id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt w9504x54149 Joseph R Geary In-situ Optical Sensing for the Detection and Quantification of Pathogen Indicator Organisms 2010 .txt text/plain 324 11 29 Additionally, it is found fluorescent reagents facilitate the induction of GUS in EC; increases in GUS activity per culturable EC cell in marine water is likely due to breakdown of cell wall and release of intracellular enzymes; EC GUS expression in natural waters does not significantly correlate to initial physiochemical water parameters or EC concentrations. Benefits of this research include a better understanding of GUS production in natural waters; a better understanding of GUS expression in typical sensor growing conditions; the characterization of a soluble fluorescent reagent ideal for in-situ optical sensing; the use of an optical sensor for the detection and partial quantification of pathogen indicator organisms. cache/w9504x54149.txt txt/w9504x54149.txt