id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt njp.32101015324427 M'Donogh, Felix, 1768?-1836. Hermit Abroad. By The Author Of The Hermit In London, And Hermit In The Country. 1823.0 .txt text/plain 35938 1264 69 One day economy is his plan, and he dines at a cheap eating-house, with frugal wine and water; the next, he indulges his foreign taste with made dishes, fruits, ices, and a moderate quantity of wine: one even- ing he wins a crown at billiards, another he gains or loses a trifle at the little-go; a terne in the lottery is his speculation this week ; a silver martingale the next; to-day he courts solitude; to-morrow he makes a new ac- quaintance, and dines at a table d'hôte. crime in the court of Venus, and in the gal lant circle even of an eating-house, or café; in every other way, however, John pays his dues better than any body, and is frequently made to pay the piper to no small amount; of this the cafés and restaurateurs are well aware, and as well they know how to turn him to the best account; for whilst a hand- some French ex-militaire will amuse himself for a whole evening over a cup of coffee and a glass of brandy, with the accompaniment of the bright-eyed brunette's cheerful conversa- tion and spirited remarks, honest John will spend his pound note, and then yawn and adjourn to some other haunt in quest of pleasure, there to put off more time, and get rid of more money. cache/njp.32101015324427.txt txt/njp.32101015324427.txt