id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt homer-iliad_11 homer-iliad_11 .txt text/plain 8606 227 69 And Achilles answered, Noble son of Menoetius, man after my own heart, I take it that I shall now have the Achaeans praying at my knees, for they are in great straits; go, Patroclus, and ask Nestor who it is that he is bearing away wounded from the field; from his back I should say it was Machaon son of Aesculapius, but I could not see his face for the horses went by me at full speed. Patroclus did as his dear comrade had bidden him, and set off running by the ships and tents of the Achaeans. Hither, then, to the rescue of great Ajax son of Telamon. Even so did he cry when he was wounded; thereon the others came near, and gathered round him, holding their shields upwards from their shoulders so as to give him cover. cache/homer-iliad_11.txt txt/homer-iliad_11.txt