the engineering school, so it is required tha ith money in the back of my mind, for example, selecting my major and the activities i choose to participate in. my main conc ent it from influencing my decisions and relationships. the major and activities i choose will be based on my own interests a evelopmentmoreau fye week 4). instead of believing that the major and career i chose will determine the rest of my life, i wi ermine the rest of my life, i will have the mindset that my major decision and first career after college are not the end-all ght against the “commonly held belief in our society that a major equals a certain career path” (“navigating your career jour re are numerous times when i have contemplated switching my major or turning in subpar work due to sheer exhaustion and confu previous fall semester. to start off, she had switched her major . not even to a major within the same college that she came er. to start off, she had switched her major. not even to a major within the same college that she came in, but to a whole di the same college that she came in, but to a whole different major in a whole nother college, and that was at first, a scare. she strove to be on her new path as a poli sci and english major . she hoped that in this spring semester she could shut down vity of remembering death for a week, especially during the major switch, incited several other questions that lisa always he her to the life of luxury she desired. when seeking another major for the spring semester outside of biology, she put an unna ogy, she put an unnatural emphasis on her life and what the major could do for her. i witnessed her unknowingly falling back ht that you are deciding your career path when picking your major . it’s much more complex than that...but also much more exci and christine o’malley moreau fye week two). as one of the major figures of the university, his vision for inclusivity expan why she started to center her time around studying for her major in business analytics and economics, participating in one o l, considering that it was a math exam and that i am a math major . i will say it is a very humbling experience to not only fa appiness is only a day-to-day thing. this should not have a major effect on our life’s choices; whereas joy, fulfilling our t m the university of notre dame, they all knew they had some major opportunities in front of them if they applied themselves i revious ideas). i will also begin pursuing a global affairs major next semester. these courses will equip me for the world of studying international relations through my global affairs major meets these same criteria. pursuing a diplomatic career is e. while i was (and still am as of now) a political science major , it has never felt right. through some career discernment a elping me do so: “contrary to popular belief, deciding on a major does not determine the rest of your life,” (“navigating you tely reassuring to hear that my career is not defined by my major . i still have time to make decisions, i still have time to with my friend ali maurtison, a senior chemical engineering major studying for the mcat. first, we talked about what question ell-lived in the future encompasses. it is hard to choose a major and pinpoint what one wants to do with their life quinn 4 w ns and different paths. i once read that “there is no “best major ” out there but there is a “best major for you” (“navigating at “there is no “best major” out there but there is a “best major for you” (“navigating your career journey” moreau fye week u fye week 4). while i have struggled a bit to decide on my major , i do feel that it is right for me. in my mission statement ork a job just for the money. i hope to continue pursuing a major and a career that is right for me and for who i am meant to there was a life beyond our earthly time. if anything, her major goal in life was always to do jesus’ work here on earth so hicks 3 what major she wanted to be. but she stuck with her gut and lived a su moment in a well-lived life will be great. i’ve faced some major challenges in my future, and a lot of those issues are rela ember luke and his life, it is important to reflect on each major stage with remembrance and respect. from a young age, even tice mindfulness. in week 1 of moreau, he learned about how major corporations utilized study breaks and activities to better n her life, i remember how much jocelyn struggled to find a major that would best correspond with what she wanted to accompli pond with what she wanted to accomplish. “there is no ‘best major ’ out therebut there is a ‘best major for you’” (“navigating sh. “there is no ‘best major’ out therebut there is a ‘best major for you’” (“navigating your career journey” from the meruel aw the passion that jocelyn displayed for her undergraduate major , political science. i could not see a better match made in ever college course was that she was going to be a finance major . what did this even mean? she had no idea. oftentimes riley she was containing herself to one specific path due to her major . the ccd however, switched her mindset, informing her that owever, switched her mindset, informing her that a specific major does not equal a specific career path (“navigating your car ting mlk jr. by standing by his side in chicago despite the major controversy around mlk jr. at the time (“hesburgh” by jerry determine what occurs in my next life. decisions such as my major , which classes i want to take, what career path i want to p seems to be this commonly held belief in our society that a major equals a certain career path.” (“navigating your career jou tre dame. she went into college undecided in regards to her major and future career, but along the way she took classes she e r moreau fye week one). she enjoyed the ride and went on to major in psychology with double minors in digital marketing and a bout college i first referenced the quote, “if you are in a major you enjoy, you will be more motivated to go to class, get b do for others rather than what they can do for me. another major component of being happy is living life in the present. it seems to be this commonly held belief in our society that a major equals a certain career path.” (“navigating your career jou one-step process. contrary to popular belief, deciding on a major does not determine the rest of your life” (“navigating your moreau fye week four). once i did my research, i decided to major in civil engineering because it took advantage of my two gr i looked back on it all upon graduating, i was glad that my major didn’t define how i lived my non-academic life. my roommate dame does remind us that “contrary to popular belief, your major does not determine the rest of life” (“navigating your care ences my life. however, i do believe that success within my major can lead me to helping others. i would like to be a pediatr he opportunity to step away from the business of my intense major -related courses and ponder what is going on inside of mysel y dedication to my career in public policy could qualify as major goals. but there were more abstract values that could turn delved deeper into the courses required for my biochemistry major . while i faced challenges in these classes, i found them fa urses/41005/files/468567?module_item_id=144085 richardson 3 major and the challenges it presents, and i am so excited to put ection, he began to think more about his future and the big major goal. neol soon became inspired to live a well-lived life. d his future to be, neol stepped back and thought about his major and career. he reflected on if he really wanted to become a rgraduate career resources to be sure he was certain of his major . “every experience shapes you in some way, whether you real eak to this upperclassman because they both shared the same major and were in a few similar clubs. neol asked the upperclassm t i was on the right track and not forcing myself to like a major since i was genuinely motivated.” (week 5 reflection by mor for a trip. [...] contrary to popular belief, deciding on a major does not determine the rest of your life” (“navigating your studying what you love as highly practical. if you are in a major you enjoy, you will be more motivated to go to class, get b about my core values in life, i have thought hard about my major declaration. while “there is no “best major” out there ther t hard about my major declaration. while “there is no “best major ” out there there is a “best major for you.” (“navigating yo while “there is no “best major” out there there is a “best major for you.” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo fami ck with me. on the theological side, i was struck how every major religious tradition – including islam, hinduism, judaism, b development moreau fye week 4) suggests “there is no “best major ” out there but there is a “best major for you." we also vie ts “there is no “best major” out there but there is a “best major for you." we also view studying what you love as highly pra studying what you love as highly practical. if you are in a major you enjoy, you will be more motivated to go to class, get b uote strikes me the most because it reinforces my choice of major and desired career path. biology is certainly not the easie d desired career path. biology is certainly not the easiest major , and there are certainly times that i feel that i would be times that i feel that i would be better off in an “easier” major . this helps me to remember that doing what i enjoy the most articular career path to follow, i was able to decide on my major and discover how my major could help the community in which ollow, i was able to decide on my major and discover how my major could help the community in which i come from. the quote : lves. i was able to talk to my ra for advice in selecting a major . this decision seemed daunting to me at first, but after ta ry easy to switch majors” and that he himself “switched his major 3 times” (rogba ayoola, week 5). it is important to seek ad t she could have control over her life was to pick the best major . she learned that “there is no ‘best major’ out there but t to pick the best major. she learned that “there is no ‘best major ’ out there but there is a ‘best major for” her. (navigating at “there is no ‘best major’ out there but there is a ‘best major for” her. (navigating your career journey moreau fye week f elf the “three key questions,” i was reassured of my chosen major in biology and the opportunities this will provide me with d myself this semester thinking about other areas beyond my major that i could better my mind. i was encouraged by week 11’s my professors, contributed to my decision to add a theology major . i feel that through this addition, i can enrich my underst in both realms of science and humanities. i feel that this major will teach me how to live a life well-lived and how to form ell, step eight is acknowledging that solidarity can make a major impact on how we perceive things. “solidarity is about our ever, i write about my observations of the outside world. a major source of inspiration for my writing are the walks i take f ontribute in some way to an overall welllived life. yet one major attribute is our career. i believe that having a successful seems to be this commonly held belief in our society that a major equals a certain career path” (“navigating your career jour isn’t necessarily true. just a few weeks ago i declared my major as marketing and felt really happy about it. i have begun e ring the different paths notre dame offers in the marketing major and it has reaffirmed this idea for me that my one major do ng major and it has reaffirmed this idea for me that my one major doesn’t dictate a specific career path. i hope that my exci at my excitement about it as well as the flexibility in the major and someday my career will help me lead a fulfilling work l tps:// a major source of stress for college students including myself is t eer path. for this example, i must remember that a specific major does not equal a specific career path, as the meruelo famil her and her best friend, abby. francesca was an accounting major at the university of notre dame, although everyone knew her ’s death came so soon after she had officially declared her major . although she didn’t know what she wanted to do with her li forward to the next steps in my academic career as i hit a major transition point in my life. within the next month, i will words, i want to continue to seek out my business analytics major by exploring python and machine learning at the 1st floor c o harness strong communities. in father hesburgh’s movie, a major theme found is that community is cultivated through hard wo ed was the “commonly held belief that in our society that a major equals a certain career path,” ("navigating your career jou fye week 4) is not true. here at notre dame, i am a finance major , and a lot of times it is hard for me to believe that this t semester. you will soon learn to stop thinking about your major as “the end-all, be-all” and start thinking about it as a s oreau/ important lessons i learned, in regards to my chosen major , was to not worry too much about my chosen major. this was my chosen major, was to not worry too much about my chosen major . this was a great relief because working about whether you cision like choosing what college to go to or discerning my major , a huge part of the process was talking to my parents, frie t my life is studded with uncertainty: uncertainty about my major , career, future, relationships, etcs. but there are guiding goals for the future that the other aspects of discerning a major can be lost. for example, like d.a. luzzo said in a text fr p… after you leave nd, some of the details (like choosing a major ) will change, but the core elements remain the same: learn with the relationships that you share with others. another major event that occurred within the semester that contributed gr d greatly to my development is the process of discerning my major . this is a topic that was thoroughly discussed during class the rest of my life, i even reflected on whether my current major was right for me. drafting my mission statement was a bit d usly as many of you listened to hours of college decisions, major discernment, and job changes over my life because they pres mercy. in the words of professor steve reifenberg “...every major religious tradition – including islam, hinduism, judaism, b e i learned from this week was that i do not need to big my major right now, and i do not even have to choose one specific on ork was genuinely hard, and it sucked seeing other non stem major friends having a fun social life when i was just stuck insi entirely different struggle than deciding what i wanted my major to be. i heard the quote, “there is no ‘best major out ther anted my major to be. i heard the quote, “there is no ‘best major out there – but there is a ‘best major for you.’” (navigati , “there is no ‘best major out there – but there is a ‘best major for you.’” (navigating your career journey – moreau first y of my close friends about potentially choosing a different major , i felt a lot better and realized that maybe what i was stu realized that maybe what i was studying wasn’t the easiest major , but it was something that i was genuinely interested in an 5 of moreau when he had to call a friend about his college major discernment. the conversation led to will having a better u fited the friend he talked to who was also choosing what to major in. so will made it a mission to make sure that he turned t e dame also provided help along the way, “there is no ‘best major ’ out there but there is a ‘best major for you”(week 4). ove y, “there is no ‘best major’ out there but there is a ‘best major for you”(week 4). over his four college years will was able ife well lived! how amazing is that? i think that the final major aspect of achieving a life well lived is forming genuine re me as i select which activities to participate in and which major and minors i will pursue. my statement talks a lot about wh ink that this will be important in my journey of choosing a major and minors that i will enjoy and subsequently making my tim remind me of how important it is to find these things in a major and minors. additionally, i am always wanting to become bet id have a little article which stressed: “there is no “best major ” out there but there is a “best major for you." if you are d: “there is no “best major” out there but there is a “best major for you." if you are in a major you enjoy, you will be more there but there is a “best major for you." if you are in a major you enjoy, you will be more motivated to go to class, get b uote strikes me the most because it reinforces my choice of major and desired career path. biology is certainly not the easie d desired career path. biology is certainly not the easiest major , and there are times that i feel that i would be better off times that i feel that i would be better off in an “easier” major . this helps me to remember that doing what i enjoy the most that you do not need to become a priest, teacher or study a major that will ultimately give you a job where you directly serv most people struggle with is the idea of selecting a job or major to study that will both deliver them with the necessity to catch him jumping between majors and contemplating what to major in, and i always thought it was because he was trying to fi decisions about my future, but i feel like i can't say what major i want right now because i have no clue.” he often utilized seems to be this commonly held belief in our society that a major equals a certain career path. granted there are certain car ng. he taught me that you can partake in many jobs with any major , and there is always the option of heading back to school t nce, when you get to college, you will have to discern what major or career path you would like to pursue. in making those de urces that you can utilize to solve those issues. during my major discernment process at some point in college, i wondered if er for career development on campus that "there is no 'best major ' out there but there is the best major for you... if you ar t "there is no 'best major' out there but there is the best major for you... if you are in a major you enjoy, you will be mor here but there is the best major for you... if you are in a major you enjoy, you will be more motivated to go to class, get b am very certain about pursuing mechanical engineering as my major and engineering in general. looking back at my life at notr r the past few months, i have spent much time discerning my major and career path. coming into college, i really had no idea a career. i felt overwhelmed and anxious about choosing my major . as i progressed through my freshman year, i realized that sed through my freshman year, i realized that one’s college major does determine as much as i once thought it did. notre dame enter for career development emphasizes that when picking a major , you are not necessarily committing to a career path (“navi ed work. at the beginning of freshman year, i was a pre-med major . i quickly found that my interests lie elsewhere. as i furt entric designs. angel, was a person who despite knowing his major at a young age still helped and motivated others to choose she was beyond confident that she would pass given that her major was applied and computational mathematics and statistics. i eat woman she was. modebola was a neuroscience and behavior major at the university of notre dame. it was a struggle, but she one-step process. contrary to popular belief, deciding on a major does not determine the rest of your life. “ https://ideas.t search. the week 5 reflection helped me learn more about my major by talking to an upperclassman which help put things into p ve for me. he also gave me confidence in my interest in the major since he said that i appeared to be passionate and dedicate du/courses/41088/files/471831?module_item_id=146508 current major . according to the navigating your career journey, “there is g to the navigating your career journey, “there is no “best major ” out there but there is a “best major for you.". (“navigati y, “there is no “best major” out there but there is a “best major for you.". (“navigating your career journey moreau first ye week four) as a first-generation college student, finding a major was hard. the only thing i knew was that i wanted to help u m sure that i took the right path. with a political science major , i will be able to develop important skills that will help e career services office that explained, “there is no ‘best major ’ out there but there is a ‘best major for you’” (career ser d, “there is no ‘best major’ out there but there is a ‘best major for you’” (career services). it is okay for us to major in est major for you’” (career services). it is okay for us to major in a humanities major. it is okay not to be scientifically areer services). it is okay for us to major in a humanities major . it is okay not to be scientifically inclined. we will get ns around the fact that i disliked stem a little less so my major and class were going to revolve around that fact. as stated y.e. week three) “contrary to popular belief, deciding on a major does not determine the rest of your life.” this quote from laire conely from the domer dozen, kristi was “a psychology major at notre dame” and also pursued a minor in computer science the path to finding a solid career, i ultimately decided to major in both business analytics and economics because i felt tha m. gus continued the tradition and graduated with a primary major in science business and a secondary major in english. gus n ed with a primary major in science business and a secondary major in english. gus never knew for sure what he wanted to do fo specifically, what will make my life) a life well-lived. a major topic that i cover in my eulogy is my love of poetry. i tru es to my purpose at notre collins 3 dame. i have decided to major in environmental science with a minor in journalism, ethics ce to experience. when choosing a career (pertaining to her major of mechanical engineering) lucia took the words of the muru ing his education as an american studies and gender studies major , he decided to use this education to fight for others in th his is something i need to continue to do as my classes and major get more difficult in order to stay true to myself. humilit ourself. charlie talked to his ra for advice in selecting a major . this decision seemed daunting to him at first, but after t ry easy to switch majors” and that he himself “switched his major 3 times” (rogba ayoola, qqc 5). this can relate to many dec e as a student for charlie was especially busy. it can be a major obstacle managing all . “after you leave nd, some of the details (like choosing a major ) will change, but the core elements remain the same: learn au fye week 3). using these questions, i can find the “best major for me” not just “the best major” (navigating your career j ions, i can find the “best major for me” not just “the best major ” (navigating your career journey moreau fye week 4). just b ng your career journey moreau fye week 4). just because one major has a higher starting average salary, that does not mean it ourselves apart from the pack. in my case, as an economics major , it can mean embracing a different type of education in ord ut and i loved that about him. although there were not many major flaws with dylan, one of the main things i noticed was that and in doing this, he found that he may want to be an econ major . i know dylan would even try to tell his sister to calm dow until we enter the workforce, and our decisions now play a major role in determining where we will end up. the first part of ked out, sabrina was still undecided in her primary college major . this was mostly because of the fact that she believed that cause of the fact that she believed that “there is no “best major ” out there but there is a ‘best major for you.’” (“navigati at “there is no “best major” out there but there is a ‘best major for you.’” (“navigating your career journey” by meroulo fam sabrina was never one to take the easy way out, or pick the major with the best salary. she believed in the fact that if you ds still in college, i think she would want you to pick the major that makes you happy. not the major that will make your par ld want you to pick the major that makes you happy. not the major that will make your parents happy, or fill your bank accoun ses/40299/modules/items/143076 uncertainty in regards to my major , i am remaining hopeful; i have a feeling that i will end u hen you’ll be reading this. how’s the future? i declared my major last tuesday, and even though i felt so sure before, i stil that there is no “correct” choice, that “there is no ‘best major ’ out there but there is a ‘best major for you,’” (“navigati at “there is no ‘best major’ out there but there is a ‘best major for you,’” (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo ere at notre dame, as an american studies and peace studies major and gender studies minor, i get to study such a variety of ill be able to look back on my life happy before i die. one major goal that i hope i will accomplish before i die is to becom have mentioned in previous qqcs, my inability to pass a few major math exams (as an acms major and actuary minor) really impa cs, my inability to pass a few major math exams (as an acms major and actuary minor) really impacted me in an academic and me to the people around me. currently, i am a computer science major , which i am excited about, but notre dame and moreau have s ve shown me so far that education is a lot more than just a major : “it’s not a one-step process. contrary to popular belief, one-step process. contrary to popular belief, deciding on a major does not determine the rest of your life.” (“navigating you of your days. recall for a moment the day you declared your major , did you know what you were doing? it did not matter at all cle that stated, “contrary to popular belief, deciding on a major does not determine the rest of your life,” but it took a lo elong learner and teacher. i have had a hard time picking a major , but i appreciate this quote i found in an article from the studying what you love as highly practical. if you are in a major you enjoy, you will be more motivated to go to class, get b a wrong way)” by tasha eurich moreau fye week six). another major aspect of bianca’s outlook on life was self-reflection. it e might have been. in the end, his life leaves behind three major messages that we should all take into consideration for our ng people. she saw her parents through them. she decided to major in political science because the major felt the most closel them. she decided to major in political science because the major felt the most closely related to understanding why injustic ur and how the governmental system works. there is no “best major ” out there but there is a “best major for you." (“navigatin ks. there is no “best major” out there but there is a “best major for you." (“navigating your career journey moreau first yea ly going to be people in the world who disagree with you on major topics. hating the other side and ridiculing them does not ned before, are the path that oscar followed to achieve the major goal of being happy and helping those around him to be happ . during his tenure as president of notre dame, some of his major accomplishments were transferring ownership of notre dame f es. he’s truly an example of the saying, “there is no ‘best major ’ out there but there is a ‘best major for you’,” (“navigati g, “there is no ‘best major’ out there but there is a ‘best major for you’,” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo fam ve been loyal to all throughout your life–i guarantee you a major one of these decisions is going to happen, but you need to nue growing and learning. i entered notre dame as a biology major – something i really like and still enjoy, but this major l y major – something i really like and still enjoy, but this major left out a big part of what academically interests me, math search, and eventually became greatly intrigued by the acms major . while still being in the college of science and requiring epting this idea, i like the notion that “there is no “best major ” out there but there is a “best major for you." (meruelo cc at “there is no “best major” out there but there is a “best major for you." (meruelo ccd, “navigating your career journey” mo n more about research opportunities within the neuroscience major so i can explore possible interests and fields of study. ha this concept as my mission also is what led me to choose my major here at notre dame. i found that my chosen major of biochem choose my major here at notre dame. i found that my chosen major of biochemistry gives a unique insight into the mechanisms e and how the world around all living beings works. it is a major that also confers a lot of information that could potential academic advisor remind me that the deadline to declare my major is looming on the horizon. each day i tell myself that afte that exam i will finally sit down and map out my different major possibilities, and each day i find another thing that needs ave with myself at a later date. i know that declaring your major freshman year of college is not the final step, i know that college is not the final step, i know that i can change my major later on and that i’m not bound to this decision for life, the main reason why i’m scared to make a decision about my major is that my whole life and my entire education has been buil ow how to do is use my mind. i don’t know how to discern my major because that answer isn’t on quizlet and i can’t memorize a ad of accusing myself and asking “why can’t you just pick a major ,” i want to change my inner narrative and instead ask mysel y don't understand the business world that well and think a major must lead directly into a specific job title. in my next th ly what i am passionate about. i’ve recently added a double major to my american studies as a global studies major. i want to d a double major to my american studies as a global studies major . i want to focus on international affairs and specifically in high school and the second because economics was a broad major so it left him a lot of options to choose from. as meruelo would often complain that when he told people he was a math major he would have no way to reply to the inevitable question of imself was greatly above par. as quoted, “there is no “best major ” out therebut there is a “best major for you”. https://unde ed, “there is no “best major” out therebut there is a “best major for you”. step in that journey over the next three years is to pick a major in which i will gain the most knowledge that will help me t ve this, and like talked about in class, “there is no ‘best major ’ out there but there is a ‘best major for you’” (navigating s, “there is no ‘best major’ out there but there is a ‘best major for you’” (navigating your career journey by nd moreau firs student at the university of notre dame he indeed chose his major , his whole life, as i saw, was about finding what we cared helping others find truth, and i hope to do that through my major of applied and computational math and statistics. it is har to be honest, when i punched in ‘finance’ into the intended major textbox, my motivation behind it was mostly being able to s rase at universities across the united states that whatever major you pick does not determine what professional area you will ht that you are deciding your career path when picking your major .” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo center for c ek 4). at the same time, however, it is also true that your major is the first factor that gravitates you towards a specific t became apparent that the considerations i made towards my major often outpoured into what a well-lived professional career self more, i originally saw that not everything i did was a major event. i am just one man, one college student. this was aro s that are genuinely of interest to me, and then discern my major and career path based off of that. additionally, i need to s of what anyone else will think. especially in my specific major (ftt), a lot of people look down on engaging yourself in so something that qualifies as an art in retrospect to another major with more of an emphasis on something stem or finance-relat g lots of thinking due to my first doubts about changing my major in the very beginning of the semester, but that thought is id in my introduction, i am often left questioning about my major , the work and effort i am putting into my classes, and if t tting the highest grades. in week 4 of moreau, we discussed major and career paths, and the effect that these decisions might the quote that i chose for that week was "there is no ‘best major ’ out there, but there is a ‘best major for you’” (“navigati s "there is no ‘best major’ out there, but there is a ‘best major for you’” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo fami as the career services website tells us, “there is no “best major ” out there – but there is a “best major for you.”” similarl “there is no “best major” out there – but there is a “best major for you.”” similarly, there is no “best life” out there. bu llenged him to reflect on his life and ultimately, played a major role in developing him into the father, friend, and man tha stion of what truly made a life well-lived, he discovered a major part of answering that question could be found in how joy p led discussion with his girlfriend, where he asked her some major questions about himself, hoping to hear someone else’s pers following along with her everchanging goals, when picking a major , skye took days pondering what she wanted to study. she gat stions definitely crossed skye’s mind as she decided on her major and path for the next four years, and helped to smoothly gu transition into college. additionally, part of choosing her major was deciding on a career path, which skye had no clue for m an academically motivated student, graduating with a double major in business analytics and english. however, he also contrib ng students that “contrary to popular belief, deciding on a major does not determine the rest of your life” (“navigating your g projects. when i realized i had to declare my engineering major earlier than expected, i took this decision to prayer and u . “after you leave nd, some of the details (like choosing a major ) will change, but the core elements remain the same: learn . he was truly an advocate for inclusivity. he learned this major lesson from his time studying at notre dame. one of the maj jor lesson from his time studying at notre dame. one of the major missions of this university was to give every student an eq our time at notre dame, i was an english and global affairs major , and she was a neuroscience and spanish major on the pre-me lobal affairs major, and she was a neuroscience and spanish major on the pre-med track. as she studied for hours and hours in i have had a very back and forth discernment journey for my major , but for now, i am decided as a pls major. i think that ben nt journey for my major, but for now, i am decided as a pls major . i think that benefit of that major is that it continues to , i am decided as a pls major. i think that benefit of that major is that it continues to expand your mind in undergraduate s d steered his life in that direction. looking back, i saw 6 major things that john focused on throughout his life. first: sel ge, he would often ask if he was making the right choice of major and career path. he kept on asking questions and ended with w degree, or somewhat of a path to go with that. my current major and minor are psychology and gender studies, which i chose olitical science or history, i chose to pursue a psychology major . i can learn why people think the way they think and what c perfectionism, especially in relation to her schoolwork and major events in her life (moreau fys week 5). her shyness was som hat i was going to do with my life and in particular how my major would influence that. then i heard this “contrary to popula hen i heard this “contrary to popular belief, deciding on a major does not determine the rest of your life. a common phrase w nter for career development (ccd) is “i’m a [insert name of major ] major what can i do with that?”(“navigate your career jour r career development (ccd) is “i’m a [insert name of major] major what can i do with that?”(“navigate your career journey” by development moreau fye week four). this reminds me that my major specifically, but also other big decisions in my life are o ions in my life are often always not permanent. choosing my major is very important, but it does not inherently decide what m was a challenge because as of right now, i am not set on my major , let alone my future career. learning about notre dame’s me gating your career journey,” the phrase: “there is no ‘best major ’ out there but there is a ‘best major for you’” is emphasiz e: “there is no ‘best major’ out there but there is a ‘best major for you’” is emphasized (“navigating your career journey” b fye week four). i find comfort in the fact that there is a major that will set me up for success after college, leading me o ning his career. in the next three years, i will discern my major and my career path by engaging in conversation with uppercl elieve that having an undying intellectual curiosity of the major that i will study is a necessity. hard work and determinati seems to be this commonly held belief in our society that a major equals a certain career path” (meruelo family center for ca e had some internal struggles about my performance. it is a major accomplishment to make the acc team and i am proud to say i th. he is a very real and genuine person which i think is a major part of our friendship. i know he can hold me accountable a ework. in week four of moreau, i read that “if you are in a major you enjoy, you will be more motivated to go to class, get b izons. furthermore, although she was a chemical engineering major in college, she used this knowledge to help people in other ugh engineering. “contrary to popular belief, deciding on a major does not determine the rest of your life” (“navigating your r. greg boyle moreau fye week seven) furthermore, the final major realization i came to this semester that will best help me working on physics. as the saying goes, “there is no “best major ” out there but there is a “best major for you.”” (“navigati s, “there is no “best major” out there but there is a “best major for you.”” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo cen ek four). i think we can all agree that he found that ‘best major for him’ which led him to a life where he never really work will only happen by being welcoming to all. religion was a major part of his life. a devout catholic, his faith was instrume se of that i have found that my majors really are the “best major (s) for [me]” (“ ng about how fr. hesburgh bridged gaps between groups was a major inspiration for how i carried out my allyship activity duri ose myself to as many different viewpoints as possible. one major issue that could occur in academic environments is narrowne especially when it comes to obstacles. obstacles can be the major cause of someone giving up on their dream which is why it i is the statement “contrary to popular belief, deciding on a major does not determine the rest of your life” (week 4). though everything in my power to control my destiny by choosing a major , ultimately, it is up to god where i end up. i will not be r to provide a more “practical” application to my sociology major . i thought that taking courses in business would be interes of academic curiosity but rather out of a desire to make my major into something i felt more people view as a legitimate care come of that is that i won’t succeed in the courses of that major . i do know that many recommend taking a diverse group of co ts and skills to help me eventually make a decision on what major to study in. moreau helps with this because they say that, ature, instead of against it. for these reasons, i chose to major in environmental engineering. week 3 challenged my view of cle added a dimension i had not previously considered to my major discernment. i want to die in appalachia. it is my home. ye do. for the fourth week, i have learned that don’t choose a major that doesn’t make you happy. these two weeks are pretty sim two weeks are pretty similar to me because i feel like the major i chose does make me happy in the future just not now and t py in the future just not now and that i can get through my major only if i challenge myself. the best way to learn more abou hrist. as all of you know, ryan’s faith had always played a major role in his life. especially after he attended the universi ime with people to build friendships, and choosing pls as a major , a major of thinking and reading, as a way to slow my life people to build friendships, and choosing pls as a major, a major of thinking and reading, as a way to slow my life down. the rodriguezmoreau fye week 5). she noticed that when i have a major goal to reach, such as going to college, i always put forth siness can be used for good. this encouraged me to select a major or study that has an impact beyond my immediate sphere and e that simply allowing yourself to experience emotions is a major first step in building the self. another important aspect o e to be satisfied with it, to love it, and to cherish it. a major part of this, as i have learned from my parents, is living ek four of moreau i reflected on the quote “if you are in a major you enjoy, you will be more motivated to go to class, get b cision like choosing what college to go to or discerning my major , a huge part of the process was talking to my parents, frie o good use and was successful in his industry. intending to major in business, but not truly knowing where to take it while h tre dame. with the threat of being forced into an economics major on the line, his hard work was rewarded, and he was accepte fering in our life times and our responses to it can have a major impact on our lives and the lives of others. when encounter lso keep in mind “contrary to popular belief, deciding on a major does not determine the rest of your life” (“navigating your s career could have true meaning. he was a computer science major , who intended to work in business one day. but, computer sc is what made andrew such a happy individual. overall, three major things defined andrew’s life: his work, his faith, and his goals. i will try to find these people through gateway, my major , clubs, or any other way i can get to know people. i have t hese past 4 weeks have really helped me understand the true meaning of being a notre dame student and being a human on this ear with good people. i expanded on that saying that for me the meaning and purpose of life is finding good people to do it with. a hitecture). i believe that loving others is what gives life meaning . in week 5 we wrote a poem. i wrote, “i am from a lot of th e into the english language, it's from the latin word, cor, meaning heart the original definition was to tell the story of who l by my reflections, i’ve spent a while wondering about the meaning of life. i’ve had a surprisingly high number of discussions dh dinners about the nature of the universe and how we find meaning in our lives as individuals. while she believes she can fin n our lives as individuals. while she believes she can find meaning in work, i can’t seem to accept that – i find meaning in co find meaning in work, i can’t seem to accept that – i find meaning in connections with others and making an impact on the worl then paraphrased by fr. jenkins has an almost entirely new meaning to me. i really look forward to meeting more people who liv te was written in the context of religion, it holds greater meaning in the nature of humans. it demonstrates how no person is p lps both me and the other person develop a greater sense of meaning in our lives because we are able to help each other feel lo rs. this may seem like a straightforward statement, but the meaning of love stems much deeper than this, which is conveyed thro ed and a little vague to them as they may not know the full meaning of what it is exactly trying to convey. now older and wiser person, it is important to be a combination of both adams, meaning that when being an innovative, creative person, the person nequality, as they are social constructs and don’t hold any meaning unless people give it meaning. before coming to college, i constructs and don’t hold any meaning unless people give it meaning . before coming to college, i did not think much about race e, we can be deeply seen and find the connection that gives meaning and purpose to our lives. she says that vulnerability allow scusses notre dame’s history, and in doing so describes the meaning of his pendant, saying, “...