This thesis suggests that fanfiction - so often considered to be the realm only of the obsessed or juvenile - has shaken off the label of 'derivative' and emerged as an independent artistic medium. This emergence calls for a rethinking of fanfiction theory, as fan studies has relied heavily upon Henry Jenkins' *Textual Poachers* for the last sixteen years, despite the fact that it was written well before the Internet stepped in to completely revolutionize the field. After establishing that 1) fanfiction can be accepted as a new artistic medium, and 2) it is in need of fresher theory, this thesis will then offer performativity as another way into the fan-written text. It will use a genre called 'All Human' from the *Twilight *fandom as an example of how fan writers are breaking with the traditional conventions of fanfiction and revitalizing tabooed figures in order to access the performative potential of their medium.