id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt homer-odyssey_19 homer-odyssey_19 .txt text/plain 6070 181 74 I had any number of servants, and all the other things which people have who live well and are accounted wealthy, but it pleased Jove to take all away from me; therefore, woman, beware lest you too come to lose that pride and place in which you now wanton above your fellows; have a care lest you get out of favour with your mistress, and lest Ulysses should come home, for there is still a chance that he may do so. Son- in- law and daughter, replied Autolycus, call the child thus: I am highly displeased with a large number of people in one place and another, both men and women; so name the child' Ulysses,' or the child of anger. cache/homer-odyssey_19.txt txt/homer-odyssey_19.txt