id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt xd07gq7046g Ying Zhou A Case Study of Collecting PDA-Based Geo-Tagged Malaria-Related Survey Data, and an Agent-Based Entomological Model With Two Applications 2013 .txt text/plain 426 17 38 Read et al. proposed hypothetical evolution-proof late-life-acting (LLA) insecticidal strategies to deal with mosquito insecticide resistance, and found that LLAs could provide more effective malaria control while more weakly resistance evolution in a mosquito population than the current insecticides approved for LLINs and IRS. The emergence and prevalence of insecticide resistance in mosquitoes greatly undermines the effectiveness and sustainability of vector control measures such as long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) and indoor residual spraying (IRS) that use insecticides. cache/xd07gq7046g.txt txt/xd07gq7046g.txt