‘ave crux spes unica,’ meaning meaning of his pendant, saying, “...‘ave crux spes unica,’ meaning ‘hail the cross, our only hope.’ anchors were an ancient sy he second self values eulogy virtues: they seek connection, meaning , love, and relish consistency. a life-giving relationship, brown, “connection is why we are here. it gives purpose and meaning to our lives”. (“the power of vulnerability” by brené brown as chimamanda ngozi yusman 4 observes that the likely well- meaning european books cause harm to african heritage6, so too can pean books cause harm to african heritage6, so too can well- meaning help be a detriment to some. moreau has taught me to approa sy in highschool. the articles from week 3 talked about the meaning of perspective. i think this new college environment is the : ‘connection is why we’re here. its what gives purpose and meaning to our lives’ this line particularly stood out to me, as i joy and positivity before naive, whereas now it holds more meaning ? webb 2 this semester, i have had struggles with self-ident t connection is why we’re here. it’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives” (“the power of vulnerability by brené brown” tragic injury, i was able to grow those beliefs to a deeper meaning as i learned more about the man i truly am every day. i bel “connection is why we’re here. it’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives” (“the power of vulnerability” by brené brown ly. i think that these kinds of close connections help give meaning to our lives. having people that care for you, and rely on r each person you encounter, then your life has purpose and meaning . everyone we see may be going through a hard time, and we c chie moreau fye week seven). i believe that i can also find meaning in a career in engineering. as an engineer, i will be in a n for certainty in god destroys the mystery and much of the meaning in the existence of god. without understanding the reasonin ington moreau first year experience 1 december 2021 finding meaning in the struggles of college this past semester in moreau ha phrase, i knew what he meant, but i didn’t fully grasp the meaning of what he was really saying. yes, everyone will welcome th en labeled as an “overthinker,” as i tend to place negative meaning on subtle gestures, thoughts, or statements that were not i ucture in your life. without structure, our actions have no meaning . in week 4, we learned about searching for life-giving rela hat one’s relationship with god was linear and progressive, meaning it only strengthened over time. now that i have been in the the meaninglessness of my student life; i grapple with the meaning – or lack thereof – in my work and therefore the meaning of he meaning – or lack thereof – in my work and therefore the meaning of my existence in its current state this is the dissonance , do i choose to write this moreau integration? what is the meaning behind all my work? let me use, for example, my body of thr he process of creation. but i ask myself, is there any true meaning to my creation? what personal purpose might i find in this at present follows a repetitive cycle of production without meaning , work without purpose, over, and over again. and it is in t s of a more philosophical form and is concerned more with a meaning to life, it is still felt by many, many others around the p enue that i was able to find my own escape. i have found my meaning in the friends i have 2 “thirteen ways of looking at commun e.” 5 by devoting myself to others, i have found not only a meaning separate from my academic affairs – from which i may draw s and this is also the way by which may others find value and meaning . when moving to a new place, or experiencing brokenness, ma the most prominent among us humans attempted to inject find meaning into their lives? potential resolutions have often taken th empires of business and personal finance, finding their own meaning in the inventions they have created, the financial empires ary leaders of all sorts have conquered and fought, finding meaning in the protection of country and of the communities or grou of this point, this very piece is titled under a latin name meaning , in english, “on the nature of life.” i would be remiss, ho riendships that i have managed to find significant purpose, meaning , and contentedness. in the past, i have focused significant imply put, in order to self-actualize, an intransitive verb meaning “to realize fully one's true potential” (merriam webster), zilian expression that “hope is the last thing that dies” – meaning that when there is nothing, there still is hope. i always h rovide a guiding hand to those struggling to find their own meaning in life. my root beliefs are what give me hope and belongin then, we are miserable, and we are looking for purpose and meaning , and then we feel vulnerable, so then we have a couple beer without these close relationships, life loses a lot of its meaning and joy. moving forward, i’m definitely trying to form thes d a framework, or structure (potentially through faith) and meaning in our lives. academic success and social enjoyment are ess nt issue. metaverse is formed from a combination of “meta”, meaning transcendent, and “verse”, from universe. it is used to des es. it is impossible to create content to satisfy everyone, meaning some people will exhibit negative opinions towards my actio “connection is why we’re here. it’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives. this is what it’s all about” ("the power of v low down our lives”) by pico lyer, ted moreau fye week one) meaning the people that are infatuated with being the most producti t might miss them, and if you don’t think you will miss the meaning of them. throughout the first semester here at notre dame, alue. i will go through my life making sure my actions have meaning behind them. i want to be a positive influence for the peop beautiful truth that calls us to serve each other in love,” meaning that the relationships one forms in the catholic community ut i believe that such a reflection gives hope more nuanced meaning than terms like optimism or dream. in confronting the disso ducation” by fr. james b. king, c. s. c moreau week twelve) meaning that if we live through god then we'll make it to heaven. m e offers up the idea that relationships are what gives life meaning . while on the topic of life-giving relationships, she says, nnection is why we’re all here. it’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives” (“the power of vulnerability” by brené brown y connecting ourselves with people that we love, life finds meaning and we find happiness. however, there is always another sid d with me because while i’ve never been told the words, the meaning of them has been expressed to me time and time again in a p . in order for them to be fruitful, conversations must have meaning in them. to have meaning, conversations must also be a back fruitful, conversations must have meaning in them. to have meaning , conversations must also be a back and forth interaction in a long way than doing that specific thing but have no real meaning to do it. what is my why? my why as an individual is to do at a young age, julie was truly able to understand the true meaning of joy within herself and therefore become prepared to expe are surrounded by others who are still searching for their meaning in life and by people who are just trying to find the easy or boyfriend. these relationships then take on a different meaning , yet the core values remain the same. i’ve found that wheth ). the success that i might have in my life will be lacking meaning if i do nothing but aim to further this success. in other w ns that “connection is why we're here. it gives purpose and meaning to our lives” ("the power of vulnerability" by brené brown, o create these relationships in order to create purpose and meaning in our lives as without purpose or meaning, why is our life eate purpose and meaning in our lives as without purpose or meaning , why is our life unique and valuable. as a result, we must ef, and that was brené brown’s idea of how connection gives meaning and purpose to our lives. to further push the idea towards to think, as kyle moon puts it, that i am “doing theology” meaning i hold faith in my every action, as a friend or, hopefully, talk, “connection is why we are here. it gives purpose and meaning to our lives” (brown). there is no question that in the pas apqim your life meaning in that moment, however joy gives your life purpose and mea ing in that moment, however joy gives your life purpose and meaning for the rest of your life, and even in death. from my past selves. something that was ambiguous that now holds greater meaning is the importance of self love and acceptance. during week r. even though it didn't look perfect, it has significance, meaning , and beauty to it. robert corrato 10/15/21 moreau fye taylo ey are as a person. beliefs are derived from trying to make meaning out of life which is experienced differently by each person or of making something definite, distinct, or clear.” this meaning was determined by someone else who is well-versed with gram re, it makes sense for this type of person to determine the meaning of this word. however, so many times throughout one’s life, “connection is why we’re here, it's what gives purpose and meaning to our lives” ("the power of vulnerability" by brene brown ith in our story" by campus ministry moreau fye week three) meaning that there is a said path in store for us by god and none o ) but also personal credences i hold. i have taken on a new meaning of relationships, moving on from having friends just to hav d life class, a few lectures have gone over what gives life meaning . aristotle believed that living out your function is what g e believed that living out your function is what gives life meaning , whereas existentialists believe that everyone can choose t existentialists believe that everyone can choose their own meaning . personally, i believe that helping others in your communit ain ones. by ingraining yourself in the community, you give meaning to your life, because if you weren’t there the communities that spirituality gives my life a deeper, more significant meaning . no one said it better than father mccormick: “spiritual li reason. several existential crises later, i believe i need meaning . integration 1 – due october 15 i believe that i pursue tru r time is, and i decided that it was critical to search for meaning which would make it worthwhile. this search makes me think ulogy?” by david brooks – moreau fye week two); i feel like meaning is not found in the resume virtues, no matter how far that es, no matter how far that gets me in my life. i think that meaning is created in a way that can be taken to the grave with you be succinctly described on paper. i’ve been hoping to find meaning for a while now, and i think that it is found to some exten ways to make life meaningful. we have no guarantee that the meaning we find in our lifetimes (if we find it) means anything; fo e just stop existing, which would mean that the purpose and meaning we’ve worked for has no real significance (that or our soul philosophy). i still believe it is worthwhile to search for meaning , even though we have no guarantee that there is some outcom st of myself and feel like i am working toward some greater meaning in life, though, of course, i don’t know what specifically ife, though, of course, i don’t know what specifically that meaning is. for me, this belief originated as i did the actions tha [c]onnection is why we’re here; it’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives; this is what it’s all about.” (“the power of e motivation. living and experiencing life gives me greater meaning and purpose when i tell myself that what i am doing is for that no one apparently wants to give up any of their own.” meaning that people are stubborn, and defiant to look at an issue t identity and shape my life in a way that can aid in finding meaning and purpose. even though i have spent just a short amount o ith a career in medicine in order to help me live a life of meaning and purpose. after watching the ted talk in which brooks ex the time that i spent doing the things that led me towards meaning . it is so incredibly easy to be focused on the future –– fu uld spend it creating the stories that will help me find my meaning and purpose in life. in order to forge life-giving relation at said “connection is why we’re here. it gives purpose and meaning to our lives,” (“the power of vulnerability” by brené brown r of poetry, of roots, and of teachers.”[footnoteref:5] the meaning of these poems is so powerful. it ties in well with david b e bridge” (week 6). to me, this line has multiple layers of meaning . the lights show how people and events from my past have si ic of a departure guided by hope, but bridges go both ways, meaning my connection was not fully lost. where i’m from can never segregation. however, race is something that is changeable, meaning that the idea of race is different from the past and will b lived, because it allows an individual to discover the true meaning of his or her life. pico iyer elaborates about the importan “connection is why we’re here, it’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives” (“the power of vulnerability” by brené brown own all the time. relationships should be a two way street, meaning that you want the best for the other person, but they also reflection process also allows us to comprehend the broader meaning of our lives. this concept of “being still” is really impor hope and joy of the resurrection. the catholic faith brings meaning and texture to her life. second, my mission is to love thos erson. while life has its ups and downs, life has intrinsic meaning and is inherently good. lastly, i am called to love myself. hen i was a junior in high school, my english teacher had a meaning of life unit, which i went back to a little bit for this as 10/15/21 erik oswald moreau first year experience obtaining meaning from classroom reflections i believe that my purpose is to things for others is a joyful thing; it can bring our life meaning , but it can also make us feel good about ourselves. therefo contradictions, is a gift, that love is the source and the meaning of life, how can they withhold their urge to do good to ano t connection is why we’re here. it’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives” ("the power of vulnerability" by brene brown mprove the world, but also improve me by helping to give me meaning through working to benefit the lives of others. i feel that is is especially true. in class, we discussed the technical meaning of dissonance, the combination of clashing musical notes; w brown’s ted talk, power of vulnerability, she discussed the meaning of vulnerability: “it is to tell your story of who you are else would be better for them. carla harris summarized the meaning of this module best in her speech when she proclaimed, “we a framework that challenges our modern understanding of the meaning of life the christian spiritual tradition is clear on this thy vs. unhealthy actions is very important in finding true meaning in my life. while determining healthy and unhealthy behavio n toward me, as an african, was a kind of patronizing, well- meaning pity. my roommate had a single story of africa: a single st as i transitioned into adulthood and started my search for meaning in life. since i was coming to a new place, i remained hope hering my faith to joining clubs, all of these help me find meaning . carla harris said, “your authenticity is your distinct com about notre dame is the fact that there is always a deeper meaning to everything. for example, i joined bengal bouts and while seem to simple-minded but if the world truly understood the meaning of the gospel, it would be much different. there was a stat at i am talking about when people don’t understand the true meaning of the gospel which is that jesus came to earth and died fo ere’s often no threshold that puts these feelings to rest,” meaning that even achieving our expectations will often not lead to g selflessly) i am from god, the one who gave me life and a meaning that is motivating me to do my best every day. (i do believ had decided to stay closed until april of that school year, meaning i was completely remote for three of the four quarters. whi ope give us strength and, in the end, are what provide real meaning to life. thus, knowing i’m attending a religious institutio son i am. constantly going back to this central question of meaning and belonging, i have also begun to focus on the characteri fye week four), because i believe it has a lot of power and meaning . even though it seems like a common phrase, we rarely ask o yself academically and personally. i have rendered the true meaning of community and can now acknowledge that hatred is not a c s as well as a more complex, powerful notion of god and the meaning of life. i was able to become more aware of the holy cross me into the english language -it’s from the latin word cor, meaning heartand the original definition was to tell the story of w moreau fye week twelve). hope is necessary in order to give meaning to the things we do and to keep moving forward and that is “connection is why we are here. it's what gives purpose and meaning to our lives” (“the power of vulnerability” by brené brown th me reads, “connection is why we’re here. it’s what gives meaning and purpose to our lives” (“the power of vulnerability” by professor whittington moreau fye64 15 october 2021 finding meaning : a first-year reflection i believe that i am searching for he heart of my notre dame journey has been a desire to find meaning . when i look around me on campus, i find that i am surround ampus, i find that i am surrounded by people who have found meaning in their major, clubs, career, or religion. as a catholic i r, or religion. as a catholic institution, notre dame finds meaning in the bond of faith and love which stems from this identit overed that my faith has always guided me and given my life meaning and that it continues to do so. through the help of the cat fidently say that i have found something that gives my life meaning . being vulnerable has always been very difficult for me bec nt-athlete. i have never really been a true student before, meaning my high school experience was shaped by athletics. part of e the opportunity to become a well-rounded student-athlete. meaning i would not be too focused on academics or on athletics. go connection is why we are here, it's what gives purpose and meaning to our lives.” (“the power of vulnerability” by brené brown t connection is why we’re here. it’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives, this is what it’s all about.” ( “the power of yan retartha moreau fye: integration 4 28 april 2022 life’s meaning is what you give it the question of how to live a well-live nt. i want my work, activities, and accomplishments to have meaning . in a podcast, eitan hersh talks about how following politi osborn entertainment/ultralight-beam- meaning ). this concept has developed my life and mindset because i ness meaning ning meaning because of my faith. i feel i am never alone in any battle s so i have discovered a satisfying life purpose”, and this meaning and purpose comes from god (“via character strengths survey allel to this quote which is why this belief has tremendous meaning to me. i believe that every setback and disappointment is a this poem certainly proves why this belief has significant meaning to how i live my life: i come from an unselfish and loving ss-and-christian-education/ what am i made for? what is the meaning of life? why am i here? what is my purpose? these philosoph re all searching for connection and after that a legacy and meaning that transcends our lives. “as spirits they belong to the e r me, hope is rooted in my faith and has a more significant meaning than a day-by-day want or result. hope is rooted in god and standing of the meaning of life” (“the role of faith in our story” by father pete m ribute of humour is that it is different for every person – meaning that not all will find the same thing humorous. thus, i hav ’s objective is that there is writing there; thus, there is meaning and value in each poem. everyone has a different back story ion to the stories, or the people, that we like, we exclude meaning . we may not like every story or poem, but each one has a me brown defines the word courage as “from the latin word cor, meaning heart and the original definition means to tell the story o from others. this, however, does not correspond to the real meaning of the word because it is too artificial. eigentlichkeit is ntified it as if “she felt sorry for me… a patronizing well meaning pity” (“the danger of a single story” by chimamanda ngozi a d go around (week 1 qqc, dr. brown: “what gives purpose and meaning to our lives”). sure, it may go around, but definitely not wanted-i want a life like that. a life of impact, a life of meaning . not just to my mom, or my little sister whom i love so dea m, or my little sister whom i love so dearly, but a life of meaning to god. father hesburg was a vessel that god could look at ‘the end’. also, with god as a part of your reasoning, the meaning of life becomes clear. as seen in “faith brings light to a y parker palmer moreau fye week eleven) to explain the true meaning of community. one should not be looking to achieve communit assets/105621/ moreau fye week twelve) to decipher the true meaning of education. education will transform pupils into more com e a positive effect on people. these people manage to bring meaning to their lives constantly through faith, hope, and love. al onship is incredibly powerful and should be able to provide meaning to life. this extends further than the traditional notion o t belief #4: i believe that i am constantly searching for a meaning to my life, regardless of whether i find my purpose through y parents weren’t there to constantly see what i was doing, meaning that the onus was on me to put effort into the things that on will keep my life moving in a forward direction and make meaning come from things accomplished in everydaylife. through this ngs work, where things come from. i like knowing the deeper meaning and origins of things, and building new things. growing up for value in their life to find it. many people try to find meaning in their life by the things that they did, especially in th decide that my answer to this question was easy: my eulogy. meaning , i want to live my life how i want to be remembered. i want s were truly inspiring to me because it gave an idea of the meaning of life and why we should love ourselves. while this wasn’t umb happiness. and we are miserable looking for purpose and meaning ” (“the power of vulnerability” by brene brown moreau fye we “connection is why we are here. it’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives.”( 3:133:16 min.) i believe that the future th onal or even global level. i strongly feel that my purpose/ meaning in life is to help and serve others by connecting with not hese past 7 weeks have really helped me understand the true meaning of being a notre dame student and being a human on this ear eel worthless and especially my journey started to lose its meaning . even though i was lost way before that. i began to lose my ness, and then we are miserable and looking for purpose and meaning ” (“the power of vulnerability” by brene brown – moreau week n saying that there is no way to communicate without losing meaning . let's work from the top; i am not afraid to admit that i a on class. and it is this connection that “gives purpose and meaning to our lives,” 1 as was discussed in my moreau class. when e to serve or an individual to help. this injects a sort of meaning into my life and allows me to better know myself. so far, i res of my students. and i feel as though there is a genuine meaning that i find when dedicating myself to this work; i come to ove is the purpose of life. whenever someone asks about the meaning of life, i always say love. at notre dame, i have experienc ing each other get there.” this quotation suggests the true meaning of friendships. personally with my teammates we always try ing and informing others. i believe that there is power and meaning in my distinct experience and perspective. i do come from a olve around this notion that love is what shows us the true meaning of life. i think that with my concerns about grades and sch ll adam 1. living to work and sometimes forgetting the true meaning of life. i usually ask myself: “why am i doing what i’m doi me that my peers call me. i was born on february 28th 2004, meaning im younger than most students on campus, which has it’s pro such a tedious and meaningless job to others, its symbolic meaning was recognized and appreciated by victims of household viol ent communities for us to build together. a good community, meaning an utopian society, was what people often said we should tr rce of light that overlooks darkness and enables us to find meaning in the world. david fagerberg's metaphor about the appearan world?" i have come to the conclusion that when we find no meaning in the world, we wrap ourselves in a bubble of constant con after graduation. professor steve reifenberg describes the meaning of accompaniment as wholly immersing ourselves in another p a framework of faith helps me understand that suffering has meaning and that my education and knowledge level comes with respon me off guard and really impacted my perspective on what the meaning of life is. i think this also relates to an idea that stood else would be better for them. carla harris summarized the meaning of this module best in her speech when she proclaimed, “we orthy of connection?” this quote represents the essence and meaning of what it means to be vulnerable around others. we often a vey they intend to “increase happiness and well-being. find meaning and purpose. boost relationships. manage stress and health. inuing living my life to its fullest extent, because it has meaning . it has hope. i have so much more ahead of me. my response eek 11). this is a compelling quote with a lot of truth and meaning . yes, everyone is part of some type of community, whether t towards me, as and african, was a kind of patronizing, well- meaning pity,” (“the danger of a single story” by chimamanda ngozi together, it allows a commonality for us to all share. the meaning of ‘to belong’ bounces all over the place, not unlike the s ancis, 2017). creativity feeds into love, and love proposes meaning in the tumultuous, yet beautiful journey life. while i hope t. this relates to one of my strongest convictions—that the meaning to life is to love. in my theology class, i learned that go y and focusing solely on scientific reasoning takes all the meaning out of life. people spend years trying to discover the mean ning out of life. people spend years trying to discover the meaning of life, and i think the answer lies right in front of us—t out of my comfort zone because this in turn will forge life meaning relationships. in my videos i am working on getting out of n toward me, as an african, was a kind of patronizing, well- meaning pity.” (“danger of a single story” by chimamanda ngozi adic tandpoint of our friend or foe as from our own standpoint.” meaning , that in our society, too many people live to meet others’ ed hesburg was quoted saying “in my faith you learn there’s meaning in suffering. but to truly understand that you have to firs of father hesburg, i currently do not truly understand the meaning within suffering. this doesn’t mean, however, that i don’t . the world is filled with injustice, and we should all add meaning to our lives by combatting this injustice. there are so man ards more similar things. as pope francis said, love is the meaning and source of life, and that can only be achieved through o have with people are the most memorable things and they add meaning to my life story. life is not about time or knowledge neces do with how we connect with other beings and how we can add meaning to their lives and our own. as i said before, i feel like t tionships are necessary to a fulfilled life and give deeper meaning to stronger ones. there’s not one answer to happiness, but ors at nd. i have been vulnerable and talked about personal meaning items in my life are the times i bonded the most with stude great sense of joy. while it is sometimes difficult to find meaning in life, it can undoubtedly be given by strangers. repeated orld in a positive and meaningful way. for me, i found most meaning out of events which impact others. i take pride in my achie hey might be able to. in living a life of virtue, one finds meaning in their life through their ability to impact others. at no this is something that all of us struggle to find the true meaning of throughout our lives and something that we must figure o his was unusual but i am glad that he comprehended the true meaning of what this quote says. he made it a priority from that po ce devotion to his family and friends gave his life lasting meaning that he could not find elsewhere. at the same time, christi instream of humanity, a fast-paced society, blocks the true meaning and purpose behind everything you do! cars that run fast, e e average “tuesdays” should be emphasized in trying to find meaning in life. afterall, those average days make up most of our l life, after much deliberation on how i want to give my life meaning . however, my mission statement is in no way all inclusive, thcare worker. i believe that each day should be spent with meaning , rather than solely relying on major achievements to give l ther than solely relying on major achievements to give life meaning . an example of this is to have a good social-work life bala ng term goals i have, mostly academic related, to give life meaning . i also tend to only think of myself and how situations aff created are very important to me in life. i derive a lot of meaning and energy from the people that i surround myself with, so a good friend, brother, and son. additionally, i have been meaning to begin doing some quantifiable volunteering but have not that with this practice one will �nd what gives their life meaning . after �nding what factors make you want to wake up every m ll-lived, one must surround themselves with people who give meaning to their life. creating friendships with those who cross yo o tackle purpose and consider their deepest motivations and meaning . after engaging with week 3 content, i believe my purpose i that is to come, each day may feel like it has little to no meaning . i like to think about the end when things may seem blue be o expand upon my career, i'm a finance and economics major, meaning that i deal with this concept of money on a day-to-day basi really specific major in mind. hesburgh said that “there is meaning in suffering”. i learned how to better deal with my anxiety ed my definition of leading and living a fulfilling life, a meaning i arrived at this semester. i defined a life well-lived to o to a fulfilling life because then we will be able to seek meaning and happiness from our careers. in week 3, i learned about even take a whole course devoted to exploring life and its meaning . you’ll meet a lot of cool people in that class too! introd hesburgh once remarked that "in my faith, you learn there's meaning in suffering, but to truly understand that you have to firs f logotherapy, which frankl tells us "in a man's search for meaning " is that finding purpose is the single driving force in a m beings but it is also the very thing that gives our lives’ meaning . without an end in mind, what is the point of a well lived i have gained the tools to dial in on the absolute and real meaning of it. utilizing these tools will give me a greater underst on of myself possible. through these challenges, i can find meaning and purpose. i hope to find joy in my personal relationship ear of notre dame, i have realized that what brings my life meaning and purpose is my connection to my loved ones. to me, a lif nd religion. i believe that religion gives life purpose and meaning . i believe that i have “in a place of endless acceptance an oday is meaningless. we can still find comfort and ultimate meaning in learning to look outwards, learning to seek ways that we ek 3). fun has its place in each of our lives and can bring meaning and purpose to it. it also can be great motivation that can o two things. firstly, i must learn and understand the true meaning of prioritizing myself. second, and most importantly, i mus ing of her trying to make a difference in the world and its meaning of connection and empathy with those most in need. she love moment. we read a piece about “memento mori, a latin phrase meaning “remember your death” (“meet the nun who wants you to remem contradictions, is a gift, that love is the source and the meaning of life, how can they withhold their urge to do good to ano , my alma mater, said: “"if our lives in education have any meaning or significance, it will be in our reading the signs of the d around me happier and better, and ultimately give my life meaning . another major part of my mission is to grow in wisdom. oft of a life well-lived. “in my faith, you learn that there is meaning in suffering, but to truly understand that you have to firs ange of human experiences and to be able to find beauty and meaning in them all. perhaps as best said by sister theresa alethei iving a life well-lived comes from a combination of finding meaning in life and self-improvement. college is a time of growth, this, it is my mission statement that i should aim to find meaning in my life and pursue growth at all times. i have found tha g more and growing from this pursuit through my meditation. meaning can come from the career that is chosen. earlier in the sch nd have a meaningful connection with them. in order to find meaning in life, we must pursue a mission. by defining my mission s erness, love, and compassion. i hope that i am able to find meaning through a career and connecting with others in order to liv more cherished, binding them together and helping them find meaning to the dark times. fear is also one of the biggest factors contradictions, is a gift, that love is the source and the meaning of life, how can they withhold their urge to do good to ano ding father hesburgh. “in my faith, you learn that there is meaning in suffering, but to truly understand that you have to firs , we can stand in our own way as we try to find purpose and meaning . i’ve talked a lot about the importance of reflection in bu elected to be the outside guard for the next academic year meaning i will be involved in coordinating the council’s outreach w in week 4, when i decided that making a living and making a meaning were connected. i was left with the question of what gave m both simultaneously making a living and making a o’connor 3 meaning (week 4). how to do this i am not sure, but i do believe wh ruly took this mantra to heart. as i said early, zach found meaning in his life first by helping others, and, by supporting oth e. it was not only friends and acquaintances that gave zach meaning ; instead, his grandpa was the person that zach confided in imes some decisions (which may have been stupid) were okay, meaning that i was able to constantly have fun with those around me , but when it comes to me, i wouldn’t force it upon myself. meaning that i wouldn’t be able to follow through with it myself. a ? if he is real, why can i not see him? i failed to see the meaning of love and what god meant to me. i was very upset with mys healthily. in his film, father hesburgh said that “there is meaning in suffering'' in his film when his sister passed away that ng'' in his film when his sister passed away that "there is meaning in suffering ."so try to soak in every moment you can. the . with practicing death, we eventually will be able to find meaning and focus on what really matters to us as individuals. the fia found to be life changing. while talking about the true meaning of joy and how to pursue that joy, one must know their hori ma 2 of moments/emotions. the quote, “ learn there is meaning in suffering, but to truly understand that you have to firs lm) stood out to me in the whole film because of its deeper meaning on the understanding of what inspires some to live lives th urpose of my existence”. i'm still trying to figure out the meaning of my life. i always make sure i have a focal point on whic i am to find this central point on which i need to rely the meaning of my life one. aged only 19, i had the chance to experienc through the week 3 reading was her tendency to overlap the meaning of happiness with joy. weirdly this made her come to a comf go up, competition continues. people lose sight of the true meaning of life and instead place their priorities in material good t is temporary. this is how juliana lived her life, for its meaning and not for its perceived physical value. putting juliana’s contradictions, is a gift, that love is the source and the meaning of life” (“his holiness pope francis filmed in vatican city shown at ted2017”. moreau week 7). she experienced the true meaning of life through focusing on the love that existed in even t . during moreau, i self-reflected about my academics and my meaning of happiness. for the first time, i had dropped a class and contradictions, is a gift, that love is the source and the meaning of life, how can they withhold their urge to do good to ano r me, the people that i love empower me and give my actions meaning . i believe that my purpose is to create and build something basis of education, which gives my learning a foundation of meaning . living a fulfilling life, i’ll have to truly understand the meaning of the various different values i have. i often don’t even sion statement i believe others will see it coming to pass, meaning that others will see the spiritual growth. a concrete examp the reading by dr.robin d’angelo. “race really doesn’t have meaning to me”, i choose this quote during that week and it is part impact on our community and those around gives substantial meaning to our religion during our time on earth. overall, i believ in life simply because it is true. beyond its metaphorical meaning , it is true. no matter what obstacle you might go up agains ting/inspiring than depressing because mortality gives life meaning . as sister aletheia said, “we try to suppress the thought o t to live a life well lived will give it direction and more meaning . however, as i said above, i do have my doubts about god. f eulogy i think about defining words, the words of greatest meaning –mother, father, sister, brother, wife, husband, friend. the esented when the film stated “in my faith you learn there’s meaning in suffering but to truly understand that you have to first ll at once. i think this relates to many things in my life, meaning that if i am feeling overwhelmed in a situation i can take he people around you are the foundation of your purpose and meaning . march through may of 2020 will be the longest time of your what does it mean to be successful? well, for me, the true meaning of success doesn’t derive only from obtaining the most impo e. by doing this, we are allowing ourselves to see the real meaning and purpose of life, or whatever it is we are taking a minu ond together through god, something that can deepen and add meaning to any relationship. i have taken some lessons away from my yuhan would say that she lived her life well. she found the meaning of life in new encounters and challenges out of her comfort ith these ideas in mind, we eventually will be able to find meaning and focus on what really matters to us as individuals. i be n unique pattern of interests, motivation, satisfaction and meaning is an important first step in career development” (7 clues: moreau fye week nine) i feel that this quote shows the real meaning of something which will not always be true – it exhausted its meaning , its impact, when that death came. this man thought death a ll. but as trips go, he made strong and delightful sense of meaning pervade it all. we, for all our differing dispositions toda tion. but, you also will learn through hard experiences the meaning of resilience. you will fall, you will fail, and you will s tasha eurich phd moreau fye week 6). when you decipher the meaning of this quote, you will understand that she is telling you was “to revive the practice of memento mori, a latin phrase meaning ‘remember your death.’ the concept is to intentionally thin contradictions, is a gift, that love is the source and the meaning of life, how can they withhold their urge to do good to ano it as a gift grants us a more retrospective outlook on its meaning . this realization prompts you to appreciate all life around through the week 3 reading was her tendency to overlap the meaning of happiness with joy. weirdly this made her come to a http f language, especially the word “accompaniment” and how its meaning changes from spanish to english (“teaching accompaniment” b t i have this line for you: "in my faith, you learn there's meaning in suffering, but to truly understand that you have to firs to understand that everything in your life that you tie no meaning to can all be taken away from you in an instantand you can it is then that you appreciate what you have with a deeper meaning and you start to see the beauty in things that you never th on a new path which has invited me to think about the true meaning of living such a life and inspired me to start thinking abo e interactions. these relationships are what give our lives meaning and help us live a life well-lived. mae mae found this out life, but rather i think it’s saying to give your life more meaning because our days are numbered. i think living life and stay ame back stronger than before, determined to lead a life of meaning and purpose through his passions. luke harnessed this negat e multiple tones in ones life to create a sound with depth, meaning , and which resonantes and transforms those who witness it. s it is going, and the choices we make, then we cannot have meaning in our lives. i try to ask myself this very question every e enough to understand, but complex enough to carry immense meaning . every sentence of this statement can be broken down into s eeper than ever before. in fact, he began to learn the true meaning of love. in the past, he admitted that what he thought was ow down. by doing this, she allowed herself to see the real meaning and purpose of life, or whatever it is she was taking a min ich reflected how deeply she cared for the purpose and real meaning of what surrounded her. there is a statement that i could u ense yet. but it will one day. if i was to ask you what the meaning of life was, you would probably say to have fun. to smile. ntinue to live a life well-lived. if i were to describe the meaning of life in one word, it would be relationships. the bonds w ith “people just need to,” or “race doesn’t really have any meaning to me,” or “everybody’s racist.” scratch any further on tha , and approaching life with a smile and quick joke, finding meaning through action and introspection— this is what aidan took f ided by our “family motto that delgado girls stick together meaning that no matter what obstacles we face we must always put ea p of this, finding myself is the most individualistic step, meaning that others will not yet see how i am living out my mission ur future desires and impacts. i plan on becoming a doctor, meaning that the people i can most influence are my patients and my is is because the immortality of the gods detracts from the meaning of their lives, and i am grateful, in many ways, that i am sor chan the next three years my mission in life is to find meaning and fulfillment in what i do. over my first year at notre d rld to come. the slightly darker tone is meant to have good meaning though. sister teresa aletheia noble stresses that since de es not matter. each of his self-contained stories have vast meaning that does not require one to dig too deep to see. the story at “the reason things are important is because we give them meaning .” (week 8: eulogy). i have given value to specific things i and start her journey of independence and finding her true meaning of her life. she wanted to be a legacy and a leader for the "accompaniment is an elastic term. it has a basic, everyday meaning ,” farmer wrote in an article on accompaniment published in mission statement moreau week 7) his love is unconditional, meaning that no matter the circumstances, he will still love. that stop working, but taking a step back makes us see the true meaning and purpose behind every homeworkd we do, every job we take eft the most important step as the last one to increase its meaning and true impact it has on our lives. step twelve is believi not only be the words that make up the definition, but the meaning derived from it. if there was anything that made sofia live at the reason things were important is because we give them meaning . we choose our path by discerning what we find as important themselves. i have a clear path i want to work for that has meaning for myself and for others, which is one step closer in livi ect and decide upon what is bringing your life more or less meaning and to some extent, define what the meaning of your life sh fe more or less meaning and to some extent, define what the meaning of your life should be, at least in the moment. i used to t contradictions, is a gift, that love is the source and the meaning of life, how can they withhold their urge to do good to ano y absurdist structures exist in society, i continue to seek meaning in everyday actions. this intentionality guided how i spent of the meaning of productivity in the context of our own lives. it can be urgh, father hesburgh says “in my faith, you learn there is meaning in suffering. but to truly understand that you must suffer ll-lived life, but in reality, suffering often brings about meaning and fulfillment. however, it is difficult to distinguish wh ter alethia argues that in remembering death, we bring more meaning into our lives (“meet the nun who wants you to remember you given the opportunity to engage in a career that will bring meaning and fulfillment to our lives. however, one’s chosen career ver, one’s chosen career path is not the sole instrument of meaning . there are many other aspects of one’s life and identity th ne’s life and identity that have the capability to generate meaning and ultimately lead to a life of happiness and fulfillment. urselves and a deeper appreciation for what gives our lives meaning . deep self-reflection can lead us to identifying what we ar i am most passionate about and what will fill my life with meaning . to me, i pursue a life well-lived by giving back to others enberg said, “[d]rawing from personal experiences gives new meaning to the possibility of engaging in a complicated world – to e dark realities will be faced, ultimately finding the true meaning and good in them. “when hardships or unexpected things happ m to bring other people up as well. i believe that the true meaning of success is to accomplish a big goal but also building gr and strength. one quote that i really liked was, “there is meaning in suffering, but to really understand that you have to fir lly like them. the next personal conviction that holds deep meaning in my life is my desire to be a lifelong learner. i never i ay has been critical for organizing my thoughts and finding meaning in the things that i do. i also find personal reflection es ifenberg said, “drawing from personal experiences gives new meaning to the possibility of engaging in a complicated world” ("te ould interact with a person like me. understanding the true meaning of success. learning how to share the accomplishments from l drag on forever. but both visions of life have incredible meaning if we are devoted to stepping out of ourselves to help othe ze an important aspect of faith: “in faith we learn there’s meaning in suffering, but to truly understand that we have to first where do i want to end up?” because it reminds me to create meaning in my life every day ("meet the nun who wants you to rememb that, he brought others together. death is what gives life meaning , but to live a good life is what gives death meaning. jack’ s life meaning, but to live a good life is what gives death meaning . jack’s death was meaningful. thinking back to sister aleth irm commitment to the gospel is what gave life its ultimate meaning . originally brought up catholic, jack’s family left the cat sion to revive the practice of memento mori, a latin phrase meaning "remember your death." the concept is to intentionally thin ps we formed with ellie with each other, time itself has no meaning . i’d like to preface this by asking you all to sit on this it. adding to the development of oneself and the search for meaning in our person, it is essential to open our horizons and lea etimes we go to the literal and leave behind so much in the meaning of something. we limitate ourselves to the words used to ex or something is or what they are worth by just the on top " meaning " of what they are. we need to go into deep analysis and emb re. we need to go into deep analysis and embrace the whole " meaning " of the things and people around us. not allowing these sit good“timshel,” as people say. the “hesburgh” film shows the meaning of mercy in the way it describes father ted hesburgh: “what es not matter. each of his self-contained stories have vast meaning that does not require one to dig too deep to see. the story become easy to correlate the success of your career to the meaning of life but i believe that this is a dangerous tendency. it ive). after speaking with my mom, i found that i find great meaning in human interaction and quality relationships. for me, a l stop him from pursuing an exciting life full of wonder and meaning . likewise, one of my limitations comes with my natural inte gel to live a well-lived life. i also learned what the true meaning of a well-lived life was. angel said that “life is about he rld is for me a well-lived life.” angel understood the true meaning of a well-lived life. angel accomplished what 90% of the wo s for the education i receive outside of the classroom. the meaning i find at this place is the education of how to be a person eaningful social change in the world. integration 1 finding meaning in a life well lived during the past semester and a half, w d time, it encourages us to spend it doing things that have meaning . during week 4 the quote that resonated with me was “the on r not only makes their life a little easier, but also gives meaning to your own. specifically when people are going through tou are? i may answer only that they provide me with a sense of meaning and fulfilment – an idea quite relevant to deresiewicz’s di ly believe in the concept elucidated by viktor frankl: that meaning is found in purpose (purposefully dedicating oneself to an edicating oneself to an individual or cause), and with such meaning one may find joy and fulfilment – and shall therefore not b was an incredibly important part of self-growth. she found meaning in intrapersonal development, and could always be found ask s not all about material wealth or fame. instead, she found meaning in the people around her, and she strongly believed that th fully aware that it was these connections that brought deep meaning to life. she built a beautiful friendship with her sister, reast cancer. alexis’ strong catholic faith helped her find meaning at this point in her family’s life. she felt connected to d suffering. suffering, while dreadful in the moment, brings meaning to life by allowing those who experience suffering to grow. contradictions, is a gift, that love is the source and the meaning of life, how can they withhold their urge to do good to ano om fr. michael himesmoreau fye week 3). john understood the meaning of this quote to those around him, that it is important tha the facts of people’s lives, i want to know where they draw meaning from and how they decide that. by not only knowing but unde , worthy dreams: mentoring young adults in their search for meaning , purpose, and faith. enlightenment and reflective leadershi stance of others, allowing people to find personal freedom, meaning , and contentment in their lives. put simply (and using reif so think about the dark parts of his life and how they gave meaning to the good ones. luis would often say that “in facing the t also contribute to the betterment of society, helps bring meaning to my life. at notre dame, i’m working towards becoming an . father hesburgh once said, “in my faith you learn there’s meaning in suffering…” (“hesburgh film” by jerry barca and christin hips, create a foundation of truth and openness, and pursue meaning in life through intellectual curiosity in my everyday life. her provides the foundation for all people to pursue deeper meaning in their lives through different avenues such as hobbies, s , service, and careers. furthermore, i believe that finding meaning through the everyday activities i do is crucial fulfillment in my free time. although i believe it is important to find meaning in our work, i also believe that it is equally important to r work, i also believe that it is equally important to find meaning in the things that we enjoy in our free time. although for y in our free time. although for (name of author) she found meaning through “back to her community through volunteerism”, i hav oss has led us to dead ends on larger questions such as the meaning to life and how the universe came to be questions which ver way we treat our brothers and sisters, we can begin to find meaning in our lives. sabrina truly believed, which she strived to reflect upon their decisions, which brought a great deal of meaning into their experiences. sophia found happiness in learning contradictions, is a gift, that love is the source and the meaning of life, how can they withhold their urge to do good to ano u know better, do better. although i did not understand the meaning of the magnet when i was younger, the words have resonated sion to revive the practice of memento mori, a latin phrase meaning ‘remember your death’, but never let yourself doubt your be h. a true friend should be able to help you find either the meaning of life or your car keys depending on the situation. i wish contradictions, is a gift, that love is the source and the meaning of life, how can they withhold their urge to do good to ano range of moments/emotions. the quote “ learn there is meaning in suffering, but to truly understand that you have to firs me in the hesburgh film in particular because of its deeper meaning on the understanding of what inspires some to live lives th it or not, it will happen. this is a question with a deeper meaning , though. it is not only meant to make one think about death nly meant to make one think about death, but also about the meaning of their life and what they want others to take from it. wh as writing my own eulogy does, but it as well has a deeper meaning . practicing memento mori seems unusual for a nun, but it al r high school friend for her to truly understand how to �nd meaning in a life ended. if abbey were here, she would be whisperin contradictions, is a gift, that love is the source and the meaning of life, how can they withhold their urge to do good to ano eart by father greg boylemoreau week seven) he believed the meaning of life was to love others more than you love yourself and ir confirmation. we guided them through the process and the meaning behind everything through program workbooks. we would sing e never wanted to be known by her resume. she knew the true meaning in life was to connect to god through her challenges and le . phyona connected with people because she knew love is the meaning of god. as pope francis said, “ we all need each other.” (“ as my mission statement says, “success is to find value and meaning by utilizing the gifts you’ve been given to better the worl times by himself. one thing that ben struggled with was the meaning of life, and how to approach this large concept of life. he oncept of life. he constantly debated on whether or not the meaning of life could be found through love, work, relationships, e contradictions, is a gift, that love is the source and the meaning of life, how can they withhold their urge to do good to ano st impactful catholic authority helped him realize the true meaning of life. through this talk, ben realized that who he surrou s when father hesburgh said, “in my faith you learn there’s meaning in suffering…” (“hesburgh film” by jerry barca and christin hing good could be a product of something bad, but there is meaning behind everything. in the next three years, i am going to r i hope that i have acted with courage in pursuing a life of meaning (integration three, moreau fye week eight). https://docs.go nal integration professor espeseth moreau 3/19/2022 finding meaning in every moment “memento mori is: where am i headed, where gful life that i can be proud of when i die, i need to find meaning . however, i do not only want a few moments that i can be pr wasting time doing stupid stuff. remember to pursue virtue, meaning , and purpose in all of its forms, for what better way to sp contradictions, is a gift, that love is the source and the meaning of life, how can they withhold their urge to do good to ano ant in our lives and infectious when we embrace love as the meaning of life. through love we can find solidarity, and through s nal life. so, then, how have i been able to find a sense of meaning in my life? below, i will list a few examples of times over t suffering. hesburgh says, “in my faith, you learn there’s meaning in suffering, but to truly understand that you have to, fir contradictions, is a gift, that love is the source and the meaning of life, how can they withhold their urge to do good to ano s most. as a catholic, my faith is a big part of what gives meaning to my life and how i approach everything i do including how fering which we all must experience and if we do not have a meaning for that suffering, i think that it can take a toll on our le visiting her grandparents. yet, the school took on a new meaning when becoming a student. megan majored in political science documentary we watched said, “in my faith you learn there’s meaning in suffering, but to truly understand that you have to firs living a life well-lived. without death, life would have no meaning . wilcutt 1 megan wilcutt michael comuniello moreau first ye contradictions, is a gift, that love is the source and the meaning of life, how can they withhold their urge to do good to ano growth. she read to me once “in my faith you learn there’s meaning in suffering but to truly understand that you have to first fye week thirteen). finding a career that brings one’s life meaning and enjoyment is very important, and this process starts wi experiences allows me to find new things that bring my life meaning or enjoyment. through the act of trying new things, i want gelo moreau fye week ten). although i didn’t understand her meaning behind this quote originally in my qqc, i now realize that tions that feel off-putting. “in my faith you learn there’s meaning in suffering but to truly understand that you have to first ch materially, they have realized they can get all of their meaning and fulfillment from being kind to and connecting deeply wi contradictions, is a gift, that love is the source and the meaning of life" (why the only future worth building includes every documentary we watched said, “in my faith you learn there’s meaning in suffering, but to truly understand that you have to firs eed interactions and love in our lives, or else nothing has meaning . so, instead of being scared of making these connections wi thin herself. she took the name aimara, an old english name meaning steadfast. for that was what she aspired to be. in a world contradictions, is a gift, that love is the source and the meaning of life, how can they withhold their urge to do good to ano er identity and through her “faith [she] learn[ed] there is meaning in struggle” (“hesburgh” by father theodore hesburgh, c.s.c ie” by becky clements moreay fye week 3). i think about the meaning of this quote quite often. although life tends to move very ht and have experienced firsthand that god promises to give meaning to suffering. sometimes it comes so he can reveal something with that perspective in mind, i strived to live a life of meaning and one where i could smile back on at the end. being able chamber of my own opinions. dr. paul blaschko discussed the meaning of an echo chamber and how to avoid entanglement (“how to a how much i had taken for granted. however, i felt a deeper meaning following the quote “only by educating people to a true sol veryone who needed her. it makes sense when we think of the meaning of her name, caterina, since it attests to “purity”, and ht many contradictions, is a gift, …love is the source and the meaning of life,” (“why the only future worth building includes eve an simply memorizing them for an exam. this helped her find meaning among the hardships she faced in these classes, and continu ived by his hesburgh quote, “in my faith, you learn there’s meaning in suffering, but to truly understand that you have to, fir ct with consideration and perseverance. everything i do has meaning because it affects those around me. · i would like to const moreau fye week 6). when i really sat and thought about the meaning of this quote, i realized that eurich was uring me to not f contradictions, is a gift, that love is the source and the meaning of life, how can they withhold their urge to do good to ano ter and grow in faith. one quote that i liked was “there is meaning in suffering, but to understand that you have to first suff sion to revive the practice of memento mori, a latin phrase meaning ‘remember your death’ the concept is to intentionally think living today for all its worth because i know that there is meaning in the future. as part of this perspective i develop a wide success directly, but maybe simply living with purpose and meaning is a better way to achieve it. my dad had a similar underst u/courses/38593/files/470631?module_item_id=145531 conway 4 meaning up until our death and, if we do so, we will be ready for i ows: i am convinced that there is a god, that existence has meaning , that there is truth. i am convinced that we are meant to b is that i refuse to let go of the belief that existence has meaning . and there is no way to hold that belief without being a th ic accident. people comfort themselves by “making their own meaning ” out of the things of this world, but this is the saddest l than it ever was before. god exists, and therefore life has meaning . we are all meant to be joyful. the road to joy is not to b e fundamentally permits us to set life goals and define the meaning of a life well-lived. that said, i believe that flourishing hardships of life by saying, “in my faith you learn there’s meaning in suffering but to truly understand that you have to first days, andrew questioned whether his career could have true meaning . he was a computer science major, who intended to work in b morally obsolete. he died knowing that his career had true meaning , which very few people can say about their careers. andrew tasha eurich moreau fye week 6). andrew understood the true meaning of this excerpt. he did not let smaller, recent effects con ge of the nun who emphasized “memento mori,” a latin phrase meaning “remember your death.” when i think of this concept, i “int ritten by father sorin to father basil moreau. the sense of purpose i felt while serving my country was similar to the way in t r the brother went up to the altar and tried to fulfill his purpose to his dying breath (letter to fr. basil moreau ” by fr sor i believe that in order to achieve a sense of belonging and purpose , we must first acknowledge our faults. “you know how blame i believe that in order to achieve a sense of belonging and purpose , we must first acknowledge our faults. i believe that love ople. i expanded on that saying that for me the meaning and purpose of life is finding good people to do it with. all the money our neighbors. with this, i simultaneously believe that my purpose in this life is to foster a community that embodies a sense etter and more fulfilling life, that includes happiness and purpose . before going to notre dame, i struggled to reveal my true otential. although i am still working on finding an overall purpose in life, notre dame is an environment that fosters explorat e, notre dame is an environment that fosters exploration of purpose . ultimately, i have created a narrative of doing good to th tionships. i know through my time here i am searching for a purpose , an extension of a way to help other people through myself ng i can control is my effort and attitude. while i know my purpose in this world is to use my privileges of health, education, mic status to help those less fortunate than me, i think my purpose in college is a sublet of this. i can use my time and exper ve come to realize how unique this experience really is. my purpose , therefore, is to give all of my effort to my studies and w e things they do and the people they have. for, what is the purpose of life without a belonging to something? she saw this as i oo. i believe that i am made to help others. i feel that my purpose on earth is to give back to others who are less fortunate t out notre dame is that it makes students feel we all have a purpose , and it teaches us to believe in ourselves and learn from o that my education is meaningless without understanding its purpose my whole life, i have been told the goal is to get into a g deeply seen and find the connection that gives meaning and purpose to our lives. she says that vulnerability allows us to have ife-long process of wrestling and growth. i believe that my purpose is to have faith. victor in length says, “if i were to one me, and i hope i have given some to you.” i believe that my purpose is to have faith, but i do not have it. i have my family, b to better the lives of others around me. i believe that my purpose is to use my education to serve others. something i strongl te from dr. brown, “connection is why we are here. it gives purpose and meaning to our lives”. (“the power of vulnerability” by e closer to others and myself through it. i believe that my purpose is to help others. david brooks proposes the idea of an “ad fit to humanity as a whole. in this way, through finding my purpose i’m able to reconcile the beliefs of adam 1 and 2, using th e beliefs of adam 1 and 2, using them both to accomplish my purpose rather than managing a disagreement between the two. my kno naging a disagreement between the two. my knowledge of this purpose has existed for a while, but was furthered by moreau’s inve ay give myself more resources with which to work towards my purpose . as such, i’ve started trying to acknowledge and even seek ould not have known otherwise. it has helped me find see my purpose , see the beauty in the world around me, and better understa ryone here is very understanding and come here for the same purpose of being exposed to new ways of thinking. since i’ve been i rable? quote: ‘connection is why we’re here. its what gives purpose and meaning to our lives’ this line particularly stood out me much personal development and insight about my life and purpose . in just this first semester, i have undergone many life-ch re authentically serve my community. i am still learning my purpose here, but i have hope that my experiences here will lead me e together than alone. i believe that we all have a greater purpose in life. i have many beliefs but the simplest of them all i on 1 10/14/21 my final belief is that we all have a greater purpose in life. this relates to why i believe i am here at notre d alize is that connection is why we’re here. it’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives” (“the power of vulnerability by b rown stated, “connection is why we’re here. it’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives” (“the power of vulnerability” by le better for each person you encounter, then your life has purpose and meaning. everyone we see may be going through a hard ti d instills virtue in us and brings us closer to him and his purpose for our lives. in the words of father jenkins, “go now — be is an act of love, not hate. when it comes to debates, the purpose is not only to prove another person wrong. rather, the purp pose is not only to prove another person wrong. rather, the purpose is to persuade the person into a different line of thinking achievements in helping others, he was not fulfilling god’s purpose for his life. however, in deciding that it is enough to ans to do it even though you might not be the best at it, shows purpose beyond ability. ns into which i incorporate my heart, soul, and mind – what purpose do they serve? they have no impact on other individuals or lf, is there any true meaning to my creation? what personal purpose might i find in this 1 “advice from a formerly lonely colle epetitive cycle of production without meaning, work without purpose , over, and over again. and it is in this cycle that i have . it matters more than you know.” i have found strength and purpose in my friends and liken their presence to a hand that, when f these friendships that i have managed to find significant purpose , meaning, and contentedness. in the past, i have focused si extracurricular alike – as the basis by which i have found purpose and enjoyment. now, however, i have decided to diversify, a ly hiding if you do not shine that light. i believe that my purpose is to help others be their best self. in high school, i spe t motivates me to strive for self-actualization my glorious purpose . to conclude, in this first “i believe that…” statement i h ppiness. and then, we are miserable, and we are looking for purpose and meaning, and then we feel vulnerable, so then we have a e emerge as a better man and as someone who understands his purpose in life much better than i ever did before. i honestly do n e that misusage in my life. while technology does serve the purpose of benefiting my life, i definitely use it as a distraction good life, and that spirituality can lead to a life full of purpose and morals. i truly believe that without recognizing my own ality and finding faith can enable people to live life with purpose . my experiences at notre dame have brought me closer to rel it guides them, gives them morals to live by, and provides purpose for life. spirituality creates bonds between people and god ind, the answer to this is clear. eulogies capture what our purpose was in life, resumes capture what our job was. ideally, the l go together, where our job also allows us to live out our purpose , but that is why we need to be able to let god’s gifts guid lt things, and understanding that the work we do here has a purpose that is greater than ourselves. overall, i am grateful for ape letters outlines the notion that humans are alive for a purpose , and in the midst of a busy life in college, it was crucial cial for me to stay connected to my faith and understand my purpose here on campus and in the greater scope of life. i feel as ed in faith services, i feel i have stayed close to my life purpose . following my catholic faith at notre dame has been one of fulfilling and purposeful relationships. i believe that my purpose is to help others realize their worth. overall, i have come t perfectly, “connection is why we’re here. it’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives. this is what it’s all about” ("th y last prominent root belief is that i believe that my main purpose is to help others realize their self-worth. after a traumat fulfilling and purposeful relationships. i believe that my purpose is to help others realize their worth. after reflecting on self in things that reflect his character and establish his purpose , rather than wasting time completing actions for the sake o ld of energy law and litigation was intriguing, but not his purpose . ehi wanted to use his notre dame education to give back to . i believe i am here at the university of notre dame for a purpose , and i have yet to fully understand it. so i figured i’d st ng should be taken for granted. i aspire to always act with purpose . my actions should be for a reason and i think acting with . my actions should be for a reason and i think acting with purpose is one key to finding happiness and value. i will go throug back to my community. i want to face life with courage and purpose and live life to the fullest. i just want to be happy how m ife will help me create happiness in the world and act with purpose . i am inspired by former notre dame president fr. hesburgh notre dame president fr. hesburgh and how he led a life of purpose . fr. hesburgh was involved in so many different organizatio i made the first few days of school, i saw that their main purpose in my life was to fill in for my high school friends. since an now appreciate the sacrament for its beauty and intended purpose rather than out of a sense that i should probably go. i now on one the human condition root belief 1: i believe that my purpose in life is derived from my experiences with others. one of perhaps the concept that connects most with this belief of purpose derived from experiences is the topic of implicit bias. we place,” was especially enlightening. it embodies the whole purpose of learning while still remaining optimistic during a hard d love and joy in this world, and i believe that this is my purpose . i can grow to be my most authentic self through service to lize that connection is why we’re all here. it’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives” (“the power of vulnerability” by g., immediate neighbors), to people i am related to for the purpose of getting a job done (e.g., coworkers and colleagues)” ( h or struggles and look to the future with a shining sense of purpose and responsibility. hope fuels motivation for me -i work to ed so far in this voyage of self discovery! 1. i believe my purpose is to help others 1) keep their will to live and persevere together to help us understand how the world works and our purpose in it. in the past, i would run away from this type of conf fs that i was raised on when i was a kid. i believe that my purpose in life is to give back to the community that i was raised i believe that i am more than my first impression, that my purpose is to spread goodness, and that i am searching for true joy nowing their peers on a deep, true level. i believe that my purpose is to spread goodness. it is not enough to be good, we must rce me to step out of my comfort zone. 2. i believe that my purpose is to live for my eulogy and not my resume. as a college st or moreau fye week four). root belief #2: i believe that my purpose is to be good and do good this belief comes from the values n professor david fagerberg’s article: “this is exactly the purpose of the spiritual life. spiritual life is not a private and w things. for one, it is important to have faith and find a purpose . i saw this especially in father moreau. one quote from the brown mentions that “connection is why we're here. it gives purpose and meaning to our lives” ("the power of vulnerability" by onsibility to create these relationships in order to create purpose and meaning in our lives as without purpose or meaning, why order to create purpose and meaning in our lives as without purpose or meaning, why is our life unique and valuable. as a resul was brené brown’s idea of how connection gives meaning and purpose to our lives. to further push the idea towards helping and apps, to mindfully ask myself if i am using it for the sole purpose of comparison and if i am, to change my behavior immediatel my future, but i also have to have hope for god’s plan and purpose for me. i feel that having hope in my own future is uncerta dedicate those 10 minutes entirely to god because it is his purpose which will push me through life, not my own whims. this sem d in her ted talk, “connection is why we are here. it gives purpose and meaning to our lives” (brown). there is no question tha es others have made about us. ultimately, i believe that my purpose is to get as much out of life-in my education and relations d then die. i could not accept that. i knew there must be a purpose to why we are all here. one of the earliest answers that i ur life meaning in that moment, however joy gives your life purpose and meaning for the rest of your life, and even in death. f mething i define similarly to finding your passion, or your purpose in your life on earth. as of right now, my truth is to grad “what am i made for?” i do not know exactly what my life’s purpose is. despite not having the knowledge of where my final “des t career path, location, or lifestyle relating to my life’s purpose . i finally have the freedom i always desired. however, gain . there were times when i felt unloved and unheard, without purpose , but she would remind me of the true fulfillment and love f to believe that hard things will get better and there is a purpose to every pain, for otherwise we will quickly lose our way a need because “connection is why we’re here, it's what gives purpose and meaning to our lives” ("the power of vulnerability" by can be achieved in our lifetime”. i believe that our whole purpose of being here on earth is to take advantage of this life ti pting jesus christ as our lord and savior. furthermore, our purpose is to get our brothers and sisters to do the same so we can harder to find a sense of belonging. i also believe that my purpose in college and life is not only to work on building my stre ability to manifest your destiny, to find and fulfill your purpose lies in your ability to adjust your focus and sharpen your kevin moreau fys 30 november 2021 lose yourself, find your purpose even though the second part of this assignment is “what are ngly led me down a path to discover what i am made for, the purpose that i am still searching for at notre dame. as a child, i tre dame is just one step in a larger process of finding my purpose . at first, i fell victim to imposter syndrome, doubting my farther down the road and i still have time to discover my purpose . as an eighteen year old, for all i know, it is possible th ed of the most help. to conclude, i believe that finding my purpose involves “getting lost via exploration: taking an “odd” cla themselves, it is then when they can understand what their purpose is as a member of a community and, larger, as a member of s to understanding the importance of diversity, finding one’s purpose , and pushing past expectations of others. hope and my faith hey will question why they are here and what their ultimate purpose is within the unit, and he lets them know that this experie th, and stories in these past two months. i believe that my purpose is to help other people. i’ve enjoyed volunteering since i fe-changing. this has made me modify my belief somewhat: my purpose may be to help people, but being helpful doesn’t mean i hav much my implicit biases may influence me. i believe that my purpose in life is to create and promote beauty that will positivel ents like halloween and easter. however, its more important purpose was the education of the students. from 1st grade to 8th gr to spend the rest of eternity with him in my next life. my purpose in this life is to serve him first, then do what i would li s dies and we just stop existing, which would mean that the purpose and meaning we’ve worked for has no real significance (that actions with others to avoid being toxic. i believe that my purpose is to help others in ways big and small, to use my gifts an is belief originated as i did the actions that make up this purpose . as i used my abilities to help other people, i realized th talents such that they will be the most useful toward this purpose . i can consider carla harris’s speech with reference to thi other people. i feel like i am contributing to some greater purpose , which is why i consider this a purpose of mine. moving for ing to some greater purpose, which is why i consider this a purpose of mine. moving forward, i think that i can apply this beli . five years ago, i was lost and stuck with a feeling of no purpose in this world. now, i am a little less lost and completely e years i will no longer be lost, and i will be pursuing my purpose in this everchanging world. yet, in the present i must give have made here and the people i have met. i believe that my purpose is to change into a better version of myself here at notre ble. i hope to discover myself, my passions, my talents, my purpose , and even my weaknesses as i discern my personal beliefs as the most by unexpected sources. i believe that my ultimate purpose is to reach agape love in my relationships. continuing my c rriculars: “[c]onnection is why we’re here; it’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives; this is what it’s all about.” (“t ove in our relationships is the ultimate goal— our ultimate purpose ; furthermore, i believe the journey to reaching agape revea veryone has a different experience for moreau. i believe my purpose is to maintain my study habits. this is one of my beliefs b re minimum. comment by ashley burkholder: i believe that my purpose is to be the best version of myself by doing the small thin t to grow, this leads to my third belief statement about my purpose . i think that we all have a responsibility to care for the . living and experiencing life gives me greater meaning and purpose when i tell myself that what i am doing is for god. new exp ing a lot better than i did in high school. 