id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt homer-iliad_08 homer-iliad_08 .txt text/plain 5381 168 75 Vouchsafe me then this prayer— suffer us to escape at any rate with our lives, and let not the Achaeans be so utterly vanquished by the Trojans. Thus did he pray, and father Jove pitying his tears vouchsafed him that his people should live, not die; forthwith he sent them an eagle, most unfailingly portentous of all birds, with a young fawn in its talons; the eagle dropped the fawn by the altar on which the Achaeans sacrificed to Jove the lord of omens; when, therefore, the people saw that the bird had come from Jove ,they sprang more fiercely upon the Trojans and fought more boldly. Thrice did he doubt, and thrice did Jove thunder from the heights of Ida in token to the Trojans that he would turn the battle in their favour. cache/homer-iliad_08.txt txt/homer-iliad_08.txt