All of the Everything, a novel, explores one night in the life of Tynan Jagger, a twenty-five year-old musician in the fictitious New England city of Port Harbor. The action surrounds and proliferates out from Tynan?s boyfriend?s band?s most important show to date, taking place at a local bar named Tinder Box. The tale takes place in the contemporary context of 2013, with all of its various technologies of communication, the avatar, and opportunities for self-rendering as well as fandom. Jagger?s deep, spiraling, and synesthetic consciousness creates porcelain plate curios out of the men in her life, turns guttering street lamps into photon death rattles, renders music a sensory phantasmagoria able to prime the body and consciousness for any number of possible outcomes, probabilities, or actions. Jagger, or ?Jag,? imagines an overflowing bathtub as the whole earthly ocean, imagines her mouth and throat a cathedral, holy with the incense of cigarette smoke as she attempts to determine her artistic, sexual, and social alignments in the incestuous music scene of which she is a key and celebrated part. Her sense of confidence and selfness, as a woman, girlfriend, lover, and most importantly, musician and artist ? an agent of meaningful genesis - will be challenged as Jag pushes into the night and the night pushes back, the forces which bind and divide the social groups to which she belongs strain, stretch, and evolve, and contradictory desires erupt before her like the thick, square tonal paving stones of a bass line sliding under her feet as both song and story approach their climax.