3. i believe my purpose is to be a disciple of god. during my last years of high sc shape my life in a way that can aid in finding meaning and purpose . even though i have spent just a short amount of time at no in medicine in order to help me live a life of meaning and purpose . after watching the ted talk in which brooks explains how a pain, their happiness, their discomfort. i believe that my purpose is to help others, whether that lies in the medical field o creating the stories that will help me find my meaning and purpose in life. in order to forge life-giving relationships, it is fs that i hold dearly. i believe that i am searching for my purpose in life. i know i am meant to serve god and help others, bu ne simply uses you as an outlet, there is a mismatch in the purpose of the relationship and i know now that these types of rela ker palmer moreau fye week 11). i feel this idea gives more purpose to the personal growth i have been trying to achieve becaus hat the defense of our country is sacred. i believe that my purpose in life is to support this defense. i believe that all peop efense of our country is sacred and why supporting it is my purpose in life. my belief in why all people are born good can i fe my root beliefs at this point in my life. i believe that my purpose is to take advantage of my privilege and find ways to give e went on. there weren’t many challenges in tapping into my purpose because i would say the internet has made it easier for me e that god gave me. i try to see everything with beauty and purpose . when things get tough, i am always hopeful for a better ou tated this certain statement in my poem that connects to my purpose : “i’m from humbleness starting with nothing in mexico to be umble with the life i have right now. it correlates with my purpose because it gives me motivation to strive to give back to th ssoming through the notre dame experience i believe that my purpose is to help others. throughout my life, i have always felt t ne’s transition to college a little easier, and i have felt purpose in being here. for our first week, we watched a ted talk th ted talk that said “connection is why we’re here. it gives purpose and meaning to our lives,” (“the power of vulnerability” by ected to those around me, and therefore how i have found my purpose in life. when we took our via surveys for week two, my sign :// life has a greater purpose . carla harris said, “failure always brings a gift, and that , immediate neighbors)... to people i am related to for the purpose of getting a job done (e.g., coworkers and colleagues)” (“t ting to know myself better. god let me be here now for this purpose , and it is through hope and love that i live faithfully. ho raised in this way. growing up catholic has also given me a purpose and general worldview that makes almost every aspect of lif asier. in david fagerberg’s article, he explains how life’s purpose becomes more clear with faith, and we are able to see god b e medalist address" by carla harris moreau fye week 5). the purpose of life is to serve god and thus serve others. personal acc life in the direction that will provide us with a sense of purpose and self-identity. as my time as a notre dame freshman come ing on what my opinion is on the subject. i believe that my purpose is to empower others and become the sort of person worthy o my family. i like to believe that everything happens for a purpose and if i got here at notre dame it is because i belong here e met students my age with unshakable faith in god or their purpose and i wonder if that would even 6 (“wesley theological semi l. what have i encountered? apathy, and normalcy. a lack of purpose , direction, and innovation. stagnation: now that’s a good w gy” by david brooks moreau fye week two). i believe that my purpose is to be the best person i can be in this life. that includ ne a good job in life. i believe that i am searching for my purpose in life. i am still too young to know what life has in stor emain open to whatever life throws at me and accept what my purpose in life becomes. college is the perfect time to figure out o god’s hands, because he has a plan for me and he knows my purpose . as an undergraduate, i decided to major in political scien e that i grow by being honest with myself i believe that my purpose is to assure that the sacrifices of my parents do not go in rooks moreau fye week two). my third root belief is that my purpose as i understand it, is to ensure that the sacrifices of my of pressure early on to succeed in my endeavors. without my purpose , i could not say that i would have the same motivation to p 11th, 2021 changing lives for the better i believe that my purpose is to connect people and lead people in the right direction lk, she says “connection is why we’re here, it’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives” (“the power of vulnerability” by stered, or slowly dismantled. personally, i believe that my purpose in life is to demonstrate love and use any advantages i obt red flag in a relationship with friends. i believe that my purpose is to understand. i have had the privilege of experiencing n ground and learning about the cultures. i believe that my purpose is to understand so that i may help build human connections anding of myself. with this understanding i will realize my purpose in life. then, everything i do will be done to master whate e. then, everything i do will be done to master whatever my purpose will be, and i will become better at my craft. it’s terribl to give the right answer. i may not have the same sense of purpose as kobe did, but i am still motivated. every day is uniquel aining meaning from classroom reflections i believe that my purpose is to love. i think that that is every person’s purpose, wh my purpose is to love. i think that that is every person’s purpose , whether they believe it or not. it’s easy for us to get su p in our monotonous work or school lives and think that our purpose is to finish the next assignment or to meet the next deadli hat love was the foundation of all human connection. so, my purpose is to love. it is to love my family, my friends, my boyfrie ody has changed his perspective on suffering. he says, “the purpose of my life is not simply about overcoming suffering. suffer e that if i didn’t like my job, i wouldn’t be living out my purpose to the happiest extent. yet i feel the pressure even as a f ying to understand others as well as being understood gives purpose to one’s life (discernment conversation moreau fye week fiv l” notre dame student. with this in mind, i believe that my purpose is to accept everyone for who they are no matter who they a e, no matter what happens. i am at notre dame to fulfill my purpose as a person and a student loving, appreciating, and opening cussions with her regarding faith: we have spoken about the purpose of church and delved into why we each believe what we do. w o everyone else’s differences as well. 4. i believe that my purpose is to serve the less fortunate and make the world a better accepting failure and embracing mistakes. i believe that my purpose is to pursue knowledge and understanding of myself and othe o have a successful future. my fifth root belief is that my purpose is to pursue knowledge and understanding of myself and othe alize is that connection is why we’re here. it’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives” ("the power of vulnerability" by chieve my goals. we started off the semester discussing the purpose of self reflection, which is that it “helps you see through n me and my actions so that i may act deliberately and with purpose towards my desired ends. two of my rules were “always be ki one and adam two sides of human nature, i i believe that my purpose is to fully grasp the balance between both adams; building beliefs october 10, 2021 root beliefs: 1) i believe that my purpose in life is to bring others joy through creation. 2) i belie or all of my actions. beliefs debrief: 1) i believe that my purpose in life is to bring others joy through creation. when deter o bring others joy through creation. when determining one’s purpose in life, the question is nothing short of grand and dauntin is central to my entire life, and makes me believe that my purpose in life is to bring others joy through the process of creat ea will show once we fully grasp that all we do will have a purpose in the grand scheme of things. what we do now is not a wast roots and initial journey to what shaped us as people. the purpose of this week was to reflect on our experiences and other fa encouraging words really made me have a firm belief that my purpose in life is to experiment and figure out what i love and wha the other person did not truly care about me, and the sole purpose of the relationship was me trying to help the other person. believe that one must have faith in order to fulfill their purpose and live a life out of service and love. root belief 3: i b i mentioned in my previous integration, i believe that the purpose of life is to try to become the best version of yourself as rld, living for anything else that is not for christ has no purpose . everything that we do should bring glory to god! now, this re meant to dig multiple holes in the ground and their sole purpose is to make digging easier, especially in harder soil. perfe ich has created us. i also believe that he created us for a purpose and keeping this in mind i am motivated to try to do my bes mily, my beliefs in god have just grown over time giving me purpose in life. ) i am from my home made of love and dreams and no me from different backgrounds, we are all here for the same purpose . there is social life here because we create it, and it bri s’ opinions do not determine one’s worth. i believe that my purpose is to become who god made me to be so that i can learn to l ys 10101.7 15 october 2021 my common core i believe that my purpose is to use my god-given talents in order to heal, unify, and more soul searching than meets the eye. i thought i knew my purpose and passion but that could change any day, especially when eau 10/15 how does want to be remembered? i believe that my purpose is to become the best version of myself while at college. i ue to the educational nature of the circumstances. the very purpose of college is to introduce new concepts, experiences, peopl s. their constant generosity has shown me that our ultimate purpose in life truly is to help others. at notre dame, our “cathol ve moreau fye week 5). i truly believe that as a group, our purpose is to give to the less fortunate and somehow leave the eart man of good character and good integrity. he discovered his purpose and exercised his values in a consistent, everyday manner. must learn to get along, to people i am related to for the purpose of getting a job done.” (thirteen ways of looking at commun to offer. in fact, i have found myself living for a greater purpose than myself or even the loved ones around me. week twelve a like. as i ponder this question, i also wonder towards what purpose should i orient my life. as i think about my purpose, i hav s what purpose should i orient my life. as i think about my purpose , i have come to believe that i have a responsibility to pro nt though they are, would have little distinctive christian purpose apart from hope in the cross of christ” (hope holy cross an nt though they are, would have little distinctive christian purpose apart from hope in the cross of christ. they constitute the dr. brown, “connection is why we are here. it's what gives purpose and meaning to our lives” (“the power of vulnerability” by s. for life doesn't ever seem that bad because i believe my purpose is to connect with others. i believe that inner values are nt though they are, would have little distinctive christian purpose apart from hope in the cross of christ” (“hope holy cross a “connection is why we’re here. it’s what gives meaning and purpose to our lives” (“the power of vulnerability” by brené brown ime by cultivating one’s heart and constantly directing its purpose beyond one’s self. it is a process that requires spiritual do with how i relate to others. it is: “ i believe that my purpose is to both a) live a good life for myself and b) improve th ause the dichotomy that it sets up relates a lot to my life purpose : i want to help others and do good (eulogy virtues) by usin s is not meaningful to me if i am not also succeeding for a purpose that i truly care about. for example, i want to do things f ot belief statement that i took interest in is i believe my purpose is to better myself as a student-athlete and to take advant e of notre dame as an experience. when i say that i mean my purpose at notre dame, not in life. the first aspect is to better m just on the athletic side of my life. the second part is my purpose to take advantage of notre dame as an experience. coming fr e to meet people outside of my dorm. but me knowing that my purpose in coming here is to take in the notre dame experience as a tated, “that connection is why we are here, it's what gives purpose and meaning to our lives.” (“the power of vulnerability” by alize is that connection is why we’re here. it’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives, this is what it’s all about.” ( “ nces and does not need extensive intimacy to succeed in its purpose of bringing together (“thirteen ways of looking at communit this story also brings in the question of i believe that my purpose in this life is? this program has shown me early in my life but i did not feel as if i was doing something that was my purpose , like someone else could have done what i was doing at this have done what i was doing at this ymca camp. i saw my true purpose at keeping pace where i could support these kids and help m heavily impacts my mental attitude and gives me a sense of purpose and belonging in my life that will be vital for my future g clear goals and aims so i have discovered a satisfying life purpose ”, and this meaning and purpose comes from god (“via charact discovered a satisfying life purpose”, and this meaning and purpose comes from god (“via character strengths survey” – moreau f for? what is the meaning of life? why am i here? what is my purpose ? these philosophical questions can be interpreted by our ow make it a part of my studying habits. 6. i believe that my purpose is to provide for my family. coming from a family with two on my core beliefs, and i believe that i grow by a similar purpose and that i am responsible for spreading joy through humour my skin, mature, and figure out who i am. i believe that my purpose now is to do just that, to give my focus to this place so i bility. i also believe that as of now, my college years, my purpose is to figure out how i am as an adult. these past couple mo ithout praying and having hope that my hardships were for a purpose , i would not still be at notre dame today. i believe that t fail to stand up for our fellow domers. i believe that the purpose of our time at notre dame is to gain the tools necessary to 05621/ finding purpose the college application process was a rude awakening to the which i live. by this i mean it provides me a foundation of purpose , morality and what i believe to be truth” (student reflecti raits in my toolkit to help me in my search of a passion or purpose . moving forward with courage and hope the excitement of my through rough times. leigh always strived to understand her purpose . she believed that uncovering one’s purpose was a lifelong understand her purpose. she believed that uncovering one’s purpose was a lifelong journey. leigh once read an article that she ding them to break down as they find themselves looking for purpose in their life. i believe and agree completely with brown’s fulfilling your function god created you to do and having a purpose in your life. lastly, i believe that each individual has th one who "owns" himself. in the search for one's origin and purpose in life, authenticity is crucial. how has this belief been derstand that everything in the universe was created with a purpose . as transcribed in genesis 1:31, "god saw everything that h eve this? : i believe that every creation is created with a purpose in mind. we, as creations of god, are no different. god has what it is and not anything else), and final (the ultimate purpose , the reason why it was created). but what exactly constitut eason why it was created). but what exactly constitutes the purpose of our lives? i found the answer in jeremiah 1:5 when god s whether or not they are noble and oriented towards a higher purpose . quote from moreau material: "graduates, i tell you that as ability to manifest your destiny, to find and fulfill your purpose lies in your ability to adjust your focus, to sharpen your are my intentions in doing this, and ultimately what is my purpose ? by asking myself these questions as i begin to get involve ed of the person who i am striving to be. i believe that my purpose and my vocation is to use the strengths and identity god ha in life because without conviction and living for a greater purpose other than yourself, then what value do you hold in this li estion whether they are life-giving relationships. i see no purpose in a community where there is no mutual spiritual growth. g every day of my life. i’m blessed to see so clearly what my purpose and belonging are in this short life. seeking the will of t at we are living for. if it’s not for god, then what is the purpose of your life? if it is for god, then how are you living you eek his truth to guide my every decision. i believe that my purpose is to live out the plan of the lord. i believe that it is i nt though they are, would have little distinctive christian purpose apart from hope in the cross of christ” (“hope-holy cross a wang father kevin the grand lever everyone has a different purpose in life, and yet everything coexists so well that makes the kes the world go around (week 1 qqc, dr. brown: “what gives purpose and meaning to our lives”). sure, it may go around, but def hree). adhering to personal faith will help me search for a purpose and establish my internal strength. when forming connection may sound odd it is an important part of understanding self purpose in this life on earth and the next. (“hope holy cross and c toxic relationships? 7. how do i use hope to understand my purpose ? these questions have guided me through the first semester more affected those i was close to. this gave me a sense of purpose ; i learned how best to be there with my grieving best frien er more clubs, find a new interest/hobby. i believe that my purpose is to be a contributing part of the holy cross education an lity education, which would bring about understanding god’s purpose for me and how i can use my talents. the purpose of giving ding god’s purpose for me and how i can use my talents. the purpose of giving back what i have learned to benefit the community one of us can constantly improve our character, not for the purpose of improving our resume, but because the possession of virt ut so that we can use that acquired knowledge for a greater purpose . a proper education cultivates both your intellect and hear cultivates both your intellect and heart with the ultimate purpose of a forged character so that one can be a source of good i lf and build others up along the way. i seek to discover my purpose in my life and apply it into all aspects of my life: work, i won’t be kept down. “the road less traveled” i believe my purpose is to serve others. whether that service is big or small, i and to change for the better and for god. i believe that my purpose on this earth is to spread the word and love of the gospel my goals for the future. root belief #1: i believe that my purpose in life is to provide the most amount of support possible, g for a meaning to my life, regardless of whether i find my purpose through religion or not. i grew up agnostic, so i didn’t ha vering what makes me “me” root belief #1: i believe that my purpose is to support others. this belief stems from all of the way ity, because i never thought of my strong convictions of my purpose in life as a faith or a hope i had. i had constrained spiri w weeks, i’ve hit some times where it was difficult to find purpose for it, and in these moments of weakness i look to my convi y brené brown moreau fye week one). brown tells us that our purpose on this earth is to come closer to other human beings, for iver me, jesus” (litany of humility). it reminds me that my purpose here is to love and not to be loved, and that the only love in’s lecture, he expresses how notre dame was built for the purpose of making a change; to bring life to a society that was dyi tps:// i believe that my purpose in life is to discover my true self and be a light for othe every action in life with determination. having a sense of purpose through determination will keep my life moving in a forward eau integration assignment continued growth ● i believe the purpose of life is the pursuit of my “best self.” no one is born in my “best self.” no one is born into the world with a clear purpose , so we all must search for something to justify our continu bilities and passions, so it’s useless to attempt to derive purpose from comparing ourselves to others or trying to be “the bes , i believe that every individual can live with passion and purpose . ella gerczak professor comuniello moreau first-year experi i went to club meetings (like the cs club) with the express purpose of trying to make more friends, things kind of fell through of the material. however, drawing from the video about the purpose of the kintsugi art (“women find healing through kintsugi w honest, kind, impartial and open-minded. i believe that my purpose is to give back to my community. lastly, i believe that i g titude, we numb happiness. and we are miserable looking for purpose and meaning” (“the power of vulnerability” by brene brown m ots and where i come from. identifying who i am and what my purpose in life is will help me see my path. in the sixth week of m ive it away and share it with others. understanding that my purpose is to help others and my 4 archuleta home keeps me grounded es of those who have utilized their education for a greater purpose . this was exemplified in the domer dozen, which provided a used his or her notre dame education to accomplish a common purpose , which is to enrich the lives of others through providing o ring my four years at notre dame, i aspire to live out this purpose of creating a common good among everyone but also in enhanc at having hope, faith, and love will help me to discover my purpose in life as i move through life’s journeys. something that i as i keep hope, faith, and love in my heart, i will find my purpose . i believe that i grow by being vulnerable and honest, both myself, and i will continue on my journey of discovering my purpose these next four years and onward. professor thigpen moreau myself. i believe that everyone defines their own distinct purpose in life. as i encountered different people with various pas future was, “connection is why we are here. it’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives.”( 3:133:16 min.) i believe that t to a national or even global level. i strongly feel that my purpose / meaning in life is to help and serve others by connecting yet expand the greatness we will leave behind. this is our purpose to connect and communicate with others in order for peace i ncourage me to be my most authentic self. i believe that my purpose is to better society and the lives of the people around me ing to others very fulfilling, i know that it is part of my purpose to continue to contribute to my community. i think that my to continue to contribute to my community. i think that my purpose very much aligns with the goals and methods that the founde ek five). i agree with the premise that fulfilling our life purpose requires both faith and reason. i think that by finding fai . this gives hope because we are each called to a different purpose but our combined vocations together can truly impact the wo hat is why i never will be “that friend”. i believe that my purpose is to do something, that’s meaningful to me and by that i m achieve it, it is certainly worth trying. i believe that my purpose is to make the world a better place. that is what i will do alance between the two. i believe that helping others is my purpose in life. throughout my school career, i’ve found that i’ve as much, feel a lack of control over time, and i’d know my purpose more clearly. however, i feel obligated to pursue truth mor ife-giving giving relationships by being authentic, that my purpose is to love others, and that i grow by trying new things and e numb happiness, and then we are miserable and looking for purpose and meaning” (“the power of vulnerability” by brene brown – ip and community here at notre dame. i also believe that my purpose is to love others. my time serving at the younglife camp al d out, and understand what it all means to me. that was the purpose of this essay for me. i realize it may seem hypocritical th nit discussion class. and it is this connection that “gives purpose and meaning to our lives,” 1 as was discussed in my moreau strive to replicate every day of my life. i believe that my purpose in life is to love everyone who leaves an impact on me. i u ve succeed. i believe that giving and receiving love is the purpose of life. whenever someone asks about the meaning of life, i success. i believe that a framework can only truly find its purpose in life despite challenges and obstacles if one is able to amework is something that's essential to finding one's true purpose . perhaps that is religion, many individuals say that sticki king true to one's faith allows them to discover their true purpose . personally i believe that if one is able to put the trust l experience true success along with the discovery of their purpose . relationships and friendships are an important factor in f nd positive environment regarding friendships. one can find purpose in life through many things other than sports or academics. a pre-med major here at notre dame has made me question my purpose and what i truly want to do. the difficulty in my classes c ne day i can be the only hope someone has to keep going. my purpose as an individual in the future could be to help someone who ence, but they are well worth the effort. i believe that my purpose is to serve others and to do the will of god. after watchin such an amazing university, i believe that i have a greater purpose than just looking at books and solving homework problems. i dy looking forward to my return back to campus next friday. purpose and responsibility purpose and responsibility in this eight turn back to campus next friday. purpose and responsibility purpose and responsibility in this eight paragraph paper i am going ligion is really central to the way i view the world and my purpose . in one of the videos we watched for this section father pe that i go through every day and every decision with a deep purpose and that gives me assurance and confidence in myself and in that was very profound and applicable to how i view my own purpose and perspective (carla harris “notre dame 2021 commencement that mostly all of them have to do with either the idea of purpose or responsibility, so in conclusion my two most core belief conclusion my two most core beliefs are the idea of divine purpose and individual responsibility to others, god, and the world eulogy, david brooks, moreau fye week 2). i believe that my purpose is to live for something more than myself. i also believe t ve for something more than myself. i also believe that this purpose not only gives more to those around you, but that it also i in which what i have talked about-belonging, relationships, purpose , and love-is the context for everything that is taught, for ief that is extremely important to me, is my belief that my purpose is to spread the word of god and help others grow in their helped me face challenges as it has shown me that there is purpose in everything, even the hardest of times. i often connect t n the hardest of times. i often connect this root belief of purpose to my faith. in the article “faith brings light to a dark w fferently. having faith allows me to identify that there is purpose in everything through god. trusting in the purpose of god h there is purpose in everything through god. trusting in the purpose of god has helped me to experience life with a greater sens ater sense of selfpurpose and gratitude. trusting in my own purpose through god helps me to consider good and bad experiences i ve that everyone was put on this earth for their own unique purpose . i go through life with the mentality that everyone has som around me and empowers me to live out my life with a deeper purpose . i believe that i am responsible for being an active bystan deas together, i have also been reflecting on what “greater purpose ” i am working towards in my life. although the question may is belief. as college students, when we are asked about our purpose in life, i think many people turn their attention towards t n our attention towards god when we think about our greater purpose . as a mendoza student, i strongly believe there is a stigma ivert us further away from being able to recognize what our purpose truly is. i was not able to come up with an answer to my qu influence to my root values and beliefs. i believe that my purpose in life at college is to preserve and express my traditions time at notre dame have already helped me move closer to my purpose because they have allowed me to practice my ability to look nt though they are, would have little distinctive christian purpose apart from hope in the cross of christ” (“hope holy cross a rist is the glue that holds everything together and creates purpose in the world. while i understand the importance of maintain e principles i’ve naturally found for myself over time. the purpose of going to notre dame is to foster these values into their urselves — enjoy stronger relationships, a clearer sense of purpose and greater well-being, self-acceptance and happiness” (“th is necessary to maintain a strong sense of self-esteem and purpose in the different situations i will encounter. practicing se m. the experience at sarnelli shaped my understanding of my purpose and therefore has provided a compass for me throughout my l tre dame community holds. therefore, through recognizing my purpose through faith, i have the ability to enact change and furth g relationships, the pursuit of truth through faith, and my purpose in creating a community of kinship. i plan on continuing to ng is in his hands, but i also believe that he gives us all purpose and the responsibility to create a world we love. in these upporter of adam two, this quote supports the idea that our purpose here on earth is to grow. if it was simply to bring good, m ea will show once we fully grasp that all we do will have a purpose in the grand scheme of things. what we do now is not a wast roots and initial journey to what shaped us as people. the purpose of this week was to reflect on our experiences and other fa encouraging words really made me have a firm belief that my purpose in life is to experiment and figure out what i love and wha etter understand who they are, what they believe, and their purpose in life. i hope this is the case for me as i embark on my j ions with others, the concession of personal faults for the purpose of growth, and the contemplation of past experiences as a m end to “increase happiness and well-being. find meaning and purpose . boost relationships. manage stress and health. accomplish ectations of those around me with conviction. the drive and purpose of meeting the values of my life, which i have always utili the deeper implications of these lessons on my life and my purpose . although i am still in the early stages of my college care where i am going, and who i am becoming. it is my goal and purpose to allow my beliefs to continue to inform my choices and ac prior to my attendance at notre dame, my perception of the purpose of college was pretty simple. i thought that the idea was t interpreted it is that god is not leaving us alone for the purpose of leaving us, but rather it offers us the opportunity to s e susceptible to that negative influence. i believe that my purpose is to love others and to do my best in everything so that i me to be exactly how i am for a reason. he has a plan and a purpose for my life, and if i stay true to who i am authentically a others enrich our lives in profound ways. i believe that my purpose is to grow as my most authentic self by being in touch with struggle to find belonging in notre dame. i believe that my purpose is to spread joy. i believe that god has blessed me. i beli word through the world and helping others. i don’t see the purpose in chanting prayers and literally preaching to the choir in for people to interpret morality. i think these concepts of purpose and morality are not objective in any way shape or form. th int is that since there is no objectively right way to view purpose or morality, i believe religious codes should always be fle fy their flaws. just to sum it all up, i’ve thought that my purpose and what i believe in was something i should come up with f i have goals i want to accomplish in life, and i believe my purpose here is to have fun and cherish life, and to help other peo cter in a way that pleases god. secondly, i believe that my purpose in life is to enrich my heart so that i will be fully prepa ame chose you." this powerful statement gives me a sense of purpose . since coming to campus in august, i feel that my heart has ion one professor thigpen moreau 15 october 2021 uncovering purpose and truth in life i believe that i am searching for purpose purpose and truth in life i believe that i am searching for purpose and for a way to be of service to the world. college is a t op skills and explore my interests in order to fulfill this purpose , but i also recognize that college is not just a waiting pe ld, but this mindset ultimately undermines their search for purpose and fulfillment. according to brooks, “in order to fulfill is to brooks’ comment, i believe that i am searching for my purpose through others; only through the revelation (news from acro rom across the seas) of love and relationship can i find my purpose and truly connect with others. in this way, i believe that , i noted earlier that i believe that i am searching for my purpose . i also believe that, at this time, my purpose is to be a l ching for my purpose. i also believe that, at this time, my purpose is to be a leader, a peacemaker, a compassionate companion, volved in the betterment of this world. yet this search for purpose and belonging is continuous. as stated by brene brown in a brown fye week 1). in this way, brown asserts that finding purpose and fostering connections with others along the way often r to possibility is a more beneficial track for searching for purpose . brown’s quote really resonated with me because it points t gh acts of sacrifice and love, so also must i search for my purpose by acting with love, service, and compassion towards others know myself better, come to know god, and fulfill my life’s purpose . furthermore, as sorin wrote to father moreau, notre dame w mester has strengthened my faith and helped me to find more purpose within myself. temptations are short-lived and empty; i nee it does play a pivotal role in who i am. i believe that my purpose is to live an authentic and joy filled life. as i think bac xt four years working towards the future. i believe that my purpose is to live an authentic and joy filled life. with the value ce, and a strong commitment to my faith i am confident that purpose will be fulfilled. moreau integration two my journey growin rs that truly counts, which now holds greater clarity in my purpose behind every day. another aspect of my life that holds grea ioned in my first integration, i came to notre dame to find purpose , and i believe that i am still on such a search. since that is to ignite passion. as campus ministry describes it, the purpose of education is ultimately to “enkindle within students a b he link between education and belief in which people find a purpose to their life. i think of hope as a way i can continue to m cs while making friends. i believe that i am looking for my purpose in life, and this purpose could mean many things. first, it believe that i am looking for my purpose in life, and this purpose could mean many things. first, it involves my career, as th my dreams. i believe that the other side of finding my life purpose will always adapt and change, but right now i believe that rt one another. core belief number three: i believe that my purpose is to find a career that i am passionate about and truly lo success and happiness i believe that everyone has a bigger purpose in their life, whether it is to fulfill some role, complete taken in my life, through thick and thin. i believe that my purpose is to make the world the best place it can be. although thi mission statement” by moreau fye week 13). this is vague on purpose . “it’s easy to feel as if we’re standing two inches away fr appreciation for your experiences, it gives you a sense of purpose moving forward. through reflection, you can understand what growth as a person. i have affirmed that i believe that my purpose in life is to help as many people as i can. in order to do s a person deals with the idea that i am on a search for my purpose just like figuring out my plan for my life, i still am not certain on what i am meant to do and how that relates to me purpose . in carla harris graduate address she addresses this issue this issue saying, “your ability… to find and fulfill your purpose lies in your ability to adjust your focus to sharpen your v fears i have for the future will allow me to seek out this purpose in life e quote that really resonated with her was as follows: “the purpose of my life is not simply about overcoming suffering; suffer knew exactly what a life well lived was. he had a distinct purpose in life. and i want to be just like him. i want to follow i throughout my life thus far has been aimed towards a higher purpose , above my self-interest. this made me proud to hear, becaus t i forge life-giving relationships by... i believe that my purpose is to… i believe that i will grow by… i believe that i am r ence integration one assignment fall 2021 i believe that my purpose is to live a good life. especially since i am taking god an nd semester, we had many activities in moreau class for the purpose of defining a life well lived, as well as developing our ow ething that i feel is bigger than myself. i find a sense of purpose when i am a member of a group that i care about. i don’t ne he group, but i feel an extreme sense of accomplishment and purpose when i have a role that helps achieve a goal. in a conversa ical worldly possession. these people are what give my life purpose and i will continue to live through them just as they do fo that’s why i hope to recognize this mission as a part of my purpose . when i feel as though i am getting lost in all that is goi after i die. i want to serve god and do what i think is my purpose on earth. i want to help others in ways like donating to ch k four). if you don’t want to lose sight of your journey or purpose , you must know what you want for yourself and the people yo humanity, a fast-paced society, blocks the true meaning and purpose behind everything you do! cars that run fast, eventually ge n the grotto video with dr. kim, “but at the same time, the purpose of my life is not simply about overcoming suffering. suffer tings, individuals can become sidetracked and lose the true purpose of their actions and motivations. when an individual engage weeks of class this semester. i want to live each day with purpose and in efforts to live a meaningful life. in one text from er insight…enjoy stronger relationships, a clearer sense of purpose and greater well-being, self-acceptance and happiness” (“th aking the most of their day. by living each day, with a new purpose , and goal in mind, one can come to achieve small milestones s of others. in my case “a canvas full of brushstrokes with purpose ” (“integration” by valeria perez moreau fye week eight), as aking a decent living in the world of business for the sole purpose of providing for his family and giving back to society. to und her. to bring joy and to amplify others’ lights was her purpose . she believed that a life well lived was to be like the day ng towards. thus, to live a life well-lived is to work with purpose and the larger picture in mind. quote two: “what made [fr. this advice myself, i strive to every day. everyone needs a purpose in life. finding that purpose and vocation is not crystal c o every day. everyone needs a purpose in life. finding that purpose and vocation is not crystal clear, usually. “contrary to po riguing topics of career paths is essential to finding your purpose and proper growth and development as we depart college and people. overall, to live a life well-lived you must have a purpose , surround yourself with good people, spread positivity, lov me happy, etc. knowing all of that gives you confidence and purpose , and that makes getting through life a whole lot easier. wh ul when it comes to my mental health. i’m someone who likes purpose and to-do lists and monitoring progress, and i’ve found tha when we feel lost or feel like we are falling, we can find purpose by realigning our focus beginning inward and extending outw school for mechanical engineering, that is not what my main purpose in life is. we talked about for as long as i can remember i e between personal and resumé virtues (w2). 