id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt homer-iliad_13 homer-iliad_13 .txt text/plain 8453 220 67 Now, therefore, lead on where you would have us go, and we will follow with right goodwill; you shall not find us fail you in so far as our strength holds out, but no man can do more than in him lies, no matter how willing he may be. With these words he satisfied his brother, and the two went towards the part of the battle where the fight was thickest, about Cebriones, brave Polydamas, Phalces, Orthaeus, godlike Polyphetes, Palmys, Ascanius, and Morys son of Hippotion, who had come from fertile Ascania on the preceding day to relieve other troops. Now the Trojans followed Hector son of Priam in close array like a storm- cloud or flame of fire, fighting with might and main and raising the cry battle; for they deemed that they should take the ships of the Achaeans and kill all their chiefest heroes then and there. cache/homer-iliad_13.txt txt/homer-iliad_13.txt