id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt uc2.ark:-13960-t0wq07b1z Roberts, R., Miss., d. 1788. Albert, Edward And Laura, And The Hermit Of Priestland; Three Legendary Tales. 1783.0 .txt text/plain 33196 2894 90 Come, fpirit diviney thou the ftrong bond of love Between the almighty Father and the Son, 105 The fource and fountain of eternal love; Thou only mafter of all human Hearts ; Come, and with mighty energy impart Some touches of thy love, that my weak thoughts Aided by thee, illumin'd, and uprais'd, no May to my fubje6t's dignity refpond : Aroufe the expectations of mankind ; Wake from deep fleep the inattentive throng : And ftrike the nobleft, fulleft chord to found The melody of love, returning love, 115 With crown of gold to deck each faithful brow t Then [ 6 ] Then fliall we fee him : — every eye fliall fee Still fatiate and ftill thirfting : 'midft the choirs Of Saints and Angels, ceafelefly employ'd 730 To hymn eternal love: in converfe fweet, With fpirits divine on all Jehovah's works And wonders, pafling wonder, on our view cache/uc2.ark:-13960-t0wq07b1z.txt txt/uc2.ark:-13960-t0wq07b1z.txt