Integration 4

Pursuing a Life Well-Lived

(Mission Statement - Moreau FYE Week 13)

My mission in this world is to have a positive impact on those around me. Personally, I want to

live the best life that I can and live my life to its fullest potential.  If I am capable of making

somebody’s day, I am all for it because it makes the world a better place. Everyone always asks,

“How can you change the world,” but I do not believe that is a valid question. It is next to

impossible to have a lasting impact on the entire world, which is why I want to set more realistic

goals for myself and progressively increase what I do for the people around me. Right now, I

know I can positively impact my friends and family, but as I am about to take that next step in

life, I believe I can begin helping the local community.

“The very people, in short, who have worked to speed up the world are the same ones

most sensitive to the virtue of slowing down” (Why we Need to Slow Down our Lives - Pico

Iyer - Moreau FYE Week 1)

Pico Iyer implies that we should take a break from the internet to allow ourselves to take a step

back and regather ourselves before we head back online. To be honest, this idea sounds great to

me, but I know I would never be able to accomplish this. The use of the internet has been a huge

factor in speeding up our lives. When I am bored, for example, I will either pass time by going

on my phone or watching some television, and I know a large number of the population would

say the same thing. Passing time with the internet would have me regretting that decision

because time flies by when I am encapsulated by the internet. I have not made any strides

towards achieving this, unfortunately.

“If I may be unkind to some person in what I say about them, it’s impossible to have a

complete and honest human story if one doesn’t speak of human failings as well as human

successes” (Hesburgh film - Moreau FYE Week 2). What I take away from this is that we should

be truthful, even when times are the hardest they have ever been. You cannot sit back and say

you have lived an honest life when you are not truthful to those around you. It is true that

judgment is an everyday thing. People in this world are constantly judging others, whether it is

about somebody’s looks, character, personality, etc. The problem with this is that we will never

be 100% truthful to them, refusing to acknowledge what that person may have gone through in

their life.

“[Dissatisfaction] is what constantly moves us forward, makes us grow, expands our

horizons, and deepens our perceptions. It’s a very healthy, a very important, and a very valuable

thing!” (Fr. Michael Himes - Moreau Week 3). Dissatisfaction is one thing that keeps us

motivated to do better and improve ourselves. Without this feeling and urge to be better, then we

would have no reason to search for joys, talents, and newly acquired abilities. If we were

constantly satisfied with the way we lived our lives, then what would we have to work for in

life? This is why I try to better myself or do something productive every day.

“I’m sure you’ve all done things that you really haven’t enjoyed – maybe it was

something a friend or family member wanted you to do a required course in high school”

(Navigating Your Career Journey - Meruelo Family Center for Career Development - Moreau

FYE Week 4). When I begin something, I want to know that it is something that I can do well

and do it with love. One thing that I was always concerned with was how long my love would

last in my career. I may start out loving what I do, and I may think it is what I will always want

to do but that is not always the case. Part of my time in swimming has had me questioning

whether I love it or not. College has definitely made me love it even more. When something is

part of your life for so long, I feel like sometimes you’re ready to move on, so I just hope I never

get that feeling in my desired field.

“I thought it was a really interesting conversation because it was really the first time we

talked about what we think and respect each other. Some things were scary accurate, which is

unbelievable considering we have only known each other for a few months” (Conversation

Activity - Moreau FYE Week 5). Building lasting relationships is important to living a life

well-lived. I cannot imagine life without those who I have become friends with. Living in

Indiana has made me become family with a bunch of strangers, and I cannot thank it enough.

Creating these everlasting memories is key to life. We have grown to understand each other

when we know one of us is down or doing really well on a particular day. It has become very

easy to share my experiences and stories with those I have become friends with.

“The people who scored high on self-reflection were more stressed, depressed and

anxious, less satisfied with their jobs and relationships…” (The Right Way to be Introspective -

Tasha Eurich - Moreau FYE Week 6) In my opinion, I feel like this study does make a lot of

sense. Whenever I am doubting myself or unsatisfied with what I’m doing, I find myself

reflecting on my life a lot more. On the other hand, if I am completely happy with how things are

going, I tend to lose track of time and feel disconnected from my emotions because I am focused

on the actions that make me happy, which leads to more free-thinking. When life is tough, it

often has me questioning every move I make, hoping it is the right one for me.

“[Hope] can do so much, because a tiny flicker of light that feeds on hope is enough to

shatter the shield of darkness” (Why the Only Future Worth Building Includes Everyone - Pope

Francis - Moreau FYE Week 7) This quote just stood out to me because of its tone and how

powerful Pope Francis presents it. Oftentimes, people lose relationships which leads to us feeling

down and having lost hope for the ones we truly love. However, we are assured to always have

hope, even in our darkest situations. Pope Francis reminds us that people and healthy

relationships are what drive this world. One thing my mom always told me was to always check

up on my friends, past and present because it is always important to have someone sticking by

your side. I have had a few friends with who I shared some of my greatest memories, but had our

friendship suddenly came to a stop. Those were strange times, but I always ended up talking to

them to see how they are doing.

“Even though I had landed on their doorstep with plans to be their helper, they

accompanied me, and during those first two years and the many intervening ones, I think I have

learned – and am still learning – to accompany them as well.” (Teaching Accompaniment -

Professor Steve Reifenberg- Moreau FYE Week 9) Steve Reifenberg intended to improve the

quality of life for orphans residing in Chile. However, when disaster struck, the residents needed

to take care of him. I think it is very important to not have any expectations of strangers and to

go in with an open mind when meeting people. A poor environment, like the one in Chile, leads

to people needing to take care of each other. As we have previously talked about, caring for each

other no matter who they are leads to everlasting relationships

“We prize the uniqueness of all persons as God’s creatures. We welcome all people of

color, gender, religion, ethnicity, etc. precisely because of Christ’s calling to treat others as we

desire to be treated.” The spirit of inclusion at Notre Dame is critical to everyone who is

involved at this university. Nobody should be excluded from events or other things because of

who they are. I abide by the golden rule and so should many others. If people do me no harm,

then I will treat them with respect. Yes, not everybody is going to be your friend, but it is vital

for humanity to put those differences aside when it comes to treating others properly.

“We should be intentional about the information that we expose ourselves to seeking out

intelligent people with whom we disagree and attempting to fully understand their argument.”

(How to avoid an Echo Chamber - Dr. Paul Blaschko - Moreau FYE Week 11) One thing that I

have learned while growing up is that there are always two sides to a story and people with

different opinions. Hearing the many different opinions about certain topics is important for our

understanding of communication. In order to communicate with each other, we need to fully

understand the other side’s opinions and feelings. This is the only way to discuss things in a

mature and proper manner because it allows us to understand the people we surround ourselves

with. Listening to what others have to say can help our minds grow by thinking in ways we may

have never thought.

“I know that those men will never have to answer for what they did to us. At least in this

life” (Dean G. Marcus Cole - Moreau FYE Week 12).  This quote really stood out to me because

it states that they may have gotten away with the crime that day, but they may not be able to

escape it on their day of judgment after they pass away. In simpler terms, Cole simply puts their

fate into God’s hands. Yes, people are entitled to their religion, but if we all believed that there

may be an afterlife—a place beyond our time on Earth—then the world may be a much better

place because our actions would have an impact on our future.

In conclusion, treating yourself and those around you respectfully is what makes a life

well-lived. Building relationships with everyone will help us understand what we are going

through individually and as a whole.