id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt homer-iliad_10 homer-iliad_10 .txt text/plain 5567 188 79 The two came breathless up to him and seized his hands, whereon he began to weep and said, Take me alive; I will ransom myself; we have great store of gold, bronze, and wrought iron, and from this my father will satisfy you with a very large ransom, should he hear of my being alive at the ships of the Achaeans. Fear not, replied Ulysses, let no thought of death be in your mind; but tell me, and tell me true, why are you thus going about alone in the dead of night away from your camp and towards the ships, while other men are sleeping? And Nestor knight of Gerene answered, Ulysses, noble son of Laertes, take it not amiss, for the Achaeans are in great straits. cache/homer-iliad_10.txt txt/homer-iliad_10.txt