Capstone Integration


David Lassen


Thinking Ahead

Personal mission statement

Throughout my 19 years of life, I have encountered situations that have shaped and

changed the person I am today. I have failed, succeeded, cried, and laughed but I have always

learned something despite the situation. Behind the success and failure, I have realized that

anything is possible if you put your mind to it. After all, we all have the same opportunities, just

that some have more obstacles. These obstacles might be gender, ethnicity, race, etc. What truly

matters is the type of mindset one has. Whenever I find myself in a challenging situation where I

want to give up, I ask myself how much I want it. If I truly desire it, then with hard work I will

achieve everything I want. There are ups and downs in life and all of these affect the outcome,

but if I stay persistent and positive, I will accomplish my desires. I wish to be able to inspire and

encourage others to continue following their goals in life. That is the only way stereotypes will

be broken, by providing them wrong. Being scared to face challenges and being willing to fail is

important. That failure will not only give you a lesson but it will prepare you for future

challenges you might encounter. Challenges that might be hard to overcome but not impossible.

Having a mission statement can help one accomplish a goal and achieve a life well-lived.

These goals and a life well-lived might look different for everyone but as long as one is happy,

then one should continue following the path to that happiness. My mission statement above

basically motivates me to continue pushing through hardships to accomplish my goals. These

goals might change as time goes by, but I know for sure that I want to inspire others to keep

following their dreams even if they seem impossible. I can implement this mission statement for

the next three years of my life to get me through college and even help me accomplish my career

goals after that.

As I was in the process of creating my mission statement I had to reflect on what a life

well-lived looked like. This was a tricky question, but being able to define joy was of great help

during the process. I used Fr. Michael Himes's definition of joy. Fr Michael Himes stated,

“Joy–the sense of the rightness of how one is living one’s life.”. ("Three Key Questions" by Fr.

Michael Himes - Moreau FYE Week Three) After reading this passage, I reflected on past

experiences that brought me joy. Being with my family and spending time with them always

makes me feel at peace. When combined, I concluded that I found joy in making my family

proud and many times this came with academic success. This helped me reflect on what I want

my three years of college to look like. For me, being in this institution is a great accomplishment.

I was able to come to this school through financial aid. It was like an opportunity of a lifetime if

you take into consideration the fact that none of my parents went to school. I want to make the

best out of this opportunity. Being successful and accomplishing things that are not common for

a person like me to accomplish brings me joy. I know I want to set a path for future family

members. With my current life experiences, I was able to create a mission statement that will

guide me throughout my college career. This reflection even helped me find assurance in my

current major. According to the Navigating your Career journey, “There is no “best major” out

there - but there is a “best major for you.". (“Navigating Your Career Journey - Moreau First

Year Experience Course” by Meruelo Family Center for Career Development -Moreau FYE

Week Four)  As a first-generation college student, finding a major was hard. The only thing I

knew was that I wanted to help underserved communities improve their lives. Now more than

ever I am sure that I took the right path. With a political science major, I will be able to develop

important skills that will help me make a change in society. There is no doubt that I want to help

change our political system. With this goal in mind, I will be able to stay on track in college for

the next three years. Being successful and helping people with unfair circumstances brings me

joy and this can only be accomplished if I take full advantage of the academic opportunities I

have in this institution.

During this Moreau class, I was not only able to develop what a well-lived life means to

me but I was also able to develop knowledge about how to accomplish it. In my first week at

Moreau, I was able to interact with articles that questioned how daily things around me affected

my life. One of these articles was written by Pico Lyer where he questions how technology

affects our daily lives. Lyer states,  “Twenty-five minutes to recover from a phone call. Yet such

interruptions come every eleven minutes — which means we’re never caught up with our lives.”.

("Why we need to slow down our lives" by Pico Iyer- Moreau FYE Week One

Technology is a tool that has shaped our everyday lives. It can be beneficial but at times, it can

be harmful. I have personally experienced situations in which technology has brought negativity

to my life. Comparing myself to people this can be academically or physically has resulted in a

hatred feeling against myself. Similar to Lyer’s point, one can often get caught up with

technology that they forget about real life. This is something that I will keep in mind as I finish

my education at Notre Dame. If I want to accomplish my goals, just like my mission statement

states, using technology appropriately is something I will practice. I am aware that I am human

and that I make mistakes, but recognizing these mistakes and making a change will get me closer

to my goals in life. Recognizing these mistakes might be difficult and that is why we always

have to rely on something, for example, a mission statement, to keep us aligned.

