id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt v979v121790 Ryan A. Dombkowski Effects of Hydrogen Sulfide in Vertebrate Smooth Muscle 2008 .txt text/plain 358 17 39 These studies found; (1) hypoxia and H2S produce temporally and quantitatively identical responses; (2) responses to hypoxia and H2S are mutually exclusive, the presence of one stimulus, substantially or completely eliminates the response to the other; (3) H2S is synthesized by SM; (4) increasing [substrate] for H2S production increases vessel response to hypoxia; and (5) inhibition of H2S synthesis inhibits responses to hypoxia. While mechanisms of H2S action have been proposed, these models require further testing and the biological role of H2S within the vasculature remains to be elucidated. cache/v979v121790.txt txt/v979v121790.txt