2. i believe my purpose is to authentically and meaningfully embark on a journey of ed situation. in week 3, students were encouraged to tackle purpose and consider their deepest motivations and meaning. after e d meaning. after engaging with week 3 content, i believe my purpose is to authentically and meaningfully embark on a journey of missions to be available for my friends. i believe that my purpose is to solve problems. as technically the middle child, it w ailures throughout my college experience. i believe that my purpose is to ask questions about the world around me and dare to t onal mission statement” by moreau fye week 13). my ultimate purpose in life is to bring others joy by any means at my disposal, shape now at notre dame. in maintaining a life of faith and purpose , i also need to ensure my vision and judgment remains clear right-way-to-be-introspective-yes-theres-a-wrong-way/ as my purpose in life. as one quote expertly states, “it’s easy to feel a my life and how i fit into the world. recalling to mind my purpose and inner calling is very powerful and meaningful, and will onors business classes to further instill a higher sense of purpose in his work. overall, while jack had only lived and given a m/why-we-need-a-secular-sabbath/ matsumoto 3 states, “[t]he purpose of my life is not simply about overcoming suffering. suffer ves as a guide and inspiration to aid them in finding their purpose , realizing their dreams, and living a life well-lived. this ell-lived irish compass activity” – moreau fye week 5), the purpose of networking is to explore and grow in the knowledge of yo kl tells us "in a man's search for meaning" is that finding purpose is the single driving force in a man's life. this has allow possible. through these challenges, i can find meaning and purpose . i hope to find joy in my personal relationships, my work, lationships we formed are what has given me so much joy and purpose at notre dame. i noticed this especially during the week 5 dame, i have realized that what brings my life meaning and purpose is my connection to my loved ones. to me, a life well-lived out is god and religion. i believe that religion gives life purpose and meaning. i believe that i have “in a place of endless a hus, a life well lived includes work that aligns with one’s purpose and therefore promotes happiness and the ability to partici n the problems right in front of me and losing sight of the purpose behind my work. thus, my mom helped me realize that a life 5). using others as a crutch for your own happiness or your purpose does not give you the fulfilling moments where you can feel oreau assignments, she said i loved two things, “people and purpose ” (discernment conversation moreau fye week five). these two fye week six). asking why there is evil in the world has no purpose . but, asking what you can do to fix these negative aspects you can do to fix these negative aspects of the world has a purpose . various times in my writing, it is implied that i asked my raging them to walk the path of love in pursuit of a higher purpose . i want my children to know that they are loved uncondition growing the good in business.” although this is not my main purpose in life i think that this statement can apply to everything ss. root beliefs give significance to our time on earth and purpose to everything we do. without root beliefs, we risk losing o t on others if you don’t have a clear sense of identity and purpose . self-reflection is an important part of this. in an articl as its place in each of our lives and can bring meaning and purpose to it. it also can be great motivation that can improve our was to be able to make a definitive change in our nation’s purpose to pursue freedom. i feel that i am able to relate to other at trouble me. i am also able to recognize that i do have a purpose in lifei have a goal that i am aiming towards. this is espe hey] started” with if the self-reflection is done without a purpose ( “the right way to be introspective” by tasha eurich morea “god doesn’t make shit,” i realized that god made us for a purpose and it is important to identify the purpose. then, how shou d made us for a purpose and it is important to identify the purpose . then, how should i apply my acknowledgement of the meaning remember valeria as a person who tried to live a life with purpose . her constant desire to help and contribute to make a diffe 5). using others as a crutch for your own happiness or your purpose does not give you the fulfilling moments where you can feel ission statements. these statements articulately define the purpose and values of the given organization. however, the statemen m/2021/05/14/us/memento-mori-nun.html murphy 3 remember the purpose of this life: to get to heaven and bring as many people as this as cryptic, remembering our true destination makes our purpose in life seem so simple, and since death can come at any mom k one). i believe that god gave us sabbaths to remember the purpose of our journeys, that we are meant to enjoy life on the way ndergo suffering in our lives. in the words of dr kim, “the purpose of my life is not simply about overcoming suffering. suffer celebrate her life. any burning abby did was for the direct purpose of building it back better, and whether we liked it or not ame, or power, but if we never stop to think about a better purpose , do those things really matter in the end? to figure this o or god). to summarize my mission statement i would say: the purpose of my life is to live out my faith through being a good in pursue a life well-lived through my mission statement. the purpose of my life is to live out my faith through being a good in urselves — enjoy stronger relationships, a clearer sense of purpose and greater well-being, self-acceptance and happiness” (“th he one i am designed to do. i was created not to fulfill my purpose but to be fulfilled. for this i was created, and for this i moreau fye week ten). documentaries and podcasts have their purpose , but there is a discomfort in physical experiences that for if they are not driven by a cause. for me, that cause is my purpose . therefore, this leads me to wonder, what is my purpose? as my purpose. therefore, this leads me to wonder, what is my purpose ? as i did in my last journey towards discovering my convict urselves — enjoy stronger relationships, a clearer sense of purpose and greater well-being, self-acceptance and happiness…” (eu to have greater insight into myself in order to discover my purpose . while reflecting and gaining more insight into myself, i c more insight into myself, i came to the realization that my purpose is not so much different than my conviction. this is where on that i strife to achieve. my conviction is built into my purpose , for a conviction cannot really be a conviction if it is no tion cannot really be a conviction if it is not rooted in a purpose . for conviction is a deep rooted belief and our beliefs com ction is a deep rooted belief and our beliefs come from our purpose in life. all human beings share the same purpose. that purp e from our purpose in life. all human beings share the same purpose . that purpose is to serve god and to serve others. and how pose in life. all human beings share the same purpose. that purpose is to serve god and to serve others. and how do i accomplis ain. overall, moreau has taught me about my convictions, my purpose , and my goals on how to act, and how all of these things ar “memento mori”, which means, “remember your death”, and the purpose of this is to “think about your own death every day, as a m ome have argued that a life well lived mean fulfilling your purpose and working towards this every single day, and i agree. yet wards this every single day, and i agree. yet, what is this purpose that people talk about? after a year of being a freshman an ith my life, i have landed on the conclusion that my lives’ purpose is to give back to the communities that have shaped me into ful. your friends can also be the ones to help you find the purpose in your life. i had a conversation with my friend sofia onc s. no matter where this happiness was going to be found, my purpose was to do so. she guided me to see the bigger picture of wh that god is good and god loves us but at the same time the purpose of my life is not is not simply about overcoming suffering, the biggest factors that stop people from fulfilling their purpose and turning against each other. fear comes creeping in, and ive for kindness and for the best, i am able to fulfill the purpose i was placed on this earth to do. i am certain that my time here i find personal growth that ultimately will fulfill my purpose on earth. to be introspective is to grow through different uing a life you envision for yourself. where is the joy and purpose in pursuing a life you do not like: “‘contentment is an obs oreau fye week three)” has helped me to find motivation and purpose . our time is very limited, but this makes it precious. when d passions to create a meaningful and impactful career, and purpose can be found in any career field. of course, there are path rextending oneself lower one’s ability to continue pursuing purpose and meaningful impact. recently, a friend sent me a social s. sometimes, we can stand in our own way as we try to find purpose and meaning. i’ve talked a lot about the importance of refl r, we’ve had many discussions about what it means to have a purpose as a human. we talked about how we often have a close assoc al has allowed me to better reflect, and in turn, define my purpose and responsibility to myself, my family, notre dame, and th rsuit of career discernment to dedicate oneself to a strict purpose too early in life, disregarding the vast opportunities avai urselves — enjoy stronger relationships, a clearer sense of purpose and greater well-being, self-acceptance and happiness” (“th ek 6 of this course. in particular, self-reflection without purpose was shown to actually be detrimental to one’s happiness, as ns-of-toxic-friendships/ liebezeit 4 kindness we unlock our purpose and what it means to rejoice (2021 laetare medalist address nts outside of the craziness of life that we reevaluate our purpose and how we are progressing on our paths to lives well-lived francis moreau fye week seven). he firmly believes that the purpose of life has a lot to do with interacting with others. this alley moreau fye week two). using the pope’s view of life’s purpose alongside father hesburgh’s example of how to live, i hope s essay will help me further animate and discover my life’s purpose over the next three years. when i am grateful for every new n of their selves they can be because through work there is purpose . this is a concept many don’t grasp. ask anyone here, brian ct on us and all the memories we made with him. finding the purpose of my life of all the existential questions, the one that c ne that comes to my mind most often is none other than the “ purpose of my existence”. i'm still trying to figure out the meanin ctivity_sp22 google docs – moreau fye week 5). the ultimate purpose of all these goals is to make this world a better place. by highschool, everything happens for a reason and soon lisa’s purpose revealed itself sweetly. … “it's the rest in a piece of mus o enjoy stronger relationships, and have a clearer sense of purpose . she was much happier during the spring semester in spite o mission. a mission to serve a nation of people. i know this purpose is bigger than myself, but due to my faith, support system, as standing in union with another, it also serves a bigger purpose . one that society desperately needs. it is not just for the one integration moreau capstone integration 4/29/22 finding purpose and exploring life at notre dame throughout my time at notr hat is important to me because it means i lead my life with purpose and service. and i would love to have my personal story serve a similar purpose for my close friends and family. a final point i wanted to eating the life he wanted for himself with a clear sense of purpose and drive. finally, and most importantly, thomas was commit specially being at a new place: relationships give our work purpose because, for me, the people that i love empower me and give e empower me and give my actions meaning. i believe that my purpose is to create and build something that inspires and protects mbered. i’m a person who believes suffering always serves a purpose , whether it aids our coming to an internal realization or i that heartbreak to debilitate me because i don’t want the “ purpose of my life [to be] simply about overcoming suffering” (“the stressors such as finances; but this simply shows that the purpose found in careers is not to merely keep moving up until one gain money and workplace success there will be no ultimate purpose for the money in the first place. it could bring me short t uation. however, he realized that everything happened for a purpose , that most things were out of his control and thus the best emembered that god has a plan, and everything happens for a purpose . he chose to, “view every disappointment and setback as a l an help them financially. god made each of us with a unique purpose , and i believe he intended for me to have a positive experi the means by which the company “does well” is admirable. my purpose can be to help scale these honorable businesses. by helping . i started my time here wanting to graduate and fulfill my purpose of wanting to be a woman for others. i want to use my gifts e wrong thing or something offensive to someone, but not on purpose . in a similar sense, we must accept ourselves in order to l learn how the people around you are the foundation of your purpose and meaning. march through may of 2020 will be the longest e author truly emphasizes how relationships serve a greater purpose than just company. rather than that, they enrich us and bro cess. and yes, i know it is essential to have goals and the purpose of achieving those goals that bring success. however, as ye further. as aria swarr said once, but at the same time, the purpose of my life is not simply about overcoming suffering. suffer this, we are allowing ourselves to see the real meaning and purpose of life, or whatever it is we are taking a minute from. we e years and give my all to a career that fills my soul with purpose . despite having the dream of commanding a boardroom in an a e better than the day before, our lives will be filled with purpose , happiness and fulfillment. the struggles and hardships, i have realized one definitive purpose in my path of life. although i am a pre-med student who is oing anything else with my life. the navy gives me a higher purpose and a way to give back to the nation that has blessed me wi th god. she put her trust in god, and remembered that, “the purpose of life is not simply about overcoming suffering. suffering rough their daily life routinely and not giving their life, purpose , or vocation any thought. i d. my next piece of advice is to always live your life with purpose and intention, and never take a single day for granted. as erence, distinguishing him from the rest. although the sole purpose of his generosity wasn’t becoming famous, people eventually , we need to live everyday to the fullest. all of us have a purpose in life, and all of our experiences are small steps to get cts to a well-lived life: connections (relationships, etc), purpose /fulfillment, and a positive impact. in week one i attempted nd a positive impact. in week one i attempted to understand purpose and fulfillment in my life. pico iyer discusses self-reflec yer discusses self-reflection and its importance in finding purpose . “it’s easy to feel as if we’re standing two inches away fr most in my life. in week two, i looked at someone who found purpose in their life specifically in their career, which i am acti uld embrace the idea of death and that it forces us to find purpose . “sister aletheia rejects any suggestion that the practice nderstand the importance of death as a catalyst for finding purpose . week four looks lastly at finding a major and how this mov lastly at finding a major and how this moves one to find a purpose . “there is no “best major” out there but there is a “best m example of the power of relationships and how we must take purpose into account when finding them. week ten dives into impact e week 5). i want to discover my passion and pursue it with purpose . during my time at notre dame, i will try new things to hel ously plan for future trips. however, if i lose sight of my purpose in what i am doing, then i will take a “step farther back a o enjoy stronger relationships, and have a clearer sense of purpose . she was much happier during the spring semester in spite o rom the people we love and the things we love to do. i find purpose in emotionally supporting a friend who misses home or helpi allowed me to search for a more meaningful and humanitarian purpose in life. i hope that in my future at notre dame i am able t words. i hope to live with a sense of urgency, passion, and purpose . in the article titled, “meet the nun who wants you to reme ngless. you're stuck in something that seems like it has no purpose . i get that. even when it ends, you might find yourself aim positive person. my second root belief is i believe that my purpose is to leave a positive legacy that impacts as many people a mely pathetic and questioned my entire existence and life’s purpose . the paper continued to loom over my head for the rest of t er in mechanical engineering, luke realized that his deeper purpose in life was to bring others joy in any way possible, and by onger than before, determined to lead a life of meaning and purpose through his passions. luke harnessed this negative energy i eling of pride in his work, and aimed to live each day with purpose and joy. years went on with luke being happy and engaged wi half of the quote directly addresses this, saying that the purpose of the dozen is to inspire undergraduates. i think it certa will naturally not enjoy it, as you are not fulfilling your purpose . another problem could be how you are going about what you mportance of this and discern how i can actually serve this purpose in my life. it is my dream to work in the business of mlb o and success. and yes, it is essential to have goals and the purpose of achieving those goals that bring success. however, it is doing this, she allowed herself to see the real meaning and purpose of life, or whatever it is she was taking a minute from. sh front of her, which reflected how deeply she cared for the purpose and real meaning of what surrounded her. there is a stateme rr, grotto moreau fye week six), “but at the same time, the purpose of my life is not simply about overcoming suffering. suffer f ourselvesenjoy stronger relationships, a clearer sense of purpose and greater well-being, self-acceptance and happiness.”(mor h in humanity, i will make a positive impact and fulfill my purpose in the world. a good life is one that is informed by knowle hat i thought this to be. i began thinking deeply about the purpose of my life during my senior year of high school when i was odel for the next generation of young, black children is my purpose (“hesburgh” produced by jerry barca and christine o’malley nitially thought of the practice as morbid, but its overall purpose is important and what i believe is part of a life well live things are not at all stable. keeping my eyes focused on a purpose and always mindful of the direction i was going allowed me urselves — enjoy stronger relationships, a clearer sense of purpose and greater well-being, self-acceptance and happiness. simi orever adds value to every single day. jd kim states, “ the purpose of my life is not simply about overcoming suffering. suffer the times god shows leads you down the right and gives you purpose or vocation. nick had battled with bad anxiety his whole li he was surprised when i talked about his drive to act with purpose . i told him he loved two things, “people and purpose” (disc t with purpose. i told him he loved two things, “people and purpose ” (discernment conversation moreau fye week five). everythin oreau fye week five). everything jack did, he did it with a purpose . he hated wasting time doing nothing, but he loved working on anything purposeful. working for something with a higher purpose than himself was of his key attributes and certainly define s, you will thoroughly be missed. integration three finding purpose in life can be a very difficult task. a life well-lived is icult to define. this is why it is so difficult to find our purpose in life. in ’s life, there were only a few things that matt s of my life and how i will impact others. in discerning my purpose , i had a conversation with sister. she provided an outside und me enable my life to take on a greater significance and purpose . i find myself surrounded by others in an incredible commun ime on the team, i worked on the apogee control system. the purpose of this system is to aid our rocket in reaching a particula , to live intentionally and exactly as we ought. what other purpose do we have in life except to play the part of a hero well, f giving into despair, she used this experience to fuel the purpose of her life and work, and allowed it to make her open to an ould leave this life having done her part and fulfilled her purpose , and she tried to strengthen her good qualities and improve at our m mission is not to escape it. aria swarr said, “the purpose of my life is not simply to overcome suffering suffering is to overcome suffering suffering is a part of our lives the purpose of our life is how to respond to suffering.” (5 minutes ari g, but taking a step back makes us see the true meaning and purpose behind every homeworkd we do, every job we take, and every eople, and by helping others we help ourselves. it gives us purpose , the why within our lives, which is something not many peop has on our lives. step twelve is believing in your personal purpose and statement. at the end of the day, we could all follow a st. regardless of whether i get to completely understand my purpose in life, there are essential learnings that have allowed me sion statement reads: i am put on this earth by god, and my purpose is to know, love, and serve him. i can best know him by bei t i would characterize as climate hysteria, written for the purpose of either venting or peacocking and demonstrating that the ody has changed his perspective on suffering. he says, “the purpose of my life is not simply about overcoming suffering. suffer ne that if i didn’t like my job i wouldn’t be living out my purpose to the happiest extent. yet i feel the pressure even as a f ying to understand others as well as being understood gives purpose to one’s life (discernment conversation moreau fye week fiv ity%20_%20guide%20(mfye%20spring%202021)%20(1).pdf miller 2 purpose if we are not quick to jump to negative conclusions about o pstone integration whose interactions i rely on for joy and purpose ; by valuing those i care about, i can build them up and mak iative to my parents who have done so much for me (“finding purpose when you’re feeling lost” khang tran, moreau fye w14). as t ed? moreau first year experience april 29, 2021 a life with purpose : impact, relationships and being present a life well-lived rspectives and what is important to living a good life with purpose . throughout this semester, i have been corrected about many oreau fye week 2). i believe that it is important to have a purpose in life. the mission portrayed here, to keep peace and to c d here, to keep peace and to communicate, provides a strong purpose with which to go about life. i want to incorporate this mis te this mission into my life; i want it to contribute to my purpose . i hope to incorporate this into my life by being sure i co may have. doing this like this makes me feel like i have a purpose to go about life with. similarly, fr. greg boyle writes, “w rding accident. he will never walk again. yet he says, “the purpose of my life is not simply to overcome suffering suffering is to overcome suffering suffering is a part of our lives the purpose of our life is how to respond to suffering.” (5 minutes ari fits that come along with it. i believe that everyone has a purpose in this school and in this world and that people should use like this quote said, “god is good and god loves us but the purpose of my life is not about overcoming suffering, it is about h that god is good and god loves us but at the same time, the purpose of my life.. suffering is part of our lives. it is always t key questions” article was that in finding one’s individual purpose or identity, in figuring out how to live our lives, it is i ed to what i’ve learned in my first theology class, how the purpose of human beings is to be related to love. to be human is to y god will light my path so that i might begin running with purpose and conviction. the final integration combs 1 professor har ls good to be good and do good. and i truly believe that my purpose in life is to spread joy to others. although i identify as ink more deeply about suffering: “but at the same time, the purpose of my life is not simply about overcoming suffering. suffer n to society. so what are we really living for? what is the purpose of what we do day after day? we must find purpose through l at is the purpose of what we do day after day? we must find purpose through living a meaningful life. a life well lived starts ncertain and clinging onto these dreams gives us a sense of purpose and “which means we’re never caught up with our lives.” acc junct professor. dr. kim states, “but at the same time, the purpose of my life is not simply about overcoming suffering. suffer s” by pico iyer – moreau fye week one). finding that divine purpose is so essential to our mental health. and improving mental on three moreau integration three the life of modebola “the purpose of life is to die well.” these are words from modebola’s se e learned that it was important to always ask yourself your purpose , and you can even ask your peers to help you further unders y education at notre dame. as i have come to understand the purpose of this education, i have realized that there are many aspe y stressing over it. something that really helped mary find purpose in her life though was discerning the path she wanted to ta my first attempt to comprehensively articulate who i am, my purpose , and a life well-lived (personal mission statement moreau f “inhabits an ideological bubble,” even without doing so on purpose or even noticing that it is happening (“how to avoid an ech my friends, founded a non-profit organization dedicated the purpose of providing free, quality education to low-income students ncept elucidated by viktor frankl: that meaning is found in purpose (purposefully dedicating oneself to an individual or cause) ly though, much like sister aletheia, kristi looked for her purpose at notre dame asking, “where am i headed, where do i want t and experience “stronger relationships, a clearer sense of purpose and greater well-being, self-acceptance and happiness” ("th , i had very little idea of what i wanted to do and what my purpose in this world would be. through the application process and nt factors when deciding on a career path are happiness and purpose . one has to realize first if the career path will bring the but that is just the sacrifice i have to make to fulfill my purpose . i recognize that others like my family, teachers, and even by example. standing up for what i believe in relates to my purpose at notre collins 3 dame. i have decided to major in environ can help others and cause meaningful change. i feel that my purpose at notre dame is to learn how to be a compassionate leader (richardson, week 9). i feel that this quote relates to my purpose at notre dame because my goal is not only to graduate colle notre dame taught me that i need to discover myself and my purpose in being in this university. being a student does not defin am for a short period of time. i must find who i am and the purpose of my being. i want to thrive in this community and find pe fye week 6). suffering can be especially hard if we see no purpose in it but “it’s actually in facing the darkest realities of s/items/146544 your obligations. we come to school with the purpose to learn, but lots of that learning happens outside the cla tement. accompaniment can, “facilitate a return to the core purpose of the educational endeavor, aligning with the joy and purs by steve reifenberg moreau fye week 9). being able to find purpose through education, and then subsequently applying those ski ive leadership. i shall begin with how i would interpret my purpose and role here at notre dame, followed by my personal wishes e leadership i hope to embody in my professional career. my purpose at notre dame this university is, first and foremost, a uni a university; by virtue of this fact, any discussion of my purpose at notre dame must necessarily begin with a reflection on l necessarily begin with a reflection on learning. my primary purpose here is to learn – for instance, our very first week of cla dreams: mentoring young adults in their search for meaning, purpose , and faith. enlightenment and reflective leadership how an moreau fye week two). this experience helped me discover my purpose of becoming an education lawyer, where i could defend stude t in how we, ourselves, can live our life better. kendall’s purpose in life was to help others, and she found genuine happiness k out into the crowd today, i can see she succeeded in this purpose . everyone here has been affected by kendall’s kindness, and ending time with family and giving back is where i can find purpose and fulfillment in my life ( domer dozen by tia paullette, ). what is most important to people is the desire to find a purpose . it is clear that many people indeed are struggling to find ion wherever she went. we know that megan desired to have a purpose that serves the needs of others in a community. she valued ues inspired those around her. sophia lived her life with a purpose . those who knew her would agree that she always put others fficient, and has even rid politics of much of its original purpose : “they're there to serve their own emotional and intellectu hout your journey you have fallen on multiple occasions. my purpose with this letter is to give you some advice on things that ne quote that really resonated with me was as follows: “the purpose of my life is not simply about overcoming suffering; suffer i believe that we should contemplate our final end to give purpose to our present reality. no one is meant to stay on earth. o us. he often cites his time at nd for giving him a sense of purpose and direction, for setting him on a straight path towards a or their love. his loved ones made him understand that the “ purpose of [his] life [was not] simply about overcoming suffering,” -love comes spreading that same feeling to others. the sole purpose behind my career choice of political science is because i f ut my life to follow god’s will, which is what gave my life purpose . i knew who i was and what i was passionate about. i lead m grasp. every single person in this world has a vocation, a purpose that god has given you to fulfill. finding your vocation ha mes spent years contemplating over what would give his life purpose . was he meant to prove something? to help people? during hi ur). after this strong realization. james began to find his purpose . he wouldn’t spend his days fumbling with the riches of old in my life. because i am growing and attempting to “find my purpose ” in the world, i feel that these three questions are extrem love and fostering community that i felt my best and found purpose . with this in mind, i want to continue to grow as an indivi tions. this semester i have really struggled with finding a purpose at notre dame. i am enrolled in a rigorous course load of 2 every moment was a lesson in her eyes. every step was for a purpose , for the betterment of herself and the people and world aro were and pushing them. she did things her way, and for her purpose , she valued her time. this is why she found success. she sa she could see the big picture of god’s plan. she found her purpose . knowing her purpose and enacting her purpose brought her p g picture of god’s plan. she found her purpose. knowing her purpose and enacting her purpose brought her peace. throughout her she found her purpose. knowing her purpose and enacting her purpose brought her peace. throughout her life, she bounced her ide med, to many, didn’t matter. phyona took her steps with her purpose . every decision was for her future self. because she knew h very decision was for her future self. because she knew her purpose , she let her daily attentions guide her to her best self. n e. with balancing my schedule this must be done with a good purpose as if i only do it to suit one need then it is done with th at educating myself and putting myself out there to find my purpose is vital for my mission to live a life well-lived. especial fye week one). throughout her education, she questioned her purpose . especially during her time at the university of notre dame his professional career. jayden believed that finding your purpose and fighting for what you believe in inspires a life well l he took out of it. jayden’s perspective on living a life of purpose was inspired by both the life of father hesburgh and the am od is good and that god loves us. but at the same time, the purpose of my life is not simply about overcoming suffering, suffer onsequences of my actions. i am going to live everyday with purpose , surround myself with good people, and hope to make a small is to make mediocre moments meaningful by having a sense of purpose . at this point in time, many of my moments are consumed by and never having to worry. however, i’ve found that “[t]he purpose of my life is not simply about overcoming suffering. suffer ko moreau fye week eleven). i think that i can find a wider purpose by working against echo chambers and advocating for others. and with others in times of need i would be able to find my purpose . “solidarity is about our relationship with the other, and doing stupid stuff. remember to pursue virtue, meaning, and purpose in all of its forms, for what better way to spend a life th tools to achieve her goals. however, kayle developed a new purpose in college: the importance of exploring the world. because 2 mission statement: one man can change the world finding a purpose : for me, this semester has been particularly stressful. as over the past year that have allowed me to find a sense of purpose in life: family : legacy families at the university of notr ervice that made her most joyful and as a result led to her purpose in life. she truly lived the words that her grandma had alr what questions” in order to continue moving forward in her purpose (the right way to be introspective (yes, there's a wrong wa f ourselvesenjoy stronger relationships, a clearer sense of purpose and greater well-being, self-acceptance and happiness” (wee afe’s closest friends, i could definitely say he fulfil his purpose as much as possible in life. as a teenage boy, he was aware urselves — enjoy stronger relationships, a clearer sense of purpose and greater well-being, self-acceptance, and happiness.” (" ) inspired me to understand that i should look to fulfill a purpose beyond my personal goals of having a successful career. as deal with suffering and death. what my faith says about our purpose in this life is that god created each one of us out of love 2 he was willing to put everything on the line for the sole purpose of 2 "hesburgh (links to an external site.)" (produced by j or them when they need it the most gives me a real sense of purpose and gratitude for what i have been given. i feel like a lot ing, but each one of his jobs, he told me, he picked with a purpose . zach understood that this type discernment is crucial to l y grounded and intentional practice such as meditation. the purpose of meditation is not to try and achieve a greater domain ov die” by ruth graham moreau fye week 3). death serves as the purpose for living a life well-lived. without death, life would hav m’s grotto story, where he says, “but at the same time, the purpose of my life is not simply about overcoming suffering, suffer would want it to be. family and friends would say that her purpose in life was to serve her community. she often said the phra ght up in life that i will lose sight of myself and lose my purpose for menial things. when i learned to examine myself more, i urselves — enjoy stronger relationships, a clearer sense of purpose and greater well-being, self-acceptance and happiness. simi urselves — enjoy stronger relationships, a clearer sense of purpose and greater well-being, self-acceptance and happiness” (“th urselves — enjoy stronger relationships, a clearer sense of purpose and greater well-being, self-acceptance and happiness…” (eu urselves — enjoy stronger relationships, a clearer sense of purpose and greater well-being, self-acceptance and happiness” (“th ied what my well-lived life looks like. i believe my life’s purpose is to identify the talents god has given me, to use those t reau/ theodore helm moreau fye 10102 april 29, 2021 finding purpose : expansion as a mission statement memories, experiences, wo sion is to better the world around me. i pursue my ultimate purpose of serving others and embodying selflessness. i believe tha ifference. he saved them from a life of crime. he gave them purpose . he made a difference. it is those kinds of interactions wi asking myself these questions was not healthy and served no purpose because many times i wasn’t able to answer these questions raging them to walk the path of love in pursuit of a higher purpose . i want my children to know that they are loved uncondition roperly it can give you greater insight, a clearer sense of purpose , and greater well-being, self-acceptance, and happiness. th r live life going through the motions. you must live with a purpose , walk with a purpose, and most importantly, die with a purp ough the motions. you must live with a purpose, walk with a purpose , and most importantly, die with a purpose. capstone integra pose, walk with a purpose, and most importantly, die with a purpose . capstone integration it is the mission of to live a life o ut in my opinion it is a life filled with doing good with a purpose . by having your own reasons for your actions you are able t focus on themselves and pursue a life because of their own purpose . by helping others find their purpose in life, i won't only because of their own purpose. by helping others find their purpose in life, i won't only be following my own passion but i wou passion but i would be guiding others to pursue a life with purpose , and thus a life well lived. in order for me to continue my chance to reflect on our actions and find out if we have a purpose behind our actions. throughout my life i have found that co ich further made us consider if we seemed to have a greater purpose behind our actions. then by having others be able to unders a of what you want to do, taking steps towards finding that purpose is just as important as taking steps towards fulfilling tha s just as important as taking steps towards fulfilling that purpose . by taking steps to pursue our dreams and not the dreams of ver time you’ll alway be able to adjust or even change your purpose based on the new experiences that you have had. as discusse ire lifetime”(week 4), which is exactly why searching for a purpose is equally as important as pursuing a purpose. although the arching for a purpose is equally as important as pursuing a purpose . although the goal is to pursue your own passion, you must y have my support on their journey to find and pursue their purpose . so by pursuing my mission i won't only be pursuing a life fe well lived but i will be helping others pursue their own purpose which i believe is the change that the world has come to ne rs taylor kelly moreau 19 april 2022 i will. ultimately, my purpose on this earth is to serve others. wherever i go, i will use d to change course if i am called elsewhere. ultimately, my purpose on this earth is to serve others. wherever i go, i will use sometimes ask himself what life he was living? what was his purpose ? what did he want to do with his life? the stressful life o d. i understand that i have been placed on this earth for a purpose and intend to use my gifts and talents to make a concrete i became of age a few months ago) to understand my motive and purpose in this lifetime. i believe that majors are like schools, w n of every discovery i have made about the nature of life’s purpose in this essay. if i can be observed as a light in the darkn t stood out to me was “god is good and god loves us but the purpose of my life is not about overcoming suffering, it is about h e difficult situations. i also learned that suffering has a purpose . it is a way to develop character and grow in faith. one qu than just busy work but a means to accomplishing a greater purpose . eitan hersh offers insight into this, albeit from a totall ay leave with not only a meaningful degree but a meaningful purpose . integration iii conway 1 professor pruitt moreau fye 4 mar ant to chase success directly, but maybe simply living with purpose and meaning is a better way to achieve it. my dad had a sim ternal and external balance by respecting yourself, finding purpose , experiencing life, and cherishing others. now that i’ve di p. if we can appreciate our existence, our unique life, our purpose , and our value, we must learn to respect that in others. in ot of money are not always rich. people that live a life of purpose and have a positive impact on others are “rich”. they are r t if there is a creator, then there is a design, there is a purpose ; if there is a creator, then someone (or at least something courage would allow me to believe in nothing. and for what purpose did that creator intend you? that brings me to my second co ourselves—enjoy stronger relationships, a clearer sense of purpose and greater well-being, self-acceptance and happiness” (eur eek 3 from the article articulating the path to finding our purpose . when i’m making a big life decision like choosing what col me to research different faiths to try and understand what values our hindu religion was trying to teach. this is why i am an a learning experience and was able to see many of the same values taught in hinduism that my parents follow in the sermons gi erstanding ourselves at any given time, an understanding of values and behavior can be achieved. as father pete said, “the gre veryone’s life is fascinating