Supramolecular chemistry, the study of molecular recognition and self-assembly driven by noncovalent interactions, is a relatively young field that has seen extensive growth in recent years. Though the field did not receive widespread recognition until the late 1980s when it won its first Nobel Prize, its organic roots can be traced back to the late 1800s in the study of enzymes and other related biological binding systems. Nearly concurrently, inorganic chemistry was exploring the coordination chemistry of metal complexes. Continued advancements in these fields have led to the ability to create increasingly sophisticated supramolecular assemblies and materials. Additionally, as the field develops, it is becoming increasingly multidisciplinary, encompassing topics from polymer chemistry to nanoscale catalysis.The topics in this thesis will reflect the field's multidisciplinary nature. Chapters 2 and 3 focus on the supramolecular recognition of inorganic metal complexes by organic host molecules. Chapter 4 describes fluorescent rotaxane probe molecules with potential applications in biological imaging, while Chapter 5 describes a novel method of synthesizing hollow silica nanoparticles for imaging and drug delivery.