I am aware that when one faces uncertainty, it might be hard to react. What gave me an

idea of how to react to uncertainty was the Hesburgh Film that I watched during Week two of

Moreau. In the film, it was stated, “it's because of his faith that he never lost hope”. ("Hesburgh

Film" by Jerry Barca and Christine O'Malley - Moreau FYE Week Two) During the Hesburgh

film, it was mentioned that the reason why Hesburgh was able to accomplish so many things in

life was that he always put his faith first. He stayed true to his values and his country which

allowed him to expand his comprehension throughout time. This was something that inspired me

in the creation of my mission statement. We all might have different definitions of faith and that

is what makes us unique. Faith can lead to strength in a person which can help me get through

my three years of college. If I never lose the faith that I have in myself, and despite the hardships

I face, keep going then I can accomplish anything that proposes to myself. I am aware that there

might be challenges and I will encounter failure. To avoid this failure to define me, I will have to

rely on my faith to not lose hope or myself.

Failure is intimidating but something unavoidable. I believe that I did a great job

incorporating failure into my mission statement. It will help me be aware that failure is normal

and that it doesn’t define you. With this in mind, I can overcome challenges that might present

themselves in the upcoming years. What helped me achieve this mindset was looking at the

video for week six. In the video, the main character said, “But then I began to realize that some

of the things that I can do, the movements that I have already, can be a blessing for some others.”

(“Five Minutes” by Grotto- Moreau FYE Week Six) In the video, we see how Dr.Kim was full of

insecurities and anger after his accident. He then explains that his faith allowed him to conquer

strength and make the best of the situation. Realizing that he should be grateful that he had

another opportunity to survive allowed him to continue with a normal life and his goals, even if

they changed over time. Whenever I encounter these challenges, I need to take a break and

reflect on the positives in my life. By being grateful in moments of uncertainty, I will be able to

think more clearly and keep pursuing what brings me joy.

Not only will faith allow me to push through hardships but having recognized my past

efforts will fill me with the strength to keep doing. During week 5, we were assigned to contact

someone and have a discernment conversation. (Discernment Conversation Activity- Moreau

FYE Week Five) I decided to call my young little brother and throughout the conversation, I was

able to realize how important I am to him. My little brother is probably the most important thing

in my life. Being in college not only has made us closer but it has made us cherish each other

more. Throughout the conversation, I realized how important I am to him too. Whenever I feel

like I have failed, I can just think about him. By taking a moment and thinking about those that

you inspire, one can keep pushing forward. This is something that has motivated me in the past

weeks. Being able to confront hardships along with having a mission statement in hand, I can get

through my next years of college.

Failure is something that will be present throughout my college experience but so will

doubt. Doubt has been probably one of my biggest challenges so far. I often doubt my worth and

my belonging to this institution. Knowing how to get through this will not only make my life

easier but it will get me one step closer to my life goals. In week 7 we touched on how to do so

briefly. The article Tattoos On Heart states, “Close your eyes; see with the other one then we are

no longer saddled by the persistent judgments or ceaseless withholding, our constant inclusion”.

(“Chapter 8: Jurisdiction” by Fr. Greg Boyle, S.J Tattoos on the Heart” - Moreau FYE Week

Seven) I was able to connect to this article on a personal level. I often get tangled up in what

people think about me and its interference with how I perform certain things. The way the article

ended gave me a great lesson. I have become very insecure here but part of this has been because

I have let others' actions of exclusion get to me. If I just take a step back, close my eyes and let

go of the toxic people around me, I can get one step closer to achieving my goals. People often

like to judge and lessen others to make themselves feel better or because they simply don’t

understand the circumstances different people face. I was able to acknowledge this in week 10.