and beautiful. as my previous values outlined, knowing our own identity and loving others is cru myself to who i wanted to be. there were, however, certain values that i am adamant about upholding. according to the via cha n interaction that acknowledges the potential difference in values and moves to understand each other. the notre dame football origins of thought and interpretations you can decipher the values and viewpoints of the author, which tell a lot about their st of learning how to understand people with different core values , educating myself on how to educate people on the danger of are mindful of their actions, and stand up for the correct values in today’s society. for example, if any of the midshipmen s een exposed to situations that questioned my priorities and values , fundamentally changing how i see myself. when i was younge etimes arrogant—but confident, and focused. the beliefs and values apparent to others matched his internal values, reinforcing beliefs and values apparent to others matched his internal values , reinforcing that he was true in his identity. his self-kno s, and i have figured out how to learn about other people’s values politely, which is extremely important in breaking down rac w students to join and then get to know people with similar values as them. however, in other parts of the city/state/country, beliefs help me live my life everyday aligned with my core values and stay on a path of the life i desire to live. https://ww vident to me throughout my time here at notre dame as these values have been instilled in me and my learning. all four of thes that i can grow as my most authentic self by sticking to my values and as said above, standing tall with my true self. as davi true to myself and living a life based in hope, faith, and values , which will guide me to live a life being the best version ission statement, for our vision for a life well-lived, our values , and how we live in line with these values are deeply inter well-lived, our values, and how we live in line with these values are deeply intertwined with the missions we set for ourselv life well-lived is based on living in accordance with core values that you establish to be important to you. what you value m to one path we are told is the best. a carefree surfer that values freedom, carefree living, and deeper connection to the eart he powerful waves is an equally valid vision to someone who values going to college and pursuing a professional career. with t ission statement, which starts with a question: what are my values ? over the course of the semester, we have looked extensivel so naturally these relationships constitute one of my core values . though my family often goes on emotional rollercoaster rid y, the behavior i display to others matches my own internal values . there is not much more to this value then my value on bein to preserve relationships, which is at the heart of my core values . in saying i value honesty i more so mean that i want peopl hout my life. third core value: true to myself with my core values established, i can now define my mission statement. my miss my mission is to live a life in which i live through these values to be true to myself, be honest and kind to others, and bui and say i made a wholehearted effort to live through these values , i will have lived a life well-lived. ithat is the only suc countless different directions, but i do not foresee these values changing. that is not to say values do not change, but i ha i do not foresee these values changing. that is not to say values do not change, but i have chosen my values as solid, unchan at is not to say values do not change, but i have chosen my values as solid, unchanging anchors that keep me grounded in my mi a sense of ideals to live up to and an appreciation of the values that matter most to us.” a lack of knowledge destroys truth dhood memories that laid the foundations of my personality, values , and experiences (“where i’m from” by – moreau fye week six ieve that despite my doubts and differences, my stories and values help me in decision-making and help me understand where my out myself and understand more about the school and what it values . like what father pete said, “[the] greatest journey you wi our community. each individual has experiences, people, and values that shape who they are and what they believe in. building n by success, wanting to conquer the world. the second self values eulogy virtues: they seek connection, meaning, love, and re t at the root of this newfound friendship, i can find these values of respect and empathy. finally, my third root belief is th e certainly helped me to gain perspective and reevaluate my values and my plan for the future. mike comuniello moreau first ye most of the people i disagreed with actually have the same values and goals as me, but they have a different method of approa 10). what this shows is that in many political debates, the values at heart are the same. once an agreement on core values is the values at heart are the same. once an agreement on core values is established, it is a lot easier to persuade someone to a neficially help others in the process. this tension between values was represented by david brooks, in which he stated, “we li with those from my hometown. a point expressed through the values of notre dame is cultivating people who want to aid others loser to some people across campus with similar beliefs and values . as palmer says, the hard experience of realizing i needed acticing catholic. being around and learning about catholic values in school has been interesting. when it comes to my encount set boundaries. even though i get along and share a lot of values with them, it's important to not completely fall in love wi answer to the challenges. whether it be better defining my values or understanding others better, i believe that i have appli completely different people with their own unique personal values and beliefs. through my experience so far at notre dame, it mentalities, and that to grow as people we need the adam ii values of introspection and reflection rather than the adam i valu lues of introspection and reflection rather than the adam i values of ambition, wealth, and materialism (“david brooks: should relationships that connect deeper than before. oftentimes, values , opinions, and thoughts are better communicated through a m thought at nd, and i want to learn more about the different values , interests, and goals of other people within the notre dame navigating new friends and figuring out who shares the same values as me has not been easy, and there have been times where i thinking about what makes me who i am. i found that life’s values lie in relationships. i found that it’s more important to b rom,” a short poem about our roots, helped me to see how my values brought me to one of the best catholic, private schools in at can separate us. people begin to commit to integrity and values in society. this education can then unite us as we journey elves. david brooks offers up a scenario where we place our values in the wrong things and are left broken. “we happen to live e school’s mission statement and figuring out what types of values and goals are embodied in mission statements generally, i d before in my life. it is also a time to reflect on my core values and what i truly believe in. my core values are what will c lect on my core values and what i truly believe in. my core values are what will carry and guide me throughout the next four y essential part of being able to ground yourself in your own values and beliefs. not giving in to peer or societal pressure all ng in to peer or societal pressure allows me to find my own values by myself. this forces me to evaluate what i truly believe , i can establish what i want from life. i can apply my own values to evaluate how i want to make my impact on society. i wish s with other people. my parents have helped me form my core values and guided me in the right direction. these teachings have nths of college. i believe that my strong belief in my core values has helped me make the right decisions, so i will not regre is quote, learning requires a willingness to put aside past values and beliefs with the goal of expanding one's knowledge and er goal, but she lifted her fellow mates to attain the same values and results she invested her time in. it's this inclusion, ration 1 october 15, 2021 my core beliefs: experiences with values , interpersonal relationships and community my core beliefs which my morals and self understanding are built on. these values apply to different aspects of my life and shape my experien g in my head and can be free to express my spirituality and values . (“the role of faith in our story” by fr. pete mccormick mo tion of society and power structures. they also informed my values to motivate me to keep learning. (“how to destroy truth” by approach life. the second aspect of my root beliefs are the values that are central to interpersonal relationships and communi c relationships are extremely important to me, and the root values that shape them are constantly in use. i believe that i for t a new way of thinking about our society and our political values i thought this was a critical way of thinking because from nterview question by stating that she was most proud of her values that encircle the importance of family and developing relat deeply within herself in order to truly understand her core values that she can rely on throughout her life. in a presentation nding of her own morals and ways that she can immerse those values into her career. ("navigating your career journey”meruelo f lf and what makes me a better player. i can also take these values into my academic habits which will contribute to my success , takes 0 effort. if a person has a core set of beliefs and values , they should do whatever they feel is best. that to me is b a deep dive into attempting to uncover my core beliefs and values , i’ve developed a better understanding of myself and others elationships then take on a different meaning, yet the core values remain the same. i’ve found that whether someone is just a because people will generally respect me when i have moral values in life. it is also important for me to realize what kind o y are today. i feel that if more people share their morals, values , and interests openly, it will help them to find long-lasti ese relationships so that i can truly belong. by sharing my values , i know that i have (goodness and love), i can ensure that ersion of myself—one that i am proud of and that shares her values with everyone. by keeping these “gospel truths” in mind, i urpose is to be good and do good this belief comes from the values that my parents and family have taught to me throughout the he sciences and literature, and i witnessed my own personal values have grown from these two months or so. i believe that cour ful, defining characteristics that embody my most important values . at notre dame, i have no doubt that, through faith and the ulfilling friendships. i have great friends who have strong values and are great to spend time with. additionally, they have a how it felt to be in a community that did not uphold these values . i believe that i am responsible for nurturing and developi mportance of community people's perspectives, opinions, and values all change throughout the course of their life. this is esp how they “not only build and grow while being true to your values ” ( should you live for your resume or your eulogy? david br i am, living in a supportive home and community with strong values . i learned from them how to be confident and assured in my is so much more in store for me if i continue to uphold my values alongside my education and time here at notre dame. i belie people need to make sure they prioritize according to their values . i believe that i am responsible for my emotions and how i vorite family traditions. when reflecting on my beliefs and values and considering my adam 1 and adam 2 traits (“should you li i now know never to prioritize my future over my intrinsic values . this learned lesson is something i am proud of, and it per ed about the ideals of a holy cross education. all of these values culminated in our reading about hope in the last week, wher au reflections, i had time to reflect on my own beliefs and values that i had developed over my time at the university. moreov n over my past semester here. i developed personal beliefs, values , and life goals that i now look forward to, which are defin 11). no one should be judged by where they come from, their values , where they go to school, or anything for that matter. we a ake me happier. in conclusion, it is important to carry the values of respect, equality, and hope i have learned into my colle to a life well lived. “you have to know yourself first your values , interests, personality, and skills (vips) before you can m lion, while also keeping in track with the battalion’s core values . not only does everyone add their own values to the unit, b ttalion’s core values. not only does everyone add their own values to the unit, but the midshipmen also apply other midshipmen ltimately, i want to be happy. i know if i stick to my core values that i will create a life for myself where i feel fulfilled to a religious institution that beautifully integrates the values of catholicism and education, i have learned that faith can r everything which i believe in. everyone has a set of core values that often stem from family and experiences they have had. h. far too often people are selfish and only hold their own values or goals in mind and never care to help others or take a mi ut them. i believed them to be diametrically opposed to the values and culture of people like me. however, i realized that onc hough my overall career or surroundings may change, my core values and inspirations will not change. i have always been inspir e increase as i grow up. i have seen people live their core values and mission statements. no matter how similar or different at decision to make. i force myself to adhere to these core values and make it my mission that wherever my life takes me i wil iven up my role for anything. i built up not only my resume values , but my “eulogy values” as wellmy “inner consistency and st thing. i built up not only my resume values, but my “eulogy values ” as wellmy “inner consistency and strength.” (“should you l . in the end, duty, responsibility, and competition are all values i hold close to my heart. i believe that through wisdom and me to be a stubborn person who won’t sway on the important values in my life. i find determination and stubbornness somewhat owth in the direction we want, it allows us to focus on our values and become that person. accordingly, throughout our lives e to me. i am able to have honest conversations about how my values align with this career, and where i may face difficulties. sense of community in the environments i am in with strong values and an appreciation for life. relationships are so importan able with strong camaraderie. on a broader scale, one of my values in life is helping those in need around me through service. also learned a great deal about myself. i have learned what values are truly important to me and my key beliefs. i have narrow ruly important to me and my key beliefs. i have narrowed my values into seven core beliefs. i believe that i deserve to be lov were curiosity, gratitude, and judgment. these were not the values i was expecting to be my strengths. i realized that those v s i was expecting to be my strengths. i realized that those values accurately depicted my “actual self” but not my “desired se s that depict “where i am from” and they have all shaped my values and perspectives. i believe that the truth is one of the mo the mission statement i created is a good reflection of my values and an accurate representation of the path i want to take o she took the time throughout college to know herself, her “ values , interests, personality, and skills,” (“navigating your car onships by respecting others and finding people with common values and aspirations. i must be open to meeting new people and r sed completely different from me but generally have similar values . i am excited to get to know more people during my time her unity. everyone is friendly and welcoming, and although our values are not exactly the same, we all have an inclination toward i am searching for relationships with people with the same values as myself. i believe that faith is a process and that it mu of many of my important relationships is a shared sense of values . coming from a catholic background, finding people who shar eir faith experience i think really captures one of my core values that i look for in other people. i think it’s important to week five). although i believe that it is important to have values and standards that guide my day to day life, i also believe elieve that i can mature by establishing certain morals and values . i believe that i am in search of faith to help guide my de elieve that i can mature by establishing certain morals and values . having strong principles that guide your actions are impor ajority of students have strong religious beliefs and moral values . i believe that this is what makes the students at notre da work hard to fight o� demons that “tempt and destroy human [ values ].”4 sometimes, i wonder if i fall short of the person i wan atters. living for your eulogy would mean cultivating those values that make you a better person, cultivating relationships wi am excited to be around people who likely have very similar values and personalities to me, yet still have different life expe e. because i think at notre dame students have very similar values , this will aid my ability to be vulnerable because i know p e me have more time to meet with other people with the same values as me. i believe that i pursue truth by looking at differen e to sharing your authentic self everyone has a set of core values and beliefs that guide them through life. these may change what i am made for career-wise. 10/10/21 moreau integration values that transform the soul i believe that i grow through exper tance of faith, hope, and love. i am so grateful that these values are all present in my college experience. as a holy cross a ege. i have been able to meet new people that have the same values as me and it has never been hard to find a friend or group earn more about the people that surround me and their goals/ values in life so that i can hopefully build strong virtuous relat your life? · the objective regarding “defining beliefs and values ” stands out to me because i believe as a young adult in an oly cross and care for students. he followed god’s love and values of family by paralleling the structure of the holy cross wi munity and welcome unlike any other because of notre dame’s values and history. now, it is my turn to do the same for others a . i am stubborn because i hold myself to high standards and values . i choose to be kind over being right. i strive to lighten re are times, especially this first year of college when my values have been strained and challenged. there are times when i r but to others that i have never, and never will violate the values and standards i set forth for myself. taylor kelly moreau f eau class has taught me various strategies to understand my values and enhance my personal development process against adversi l am. i’m hoping that moreau will help me understand my own values and beliefs more, so i can apply those into my daily life. text with moreau, it is clear that he had strong morals and values . he worked hard toward integrating faith and education. it to become the best version of myself. those that establish values and live their life by them, are constantly bettering thems g year. i strive to always stay true to my beliefs, my core values –– integrity, honesty, compassion, inclusion, fair-mindedne el proud of who i become. ever since middle school, my core values of integrity, honesty, compassion, inclusion, and a nonjudg ave defined how i live my life and treat others. these core values have not changed as i aged, implementing them into everyday of my life. however, through my growth in applying my core values to myself as an individual, i came to appreciate my self va or my friends no matter what the circumstances are. my core values extend farther than just being compassionate, but also alwa taylor moreau fye week four) those people who share similar values as you will most likely stay and become your best of friend opening; you realize who stands by you and who has the same values as you. you deepen friendships with those you truly connect of these. one way to respond to these is by finding my own values and using my experiences from the past to be a better versi father hesburgh, a notre dame icon and a man whose catholic values guided him through chaos. father hesburgh lived a well-live d inherent goodness of every person, proudly carrying those values with her in every interaction. however, anna was not a pers nity for teaching, because her career path aligned with her values : equality, education, and the potential of every person. he bedsheets. every week i held a revelation about myself, my values , and the world around me. and so i adapted, and so time pas ther sorin’s letter to moreau i noticed how the mindset and values he brought with him to the indiana made what could have bee lf in. it is more important to me that i achieve the eulogy values that people that know me recognize because it means that i trying to find the person i am. i have a strong sense of my values which were strengthened after taking the via character stre ents, i felt comforted by the fact that others with similar values were able to succeed in school while also growing and devel efs. i believe that i grow by staying true to myself and my values and not letting other people dictate those things for me. i rst root belief of growing by staying true to myself and my values and not letting other people dictate things for me, i think roverted person, i find myself often conforming to whatever values or beliefs my peers have simply because i feel it will make e i’m not even my own person, i’m just a combination of the values and beliefs of people that i meet. in order to grow, i need it myself” mentality. overall, i need to define my personal values and hold on to them, while still being open to listen to wh that people i engage with will want to hear my beliefs and values and not just their own. i’m excited to start this growth an a sense of ideals to live up to and an appreciation of the values that matter most to us — equality or prosperity or freedom. ey are largely the same as me. at our core we share similar values for life and human dignity. the realisation that across peo man dignity. the realisation that across people groups core values have great similarities has helped me to want to understand some dissonance, which we defined in class as disconnect of values or absence of perfect harmony between others. i have encoun ns is to create a personal mission statement to define your values and hold yourself accountable. in week 13, the final week o young woman in an ever-changing world, pledge to uphold my values in order that i may best serve myself, others, and society. e to carry out this mission statement by staying true to my values , cultivating my talents, and balancing my own life in order e participant in lifting up others and staying true to your values is through politics. college is usually the first time most . in the next few years of college, i hope to follow my own values and strengthen my personal political beliefs, while attempt the group. however, in order to fulfill the stay true to my values aspect of my mission statement, i know that i will surround an build ourselves back up into better people with stronger values . as said by kirsten helgeson of grottonetwork, “i want peop egin the next step in my journey, i evaluate my beliefs and values so that i can find success in my journey. i believe that pe a deep introspection, a realization of your own beliefs and values , and coming up with ideas for how you can most fully live o ming up with ideas for how you can most fully live out your values . 1 personal mission statement, week 13 throughout my first to be excited about god. i needed to notre dame’s catholic values and sense of community to truly allow me to see how excitin ing upon my depth of character and staying true to my moral values such as love, dependency, and self worth. i believe that i ess and emotions. he really made me think about how society values the measurable successes way more than the ability to feel tter man. week two required a deeper dive into what kind of values we wished to be recognized for. in accordance with this, da at him or didn’t understand why certain things happened. my values , then, are strongly influenced by my faith; i try to live s founded upon the christian faith that had not rejected its values in favor of secular pandering. i have not been let down, i th of fresh air in a fast paced, self centered society that values forgetting the past and where they are from. being reminded der myself to have a deeper connection with. i share common values with them. additionally, i have had meaningful conversation this university will help me to keep strengthening my core values , live my life to the fullest, learn to love, and have coura ctice religion. this separation allowed me to create my own values and association to faith without external influence, and it ve been able to align myself with them, learn and grow more values that the notre dame community promotes. in my opinion the c t the notre dame community promotes. in my opinion the core values promoted at notre dame are excellence, respect, integrity, haping my personality (which align with the notre dame core values ). (“fr. sorin letter to bl. basil moreau, december 5, 1842 their voices heard and stood up for our catholic community values . during week 11, we delved into the foundations of building s have enhanced my understanding of community, emotions and values in a way that i've been able to apply to my life. my encoun makes sense that their habits, personalities, beliefs, and values have rubbed off on me. when i was writing my “where i’m fro shape our everyday lives. root beliefs are central, driving values that push us onward and upward. whether it be to accomplish ime, i experienced the world as it truly is and learned the values of the ups and downs of life. college is especially a big s follow a social structure within a society (culture, norms, values , status). they may work together to organize social life wi into normal life has reaffirmed many of the conclusions and values i found. in the following paragraphs, i will detail how the rentiates notre dame and the way that it focuses on certain values to do that. the focus on strength of community, actually fa act the world. i then applied to schools that held the same values as me. ultimately, i decided on notre dame because i knew t to do this, we first should recognize our identity and our values and also acknowledge and respect the values and beliefs of dentity and our values and also acknowledge and respect the values and beliefs of others. most of the time, those values and b t the values and beliefs of others. most of the time, those values and beliefs will differ from ours, but it's important to re a sense of ideals to live up to and an appreciation of the values that matter most to us — equality or prosperity or freedom. ll home. following this, now that i've acknowledged all the values and beliefs i've gained from my experiences and from where ortantly, there's a whole community of people with the same values and principles as myself. as said in the video, there is an know how important it is to keep sticking to my beliefs and values to seek success. for me, success comes from knowing that ev tstanding academic education along with a growth in ethical values during my college years. by saying growth in ethical values values during my college years. by saying growth in ethical values , i mean focusing on allowing myself to be vulnerable and ac do his best at everything he did. he was stubborn with his values , understanding of his interests, and practical with his ski monstrated the utmost respect for everyone. patrick let his values guide his daily life (“discernment conversation activity” m patrick forged relationships, built people up, and let his values construct his destiny. he was a gentle giant. a man of good good integrity. he discovered his purpose and exercised his values in a consistent, everyday manner. patrick understood how to und a person can influence the person they become and their values within life. i believe that i am constantly searching for w e week 2). from learning about creating a framework and the values of being “adam ii,” i started to make it my goal to be more first-year experience course, i have been able to assess my values and beliefs while investigating the different life experien ize that living life for quality according to myself and my values is far more essential than living according to society’s ex t it we cannot recognize our strength and weaknesses or the values we hope to practice and preach. the morals we are taught ho based on strengths and success, the other, our inner eulogy values , built on humility, respect, and selflessness. in order to e best version of yourself, one needs to grow in both these values , understanding how to be successful, while maintaining dign ou are as a person. yet, because of where i am from and the values instilled in me, i have realized that though “the seasons c ace, is easier said than done. knowing your roots and inner values will my purpose is to connect with others. i believe that inner values are more important than outer ones. i believe that faith co holy cross article, a profound education and instillment of values prevents stigmas and fosters a more equitable community. ju hese insightful discussions have helped to instill positive values to various individuals and has made notre dame a more equit r interactions with our friends and families. that is where values are cultivated, which is why i have similar values to a lot is where values are cultivated, which is why i have similar values to a lot of other people. i didn’t realize how important wh i am. who do i strive to be in the future? what are my core values ? i don’t quite have the full answers to these questions yet rriving at notre dame, i’ve learned a lot about my beliefs, values , and motivations. with a more concrete sense of self, i hop alities of a well-lived life may change with time, the core values should remain the same. however, making a roadmap of values values should remain the same. however, making a roadmap of values and qualities of a well-lived life through the moreau first course is a great opportunity to reflect on what one truly values early on in his or her college career. as i think about wha nion, one of the easiest ways to become distracted from the values and goals expressed through our mission statements is by th fluencers on social media can lead us astray to abandon our values . if we rely on technology for constant entertainment and jo e week 12) as i go throughout my life, i want to keep these values in mind as it is important to not be caught up in one’s own ent his/her career self-concept, which is comprised of your values , interests, personality, and skills.” (navigating your care step out of my comfort zone, but i learned to appreciate my values and faith system for what they are because they stand more and have more conviction in my own character, beliefs, and values . like my previous statements, sometimes a terrible mistake mistake challenges this belief and makes me question my own values . however, i have succeeded in remaining strong and resistin he fact that society tries to impress vices and contrasting values on you that lead you into temptation. however, the implicat e pieces of ourselves can help us better understand our own values , personal identity, and beliefs. being able to acknowledge all of increasingly different backgrounds, upbringings, and values . this exposure has helped me to become more insightful of l ave completed during moreau have caused me to reflect on my values and consider how i can become a better person through my jo all of notre dame’s resources that allow me to identify my values , interests, personality traits, and skills, and how i can c id, i have been surrounded by the same people, beliefs, and values my entire life. when i began the college search, i wanted t m 1 and adam 2. if we always put our adam 1, or our “resume values ,” above our adam 2, or “eulogy values,” then how will we ev dam 1, or our “resume values,” above our adam 2, or “eulogy values ,” then how will we ever be the fulfilled and happy people w re helping me deeply over my time in college. i have learnt values that help me out in my daily life, a family background has ené brown moreau fye week one). notre dame is a place which values such courage, and i believe that my self-esteem has really lf to both failure and success. i believe that i can use my values and beliefs to help guide myself towards a fulfilling life. ey towards self-discovery includes the three most important values : faith, love, and hope. through our faith, we can use god’s n michigan. my family, friends, and community all shaped my values and understanding of the world, as i wrote about in my “whe orizon and my belief that i pursue truth by reevaluating my values after undergoing new experiences. i came to college searchi mick c.s.c. moreau fye week three). a lot of my beliefs and values are impacted by my faith, and it is nice to be surrounded b ity that has a strong faith, and in turn, shares some of my values . although i found it is good to surround myself with people have people and a campus around me that shares my faith and values . i have found that the beliefs and values this campus was f ares my faith and values. i have found that the beliefs and values this campus was founded on are a lot of the ones i share. w riences, relationships, perspectives, faith and my internal values have molded me to become the person i am todaymy authentic n discovering ‘me’. my family has greatly shaped my morals, values and my identity. i have learnt the importance of being empa between what society wants us to do and our moral internal values .“and soloveitchik had argued that these two sides of nature external idea of success of society more than the internal values because we often believe that if we do not conform to socie wrote the following week i was reminded of my home and the values that have been instilled in me since a child. i value inclu he friends i chose have all been factors in shaping my core values which drive me to make decisions each day i am here at notr hout each week of moreau i have identified with one of core values and beliefs that make me who i am. as i continue throughout nue throughout my journey, i hope to discover more of these values and create relationships that will last for a lifetime. htt not focussing on individuals’ superficial or materialistic values , but instead on their heart and character. we are all human how to respond in a way that is consistent with my personal values , needs, and desires. one of the first traditional college e ly important that every community i am part of shares these values , but essential for my own growth and mental health. in the tention to blm, that i find an institution with strong core values . racism is and has been ingrained in higher education since w i must try my best. i know many of my “orbiting” friends’ values do not align with mine and i believe that is okay. fr. jenk n) to emphasize the need for humanity to recognize personal values might not always align, but that does not mean conflict mus ble to converse with a diverse group of people with diverse values . the conversation about critical race theory (“should catho rsity of both communities enables many voices, backgrounds, values , and points of view to take shape. professor agustin fuente is what shaped me to be who i am today and it has shaped my values as a person. i did quite a bit of soul searching towards th al self-confrontation between external success and internal values ” through internal values, we achieve a real sense of achiev ween external success and internal values” through internal values , we achieve a real sense of achievement in life. through fr ement in life. through friendship, family, faith, and moral values , true value is added to our lives. it is important to alway life should be measured by how well we live up to internal values . tying to that point, i believe that faith is a critical as ortant to build healthy friendships that are based on these values where life-giving relationships are where we can all mutual ore, i must be willing to confront my fears and build these values required for a life-giving relationship. adam ii deals with i also hope to assess people only on their characteristics/ values rather than the racial/social group they are associated wit rock: the foundational beliefs of my life below are my core values . upon reflection, i noticed that all of them really come fr y friendships, and my own experiences and reflections. core values : 1) i believe that suffering and failure are inevitable and ring in the world, but, as i send in one of my earlier core values , part of the remarkableness of human rowth the moreau fye objective of defining your beliefs and values (which find its culmination in this assignment!) stood out d in hand with the idea of self-knowledge. your beliefs and values are an essential part of your identity and they inform the live your life. i believe sharpening the definition of your values through self-reflection is an essential step in living your and defined goals of our personal beliefs, principles, and values it helps us match all decisions of our life towards that la where we’re from and what we want can help us identify our values and priorities and overall contribute to better mental heal to base your life on, so that you do not lose focus on your values or path in life (“the role of faith in our story” by fr. pe s, but also the people. i have also been able to discern my values and my morals with a certain conviction here. i not only am which has led me to notre dame. attending a university that values faith has led mine to grow. there are so many resources ava ionships at notre dame. i am confident in my beliefs and my values , and i still love the people that disagree with me. as jenk actions, or reactions that form one's core beliefs and core values as a human. it is important to be able to identify these va es as a human. it is important to be able to identify these values , know how they affect your life, and know where you develop w they affect your life, and know where you developed these values from. many of my core beliefs are based on experiences i ha some tragic, some triumphant. while i wish that some of my values were formed in different ways, i know that my past life exp o i am today. in this paper i will touch on what some of my values are, how they have been formed in me and how they affect me f discovery. i know what i believe in. i know my morals and values like a map on the back of my hand. all i need to do, and al s, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values , your values become your destiny.” this quote puts into per ns become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny.” this quote puts into perspective how ted each branch he established to a particular person whose values were rooted in education which would further develop the co events at the university, this makes me appreciative of the values that notre dame as an institution is built on, values of ac f the values that notre dame as an institution is built on, values of accepting people from different backgrounds and faiths. with this course has enabled me to really inspect where my values stand and how i can act to improve them. my experiences at p or the environment they were raised in or what their core values are. talking to my highly conservative roommate and my high erson, i believe there are lessons to be learned from moral values religious bodies and individuals can offer in an educationa ernal success versus the side of internal relationships and values . to this, i am reminded of my mom, inarguably the best huma ds a place in the world. although there are right and wrong values , everyoneâ��s feelings are just as valid and important as e t journey, looking for questions about myself, assessing my values and what exactly i believe in. first and foremost, the very long-lasting relationships. week five really cemented these values for me, as i listened to father kevin discuss the topic of ive story which must be understood in its whole. once these values are assessed, i believe that every individual can live with ily from my family, but also from the development of my own values . in class we took time to discuss the people in our lives t of my life. this can be achieved through recognizing my own values and therefore embracing them in a way that they can provide ill follow throughout my life. i have come to know that the values that have truly guided me and made me into the person that ice with others, and my passion to seek good. each of these values have ignited a fire within me to recognize and embrace my u ontinue to grow in my college experience, i hope that these values will continue to be cultivated throughout my time at notre e into that person i am today; however, it also involves my values myself in a unique way. this guided me to strengthen my own values and use my values as a compass in my decision making even w way. this guided me to strengthen my own values and use my values as a compass in my decision making even when others may not ent his/her career self-concept, which is comprised of your values , interests, personality, and skills.” ("navigating your car life involves choosing a career that coincides with my own values and therefore allows me to to use those values as