Current advances in biological research demand imaging resolution on the scale of tens of nanometers or less. Due to the innate diffraction limit associated with the physics of imaging, there is a limit on the resolution capable through traditional optical imaging systems. There have been a variety of techniques to overcome this resolution limit to produce what are known as super-resolution images. These techniques vary in their areas of application, theory, implementation, and limitations. One of these methods, known as structured illumination microscopy (SIM), has the advantage of creating wide-field images with both compatibility with a wide array of fluorophores and the capability of higher imaging speeds that are needed for observation of cellular processes. The performance and super-resolution capabilities of SIM are dictated in part by the illumination pattern, where using illumination patterns with higher spatial frequencies corresponds to the potential for better resolution enhancement. We intend to utilize metasurfaces, a class of artificial materials known as metamaterials, to achieve this. Metasurfaces are surfaces comprised of subwavelength features which can exhibit modes with extraordinary optical properties and can facilitate modes with fine spatial frequencies. The goal of this work is to is to lay the groundwork for the use and application of these metasurfaces in obtaining super-resolution images through SIM.We demonstrate the ability to engineer the dispersion of modes present along the top of silver nanoridge array metasurfaces through simulations. The dispersion can be engineered through adjusting geometric, optical, and material parameters of the metasurface simulations. This added control over the dispersive properties of coupled plasmonic modes differentiates our technique from other demonstrated techniques which use surface plasmon polaritons or localized surface plasmon polaritons in similar methods we intend to for SIM.We show that we can design a silver nanoridge metasurface to exhibit a hyperbolic mode at a given design wavelength of 458 nm. We also demonstrate that we are able to confine these hyperbolic modes on nanoridges of finite length to produce standing wave patterns in the electric field of the mode present on the nanoridges. We then demonstrate that we are able to achieve super-resolution images using these electric field patterns associated with our hyperbolic metasurfaces as structured illumination patterns in SIM algorithms through simulation. We showcase the adaptability of this technique to reconstruct super-resolution images for a variety of metasurface and imaging parameters.We will show current metasurface fabrications designed with hyperbolic dispersion at 458 nm. We then use reflection measurements and comparisons to simulation to analyze and characterize it. Finally, we demonstrate experimental results of SIM using our fabricated metasurfaces.