My work examines perpetual adolescence as it manifests of Pop Culture. It draws from the aspects of Pop Culture that are obsessed with the hero story, which has been said to parallel the trials of growing up. If this is the case, then what is to be said about a culture of Boy-Men growing up who never leave the flights of fancy of their childhood, and who persist in being 'the Hero'? I surmise that there exists a zeitgeist within our culture toward a new idea of what it means to be 'grown up,' where play, humor, and wit have a higher calling than more serious pursuits. By investigating the Superhero mythos in a post-apocalyptic environment I hope to shed new light on a new group of young people who aren't interested in the former ideal of growing up and are searching for a new way to try and define themselves. Through the creation of my own mythos I hope to align myself with this zeitgeist in defining a new path.