a means f with my own values and therefore allows me to to use those values as a means for enhancing my own life as well as accompanyin e my passions that invests in notre dame’s mission of using values as a means for positive change. throughout my short time at sonal mission statement continues to center around my major values which are faith, family, service with others, and my passio ly, service with others, and my passion to seek good. these values have continued to provide a compass in my decision making a otre dame education, i hope to continue to build upon these values and apply them throughout my journey here at notre dame in faith is solely based on the way i involve my practices and values into my everyday life in the likeliness of god and his ways een prompted to ask myself important questions regarding my values , relationships, and priorities that will shape my future at st that i can do is help others. additionally, the catholic values have exemplified the need to do service. in catholicism, se ye 12/3/21 “strength rejoices in the challenge”: testing my values in a new environment below are some of the things i have en just using myself, rather than a number. indeed, some of my values are simple, but others can be very complicated. i believe t curricular activities were near-perfect in high school, the values that the people i love instilled in me were far more import these healthy, beneficial relationships make a change in my values , such as allowing me to appreciate vulnerability and let my g to remember kindness and love at all times and live those values out, even when we may prefer to shut people out of our live ay not be the best solutions. i do think that the religious values present on this campus contribute to the warm environment, e i felt like going to a school that was imbued with family values and traditions would imitate some control over time. i woul change and help the world, and perhaps virtues and catholic values can be a great reminder of our power as people and how to c where i came from. after all, those things helped shape my values today. i believe that i’m very lucky to be so loved and sup the things i have. my upbringing helped me develop my core values and personality in a way that made me think about what i wa ut of my life. my experiences as a child helped me build my values of creativity and humor that were highlighted in my persona re, my time on the cross country team helped me solidify my values and beliefs of hard work, grit, and determination. this was eously refusing to reveal their true selves, personalities, values , beliefs, and character. it is thus impossible to not exper id brooks moreau fye week 2 who am i? my unique identifying values and beliefs 2 | p a g e which people legitimately desire – s an individual, i must first be willing to identify my own values , skills, and weaknesses. i will also have to act on them ra itive change will not be easy. it’s not difficult to uphold values and morals in theory. but it’s much more difficult to do so it look like? first, it will express my same ambitions and values that i hold today, such as learning, service, and growth. b esters. fye integration one an extensive culmination of the values and beliefs that have been outlined via a septilateral narr i was, who i am, and who i would like to become. all of the values outlined in this integration are at the heart of who i am t orward at notre dame. i believe that establishing your core values as well as living freely will help you become your most aut ulogy?” by davis brooksmoreau fye week two). i have my core values and i stick to them, and at the end of the day, people will ” (where.html by george ella lyon moreau fye week six). the values of the church have been instilled in me from an early age, mes from a different environment and their core beliefs and values are shaped based on their experiences in that environment. cond semester, i feel more confident that i will keep these values that i have so quickly obtained from the first semester. i us to be better neighbors. a community that shares similar values will also create a sense of unity and similarity in that co e notre dame community while learning more about myself, my values , and my education. encountering doubt, community, and fatih community as a group of diverse individuals united by their values or passions who all contribute towards a common goal. altho a failure only corroborates the fact that there are certain values that society holds over others that are not entirely logica spectives and how my family and friends instilled important values of perseverance and determination in me. it is beneficial t ng for belonging while balancing your external and internal values , forming relationships with the help of god, and pursuing t doing it for external success and for my personal internal values . my belief has recently been affecting my actions in a posi t leg of my journey. here, i can develop my truths and core values as i discover them. in other words, the experiences i am ha , contains such a valuable message and influence to my root values and beliefs. i believe that my purpose in life at college i everyone is engaging in activities that are not part of my values . the video "because i love you, double whiskey", which emph utlook on life has stayed steadfast in terms of my cultural values , but there is undeniably room to improve when it comes to c jor, i get the opportunity to hear a plethora of ideals and values which can be similar or completely different from those tha racters on the notre dame campus and comparison with my own values and beliefs, i have found that interacting with others is f k two). this is not to say that i should abandon my current values and beliefs as they still hold critical importance. traditi nd argument, it's important to recognize how these negative values have affected you and to consider deviating from that the t between optimism and pessimism, and how confining to these values produces wildly different outcomes. i thought dr. brown’s a h, community relationships, personal expectations, and core values . each of these challenges has induced personal growth, and get to focus on my passions more than my academics. my core values have been challenged by the introduction of many other peop been challenged by the introduction of many other peoples’ values , but these contrasts have reinforced and grown my core valu lues, but these contrasts have reinforced and grown my core values . despite the �rmness i felt in my core beliefs (particularl ), the variety and presence of so many drastically di�erent values naturally made me question my core values: is what i believ stically di�erent values naturally made me question my core values : is what i believed what i should believe? every new person a di�erent life story, and with those experiences come new values and principles by which they guide their life. at times it r exactly that reason that i found a rea�rmation in my core values : my life story has been guided by the principles i’ve natur time. the purpose of going to notre dame is to foster these values into their best version and thus be true to myself. my expe ue to myself. my experiences continually build onto my core values , exploring new areas and seeing di�erent perspectives. over ew areas and seeing di�erent perspectives. overall, my core values have strengthened through this belief, and my personal grow rowth, in my mind, has been reframed to expand upon my core values , not change them. through the combination of the di�erent g h, community relationships, personal expectations, and core values , my identity has solidi�ed and led to a stronger sense of s ntrospection will enable me to remain in touch with my core values and appreciate my personal growth, which is necessary to ma various gifts in my life. beyond enabling me to evaluate my values , recognize how i have changed, and assess opportunities to ent his/her career self-concept, which is comprised of your values , interests, personality, and skills” (“navigating your care u seminars have already enabled me to consider my essential values , skills, interest in current local and societal issues, and of my root beliefs and i feel i have a better idea of what values i find most important to follow in my life. i believe that line quiz we took, and when i reflected, i found that those values are ones i want to exemplify and that i am attracted to in d to in my life. one quote i found very important regarding values was, “you wrestle with that sin and out of that wrestling, face some struggles, but i was also able to discover my key values and begin to realize what i want my character to be. learni week 1). i believe that living my life with those ideas and values in mind will help me to live my best life and be the most h relationships. again, kindness, gratitude, and respect are values that i believe are most important for me to follow in my li treat me the same. i also believe that putting forward the values i believe to be most important, i will respect and love mys started naturally flowing into talking about the feelings, values , and morals that have shaped me, and again i found myself c pect are the most important things in my life. they are the values i will continue trying to emulate, the values i will look f they are the values i will continue trying to emulate, the values i will look for in other people i want in my life, and the i will look for in other people i want in my life, and the values that have made me who i am. i also know that i need to cont lf, and i believe that i will be able to handle it with the values and virtues that i hold most dear, and the people that supp d, students will be able to use their knowledge of catholic values to combat modern injustice. the final video from week 10 sh ess and emotions. he really made me think about how society values the measurable successes way more than the ability to feel ould identify our strengths and weaknesses in regard to our values and personalities. it was easy to feel pride in my strength ye week 6), i was able to clearly recognize my own enduring values and identify formative moments of my past that contribute t th my peers allowed us to examine commonalities between our values , many of us sharing an emphasis on family and images of fam ush for a change in business that factors in catholic moral values i strive to live by. 2) q: what are some of the first steps riences all helped me construct a set of varied and diverse values and an evolving understanding of the world through differen son who hides in the shadows. although i know myself and my values sometimes i lose sight of both of those very important attr istening to others also allows us to find out the goals and values of others. in his ted discussion, david brooks describes th about their upbringings or hobbies, we learn more about the values they hold. at the university of notre dame, i have met peop week 10). this quote allowed me to add something to my core values : everyone comes from different experiences and every aspect nd me with conviction. the drive and purpose of meeting the values of my life, which i have always utilized, but i will do so he manner in which you view yourself and the world, and the values you hold. your internal growth is an ongoing process throug that i value the most. i am certain that these beliefs and values are the stepping stones to a path of making a true impact o and developing relationships, moral perspectives, and core values . throughout these encounters, i have realized that there ar ant to remember that success should not be reflected by the values of others but instead in the fulfillment of personal goals. to grow as my most authentic self by being in touch with my values . through taking the character strengths survey in moreau, i s, perspective, and a love of learning. acknowledging these values gave me an understanding of how i should live my life in a adult survey–moreau fye week 2). i am holding true to these values here at notre dame by pursuing research and extracurricular upon coming to notre dame, i sought out people with similar values . it is easy to fall into toxic, negative relationships if y d blood, but we have a soul that is capable of emotions and values like hope. while our body is constantly changing and growin he moreau fye has made me think about and challenge my core values . in my life i have gone through many challenges and have gr onally, through knowing my worth and discerning my personal values . additionally, i have come to appreciate and value turning ople here at notre dame on a deeper level that respects and values the richness of each individual. the root beliefs of growin is composed of love, unity, faith, truth, and so many more values . however, i am not at notre dame just to gain knowledge and ust continue to strive for a path that fulfills my internal values and not simply the external revenue. i believe that i grow ce 15 october 2021 i beleaf: a personal analysis of my core values and growth i believe that i forge life-giving relationships we are here not only are we influenced by the university's values , but the other students and faculty we come into contact wi rpose is to live an authentic and joy filled life. with the values of notre dame as my guide, a dedication to service, and a s e major does not define who someone is. someone’s attitude, values , and work ethics are what defines someone in their professi ded me that we should always be ourselves and stand for our values in life. the satisfaction of a victory can be very nice, ye can be very nice, yet also very fleeting. standing for your values makes you respect yourself, creating a sense of satisfactio t change the value of this lesson. of the last of the three values pope francis mentions is courage, and courage is the trait it means to live a well-lived life. everyone has their own values , morals, and priorities in life which would impact what one ration three march 4, 2022 mckenzie williams a life of many values good afternoon. i would first like to thank all of you for have stood here and discussed some of mckenzie’s essential values in life, we can conclude that she lived a truly well-lived fulfillment, since everybody should have goals, morals, and values that they stick to throughout the journey of life. i have e hout these political and religious beliefs, i would have no values or no moral compass, which would put me in a position to fe rspective is the “correct” one, understanding the ideas and values of others allows us to see a greater picture of our society hout my time at notre dame, i hope to use the resources and values the school provides to advocate for the most vulnerable in nt policy network. these actions align with basic christian values , as described by fr. michael himes when he stated, “the cen and joy. these root beliefs more specifically stem from my values and aspirations in life. i strongly value hard work, persev ance, dedication, humility, kindness, and leadership. these values are incredibly important for me to know how to grow as my m le around them. this ultimately does not fulfill their true values in life, and only focuses on living up to the standards of ow as my most authentic self, i need to acknowledge my true values and goals in life. this allows me to focus on what i truly life. this allows me to focus on what i truly want and what values i want to live up to. my life is mine, and it is important our aspirations and making each day count towards your true values . in addition, growing involves stepping out of your comfort r intentions are for their lives. having strong beliefs and values can help people stay on track and find worth in their every ent his/her career self-concept, which is comprised of your values , interests, personality, and skills'' (“navigating your car niversoty of notre dame moreau fye week ten). holding these values will help ensure that the core foundations of my mission st e can realize what we truly value in life, and pursue those values in order to have a life well lived. m shaped by those around me. reflecting back on my life, my values , and the things that make me who i am, i have recognized th my career and how i can implement not only my character and values to living a well lived life, but i can also use my job. i h rtunities at every possible chance he could get. one of the values which i, as well as countless others, learned from joey was each and every connection that he made was rooted in these values (moreau fye week 5). we’re going to miss joey, but the good r development says that these choices should be based on my values , interests, personality, and skills(vips) (“navigating your elopment says that these options should be framed around my values , interests, personality, and skills(vips). (“navigating you nly seem like a good starting point. by looking first at my values , i can eliminate those possibilities i may deem immoral, an areer choices, and took a couple of career tests. the vips ( values interests personality skills) seemed interesting to me. i’d tly, in words, actions that i had taken in the past and the values that could be behind them. it showed how i value not only m he path to living the life i want to live i am a person who values helping others and improving myself and those who i love ar r me as i grow at nd. “you have to know yourself first your values , interests, personality, and skills (vips) before you can m me that fear and take risks to discern what my passions and values are in the workforce. my mission statement is a paragraph t ive. i need to continue reflecting on this statement and my values throughout my life to be the person that i want to be. if i my life to be the person that i want to be. if i uphold the values that i state in my mission statement through taking the ste ng the second course learning objective “define beliefs and values ” stands out as the most relevant in my life. i have been fo hese people have caused me to challenge both my beliefs and values . from a conservative, suburban, catholic middle school to a ity to do the same and help me further define and refine my values and beliefs. question: in my past experiences, the way i ha my past experiences, the way i have defined my beliefs and values has been through the same beliefs and values being challeng my beliefs and values has been through the same beliefs and values being challenged and subsequently changing. my question is sequently changing. my question is do you think beliefs and values can be refined without them being challenged? and what view s: sometimes they’re good for us—they help us to learn good values and habits to fall back on when we’re going through difficu ontinue to lead a life well-lived through the knowledge and values i’ve obtained from this class and this university. https:// e person they will become. people will resort to their core values when faced with adversity. does one give into temptation an s. this is what i strive to achieve in my life. through the values instilled in me by others as well as those i have developed . at notre dame, i am surrounded by others who have similar values and beliefs which encourage me to want to develop good habi day without regrets. “you have to know yourself first your values , interests, personality, and skills (vips) before you can m career path is to familiarize myself with my personal vips ( values , interests, personality, and skills). i also hope to utiliz imum potential. but first, you have to know yourself. “your values , interests, personality, and skills (vips) before you can m ing place as of now but an increase in solidarity and other values that are essential to human nature, furthermore community. ael himes moreau fye week 3 ) i orientate my life by having values that are connected to interests or qualities that attract m interests or qualities that attract me. personally, having values that feel naturally important to me, whether it's my family ward happiness? i started understanding and listing my core values by distinguishing the difference between needs, wants, and by distinguishing the difference between needs, wants, and values . there is a quote by rodin that goes, “nothing is a waste o that i want to positively change the world to propagate my values . coming to notre dame is one of the first experiences i hav the unborn are treated with respect. seeing the way that my values have been trampled in past decades, i am committed to resto ssions, i have formed my mission statement according to the values that have either remained steadfast or developed throughout hout the semester. my mission statement reflects my current values in life, after much deliberation on how i want to give my l otre dame, so that my statement will always reflect my core values . i will appreciate, express, and share my family, culture, und you. you know yourself very well and are strong in your values ” (“discernment conversation activity reflection” by moreau pects of life such as family and culture. if i know my core values and put them into practice daily, then i will be able to re with consistent efforts, i had a better sense of myself, my values , and my overall mental and emotional well being. the video sion is to constantly reflect on myself, my actions, and my values , because one person or idea can never be fully correct and ious of how human and media interactions are influencing my values , and be conscious of the fruitfulness of what i take in eve onally, remain grounded in the moment, and carry on tommy’s values through the rest of our lives. no one knows how much time t tial years of his life. notre dame helped to shape the core values that liam embodied his entire life. one of the values that core values that liam embodied his entire life. one of the values that liam developed through his catholic education was his ancial status. he never let his financial success alter his values as he regularly donated his earnings to a variety of organi ief, “this reinforces the need to consider all four aspects values , interests, personality, and skills when making a career de thout community, humans naturally aren’t able to form their values to their full potential.this quote from an excerpt of tatto eau fye week seven) even with his dedication to his career, values , and community, liam always loved his wife and kids the mos rage you all to live like liam did and to always embody his values . w professor chan moreau first year experience 29 april 202 that i am absorbing positive information from them: proper values , differing yet valid opinions, etc. when i am spending time ent highlights the importance of having and maintaining the values that allow for such positive and beneficial relationships. relationships. without establishing and committing to such values , we are not truly being the best versions of ourselves. as f i do not continue to refine, develop, and stay true to my values , i know that i will lose the love that i currently am bless vated by accomplishment, toby was motivated by his personal values . he fully believed that “the best career choices for a pers ter version of yourself” (“mckenzie williams a life of many values ” by mckenzie williams moreau fye week eight). hearing thin n forced to reflect on my life and to use it to discover my values and my desires for the future. one of my realizations is th , who he looked up to, says that “it is easier to exemplify values than teach them” ("hesburgh" by jerry barca and christine o g that in order to find the right job, it has to match your values , interests, personality, and skills (“navigating your caree ine, we will miss you and we shall continue practicing your values for the greater good for all. we will always love you and y living community. along with patience, my mission statement values gaining knowledge. i talk about learning from my own mistak college years and beyond. i know that if i stay true to my values , my eulogy will be meaningful. moreau integration how pursu ely on my catholic faith when guiding most of my morals and values . it is important to create a personal relationship with god ) by taking actions that are in accordance with my personal values , i believe i am pursuing a life-well lived. another key fac living our lives. however, in order to fully live in these values our humanity must be shared even in di�cult times. througho o hear?” i told him, “your ego distracts you from your core values .” as one of his closest friends, i’ve heard him try to defe f living, the life that i desire as a result of my family’s values is as healthy a way of living as there is. i know that the passions, and relationships. i have always been someone who values success, but the older i grow the more emphasis i place on ke this as the physical place i was from, but rather as the values that are present at my very core. i discussed the appreciat my “why,” or the reasons and motives behind my actions and values . i am looking forward to participating in moreau in the sec nded with my life at notre dame to construct and reshape my values of my personality, and i now have a brighter vision of the worth_building_includes_everyone/transcript matsumoto 2 her values were also incredibly important to her. i remember calling h students felt connected to each other and the school. these values impacted many of the classes that she took her freshman yea gh these readings hannah was able to develop her own set of values through discussions with her fellow classmates. while she o egin the next step in my journey, i evaluate my beliefs and values so that i can find success in my journey. i believe that pe his life well, that “he brought with him a reputation of a values based leader.”1 however, there are a select few among us wh nderstand that fulfilling work should align with my skills, values , and personality (moreau fye week four). as long as i cente ent from me, despite maybe having opposing sets of beliefs, values , or upbringings. in week 7 of moreau, pope francis describe necessary to achieve that good life. as someone who greatly values silence, i believe we can blame part of this on the fact th e career paths that remain true to my passions, skills, and values . i want to continue to adapt my future plans to fit any new ork to spread love and compassion to your community through values of inclusion and understanding. t sacrificing who you are for the happiness of others. your values and what you believe in is the most important of who you ar e understanding that, “you have to know yourself first your values , interests, personality, and skills (vips) before you can m ing that i do. i hope that my career will uphold these same values to bring a positive light into the world. as i have discuss to me that i surround myself with people that have similar values and interests. i hope to make every place in my life one th ave solidified what is most important to me as well as some values i will continue to follow in my journey. (mission statement ty, loyalty, selflessness, etc’. i realized then that these values in individual people are much more important than worldly v s in individual people are much more important than worldly values .” (conversation activity with my mom, moreau week five). fo be a lot of talk about isolating ourselves into ideological values . the worry seems to be in surrounding ourselves with people work to all become one. grace was somebody who tremendously values love and inclusion of all in her life. it did not matter wh otre dame, i can honestly tell myself in the mirror that my values , personality, and outlook on life has shifted for the bette notre dame. therefore, by learning about notre dame and her values in moreau, we are learning about ourselves. through my more the most. through the conversation i could recognize about values of me that i was not able to realize. to form a healthy rel happened and what i still lack. i know that i will hold my values and lessons learned for the rest of my time at notre dame a , i have cultivated and pushed myself to have a core set of values that will guide me throughout the rest of my life. in doing erry barca and christine o’malley, fye week 2). it is these values and stories that guide me to be a force for good and change ments. these statements articulately define the purpose and values of the given organization. however, the statements are usel was told in college, “you have to know yourself first your values , interests, personality, and skills (vips) before you can m be yet, i know that, “you have to know yourself first your values , interests, personality, and skills (vips) before you can m ester of college i have gotten better at identifying my own values , beliefs, interests, personality, skills, and emotions. we nships with god, my family, and my friends. every one of my values comes second to those three. so it’s fitting that our pope and in educating the young of our times in the visions and values that will civilize and make for reasonable human progress a lived a life well-lived specifically if i stick to the core values i have instilled throughout my mission statement. these pra observer. even if there are no universal truths or laws or values , i will create and abide by my own. given that all lives ha his life went on. having attended a catholic grade school, values of faith and virtue were instilled in him from the time he wrapped up within multiple different communities. different values and beliefs will often clash within these communities, as i , it has taught me to be introspective and realize where my values and personal development come from. week 9-12 all allowed m tant to continue to stay grounded in the present through my values . pursuing a life well-lived was a question i continually fa lf and others because it shows that they are solid in their values (“week five discernment conversation activity” -moreau week s not how i want to live my life because it goes against my values of finding community. so, even though it is difficult to pu bad habit of working too much. and actually enacting on my values of finding community and developing relationships away from o ground myself, i need to take time to remind myself of my values and when i do that, i know that i am on the right track to llenges life has to offer, and keeping a tight grip on your values which can help lead you to the people that will help you be i will stick with my mission because i feel confident in my values and what i enjoy doing. i think ultimately, “why questions ooks different for each one of us because we have different values . my value of community and forming meaningful relationships paths that may be more suited to my individual talents and values , but if i allow myself to pursue opportunities that i am gr rogress as a community. throughout his life, he adopted the values fr. hesburgh demonstrated throughout the documentary and cr f creating progress (week 2, hesburgh). tanish also adopted values into his career. at times it was tough for him to discover re (week 5, interview).  i believe tanish adopted all these values because of his spiritual beliefs. during one of his moreau eve as part of my mission that i should prioritize personal values over resume values.. from a leadership position i hope to b ission that i should prioritize personal values over resume values .. from a leadership position i hope to better the activitie lives. as father hesburgh said, “it is easier to exemplify values than teach them” (“hesburgh” produced by jerry barca and ch sity for role models, people who can provide the example of values which are most important to a life well-lived. the greatest hoose will not be the focal point of my eulogy; rather, the values i hold and those that people see in my life will hold the m the path to the eulogy. this eulogy may change, as may the values i currently hold, but as i grow and become the person i wan jerry barca, christine o’malley moreau fye week 2) when my values conflicted with others, i strived toward a mutual respect f and their opinions. through sharing my past experiences and values with others at notre dame, i not only have acclimated mysel eer interests. it served as an indirect reminder to keep my values in mind when searching for a career path that will allow my timately, my life. getting the opportunity to reflect on my values and my self-imposed limitations gave me a new idea of where scribes his thoughts: “you have to know yourself first your values , interests, personality, and skills (vips) before you can m ent his/her career self-concept, which is comprised of your values , interests, personality, and skills” (“navigating your care it takes to build those relationships above my own personal values ” (by moreau fye week 5). when it came to relationships, i o i have learned in my life together in order to form my core values . i knew what it meant to be a good person from what my pare r to please others. i believe that if i stick to these core values i will live a better and more fulfilled life. in the future one integration professor retartha 4/29/2022 following core values to a life well lived the prompt for the final capstone inte their life is to live a life that holds true to their core values . a core value is something that a person holds closest to t ife. the connections, traits, and/or thoughts that a person values most are their core values. if i am going to live a life we s, and/or thoughts that a person values most are their core values . if i am going to live a life well lived, then i have to li d, then i have to live a life that is reflective of my core values . that said, what are my core values? finding my core values s reflective of my core values. that said, what are my core values ? finding my core values is a process that i have gone throu values. that said, what are my core values? finding my core values is a process that i have gone through for the past 6 months reau fye course guided me in the journey of finding my core values . in week one of moreau fye, i learned about how to slow dow elopment moreau fye week 4). if i was going to find my core values , i would have to try new things and encounter new situation fe well lived because if one was to hold true to their core values then they had too truly be themselves. finally in week 6, i e that i truly started to understand and articulate my core values . these core values were then articulated in my personal mis ted to understand and articulate my core values. these core values were then articulated in my personal mission statement writ r myself in life. third, i will stay true to my beliefs and values , letting those beliefs and values be reflected through my a ay true to my beliefs and values, letting those beliefs and values be reflected through my actions.” (“personal mission statem cqnls&t=1s moreau week 11). as stated above, one of my core values is perspective. by this i mean that i want to be willing an nt resources, i was able to identify and articulate my core values . going forward, i will try to live a life reflective of the forward, i will try to live a life reflective of these core values , with the ultimate goal of building upon the joy i experien hool with instilling and enforcing within her the important values of charitable action, giving back to the community surround ers most to me in life, figuring out how to implement these values poses a new challenge i have never pondered before. after e oreau fye week four). my self-concept (which consists of my values , interests, personality, and skills) is somewhat contradict ery focused on getting. recently, i have kind of changed my values completely and have actually realized what it is that is mo . within the moreau first year course, i have developed new values and have had new plans for life reinforced. after going thr ity, i find the quote above to be one of the most important values for all students here to have, as we need to constantly try yourself first your values , interests, personality, and skills (vips) before you can m tone integration.docx driscoll 1 capstone integration using values to create personal goals i. personal mission statement (“wr e in these important discussions. i want to stay true to my values and never act hypocritical. ii. my mission statement captur away. i have learned that i constantly need to reassess my values and examine my actions to make sure i am living up to my ow o shape my own behavior. as long as i remember my goals and values at all times, i believe that i will easily be able to act i people heard his opinion. paul’s alignment with conservate values and the republican party really guided his life. i would re ts in order to get there, but once she began to live by the values stated here today, everything became more clear…and i am su nd i am sure she is happy that everyone else can hear these values today too. she would want the rest of the world to know how . donald super wrote, “you have to know yourself first your values , interests, personality, and skills (vips) before you can m tions lead a life well-lived, we must first understand what values motivate ourselves and those around us. ultimately, it is t ffectively. the quote “you have to know yourself first your values , interests, personality, and skills (vips) before you can m decisions in life, “you have to know yourself first – your values , interests, personality, and skills” (navigating your caree ment to managing the university, and he always stuck to his values even when people were angry at him. dot always tried to do ife at the university of notre dame. his catholic faith and values were strengthened by both continued n three moreau fys 4 march 2022 wishing to be defined by my values when i die, i want to be remembered as someone who put my l around other people, and i hope to continue to exemplify my values in my daily actions ("week five discernment activity"—morea tant to me and i want others to remember that i stick to my values when making decisions. i want to be remembered as a joyful quality. equality and fair judgment are some of my foremost values that i consider when examining every single motivation and hope to be remembered to ensure that i am demonstrating my values in the choices i make. capstone integration capstone integr t a mission statement is an articulation of one’s goals and values . for the university of notre dame, that mission is drawing most importantly to grow in selflessness and humility. many values make up a life well lived. whether it be faith, family, lov . for one could stay motivated and work hard, two important values in living a good life, but if they do it in an arrogant way one who accomplished so much by simply remembering the core values of a successful life ("hesburgh" by jerry barca and christi put life is a broad spectrum of so many different opinions, values , people, perspectives, issues, beauties, and more. however, sulted in the development of my own ideas of importance and values . integration three moreau fys march 2022 the present is the common pattern, they all judged their success through their values . career satisfaction is measured by one’s “values, interest ugh their values. career satisfaction is measured by one’s “ values , interests, personality, and skills (“navigating your caree forms in education was life changing for many and shows how values are the only important aspect in one’s sense of success in clear that he lived a life well-lived; staying true to his values and personal convictions, thomas used his life in service o pope francis – moreau fye week seven) our society no longer values human life as much as economic production. however, thomas the same. i believe that when it comes to determining what values are important to me in terms of living a fulfilling life, i ve to truly understand the meaning of the various different values i have. i often don’t even know where to start in terms of ften don’t even know where to start in terms of listing the values .it wasn't until this semester that i sat down and actually cess of imagining what i want my life to look like and what values i want to carry with me has been extremely helpful. thank y e always had doubts about god, but orienting my beliefs and values about god with how i want to live a life well lived will gi ent his/her career self-concept, which is comprised of your values , interests, personality, and skills.” (“navigating your car eer development moreau fye week four) i need to consider my values , interests, personality, and skills to choose the best care to find the balance. “you have to know yourself first your values , interests, personality, and skills (vips) before you can m surround myself with, for each person will contribute to my values and my actions. when there is a diverse crowd influencing m end, february 20th, 2022, week 5) sometimes the unconscious values one holds are the strongest. i need to befriend people with what i believe in. i need to do my research, strengthen my values , and my passion for these values will override the fear of my research, strengthen my values, and my passion for these values will override the fear of the judgement and ridicule i migh ng in the path towards a life well-lived. there are various values and beliefs that have already been shaped into finding out t. if i exclusively converse with people that share similar values and perspectives as me, no exchanging of ideas will occur ( volved with policymaking and research. doing so combines my values – helping others and protecting the environment, interests ven if my career interests change, i hope to always keep my values at the forefront of my mind. the last component of my missi t best when it wrote, “you have to know yourself first your values , interests, personality, and skills (vips) before you can m l principles. by moral principles i mean growing in ethical values , focusing on allowing myself to be who i am, even with my w , through hard work and determination, by the hand of moral values like honesty and integrity. moreover, she reminded me of a my upcoming years, i will keep focusing on embracing these values and living each day like if it was the last one. moreover, reau fye week two). ultimately, i think that living out the values described in my mission statement will lead to a fulfilling