In the article by Dr. Roin D’ Angelo, it is stated, “Most whites live, grow, play, learn, love, work

and die primarily in social and geographic racial segregation.” (“Why It’s So Hard To Talk To

White People About Racism” by Dr. Robin D’Angelo adapted from HuffPost FYE Week Ten) In

this reading, we get to understand why it is hard for white people to include others and why they

accept racism in their lives. I have encountered doubt because of racially motivated people in my

life. In my mission statement, I state that there might be obstacles in my life because of my

background. I hope that by including that, it can work as a reminder to not give up. To keep

pushing no matter how hard life gets because, at the end of the day, it is up to me to let what

others think to define me.

I have had the opportunity to build hatred against them because of the doubt that caused

but at the end of the day, I realized that hate will bring nothing but darkness in my life. Week 12

helped me shape this thought. After reading Dean G. Testimony I was able to see how

life-changing letting go of grudges can be. In his testimony, he states, “Each report of racial

violence at the hands of a police officer or group of men brings to the surface vivid memories of

that terrible night.” (“Dean G. Marcus Cole: 'I am George Floyd. Except, I can breathe. And I

can do something.” Dean G. Marcus FYE Week Twelve) In this testimony, Dean expressed how

the situation he experienced as a kid shaped the person he came to be. It was an experience that

he is not able to forget but that he was able to overcome to live a better life. I can apply this when

it comes to encountering doubt in myself. As I mentioned before, the doubt I have experienced

has been implemented by others. If I would have let this doubt define my life, I wouldn’t have

been able to complete my freshman year of college. I learned to just let go. Building hatred leads

to no good, it leads to more uncertainty. Similarly to Dean, instead of listening to this doubt or

letting the doubt define me, I have used it as motivation. In my mission statement, I mentioned

that everyone has the same opportunities, just that some have more obstacles than others. Doubt

is one of those obstacles. People often try to make you feel less which can interfere with your

self-confidence. It is up to the person to decide if they are going to let that doubt define them. By

recognizing that this is just one obstacle I will build the strength to overcome it and even find the

motivation to keep going.

Week thirteen of my Moreau class has been the most impactful. By creating a mission

statement, I have built a guide to my future. I realized what my real motives are in life. I was

able to identify what is more important to me. Today, I am more than confident about what I

want to do in the future. I couldn’t have created that mission statement without week 9. In week

9 week we talked about how one could improve conditions in their community while improving

one life. I always knew I wanted to give back to my community and I always thought that the

right way to do so was by representing their voice. After reading about an Alumni experience I

changed my mind.  Reifenberg mentions the following, “Solidarity with the poor means not to

try to be the voice of the voiceless. This is NOT the goal. The goal should be that those who have

no voice today will have a voice and will be heard.”. (“Teaching Accompaniment: A Learning

Journey Together” by Steve Reifenberg FYE Week Nine) It came to my attention that if I kept

the mindset of representing someone's voice, I would be silencing them. That is why in my

mission statement, I mentioned that I wanted to encourage people to follow their goals and set an

example for others to use as a guide. By doing so, they will be able to make their own decisions

and have control of their life instead of having someone implement to them what to do. I want to

help underserved communities in the future but helping them have a platform to speak up, not

speaking up for them. In week 11 we talked about ideological bubbles. This is a great example of

how during this lesson, I was able to learn to adopt new ideas in my life.  In the video assigned it

was stated, “Seeking out intelligent people with whom we disagree and attempting to fully

understand their arguments” (“How to Avoid an Echo Chamber” by Dr. Paul Blaschko”  FYE

Week Eleven) If I had decided to continue with the goal of representing minority groups I would

have stayed in an ideological bubble. By giving people a platform to speak up for themselves, we

will all learn the different struggles each person has and therefore brainstorm together on how to

make their lives better. If these lessons would have not been presented to me, my personal

mission statement would have looked differently. I know that in the future I want to be a leader, a

leader that allows each person to have a voice. A voice that can allow them to be heard and get

the necessities they lack.

Creating a personal mission statement has been extremely impactful to me. I was able to

identify what really matters to me and what a life well lived means. Not only has it helped me

identify my goals but I will be able to use it as guidance throughout my college career and

beyond. By constantly going back to it, I will stay truthful to my values and know-how to react

during times of uncertainty. By doing so I will be one step closer to a life well-lived.