tatement is what i created for myself. while it sets up the values i want to follow and the things i want to keep important to nd research, she became more and more clearly aware of her “ values , interests, personalities, and skills” (“navigating your ca a website that said “you have to know yourself first – your values , interests, personality, and skills (vips) – before you can ry of matt conaghan, a notre dame alumni who, driven by the values cultivated here at south bend, now leads an ngo that helps turbulence, prevents us from drifting away from our dearest values and objectives. for example, a skill i have developed throu believe that my life is one of adventure and love. with my values that i find from my family and friends, i have learned to l t to use my ambitious, compassionate, loyal, and dependable values to not only serve others, but to also inspire and empower o indicator of a life well-lived, and if i exhibit my truest values , i can build friendships and connections with people who ar t to use my ambitious, compassionate, loyal, and dependable values to not only serve others, but to also inspire and empower o indicator of a life well-lived, and if i exhibit my truest values , i can build friendships and connections with people who ar what i preach, and i want others to be able to see my core values and beliefs. throughout my life, there is guaranteed to be s me better than i know myself, and this talk cemented core values that i didn’t consciously know that i had. therefore, i wan seemed to lose sight of who she was. she stayed true to her values , never giving up on what she believed to be right. while i e o’malley moreau fye week two). caroline showed these same values in her day to day practices. she always wanted to do the ri rder to fulfill my mission, i know i need to respect my own values . i value my independence and freedom in my life (“conversat and every day could be her last. she kept her passions and values ever present in her mind so as to ensure that she was alway king about what social issues were most important, what she values in life, and some others (conversation guidemoreau fye week keep her memory alive, so i encourage everyone to take the values that katie believed in and apply them to your life. talk to fye week 5). moving forward, i hope to translate that into values that i can cultivate in my future career, whether that be w am confident i can find a path while also holding on to the values that bring me joy. beyond challenging me to reflect on ques au fye week 9). that future, grounded in the traditions and values of the catholic faith, challenges all people on campus to g said then. the point of a mission statement is to put down values that are key to who you are and how you live your life. if doubt will always believe, i have learned how to use these values at notre dame by what i have learned in the weekly moreau e e to be able to see when i fall into sin, and stray from my values , so that i can steer myself back. the next week i learned a ife is full of complicated situations, and i hope to use my values to resolve or at least come to terms with them. in another e that it is important to keep god first and foremost in my values and my life, and not reduce my values to a subjective stand st and foremost in my values and my life, and not reduce my values to a subjective standard. in week six one of the authors pu nderstandings and life as simply as possible, relying on my values to guide me. this is one challenge notre dame’s philosophy , hard-working, and dedicated he was. his family is what he values the most, and he certainly hopes that they remain proud of ent his/her career self-concept, which is comprised of your values , interests, personality, and skills” (“navigating your care week 7). in helping others, we are able to learn about the values of solidarity and move towards making a change in not only hugh considered was, “you have to know yourself first— your values , interests, personality, and skills (vips)— before you can mechanical engineer and do something that aligned with his values . in an interview with one of hugh’s closest friends, hugh i iscernment that said, “you have to know yourself first your values , interests, personality, and skills (vips) before you can m actions. my mission is to live my life as me, and to let my values drive me. i live with humility and integrity. i strive for earn new things throughout her life. she knew herself – her values , interests, personality, and skills–and used those to guide 4). at her core, farida lived with a philosophy that merges values and traditions from buddhist spirituality and islam. her up c level. i will be recounting these experiences, goals, and values as i give a rundown of this mission statement, exploring th ily development says, “you have to know yourself first your values , interests, personality, and skills (vips) before you can m ent his/her career self-concept, which is comprised of your values , interests, personality, and skills” (“navigating your care s, but i could at least attempt to sketch an outline of the values that have commanded me during the past years and my journey could qualify as major goals. but there were more abstract values that could turn out to be essential when situations demande lion’s sake. pursuing novel solutions did not compromise my values , but they did require that i have a good sense of what the led me to a deeper awareness, at the same time, of what my values meant in the real world. an episode i still remember had to breathing room to bring it back in sync with the rest of my values (“why we need to slow down our lives” by pico iyer – moreau nd silently reflecting on the subway, my perseverance in my values probably would not have survived to the end of my life. mos relationships in tandem with the will to not compromise my values and express them clearly when i’m in one. in short, i did n teresting story that might lead you to think about your own values and aspirations. what do you want to be remembered as, and unfulfilled even to their death. one must contemplate their values in life so that they pursue activities or professions that ion that fulfills them. this is done by ensuring that their values , interests, and skills are a significant part of their life implement his/her self-concept, which is comprised of your values , interests, personality, and skills” (“navigating your care pursue something that fulfills them and ensures that their values , interests, and skills are a significant part of their prof lt like i had a good idea of my self-concept, defined as my values , interests, personality, and skills. however, in the fifth few assigned questions. while she affirmed some of my core values and life goals, she also pointed out that i had forgotten o e also pointed out that i had forgotten or ignored specific values of mine in my first semester, like family (my mom moreau fy may realize that that interest is lacking or alignment with values or personality is off. that person can do the career for a out. this reinforces the need to consider all four aspects values , interests, personality, and skills when making a career de how we can act immediately to stick up for our beliefs and values , and because it’s the right thing to do. in an article by n e a life well-lived. when discussing what his strengths and values were, he was surprised when i talked about his drive to act ent his/her career self-concept, which is comprised of your values , interests, personality, and skills.” (“navigating your car ent his/her career self-concept, which is comprised of your values , interests, personality, and skills” (“navigating your care ey” article, a good career is one that“is comprised of your values , interests, personality, and skills” (“navigating your care han i ever knew about myself and have begun to formulate my values into my own personal mission statement. taking a page out o my life. by asking myself important questions about my core values in life, i have thought hard about my major declaration. wh ent for my entire life, but rather gives an insight into my values and examples of how i want to live my life. reflection is a at i completed with sam kaczor affirmed my perception of my values and my desired course of study. t about following the status quo, it is by sticking by your values and doing the right thing no matter what. that’s the kind o ife lessons that have allowed me to reflect upon what truly values me, and what is important to me. “i strive towards living a community is both kind and inclusive. i hope to extend the values i learn here at notre dame beyond campus and throughout the he people i surround myself with help to define my beliefs, values , and lifestyle. as i establish strong bonds https://www.ted to keep on going. i believe that for all of this, personal values are the most essential aspect of what will guide us to our ing place as of now but an increase in solidarity and other values that are essential to human nature, furthermore community. ibes how each and every one of us provides several di�erent values to the world we live in, in several di�erent ways. accompan nted them to be. each person has their own perspectives and values which impact the way that they act. everyone is uniquely di ent his/her career self-concept, which is comprised of your values , interests, personality, and skills.” (“navigating your car ndergo a process of learning about myself, specifically, my values , interests, personality, and skills (navigating your career ersation with a close friend or family member concerning my values , strengths, and vocation (“discerning a life well-lived dis r because she knows me well and is able to identify my core values . we concluded that my greatest desire in life is to engage flecting upon the things i enjoy, the skills i have, and my values led me to biochemistry and italian. because of this, i am s to ensure that my career path remains in alignment with my values , goals and the things that bring me joy. as recognized by m most happy when i surround myself with others who share my values . when exploring week 4’s navigating your career journey, i given me lots to reflect on. moreau has taught me about my values , ways i can live a better life, and much more. most importa er than others. this being said, my actions will reflect my values , not the benefits i selfishly wish to receive from them. i i achieve them or not. i also must trust my own beliefs and values to lead a life i am passionate about and proud of. as i gro sionate about and proud of. as i grow up, the importance of values have become more and more prominent. a person can be well d e and more prominent. a person can be well defined by their values and beliefs. knowing this, as well as being prompted to by planning to cultivate a cohesive, impactful and kind set of values that inform an individual’s decision making. this life requ individual’s decision making. this life requires consistent values and an open mindset to integrate growth and new life experi set to integrate growth and new life experiences with those values . a life well-lived allows a person to be dependable and wel tood in their community too because individuals actions and values impact the border community. choosing to live this intentio nt aspect of prioritizing my life well lived and the direct values i want to carry now instead of looking at more shallow purs alethia took the realization of this freedom to act on her values and began sharing memento mori on social media. her ability her ability to find peace in death and share her important values with the world is my inspiration too. as a college student ng death as a catalyst to act in the present and sharing my values however different they may seem really can begin a life wel n at the end of my life. it is a daily habit, a set of core values that inform big decisions and mundane situations. an inspir nd those goals in his catholic faith. fr. hesburgh knew his values needed to be connected to action and continually placed the eded to be connected to action and continually placed these values ahead of other selfish interests. in the face of segregatio s or controversial speakers, fr. hesburgh just reviewed his values and acted accordingly (“hesburgh” by jerry barca and christ or repercussions and allowed his goals and their connected values to lead him. goal setting and regular self-reflection help goal setting and regular self-reflection help me connect my values to tangible action in my daily life. i also use this reflec ved revolves around constant connection and reconnection to values . many of which i detailed in the first half of my mission s fixes” (“week 13 qqc” by moreau fye week 13). many of these values are important, but i must ensure i connect them to my actio am interested in. after finding these companies that fit my values and enact positive change, i will need to talk with real li y can tell me exactly how they are able to live out company values and the way their work is structured around both their skil h of this reflection has focused on expectations, goals and values to live my life well-lived, i also want to give myself the e, i find it crucial to first ground myself in the integral values that make up who i am. in attempting to outline what i beli nd change. one activity that made me reflect on my life and values was writing my personal mission statement. the mission stat atement close to my heart and continue expanding it with my values as i move forward through my career at notre dame. capstone or taylor 28 april 2022 love and success i am a person that values love above all else. i believe that love is literally god i ognize that material success is less important than my core values . specifically, the most important indicator of my success i of what i value and how i can live in accordance with those values , but there is always learning to be had. to assume one has was taught at notre dame to search within to understand my values , interests, personality and skills. don't be afraid to try ent his/her career self-concept, which is comprised of your values , interests, personality, and skills” ("navigating your care talked to was due to her genuineness. she had her own moral values that not everyone agreed with, but she was respectful and k nt to have as a father someday. my mission is to uphold the values that define me as a friend and one day a father. (week 13) fe and the lives of those around me. i want to pursue these values in every aspect of my life. the next three years of my life a mission to comfort and support. i want to remember these values in every interaction throughout college. i want to support elong process. it takes significant discernment to identity values , interests, personality traits, and skills, and how you can hose to have a conversation with her about my strengths and values and how i can use them to make a positive impact (moreau fy t reads, “kc is a very outgoing person that’s driven by his values and goals. during the fall semester, kc came in motivated a at the university of notre dame. still, with his goals and values in mind, kc persevered throughout the fall semester and tri ecting on how life was going and where he wanted to be, the values and goals that kc came to college with slightly changed/imp ong ellie’s lifetime, and highlight her accomplishments and values that were important to her. i can’t answer this question fo n as a transparent leader who knew what i wanted and how my values connected to my pursuits. i always strove to embody fr. hes micah 6:8. after almost a year of discovering myself and my values , i have come to the conclusion that this verse from scriptu tion led to will having a better understanding of what core values are most important to him in his schoolwork and in the work as well. creating things that are tailored to the likes and values of others often brings people happiness, and i especially t this mission statement will be useful in reminding me of my values while i am balancing the many facets in college. reflecting include the following: “to fulfill my mission and uphold my values , i must succeed as an individual” (personal mission stateme ife and learn from their experiences, character traits, and values . as you go through life, you will have to make many decisio kay to learn new things and formulate different beliefs and values . our convictions may change over time. i think we can learn ly and nourishes relationships with others invariably. with values deeply rooted and thus shaped through love and honor, she p ns, whose self-character is rooted in catholic and familial values that shape her being and essence ultimately radiating off o ind to me, as i focused on activities i love. these defined values i hold for a life well-lived. focusing on various ways to l n head and mechanical team captain in high school instilled values and inspiration. working with robots, i felt a significant rch opportunities in robot & control lab. reflecting on the values and desires of my life defines ‘in the zone” moments. here, r as much as we can. in addition, self-awareness arose from values , aspirations, and “in the zone” moments. it is because my p g self-confidence and being aware of my inner strengths and values , then i can be a kinder individual and appreciate more of m ext few years because “you have to know yourself first your values , interests, personality, and skills (vips) before you can m y on aligning my academic path and extracurriculars with my values and aspirations to create measurable change. i look forward ith a close family member or friend in order to identify my values and vocation (“discerning a life well-lived discernment con gun my journey and soon i will be challenged to live out my values in a difficult situation when the stakes are high. before i have taken time to reflect and learn something new about my values , core beliefs, and most simply what matters to me. during w e was probably the most impactful week as i reflected on my values and what was important to me. during the interview with my ell as being there for them to support their goals and root values . s that he always put his faith first. he stayed true to his values and his country which allowed him to expand his comprehensi by constantly going back to it, i will stay truthful to my values and know-how to react during times of uncertainty. by doing beliefs surrounding such wide subjects of human life, human values , cultural and religious ideas, politics, economics, and mor ly through this critical method of examining my beliefs and values that i came to understand what i value, and why. only after i continue my journey at notre dame, i hope to utilize the values , relationships, and knowledge i develop to build on my miss hen global security, protect american citizens, and promote values that advance peace and universal human rights.”(domer dozen ent his/her career self-concept, which is comprised of your values , interests, personality, and skills”(meruelo family center a modest living, john remained humble and kept to his core values . he valued passion, commitment, and honesty throughout his em until the day he died. he learned much about having core values from one of his role models, father hesburgh. father hesbur her daily life. reflection allowed her to remember her core values and beliefs, not allowing worldly influences to sway her fo exis with a strong moral compass. she lived by her word and values and did not allow anything to sway her from her core belief exis was always disciplined in that she was grounded in her values and knew how to set boundaries. however, she was also compa ke hesburgh, and i feel that by embodying the qualities and values that made hesburgh a memorable leader i will be able to liv must first learn how to be kind to myself and reflect on my values and the things that truly matter to me. at the beginning of y, people can find happiness. one of lucia’s most important values was to be a support for her friends when they needed her. t friends, and loved ones. though she’s gone, lucia’s biggest values live on in everyone she loved. one of her biggest goals in f her room. finally, lucia always tried to stay true to her values of helping others. one quote that always stood with her was ealize it was a testament to how strong one’s willpower and values can be in the face of adversity, and it is what she would l to live a life my mission is to live my life following the values i hold dearest, such as humility, dedication, and a quest f o explore all religious traditions and pull from the common values that can be applied to my own life. to do this i believe th want to do in the future with an open mind. to live by the values i hold dearest, i want to continue to be true to myself and ave been trying to do in all my group projects. while these values may be important, they mean nothing if i do not accept ever nted will not be easy. i am also aware that at my age these values are not completely fixed, instead, i look at them as a soli they take more practice, more dedication. modern society’s values are skewed and twistedbitterness, grudges, and deception. h r what and did not care what others thought of her beliefs, values , ideas, or desires. she knew what she wantedto https://idea ty, loyalty, selflessness, etc”. i realized then that these values in individual people are much more important than worldly v s in individual people are much more important than worldly values .” (conversation activity with my mom, moreau week five). ka , however this would not come without its own struggle. our values are a product of our experiences in the form of nurture, ed years at notre dame were critical to the discernment of his values and ambitions. the friends, acquaintances, and mentors who michael lead to him discovering his sense of adventure and values of innovation and accomplishment. this interaction, he told ife, being mindful of your well-being, your goals, and your values is key. in my god and the good life class from last semeste unting. however, i think i learned a lot about my goals and values through the exercise (“celebrate life by remembering death” it takes to build those relationships above my own personal values ” (moreau fye week 5). by examining the relationships of a p . acting courageously means holding the above qualities and values in your heart and speaking out when you see injustice or ex ve will help keep me centered in my faith and the important values i hold. during all the stress and chaos school brings, i wi e week four). when talking to my friends about each other’s values and how we perceive each other, i realize how important com el more comfortable while at notre dame. notre dame and the values it holds as an institution such as “the spirit of inclusion e spirit of inclusion” will help me keep me aligned with my values stated above (“the spirit of inclusion at notre dame” from ye week ten). i will only be able to hold these beliefs and values if i am challenged about my reasons behind holding them. th d. my mission statement above encapsulates all my important values which i will grow on and develop over the next three years y for the rest of my time at notre dame by being true to my values of my faith and community and looking towards strong indivi rspectives and loads of opportunities has shown me where my values align and where i want to head in life. throughout this pas ent his/her career self-concept, which is comprised of your values , interests, personality, and skills” (“navigating your care ent his/her career self-concept, which is comprised of your values , interests, personality, and skills” (“navigating your care eek 2). during week three i took time to focus on what core values matter in a life well-lived. in a way, by identifying these matter in a life well-lived. in a way, by identifying these values , i was able to identify goals for myself. identifying the v s, i was able to identify goals for myself. identifying the values that are important to me, made it easier to choose the peop ). this focus on death helped me to identify one of my core values of making the most of the time we have. in week four i focu ch as the need to follow one’s faith and stay true to their values , and added a few of my own. writing down a mission statemen job she took on a whim she would “consider all four aspects values , interests, personality, and skills” ( "navigating your car his strong beliefs in education, sophia always followed her values (hesburgh jerry barca and christine o’malley moreau fye wee oreau fye week two). her integrity and consistency with her values inspired those around her. sophia lived her life with a pur i decided to divide up this mission statement by each of my values (week 13). one’s values and beliefs represent one’s goals, his mission statement by each of my values (week 13). one’s values and beliefs represent one’s goals, intentions, and hopes, s represent one’s goals, intentions, and hopes, so sharing my values and how i can use these values to further develop my own ch ns, and hopes, so sharing my values and how i can use these values to further develop my own character within the next three y ed within our moreau class this year. the following are the values that i chose: a strong sense of identity, inclusion and emp dicine will allow me to implement many fundamental beliefs, values , and standards. striving towards this passion will enable m conversation with my friends in week five, i found that my values are apparent to those around me that i am inclusive and wis to live out is living a life that is guided by my christian values . as the world is becoming increasingly secular, it is hard efs about god as a moral compass, i can best manifest these values through the way in which i live my life,” (mission statemen actice my religion is to allow my actions to demonstrate my values . i want to change the lives of others through the way in wh eek 7). once you found people that align with your beliefs, values , and goals you started opening yourself and counting with b lf reflection was primarily borne out of both his christian values and his education at the university of notre dame. during h of a christian compassion. overall, these were some of the values i thought were pertinent to who josh was. the way he lived nts awareness on how one’s choice of career reflects one’s “ values , interests, personality, and skills' ' (“navigating your ca ng others and that there is a direct correlation between my values , skills and choices of career. however, i do still feel a l of my life with getting to know myself and understanding my values and interests comes a journey of self recognition and self- e. i believe that my mission statement encapsulates what my values are as a person, and what i want to be remembered for. i be of what some of the bare essentials are in understanding my values . the quote, “half the confusion in the world comes from not tions lead a life well-lived, we must first understand what values motivate ourselves and those around us. ultimately, it is t fectively. the quote, “you have to know yourself first your values , interests, personality, and skills (vips) before you can m n you are around people that mostly agree with many of your values , there will rarely be reconsideration or a holistic evaluat d, i work hard to live a faithful life through strong moral values and a commitment to service. i make an effort to see god’s in my life. though i hadn’t yet formally expressed it, the values i lived by have remained the same. from the first week of c lf and others which brings me happiness and aliens with the values in my mission statement to help me live a life well-lived. urselves with people of different backgrounds, beliefs, and values to explore our mindset and be more educated about the world d his wings by entering notre dame. while the instincts and values he learned as a child helped guide him, those first six mon being may look different for everyone, but i think that my values showcase the kind of person i would want to be remembered a most important part of having a life well-lived. in sum, my values direct the way in which i want to be remembered when i pass iscovering myself. by coming to terms with my own identity, values , and failures, i have become better prepared for the future alized my classmate couldn’t be more right. i don’t know my values and what is important to me, right off the top of my head, respect throughout his life, jayden vrins was guided by the values of family, kindness, and respect. it was these principles w ent. he never sacrificed his morals and always stuck to the values he developed from his family and his time at the university ordance with my beliefs. if i stay true to my faith and the values it entails, i will have fulfilled my duty. i hope to make p seen how the people and atmosphere have shaped my beliefs, values , and identity. one of the biggest reasons i chose to attend ent his/her career self-concept, which is comprised of your values , interests, personality, and skills” (“navigating your care ept needed to be considered when choosing a career path are values , interests, personality and skill (navigating your career j r the hayden’s life, we must remember his greatest beliefs, values , and convictions. the things he strived to live up to most, life so that i can continue to stand firm in my beliefs and values : “remember the roots you grew up with, not lose sight of yo llenges life has to offer, and keeping a tight grip on your values which can help lead you to the people that will help you be fr. hesburgh inspiring because he was confident in his own values of what it meant to live a good life, and no matter the pol g firm in their morals instead of trying to sacrifice their values to fit a “side.” to see a figure like fr. hesburgh, take on sues without taking a side and instead being steered by his values is admirable and has inspired me to live a life where i am t i am on the right path in life, and that i am solid in my values : “it’s important to keep in mind that it’s [career developm f the things that stood out was that i am very driven by my values , and they are my “why” in a lot of what i chose to do. i pu t whatever i set my mind to; however, it must align with my values . i also value authenticity from myself and others; it shows om myself and others; it shows that they are solid in their values which i believe is the key to living a life well-lived. whe one” is when i am using my gifts and living according to my values . some easy examples are golf and softball for me, but even laxed and being myself in a genuine way. to me, traditional values are important to me, especially in our culture today where important to me, especially in our culture today where our values as a society are shifting. i’ve always thought that i have ght and wrong which comes from having a solid foundation of values . this sense of justice is a great strength of mine, but it may have in life. this will ensure that i stay strong in my values . helping others will fulfill us because it is what we are m ings people together. being remembered for my character and values is something that i find important. i want to serve others put their needs before hers. for it was through these inner values of service that made her most joyful and as a result led to g in the shadows and brought them to life, showing them the values of love and friendship that she held onto so tightly. thoug r. when walking through life, it is important to define the values you want to carry with you to ensure that you are living a tion with my mother about her interpretation of my greatest values , desires, and passions and what she considers to be my stre focused on, and my experiences have helped me discover the values that are most important to me. the merulo family center for eer development says, “you have to know yourself first your values , interests, personality, and skills (vips) before you can m i value most in other peopleand how i want to reflect those values in everything i do. my core values are trust, honesty, and i want to reflect those values in everything i do. my core values are trust, honesty, and sincerity. i want to be someone tha be vulnerable with. this school has made me realize my core values are what will lead me in the direction god wants me to go. new scenarios is sometimes hard for me. by keeping my core values at heart and uncovering my weaknesses, i will slowly develo ally about how it impacted you and how it aligns with your [ values , interests, personality, and skills]” (“navigating your car eded at my high school goal. however, when reflecting on my values , it becomes clear how much more this accomplishment means. hing it could be is to take the time to understand your own values , keep these values in mind as you live and accomplish thing to take the time to understand your own values, keep these values in mind as you live and accomplish things, and to build and this way. he was thankful for everything he had and for the values his parents instilled in him. the positive outcome that aro the chance to measure how well i have been able to align my values with honorable virtues. my exposure to numerous perspective in maintaining a life well-lived are your relationships and values , career and leisure time, and method of overcoming hardship meaningful relationships is finding those who share similar values to you, while being flexible with your values. at the same share similar values to you, while being flexible with your values . at the same time, it is important to be willing to change the same time, it is important to be willing to change your values after enduring new experiences. as noted by father hesburgh , and what we are, and what are our qualities, what are our values as human beings” (hesburgh film br leon panetta 51:02-morea ovement, his message of the importance of our qualities and values in bringing together diverse communities highlights the pro ounds, a supportive environment of individuals who share my values help me to live a life well-lived. another important aspect lity, we also must act. we must take action in a world that values inaction. courage embodies the mission of the church and wa ocial change through reflective leadership because of these values and because of the lessons i have learned as a first-year s e a force for good, which directly aligns with notre dame’s values as an institution. as dillard (week 13) suggests, we all ha first year at notre dame has inspired me and grounded me in values needed to fulfill my life goals. it is clear to me that thi regardless of what path i opt to tread down, the morals and values that i have cultivated first within my household and now at wonderful, and it’s both confirmed and challenged a lot of values i’ve had for a long time. “every experience shapes you in s may realize that that interest is lacking or alignment with values or personality is off” (nd undergrad center). this is an im lf more deep questions that were centered on my beliefs and values in order to gain a deeper understanding of myself. one of t d i have a lot in common and that we share many of the same values . she noted that i have a genuine care https://www.nytimes.c i hold myself to and did not filter people according to my values , which led to toxic friendships that i quickly ended. movin righten me and to remain unswayed in my confidence and core values despite hardship i may face. i will look toward risk with m to discuss, and she mentioned that the minor shares my same values ; the minor is a chance for people from all majors and backg be more resolved than they are now. because of this, these values are important in my own life, as i believe that god created ng years to join clubs and organizations that align with my values and promote and advocate for human dignity. even though i d ern what matters to me as well as how i can integrate these values into my future. i feel as though i have found a more holist tre dame, my beliefs were dissonant. i lacked the steadfast values that i observed in others around me. over the course of the ng others, and learning how to take action are several core values that i have chosen to follow for the rest of my life in som ). building my relationships with others is one of the core values that i hold in my mission statement and one that i reflect lized that a great career is one that “is comprised of your values , interests, personality, and skills” (“navigating your care ?” to that i now say, “you have to know yourself first your values , interests, personality, and skills”(“navigating your caree i think a life well-lived is shown through the messages and values you represent and spread. once i realized what i valued, i h this quote always in mind, i wanted everyone to know what values i stood for, and i wanted my ideas for a better world to be i want to be known as someone who always stood up for their values and actively showed value and desire in changing the world. for her life. she thought about questions such as what she values in life and what issues are important to her (moreau fye we hugh considered was, “you have to know yourself first— your values , interests, personality, and skills (vips)— before you can mechanical engineer and do something that aligned with his values . in an interview with one of hugh’s closest friends, hugh i strong work ethics, my parents have instilled in me similar values . as my lifelong friend aidan told me in a recent conversati ther. this exposure has allowed me to develop my own set of values which helped to shape my mission statement. notre dame’s ow out, “this reinforces the need to consider all four aspects values , interests, personality, and skills when making a career de as i hope to one day raise kids that have their own strong values . dean of notre dame’s law school, g. marcus cole, told a st rage you all to live like liam did and to always embody his values .” (“a calling to serve the vulnerable eulogy” by moreau fye f us aren’t necessarily the same, as we have some differing values and personalities, “at the end of the day we [are] all fish from that week reads: “you have to know yourself first your values , interests, personality, and skills (vips) before you can m d. however, once i have started trying to focus on the core values of my mission statement, i have begun to live a more fulfil these new practices have helped me to begin maintaining the values of my mission statement and will serve me well throughout m y younger self, i thought in-depth about my morals, current values , and what i hold to be important. in doing so, i walked awa gration moreau fye week 8). this quote directly mirrors the values of my mission statement, which demonstrates the effect the ompaniment, which to my understanding means emphasizing the values of companionship, brotherhood, and compassion in all intera aid in any way that i am able. therefore, by living by the values set in my mission statement, and adapting them to each give t notre dame and beyond. i believe that if i can uphold the values iterated in my mission statement, my life will not only be in the long run since “you have to know yourself first your values , interests, personality, and skills (vips) before you can m nnor integration 4 pursuit of a life-well lived: forming my values and identity at notre dame and beyond step 1: mission state re dame and beyond step 1: mission statement ​​based on the values of connectivity, charity and kindness, i commit myself to a and do not stand down in the face of adversity. led by the values instilled in me by my catholic faith, i build my community e in my faith journey. another way that i aim to embody the values articulated in my mission statement is through allowing mys flexibility to live the life i dream of. particularly, the values i decided on as important to have in my place of work, such life after graduation. specifically, i aim to embody these values before i enter the professional world through treating my c week 5 discernment activity was a way for me to develop the values of my mission statement based on the perceptions of those m t of it. notre dame is a special place founded in christian values of love and charity, and this presents each individual memb ur world today. moreover, another way i aim to live out the values reflected in my mission statement over my next three years ling me to do in a world full of opportunity. guided by the values of my mission statement, i look forward to taking advantage idual over my next three years at notre dame, guided by the values i hold closest to my heart. integration three assignment in year experience love requires a sacrifice my three greatest values are inner harmony, close relationships, and the quality of to what inspires me to take part in things and confirmed my values . she observed that i am passionate about questions of “why” lue in my life. week thirteen of moreau helped me to put my values into a concise mission statement: i want to be a hardworkin isciplined helps me to have a strong foundation for my core values and beliefs. once i have a strong foundation, my daily acti nd beyond, i wish to be firm and disciplined in my work and values just like father hesburgh was. being firm in my values will and values just like father hesburgh was. being firm in my values will help me to not deviate from the right action. dean g. o the job force and the real world, i wish to carry all the values and lessons i have learned from notre dame. https://hiddenb o a new world, the things that i traditionally held as core values were suddenly challenged. maybe moving didn’t give me const very now and ask “what’s the point?” i’ve considered my own values and convictions, on my own, in prayer, and certainly within f a greater truth. he was always developing his skills, his values , and his relationships. as dr. eurich describes, “asking wh ent his/her career self-concept, which is comprised of your values , interests, personality, and skills” (“navigating your care otre dame moreau fye week four). i need to take my personal values and beliefs and test them through different courses and exp of us and what we are, what are our qualities, what are our values as human beings” ("hesburgh" by jerry barca and christine o